The project is aimed at improving the quality of tourist services for the disabled. 19 socially important facilities are under renovation, including a tourist info centre, polyclinics, hospitals, museums, public buildings, libraries, a cinema and a hotel. They will be made totally barrier-free and accessible for all disabled categories. An ecotrail was made for physically challenged people. The Bird in Focus initiative was implemented under the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project: an inclusion birdwatching site for tourists was opened in the village of Zamošša. A sculpture of a kingfisher, a symbol of the Valožyn District, was also installed in Valožyn. Where: Valožyn District Do: visit the Naliboki Reserve and have a stroll along the ecotrail, watch birds in Zamošša. Visit the Tyszkewicz Palace and Park Ensemble in Valožyn.
BUILDING ROOF GREENING The project is aimed at disseminating the best practices of soil roof building and operation. The technology of low-rise building roof greening was tested in Gymnasium 5, Marjina Horka. The pilot project was carried out on the gymnasium greenhouse roof. The roof was insulated; a drainage system was built, as well as a sprinkling system with automated humidity control. The roof was also fenced and a lighting system was installed there. Where: Marjina Horka Do: climb onto the "green" roof to see the roof arrangement and greening technology. Visit the Makovs' Manor (19th C.), the orthodox Alexander Nevsky's church, and the catholic chapel of St Anthony of Padua.
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT FOR NARAČ The Narač Lake is included into the Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in Belarus project. Information booklets and a video clip about Narač were issued; the Narač logo and motto "Narač, a Well of Health" were developed. The project experts developed a tourism development strategy and implementation plan for Narač. Where: Narač Lake Do: give a shot at various water recreation activities (wind surfing, diving, and yachting). Visit the arboretum, and museums in the Naračanski National Park and in the Pharmacy Garden tourist complex. Visit the Mother of God's Dormition church in Budslaŭ - the national Roman Catholic sanctuary in Belarus. View the museum exhibition in Miadzieĺ.
4 STANISLAŬ MANIUŠKA'S MUSICAL PARLOUR Under the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project, two initiatives were implemented in Smilavičy at the same time, making the town more attractive for tourists. Tourist signposts were installed and a graffiti with the town map and local points of interests was drawn in the Smilavičy downtown. The Stanislaŭ Maniuška's musical parlour was set up in the Smilavičy branch of the Červień District Lore and History Museum; it hosts concerts of local bands, as well as artists from the Belarusian State Philharmonics. Where: Smilavičy Do: visit the museum of the Paris-school artists, Chaim Soutine and Faïbich-Schraga Zarfin; the Stanislaŭ Maniuška's musical parlour, the unique felting/fulling factory and town memorial sites.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN SCHOOLS Dziaržynsk Secondary School No. 4 was included into the project. Solar collectors, heat exchangers for warming up air were installed, walls and roof were insulated, conventional windows were replaced with triple panes. Moreover, energy-efficient lights were installed, and the cafeteria acquired the latest energy-efficient equipment. Similar work was carried out for the Day-care Centres No. 6 (in Ašmiany) and No. 45 (in Hrodna), and in the Viciebsk State Vocational/Technical College of Machine-Building. The front-end energy-efficient technology helped cut the energy consumption cost by half. The experience may be expanded nationwide. Where: Dziaržynsk Do: visit the Haštold's Mountain hillfort with ruins of ancient towers, the St Anne's church (1785). Climb on the Dziaržynskaja Mountain – the highest point in the country.
6 IMPROVEMENT OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN PUCHAVIČY DISTRICT The project is aimed at improving the quality of services in the sphere of waste management in rural areas. Under the project, a system of electric and electronic equipment collection is set up with 30 special containers are installed to that end, and a ground is arranged for provisional storage of such waste. Four video cameras will be installed to keep an eye on areas vulnerable to illegal dumping. It is planned to use the project funds for purchasing special vehicles: a cargo van for collecting electric and electronic equipment from residents, and a bulldozer for eliminating dumps. Where: Puchavičy District Do: visit the Puchavičy Lore and History Museum, the Trinity church (in Bloń), the Dukorsky Manor (in Dukory), the Dudutki museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technology. Find the geodetic beacon of the Geographic Centre of Belarus (near to the village of Antonava).
