Resolution booklet II

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Â

Motion for a Resolution by the and Home Affairs I (LIBE I) Motion for a Resolution by the (SEDE I) Motion for a Resolution by the and Energy (ITRE) Motion for a Resolution by the (SEDE II) Motion for a Resolution by the and Home Affairs II (LIBE II) Motion for a Resolution by the Motion for a Resolution by the Development (AGRI) Motion for a Resolution by the (INTA II) Motion for a Resolution by the Consumer Protection (IMCO) Motion for a Resolution by the (INTA I) Â

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice Committee on Security and Defence I Committee on Industry, Technology Committee on Security and Defence II Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) Committee on Agriculture and Rural Committee on International Trade II Committee on Internal Market and Committee on International Trade I


FOR A R ESOLUTION BY T HE C OMMITTEE ON C IVIL L IBERTIES , J USTICE AND H OME A FFAIRS I (LIBE I) Europe as a safe harbour: Given the rising number of those fleeing conflicts worldwide, what coherent direction should the EU’s refugee and asylum policy pursue to account for burden-sharing amongst Member States whilst upholding humanitarian principles? Anna Callahan (UK), Jan de Peuter (BE), Jana Degrott (LU), Blanca Dominguez (ES), Jovan Jeromela (RS), Rebecca Jones (IT), Katerina Kaloutsou (CY), Nana Kruashvilli (GE), Marek Martinovsky (CZ), Elza Linda Purvinska (LT), Robin Reimers (SE), Noah Schoppl (DE), Eva-Maria Tonson (EE), Tuna Dokmeci (Chairperson, TR) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply concerned that the principle of non-refoulement1 is being violated by countries that send asylum seekers they find on international waters back to their countries, B. Noting with regret that under the Dublin Regulation asylum seekers can only apply for asylum in their country of arrival, C. Convinced that this practice results in: i) Member States forming the external borders of the EU being faced with more applications, ii) violation of asylum seekers’ right to choose their country of destination, D. Aware of Member States not being capable of accommodating equal amounts of asylum seekers due to the differences in financial and logistic capacities, E. Deeply disturbed by the poor living conditions in reception centres with limited access to legal and social assistance, as well as healthcare services, F. Alarmed by cases where the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that Member States have been in violation of rights of asylum seekers, 2 G. Alarmed by the absence of safe and legal ways for asylum seekers to reach Europe, resulting in many lives being lost when crossing the Mediterranean,3 H. Recognising that asylum seekers may become victims of human trafficking or possess counterfeit documentation in the absence of legal and safe means to enter Europe; 1

Non-refoulement (French for not pushing back) is an international legal principle that prohibits returning a victim of persecution to his/her persecuting country. 2 Cases such as Sharifi and Others v. Italy and Greece, 2014. 3 In the first three months of 2015, 486 people have died while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. Source: International Organisation for Migration (IOM).


Believes that no border controller should refuse or return anyone who claims to be an asylum seeker;

Revising the Application Procedure 2. Designates the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) to provide annual reports to help with the evaluation of each Member States’ capacity to receive asylum seekers according to: a) demographic information; b) economic performance; 3. Authorises the EASO to process and decide on asylum applications and the distribution of refugees in cooperation with Member States based on: a) the aforementioned reports, b) evidence provided by the EU-LISA4 database, c) an interview with the applicant, d) the interests of the refugee; Ensuring the Safety and Rights of Asylum Seekers 4. Recommends allowing applications from asylum seekers whose application has been previously rejected by a non-EU country; 5. Further recommends the EASO to establish branches in safe third countries in which asylum seekers could submit an application to the EU; 6. Calls on the European Commission to increase the funds and personnel allocated to the EASO to be used on reception centres; 7. Emphasises the need to increase the number of rescue teams on each border check point; 8. Further calls the European Commission to increase the budget allocated to the European Refugee Fund (ERF) and FRONTEX to improve patrolling and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea.


European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.



From defence to stabilisation: With the extremist self-proclaimed ISIS now controlling large parts of Iraq and Syria, which joint steps should the EU Member States take to expand their Counter-Terrorism strategy on the matter and contribute to long-term stability in the region? Submitted by: Teresa Sihler (AT), Claire Kumesu-Egri (UK), Angeliki Vassila (CY), Ester Holmstrom (FI), Gesine Weber (DE), Jane Creech (IE), Pietro Cutaia (IT), Joo Hyung Lee (LU), Antoni Nehring (PL), Adria Castillo (ES), Moa Bostrom (SE), Miriam Aitken (CH), Rebecca Lensink (NL), Louis Toebosch (BE), Nora Wilhelm (CH, Chairperson) The European Youth Parliament, A. Fully aware that the extremist self-proclaimed ISIS is a threat to the safety of European citizens and reports of gross and widespread human rights violations and abuses are a matter of serious concern to the European Union (EU), B. Recalling that the EU has condemned the extremist self-proclaimed ISIS and does not recognise it as a State, nor as representative of Islam, and resolved to not use the name the group has given itself, C. Emphasising that although important steps have been taken to counter terrorism through the Counter Terrorism Strategy (CTS) and other strategies, in light of recent events, expansion and further measures are necessary, D. Further recalling that the EU remains committed to achieving lasting peace, stability and security in Syria, Iraq and the wider region, as well as to countering the self-proclaimed ISIS threat, E. Declaring that the EU is determined to advocate for respect of human rights, in the conflict zone as well as in the measures taken by EU institutions and Member States, F. Noting that whilst the competency for counter terrorism mainly lies with the Member States, the CTS declares that every Member State must have their own counter terrorism policy, and offers a framework for its implementation, G. Realising that there is great divergence between the Member States’ stance, as well as no EU-wide common approach in key areas of counter-terrorism, H. Deeply convinced that in order to tackle this complex issue, extensive coordination, co-operation and exchange of information are necessary between all involved parties, namely: a. Member States, b. relevant EU and national institutions, c. regional allies of the EU, d. international organisations,


J. K. L.

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e. all actors involved in the fight against Da’esh, Recognising that the poor integration and discrimination of Muslims in European society contribute to radicalisation, whilst the increasing number of terrorist attacks leads to an increase of islamophobia, which is insufficiently tackled within the Member States, Noting with deep concern Da’esh’s extensive strategic use of modern communication tools and shocking publications which result in effective worldwide propaganda, Troubled by very little action taken on the use of the internet for terrorist purposes and that there are no specific EU guidelines on how to combat it, Convinced that the absence of border control within the Schengen zone as well as porous external borders around Europe and in the conflict region facilitate: a. recruitment and travel of new fighters seeking to join Da’esh, b. the return of ex-fighters or trained terrorists to the EU, c. illegal transport of weapons and explosives, d. free movement of potential terrorists within the Schengen zone, Deeply concerned that despite protection measures European civilians and strategic targets, such as critical infrastructure, remain vulnerable to terrorist attacks, Noting with regret that the extremist self-proclaimed ISIS remains capable of attaining large amount of funds and weapons, by means such as: a. money laundering, b. oil and gas distribution, c. illicit trade of historic artefacts, d. ransoms, e. third party countries, f. taxes in the territory they administrate, Alarmed by the fact that humanitarian aid meant to reach those in need is often intercepted by Da’esh,


Affirms that in order to reach lasting stability in the region, it is necessary to address the roots of the problem and, whenever possible, respond to the current situation with peaceful means and actions that foster development and political stability; 2. Confirms the EU’s support for the Global Counter-Coalition5 and its intention to cooperate with regional actors that fight the selfproclaimed ISIS in the respect of international law, and aim for longterm stability in the region;


The Global Counter-Coalition is an alliance of 62 nations and groups (e.g. the EU), led by the USA, that have condemned actions of the self-proclaimed ISIS and participate to different degrees in the fight against them.

