Alumystery Weekend
In the first weekend of March all attending alumni of EYP NL will gath-
Dear Alumni,
er in Austerlitz for one of the two main social events of EYP The Netherlands. These weekends do not only have the purpose to bring all
Welcome to the 11th Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands. We are
alumni together and to get to know the next generation, but are also
starting off a new year with a very promising event. The spring Alumni
a learning opportunity for all alumni. The spring weekend will main-
Weekend is meant to get to know each other and the new alumni better.
ly focus on socialising as the autumn weekend has its focus on train-
This weekend puts its focus on socialising, teambuilding and reconnect-
ing. This upcoming weekend, spring, will be the 11th Alumni Week-
ing with all the alumni. The weekend will take place at one of our old
end of EYP NL and will take place from the 6th to the 8th of March.
locations in Austerlitz. The Houtduif will be our hosts again this year and
This booklet will provide you with all the information you need.
although many of you might have been here already, we hope we can create even more wonderful memories. If you haven’t applied yet I can only hope you do so very quickly. If you have any questions after reading this booklet do not hesitate to get in touch with
CONTENT I’m very excited for the upcoming weekend and look forward to seeing 1. Word of Welcome 2. Accomodation and Information
all of you there. On behalf of the board of EYP NL,
3. Theme and Programme 4. Useful Details
Myrna van Dijk Alumni Coordinator
As mentioned before we will be staying at ‘De Houtduif’ in Austerlitz,
This weekend will not only consist out of relaxing, teambuilding and do-
Utrecht. We have acess to the building itself and the entire area surround-
ing several activities, but will also present the opportunity for the newest
ing it to our disposal. All our activities during the day will take place at the
alumni to get familiar with the procedures of the EU and of EYP. There
accommodation and therefore we request that you do not suddenly leave
will be a short introduction on how the organisation works, how you will
the area without notice. This so we know where everyone is and we are able
be updated about upcoming sessions, how to apply for future events
to move on with the schedule during the weekend. The arrival time will be
and sessions and much more. On Sunday we will also have our Annual
around 16.00 - 18.00 on Friday 6th of March. We would like to request ev-
Meeting where the new board will be introduced and there will be time
eryone to arrive on time. Dinner will be served around 18.00. If there is any
to discuss anything about the previous year or present ideas for the up-
reason you won’t be able to make it before 18.00 and you would stil like
coming year.
dinner, or later than 20.00, please send me an email or a text. This won’t be necessary for alumni that have already mentioned it in their sign-up form.
As you may have noticed this Alumni Weekend has a mystery theme
Sign up form
which will be the red thread through all our activities. Saturday afternoon we will play an amazing game of Living Cluedo and Stratego, which will require teamwork and some amazing detective skills. The Alumni Committee is working hard to create these games and we have high hopes for them. On saturday night we will have our most famous theme party. In correspondence with our overall theme, the night theme will be Cops and Villains. Dress up as your favorite childhood cop or scare everyone with your new look . Time to get your crazy and best outfit and impress all of us. We will have a small surprise for the person with the best costume.
Before you attend the Alumni Weekend there are three very important
De Houtduif (Paasheuvelgroep)
things to do:
Woudenbergseweg 57
1. Fill in the application form here.
3711 AA, Austerlitz
2. Click ‘attend’ on the 10th Alumni Weekends FB page.
3. Transfer the participation fee of 50 euro’s plus an additional 30 euro’s if you want a sweater.
When travelling by public transport, please check out for all you information. If you want more information about the venue you
can check it out here. ALCOHOL POLICY PAYMENT Finally I would like to remind all of you of the new alcohol regulations in The costs of the Alumni Weekend will be 50 euro’s. Please transfer the
the Netherlands, which means that at the weekend there will be no alco-
money before the beginning of the weekend to:
hol served to people under the age of 18. Everyone under the age of 18
Triodos Bank
will have to sign a form upon arrival stating that you have understood this
and will respect the dutch law.
Op naam van S.E.J.P.N
Make sure to mention 11th Alumni Weekend + your name.
Or bring the money in cash to the weekend and pay at your arrival.
If you have any more questions or problems do not hesitate to contact me at:, if it’s very urgent you can reach me at +31629607760.
SWEATERS There is also the opportunity to purchase an EYP the Netherlands
Hope to see you all there.
sweater. The sweater will costs 30 euro’s a piece and is available in size XS-XXL. If
On behalf of the board and the Alumni Committee,
you would like a sweater please make sure you point this out in you sign up form. The 30 euro’s should either be transferred together with you
Myrna van Dijk
participation fee or also be paid in cash at the weekend.
Alumni Coordinator