Contents ABOUT EYP ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 ABOUT EYP BIH .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 REGIONAL FORUMS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 NATIONAL SESSION ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 FUTURE PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 UNDERSTANDING EUROPE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 EURVOICE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 UNIVERSITY FORUMS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 REGIONAL FORUMS AND NATIONAL SESSION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER?......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 CONTACT ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ABOUT EYP EYP (European Youth Parliament) is the largest platform for political debate for young people in Europe. It aims to promote active European citizenship, intercultural dialogue and European values. EYP is a non-partisan and independent educational programme for young European citizens and an organisation led by young people for young people. The EYP network is present in 39 European countries, where thousands of young people are active as volunteers. The entire network organises almost 500 events every year. The Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation is the international umbrella organisation of the EYP. Since it was conceived in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The EYP has thus made a vital contribution towards European unity and bridging gaps between cultures. To sum up, EYP strives to increase the knowledge of young people about European cultural diversity, prepare them for active participation in society, contribute to the development of their personal skills and provide a forum for debate and reflection on current topics regarding European politics.
ABOUT EYP BIH EYP was established in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EYP BiH) in 2013 for the same reasons, and from October 24th 2015, EYP BiH obtained the full national committee member status. EYP operates in four cities in BiH – Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo and Tuzla, but the plan is to expand to other regions in the future. The National Board based in Sarajevo plans the activities for all four cities and monitors the progress and development. Regional offices in above mentioned cities have already organized Regional forums, promoted EYP in high schools and organised different events. Furthermore, EYP members from these cities, as well as the best delegates from those forums have participated in our largest event National session “Sarajevo 2015�. After obtaining its full membership status, the goal of EYP BiH is to actively engage as many young people who are willing to develop themselves both professionally and personally, and to educate them on relevant European and BiH topics, as well as to inspire them to participate in numerous events and sessions organised by EYP in the entire Europe. Our goal is to motivate young people to be active and proactive citizens, to raise awareness among them and to show them that they really can make a difference.
PROJECTS REGIONAL FORUMS In March and April 2015, EYP BiH organised Regional forums in Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo and Tuzla. These forums have gathered 240 participants from high schools who discussed political issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on their discussions, the finally drafted 23 resolutions proposing their solutions. During this one-day-project, participants have discussed these resolutions, debated and discussed different ideas in order to draw conclusions and bring concrete solutions. Prior to this part, participants have spent time researching the topic, preparing for the General Assembly, and were monitored by chairpersons, who were in charge of team building of participants, as well as committee work.
NATIONAL SESSION National session organised by EYP BiH, called Sarajevo 2015, has taken place from September 29th until October 4th 2015. Around 100 participants from whole BIH, but also from all over Europe, have gathered in Sarajevo to discuss relevant and current European topics and tried to form specific solutions. Delegates were divided in 10 committees, and each had a topic regarding a specific field. They spent one day doing team building activities, two days working in their respective committees to draft their resolutions, and in the end, two days were dedicated for the General Assembly in the Parliamentary assembly. The entire programme was conducted in English, since many chairpersons, as well as delegates, were foreigners. This is a very important aspect, because in this way, delegates were practicing their English skills both in their teams and throughout debates. Three best delegates will have the chance to go on international session in Belfast and Dublin in 2016, and EYP BiH will cover some of the expenses. We are honoured and proud to say that the project was funded by the European Union and implemented by the UNDP, who have recognised the importance of this session and impact EYP is having on young people in BIH.
FUTURE PROJECTS UNDERSTANDING EUROPE Understanding Europe is a project which has been implemented throughout the last 3 years in 18 countries in Europe. The main aim of this project, one of the most promising ones organised by EYP, is to provide high school students with basic and necessary information about work, functions and history of the EU. During the four-hour-long workshops, our goal is to engage 120 students from 6 high schools in open discussions about current European issues and motivate them to, in such way, participate in development of European politics. During the workshops, trainers focus on three focus areas: Why does EU exist? – milestones in EU history; What is EU? – main bodies and figures in EU politics; What does EU do? – EU competencies. By working in smaller groups, students are encouraged to ask questions and together make conclusions about ways in which EU influences and affects their daily lives. This project will be organised from the end of 2015 and throughout first half of 2016, in five cities in BIH – Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zenica, and from next year, we will focus to expand to more cities.
EURVOICE EurVoice is a unique community outreach scheme designed to engage high school students from Canton Sarajevo. At the heart of EurVoice is a commitment to social inclusion, equal opportunities and the empowerment of young people to get involved in the politics and give an insight to their representatives what they need the most and which problems should policies regarding youth focus on. This project works by running free and inclusive forums across municipalities of Canton Sarajevo, allowing young people the opportunity to discuss the issues which affect their local communities. Such forums will consist of discussion workshops, followed by „Question time“ style panel discussion involving politicians and community figures. This project will be done throughout 2016, and after Canton Sarajevo, we
are planning to do the same for other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
UNIVERSITY FORUMS After organising and implementing Regional forums for high school students, EYP BIH will organize the same projects for university students. The projects will be implemented in December 2015. Due to great success of project and a great number of interested students, we have decided to provide them also the chance to work on and discuss important questions today, and to apply everything they have learned during classes into practice. The only difference between the projects is that this time, Regional forums will last two days – one day will be dedicated to team building and committee work and one to General Assembly only.
REGIONAL FORUMS AND NATIONAL SESSION 2016 Similar to the concept of Regional forums and the National session in 2015, we will organise the same projects for high school students in March and April 2016. One of our main goals is to include as many young people as we can in our activities and by organising several activities in a year, we intend to do just that.
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER? WHY SHOULD YOU BECOME MEMBER OF EYP BIH? Get the chance to learn about activism, politics and democratic processes Gain international experience by going on sessions in different countries Improve your soft skills and develop yourself personally and professionally Educate yourself on the European Union Be a part of dynamic teams and great, competetive atmosphere Encourage cultural diversity and dialogue. WHO CAN BECOME AN EYP MEMBER? We are looking for young people who are willing to contribute to the organisation, but who also want to work devotedly and develop themselves. You can apply if you:
Are between 17 and 21 years old
Have great English knowledge
Have interest in organisational management or politics
Already have organisational experience (preferred)
Have been delegate on National session Sarajevo 2015 (preferred).
HOW CAN YOU APPLY? If you satisfy the pre-requisites mentioned above, and you have the will and passion to work for EYP, the only thing you have to do is submit your application on the following link until 1st November 2015, 23:59h. If you are short-listed, you will be invited to the interview. Good luck and we are looking forward to meet you!
CONTACT For any further questions, doubts or suggestions, please feel free to contact us:
Haris Kušmić
Ajla Šoše
President of EYP BIH
National Vice President for Human Resources