Project Report "The Hague 2013"

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The Hague 2013

2nd International Forum of EYP The Netherlands

Young Energy for Europe

Project Report The Hague 2013 - 2nd International Forum of EYP The Netherlands 3 - 8 November, 2013

Stichting Europees Jeugd Parlement Nederland Govert Flinckstraat 308-I voor 1073 CJ Amsterdam The Netherlands


Dear Reader, Between the 3rd and 8th of November 2013, a group of over 160 European youngsters gathered in The Hague,The Netherlands, to participate in a conference hosted by the European Youth Parliament (EYP) The Netherlands: ‘The Hague 2013’. During this conference, participants came together to discuss a wide variety of topics related to the overarching theme of ‘Young Energy for Europe’. A wide array of programme elements all served to stimulate participants to constructively and comprehensively strive to provide an answer to one of Europe’s most pressing issues: energy. This report serves as a summary of the project, and will give an overview of the main events, the participants and many other things. Ultimately, its aim is to give an impression of what the project entailed, how it was experienced by its participants, and how it has presented a unique opportunity for academic and cultural exchange.

Dirk Hofland Project Leader

Karim Ben Hamda Project Leader

The European Youth Parliament he European Youth Parliament is an organisation that brings European youth T together to comprehensively discuss European issues. Through simulating the European Parliament, these youngsters are stimulated to develop their own vision on the future of Europe. Through ‘EYP’, European youth discover the inner workings of democracy, the influence of cultural differences in the workings of organisations and how to express themselves in public. The European Youth Parliament consists of a group of national organisations in member states of the Council of Europe. These national organisations all organise a variety of events all over Europe. Such events can be on a local, regional, national or international level and can differ vastly in size and scope. EYP The Netherlands, Stichting Europees Jeugdparlement Nederland is the Dutch national organisation of the European Youth Parliament. With over 100 active alumni, we organise many local, regional and national events on a yearly basis. EYP The Netherlands is a completely voluntary organisation, and is financially dependant on its fundraising activities.

The goals of the European Youth Parliament are: • Raise awareness of European issues, encourage active European citizenship and motivate students to get engaged in European politics; • Promote international understanding, intercultural dialogue and diversity of ideas and practices; • Contribute to the personal skills development of European youth; • Provide a forum in which young people of Europe can express their own opinions, without reverting to role play.

The Theme: “Young Energy for Europe” he debate on energy is one of the T most important ones of our lifetimes:

same questions remain. How exactly

under pressure from both an expo-

for energy? How do we ensure that the

nentially growing world population as

environment is not further polluted in

well as a decrease in the availability of

the process? What new and sustaina-

fossil fuels, we are forced to find new

ble ways of energy production can be

solutions to challenging problems. Sus-

found? And what are the consequen-

tainable energy, in its capacity as a key

ces for an increasingly globalised world

catalyst in economic and scientific de-

with political tension ever on the rise?

should we meet the rising global need

velopment, has as a goal been adopted by many governments over the last de-

These are just examples of the issues

cades. The notion that fossil fuels play

with which the participants of ‘The Ha-

a great part in the pollution of the en-

gue 2013’ were confronted in Novem-

vironment has furthermore all but been

ber 2013. All of them, however, sha-

accepted as a scientific fact. Views on

re their relation to the theme of the

how exactly this goal should be achie-

conference: ‘Young Energy for Europe’.

ved however, differ vastly. Its pursuit is

Not only was this theme evident in all

even further hampered by the political

topics discussed (which can be found

reality of our time, with a small group

further in this document), it was also

of countries holding disproportionate

strongly emphasised in other ways. For

amounts of resources and with a global

example, the organisation was lent an

inability to collectively tackle the pro-

electric car for the duration of the en-

blem of climate change.

tire conference, various ways of reducing waste were implemented and the

Ultimately, it cannot be denied that fin-

innovative element of the topic was

ding solutions to the energy-problem

present during all preparatory work of

is of paramount importance, but the

the volunteers.

Participants ver 190 participants were present during ‘The Hague 2013’. Over 130 deO legates from over 20 countries were selected to participate, including Finnish, Cypriot and Georgian delegations. Furthermore, over 30 experienced alumni of the European Youth Parliament from all over Europe attended the conference in a voluntary capacity. They took the role of committee chairperson or journalist. Lastly, a group of teachers accompanying the delegates was also present, as well as the volunteers that organised the conference. Committee chairpersons The committee chairpersons had a very important role during the conference. It was their task to guide the delegates through the different session elements: Teambuilding, Committee Work and the General Assembly, providing council and stimulating them to constructively and comprehensively discuss the topics. The chairpersons were lead by an Austrian president and two vice-presidents from Ireland and the Czech Republic respectively, who also providing council and training.

