October 2007 Issue 34
on Canberra & Queanbeyan
Publication WRITTEN ENTIRELY by THE COMMUNITY - to upload articles go to Community Business Health & Lifestyle
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This issue of The WORD is dedicated to the carers in our community - Page 24 to 39 Carers can be parents, partners, children, brothers, sisters or friends. They can range in age from ďŹ ve years old up to people in their nineties. Carers may care for a few hours a week or all day, every day. Carers can care for one person or two or three family members or friends. The caring role can happen suddenly because of an accident or it can develop slowly through a chronic illness. Becoming a Carer is often unexpected and can touch anybody, anytime. Carers Week 14 – 20 October 2007 Often the carer’s main role involves providing physical care and assistance to their cared-for person. This might Carers are people who provide support to a family member include dressing, lifting, showering, preparing meals, or friend who has a disability, mental illness, chronic condition shopping, providing transport and helping them keep or who is frail aged. medical appointments. Carers also provide emotional In the ACT there are more than 43,000 family carers who support, security and love. It is also common for carers to provide unpaid informal support to people who require care (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
Thanks for Caring
provide ďŹ nancial support to person they are caring for. Family carers provide a quality of care and life that would not be possible if they were not there to provide it. If carers did not continue to provide support, the model of community care in Australia would change dramatically. Governments would have the responsibility of ďŹ nding the means to pay for professional care, rather than being able to rely on the voluntary contribution of unpaid family members or friends. In Australia, the amount of unpaid assistance provided by the family to people with a disability who are living in the community has been estimated as the equivalent of almost 1 million full-time employed persons (AIHW 2003). This contribution of the household sector has an imputed value of approximately $28.8 billion, more Continued pg3
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Continued from P.1 than $19.3 billion of which is the estimated value of the work of unpaid carers of people with a disability. It is almost double the total government contribution to welfare services ($10.6 billion; AIHW 2003). Even though a wide variety of services recognise the contribution of carers, many carers remain ‘hidden’. ‘Hidden’ carers often prefer to see themselves in their original relationship with their cared-for person (e.g., parent or partner) rather than in the new dimension that their caring role brings to the relationship. Some don’t identify with the term ‘Carer’ at all and don’t seek the support available to them. While some carers cope well throughout their entire caring life, many experience poor health
and wellbeing due to the demands of the role. It is common for family carers to forget about their own needs and focus solely on their cared-for person. This can lead to stress, fatigue and burnout. This is where Carers ACT can help. Carers ACT is the only association solely responsible for Carers in the Territory – with a growing membership base of almost 2,000 family Carers. They can provide quality information, resources, referrals, respite solutions, support groups, counselling, advocacy, and workshops to family Carers requesting support. This can help to lighten the load, reduce stress and help family carers to continue their invaluable caring role.
Caring for Carers
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A message from the Katy Gallagher, Minister for Disability and Community Services I am proud to support Canberra’s estimated
32,000 unpaid, informal carers and to promote their substantial contribution to the Canberra community, writes the .
The ACT Government also funds the annual Carer Recognition Grants Program, which supports key projects that improve the skills, knowledge and capability of carers in the ACT.
Carers are the unsung heroes in our community. Within thousands of homes in every suburb across Canberra, there are children, partners, parents and other loved ones, providing care to a family member or friend with a disability, mental illness or chronic condition. In fact, there are approximately 2.6 million carers in Australia, and within the ACT there are an estimated 32,000 carers, ranging from the very young to the very old. The ACT Government’s Caring for Carers Policy is dedicated to enhancing the health and wellbeing of the Territory’s carers and the people they care for. It principally recognises the social, economic and health risks that confront many carers.