© Geographic Basics. State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus, 2018 © European Union, 2018 © Design and copyright: EZERIN COMMUNICATION agency, 2018
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The centre includes the Museum of Legendary Creatures, the Legendary Hamlet open-air exhibition and the Land of Myths ecotrail. The museum and open-air exhibition offer an account of the Belarusian mythology and deities that, as the lore goes, have lived in the forest, swamp, meadow and reservoirs water bodies. Among the identified characters are Rusalka (mermaid), Aržavejkik, Paliavik, Puščavik and others. Where: Biarezina Biospheric Reserve Do: visit the Museum of Legendary Creatures, Balotnik's hut, walk the ecotrail and observe unique installations by Belarusian sculptors and artists, go for a night excursion.
CITY LIGHTING AND URBAN MOBILITY IN POLACK 1,280 new LED and solar lanterns will be installed and about 200 lampposts will be replaced in 2018 on the streets of Polack. New decorative illumination will appear on Polack historical buildings. The Festival of Lights will be held in August. 12 bike parking lots, the first bike path (11 km) were built and a sustainable urban mobility plan was developed in the city. A logo, booklets and a video clip were made for Polack under the Support to Sustainable Tourism Development project for attracting tourists. Where: Polack Do: enjoy a bike ride and locate the geographical centre of Europe. Visit all 14 city museums with a consolidated museum ticket. Listen to the organ in the St Sophia's Cathedral, place your hand on the Boris stone and make a wish. Find the monument to the letter Ў.
10 ECOTRAIL IN JEĹNIA RESERVE An ecotrail was outfitted in Jeĺnia reserve under the project Support to International Cooperation in the Sphere of Environmental Protection in Belarus.
It is designed to draw attention to a 9,000-year-old fen. The trail is 1.5 km long. The wooden planks would lead you to far away, where will find unique lakes and see rare bird species. Where: Jeĺnia Landscape Reserve Do: take a stroll through the fens; take a dip in one of the numerous lakes. When the season comes, try cranberries and watch the birds.
11 VIRTUAL TOUR TO THE HLYBOKAJE HERITAGE The initiative was implemented in the Hlybokaje Historical and Ethnographical Museum under the project Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus. Thematic seminars and roundtables, a children's drawing contest and a history quest were held. Hardware was purchased and software was developed to enable a virtual tour along the Hlybokaje District historical and cultural places of interest, and the lost heritage of the region. Where: Hlybokaje Do: visit the Hlybokaje Historical and Ethnographical Museum, the Famous Countrymen Alley and the residential building of the former monastery of the Order of St Basil the Great. Observe the town buildings of the late 9th – early 20th centuries, the Blessed Mary's Nativity Cathedral, the commemorative column in honour of the 1791 Constitution of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the Monument to Baron Munchausen.
12 ADULT ADDITIONAL LEARNING CENTRES IN MAZALAVA The initiative was implemented under the Expanding Economic Opportunities in Rural Belarus project. Three additional learning centres for adults were opened and outfitted. More than 60 rural residents have taken computer, landscape design, gardening and entrepreneurship classes. The students developed a map of the monuments of architecture, nature and places of interest of Mazalava rural council, drafted a landscape design for Mazalava, and landscaped the village. Buildings in Mazalava were repainted based on designs selected in the Belaja Chata 2017 contest. Also, tourist routes through Mazalava and neighbouring villages were developed. Where: Mazalava Do: observe the rural murals and thematic exhibitions about the village history and traditions in the Additional Education Centre. Follow the tourist routes through the villages of Mazalava, Douža, Lužasna, Babinicy and Padbiarezzie.
13 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECOM-BOR ECOTRAIL The initiative was implemented in the town of Baravucha-1 under the project Reinforcement of Social Interaction for Sustainable Rural Development in Belarus.
Local residents landscaped the town park. The ECOM-BOR ecotrail was built; it covers unique natural sites: a sacred spring, a landscape site on the banks of the Velle Lake and age-long trees. Where: Baravucha-1 Do: visit the Baravucha town park and the Museum of Slavic Traditional Household Items in Slavianačka tourist farm, as well as the horse sports centre, where you will be able to enjoy horse riding or a trip in a horse-drawn carriage. Go for a walk along the ECOM-BOR ecotrail.