Prevent 3. Recommends fighting radicalisation and islamophobia by revising and expanding the EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism to include: a. extensive collaboration with community leaders, amongst others concerning further awareness initiatives about suspect behaviour that could lead to radicalisation, b. expansion of the integration pilot project6 according to the goals set out in the EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism, and full implementation in all Member States should evaluation results be positive, c. the opposition of national policies alienating Muslims and other minorities in Member States, d. efforts to spread information about the religion of Islam in the general population, e. encouraging Member States to include religious studies as part of the mandatory curriculum, 4. Supports the efforts of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) to combat islamophobia and Muslim isolation by ensuring its recommendations are taken into account by all Member States; 5. Calls for cooperation between Member States through the European Network of Experts on Radicalisation (ENER) to critically assess knowledge and expertise regarding prevention of terrorist activities; 6. Reaffirms the recommendations in the EU Regional Strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the ISIL/Da’esh Threat (2015)7 and the CTS, in that the EU and Member States should: a. support the development of a joint internal and external security approach and related expert networks to address evolving terrorist communication and propaganda methodologies; b. cooperate with major media outlets to combat propaganda availability under the leadership of the Counter-Terrorism Coordinator8; c. develop a strong and common counter-narrative to the ISIS ideology, especially on social media; Protect 7. Urges the Commission to initiate an improvement of border security, 6

The integration pilot project was presented in the Action Plan of the CTS initiated by the Danish Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, which develops tools that give individual young people long-term support and advice needed to break with and stay out of extremism, through mentoring programmes and preventative talks. 7 This strategy was adopted by the Council of the EU in March 2015 concerning the EU’s strategy facing the threat of the self-proclaimed ISIS and the situation in the region. €1 billion was allocated to its implementation. 8 The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, currently Gilles de Kerchove, is responsible for coordinating the work of the Council in combating terrorism and presenting policy recommendations.

in particular at: a. the external European borders through stricter border control by further involvement of Frontex, b. the border between Turkey and Syria, through support by Frontex if so requested, c. borders inside the EU through the emergency prevision in the Schengen agreement should the situation escalate; 8. Calls for the expansion of the European Programme for the Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) to be expanded to tackle current security gaps, by: a. establishing the Early Warning System (EWS)9 for explosive goods, b. the development and implementation by the European Defence Agency (EDA) of cyber security methods such as common visa codes and the biometric system10, c. ensuring the provision of technical equipment and knowledge to Member States and organisations who lack it, d. the implementation of the EU-wide Passenger Name Record (PNR)11; 9. Promotes the safeguarding of European security by furthering cooperation through the Security Research Conference (SRC) between Member States, public institutions and private partners; Pursue 10. Endorses the active prevention of illicit trade of cultural artefacts through enhanced cooperation between Member States, the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL), other relevant parties, and the World Customs Organisation (WCO) on the patrolling of EU borders as well as the borders of countries used as transit routes; 11. Emphasises the need for a more systematic exchange of financial information between Member States to ensure: a. the identification and interception of terrorist activities, b. the swift freezing of accounts linked to terrorist groups; 12. Encourages the implementation of the EU PNR in accordance with clause 2.1.2 of the EU Regional Strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the ISIL/Da’esh Threat (2015) to ensure further security for civilians; 9

The Early Warning System would enable the exchange of information and the cooperation of Member States’ public security authorities with EUROPOL to provide early warnings in case of theft, loss or misuse of explosives and firearms. 10 The biometric system is a technological system relying on specific data about unique biological traits for identification. 11 The PNR is a set of information provided by passengers such as travel dates, itinerary, payment methods and baggage information, which is stored by the airlines companies in reservation control databases.

13. Calls upon all Member States to abide by Resolution 217812 of the UN Security Council (UNSC); Respond 14. Requests the EDA to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the situation on the basis of which the Justice and Home Affairs Council should form a common legislation concerning returning Da’esh fighters; 15. Strongly recommends for the European Commission to authorise the European External Action Service to work together with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to effectively coordinate humanitarian aid efforts; 16. Urges the European Commission to offer regional allies diplomatic, humanitarian and financial aid to support them in combating the selfproclaimed ISIS; 17. Welcomes efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians and foster the reconstruction of Iraq, Syria and other affected countries through initiatives such as the Syria Recovery Trust Fund (SRTF)13; 18. Supports the European Endowment of Democracy (EED)14 and nongovernmental organisations in their endeavour to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Syria, Iraq and the wider region.


Resolution 2178 of the UNSC criminalises travelling to and joining the self-proclaimed ISIS. The SRTF is a multi-donor trust fund that serves to channel grant funding from the international community in a transparent and accountable manner into projects inside Syria, to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people and provide necessary services in order to foster reconstruction and stabilisation of the country. 14 The EED is an independent grant giving institution that supports local actors of democratic change in the EU Neighbourhood and beyond. 13

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Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN): An EU-wide network set up*! ! ! ,-.&/01! the European Commission in 2011 ! 3,!42!tasked with !! the ! exchange of "#! experiences and practices between non-governmental organisations, researchers and people in direct contact with concerned individuals.

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European Network of Experts on Radicalisation (ENER): A platform for discussing radicalisation and providing assistance to the EU and national level policy-makers both in gathering expertise and identifying and exchanging good practices in the field of prevention. European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the EU (FRONTEX): Frontex is the agency that manages the cooperation between national border guards that is undertaken to secure the external borders of the EU, including from illegal immigration, human trafficking and terrorist infiltration. European Defence Agency (EDA): The EDA is an agency of the European Union that reports to the Council and whose primary role is to foster European defence cooperation. Security Research Conference (SRC): Annual conference bringing together European security stakeholders to discuss the latest policy developments at the national and EU levels and innovation projects. The International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL): INTERPOL is an intergovernmental organisation facilitating international police cooperation. It counts over 190 members and combatting terrorism and the illicit traffic in works of art are part of its purpose.

The World Customs Organization (WCO): The WCO is an intergovernmental organisation which covers the development of international conventions, instruments, and tools on topics such as customs enforcement activities and rules of origin. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA): OCHA is the part of the UN Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies, with the aim to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response through for instance the coordination of operations in crisis situations.

