13th Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands

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13 i n m u l A

d n e K e e W InforMation BooKLET

Word of Welcome Dear Alumni, The time has come for the next Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands to take place at the trusted Houtduif in Austerlitz. We welcome you to the first Alumni Weekend of the year that is traditionally held in March and brings together alumni from all generations for a weekend of fun and getting to know each other. New friends made at the National Selection Conference, EYP NL veterans, long lost alumni, and even alumni from other NCs who happen to be around will convene here. The focus will be on getting new alumni familiar with EYP and EYP the Netherlands, teambuilding, and reconnecting. The yearly Alumni Meeting, at which the old board reflects on the previous year and the new board will be installed, will also be held during the weekend. This year will see a slightly different approach to this meeting, but you will all be able to read about it in this booklet. So please, read on and register for the Alumni Weekend. We are very excited about the weekend and hope to see all of you there, The board of EYP the Netherlands

Programme The programme will include a variety of activities ranging from an introduction to the EYP and how the organization works, how you will be updated about upcoming sessions, and how to apply for future events and sessions. There will also be a module on the EU and many fun games which are, one can say, slightly more exciting than your traditional teambuilding games such a life size stratego in the woods at night. The evening programme will include a theme party and virgin cocktails.

Friday 17:00 18:00 18:30 20:00 22:00

Arrival & Check-in Word of welcome Dinner Activities Wherever the night brings you

Saturday 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:15 12:30 13:30 16:00 16:30 18:00 19:30 21:00

Breakfast Activities Coffee Break Activities Lunch Activities Coffee Break Activities Dinner Party Prep Theme Party

Sunday 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:15 12:30 13:30 15:00 16:00

Breakfast Activities Coffee Break Activities Lunch Alumni Meeting Clean Up Departures

Alumni Weekend Twice a year our alumni from all generations gather at our Alumni Weekends to catch up, socialise, learn, receive trainings, and to discuss the developments of the EYP the Netherlands. The Alumni Weekend that takes place in the Spring, the upcoming Alumni Weekend, is often referred to as the social weekend, as opposed to the Alumni Weekend that takes place in October where the focus lies on EYP training. This weekend will mainly consist of teambuilding, fun activities, and relaxing, but also present you with the opportunity to learn more about the organisation and to hear from more experienced EYPers in which ways you can get involved. There will be a short introduction on how the organisation works, what type of events take place and how to apply for sessions at home and abroad. More importantly, our Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday where the new board of EYP te Netherland will be presented and a number of relevant topics will be discussed. More information on this meeting can be found on the next page.

Where and When? The Alumni Weekend will take place at the Houtduif in Austerlitz (Utrecht) during the weekend of 18th -20th of March. The entire building will be at our disposal as well as the surrounding area. Most activities will take place during the day, but there will of course be no lack of an evening programme. You are expected to arrive on Friday the 18th of March between 17:00 and 18:00. We ask you to please be on time as diner will take place from 18:30 onward and we cannot guarantee there will be food for you afterwards. If, however, there is any reason why you can’t make it on time, please inform Midas of this by calling him or by indicating so on the registration form. For those who will only be attending the Alumni Meeting and thus won’t require an overnight stay, the meeting will take place on Sunday from 13:00 until 15:00. For directions De Houtduif (Paasheuvelgroep) Woudenbergseweg 57 3711 AA Austerlitz Netherlands

When travelling by public transport, please check out www.9292ov.nl for all your travel details. Please bear in mind that public transportation on Sunday may be limited.

Alumni Meeting The Alumni Meeting is traditionally held during the first Alumni Weekend of the year and includes the stepping down of the old board and the installation of the new board. This year the old board will reflect on a few milestones of the previous year and there will be room for Alumni to also speak their thoughts and provide suggestions for improvement. What will be different, however, to previous years is that this year we will also speak with the Alumni community about the new National Strategy that is to be formed based on the recently adopted International Strategy. This new International Strategy includes a changed set of aims and values which EYP the Netherlands is required to comply with. Since these new aims and values also consider the position of Alumni within our organisation and their rights, it is only natural that a preliminary discussion is also held with our Alumni. Now, we realise that to many of you your journey in EYP has only just started and there are those of you who are not entirely familiar with the EYP governance structure despite the many years they have been involved. We thus wish to clarify these matters before we engage in a discussion that requires a certain level of understanding about these processes. The information presented below is a rough outline of how decisions are made in EYP on an international and national level and a few matters which are important to consider for the discussion we will have during the Alumni Weekend. The Board of National Committees (BNC) The BNC consists of representatives of the National Committees. The BNC assembles twice a year in Berlin, and is otherwise active through a mailing list, various working groups and online voting on vital issues. In co-decision with the Governing Body (GB), the BNC decides on policies and other major decisions, such as the recognition of a new National Committee. The BNC has full co-decision power with the GB regarding policy-making. Decisions must be made with an absolute majority of National Committees voting. The BNC can make proposals and recommendations to the GB. Besides decision making, the BNC acts as a platform for the National Committees to share knowledge and know-how. EYP the Netherlands is represented in the BNC by the International Coordinator and the President. Jasper and Khalid took part in meetings in Berlin where the International Strategy was formed and adopted. EYP the Netherlands voted in favour of adopting the proposed International Strategy. The Governing Body of the EYP At the international level, the European Youth Parliament is governed by an international Board. The Governing Body is elected annually by the members of the National Committees. It is mainly responsible for the strategic development of the EYP keeping in mind the educational value of the EYP and establishing a strategy for the EYP as a whole. Based on input from the BNC at the biannual meetings in Berlin the GB drafted and proposed the revised International Strategy that will serve as the foundation for the National Strategies. EYP the Netherlands is now required to draft and adopt a National Strategy in line with the aims and values outlined in the International Strategy. This is what brings us to why there needs to be a discussion with the board, the decision making body in the Netherlands, and the wider Alumni community. The International Strategy includes the values presented below. You can find an elaboration and explanation of these values here.

