9 minute read
by Marco Piemonte
CEO at Greenden and Green Hearts Dignity

Development is “a complex concept, often exploited”, indeed, for too long the conventional idea of development has been almost entirely limited to economic growth. We value progress only in terms of material growth, for which we are almost obliged to irrationally exploit both nature and human beings. Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges in terms of climate and environment which, taken together, pose a threat to our wellbeing. However, we still have time to take decisive measures. The task may seem daunting, but we can still reverse some negative trends, adapt to minimize damage, restore crucial ecosystems, and better protect what we have. To achieve long-term sustainability we must consider the environment, climate, economy and society as inseparable parts of the same entity, there are those who are doing it silently, the task of Green Hearts Dignity is to intercept small entrepreneurs that with their own forces are creating the conditions to be able to activate a transformation path towards a sustainable development model.

Marco Piemonte
But who are Green Hearts Dignity really?
The Green Hearts Dignity are citizens and entrepreneurs located all over the world who marry a “Gentile Revolution” and it is thanks to the huge contacts book on an international scale that the Founder Marco Piemonte, after years of publishing on social media, manages to create a circuit of confidence to take an internationally leading role in social, environmental and governance issues through targeted actions giving way to a so-called Shock economy. From now on, our appointment on eYs Magazine will be centred on the three pillars of Green Hearts Dignity or better, “Intellectual Poverty, Food Poverty and Energy Poverty”.
Why Poverty as a prefix?
Millions of people are interested in the future of our planet and prolong its longevity, people willing to change their attitudes by taking measures to be more sustainable, a constantly growing audience willing to make small sacrifices to have a sustainable return in the future. People who approach Green Hearts Dignity are looking for Entrepreneurs who create real “Eco Actions”, to use and work with, buy, spend money intelligently, even for the mere fact of rewarding and supporting them in their investments for a zero impact. Not being sustainable, for a company today is an element of guilt that sooner or later will fall on the turnover, but we are here, to indicate a way, a social driving force for credible and expendable company projects, therefore commensurate with the real impact that they produce, or that people will perceive through activities.
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In this Edition Green Hearts Dignity they have chosen to interview a fourth generation family of Italian farmers, committed daily to maintaining agri-food biodiversity, from field to table and with a well-defined mission to safeguard their territory, traditions included, agricolture with strong organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, well the time has come to present the owner Andrea Libero Gherpelli, actor by vocation and farmer from the cradle, two sides of the same coin, a big man with a sensitivity out of the common and talented, who in this short article will tell us how company identifies sustainable itself through the three pillars of Green Hearts Dignity.