M OTION FOR A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE ON I NDUSTRY , R ESEARCH AND E NERGY (ITRE) Balancing the inherent costs of energy: With the EU’s 2030 framework for climate and energy policies being criticised as unambitious, what steps should the EU take to ensure the transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system while maintaining overall economic competitiveness? Aegli Athanasiadou (CY), Jamie Caraher (IE), Ann-Sophie Dondyne (BE), Nikoloz Dzneladze (GE), Aleksandar Gigov (RS), Isabelle Kleinveld (NL), Leonie Laux (DE), Katie Macdonald (UK), Olesia Mandryka (SE), Axel Meyer (FI), Martin Pichler (AT), Martina Salvati (IT), Isabel Cantalapiedra (ES, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Keeping in mind that a competitive and interconnected energy market is a precondition for prosperity in the European Union, B. Noting that the implementation of the Energy Union15 project is hindered by the Member States and the European Commission having different priorities regarding international relations, economic interests and environmental concerns, C. Deeply concerned that the creation of an Energy Union is held up by disparities between Member States in terms of: a. environmental legislation, b. the use of controversial energy sources such as nuclear energy and fracking, D. Fully aware that Member States’ contributions to the European energy system vary greatly due to differences in terms of their wealth and the availability of natural resources, E. Observing that the aforementioned differences influence the pace at which Member States achieve the 2020 targets16, most likely preventing some from reaching the 2030 targets17, F. Noting with regret that Member States are not legally obliged to enforce the EU-wide binding 2030 targets leading to unequal levels of involvement, G. Recognising factors that impede a more energy efficient market, such as: a. household negligence towards energy use, 15

The goal of the Energy Union is to give EU consumers secure, sustainable and competitive energy through an integrated continent-wide energy system. 16 Binding climate and energy targets for 2020: greenhouse gas emissions 20% lower than 1990, 20% of energy from renewables, and 20% increase in energy efficiency 17 The 2030 strategy proposes a greenhouse gas reduction target of at least 40% compared to 1990 and a target of at least 27% for renewable energy and energy savings by 2030.

H. I. J. K. L. M.

b. a lack of resources to implement measures concerning energy efficiency in industry, c. the usage of outdated technologies and extraction techniques, d. the prioritisation of short-term profit over investment in energy efficient measures, e. insufficient and antiquated infrastructure, Fully aware that despite being the world leader in renewables, Member States’ energy mixes18 cannot be considered as sustainable due to the EU’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels, Alarmed that the EU is vulnerable to political pressure due to its overall dependency on energy imports and many Member States relying mostly on a single energy supplier, Concerned by the insufficient interconnection of energy systems amongst Member States making it difficult to match supply and demand in an efficient manner, Noting with deep concern that energy storage facilities in the EU lack the capacity required to provide an adequate response in the event of a major energy shortage Appreciating the Projects of Common Interest19 and the SET-Plan Initiatives20 as means to unify the European energy market, Expressing its support for the financial instruments PF4EE21 and NCFF22 as proposed by the European Commission to stimulate private investment and boost competitiveness;

Energy Framework 1.

Calls upon the European Council to make the 2030 targets legally binding at a national level, 2. Asks the European Council to authorise the European Commission to propose implementation plans to meet the 2030 targets and monitor the progress of each Member State; 3. Urges the European Council to endorse the Energy Union project so as to unify all Member States’ energy policies under a common energy strategy;


The different energy sources that make up the total energy consumption of a certain region. 19 The PCI list includes 248 initiatives towards the creation of an EU energy market, which will benefit from accelerated licensing procedures, improved regulatory conditions, and access to financial support. 20 The SET-Plan Initiatives bring together EU countries, industry, and researchers in key areas. They promote the market uptake of key energy technologies by pooling funding, skills, and research facilities. 21 Private Finance for Energy Efficiency instrument is a joint agreement between the EIB and the European Commission which aims to address the limited access to adequate and affordable commercial financing for energy efficiency investments. 22 Under the Natural Capital Financing Facility, the European Investment Bank will provide loans and investments in funds to support projects which promote the preservation of natural capital, including adaptation to climate change, in the Member States.

Energy security 4. Further asks the European Commission to propose a temporary emergency protocol to be implemented by the Member States until the full adoption of the Energy Union, 5. Suggests the European Commission include the following measures in the aforementioned emergency protocol: a. increased solidarity between Member States, b. improved fuel transmission methods, c. increased storage capacity of energy sources in each Member State to last 120 days of normal usage, d. estimating the economic impact of an energy crisis; 6. Recommends Member States to prioritise diversification of suppliers over the increased use of renewables in the short-term; Energy efficiency 7. Calls upon the Members States to renew energy-related infrastructure through: a. the enlargement and development of cross-border infrastructure, b. the usage of smart-grids23 and subgrids24, c. households rewarding energy systems25, to positively influence consumer behaviour; 8. Calls upon the European Commission to establish an EU-wide campaign based on the information collected by SETIS26 in order to inform the general public about the benefits and adoption of energy efficient measures; Energy sources 9. Further requests the European Commission to allocate an additional 8% of the current EU annual subsidies awarded to fossil fuels to renewable energy subsidies by 2030; 10. Urges the European Energy Research Alliance27 to conduct further research on: a. more efficient forms of renewable energy to be used in the long-term, 23

A Smart grid gathers information about the behaviours of suppliers and consumers to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the distribution of energy. 24 Sub-grids work within a small community, interconnecting households and providing the possibility of having shared energy production amongst them 25 A system in which households pay a preliminary estimated bill and then get a refund based on how efficient their energy consumption was. 26 The SET-Plan Information System helps to identify energy technology and RD&D objectives, striving to build consensus around the SET-Plan programme, and assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the SET-Plan in delivering energy and climate change policy goals. 27 The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) contributes to coordinate a massive public research effort to develop more efficient and cheaper low carbon energy technologies.

b. energy storage technology, c. fracking and its environmental impact, d. nuclear fusion and liquid fluoride thorium reactors as alternatives for nuclear fission;



Unregulated Warfare: With European countries planning to produce drones for military purposes, how can the EU and its allies around the world reap the advantages of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) while safeguarding their compatibility with international law? Frans Cederlof (FI), Joao Paulo Diogo (PT), Alexander Goldberg (LU), James Gowman (UK), Hank, Artem Kravchenko (CZ), Rasmus Kriest (DE), Stephanie Lemesianou (CY), Carl Maask (ES), Lucius Miller (CH), Archil Parulava (GE), Giacomo Angelo Quaia (IT), Victor Verhaert (BE), Raphael Bek (Chairperson, AT) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Emphasising that the EU has a limited competence in areas of foreign, security and defence policy, B. Noting with regret that international humanitarian law does not explicitly address the use of military UAVs, C. Concerned that the EU and its Member States have not come to a common standpoint regarding the regulation and use of military UAVs, D. Noting with concern that the European market for defence and security goods is fragmented and largely nationalised, even though there are continued attempts for common approaches, E. Noting that the European Commission has already called for a common stance and more active dialogue amongst Member States regarding military affairs including military UAV usage, F. Realising that Europe as a whole plans to spend US $ 24,3 billion on UAVs between 2013 – 202328, G. Bearing in mind that military UAVs can be divided into four different control categories ranging from fully man-controlled to fully autonomous resulting in issues with accountability, H. Recognising that Member States’ military affairs are often classified for national security reasons, even though transparency is a fundamental value of the EU, I. Observing that EU Member States are already using drones in military missions abroad, and that these do not fall under the EU Common Security and Defence Policy, J. Concerned that according to US intelligence, in the past 10 years an estimated 20 %29 of victims of US drone strikes were civilian casualties, with various NGOs estimating an even higher number, K. Noting with approval that EU Member States are already part of international non-binding economic agreements, such as the 28


Source:, Sept. 2014 „Look at This Visualization of Drone Stike Deaths“

Wassenaar Arrangement30 agreement and the Missile Technology Control Regime31, L. Aware that in 2012 NATO decided to expand the development and use of military UAVs and currently has a standard interface for UAV interoperability; Transparency & Accountability 1.

Urges Member States to ensure kill decisions remain with humans in the control loop of military UAVs; 2. Approves the use of automated military UAVs in missions where human intervention is still possible; 3. Recommends that the current military command responsibility procedure be applied to military UAV operations; 4. Strongly recommends Member States to publish post-operational reports which should exclude technological or tactical information, and guarantee the privacy of involved human actors; Foreign Action & Strategy 1.

