Call for team leaders prelims EYP NL

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Call for Team Leaders Presidents, Heads of Jury and Editors for the Extended Preliminary Rounds of EYP the Netherlands Dear reader, With great excitement, the board of EYP the Netherlands launches the first call for team leaders for our 4 Extended Preliminary Rounds. High school students in the Netherlands start their EYP journey with these two-day regional sessions, which will last three days for Officials. As a President, Head of Jury or Editor at an Extended Preliminary Round, you will lead a team of Officials and play a vital role in shaping the general atmosphere of the session, providing delegates with a lasting impression and pleasant EYP experience. The team leaders will be responsible for producing high quality content in their respective fields and to cooperate with the other team leaders to make the session a success. The president will also be on the selection panel for the two Vice Presidents, and eight chairpersons, thus shaping the academic team behind the session. The Editor(s) will be on the selection panel for Media Team members, and the Head of Jury for jury members. Sessions start on Friday for the Officials, with a day of CMO training. The delegates arrive on Saturday morning for Teambuilding and Committee Work. Due to limited time for Committee Work, the IC’s are pre-written by the Chair’s team. There will be eight committee’s. On Saturday evening there will be Eurovillage and an evening program. General Assembly will be held on Sunday. The Extended Preliminary Rounds take place in Autumn and Winter, in the cities Hoorn, Breda, Haarlem and Delft. The Extended Preliminary Rounds of 2018-2019 will take place throughout the Netherlands, but can be seen as one large project. Every student deserves a memorable experience, no matter what location or session they attend. This is why every session strives towards achieving the same goals. The team leaders of every session are welcome to implement their own vision and use innovative and creative ways to meet these goals, or set goals of their own. The Head Organisers of the Extended Preliminary Rounds of 2018-2019 have set the following goals for this year: ● Welfare: the sessions strive towards limiting stress and maximising inclusion and welfare of participants ● Personal development: the sessions should challenge all participants, both delegates and officials, ensuring they leave the sessions feeling fulfilled ● Inter-team cooperation and bonding: the session strives towards one officials team, using creative ways to ensure cooperation, connection and teambuilding between the different teams ● Achievable sustainability: the session will emphasise the importance of ecological and sustainable living, approaching sustainability with an effective and realistic attitude We are looking forward to reading your application. We hope to work with you this autumn! All the best, the board of EYP the Netherlands

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The Sessions Hoorn (North-Holland): 9 - 11 November Head Organisers: Lucas Taams and Tim van Woezik ​(​​ | ​​ ) One of this year’s Extended Preliminary Rounds of EYP the Netherlands will be taking place in Hoorn from the 9th until the 11th of November. Hoorn is a quaint city of seventy-two thousand residents which is only a short forty minutes away from Amsterdam, but still far enough away to enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside. Situated within a natural bay along the IJsselmeer-lake, Hoorn has a beautiful and historic city centre that can take you back to the heyday of the Dutch Golden Age. The goal of the session is to represent everything that EYP means to us. Active citizenship, friendship, awareness and unity. The session should be an excellent way for both new delegates, younger or new officials and older, more experienced officials to gain knowledge, make friends and have a wonderful time. One of the main goals of our session is to achieve a larger feeling of unity amongst officials and delegates. This means that we find it crucial to unite different officials’ teams and delegates alike, to turn them into one group. The officials, for example, should be as connected as a single committee is. This is something that will lead to a better atmosphere and better experience for everyone. We are in search of team leaders that share our views and/or feel like they can and will be able to build upon our vision to create an amazing event for both officials and delegates. If YOU feel like you’re the person for this (amazing) job, please do not hesitate to apply! PS: There are stroopwafels. Lots of them. Just saying.

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Breda (North-Brabant) 23 - 25 November Head Organisers: Tom Suelmann and Pien Kiliaan (​​ | ​​ ) Late November there will be an extraordinary session in Breda, where we (Pien Kiliaan & Tom Suelmann) both grew up. Located in the province of Brabant, Breda is a city with a lot of history. Besides, it is very European orientated with the Belgium border only 15 min away by car, Antwerp 50 min by train and Paris is a train ride away with the Thalys. The municipality of Breda is also very keen on exploring all European opportunities, which gives us a great chance of hosting an extraordinary session in this lovely welcoming city. In Breda, we want to give participants the most valuable and appropriate EYP experience we can offer, whilst fostering personal development for all officials. That is why we want to schedule more time for CJ training. In addition to that, we envision a fully integrated officials’ team, which we want to achieve by extensive CJO TB. We are looking for a President, Editor(s), and a Head of Jury to enrich our team. If the vision stated above makes you hungry for more, don’t hesitate and apply!

