Dear Aspen members, partners and friends,
From the beginning of its activity, Aspen Institute Romania was founded with the clear objective of linking creative energies and vision in the Romanian society to the idea of the good society.
Leading corporations and businesses as well as leaders from the private and public sectors joined in this project. What unites us is the profound desire to change this country and maximize the benefits this society gets from a credible path towards economic and social development. Not only is our work focused on supporting enligh-tened leadership but also we try to keep a moral compass at the heart of our activity. What each and every one of us stands for is a constant personal discovery. The moral compass is something that needs constant reflection. Maybe this is the most important role we play as values based institution: providing a venue for such a perspective.
ingful, enlightened dialogue and non-partisan debate in this country. We set an agenda developing crucial policy content and leadership capacity.
Before the summer break we will have a major conference bringing a direct input into the emerging new NATO strategic concept. Focusing on Cyber Defense we are bridging the world of business and government. By strengthening the cooperative approach in this field we can have a practical role in the security debate. By tackling with the right sense of urgency a complex issue at the heart of contemporary efforts designed to maintain and renew the role the Atlantic Alliance we are in fact linking to similar work in
Mircea Geoană, President Aspen Institute Romania
Using our resources as well as the powerful influence of the Aspen Institutes Network we aimed to make Aspen Institute Romania the foremost space for mean-
Aspen Romania is about to conclude a very busy few months, which have set high standards and framed our strategic orientation until and beyond the end of this year. We are now ready for better and more!
We have looked at government budget planning together with Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu and debated the relation between ethics and business after the crisis. We have analysed employment policies and
the Aspen International Network.
The current global, regional and national context is serious. This is why for the second part of the year we have programmed a European economic governance forum. For there days with our guests we will look at the nature of the crisis and its challenges. The objective will be to confirm whether an east to west perspective may be relevant to decision makers in members states and in Brussels alike. We will consider how can Polish, Romanian or Hungarian experiences of the post Lisbon Europe be of common use. Our Young Leaders Program should be to all of us a source of pride. This growing group of talented and driven young men and women is increasingly diverse and more regional. Their role and capacity
in shaping the society is gaining weight with their numbers. I have joined the latest group in Susai and besides having a lively debate it gave me an opportunity to remember the importance of the Aspen Seminar.
Let me also remind you that the entire Aspen Network is in fast gear. From the important intellectual efforts of Aspen Institute Italia and its contributors to help keep the EU on top of the crisis, to the newly announced Partners for a New Beginning Initiative that links Aspen Institute and the State Department to the Muslim world and the peace process in the Middle East our fellow Aspen members are bringing a sizable contribution.
This is Aspen Institute Romania and this is the network we belong to. It means constant work and engagement. We accomplished together a lot and yet we have lots more to do. It is well worth it! Both for the intellectual company and the sense of moral direction our common work provides constantly.
June - September 2010
Inside Page 2 Corporate News New Leadership, New Members
Page 3 Upcoming Events Cyber Defence in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept
Page 4 Past Events Social Inclusion – Matching Needs and Goals. The Case of Employment Policy
Page 5 Past Events Working Lunch with Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu
Page 6 Young Leaders Courage and Capacity to Change
All the best,
Agenda Highlights launched an important initiative in human rights education. We are bringing business, government and international partners together to make a valuable contribution on NATO Cyber Defense. For the autumn we are planning to bring to the attention of decision makers in Brussels and European capitals the perspective on economic governance of new EU member states. We will also be looking at how falling media revenues impact ethics in the
industry and search for viable business solutions to secure its relevance and independence. Our Young Leaders Programme continues with a new capable and determined generation from countries in the region, as the Fellows Network is at its turn developing ever more ambitious projects. We are also exploring new opportunities of cooperation with our partner Aspen Institutes. We are honoured to respond to a call from Aspen Italia to facilitate an Executive
briefing in Rome, June 15, for Enel Italy. We are also happy to welcome the presence of Aspen Institute VP of Policy and Public Programmes Mr. Elliot Gerson at the next board meeting on June 3 to discuss joint action. Another special guest will be Mr. Juan Pablo GarcíaBerdoy, fmr Ambassador of Spain to Romania, currently working on setting up Aspen Spain, an idea born on the occasion of the International Board Meeting in Bucharest last year.
Page 7 Aspen in the World Hot Summer in Aspen: Ideas, Environment and Security
Page 8 News Aspen in the Press, Our Secret Recipes, Our Partners