6 minute read

The Art of Aging

The Art of Aging

by Kez Wickham St George


So much advice from those still so young when I became inquisitive on this topic as my 60th birthday loomed over me. I took one long, hard look in the mirror. Was I supposed to be ashamed of my now totally silver hair, a few small laugh lines around the hazel eyes that had a determined glint to them? Was I supposed to declare my life was over when I felt it had only recently begun?

I am unencumbered with children, grandchildren, and a husband who works away from home. We had moved countries, downsized our home to a small Villa, and downsized our bountiful garden, so when I turned into my 70s, I could manage it, our pets given to others who would love them. And yes, I recognised an art to all of this; I could see it as losing what I loved, losing the peer position in the family hierarchy, being depressed that now I was being asked by my children, “To be careful, Mum,” or “Are you eating well? Are you taking your vitamins? Are you socialising, Mum? Or I could be grateful I was no longer playing tag with family, work, and monthly accounts. I was no longer chief cook and bottle washer; my family had grown up and now had their own. And as I looked in that mirror, deciding there were two ways to go, grieve for once what was a tall, slim, attractive, natural brunette with olive skin and hazel eyes, or fall in love with whom I had become.

A senior with a few minor health problems, having had polio as a child, I was told by the professionals who had not had polio’ what to expect as I aged. Really? The mirror showed my figure had changed, no longer a slim waistline, even though I swam regularly. The advice I was given you become what you see. I saw wisdom, experience, love, and a different mature face; looking back at me, I saw a life of hope, fun and laughter. There was nothing to be sad about; it still felt like the world was my oyster; why not?

That was ten years past. I’m now grateful for a smaller home, and this once house-proud woman finds dusting and cleaning impedes being creative. As for the garden, well, I still grow my herbs and greens, nothing like a fresh garden. However, I can proudly say I encouraged quite a few people to garden, and our young neighbours enjoy picking their daily veggies from our garden. Why not? It’s all about community and conversations. Pets and two goldfish are all I need to keep Feng Shui peaceful in my home.

Today, I have studied ‘Art Therapy’ and gained my certificates in Art therapy, becoming a number one bestselling author. I have 14 books published, including children’s and adult fantasy. Would you believe they made a movie from one of my books? I still pinch myself. I judge two amazing global entrepreneur awards. I’m a speaker on the art of aging and motivation, and my art is sought after; six exhibitions have been held. We have travelled around Europe and Asia, caravanned around Australia, and met many wonderful people who all say Age is in the mind. I found that interesting, so I joined a psychology course, which delved very deeply into religion, Philosophy, plus DNA about how our thinking is cultivated not by (our mother) but by a lineage of females in the direct bloodline. Why? So I could understand what was happening to my ageing friends, husband and myself. And how my thought process was changing as well.

I freely wander the beaches when I feel like it; a thermos of tea and a biscuit or two on a beautiful day. There is nothing like it. I wander the shores when it’s blowing a gale, feeling the wind in my long silver hair and the sea spraying on my face. I’m grateful this country is war free; I cannot imagine what women of my Age in places like Ukraine or any other war-torn country would feel. I allow myself to be humbled by nature by the birth and death of nature as the seasons pass. I allow myself the time to reminisce about life. Do I grieve for what might have been? No, I see it as a lesson. I learned to grow into who I am today.

I also disagree with many experts on this matter of aging; when will the experts see aging as part of life? Why should we succumb to the adverts, watching senior women learn the tricks of makeup to look 40 years when their bodies say I’m in my 60s +? What’s so awful about aging? We should celebrate. We got this far; what’s next? I question professionals who cry, try this herb or that and feel the sex drive return. Why? Some days you just want to sit, have that hot coffee and take it all in. My advice does it, and there is no harm in contemplating the view. I would also advise when you are diagnosed with a senior’s disease. Question it. Babies are born with many conditions. It’s not just the seniors.

Please keep your thoughts healthy and motivate yourself in your thinking, as it’s not only about the body. We have wisdom if we combine the mind, body, and spirit. Think about this: if you do your best every day, your best is a gift; why would you think any less of it? Join social groups and keep a conversation going. A hint of how to do that is to leave your companions with a question or invite them to give you a question when you next meet the conversation continues. I have found this pure suggestion fun. Don’t be afraid if discussing the body as we age, you will be amazed at how some folks handle it well, and some walk away. Our bodies change, and the mind is a different organ. Nothing is healthier than a candid conversation, going to a movie with a friend and deliberating on what you watched, as you will each see it from a different perspective.

My advice to any senior is to enjoy what we have, go easy on yourself, never stop learning, and please give away a smile every day, whether it’s to yourself or another; you will benefit.

There is an art to ageing, and I have no doubt we all do it our way. Enjoy.

May you all have enough.


I have been advised

‘You become what you see. What you see determines what you believe.”

“The most powerful way of inspiring people is with images. My goal is to motivate women to embrace life without fear. To provide examples of women between the age of 40 and, currently, 100, so that any woman can open this book and see themselves recognized.”


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