14 BRASLAŬ– THE FIRST CLIMATE NEUTRAL MUNICIPALITY Braslaŭ acceded the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy; the city made a commitment to reduce carbon dioxide emission by 20% by the year 2020, and become the first climate neutral municipality in Belarus by 2030. The project provided for the design of a strategic action plan for sustainable energy development of Braslaŭ district, an energy audit of the district to assess carbon dioxide emission in various sectors of the economy. Five solar lanterns, and, on some streets - LED lamps, were installed in Braslaŭ. A new heat pump and new boilers were installed in the city central boiler house, and district heating pipes were replaced for more energy efficient ones. Where: the city and district of Braslaŭ Do: visit the Braslaŭ Lakes National Parks, the Platers' Manor and Park Ensemble in the village of Opsa, catholic churches in the villages of Slabodka, Druja and Vidzy; orthodox churches in Zarečča, Minkavičy and Kirylina. In Braslaŭ, visit the Traditional Culture Museum, and the Castle Hill.
22 WEAVING CENTRE AND BREAD MUSEUM The project Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus provided for establishment of the Weaving Centre (in Husianica) and the Bread Museum (in Batvinava), and repair of buildings allocated to them in local community centres. Authentic looms were restored and modern four-shaft and multi-shaft loom were purchased for the Weaving Centre. A traditional village oven was renovated and a bread history exhibition was developed in the Bread Museum. Such local rites, as Harvest Divination, Zažynki, Bagač, Dažynki are held in the museum. Where: the villages of Husiavica and Batvinava Do: visit the Weaving Centre and attend a weaving master class. In the Bread Museum, attend a bread baking master class and take part in the ancient rites.
23 NATURE MATTERS TO EVERYONE The project is aimed at developing an important bird area (IBA) guardian network. 53 such areas were identified in Belarus. Trained volunteers independently monitor the situation in 10 of them. Binoculars and GPS navigators, plant/animal identifiers were purchased for the volunteers. The watchers register main bird species, identify potential threats and serve as guides for birdwatching tourists. Where: flood plains of the Sož (Homieĺ Region) and Liasnaja (Brest Region), Hronava (Mahilioŭ Region), Kaziany rivers, Jielnia raised bog (Viciebsk Region), Naliboki Forest (Hrodna Region), Sporaŭskaje, Zvanec and Vyganaščanskaje bogs (Brest Region), and the Middle Prypjac (Brest and Homieĺ Region) Do: watch various bird species, attend the Wader Festival (April, Turaŭ).
24 CREATION OF FAMILY RESOURCE CENTERS IN THE CHERNOBYL ZONE The project is aimed at development of local communities to provide for active involvement of small towns in Brahin District for overcoming the effects of the Chernobyl disaster. 8 family clubs were opened in the towns of Brahin, Lojeŭ, Kamaryn; and in the villages of Telman, Krasnaje, Burki, Mikuličy and Sialjec. Their participants promote healthy lifestyle, preserve historic and cultural tradition and develop entrepreneurship. The clubs conduct training seminars, classes, community work and concerts; they support the disabled and elderly, single mothers, the disadvantaged, families with many children. Where: the town and district of Brahin Do: visit the history museum, citadel and St Nikolas' church in Brahin, the oak forest in Kamaryna, the ruins of the Wisniowiecki Princes' castle, and the Thälmann Park in the village of Telman.
The project is mainly aimed at facilitating the economic and social development of the local community and mitigating the Chernobyl effects. The project provided for implementation of a training and entertainment programmes including English and Italian language, theatrical and musical, sewing courses. A computer classroom was outfitted in Chojniki School No. 3 with 8 computers purchased with the project funds. Where: Chojniki Do: visit the Avraamovs' Manor and Park Ensemble and the Chojniki Lore and History Museum. Take a prom in the Central Park, go to the Smutak Monument commemorating the Chernobyl disaster.
26 THE LIGHT OF INFORMATION, CULTURE AND CREATIVITY – FOR ALL The project was implemented in Rahačoŭ District, where more than 6,700 persons live in 119 small remote settlements without any cultural facilities. The people received an opportunity to visit theatres, museums, exhibitions in Minsk and other cities. Trips to the Cichiničy sports and fitness centre, visits to the Žlobin Water Park, Homieĺ Circus and Minsk Dolphinarium are arranged for children. A mobile club runs with a 19-seat van outfitted with audio and visual equipment and autonomous power source. It provides for 10-12 entertainment events in remote settlements a week. Where: Rahačoŭ District Do: visit the Secrets of Medicinal Herbs eco-museum (Zbaroŭ), Wooden Lace exhibition (Iljič). In Rahačoŭ, visit the People's Glory Museum, the house of Beleńki merchant, the castle hill, and find the monument to condensed milk.
