Dear alumni of EYP the Netherlands,
Hereby you receive the Yearly Report of the Board of the European Youth Parliament the Netherlands (Stichting Europees Jeugd Parlement Nederland) for 2012-2013. In this document we sum up the things we have worked on during the year. The report is structured according to different fields in which we have been active. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us through
Background For 2012-2013, the board was composed as follows: Zahra Runderkamp – President Barteld Nanninga – Treasurer Boaz Manger – Secretary Charif van Zetten – External Representative Laurens Kraima – Alumni Coordinator All board members worked together with one or more committees, composed of alumni of EYP the Netherlands. This year, there was the website-, schools-, workshop-, alumni- and academic committee. More about the committees can be found underneath. Next to that, for the International Session in Amsterdam, Mark Brakel (head-organiser) and Rosa Douw (deputy head-organiser) sat on the board as representatives for the 71st International Session in Amsterdam. Mark and Rosa worked on behalf of the board on all matters relating the IS. More about this session follows in the report.
Activities 5th Alumni Weekend The 5th Alumni Weekend took place from the 2-4 March 2012 in Otterloo. The weekend was organised by Luca Wartna, Charif van Zetten, Tim Keegstra, Julie van der Post, Dirk Hofland and Louise van Benschop, under supervision of Zahra Runderkamp as Alumni Coordinator. Its purpose was to make sure the new alumni from the 12th National Selection Conference got familiar with each other and all the other alumni of EYP The Netherlands. There were Teambuilding games and fun activities such as paintball, as well as the annual alumni meeting in which the new board was presented. With almost 80 participants this weekend was a great success!
6th Alumni Weekend The 6th Alumni Weekend took place from 12-14 October 2012 in Noorden. The weekend was organised by alumni coordinator Laurens Kraima. The purpose of this weekend was to facilitate trainings for our alumni, and with our Preliminary Rounds coming up it was mostly focused on chairs training. Topics for the training were, amongst others, guiding Teambuilding and Committee Work, chairing General Assembly, as well as which effects body language has. The trainers’ team was lead by Jamie Brown and consisted of Pinar Akkor, Jan Bubienczyk and Boaz Manger. The weekend had over 40 participants that were divided over different experience groups in order to cater the trainings to their different needs.
Yearly Report 2012-2013 – EYP the Netherlands –