Trusts Member States to conform to the EU’s human rights principles in their military UAV usage; 2. Calls for military UAVs to be used in peace keeping and humanitarian operations under the European External Action Service or the UN; 3. Strongly condemns recent proposals for the European External Action Service to acquire military UAVs; Internal Market 4. Calls for the creation of a joint research and development platform amongst members of the European Unmanned Aerial Systems Forum (EUASF), aiming to be cost-efficient and avoid redundant research efforts; 5. Encourages the UN, the European Aviation Safety Agency and Member States to implement a vehicle identification system (e.g. as transponders) for military UAVs similar what exists for military aircrafts; International Organisations 6. Calls on the European Commission to organise more high-level gatherings concerning UAVs; 7. Invites Member States to engage in active dialogue regarding military UAVs in within both NATO and the UN. 30

The Wassenaar Arrangement has been established in order to contribute to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations. 31 The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is an informal and voluntary partnership between 34 countries to prevent the proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying a 500 kg payload for at least 300 km

Fact Sheet Potential uses of military UAVs include, amongst others: • Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; • Target acquisition • Strike • Force protection • Communications relay • Electronic support measures • Electronic counter measures • Border control • Maritime surveillance

Military UAV Autonomy Military UAV autonomy can be classified as: Man in the loop: every action of the UAV is controlled by a human operator Man on the loop: a human operator continuously sends decisions to the UAV Man out of the loop (1): decisions are automated, human intervention is possible Man out of the loop (2): the UAV makes autonomous decisions, possibly without monitoring by or reporting back to a human operator

Military Command Responsibility Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as the Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, and also known as superior responsibility, is the doctrine of hierarchical accountability in cases of war crimes committed during wartime. The term may also be used more broadly to refer to the duty to supervise subordinates, and liability for the failure to do so, both in government, military law, and with regard to corporations and trusts.


FOR A R ESOLUTION BY T HE C OMMITTEE ON C IVIL L IBERTIES , J USTICE AND H OME A FFAIRS II (LIBE II) From protection to possibilities: After the rejected Minority SafePack Citizen’s Initiative in 2013, which common strategy can the EU and its Member States pursue to ensure persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities have equal access to participation and representation in politics, the economy and civil society across Europe? Slavoljub Atanasovski (RS), Rose Cantillon (IE), Henri Haapanala (FI), Joel Haldosén (SE), Laura Libera (DE), Adam Matousek (CZ), Jennifer McMenigall (UK), Agata Meysner (PL), Sofie Schryvers (BE), Teona Sekhniashvili (GE), Catarina Silva (PT), Jeroen Smeulders (NL), Dorothea Weber (DE, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Realising the difficulties of implementing a common strategy resulting from: a. policies related to national and linguistic minorities (nlminorities)32 being a shared competence between the EU and Member States, b. the specific nature of nl-minority groups and the issues they face varying in different Member States, B. Noting with deep concern that policies implemented by Member States do not currently meet the needs of national and linguistic minorities, C. Noting with regret the lack of awareness among citizens about existing problems minorities face leading to discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping, D. Deeply concerned by people belonging to national and linguistic minorities being forced to have a legal identity that they do not necessarily identify with, E. Fully alarmed that minorities fear the extinction of their language and culture due to lack of resources preventing them from receiving an education in their mother tongue, F. Fully aware that the secession of areas where national and linguistic minorities are prevalent could lead to violence and instability, G. Disappointed that minorities are not adequately politically represented leading to their exclusion from EU decision-making, H. Deeply convinced that there is a need for further coordination of policymaking regarding minorities on the national level monitored by the European Commission, 32

Persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities are part of a community within a state, members of which are citizens, yet have different ethnic, linguistic or cultural characteristics than the majority of citizens in that state that they wish to preserve.

Having considered that the Minority SafePack Initiative33 was rejected because it falls outside of the framework of the Commission’s powers to submit a proposal for a legal act, J. Deeply regretting that national and linguistic minorities often struggle with unemployment due to economic underdevelopment of their areas, K. Further regretting that high rates of unemployment among these groups can lead to prejudice against the nl-minority, L. Having examined that granting further rights to national and linguistic minorities can be perceived as inequitable towards the societal majority causing resentment and prejudice; I.


Calls for the expansion of the Open Method of Coordination Programme34 to help countries continually share information regarding policy-making in the following areas: a. the relationship between the nl-minority and majority, b. nl-minority representation and affairs;

Civil Society 2. Endorses the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)35 to conceptualise educational programmes covering the topic of minorities and diversity in the EU and for these to be implemented in Member States; 3. Requests the promotion of national and linguistic minorities by establishing measures such as, but not limited to: a. inclusion of the nl-minority language on public signs, which become compulsory when the nl-minority presence is greater than 33%, b. encouraging Member States to set up criteria for funding cultural TV channels in the nl-minority language, c. inclusion of the nl-minority culture in society, such as national days of celebration; 4. Accepts that there may be a need for exceptions where Member States consider it to be culturally inappropriate to implement the aforementioned measures due to historic reasons; 5. Urges Member States to provide persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities the possibility of receiving primary and secondary education in: a. their native language with a mandatory module in their national language or, 33

The initiative is a package of measures to protect persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities. 34 The Open Method of Coordination is an intergovernmental method in which the Member States set common goals, evaluate one another and exchange best practices. The existing programme was set up to promote social inclusion of ethnic minorities. 35 The ECMI conducts practice and policy-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe.

b. their national language with optional extra classes in their native language; 6. Supports adapting the education systems in Member States to suit this resolution, for example by educating teachers to teach in a nlminority language; Politics 7. Recommends the European Commission in consultation with the ECMI to establish common guidelines for recognising minorities by 2025; 8. Expresses its hope that every nl-minority, as defined by the common guidelines, will be represented in the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)36 by 2030; 9. Invites Member States to give more authority to specific regions on issues concerning national and linguistic minorities; 10. Further requests funding for the ECMI to come from the European Social Fund; 11. Emphasises the importance of having the European Commission encourage Member States to consult the ECMI; 12. Calls upon all Member States to modify their census forms to allow minorities’ to specify their chosen nationality and native language in cases where it does not coincide with that of the majority; 13. Encourages Member States’ national governments to liaise with representatives from nl-minority groups; Economy 14. Recommends making it compulsory for applications for jobs in the public sector to be anonymous; 15. Further recommends having a state regulatory body monitor the reasons for the rejection of applicants in the public sector; 16. Designates funds from the European Regional Development Fund to regional governments for them to make microcredits37 available for areas where there are high levels of poverty and unemployment.