34A/2 Engels Street Minsk 220030, Belarus Telephone: +375 17 289-12-81 Fax: +375 17 289-12-81 eeas.europa.eu/delegations/belarus_be euprojects.by delegation-belarus@eeas.europa.eu facebook.com/EUinBelarus
A mythological tourism centre was founded on the initiative of the Rest in Village NGO under the project on Supporting the Transition to a Green
Economy in the Republic of Belarus.
The first-in-the-country tourist electric bus was purchased for the garden and park zone of the Niasviž National Historical and Cultural Museum and Reserve under the project Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus. It is insulated and may be used in the autumn and winter season. 5 velomobiles and 50 bicycles were purchased for tourists with the project funds, as well. The museum-reserve was awarded the Europa Nostra 2016 prize in the Dedicated Service category, the efforts on building the museum in the newly renovated Radziwills' palace. Where: Niasviž Do: go for an excursion around the park by the electric bus, or by a bike; visit the museum exhibition in the Radziwills' palace, and the Corpus Christi church, where a team of Belarusian and Lithuanian researchers find the Prince Rybeńko's sabre and a fragment of the Panie Kochanku's belt.
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Belarus
The project on Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus provided for setting up the production of highly efficient sapropel-to-organic fertilizers Žytkavičy District. Equipment for sapropel upgrading, pumping, transportation and reloading was purchased and installed at Žytkavičy KhimServis Company, providing for a higher productivity and lower costs. A sapropel pumping dredger was procured by the company at its own cost. They purchased a modern sapropel deep processing line with saved funds. Where: Žytkavičy District Do: visit the ancient Turaŭ, Čyrvonaje (Kniaź) Lake, Prypjac National Park.
28 UVARAVIČY — THE SPORT CITY The initiative was implemented in the town of Uvaravičy under the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project. A children's playground and an active recreation area with athletic tracks, horizontal bars, basketball and handball grounds, Nordic walking and hiking trails were created there. Where: Uvaravičy Do: visit the ancient hillfort (7th -6th centuries BCE.), the Blessed Mary's Nativity Shrine and the Sport City (in Uvaravičy); the Buda-Kašaliova bio reserve, and the wetland reserve om the Sož flood plain.
The initiative was implemented under the project on Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus. 7 tourist farms in 4 villages of the Kamianiec District launched production of herbal teas. Experts helped develop 25 herbal tea recipes. The tourist farms also keep bees and produce honey. Where: tourist farms: Mlynok (Mlyny), Vuhliany (in Vuhliany), Polish Estate and Liasnaja (in Bielaja), as well as Miadovaja, Kalinka-2 and Cichaya Zatoka (in Holy Barok). Do: walk the phyto-route through the herbal tea-making sites, taste the teas and honey, watch birds, go for a bike tour or rafting.
30 RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SAPIEHAS'/POTOCKIS' PALACE AND PARK ENSEMBLE The project is implemented within the 2007−2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-border Cooperation Programme. An ancient park was restored in the Sapiehas'/Potockis' Palace and Park Ensemble in Vysokaje. The town gateway was conserved, the park's front brick wall was renovated, steps to the Puľva river were built. The renovation will be resumed during the new phase of the 2014-2020 Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The park footpaths will be renovated, the orangery ruins will be conserved, benches and lighting will be installed. Where: Vysokaje Do: visit the Sapiehas'/Potockis' Palace and Park Ensemble, ruins of a former Fatebenefratelli's monastery building (18th C.), the Baroque Trinity Church (17th C.).
31 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KAMIANIEC AND PRUŽANY Kamianiec and Pružany together became one of the project pilot areas. A common logo was developed, illustrated information booklets were published and a tourist-attracting video clip was shot for them. The project experts drafted a tourism development strategy and implementation plan for Kamianiec and Pružany. Where: Kamianiec and Pružany Districts Do: visit the Bielavieža forest and the Dzikaje fen. In Kamianiec, observe the Kamianiec Tower and the gymnasium building next to it, the St Simon's church, the catholic Sts Peter and Paul's church, the Der Meyer synagogue, the Talmud Knesset Beth Itzchak yeshiva and the Beit Midrash school. In Pružany, visit the Little Pružany Palace museum in the Szwykowskis' Manor, the orthodox St Alexander Nevsky's cathedral, the pharmacy (1828), the catholic Assumption of Mary church, the synagogue, the protestant shrine and the People's School (1868).
