3 minute read
Law Society with Bojana Bogojevic
By Bojana Bogojevic
Earth Overshoot Day fell on July 28. It marks the imaginary point when humanity’s demand exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
It is a shame that every year from The Paris Agreement adoption, which was in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Overshoot day comes earlier and earlier.
Only on August 22, 2020, we move the date but it was due pandemic restriction and lockdowns.
Which countries have the biggest ecological footprint?
Earth Overshoot Day, July 28 is the average overshoot day globally, but each country starts living on ecological debt at different times. To be clearer each country has its own Overshoot Day.
The international research organization Global Footprint Network, has been calculating this Earth Overshoot date since 1970.
What does Earth Overshoot Day 2022 mean for humanity?
It means that from this day onwards, we have used every bit of natural resources that Earth can provide within one calendar year and are now living on ecological credit.
Which countries have the biggest ecological footprint?
Earth Overshoot Day, July 28 is the average overshoot day globally, but each country starts living on ecological debt at different times. To be clearer each country has its own Overshoot Day.
If you want to find out how many planets humanity would need if they were to live like you, here you can a tool to calculate your personal overshoot day (a tool to calculate your personal overshoot day).
So, are you afraid? Heatwaves are all around us. We are witnessing devastating wildfires around the Europe.
Our continent is not just experiencing heatwaves on land.
The Mediterranean Sea is experiencing a devastating heatwave this July. Water temperatures are as high as 6.2 degrees of Celsius (11.2 F) above normal!!!! It is important to underline here that it is much harder for water to warm than to air, due to water heat capacity.
I do hope after all those data you will change your behavior because we must move the date, we must change, or suffering would be promised.
Remember climate change is not just important, it is vital for the future!