On coming to Government the Stanhope Government undertook to develop a comprehensive carers policy, to address the issues that carers themselves identified as priorities. This was achieved working closely with carers; people who receive care and service providers. The Caring for Carers policy and action plan was released in August 2004 supported by funding of $830,000 over four years. It included 34 new initiatives to assist carers and encouraged employers, community and government agencies and educators to better recognise and support carers. It was decided that the most effective way to deliver the funding was through direct grants to community organisations that support carers. The latest grant round provided nearly
$240,000 for five projects including to the Australian Catholic University for a research project Supporting Children from Families affected by Alcohol or Other Drug Use. The ACT Government will shortly conduct an independent review with recommendations for future measures to support carers in the ACT. We are committed to working with carers to address — as best we can — the need that is still unmet. The ACT Government also funds the annual Carer Recognition Grants Program, which supports key projects that improve the skills, knowledge and capability of carers in the ACT.
Over the last three years 19 initiatives have been successfully actioned under this program, providing real benefits to carers and the people they care for. They demonstrate the range of everyday issues confronted by carers — of all ages — including the need for respite, practical assistance, skill development, training and information. Nationally, it is estimated that carers contribute $19.3 billion to the Australian economy each year. What cannot be measured however, is the level of comfort and support they provide to people in need in our community.
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ABN 44117238105 PO Box 1303 Dickson ACT 2602 Phone: (02) 6292 9061 Email: Website: Publisher John Hancock Graphic Design Leonie Van Ash
30/08/2007 3:41:21 PM
Their work is unpaid and the support they provide is largely unrecognised. Carers’ Week is our opportunity, as a community, to say thank you.
Carers Program Initiatives - Carers ACT for a Carer Information Kit for Service Providers and Professionals - The Mental Health Foundation for a Mental Health Carer’s Outreach Support Program - FaBRIC for a FaBRIC Website Project - Marymead for Boy Zone – a mutual support group and mentoring program for boys aged 9 to 13, who are members of families affected by disability and who perform a caring role. - The Youth Coalition for Would You Care To Stay? – a project that scoped the accessibility, appropriateness and responsiveness of respite for young carers in the ACT. - Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service for Caring for Aboriginal Carers – a program providing culturally appropriate support and counselling for Aboriginal Carers living in the ACT and surrounds.
Continued page 24
Gary Nairn has hurt working families John Howard’s extreme workplace laws have already... CUT penalty and overtime rates; CUT annual wage increases; and THREATENED job security. Authorised by John Robertson, UnionsNSW, L3, 4 Goulburn Street, Sydney.
Adopt a college Looking for a good home by Kate Naylor
for an 18 month old Border Collie x Blue Heeler. The objectives of the program are to get businesses involved in school-based learning and students involved in work-based learning. This partnership will culminate in a De-Sexed, vaccinated. Charity Dinner being held on Wednesday 19th September at the Top of the Cross, Southern Woden. HeCross is Club a Beautiful dog! The Adopt a School Charity Dinner will be held on Wednesday 19 September Ph: 0423983383 commencing at 6.30pm at the Southern Cross Club Woden, 92-96 Corinna Street, This year the Canberra Southern Cross Club has adopted St Clare’s College as part of the Australian Governments Adopt a School program.
Phillip. The ticket price of $60 per person includes canapés and champagne on arrival followed by a three-course Latin American inspired meal, with wines and coffee. Raffles will be run on the evening with some great prizes and an auction will also be held, including a signed Raiders Jersey. This is a great opportunity to support the St Clare’s College Hospitality students and Father Frank Jones Latin American Mission. BOOK NOW at the Southern Cross Club (Woden) on 6283 7288. Be quick as limited seating is available.
Organ harvesting have a heart OZ
By Jade McNabb Involuntary organ harvesting is a significant issue in China say David Matas and David Kilgour, who discussed the findings of their research report in the ACT Legislative assembly on Tuesday. According to the report members of the Chinese religious group Falun Gong are targeted by Chinese officials and imprisoned, before being unfairly sentenced to death for their organs. “No one is getting organs from a convicted killer, but from a healthy young man or woman who’s never set foot in a court room.” (David Kilgour)
The Chinese minister for health has admitted to receiving voluntary organ donations from prisoners, although there is no official donation system currently in place in China. The speech called upon the global public to make an impact on the Chinese government as they are yet to be made accountable. The most powerful opposition to the government’s behaviour comes from outside China. We need to name and shame the parties involved as an incentive for those officials to cut out the illegal behaviour as to eliminate global criticism. Australia is a strong source of transplant tourism for China, as we are generally unaware of the circumstances involved in obtaining the organs. The discussion highlighted Australia’s responsibility in motivating China’s illegal organ trade. David Matas called the government to step up it’s involvement saying, “The Australian Legislation should prevent people to go.” At the moment there are no legal restrictions to stop Australians from getting organs in China.
