The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, June 9, 2011
Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com
Young and restless about art 18-year-old carving out a place in industry full of aspiring talent BY JENNIFER SELF Californian lifestyles editor jself@bakersfield.com
erklee Comstock is a young man in hurry to become the artist he wants to be. But he’s finding, at times to his frustration, that some things can’t be rushed. “For me, I wish I was able to develop as an artist quicker,” said Comstock, 18, who discovered his passion for art only in his final year at Stockdale High. “I love what I’m doing, but I’m also learning.” That sense of discovery is what the student at Otis School of Art and Design in Los Angeles attempted to capture in his untitled Eye Gallery portrait. The woman in the painting is actually a representation of Comstock himself. “When I did this, it was to show that I’m still trying to find my place in this city and in my art. I have her looking forward because she is looking forward to what is coming.” Comstock is the youngest of the 2011 Eye Gallery artists, and one of the youngest ever to be featured in the five years of the art series. The goal this year was to find fresh perspectives and new faces, and Comstock, primarily a sculptor, certainly fits the bill. His technique alone is pretty original. “I start by finding a piece of wood that has been abandoned in the city. From there I get a general layout that is usually done in Sharpie. “I usually tend to throw in spray paint when needed and where it works for the piece. Then I go back over it with Sharpie and another couple of layers of acrylic. Finally I detail with Sharpie to get thin, defined lines and more of a drawing aspect to it.” Please see EYE GALLERY / 27
About Eye Gallery Eye Gallery, a partnership of The Californian and the Bakersfield Museum of Art, is celebrating five years of bringing the works of dozens of local artists into the homes of our readers. For weeks we’ve been featuring truly distinctive pieces of art — drawings, paintings, photographs — and interviews with the 10 artists who created them. Then, on June 16, we will celebrate the artists at a reception at BMoA, where the public is invited to see the art up close. We’ll have more details on the event in next Thursday’s Eye Street.
An untitled portrait by Eye Gallery 2011 artist Berklee Comstock. “The woman is a self-reflection of myself in Los Angeles,” he said.