32 ENHANCING THE RUŽANY TOURISM CAPACITY The initiative is a part of the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project. Its goal is to attract tourist to the district and preserve cultural and historical sites. Two booklets in Russian, English and Polish, were published. One is fully dedicated to Ružany, its history and places of interest. The other focuses on the Sapiehas' Ružany Palace Complex/Museum. A website (rozana.by) was developed for the museum; it provides information about the museum exhibits and tourist infrastructure of the town and adjacent settlements. Special QR code plates were installed at 7 places of interest in Ružany; the town infrastructure facilities were outfitted with signage for the visually impaired. Where: Ružany Do: visit the Sapiehas' Ružany Palace Museum, as well as the Ružany Gateway festival (in the month of June), and the Museum Night festival (in the month of August).
33 VIDAMLIA-ČARNAŬČYCY BIKE ROUTE The initiative was implemented under the project Expanding Economic Opportunities in Rural Belarus. It scaled up the cooperation of agro-eco-tourism entities and local authorities that co-developed a ring bike route through Vidamlia and Čarnaŭčycy rural councils. It includes a number of local tourist and cultural sites; it is marked with information stands and signposts. Also, a booklet with a map and bike route information will be published. A workshop will be outfitted in the Three Wells agro-eco tourist farm for conducting culinary, woodcarving and furniture restoration master classes for local students. Where: the village of Vidamlia Do: bike along the Vidamlia and Surroundings tourist route; attend master classes at the Three Wells agro-eco tourist farm.
34 PRESERVATION OF FENS The €1.5 mln pilot project was implemented under the Clima East regional project. Special machinery was purchased for clearing fens from excessive vegetation in Sporaŭski and Zvanec Reserves. The generated biomass will be utilized as fuel in local boiler houses. 2,300 hectares of fens were cleared in 2 years. Water control facilities in the Zvanec Reserve were renovated, which enabled mowing the most hard-to-reach fen sections. The first-in-Belarus successful controlled burning of dry vegetation was carried out in an area of 4,918 ha in order to prevent peat wildfires. Where: Zvanec Landscape Reserve (Drahičyn District) and Sporaŭski Bio Reserve (Biaroza District) Do: walk along the eco-routes in the reserves; learn about the vegetation and animal life in the fens, as well as historical and ecotourist places of interest.
35 THE REJTANS' MANOR RESTORATION The project is implemented with the 2014—2020 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. Cultural/historical and ecological centres in two historical manors: the Lachert's Manor (in Ciechanki, Poland) and the Rejtans' Manor (in Hrušaŭka, Belarus). By 2019, the manor façade and roof will be renovated; a town of all trades and the Rejtans' chapel/vault will be restored in Hrušaŭka. Where: Liachavičy District Do: visit the Rejtans' Manor in Hrušaŭka, the Railway Museum (in Baranavičy), the Bochwics' Manor (in Flierjanаva).
The project was implemented in 9 towns of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The Belarusian participant is Mscislaŭ. The experts reviewed the situation of the town historical sites, assessed their potential further use taking into account the views of the local community. Five historical sites were selected; detailed documents were developed for further activities in the next 20 years. The documents will be distributed among potential investors, such as the World Bank. Moreover, under the Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in Belarus project, the town logo was developed, booklets were published and a video clip was shot for attracting tourists. Where: Mscislaŭ Do: visit the Mscislaŭ District Museum of History and Archaeology, the Carmelites' church (17th C.), the Jesuits' Collegium (18th C.), the boy's gymnasium (early 20th C.). Climb onto the Castle Hill, observe the wooden tower and an archaeological excavation site. Visit the St Ascension men's monastery (in Pustynka) and attend the Knights' Festival (in the month of August).
16 RADAMLIA — THE ANCIENT TOWN OF THE RADIMICHI The initiative was implemented in Čavusy District under the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project in order to open up the historical, cultural and natural capacity of the Radamlia and nearby villages. An open-air museum is now created in Radamlia; so far, the "live" fire-making structure has been renovated, a site for praying Slavic idols (a pagan temple), and two stylized houses of the ancient Radimichi have been built. The local residents receive training in folk crafts, so that they could contribute to the development of agro-ecotourism. Where: Radamlia and nearby areas Do: visit the ancient hillfort and the Castle Hill in Radamlia, attend the Visiting the Radimichi festival. Go for a walk along the Live Water green tourist route and check out the Bajkavaja, Tsar's Well and Hiženka springs.
