The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, June 3, 2010
Eye Street
Index Menudo Cook-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Artist Barbara Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Beale Concerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Arts Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Tinsley Ellis in concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Battle of the Salons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25
Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com
If you remember Scottstock ... ... then you probably weren’t there. Here’s your chance to go.
4th annual Scottstock When: 7 p.m. Saturday Where: Fishlips, 1517 18th St. Admission: $15 Information: 324-2557 If you can’t go but want to donate, write a check to Operation Interdependence and drop it by Fishlips.
’ve been to a lot of fundraisers over the years, and I can honestly say that Scottstock is totally unique — and not just because my name is in the title. You can eat, drink, dance, yell, sing along if you’re so inclined, hear some world-class bands, and go home at the end of the night knowing you’ve done a great thing for our troops serving overseas. And there will be cowbell. Lots of cowbell. A brief history: For years I’ve been trying to raise cash and awareness for Operation Interdependence via my radio show. This phenomenal bunch of people sends care packages to troops in Iraq. Just stuff from home that is all too scarce over there. Magazines, candy, toiletries, cards — stuff like that. So a few years ago I asked Shawna (the proprietor of Fishlips) if I could possibly get a couple of my favorite bands to play for my birthday party and raffle off a guitar or two. Actually, the whole thing may have been a lot more Shawna’s idea than mine, but it’s my article, and she’ll have a hard time proving it in court. So Scottstock was born. Now we’re up to four bands. We hit up all our musician friends during the year for guitars, and we save them for this event. I love guitars, and I really dig the idea that you can come hear terrific live music, enjoy some great food and beverages, and maybe just go home with a very valuable keepsake. This year we have guitars from Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Joe Bonamassa, B.B. King, Phil Vassar, Christopher Cross and Korn. Very cool stuff. A few weeks ago, I was helping my friends try to raise cash to save the wrestling, tennis and golf programs at CSUB and, during
John Owens and Simon Faughn of BuckShot perform in 2009.
Scottstock wouldn’t be possible without ... Ed at California Keyboards, Aaron and Catfish at Guitar Center, Artie at Front Porch Music, Merle Haggard, Phil Vassar, Joe Bonamassa, Brett Cox, Stephen Neal, Jared Pope, Danny Lipco from the Fox Theater, Henry and Alma from Service 1st Collision Center, Mary Ann from Southwest Glass, Dennis Muleady from Advance Beverage, Smith's Bakery, Stan Ellis and many more.
that process, Stephen Neal (formerly of CSUB, now of the New England Patriots) learned about my fundraiser and wanted to help. I ended up with autographed footballs from Stephen, David Carr and some dude named Tom Brady. I guess he’s a Patriot too. My job is to turn all this stuff into $10,000. In one night. And failure is not an option. We’ve already raised $56,000 in three years. Here is a brief summary of the
Grant Langston and Sean Perryman at Scottstock 2008. Grant Langston and the Supermodels are performing again this year.
bands that are playing. Keep in mind that these bands will be supplemented by a virtual who’s who of local musicians. All the great talent from around town will be there, either to play or hang out and eat birthday cake. Grant Langston and the Supermodels. These guys just kill.
Scott Cox, whose radio show is broadcast from 6 to 10 a.m. weekdays on KERN-AM, 1180, writes occasional columns for The Californian.
One of my all-time favorite country-rock bands. Grant is a great songwriter, and the band is superb. Try not to get too distracted by bassist Josh Fleeger’s hair. It’s hypnotic. You’ll also marvel at drummer Tony Horkins. He’s from England but has perfect teeth. Creepy. Paul Chesne. There’s no rational way to describe this band. They literally play anything and everything. You just have to come see
them to understand. They put on a great show. If you like your entertainment to be interactive, get a seat within about 20 feet of the stage. Paul tends to roam around a bit. BuckShot. The local party band by which all others must be judged. Fronted by John Owens (son of Buck), these guys take classic and modern country and infuse it with outlaw attitude. And my buddy Simon Faughn not only sings his heart out, he’s as fired up about raising money for the troops as Shawna and I are. Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Another prime example of Bakersfield talent. Paul Cartwright is just sick. He can play anything. I hate that guy. So does anyone else who struggles to play just one instrument. Plus, they’ve got local music icon Catfish on guitar. You’ll hear rock, blues, country, and whatever else gets yelled out or otherwise pops into their heads. Feel free to yell "Freebird.” I know I will. If you’ve ever experienced Scottstock before, I know you’ll be there. If you’re new to the event, welcome. I guarantee you the time of your life. I do recommend that you spring for the laminated backstage pass. I sell them for $50. Then all the people who paid the regular price to get in ($15), get the added entertainment of watching you walk in and realizing that there is no backstage. It’s technically fraud, but it’s hilarious fraud, and all the money goes to Operation Interdependence, and this is a VERY patriotic crowd, so you probably shouldn’t ask for a refund. So put on your party gear, stuff your pockets full of cash, bring your friends and your appreciation for our troops out to Fishlips. I’ll see you backstage.
On the Web Operation Interdependence: oidelivers.org