Information Booklet of the 4th Alumni Weekend of EYP NL

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Welcome! Since two years now, EYP The Netherlands organises an annual alumni weekend that brings all the Dutch alumni, young and old, together in an informal setting. The purpose of the weekend is to integrate Dutch EYPers from different ages and delegations so that EYP the Netherlands as a whole composes a bigger, better and stronger team! The weekend will be held from Friday the 2nd of September, to Sunday the 4th. Of course, this amazing event cannot happen without YOUR presence. Therefore, upon receiving this information booklet, you are cordially invited to the 4th Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands! See you there!

Zahra Runderkamp Alumni Coordinator

1. Why you should take part The alumni weekend is a great opportunity to meet new faces in EYP NL, to get to know them better AND to reunite with the lovely EYPers you already know. To facilitate the process, we have some exciting teambuilding activities and fun games prepared for the participants! Not only will there be time for socialising, fun and play - there is also a more serious side to the weekend. In the light of the upcoming National Selections, and possibly any international EYP events that you have planned, we decided to organise several training sessions to prepare our alumni better for upcoming sessions. The trainings will be given by experienced EYPers and acknowledged EYP trainers, and are designed to accommodate both our young and older alumni. It should be understood that unlike the previous Alumni Weekend, the majority of the programme will be devoted to training and skill-development. The purpose of the weekend is to prepare our Dutch alumni - young and old - for their upcoming experiences as an official at Dutch sessions and abroad. Through training modules and activities participants will be equipped with new tools and insights to give greater meaning to their role as an official. All in all, it should be an active, fun, fruitful and enlightening weekend!


2. More on training Working with groups of young people as we do in EYP is something most of us are by now used to. However, groups generally do not become well-oiled think-tanks by themselves, and rather this procress of group formation is facilitated in EYP through games, challenges and overcoming hurdles. How do groups function, and how can we help groups function even better? This is one of the main themes that we will be working on during the weekend. With the upcoming Preliminary Rounds and the National Selection Conference new alumni will get the chance to chair or journo at an EYP session, and get an oppurtunity to work in and with a group. To prepare new chairs or journos for their first experience, and to challenge the more seasoned Dutch chairs, a group of experienced EYP trainers has set up a plan that would accommodate Dutch alumni of all generations. Chairs training Not all EYPers have the same knowledge and experience when it comes to chairing. Therefore, chairs training on different ‘experience levels’ will be given, appropriate to the background of the EYPer. Of course there will be plenty of games and exercises with the entire team! EYP 101 How does EYP function? What should I know about EYP, as an alumnus? Who does what? These are questions that we hope to answer during the training. From past experiences we have understood that the functioning of EYP may be a bit of a mystery to some of our alumni. This training session will focus on providing you with all the information you need!


3. Other activities Over the course of the weekend, there will be plenty of other things to do for you, too! There will be a wide variety of people talking to you about projects that EYP the Netherlands has also been busy with, and you will have a lot of time to contribute, ask questions and help EYP the Netherlands to become even more awesome than we already are. 71st International Session of the EYP: Amsterdam 2012 The first ever International Session in the Netherlands is coming ever closer and is now only a little over a year away. That means that the organisers are booking venues and raising funds and whilst we are busy with the internal organisation, we also receive more and more attention from the international EYP community. In making the EYP community engage fully with Amsterdam 2012, we depend on the alumni of EYP The Netherlands. During the alumni weekend, the core team and head organisers will provide a brief progress update of the organisation so far and we will brainstorm about the marketing strategy. Moreover, the focus will be on providing all the attendees with enough information to brief delegates, teachers and board members of other NCs about the practicalities of Amsterdam 2012. Developing EYP NL as an organisation In a short presentation we will discuss an aspect of EYP that does not often come to the forefront in EYP: all the voluntary work in-between sessions. How is this organised, which direction are we moving into, and what does EYP NL need to do to become even better at involving young people? These are the kinds of questions that will be addressed during this workshop.


4. Accomodation We will be staying on the premises of Het Rode Valkennest in Vierhouten. EYP NL has a private accommodation at its disposal for the entire weekend, with a common room, kitchen and several bedrooms. Meals are catered three times a day at the venue. Most of our activities during the day will take place in or around the accommodation. The premises includes many nice areas ideal for teambuilding, sports, relaxation and training purposes. For more information on what Het Rode Valkennest has to offer, you can visit their website:

To reach the campsite, an option is to take the bus from the train station in Nunspeet. Bus 122 in the direction of Wittenberg stops at ‘Noordkampen’ in Vierhouten. From the bus stop it is only a four-minute walk to the accomodation. You can plan your optimal route by using


All participants are expected to pay a participation fee of €50. This will cover all expenses and accommodation during the weekend.


5. Participation fee

At the moment we are transferring banks, meaning that the old bank account is no longer in use. You will be notified of the new account number as soon as possible. Do NOT transfer the participation fee to the old account, and keep an eye on your inbox! Part of the cost for Dutch participants will be paid for by EYP The Netherlands. Foreign alumni are expected to pay the full participation fee of €65.

6. Sleeping You will need to bring your own bedsheets, or a sleepingbag and pillowcase. The venue does not rent sheets or covers. Pillows and blankets will be provided.

7. Arrival time Everyone is supposed to arrive after 18:00 on Friday the 2nd. Unfortunately we cannot access the accomodation before that time. We will leave the campsite on Sunday around 17:00.


8. EYP NL jumpers Do you too want one of those cool EYP NL sweaters? We will order new ones this year and in order to estimate how many we need, please let us know if you’re interested in one. The jumpers are unisex and come in the sizes small, medium and large. They cost €30 each. You can order your sweater in advance and transfer your payment, or sign for one at the weekend. Cash payment will not be accepted. The jumpers will be sold and distributed at the weekend venue.

9. What to bring Next to what you would usually pack for a weekend, we suggest you bring the following items along as well.








Flip flops


Pillow case


Some cash money


Bed sheets OR a sleeping bag


...and anything else you would love to


Toothbrush and toiletries

take with you!




Socks and underwear


Any medication you require


Comfortable outdoor shoes


Warm clothes for in the evening


YOUR to do list 1.

To confirm your attendance, fill in the registration* form here:


Do this before Sunday, August 28th 23:59!

*Registration is open to all Dutch alumni and to non-Dutch EYPers currently residing in the Netherlands.


Become a member of the Alumni Weekend Facebook event here:


Transfer** the participation fee of €50 (or €65 for non-Dutch alumni) before Sunday, August 28th 23:59. Make sure that if you wish to purchase an EYP NL jumper, you transfer an additional €30.

Failure to pay the participation fee means exclusion from the activities. Additionally, we will not be able to provide you with a bed.

**At the moment we are transferring banks, meaning that the old bank account is no longer in use. You will

be notified of the new account number as soon as possible. Do NOT transfer the participation fee to the old

account, and keep an eye on your inbox!


Print this booklet, or copy all the relevant information on a piece of paper, and put it in your bag.

Just in case.


GENERAL Organising team

HOTLINE Zahra Runderkamp +31(0)20160726 HET RODE VALKENNEST


‘t Frusselt 30

8076 RE Vierhouten Tel. 0577-411336

Make sure you do not miss out on the 4th Alumni Weekend in Vierhouten! “Be there, or be square.� xoxo The organising team


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