The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, August 4, 2011
Eye Street
Index Tehachapi Food and Wine Festival . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cristian Castro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 14th annual Lowrider Nationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Arts Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Friendship Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 First Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-29
Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com
Tune’s still sweet for Evans World Records ‘in it all the way’ for nearly 30 years BY MATT MUNOZ Bakotopia.com editor mmunoz@bakersfield.com
edged between Village Grill and Beverly’s Fabrics in Westchester, World Records, the tiny music store with big dreams, prepares for another day of business. Pulling up to the spacious parking lot, the building’s single door is both an invitation and a reminder of the fiercely independent spirit of World Records, which has weathered changes in music sales with an emphasis on customer service and concerts for nearly 30 years. The scent of a mixed incense display and sight of two life-sized cutouts of singers Christina Aguilera and Beyonce, staring down near the ceiling like guardians, greet you upon entering owner Pat Evans’ domain. Moving some of the newly arrived stock of CDs, Evans stops to greet his first customers of the day. “Do you have any Diana Krall?” the customer asked Evans before reminiscing about hanging out as a young skateboarder at the store’s original location off Oswell in east Bakersfield back in the ’80s. Smiling back in appreciation and offering up some information about the store’s upcoming B-Town Blues Fest, it’s an encouraging sign. “This is where it all goes down,” said Evans, pointing down to the store’s glass counter. “If you believe in something you have to stay with it, and we’re in it all the way.” The store, now in its fourth location, has come a long way since opening its doors on June 12, 1982, a date Evans can recall as if it was yesterday. Working as a financial analyst for Shell Oil at the time, the North High graduate was also fresh out of Santa Clara University, where he also worked as a DJ at the campus radio station. Hanging out one night at The Tam O’Shanter restaurant with longtime friend Scott Schwebel taking in some of the evening’s entertainment, Evans said the two had a premonition. “That night he said, ‘We’re opening a record store.’ Scott was the guy with the crazy idea. I ended up quitting my job at Shell, much to the dismay of my dad.” With no previous retail business
World Records owner Pat Evans is ready for business at his new location at 2815 F St. in Bakersfield. The larger building is being tailored to host live music events as well.
World Records 2815 F St. 831-3100 or shopworldrecords.com Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon Saturday
experience, the two found their first storefront in a shopping center off Oswell and Auburn on the east side and soon headed into the competitive world of independent record stores. It became a regular hangout for area college and high school students who didn’t have the car or bus fare to make it to the Valley Plaza to pick up their favorite tunes. “I can remember when we found the Oswell venue, people were trying to talk us out of it,” recalled Evans. “We must have spent the first few months in the back drinking beer.” But as time progressed, the idea caught on and after some research visiting major chains of the period like Licorice Pizza, Wherehouse and more, Evans knew what would
elevate World Records above the rest. “The first thing I noticed was that no one said, ‘Hi,’ when I walked in, and the stores were always dirty.” Expanding his work force beyond just a duo, World Records’ bumpy introduction its inaugural year would be the first in a series of learning experiences. “Our qualification for having the store was that we like music,” said Evans. In subsequent years, World Records became known just as much for its in-store events as for its valued customer service. Moving to Stockdale and Coffee, concerts were often held outside in celebration of a new major release, such as when Bakersfield nu-metal band Korn released its fourth album, “Issues,” in ’99. It was also the year that online music swapping site Napster was about to revolutionize the way people had access to music and ultimately lead to the demise of the chain music store. Through the decade, Evans kept himself afloat adding
music promoter to his list of suboccupations, holding outdoor concerts with music legends Dick Dale, Bo Diddley and The Monkees, among many others. A fan of the blues, he also started a regular blues concert series featuring big name artists like Joe Bonamassa, dubbing it “The No Stinkin’ Service Charge Blues Series,” in protest of the ticket surcharges added by ticket brokers. But even World Records couldn’t avoid feeling the financial squeeze brought on by the popularity of MP3s and vanishing CDs, and off it was to downtown where he and longtime employees Bruce Jones and Chris O’Brien moved again and stayed for three years before finally relocating to Westchester in April. Evans has always been resilient about continuing business without bringing too much attention upon himself, which was evident when he vacated his G Street location without much prior notice. Reserved about discussing too much in-depth business, the one thing he is happy to share are
some of his plans for the future of World Records, which turns 30 next year. “Life happens when you’re busy making plans. It’s been time to close a record store for some time. You’ve gotta find a reason to hold on. ” Among those reasons is the brick-by-brick community sponsorship drive to help with furthering Evans’ vision for having live shows in the building’s back showroom, which will also double as a music education center for traveling exhibits. There’s also the successful B-Town Blues Fest, which returns for a seventh year at the CSUB Amphitheater on Sept. 17. But mostly, it’s all about continuing the tradition he and his buddy started years ago. Stop in anytime, and you’re guaranteed to find the latest new and classic releases on CD and reissued vinyl. And just in case it’s not in stock, Evans says he’ll be sure to find it for you. “We’ve built so many relationships over the years, and the customer experience never gets old.”