The FUEN is the European umbrella organisation of national minorities in Europe. A microcredit is a small financial loan made to poverty-stricken people seeking to start their own business. This type of loan typically does not exceed a couple hundred euros, so an individual cannot solely depend on this type of loan to fund their business. 37



Europe in the world: As EU Member States have failed to act jointly in foreign conflicts at its borders, how should an effective reform of decisionmaking procedures be implemented within the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)? Valerie Berger (AT), Jessica Craig (UK), Ella Gemünd (DE), Andrea Ceccardi (IT), Katarzyna Gołaszewska (PL), Miloš Milivojević (RS), Laura Díaz Vallespinós (ES), Beatrice Semmelweis (SE), Irakli Eliashvili (GE), Liza Bex (NL), Ilse Elpers (BE), Maxmilian Sup (CZ), Nicole Cherniavsky (LU), Louis Wouters (BE, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Deeply concerned by the failure of European Union (EU) Member States to act jointly in their approach to foreign policy, limiting the EU’s capability to deliver an effective foreign affairs strategy, B. Realising that the EU’s long term strategy in dealing with foreign conflicts applies a one-size-fits-all principle which does not adequately take into consideration: a. the varying impacts of foreign conflicts on the EU, b. discrepancies of the resulting effects of EU actions,

C. Noting with concern that the current decision-making processes in European foreign policy matters are hampered by the complex structure of different inter-related institutions and unnecessary bureaucratic procedures, D. Deeply regretting that the role of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (hereafter referred to as High Representative), as described in Article 27 of the consolidated version of the Treaty of the European Union (TEU), is not utilised to its full potential, diminishing the EU’s capability to act in foreign affairs, E. Fully believing that the lack of involvement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and the exclusion of the European Parliament in the decision-making procedure on foreign affairs, hinders further integration and the democratic legitimacy of EU’s actions, F. Deeply disturbed that the current unanimous voting procedure used in the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is often ineffective, rarely reaches consensus and fails to benefit from the capability and willingness of individual Member States to act, G. Bearing in mind that unanimity protects the sovereign right of Member States to be fully represented in the decision-making process, H. Taking into account that, in the field of foreign affairs, the EU as a single entity lacks formal representation in international organisations, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC),


Noting with concern that due to multiple memberships and overlapping engagements of EU Member States in organisations outside the EU, such as NATO, there is duplication of structures and responsibilities in foreign affairs, leading to an inefficient use of resources and investments;


Declares that the vision for the EU should be to strive for an international focus in the field of foreign affairs and to emphasise integration whilst promoting key values such as peace, human rights and respect for international law;

Strategic Foreign Policy Instruments Emphasises the importance of the use of diplomatic and strategic measures in EU's foreign policy, especially the EU Early Warning System, as conflict prevention tools; 3. Recommends an action framework for the CFSP that is flexible and tailored on a case-by-case basis, prioritising soft powers38, using economic sanctions and embargoes as a secondary measure, and with military intervention as a last resort in the form of EU Battlegroups39; 4. Requests the use of soft powers before EU withdrawal from regions that have experienced conflict, in order to ensure long-term regional stability; 2.

Institutional Framework 5. Urges the European Commission to initiate a treaty change of Article

27 paragraph three of the Consolidated Version of the TEU, granting the High Representative the right of initiative in the field of foreign policy (see annex one); 6. Calls upon the European Commission to revise Article 24 paragraph three of the Consolidated Version of the TEU allowing the European Parliament, together with the High Representative, to decide upon long-term binding strategies40 in the field of foreign policy, advised by the Foreign Affairs Council (see annex two); 7. Proclaims that the Foreign Affairs Council and the High Representative decide upon short-term actions41 whilst bearing in mind the EU’s longterm foreign policy in accordance with the abovementioned procedure; 38

Soft power refers to the ability to achieve one’s goals in international relations without military force but by persuasion and diplomacy, in contrast to hard power. 40

EU’s Long-Term Strategy include guidelines set by the European Parliament concerning EU’s long-term objectives in the field foreign policy. 41 Short-Term Actions include rapid interventions and immediate crisis management on the one hand and actions within the guidelines of the European Parliaments Long-Term Strategy on the other hand.

8. Strongly supports the full implementation of the role of the High

Representative, which is clearly defined in Article 27 of the Consolidated Version of the TEU, with the assistance of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Defence Agency (EDA), the Political and Security Committee (PSC), the European Union Military Committee (EUMC), and the European Union Military Staff (EUMS); 9. Encourages the European Commission to amend Article 24 paragraph one of the Consolidated Version of the TEU in order to extend the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the field of CFSP to further stimulate integration between Member States (see annex two); Voting Procedure 10. Affirms that the European Parliament should retain its standard voting

procedure, with a two-third majority, to decide upon the EU’s long-term guidelines in the field of foreign policy; 11. Calls upon the European Commission to revise Article 31 of the Consolidated Version of the TEU in order to use Qualified Majority Voting42 (QMV) within the Foreign Affairs Council, in which at least twothird of the Member States, representing at least two-third of the European population, should vote in favour when deciding upon shortterm actions in the field of foreign policy (see annex three); 12. Requests that the Foreign Affairs Council use QMV, unless: a. hard-power is considered, which will require a unanimous vote, except for imminent short-term threats, as defined by the High Representative, b. a Minister of the Foreign Affairs Council uses the power of veto with sufficient reason as determined collectively by the High Representative and the European Commission, using fixed criteria, leading to unanimous voting; EU’s Role in International Organisations 13. Urges the European Commission to further request the United Nations

Security Council (UNSC) to grant the High Representative the role of a permanent observer in the UNSC; 14. Supports the ongoing cooperation between the EU and NATO on a status quo basis, and promotes the concept of EU Battlegroups as a last resort in order to become more independent from external forces; 15. Encourages the revision of the Berlin Plus Agreement between the EU and NATO, signed on 16 December 2002, to further prevent duplication of structures and responsibilities. 42

Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) is a voting procedure that sets the required votes needed to adopt a decision, in contrast to unanimity. Since 1 November 2014, this means that at least 55% of the members, representing at least 65% of the European population should vote in favour.

Fact Sheet and Annex

Annex 1 Original Article 27: In fulfilling his mandate, the High Representative shall be assisted by a European External Action Service. This service shall work in cooperation with the diplomatic services of the Member States and shall comprise officials from relevant departments of the General Secretariat of the Council and of the Commission as well as staff seconded from national diplomatic services of the Member States. The organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service shall be established by a decision of the Council. The Council shall act on a proposal from the High Representative after consulting the European Parliament and after obtaining the consent of the Commission.

Adjusted Article 27: In fulfilling his mandate, the High Representative shall receive the right of initiative and be assisted by the European External Action Service. This service shall work in cooperation with the diplomatic services of the Member States and shall comprise officials from relevant departments of the General Secretariat of the Council and of the Commission as well as staff seconded from national diplomatic services of the Member States. The organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service shall be established by a decision of the Council. The Council shall act on a proposal from the High Representative after consulting the European Parliament and after obtaining the consent of the Commission. Annex 2 Original Article 24 (ex Article 11 TEU): The Union's competence in matters of common foreign and security policy shall cover all areas of foreign policy and all questions relating to the Union's security, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy that might lead to a common defence. The common foreign and security policy is subject to specific rules and procedures. It shall be defined and implemented by the European Council and the Council acting unanimously, except where the Treaties provide otherwise. The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and by Member States, in accordance with the Treaties. The specific role of the European Parliament and of the Commission in this area is defined by the Treaties. The Court of Justice of the European Union shall not have jurisdiction with respect to these provisions, with the exception of its jurisdiction to monitor compliance with Article 40 of this Treaty and to review the legality of certain decisions as provided for by the secon d paragraph of Article 275 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Adjusted Article 24 (ex Article 11 TEU): The Union's competence in matters of common foreign and security policy shall cover all areas of foreign policy and all questions relating to the Union's security, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy that might lead to a common defence. The common foreign and security policy is subject to specific rules and procedures. It shall be defined and implemented by the European Council and the Council acting unanimously, except where the Treaties provide otherwise. The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and by Member States, in accordance with the Treaties. The specific role of the European Parliament, in cooperation with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, is to set the guidelines of the CFSP long-term strategy. The European Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in line with that existent in other policy areas. Annex 3

Original Article 31 (ex Article 23 TEU): 1. Decisions under this Chapter shall be taken by the European Council and the Council acting unanimously, except where this Chapter provides otherwise. The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. [ ... ] 2. By derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1, the Council shall act by qualified majority: - when adopting a decision defining a Union action or position on the basis of a decision of the European Council relating to the Union's strategic interests and objectives, as referred to in Article 22(1), - when adopting a decision defining a Union action or position, on a proposal which the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has presented following a specific request from the European Council, made on its own initiative or that of the High Representative, - when adopting any decision implementing a decision defining a Union action or position, - when appointing a special representative in accordance with Article 33. If a member of the Council declares that, for vital and stated reasons of national policy, it intends to oppose the adoption of a decision to be taken by qualified majority, a vote shall not be taken. The High Representative will, in close consultation with the Member State involved, search for a solution acceptable to it. If he does not succeed, the Council may, acting by a qualified majority, request that the matter be referred to the European Council for a decision by unanimity.