17 FROM CRADLE TO DEVELOPMENT The project provided for establishing a community tourism development council in Slaŭharad District; the council brings together representatives of local authorities, businesses, travel agencies and local community. The 2020 tourism development strategy was developed, and prospective areas of tourism development were identified. The district residents formed action groups for collecting ancient legends and rites, developing new routes, conducting master classes and excursions. Where: Slaŭharad District Do: visit the Honey Museum in Ržauka and the Flower Museum in Slaŭharad, the Blue Spring national-level nature monument, attend the Farmer's Cheese (cheesemakers' festival) and the Makavej Festival (in the month of August).
18 KARMA TREASURE BOX An artistic ground appeared in the town of Karma under the project Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus. The local park was landscaped. A modern stage with a sound acoustic system and benches for audience were built there. Now, local residents are able to take part in cultural programmes, concepts and artistic workshops. The Linen Carousel festival was held there in September 2017. Where: Karma Do: observe the ruins of the St Nikolas' church and the monument to villages evacuated in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster (in Karma). Visit hillforts and kurgan burial sites (in the villages of Vornaŭka, Kasciukoŭka and Strumeń). The wooden architecture specimens – a 19th century residential house and a granary – have been preserved in the village of Vaščanki.
19 UNITED AROUND NATURE Under the project, an environmental network for studying and protecting nature was created in Mahilioŭ and Homieĺ Regions by efforts of the local community and Birdlife Belarus activists. It is centred around 98 Wind Watch school-based clubs, 3 university student clubs and 7 action groups. Binoculars, GPS navigators, field scopes and cameras were purchased for the school clubs. They are used for excursions and field workshops, where students, alongside with their teachers and ornithologists, enter their observation data into the Important Bird Areas and Belarus Biodiversity databases – the resources that help specialists study and protect both flora and fauna. In the winter season, the volunteers install bird feeders, make individual nests and platforms for storks, and pick up garbage. Where: Homieĺ and Mahilioŭ Regions Do: attend the traditional thematic European Roller Festival in Hronaŭ, and the Birdwatcher Festival in Homieĺ.
20 TOURIST ROUTE DEVELOPMENT OF IN ČAVUSY DISTRICT The initiative is a part of the project on Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus. ENDO developed 4 ecotrails; this non-governmental organization arranges free excursions for tourists on its own. Kayaks, bicycles, equipment for watching birds and animals were procured with the EU funds. Where: Čavusy District Do: try the water, biking or walking routes with ENDO. Also, visit the Čavusy District Lore and History Museum, the pharmacy building (19th C.), the orthodox St Nikolas' church (19th C.), the catholic church of St Maria-Mother (2005) and the Central Park founded in 1884.
21 DRYBIN FAIR The Reinforcement of Social Interaction for Sustainable Rural Development in Belarus project provided for establishing the Šapavalstva ("Felting") artistic lab for studying and preserving the cultural heritage. The exhibition in one of the museum halls is fully dedicated to the history of felting in Drybin District. Felting master classes are also held there. Where: Drybin Do: visit the Drybin museum, the Manor Complex in Rasna, attend the Drybin Fair festival (in the moth of August).
The Aŭgustoŭski Canal took part in the project on Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in the Belarus with an overall budget of €1.7 mln. A logo was created; illustrated materials and a video clip were issued for the Aŭgustoŭski Canal. The project experts developed a tourism development strategy and implementation plan for the Aŭgustoŭski Canal. Where: the Aŭgustoŭski Canal Do: raft down the Aŭgustoŭski Canal, inter alia, through the Niamnova four-chamber shipping lock, or take a bike ride along the canal. Observe the forts of the Hrodna Fortress.
37 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE CLUSTER IN SMARHOŃ The project was implemented in Smarhoń District. The Smarhoń Mutual Assistance Cluster Cooperative was established there. It provides for a system of setoffs of various services between the members. Special software was developed to that end. So far, the cooperative has more than 20 members: tourist farms, Smarhoń Pilot Forestry, EkaKraj Association, Smarhoń Polytechnic Lyceum, TRAVEL tour agency, and others. An information portal about the district (www.smorhon.clusters.by) with all information of interest for tourists was developed. Where: Smarhoń District Do: visit the Ogiński's Manor Museum (in Zaliessie) and the Manor Museum of Francišak Bahuševič (in Kušliany), the Kreva Castle, memorial complex in commemoration of the heroes and victims of the First World War (in Smarhoń), the operating wooden mill and the St Trinity church (in Žodiski). Go for kayaking down the Ašmianka and Vilija rivers.
