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It is in the nature of Greenden and its international “Green Hearts Dignity” community to intercept entrepreneurial realities such as this that we are about to present, people who make sustainability their reason for living and this is how we want to introduce you to Malga Priu
Marco Piemonte CEO & Founder Greenden
“Live like we were ants ... inside a pine cone”
The “Puanina Tour” path is located in Ugovizza in the Municipality of Malborghetto in the province of Udine. It is a path that leads to the majestic resonant spruce trees, an extremely poetic and evocative image, a romantic and fascinating trekking, which leads to enchanted places where the magic gives rise to fantastic stories like this that I am going to tell you and in the meantime, we arrived on the natural terrace of Malga Priu here as in a phrase by Nelson Mandela “nothing like in a place that has remained unchanged makes us discover how much we have changed” still here we can say with firm determination “that when nature and man decide to work together, great things happen” and still here observing the majestic pine cones “tree houses” anyone lucky enough to observe them feels within themselves how deep the bond is with the nature that surrounds us and observes us like a mother with her children and from here comes the feeling of identifying ourselves in skilled worker ants ... very able architects, able to build objects, houses in our case, that do not deface our wonderful planet. Suddenly we are ants, we feel part of their world and we perceive their valid and undeterred efforts that largely reflect what this enchanted place can awaken, after the experience of Malga Priu we will feel inside us how it is possible to build our life side by side with nature and becoming its architects, showing us how we can transform dreams into reality and revealing that the greatest success is achieved with constancy, that constancy and that desire to remain faithful to environmental sustainability as taught by “Tributsch-Della Mea family” effectual example of zero-impact habitability. Any of us in this place can examine their industriousness, sufficiently disciplined to be able to complete tasks in which we are committed or called to fulfil towards a more ethical and respectful world for the next generations.
Why did I choose the title “live like we were ants ... inside a pine cone”?

Because it is known to all of us that in the world of ants, moving a drop of water may seem like an impossible undertaking. «Yet this tiny insect does everything it can, showing us that, if we work hard, we can get what we want.
“Symbol of the energy that circulates in the bowels of the earth, the ant represents our deepest resources, inner strength and tenacity. With his behaviour he teaches us that, instead of being frightened by difficulties and big goals, we should get to work with a positive spirit.
As founder of the international group “green hearts dignity” I am happy to be able to give this reality the right attention through this article and I turn to you ... that you are perhaps looking for (you or the people around you) the fastest and easiest way to a more sustainable world .. to you who are neglecting some important activities in your daily routine to achieve this goal, to you who are laying good foundations, to you who are adding new cultures to your life, with each passing, cultivating them through work, hobbies and so on. I would like to ask you some questions; Are you patient through your efforts? With yourself? With the others? Are you making things more complex and difficult than they really are? Are you missing an opportunity to start new creations and attempts to get closer to the world of sustainability? The ant can teach you to make the most of your power to design and recreate life and situations from the ground up, it will show you how to work together with others for the good of all and will teach you how, if the commitment is sincere, the reward follow in any case, in time and in the most appropriate way, regardless of the circumstances. The ant represents the promise of success through commitment, trusting that, at that point, the whole world will agree to our efforts and help us “. and for this reason that I personally wanted to make a strong synaesthesia with this type of entrepreneurship and reward the coowners Cristina Della Mea and Manuel Della Mea sons of the founder of this enchanted place Renata Tributsch.
Greenden’s story belongs to the power of belief, to the vision and sentiment of two passionate young entrepreneurs who, some years ago, developed a powerful yet revolutionary design idea: a new ecological Business Code “Design Dignity”, a gentle Revolution. Greenden

opens a new economic-social business model declined in the agri-food sector, a paradigm that produces an evolution in the quality of life by becoming eco-conscious, reversing the effect of a conflictual, aggressive and devastating economy.
The ambitious and innovative dream of an ecological economy and sustainable development take shape and becomes concrete in the Greenden digital platform (under construction) and in the architecture of projects using advanced interdependent technology (Greenden X under construction). The contemporary crisis afflicting all humanity is not an environmental, political or financial crisis, it is essentially a crisis of values. Every crisis, whether individual, social or worldwide, is a sign of the obsolescence of the times. This can represent both a danger and an opportunity. The opportunity is given by the understanding that the real solution comes only from a new way of thinking and acting “. In the “double-sided” economic reality, it is honourable to note how many forces, ethical undertakings, individuals of good will and belief, of science, young start uppers, data scientists, maître à penser, who believe, develop solutions, creations, ideas, proposals, possibilities. While not holding institutional roles, Greenden feels the duty to ideally act as a social and not exclusively commercial actor, dialoguing with governance, sustainable economy, climate change, nutrition biology and anything else connected.
Green Heart Dignity
In recent years there has been a gradual attention and awareness on the part of the market and businesses towards issues related to environmental, social and corporate governance sustainability. The financial crisis of 2008 (Europe) and the devastating global economic crisis that we are experiencing and that will surely accompany us for a long period caused by the coronavirus, in particular has lit a new beacon on these issues, which for years had been demoted to a role second level, behind the more traditional business objectives essentially focused on maximizing profits in a short-term perspective. Greenden in this regard creates an international group “Green Hearts Dignity”, this initiative is marked by a hashtag “#sustainably”, through this abbreviation we will identify on all social networks the will of companies and professionals to integrate on a converging line of thought on social and ecological

problems. An initiative that aims to stimulate global reflection on a particular “sustainable economy” theme. People accredited with the title of Green Hearts invite interested parties (businessmen, businesses and individuals) to express their closeness with an encouraging video message to address this moment of socio-economic uncertainty.
This leads to a consultation and debate process based on the proposals presented below to discuss the guiding principles for ethical leadership in the sustainable economy. The result? The first sustainable showcase in the world ever created for sustainable businesses supported by Greenden.
Are you an entrepreneur sensitive to the theme “Sustainable economy”? Participate through a video message (maximum 1 minute) Greenden offers you a showcase where you can express a concept on how to deal with the socio-economic uncertainty of the post-Coronavirus.
Search our channel You Tube “Green Hearts Dignity” the showcase for entrepreneurs’ sustainability.
Send your video to info@greenden.it and introduced to the world.