3 minute read
Holistic and Emotional Health Practitioner and Educator
Do Humans Need a New Code for Healing?
We hear, see and feel these days so many unresolved problems in human’s health and wellness.
What is happening in our world?
Twenty percent of teenagers have depression. Dementia has been reported even in young adults. Chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases, cancer, cardiovascular conditions, mental health issues are skyrocket.
Where are we now? Where is our health going?
Today’s biomedical and conventional models of health to fix the “human” is not working, because they are limited to correct just the biochemistry of our cells. Not to mention that these models are aiming to only save a human nation from dying rather than healing for quality living. Their goal is more about surviving rather than thriving. As a result, people’s quality of life is increasingly declining, the root causes remain unattended, and the healing solutions are not sustainable.
This massive gap in our mainstream health care system is causing more health problems, both physically and emotionally/ mentally. Chronic illnesses are not well managed, and the numbers go up every day. Mental and emotional health issues do not respond to the quick-fix approaches, so they become more complicated.
What is missing here?
Human is a “Whole” that needs to be nurtured with an integrated approach for an aligned inner balance. This inner balance leads to the harmoniously integrated wholeness, not by telling people what to do, rather by self-empowerment and facilitate the softening process of wakefulness and heartfulness.
Wholeness or Oneness is a concept of universal consciousness. The energy in each atom has a consciousness, comprising our perception, and connected to the energy emitted by other atoms in the universe.
The universe is a unity of energy where everything is connected and cannot be divided into separate pieces. For example, black and white are not separate entities; they are parts of a single gradient comprising a billion different shades of grey. It is all about ONENESS.
The new science of epigenetics is revolutionising a link between mind and matter. As soon as we deviate focus from a perception of a “whole” from the heart, soul to the matter, we experience separation. Our nervous system then functions based on the received signals, and our DNA is coded by the downloaded programs linked to the membrane perceptions. Every single cell has membranes that recognise and receive signals, can affect the cells’ behaviour and eventually affect people’s health.
In this process, the heart has a significant leading role. By ignoring the connection between the heart, body, and the mind, with the heart leading the way, we are continuing to lack the quality of care we need for our body to heal and recover. We know that all human beings yearn to feel a sense of connection and purpose, and when we do, our body’s healing process speeds up.
By connecting to the heart-intelligence, we discover a deep awareness of what’s emotionally inside of the heart. Heart centred integrated health focuses on the idea that our beliefs are affected by and tightly interrelated to our emotions. Most people say it’s the other way around that we need to “control our emotions with our head and mind”. In other words, when we do control, our head and mind bury the emotions in our heart into our body. Emotions are becoming stronger and being carried and perceived as the signals to the cells’ membrane and DNA, causing disease, physically, mentally or both. Being open and inviting to reuniting with the whole body, with heart intelligence in the centre, help people connect deeply rooted emotions and thoughts to achieve self-awareness, which is the key to healing.
Health professionals and practitioners mostly do not have a deep awareness of what is emotionally inside of their patients’ heart. I believe this is why healthcare fails. From a genuinely holistic perspective and in our medical practice, the body, gut, head and heart must be aligned, and from there integrated plans can be put into place to help people onto the road of recovery, healing and enhanced wellbeing.
Integrating the human’s intelligence leading with the heart intelligence in our healthcare system will bring a new perspective that can shift DNA, increase better health outcomes, and revolutionise our mainstream healthcare system as a whole!