38 TWO SIDES – ONE HISTORY AND CULTURE The project was implemented with the 2007-2013 Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Cross-Border Cooperation Programme for promoting tourist sites in Ašmiany and Vilejka districts, and for attracting tourists to these districts. Owing to the project, the two districts were joined into a tourist route developed in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage and popularize tourism in the border districts of Belarus and Lithuania. The Historical Route on the Ašmiany Highland map was developed, showing estates, churches, parks and monuments of both districts. Exhibits were updated and new equipment was installed in the Władysław Syrokomla Museum (in Bareikiškes, Lithuania), and in the Ašmiany Historical and Ethnographical Museum. Where: Ašmiany Do: in Ašmiany, visit the catholic church of St Michael Archangel, the orthodox Resurrection church, ruins of the Franciscans' church, and the former synagogue building. Also, pay a visit nearby villages with remaining old churches including a uniate shrine complex and an active monastery of the Order of Saint Basil the Great in Baruny, a Franciscans' monastery ad Sapiehas' palace in Haĺšany, a catholic church in Hierviaty.
39 DEVELOPING TOURISM IN THE NAVAHRUDAK DISTRICT TOGETHER The initiative was implemented under the Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus project. It is aimed to develop the tourist capacity and preserve the cultural and historical sites in the district. The project laid foundation to the foundation of a public council on tourism development in Navahrudak District. A set of puzzles Places of Interest of Navahrudak District was published based on the outcomes of a photo contest. They are available in the town tourist info centre. The Čarešlia Star bike route was developed, as well. Where: Navahrudak Do: visit the Castle Hill with remaining fragments of the Navahrudak Castle (11th C), the Farny catholic church (18th C.), the catholic church of St Michael Archangel (18th C.), the orthodox church of Boris and Gleb (1519), the St Michael's cathedral (18th C.), the Adam Mickiewicz Museum House, and the Mindoŭg's Mountain Mound.
40 ESTABLISHMENT OF A TRADES RESOURCE CENTRE IN ŽALUDOK The initiative was implemented in the town of Žaludok under the project on Reinforcement of Social Interaction for Sustainable Rural Development
in Belarus.
A resource centre was established in Žaludok; it offers a wide range of services for the development of entrepreneurship and self-employment. Classes were held for country dwellers, entrepreneurs, artisans and tourist farm owners to train them in skills necessary to earn additional income. Where: Žaludok Do: visit the resource centre and the folk trades museum, attend handicraft, weaving and traditional cuisine master classes. The Flower Festival is held in the town in August.
41 IMPROVING UTILITY MANAGEMENT The project facilitates the improvement of the utilities' performance by introducing a social accountability mechanism and expanding NGO involvement in the process of decision-making by utility services. The project pilot towns are Iŭje and Vilejka. Training seminars and trips to Germany and Estonia are arranged for representatives of NGOs, utility services and local authorities in order to enhance their knowledge about social accountability. Water supply facilities will be computerized and dispatched; a thematic info centre will be opened, and interactive website will be developed utility sector monitoring will be carried out in Iŭje. Where: Iŭje Do: visit the set of buildings of the former Bernardines' monastery with the ancient Saint Peter and Paul church (end of the 15th C.), the monument dedicated to the friendship and unity of confessions in Iŭje District. Buildings of the end of the 19th century have remained in Iŭje.
42 RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PRYVALKA BORDER CHECKPOINT The project was implemented within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus (2007-2013) in order to improve the efficiency and expedite customs procedures along the Belarusian/Lithuanian border. A non-intrusive vehicle inspection facility will be built at the Pryvalka checkpoint; it will be equipped with an X-ray scanning system. A training class on scanning equipment operation was held for Lithuanian and Belarusian specialists. Where: Hrodna District Do: in Hrodna, visit the Old and New Castles, the Kaloža church (12th C), the Gilibert's Park, the cathedral church of Saint Francis Xavier, the Lutheran church, the Great Choral Synagogue, the Museum of the History of Religion, the Kasia and Basia water towers. If you have a Schengen visa, you may pay a visit to the Lithuanian town of Druskininkai.