Adjusted Article 31 (ex Article 23 TEU): 1. Decisions under this Chapter shall be taken by the Foreign Affairs Council acting by Qualified Majority Voting, in which at least two-third of the Member States, representing at least two-third of the European population should vote in favour, except where this Chapter provides otherwise. The adoption of legislative acts shall be excluded. [ ... ] 2. By derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1, the Council shall act unanimously:

- when adopting any decision concerning the use of hard power, except for imminent short-term threats, as decided by the High Representative

- as a Minister of the Foreign Affairs Council uses the power of veto with sufficient reason as determined, using fixed criteria, collectively by the High Representative and the European Commission, leading to unanimous voting




Innovations to feed the world: With global demand for agricultural products such as food, feed and fuel rising, how should the EU expand agricultural knowledge and innovation systems around the world? Emma Chittleburgh (UK), Anke Coolens (BE), Nada Hussein (SE), Kornel Koszela (PL), Joao Machado (PT), Nicola Ortu (IT), Maria Polycarpou (CY), Nino Sakvarelidze (GE), Julian Visser (NL), Sebastian Weisshaar (NL), Hugh Whelan (IE), August Winter (NL), Beth Thayne (UK, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Acknowledging the importance of an innovative and globally cooperative agricultural sector that is capable of coping with the challenges related to: a. agricultural practices harming the environment and catalysing climate change, b. the reciprocal threat posed by the consequences of these harmful agricultural practices for agricultural productivity, c. food security due to a growing and wealthier global population, B. Noting with regret the lack of communication between farmers, consumers and decision makers regarding their needs and aims, C. Taking into consideration that consumers make conscious diet choices and consequently influence the decisions taken by farmers and the food industry on what to produce and which practices to use, D. Noting with deep concern the globally widespread usage of inefficient agricultural techniques and malpractice causing yield gaps43, straining the environment and wasting valuable resources, E. Believing sustainable technologies and knowledge about sustainable agricultural practices is not easily accessible for farmers around the globe as a result of: a) limited financial resources, b) limited communication and transport infrastructure in the periphery, c) intellectual property (IP)44 laws, d) lack of awareness of their existence, F. Fully aware that agricultural IP owners are often reluctant to share their knowledge and technology because of: a. the fear of losing their competitive advantage gained through IP b. the limited protection against unauthorised usage, 43

A yield gap is the difference between the potential yield of a crop and the actual yield of the crop in a specific location as a result of a deficiency in technology or practice. 44 A legal term that refers to the ownership of creations of the mind such as music, literature, inventions, etc.

G. Deeply conscious that certain farmers are reluctant to adopt new practices due to: a) distrust in available technologies, b) the high costs of certain innovative systems, c) the established routines of traditional methods, H. Realising that in many regions around the world, young people are reluctant to enter the agricultural sector due to the appeal of urbanised societies and poor financial prospects in the sector, Knowledge sharing on a global scale Calls for the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)45 and the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)46 to cooperate in establishing a knowledge sharing system which mobilises local representatives from rural communities across the globe to: a. share agricultural knowledge and research thereby reducing inefficient practices, b. facilitate local, national and international dialogue between farmers through information exchange, c. establish a two-way dialogue between SCAR and local farming communities so that information about specific farming environments can be shared with researchers to ensure that future knowledge sharing is of optimum benefit to the farmers; 2. Declares accordingly that SCAR must select local representatives on the basis of expertise and local knowledge to ensure that the knowledge exchange through the SCAR system is accurate, relevant and effective for farmers; 3. Further recommends that SCAR collects consumer data and communicate this information to farmers through local representatives in local and rural communities; 1.

Agricultural intellectual property 4. Encourages the European Patent Office (EPO)47, to provide patent extensions as incentives for multi-national companies to offer their agricultural IP to SCAR, to share with farmers in developing areas with the greatest yield gap;


The SCAR is formed by representatives of Member States, and presided over by a representative of the Commission, who have a mandate to advise the Commission and the Member States on the coordination of agricultural research in Europe. 46 The FAO is a UN initiative working towards food security. 47 The EPO offers innovators a uniform application process to seek patent protection on their intellectual property.

Expanding the use of innovative practices 5. Recommends the European Commission to expand the criteria for Common Agricultural Policy direct payments48 to include the provision of logistic means to farmers who choose to adopt innovative and sustainable practices within the EU; Education and accessibility of information 6. Calls for the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP- AGRI)49 to expand its online resources to increase accessibility of agricultural knowledge for: a. farmers, by providing a forum for discussion as well as guides for the practical application of farming techniques, b. young people, by providing information about studying opportunities, scholarships, available internships, apprenticeships and jobs in the sector, c. consumers, by providing objective, factual information about current agricultural techniques and innovations50; 7. Urges the European Commission to further invest in agricultural education to attract young people to the sector through the expansion of the Erasmus+51 programme to include: a. funded student exchange programmes, b. provided internships in the sector, c. scholarships in the subject; Supporting local knowledge sharing 8. Calls upon Member States to facilitate the establishment of regional farmer unions in European areas where they are not already established in order for agricultural organisations to be able to target areas for specific summits, provide detailed analysis of local farming environments and for more accurate monitoring of the EU agricultural sector.


These are subsidies paid directly to individuals or agricultural projects, funded by the Common Agricultural Policy. 49 EIP-AGRI is a European Innovation Partnership, which acts across the whole research and innovation chain, bringing together all relevant actors at EU, national and regional levels specifically working towards fostering competitive and sustainable farming and forestry. 50 ‘Current agricultural techniques’ refers to innovations such as genetic modification of crops, crop rotation and sustainable systems. 51 The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work



Finding equitable health regulations: Uncured illnesses and increasing lastline resistance call for both fuelling pharmaceutical R&D and the promotion of fair access to medicine worldwide. How should the EU promote innovation in the pharmaceutical sector while making existing cures available to those who need them most? Elena Castagna (IT), Gillian Daly (IE), Luka Dzagania (GE), Beatriz Faneca (PT), Alina Khan (LU), Rafaella Konstantinou (CY), Connie Longmate (UK), Adam Moltoch (CZ), Laura Orleane (LV), Elis Saavedra (CH), Niklas Schiffers (DE), Daniel Schneider (NL), Aleksandra Szefer (PL), Anja Todorovic (RS), Justine Tremerie (BE), Rebecca Smith (FR, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Recognising that the current patent system works against fair access to medicine, which is defined as every individual who needs medicine having it accessible to them, B. Noting with regret that high prices set by pharmaceutical companies for essential medicines violate article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,52 C. Fully aware that pharmaceutical research is a particularly risky, costly, and long process, which discourages investment because of uncertainty about return on investment53, D. Deeply concerned that the pharmaceutical industry is dominated by private companies, that often prioritise economic profitability over production and distribution of medicine for those who need it most, E. Deeply regretting that the majority of the funding for pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) is used to conduct trials for medicine with the highest market potential, whilst medicine that will not yield profit lacks investment, F. Noting with deep concern that pharmaceutical companies finance their R&D from earlier successful developments, which they patent and sell at a high price, G. Viewing with appreciation the ability of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to channel public funds into pharmaceutical research where there is a lack of available funding, such as in lowincome countries, 52

Article 25 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 53 Return on Investment (ROI) helps to evaluate investments. It is calculated by dividing the benefit (return) of an investment by the cost of the investment. A high ROI means the gains from investment are far greater than the cost of investment.

