4 minute read
INSPIRE - Cosett Awad
A COSY CORNER by Cosette Awad
Do you remember when
everything was falling apart at so many times in your life, and not just once?
We live in a world where nothing is constant, and how many times we thought this is it, we’re not getting up again, and we’re not going to survive what we’re going through. How many times we gave up too easily? We lost faith and hope, and we refused to hold the hands that reach for us to help us stand up. Daily, we fight our battles; we fight even when we sometimes think it’s a losing battle.

Life has set many challenges, we live afraid of the unknown, and we walk paths we never thought we would. In so many phases of our lives, we lost people we care about, our dreams changed, what we wanted when we were kids, teenagers, growing up, it all changed when we knew that we have more significant purposes in life.
No one told us when we were kids that life is more than a playground and failing tests.
And no one told us that there are things bigger than getting over a first love or losing a best friend. Grief, for example, let me tell you something about death’s tragedies, the pain, and traumas that cause us to lose someone we love, in an accident, sickness, age, etc. We thought there was no life without them; after them. I know that we never recover from losing them, but we do get through the worst nightmares, pain, and grief, with the ones that stayed no matter what.
Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons that sometimes, we don’t want to learn.
They say that we need to standalone, but I sayNOwe don’t have to go through life without a hand showing us the path, or a

shoulder to cry on when the world is harsh when we feel like suffocating, and without someone who always tells us “I’m here; you don’t have to face all this by yourself.”
The people I love, I go to them to breathe.
All the little things in life that matter is there; we just need to open our eyes. Have our guards down a bit when we find people trying to go all the way to help us. Those are the right ones, the ones that love without boundaries even when they are going through the worst things. They care about you if you slept well; you ate and ask you how your day was. You never let go of those people; you never push away; you hold them dear to your heart. You will be there for them until they no longer need you, or maybe, just maybe, they will want you to stay, and that’s the biggest reward. Those people that have the warmest spots in our hearts. Those people who made us soft, regardless of the violence we witnessed in our lives.
Being soft isn’t a weakness, it’s strength in the most intense meaning of the word. And how beautiful it is to know that we have something to fight for, someone to fight for. Life is meant to be shared. Focus always on those beautiful people that take care of your dreams like they’re their own.
They say that people always leave. Sometimes they stay, the ones who matter stay, stick with us through our storms and more determined to help us, save us, or stay with us while trying to save ourselves. I can tell from personal experience the ones I love got me through some dark days I didn’t even imagine I’ll get through. Knowing that also they have been going and are still going through worse, but miraculously lifted my spirit and make me smile more. And, whenever a bad thing happens, I say, “At least I have them, I’m not facing this world alone.”

Some people were a turning point in my life that I don’t remember life before them, and I don’t want a life after them. I know sometimes we feel that we’re not getting out of this maze, that everything is complicated, and life is getting harder. I know that what I’m saying now may seem cliché “Everything will be ok,” but eventually it will, nothing is impossible. We are human in our nature, we’re fighters, warriors, we go through the hardest battles, and we get up countless of times.
Somehow, all the pieces will fall back together in the right place at the right moment.
Always remember that everything you did in life led you to where you are now.
Sometimes, someone will take us home, and sometimes we reach solid ground on our own.
And no matter the situation, always remember that“Nothing is permanent,”as a dear friend, a fighter, a warrior, told me, “and nothing lasts forever, not even pain.”And little I knew before him.
To my human angel, my everyday inspiration.
Instagram: @omar_adawiyeh
Toya Instagram: @notsotoya Tamara
Instagram: @tamarahawi Roy Instagram: @roytivation