Yearly Report 2011-2012 Overview of Activities by the Board of EYP the Netherlands
Dear EYP NL Alumni, Hereby you receive the Yearly Report of the Board of EYP the Netherlands for 2011-2012. In this document we sum up the things we have worked on during the year. The report is structured according to different fields in which we have been active. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us through Activities Weekends 3rd Alumni Weekend In March 2011, we started the year with the 3rd Alumni Weekend. This was the first time that we organised a weekend that was mainly aimed at socialising, in contrast to the original weekend in September that is focused on Chairs Training. Around 40 alumni gathered in Austerlitz, among them many alumni who had just joined the organisation after the 11th National Selection Conference. This is where the year started for the board. 4th Alumni Weekend From 2 – 4 September 2011 we organised the 4th Alumni Weekend in Vierhouten. The entire weekend was dedicated to training. There was a team of six trainers who were in charge: Anar Kucera (CZ), Schima Labitsch (AT), Wim van Doorn, Mark Brakel, Leonie Goettsch and Zahra Runderkamp. They are all part of the Pool of Trainers of the EYP Academy. Alumni were divided into two groups (‘beginner’ and ‘advanced’) to adapt the training to the level of experience of the participants. The training modules were focused on chairing a committee and skills related to that. In total, the 46 participants received just over 10 hours of training. The evaluation that took place at the end of the weekend shows that 93% of the participants has more confidence in their own ability as a chairperson. The general impression of the weekend was very good, on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (great) the weekend scored an average of 6.4! Sessions Amsterdam Prelims The first Preliminary Rounds of the year were organized in Amsterdam by Florentine Oberman. The session was held at the Ignatius Gymnasium and gathered a total of 10 delegations, divided over two days. The session was presided by Eoin Rogers from Ireland. Futher international participation included Jamie Brown from the UK on the jury, and Lydia Drews as the German VP. Ede Prelims In December, we gathered for the second Preliminary Rounds, this time in Ede, at Marnix College. Luca Wartna had taken over the role of Head Organiser just two months before the session and managed to provide an excellent experience to her delegates. A total of 9 delegations participated in this session, which was presided by Stefan Vandenhende from Belgium. He was joined by VP Valeria Cherednichenko from Ukraine, while Federico Fasol (Italy) was the international member of the jury. Nieuwegein Prelims The last Preliminary Rounds were organised by Tim Keegstra and was held at the Cals College in Nieuwegein. This was a lastminute change from the original venue, University College Utrecht, European Youth Parliament The Netherlands | |