Our Approach to Intellectual Poverty:
In the history of the world, the relationship between farmer, seed and land is a very close relationship that has led to the evolution and improvement of conditions for all three. These elements, therefore, have been in a relationship for millennia that must necessarily have been win-win-win. The farmer knew he needed healthy soil, to the fullest of his potential and a seed that could increase his yield. This yield could be monitored through 3 main empirical parameters born from careful observation and which I also find in my approach to work: first the agronomic characteristics than the ability of the plant to be healthy and autonomous in the field, according to the flavor that was obviously tasty and good, third that the organism was easy to assimilate and with strong nutritional content.
These are three parameters with which a farmer guided the relationship between seed land and man and today are important for a theme such as Intellectual Poverty in the primary sector. 12,000 years ago, einkorn spelled, the progenitor of all existing cereals, began to be cultivated and until the early 1900s it was done with a set of information that has been greatly enhanced over the millennia, from the early 1900s to today farmers have slowly stopped, started delegating companies to deal with it, from that moment they have decreed the beginning of the impoverishment of information and therefore of the intellectual impoverishment of farmers to no longer have control on the seed.
Today the farmers in most cases through specialized cooperatives buy and give all the harvest so they never have their seed in hand. What I tried to do was instead work against the trend, or better to bring the work of my farm back to its origins, so I fought to try to keep the seed from the last harvest on the farm for the new sowing. This allows the seed to collect information on the land of my farm and on climate change, information that then allows it to continue its evolution and allow me as a farmer to keep an increasingly healthy seed with vigorous, very tasty and easy to digestion since I specialized in ancient seeds, therefore varieties that are not on the market and kept inside germplasm banks or associations of “Guardian Farmers”. My activity as a custodian farmer is aimed precisely at trying to bring back to the company that fundamental information that establishes solidity and total awareness of what are the characteristics of the seed that will then be sown and ground to produce the flours that are the basis of the products to be sweet, savory oven and the pasta I produce, thus managing to give sustainability to the company, tightening the supply chain a lot and having direct contact with the final consumer. So a rich food.. I fight intellectual poverty in these terms.
Our approach to food poverty:
The selection of modern wheat seeds still follows parameters that are convenient for the industry rather than for the farmer or the final consumer who will have to feed on that product. In fact, a very elastic gluten mesh is a very useful feature for the industrial processing of doughs and is notoriously harmful to the human body, nevertheless the socalled “strong flours” are flours that have monopolized the market without speaking of the increase the productivity of wheat, which impoverishes the nutritional capacity of the products obtained. It is easy to understand that if 100 plants are born in a square meter of land rather than 20, all the nutrients contained in that square meter must be divided between 100 in the first case and between 20 in the second case, therefore a massive increase in productivity in quantity leads to lowering of nutritional capacity. If we choose to produce less quantity, we raise the quality, the approach I have in my fields “Zero chemistry” allows me to be able to grind the whole grain of its own germ, so the flours I use are flours that contain 100% germ of wheat which is known to be a very powerful dietary supplement. In this way the flours that I can produce are flours that as I use to say contain the natural food supplement, and here I have brought my contribution to the tables of consumers, effectively reducing Food Poverty.

Our approach to Energy Poverty:
By being able to reproduce the seed on the farm, I am also able to minimize energy costs because, being the plant very robust and capable of evolving together with climate change, it is a plant that absolutely does not need any intervention during the vegetative cycle, this means that my company have Zero energy costs during plant development. So my interventions in the countryside are reduced to sowing, threshing, earthmoving and sowing again, in order to further minimize the environmental impact we cultivate Hemp which is then ground together with the annual pruning of the trees the final product we use to produce the pellets with which we heat the domestic environments, so we use all the scraps of annual pruning. Even though some photovoltaic panels mounted for more than 10 years we are able to produce useful electrical power in the company, this is my contribution to stem Energy Poverty and set a good example for consumers to approach the Energy Transition.

We conclude the interview by asking Andrea; why did you approach Green Hearts Dignity? and why do you see Greenden as a high profile brand?
Connecting, overcoming barriers and distances is precious, especially in the age we are living in, where the term distancing has come into common use. Thanks to the intense and visionary work of Marco Piemonte, we will come into direct contact without distancing with physically distant worlds that need to be tightened to bring concepts such as green, dignity and hearts to materialize in our everyday life. Greenden is a brand that immediately committed itself to the environment and also took a clear position in unsuspecting times on important social, cultural and political issues. Furthermore, Greenden has innovative projects to make multinationals hair stand on end, projects that will be dedicated to small companies as soon as the dedicated commercial activity is launched and part of the proceeds will be dedicated to these highly technological projects. I am there and I will be there.

If you are interested in this company, write an email to this address staff@greenden.it or info@greenden.it you can get detailed information on the companies that collaborate with Greenden in Italy and/or abroad.
By writing to us you can also learn about business opportunities and information on ongoing Partnerships towards a low environmental impact economy; moreover through the Green Hearts Dignity you can contact the territories such as Italy- Slovakia-India-Australia-United States to decide on investments but also to become an activist of the Green Hearts Dignity, writing and leaving a trace of your Linkedin profile, Facebook, Instagram, or source contact of your local economy.
Marco Piemonte;Ceo e Fondatore GreendenFondatore Organizzazione Mondiale Green Hearts DignityDirettore Fondazione GGA ItaliaScrittore “Rubrica Sostenibilità nel mondo” eYs MagazineAccount Manager Cieffe System settore energie rinnovabiliemail: marco@greenden.itwww.greenden.it
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