Selection Report Preliminary Rounds of EYP the Netherlands 2013

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Selection Report Preliminary Rounds of EYP the Netherlands 2013 – 2014

Dear alumni of EYP the Netherlands, It is with great pleasure that we hereby announce the officials teams of the upcoming Preliminary Rounds. Already with a wonderful team of head-organisers and presidents, we now have all the teams complete which can be found below. The board convened for the selection on the 18th of October. Each applicant was discussed individually. The board also decided to take a certain freedom to select people for positions they did not apply for (for example, someone applies as a chairperson, and is selected as a journalist). The board felt they had a good idea of who would fit in which role and as such decided to take the preferred role as a second factor. Moreover, the board set some guidelines for itself before the selection took place: the board was to aim at balanced teams by means of experience, role preference, and mostly gender. Though the board also felt that these guidelines should not stand in the way of a good selection and therefore a perfect gender balance was not always reached. Lastly, the board found it very important to select as many people as possible. Therefore, no one was selected twice, expect for one jury member. All applicants were notified of the outcome individually. We very much encourage the unsuccessful applicants to ask for feedback as to improve their applications for the future. In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch through We very much look forward to the upcoming Preliminary Rounds! Kind regards, Barteld, Christien, Khalid, Tom & Zahra The board of EYP the Netherlands

Preliminary Rounds in Amsterdam (29 November – 1 December) Head-organisers: Bernet Meijer & Zephyr Brüggen President: Hans Maes (BE) Vice-presidents: Lia Pachler (AT) & Laurens Kraima Head of the Jury: Charif van Zetten Jury: Christien van der Harst, Dimitris Zacharias (GR), Fahad Fahad, Rosa Douw Chairpersons: Cassie Tingen, Floris Rijssenbeek, Josephine Dattatreya Andela, Khalid el Ghoul, Laura Lens, Mighel Molenkamp, Naomi Appelman, Tadé Hogenelst Journalists: Ashley Moes, Chibuye Changwe Organisers: Alexandra Kaars Sijpestijn, Jasper Meijer, Karina van den Berg, Sanne Lith

Preliminary Rounds in Zeist (13 – 15 December) Head-organisers: Bas van Leeuwen & Tom Molenaar President: Teresa Staedler (AT) Vice-presidents: Lorenzo Van de Pol (BE) & Willem Koelewijn Head of the Jury: Rosa Douw Jury: Karim Ben Hamda, Khalid el Ghoul , Megan Wennekers, Tim Keegstra Chairpersons: Boris Post, Esmee Doense, Fibikemi Fabiyi, Marissa de Swart, Nina Fokkink, Tessa Renard, Samuel Nelemans, Ya’gel Schoonderbeek Journalists: Amila Babic, Tirza Dam Organisers: Eva Nijssen, Kim Peters, Maria Gayed, Samantha van Hooijdonk

Preliminary Rounds in Breda (10 – 12 January) Head-organisers: Caroline Opperman & Kim Peters President: Dan Brown (UK) Vice-presidents: Jonathan Engel (DE) & Jana Trifunovic


Head of the Jury: Wim van Doorn Jury: Barteld Nanninga, Dirk Hofland, Nasassia Winge, Titus Verster Chairpersons: Christien van der Harst, Evelien Scheffers, Lucia van der Meulen, Merel Blok, Kees Foekema, Sep de Baan, Storm Gibbons Journalists: Ezinne Molenkamp, Ruben de Bruin Organisers: Henok Ghebrenigus, Lotje Beek, Max van der Stelt, Omer Tuzkapan, Roma Vaessen

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