15th alumni weekend of eyp the netherlands

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15TH ALUMNI WEEKEND Information Booklet

Word of welcome Dearest Alumni, Spring is almost here, and with that comes the 15th Alumni Weekend of EYP The Netherlands. Just like spring, this weekend emphasises the celebration of new beginnings. We welcome our new alumni into the organisation, we instate the new Board for the coming year, and hopefully leave the weekend with new memories and friends. One of the purposes of the Spring alumni weekend is to bring together all alumni to get to know the newest generation. This will be done through social activities, games, and a party. The 15th Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands will take place from the 17th until 19th of March 2017, and we surely hope that you are looking forward to it as much as we are! In this booklet you will find all the information you need. See you there, Mirjam Pieters - Alumni Coordinator

Programme The Weekend will start on Friday the 17th of March from 17:00 onwards. Dinner will start at 18:00, so we expect you to arrive before that time if you want to join for dinner. The weekend will end on Sunday the 19th of March around 17:00. For the new alumni there will be an introduction on how our organisation works, how you will be updated on upcoming sessions, how you can apply for future sessions, and much more. As the more experienced alumni know, EYP The Netherlands is currently starting the process of changing its legal form for a more democratic organisation. As we are trying to involve all the alumni in this process, this will also be discussed during the weekend.




17:00 - Arrivals

8:00 - Workshops, trainings, & presentations

8:00 - General Meeting and more presentations

12:00 - Bowling tournament

12:00 - Lunch

18:00 - Dinner

15:00 - Cleaning party

20:00 - Quiz & theme party

16:00 - Departures

18:00 - Dinner 19:30 - General introductions & group game outside 22:00 - Campfire

Alumni Weekend? Twice a year, our alumni from all generations gather at our Alumni Weekends to catch up, socialise, learn, receive trainings, and to discuss the developments of the EYP the Netherlands. The Alumni Weekend that takes place in the Spring, the upcoming Alumni Weekend, is often referred to as the social weekend, as opposed to the Alumni Weekend that takes place in October where the focus lies on trainings in different areas of EYP volunteering. This weekend will mainly consist of teambuilding, fun activities, and relaxing, but it will also present you with the opportunity to learn more about the organisation and to hear from more experienced EYPers about which ways in which you can get involved. There will also be a short introduction on how the organisation works, what type of events take place and how to apply for sessions at home and abroad. Most importantly, our Annual Meeting will take place on the Sunday. Here, the new board of EYP the Netherlands will be inaugurated and a number of current topics regarding the direction of EYP the Netherlands will be discussed. More information on this meeting can be found on the next page.

Travel information The weekend will take place in Groepsaccommodatie de Egel in Austerlitz. We suggest that you use www.9292.nl to navigate your journey to the weekend if you wish to travel by public transport. However, in the evening and on Sunday it can prove difficult to reach/leave the venue by public transport. We advise you to try and travel by (or join someone else who is going by) car if possible, to prevent too much hassle. We would also ask you to please arrive on time, since after 18:30 we cannot guarantee that there will be food for you. If you cannot make it on time, please indicate this on the registration form. If you can unexpectedly not make it on time, please call Mirjam.

Groepsaccommodatie de Egel Woudenbergseweg 47 3711 AA Austerlitz Hyperlink: https://goo.gl/maps/fmUdFZPvVaH2

Alumni Meeting The Alumni Meeting is traditionally held during the first Alumni Weekend of the year and includes the stepping down of the old board and the installation of the new board. This year the old board will reflect on a few milestones of the previous year and there will be room for Alumni to also speak their thoughts and provide suggestions for improvement. What will be different, however, to previous years is that this year we will also speak with the Alumni community about the new National Strategy that is to be formed based on the recently adopted International Strategy. This new International Strategy includes a changed set of aims and values which EYP the Netherlands is required to comply with. Since these new aims and values also consider the position of Alumni within our organisation and their rights, it is only natural that a preliminary discussion is also held with our Alumni. Now, we realise that to many of you your journey in EYP has only just started and there are those of you who are not entirely familiar with the EYP governance structure despite the many years they have been involved. We thus wish to clarify these matters before we engage in a discussion that requires a certain level of understanding about these processes. The information presented below is a rough outline of how decisions are made in EYP on an international and national level and a few matters which are important to consider for the discussion we will have during the Alumni Weekend.

The Board of National Committees (BNC)

The BNC consists of representatives of the National Committees. The BNC assembles twice a year in Berlin, and is otherwise active through a mailing list, various working groups and online voting on vital issues. In co-decision with the Governing Body (GB), the BNC decides on policies and other major decisions, such as the recognition of a new National Committee. The BNC has full co-decision power with the GB regarding policy-making in EYP. Decisions must be made with an absolute majority of National Committees voting. The BNC can make proposals and recommendations to the GB. Besides decision making, the BNC acts as a platform for the National Committees to share knowledge and know-how. EYP the Netherlands is represented in the BNC by the International Coordinator and the President.

The Governing Body of the EYP

At the international level, the European Youth Parliament is governed by an international Board. The Governing Body is elected annually by the members of the National Committees. It is mainly responsible for the strategic development of the EYP keeping in mind the educational value of the EYP and establishing a strategy for the EYP as a whole. Based on input from the BNC at the biannual meetings in Berlin the GB drafted and proposed the revised International Strategy that will serve as the foundation for the National Strategies.

Developments within EYP NL

During the past 12 months, the current board has been working to design a new, democratic organisational structure for EYP the Netherlands. This is in contrast with the current design, in which the board is appointed by the supervisory council, and has the power to make all decisions without consulting the alumni at all. Part of this process will most likely include a transition from a foundation (our current legal structure) to an association, in which members pay a small membership fee and in return get, amongst other things, voting rights. On the Sunday of the weekend, the board will share its new, updated and more detailed plans with the alumni. This is also the time to discuss, re-evaluate and make comments on the new aspects of the proposal.

Theme & Part-A On Saturday evening there will be a party, but what is a party without a theme? Those with a sharp eye may have guessed it by looking at the headers in this booklet: Dig up your sweatband, polish your trainers and dust off that winner’s mentality, because the theme of the party is the Olympics! A competition that started in ancient Greece around 750 BC and grew out to the biggest sports event to date, will now come to the idyllic village of Austerlitz! Make sure to do very best to come dressed in an appropriate costume, since there’s a prize to be won! For the alumni that have reached the legal drinking age, there will be some alcohol present. Make sure to bring some form of identification and your debit card so you can use this as payment.

Payment If you register for the 15th Alumni Weekend, you agree to paying the 30 euro fee. Please transfer this sum to: IBAN: NL 96 TRIO 0212 2748 56 Name account holder: S.E.J.N. Payment reference: 15th Alumni Weekend “YOUR NAME”

Sweaters The spring weekend is mainly a weekend to relax and meet old friends. But how will you reach that high point of chill without that super soft, super stylish, completely comfortable EYP NL Hoodie? Spoiler: you won’t. But no hassle in the castle, you can just order yours when registering for the Alumni Weekend. For €30 you can own that EYP blue, available from size S to XL, and become the master of chill.

Packing list Lastly, there are some essential items that you should bring to the weekend. These include: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pillowcase Bottom Sheet Sleeping bag Towel Toiletries Warm clothes Comfortable clothes that you can move in/that can get dirty Pens Notebook Any medication you require Party outfit EYP Sweater if you have one

Please note that the accommodation is absolutely in the middle of nowhere, so take care that you bring everything you need! See you there!

See you there!

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