Values of the EYP 1. Independence 2. Non-partisanship 3. Democracy

4. Inclusion 5. Empowerment 6. Contribution

7. Cooperation 8. Pluralism 9. Intercultural understanding

EYP the Netherlands EYP the Netherlands is a foundation, which means that it has a board and a Supervisory Council which appoints the board following the selection procedure outlined in the statutes of the foundation. It is legally prohibited from having members and as such the Alumni involved in all its activities are considered volunteers with no legal standing in the organisation. The decisions governing the direction and actions of the organsation are made by the board. Over the years this has ultimately led to a discussion on whether or not EYP the Netherlands should rather became an association, which would mean that alumni have to register as members of EYP the Netherlands and it would also mean that they elect the board in an Alumni Meeting and as such have an influence on the decision making. You can find an overview of the most relevant differences between an association and a foundation outlined in the table below. Foundation Has no members Board selected by Supervisory Council Reports to Supervisory Council Can acquire ANBI status*

Association Has members Board elect by members at member meeting Reports to members Can acquire SSBI status*

*ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) and SSBI status (Sociaal Belang Behartigende Instelling) mean that the institution can receive tax free donations. EYP the Netherlands currently has the ANBI status.

While there was never a real issue with the way EYP the Netherlands is structured, this is now up for discussion after the International Strategy was adopted and the values were included in the Charter of the EYP (a sort of international statutes of the EYP). Whilst EYP generally meets all the conditions for all values, it does not do so in the current phrasing of the value ‘democracy’. Democracy ‘The decision-makers at all levels of the EYP are elected democratically, and the organisation is run in an open, consultative and consensus-based manner. We seek to involve as many of our active volunteers in our decision-making as possible. Decision-making on the international level is regulated through our Charter, and National Committees are encouraged to have public statutes for the same purpose. Furthermore, opportunities to our participants (e.g. at sessions) are given in a fair and transparent manner, with merit being the key criterion.’ As explained above, all decisions, especially those regarding the direction and development of EYP. the Netherlands, are made by the board. They are not required to include alumni in this decision making nor consult them, nor is the board elected by the Alumni. You can see in the phrasing of the value ‘democracy’, however, that this is specifically stated as a goal in the International Strategy for 2016-2020. Alumni Meeting The Alumni Meeting will be chaired by the old board with the new board also present. There will be an open discussion on the direction the board should take with input from the Alumni. The goal is to have an indication of what the community of alumni, but also the board itself want for the organisation. It is yet to be determined whether the conclusion from the meeting would be legally viable. What is certain, however, is that a change is to happen for EYP the Netherlands to meet the value of democracy. The Alumni Meeting of EYP the Netherlands will be held on Sunday the 20th of March from 13:00 – 15:00.



The Theme Party cannot go without a theme and as you may have noticed by now we will take it back to the 90s; the decade that is considered the best of all, the decade that gave birth to all the hip 90s kids with their Gameboys and baggy jeans. The Fresh Prince will join us for this promising evening and will be awarding two of you with the title of Freshest King or Queen. So bring out the best you have and dress up like you is from the past and be graced with the dopest title of all times. Please bear in mind that consumption of alcoholic beverages provided at the weekend will require an additional 5 euro fee and will only be available for those above the age of 18.

Packing List • • • • • • • • •

Toiletries Pen & notebook Sleeping bag Pillow Bed sheets (optional) Warm clothes Theme Party Fashion Clothes that can get dirty EYP NL hoodie

Payment In order to complete your registration you are required to complete this form and complete the payment detailed below. Attending the event on Facebook is not considered a registration. In case you are only attend the Alumni Meeting, an email to midas.boeke@eyp.nl will suffice. Please transfer the participation fee before the beginning of the weekend to: Triodos Bank Rekeningnummer: Op naam van S.E.J.P.N Make sure to mention 13th Alumni Weekend + your name. There is also the possibility to complete the payment at the check-in by card.

Sweaters As always, it is possible to purchase your very own EYP NL hoodie. These hoodies will cost you 30 euro a piece and they are available in the sizes XS-XXL. If you would like a hoodie please make sure to indicate so in the registration form and complete the payment together with you participation fee.

Questions? If you have any more questions or problems do not hesitate to contact Midas at midas.boeke@eyp.nl or +31681544206. We hope to see you all there! The board of EYP the Netherlands

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