Journalists Lead by two editors from Germany and the United Kingdom, a team of international journalists provided coverage in the form of a conference newspaper. This paper included critical, opinionated articles designed to further stimulate the participants. Furthermore, photo’s and other coverage of the activities provided a clear and concise summary of the project.

Participants Teachers All delegates were accompanied by a teacher. The European Youth Parliament is an educative project that is being supported by schools. Hence, delegations that were selected to attend usually all belonged to one school, and accompanied by one or two teachers. These aided the delegates with their academic preparation. During the conference, an extensive teachers’ programme was organised that included workshops, discussions on education in Europe and other relevant themes, as well as a variety of opportunities for the teachers to get to know The Hague and The Netherlands.

Organisation ‘The Hague 2013’ was organised by a team of 17 volunteers, all alumni of the European Youth Parliament. Lead by Project Leaders Dirk Hofland and Karim Ben Hamda, they were responsible for all logistical aspects of the conference, and over more than nine months worked hard to realise it. The Project Leaders were highly experienced alumni of the European Youth Parliament themselves, with experience in project management both from within and outside ‘EYP’. Karim Ben Hamda (20) is a first-year student of politics at the University of Amsterdam, and Dirk Hofland (19) studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Durham University (UK). Both are highly experienced alumni of the European Youth Parliament themselves, and gained substantial experience in project management both from within and outside of ‘EYP’.

Programme 2013’ started on NoT‘vemberhe 3rdHague with a welcome event,

acquainted with the cultural back-

designed to the participants with each

Eurovillage. This event, with the aim

other briefly. All volunteers had arrived

of inter-cultural dialogue and exchange,

several days before to participate in

included cultural presentation as well

trainings and finalise all preparations.

as the sharing of culinary specialities

On the morning of November 4th

from Europe’s different regions.

grounds of other participants during

the participants were divided over ten different committees of around twel-

The main activity of November 4th and

ve delegates each. They had never met

5th was Committee Work. Before

each other before and of course had

this commenced, however, the confe-

widely differing cultural backgrounds. In

rence was officially opened during the

order to cope with this, and in order to

Opening Ceremony. Here, the

form a team that functions efficiently,

President of the Conference, as well as

they participated in Teambuilding,

the Project Leaders and the President

lead by a committee chairperson they

of EYP The Netherlands held a short

participated in a series of activities.

speech, stimulating the delegates to

Some of these were sports, others of a

take active part in the conference. Du-

creative or problem-solving nature, but

ring both the Opening Ceremony and

all with the aim of forming a solid and

Committee Work we were generously

well-functioning team. With this the

hosted by The Hague University of Ap-

fundament was laid for the productive

plied Sciences.

political discussions during Committee Work and the General assembly.

During Committee Work, the central event of the conference, all com-





mittees discussed a separate issue,

delegations got the opportunity to get

each related to the conference theme

Programme of ‘Young Energy for Europe’, and are all

opened by keynote speakers such as

included below. The aim of Committee

Marietje Schaake, a Dutch Mem-

Work was for the individual commit-

ber of European Parliament, and re-

tees to write a resolution in which they

presentatives from financial supporters

address all the issues related to their

of the conference. During the General

topic. Consensus was a requirement,

Assembly, each committee in turn got

and it could therefore be a challenge

the opportunity to briefly present their

for the group to come to a compromi-

resolution, and make an argument for

se. The committee chairpersons had a

its validity. Subsequently, all other par-

large role in leading the discussion and

ticipants were allowed the opportunity

ensuring that everyone was able to ex-

to participate in the open debate, after

press their opinions. Ultimately all the-

which the proposing committee sum-

se ideas were discusses and collected

marised the debate. After each debate

in the end-result of Committee Work:

a brief vote was held, before moving on

a resolution.

to the next resolution.