H. Emphasising the fact that there are large uncertainties surrounding the costs of pharmaceutical R&D, in part because of different methods for calculating them, which results in limited accountability, I. Guided by evidence54 that some companies avoid going through the entire R&D process, for example skipping trials, to speed up and cheapen the process, putting at risk the safety and quality of a drug, J. Further guided by evidence of missing and unreliable information given by pharmaceutical companies to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)55, K. Expressing its dissatisfaction that not all results of trials are made available to the EMA or to the public, which leads to unnecessary repetitions of research and potential health risks in drug trials, L. Noting with disapproval that drugs which are legal in some countries are illegal in others at the discretion of national governments, meaning unequal access for patients, M. Fully aware that innovation is still needed in the pharmaceutical sector to develop treatments to uncured illnesses and last-line resistance; Accessibility 1.

Calls upon the European Commission to allocate more funds to the Medicine Patent Pool in order for it to expand to address more diseases; 2. Endorses the further development and implementation of the Health Impact Fund (HIF); 3. Recommends the World Health Organisation (WHO) to urge countries and pharmaceutical companies to participate in the HIF and the Medicine Patent Pool; The Drug Approval Process 4. invites the EMA to develop a standardised procedure to calculate the cost of R&D of a drug; 5. Calls for the integration of all national medicines approval agencies on an EU level, by opening the EMA’s centralised authorisation procedure to all medicines; 6. Requests the EMA to impose that all pharmaceutical research projects be registered, and monitor them through biannual reports and random inspections; 7. Encourages the European Commission to cooperate with the World Trade Organisation and the WHO in working towards globally unifying drug approval processes; Fuelling innovation 8. Strongly urges Member States to draft and implement legislation that 54

The UK House of Commons Health Committee presents evidence of this in their 2005 report “The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry”

would require pharmaceutical companies to make their negative trial results publicly available, through a sharing platform established by the European Commission where: a. the results will be published with complete scientific documentation, b. the company can choose to keep their identity anonymous c. companies will be granted a 6-month period after closing the trial to prepare documentation for publication; 9. Further calls upon the European Commission to provide funding to research projects involving cooperation between private and public actors on medicines with low market potential, on the condition that they make all their research results public through the aforementioned platform; 10. Further calls for competitions administered by the European Commission with funds from the Horizon 2020 programme for medicines with low market potential, where monetary prizes will be awarded to significant progress towards, or the successful discovery of, a treatment, under the condition that no results from the research is patented.

Fact Sheet Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) It is a UN-backed organisation that obtains licenses from patent holders and further distributes them to generic manufacturers, who produce medicine for a low price. Patent holders still profit from royalties. It is focused on combating HIV in developing countries, and distributing vaccines. It is financed by UNITAID, an organisation fighting HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. To date, the MPP has signed agreements for twelve antiretrovirals (ARVs) for countries home to 87-94% of people living with HIV in the developing world. The model of the MPP is as follows:

Health Impact Fund (HIF) The Health Impact Fund is a pay-for-performance mechanism that uses market forces to create incentives to develop medicines for typically neglected diseases, and to distribute these medicines at low prices all over the world. Pharmaceutical patent-holders would receive financial rewards by opting to register their new medicines, or new uses of existing medicines, with the Fund. By registering, patent-holders agree to distribute their medicine globally at friendly cost and to cooperate in measuring the health impact of that medicine. In return, the firm receives an annual reward based on its measurable contribution to reducing the global burden of disease. After the reward period, registrants agree to allow generic manufacturing of their medicines, in order to promote competition and prevent price spikes. European Medicines Agency (EMA) The European Medicines Agency’s main responsibility is the protection and promotion of public health through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human use. It is responsible for the centralised authorisation procedure for human medicines, which results in a single marketing authorisation that is valid in all EU countries, as well as in the European Economic Area countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Applications

are evaluated by the Agency’s Scientific committees, which adopt an opinion on whether the medicine should be marketed or not. The opinion is transmitted to the European Commission, which has the ultimate authority for granting marketing authorisations. Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 is the name given to the 8th framework programme for EU Research and Innovation. It is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, Europe 2020’s flagship initiative to secure Europe’s competitiveness. Availability of medicine Ensuring that new products are developed and existing products are adapted for local use, meaning that a drug exists. Accessibility of medicine People can afford the drug and have the ability to purchase and use it.


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON I NTERNAL M ARKET AND C ONSUMER P ROTECTION (IMCO) Risk or opportunity: With sharing-economy enterprises such as Uber and Airbnb becoming more popular and common, what regulatory framework best allows the EU and its Member States to prevent new challenges of circumvention of competition, taxation and labour laws whilst profiting from the innovative potential and high accessibility of the sharing-economy? Klara Birchley (PL), Catarina Bento Bustorff (BE), Tom Cobbenhagen (NL), Miriam Hamberg (SE), Nora Jekabsone (LV), Elene Karangozishvili (GE),Kea Kruuse (EE), Allegra Margelisch (CH), Christian Prandi (IT), Nikky Reddy (UK), Carolina Sandeman (PT), Nelli Katriina Vanninen (FI), Lia Pachler (Chairperson, AT) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament, A. Viewing with appreciation the establishment of the sharing-economy as an innovative business model in which individuals can offer privately owned assets or services through an online platform, B. Realising that the sharing-economy has been growing rapidly since 200856 as a consequence of the financial crisis and technological progress, C. Identifying the sharing-economy’s benefits as: a. allowing easier access to the market for providers57, b. being more sustainable because of lower consumption, c. increasing price competition, D. Keeping in mind that the EU does not have a regulatory framework that regulates the sharing-economy, E. Emphasising that due to its innovative elements the sharing-economy is not covered by the existing legislation for incumbents58 allowing it to circumvent competition, taxation and labour laws, F. Noting with regret that sharing-economy enterprises engage in unfair competition with incumbents as they benefit from loopholes in the existing legislation, G. Aware that the differing legislation of European jurisdictions impede the development of sharing-economy enterprises active in multiple jurisdictions, H. Fully aware of the high risks for consumers due to the lack of 56

The Economist, The Rise of the Sharing Economy, 2013: 57 In the sharing economy a provider is an individual who offers its privately owned goods or services through a online platform. 58 An incumbent is a business or a worker, who is already operating in a certain market.

adequate background checks and continuous supervision of providers as well as quality inspection of goods, I. Taking into account that due to the undefined legal status of providers it is unclear whether a sharing-economy company or a provider is liable in the event of damage of the provider’s goods or harm of a consumer, J. Bearing in mind that the sharing-economy relies on rating systems, reputation, and mutual trust between providers and consumers and that these can be easily abused harming either party; 1.

