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Business with Amit Sarawagi
Making of a Successful Leader: 5 Entrepreneurial Mindsets
Amit Sarawagi, Founder, AMOOLAYA Transformation Foundation, India.
Leadership comes with many challenges and opportunities as leadership expert Jo Miller says: “Leadership is not about doing more. It’s about switching from doing to leading.”
Entrepreneurs face multiple challenges to the mindsets required to evolve themselves into market leaders. Leaders lead teams in the enterprises to think and act productively. It does not matter what leaders are doing, it only matters how they present themselves. People are mainly interested to know the success stories. There need to be some entrepreneurial mindsets that can transform one into a successful business leader.
An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks and enjoys profits, as well. Entrepreneurs, to carve a niche, require innovative business ideas or models, a well-trained team and a task-oriented approach. To achieve any milestones a business entrepreneur should work hard to bring their dreams to life.
Entrepreneurial mindsets:
Five unique mindsets of Entrepreneurial Leadershuman-oriented, purpose- oriented, learning-oriented, team-oriented and task-oriented uncover various aspects that make an entrepreneur become a leader. These attributes can transform any individual into a leader in their business or entrepreneurial field.
• Human-oriented
Entrepreneurial leadership’s human-oriented approach is a mission to build positive relationships with both employers and employees to generate a more efficient working environment. Whenever leaders adopt this mindset, they get their team’s support and trust. People are more sensitive to their job and career in today’s dynamic corporate environment, according to research. If workers are offered new job chances but do not feel valued, they will begin to move jobs. As a result, one of the most crucial factors that an entrepreneurial leader should be aware of is recognizing and rewarding employee accomplishments. Companies that use a humanoriented leadership approach develop long-term relationships with their employees while also improving the quality of their leadership and services, allowing their stakeholders
to experience new levels of satisfaction. As a result, an entrepreneur’s human-oriented perspective should be more inclusive and encouraging toward their organization and employees.
• Purpose-oriented
It is a type of entrepreneurial leadership mindset of entrepreneurial leaders exhibiting an interesting balance between humanorientation and purposeorientation, aligning business decisions with core principles, values, and beliefs, allowing them to not only be patient but also catalyze action. All leaders have to make trade-offs, but their strong concentration on the purpose/intention allows them to make quick judgments and get rid of potentially dangerous situations. It’s a leadership style that prioritizes mission, character, and integrity. Leaders that follow the purpose-driven leadership paradigm are profoundly committed to a cause that drives their decisions.
Purpose-driven leadership affects more than just the leader, and the advantages are widespread. A purposeoriented entrepreneurial leader, according to the experts, demonstrates a consistent concentration on a mission or intention. Purpose-driven entrepreneurs, in particular, are successful in articulating the overarching objectives and aligning stakeholders with that vision to survive long periods before seeing results.
• Learning-oriented
Learning-oriented entrepreneurial leader, on the other hand, is someone who picks up signals from all directions and isn’t hesitant to experiment or take chances. This class of leaders are more likely to listen to a variety of sources, use technology to identify and organize insights, ensure that everyone is heard, and try and learn as much as possible from experiments. Employees are inspired to take comparable risks because of the experimental character of their actions and deliberate risk-taking.
• Team-oriented
Team-oriented mindset requires putting the team’s well-being first. It is an essential quality for someone who aspires to perform his or her best for the team. Teamwork abilities include being able to coordinate well with teammates, being able to coordinate well with teammates, cooperating with them, and even tolerating them. Employers frequently look for these qualities while making recruiting and other key decisions. It’s not only about completing the task at hand. Rather, it is doing the assignment in collaboration with other members of your team in a way that benefits everyone. When a team member works with a team-oriented mindset and has excellent teamwork abilities, the team as a whole advances. Now, if every team member works in this manner, the team as a whole will benefit. This occurs as a result of everyone’s combined efforts. This mindset encourages a spirit of teamwork and promotes healthy competition. Moreover, this also instills a sense of oneness, all of which will directly contribute to the company’s growth.
• Task-oriented
An entrepreneurial leader’s task-oriented mindset focuses on attaining goals, delegating assignments, establishing clear processes, and issuing deadlines to ensure that all team members stay engaged and deliver their portion of the project on time. Leaders that employ this approach create a well-organized workplace with clearly defined priorities and schedules. It is very important to consider task-oriented leadership which focuses on developing simple routines. The task-oriented approach helps in boosting productivity and profits. Further, taskoriented leadership requires an incentives system to motivate all employees to stay on target, as well as the leader’s willingness to assist his team when they confront difficulties. To help your staff understand their duties and responsibilities by guiding them, answering questions, and providing feedback.
Task-oriented leadership is frequently contrasted with human-oriented leadership. Human-oriented leaders think that team members’ contentment leads to increased productivity and stimulates creativity and innovation.
Finally, leaders do agree that effective communication channels should be established to allow a smooth exchange of information. Successful leaders always make themselves available to anyone interested in their ideas or business. Leaders need to pay serious attention to everyone and take cues from their inputs while also acknowledging their contributions.