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Haarlem (North-Holland): 30 November - 2 December Head Organisers: Dorith Blijleven and Bente Vissel ​(​​ | ​​ ) Our session will take place in Haarlem, a beautiful historical town, with a somewhat medieval character. Not too big, but with all facilities, it is a perfect town for one of the Dutch Preliminary Rounds! We are still looking for leadership, who share our vision on how to make Haarlem 2018 as beautiful as its location. We aim to have an inclusive session, that establishes and maintains an equal relationship between officials and delegates. We want to make the diversity of delegates feel included and an integral part of the session. Furthermore, we want to stretch this inclusion to the officials team, to establish not four separate teams, but one unity, working closely together to make this session an unforgettable experience for both delegates and officials. We aspire efficient communication between the teams, and will have extensive inter-teambuilding.

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Delft (South-Holland): 11 - 13 January Head Organisers: Hannah Wessels and Jelmer de Haan ​(​​ | ​​) For the past few months, we have been working with undying enthusiasm to make Delft 2019 a reality. We are now extremely excited to open the call for team leaders who share our enthusiasm to make this the best possible Session. The key word for our Session is value: the value for participants, the value of their contribution and the value of our Session for the world. Parts of this are a sufficiently high academic level, close-knit teams with lots of positivity and a very sustainable Session. We are looking for team leaders who share this vision and are willing to work with us on improving and implementing it, and can find the balance between fun and academics. This will all happen in the beautiful city of Delft: our favourite Dutch city, and, in the future, hopefully yours as well.

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Application procedure The selection panel for team leaders consists of the board of EYP the Netherlands and the Head Organisers of the session you apply to. Applying can be done through the Member Platform. If you wish to apply to multiple sessions, you may submit the same application to the pages of the respective events. If you wish to apply as an Editor duo, both of you will have to submit an application. Indicate on your application who your co-Editor is. Questions for everyone: 1. What is your motivation to lead a team at an Extended Preliminary Round? 2. What qualities would make you a good candidate for your role? Please use concrete examples from your experience to illustrate your answer. 3. You may apply to multiple sessions. If you applied to another session, what would be your order of preference? Questions for president: 4. What is your vision regarding how you would want to approach the session as president and make it unique? 5. Choose one of the following questions to answer: a. How would you pursue the goal of inter-team bonding among the officials? Do you envision any creative or innovative ways to facilitate one officials’ team? b. What would be your approach to the goal of personal development for all participants, also keeping in mind many officials will be inexperienced? Questions for Editors: 6. What is your vision regarding how you would want to approach the session as Editor and what kind of content would you focus on? 7. Being a team leader, how would you balance the technical level and quality of the media output with allowing your Media Team to make mistakes and develop? 8. If you are applying as a duo, please fill in the name of your co-editor below: Questions for Head of Jury: 1. Concretely, how would you ensure that you and your jury members are aware of how the delegates are doing and miss out on as little as possible? 2. How would you interpret EYP NL’s jury criteria and how would you apply them as Head of Jury? Our jury criteria can be found at ​ The application deadline is the ​18th of July 23:59 CEST.


European Youth Parliament the Netherlands

Summary ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Call for Presidents, Heads of Jury and Editors for the 4 Dutch regional sessions, the Extended Preliminary Rounds As a team leader, you shape the general atmosphere and output of the Session in your field There will be eight solo Chairpersons, who will write the Topic Overview and the Introductory Clauses. Delegates write Operative Clauses to their resolution during Committee Work. There will be three Jury Members. The amount of Media Team Members will be determined closer to the Session Locations and dates: Hoorn (9-11 November), Breda (23-25 November), Haarlem (30 November - 2 December) and Delft (11-13 January) Three days for Officials, with one day of CMO and one day of General Assembly Striving towards welfare, personal development, close cooperation between different officials’ teams and achievable sustainability Apply through the Member Platform. The application consists of five questions. The application deadline is 18th of July 2018 at 23:59 CEST.

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