The morning of November 7th all participants were further prepared for the General Assembly by means of a debate training. Lead by a team of experienced alumni of the European Youth Parliament, the delegates recei-

Resolution Booklet The resolution booklet of ‘The Hague 2013’ can be viewed and downloaded here.

ved rhetoric training and were further coached in expressing themselves in public and rhetoric. After this training, the General Assembly was formally

Press here to view

Committee Topics 1. Committee on Foreign Affairs I – AFET I Dependence or interdependence: with Russia as the EU’s biggest importer of oil, uranium and coal, how can the EU balance its role as an advocate of democracy whilst ensuring the safety of its energy supply from Russia? 2. Committee on Foreign Affairs II – AFET II Deserted energy: In the aftermath of the uprisings in the Arab world and recent developments within the foundation, the Desertec project has entered a stage of uncertainty. After initial praise and wide range support, what should be the future of this project? What role should the European Union take in it? 3. Committee on Climate Change I – CLIM I Keeping up with Kyoto: With growing criticism on the EU’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the weakened European energy market, is the ETS a mere distraction to fighting climate change as some claim? What is the future of the ETS? 4. Committee on Development I – DEVE I “Energising Development”: With one in five people still ‘living in the dark’ and in the framework of the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4All), how can the EU fulfil its commitment to bring sustainable energy to everyone by 2030? 5. Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety I – ENVI I The future of Europe’s energy supply or a recipe for disaster? With Member States’ highly differing stances on nuclear power, how can the EU continue its path towards an emission-friendly supply, while ensuring the safety of its citizens?

Committee Topics 6. Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety II - ENVI II Is fracking the future? With shale gas posing an attractive option for reliable domestic energy production, what stance should the EU take on the matter taking into account both potential implications for environmental integrity and implications for the development of carbon-free technologies? 7. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy I - ITRE I Filling the policy gap between the Europe 2020 Targets and the Energy Roadmap 2050: With a new climate and energy framework on the horizon, what long-term policies and binding targets should the European Union introduce with a view to ensuring a secure, competitive and low-carbon energy sector beyond 2020? 8. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy II ITRE II New fuel for the economy: with the economic crisis slowly behind us, is there a chance for Member States to increase their spending in Research and Development? Should the EU focus more on research and development, especially when it comes to safeguarding sustainable energy supplies? 9. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy III ITRE III A renewable power plant in every home? In order to achieve the EU’s ambitious goals in the field of future energy production, what strategy should Europe adopt when developing its future energy grid? 10. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - LIBE “Not In My Back Yard”? With the ever-growing need to invest in new energy infrastructure, how can we balance private property rights with projects aimed at building new energy sources? What role can citizens play in the future of the EU’s energy infrastructure?

Evaluation fter the conference ended, the participants were asked to fill in an evaluative A questionnaire. An excerpt of the results is displayed below. Results are in percentages, with 94 respondents. My par'cipa'on in this session mo'vated me to get into topics that were new to me Strongly disagree


No opinion


Strongly agree

Teambuilding helped build mutual trust and form a real team Strongly disagree


2% 0%

No opinion


13% 45%



Teambuilding helped to develop a feeling for the diversity of cultures and opinions in Europe and The Netherlands Strongly disagree


Strongly agree

0% 11%



No opinion


Strongly agree

In my commi)ee, we exchanged very different perspec8ves and opinions Strongly disagree


No opinion


Strongly agree

0% 35%









During Commi+ee Work, I have learned to recognise and respect different perspec;ves Strongly disagree


No opinion


Strongly agree

I went through a truly democra2c decision-­‐making process Strongly disagree


No opinion 1%

3% 5% 0% 37%

38% 54%





Strongly agree

Evaluation I felt like I was truly taking part in the democra7c decision making process during the General Assembly Strongly disagree


No opinion


I feel I have become more interested in Europe than I did before the session Strongly disagree


No opinion


5% 15%

Strongly agree


Strongly agree

1% 7%



51% 33%


This event and its prepara.on have improved my knowledge and awareness of cultural diversity in Europe Strongly disagree


No opinion 0% 4%


With this session, I learned to appreciate the values of freedom, liberty and diversity Strongly disagree


Strongly agree

No opinion


Strongly agree






30% 60% 42%

My par'cipa'on in this session helped improve my knowledge and understanding of different cultures Strongly disagree


No opinion 0% 2%


my par'cipa'on in this session taught me to appreciate cultural diversity Strongly disagree


No opinion



Strongly agree







Strongly agree

The Hague 2013 - 2nd International Forum of EYP The Netherlands is supported by: Main Partner



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