Encourages Member States to cooperate in creating a common regulatory framework for sharing-economy enterprises;

Legal status of providers 2. Calls upon the European Commission to categorise providers as follows: a. those whose average earnings through peer-to-peer59 platforms exceed the monthly minimum wage for 6 consecutive months in the specific Member State should be considered as freelancers60; b. those not meeting the previous criteria are to be considered as mere platform users; 3. Affirms that providers are not employees of sharing-economy companies implying that they are: a. liable for their own actions in case of damage or harm; b. responsible to ensure they have adequate insurance; 4. Recommends Member States to encourage providers and consumers to use sharing-economy platforms by a tax-free policy for the aforementioned platform users; Safety & Security 5. Calls upon the European Commission to oblige sharing-economy enterprises to gather specific confirmation of the quality of provided services and goods, such as a driving licence or a vehicle inspection; 6. Further requests the European Commission to monitor the compliance of sharing-economy enterprises with the aforementioned obligation; 7. Urges the European Commission to create a common EU consent form for all providers active in the sharing-economy that will allow companies to access sensitive data like criminal, physical health and mental health records, if relevant to a specific case; 59

A platform usually in the form of a website or an app where consumers can offer and buy or rent goods or services directly from a peer, thus without a middle man. 60 A freelancer, also known as independent contractor, is an individual that works on its own without a long-term contractual commitment to any employer. Respective laws are applicable.

Review system 8. Urges the European Commission to oblige companies to improve the current review system used by peer-to-peer platforms by: a. guaranteeing consumers the option to upload photos and videos; b. ensuring anyone who provides a review has in fact used the service; c. only allowing reviews to be submitted in a certain timeframe after using the service; d. adding the option to report another user’s review when considered untrustworthy.



Overcoming power imbalances: With Latin America’s growing economies becoming an increasingly profitable market for European exports, how should the EU benefit from mutual trade and political cooperation all the while contributing to the development of human rights and environmental protection in the region? Katie Birell (UK), Carl-Victor Schauman (FI), Lucas Baumann (DE), Fiachra Kelleher (IR), Alice Leone (IT), Weronika Betta (PO), Teresa Melo (PT), Love Herén (SE), Susanna Schmied (CH), Tom Maes (BE), Nathan Peters (NL), Katarina Tica (RS), Juan Estheiman Amaya (ES, Chairperson) Submitted by:

The European Youth Parliament: A. Prioritising Member States’ needs for economic growth and strong cooperation with emerging economic markets in Latin America, B. Noting that environmental sustainability and human rights are key values of the EU, C. Recognising the US and China as the EU’s biggest competitors in the Latin American market, D. Affirming the importance of securing the market share of European transnational companies in trade relations with Latin America, E. Aware of the fact that Member States with strong primary sectors potentially oppose Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with Latin America, F. Keeping in mind that in liberalised trade, local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are not protected from external competition by tariffs61 and non-tariff barriers62, G. Fully aware that it is difficult for local SMEs and producers to compete with cheaper foreign products, H. Deeply disturbed by how organised crime and drug cartels in the region contribute to: a. political corruption, b. violence and social instability, c. the diversion of resources from the governmental budget that could otherwise be spent on protecting human rights, I. Noting with deep concern how political corruption promotes: a. an arbitrary distribution of Latin American countries’ wealth, b. the misuse of development aid, J. Taking into account that Latin American countries’ major educational system deficiencies are a barrier for long-term autonomous 61

It is a tax charged on imports by customs authorities, in order to raise state revenue, and protect domestic producers and companies from more competitive foreign companies and producers. 62 Trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the form of a tariff. This encompasses regulations in a broad array of sectors that basically increase the cost of doing business. Examples include quality standards, shipping and label requirements, and technical or legal requirements for imported products.

development, K. Contemplating transnational corporations’ sole focus on economic benefits in the region normally result in: a. over-exploitation of natural resources, b. water and air pollution, c. disregard for human rights in production processes, L. Observing how some Latin American countries’ heavy economic dependence on their primary sectors may lead to, a. over-exploitation of the region’s natural resources, b. vulnerability in food security due to global food price fluctuations, M. Taking note of the large discrepancies between the development of Latin American countries’ renewable energy industries; Public actors 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Strongly supports the protection of human rights and environmental sustainability in Latin America by strengthening trade relations between both regions; Urges the European Commission to intensify the negotiation of Association Agreements63 as well as Free Trade Agreements64 (FTAs) with Latin American countries; Considers that offshoring in Latin America provides: a. economic profit for EU companies, b. employment, and thus economic stimuli, in Latin American countries; Calls upon the European Commission’s EuropeAid agency to perform a case-by-case analysis to each receipting country’s individual needs; Encourages Latin American countries to engage in further political and economic cooperation in the region through discussion platforms such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)65 summits;

Private actors 6. Recommends the European Commission to reallocate development aid66 through private companies and NGOs; 7. Considers that the European Commission should provide subsidies for businesses who carry out their corporate activities in Latin America with respect for human rights and the environment, through the Aid 63

A set of political agreements concluded with the aim of setting up an all-embracing framework to conduct bilateral relations. These agreements normally provide for the progressive liberalisation of trade. 64 A binding agreement between two parties to jointly lower tariffs and barriers on goods and services between them. 65 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), launched in 2010, is a regional mechanism for political dialogue and cooperation encompassing for the first time all 33 LAC countries. 66 Financial aid given by governments and other agencies to support the economic, environmental, social, and political development of developing countries.

for Trade programme67; 8. Requests the European Commission to use the Aid for Trade programme to provide enhanced funding for European SMEs wishing to expand into Latin America; 9. Further recommends the European Commission to propose further regulations on the accountability of Aid for Trade development aid; Human Rights 10. Reaffirms the facilitation of freedom of movement of people in the fields of education and private investment; 11. Approves the establishment of an official mutual exchange scheme for European and Latin American teachers and students; 12. Strongly supports labour and social rights to be emphasised as key priorities in the upcoming 2015 Brussels EU-CELAC summit; 13. Urges Member States to create a multilateral employment and recruitment scheme with Latin American countries to offer job opportunities in official European employment lists; 14. Recommends Member States to provide subsidies to EU workers who decide to work in Latin America; Environmental sustainability 15. Urges the European Commission to assign additional funding to existing sustainable development programmes such as: a. the Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF)68; b. EUROCLIMA69; 16. Strongly encourages offshoring enterprises to implement long-term sustainability plans in Latin America, which encompass: a. more sustainable agriculture, b. renewable resources and energies, c. technical training for local employees; 17. Urges universities in Latin America and the EU to develop joint research cooperation based on the EUROCLIMA programme.


Aid for Trade is a programme related to improving countries’ capacity to trade. This can include support for building new transport, energy or telecommunications infrastructure, investments in agriculture, fisheries and services, as well as assistance in managing any balance of payments shortfalls. 68 The main purpose of LAIF is to mobilise additional financing to support investment in Latin America. In order to develop its main objective, LAIF pursues three strategic objectives: better energy and transport infrastructures; protection of the environment and climate change mitigation; and promoting equitable and sustainable socio-economic development through the improvement of the social services infrastructure and support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs.) 69 Regional cooperation programme between the European Union and Latin America focused on climate change. The programme's objective is to facilitate the integration of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and measures into Latin American public development policies and plans.

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