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October 2007 C o m m u n i t y
Questions to candidates: 1. Should the Prime Minister live in Canberra? 2. Should affairs of Federal governance be held in Canberra 3. Do you support the “Workchoices’ legislation 4. Do you support the national “your rights at work” campaign 5. Why should I vote for you? Q1. Yes, I think as the federal political leader of the country, the Prime Minister should be based in Australia’s capital city and the centre of political decision-making. The vast majority of public service agencies and Amanda Bresnan ACT Greens Candidate public servants are based in Canberra, so for Canberra therefore the primary person responsible for guiding the government of the day should also be. Q2. Yes. Canberra is the capital city and, like other countries, affairs of governance are and should be based in the capital. Q3. No. The Greens want the WorkChoices regime, which attacks the working rights of all Australians, to be repealed. WorkChoices has made it much more difficult for people such as working families, young people, and women to be treated fairly and have their rights recognised. Q4. Yes. I attended to the two main national days of action for the campaign. It is important that we restore and maintain a strong industrial relations system, and re-establish what should be basic conditions such as a minimum wage, not having to negotiate for holidays, and unfair dismissal laws. Q5. One of the most important issues is how, as a nation, we treat the most vulnerable people in society, including people who are socially and economically disadvantaged. We need to give people who are disadvantaged a voice in the way decisions are made. The last ten years or so in Australian politics has seen the rights of all Australians, but particularly those who are disadvantaged, taken for granted. I work in the area of mental health and see the way people are being impacted every day by harsh government policies. People are basically dropping out of the system because the ‘hoops’ they have to jump through to get any sort of services just add to their stress.
Q1. Yes. Q2. Should affairs of Federal governance be held in Canberra? Canberra was chosen as the national capital for good reasons. For the last eighty or so years Australia has been governed from Canberra Meredith Hunter ACT Greens candidate and should continue to be. It is important that for Fraser Canberra be celebrated as the seat of our federal government as this a constant and strong reminder to all Australians of the importance of our federal system. Q3. No. The legislation is extremely unfair and has had damaging and negative effects on so many workers who have lost wages and conditions despite the Federal Government’s spin, fed to us through millions of dollars of tax payers funded advertising, that all is well. Young people and women are some of the most vulnerable workers. The idea that they can negotiate their wages and conditions with power equal to their employer is nonsense. Q4. Yes. It is critical if there is to be fairness in our workplaces that employees can collectively bargain, be provided with a strong safety net of minimum conditions and the restoration of the award system, and have universal access to unfair dismissal laws. The current situation for many workers is desperate as they have little option other than to sign workplace agreements that make life tougher for them and their families. The Australian Greens stand for democracy and fairness in the workplace. Q5. I have spent over twenty years working with and for vulnerable people in our community and have a strong commitment to community health and wellbeing, children, young people and to safeguarding the environment. I have a deep appreciation of the unique urban/
bush environment that we live in, the clean air and the bush corridors that provide important recreation places for many Canberrans. As a Greens candidate I am keen to promote responsible and sustainable approaches to transport, such as improved public transport, walking and cycling paths. The collection, storage and careful use of water is also an issue that needs far greater attention. I believe that I am a credible candidate and I have a lot to offer the electorate of Fraser. I have extensive experience raising awareness and promoting issues of social justice in the public arena. I am also a skilled advocate and have been a representative on a variety of committees and task forces, where I have worked to ensure that the interests and rights of the disadvantaged and vulnerable are taken into account. This has given me the experience necessary to represent views and opinions and push for beneficial solutions and outcomes. I am pleased to be running as a Greens candidate in the electorate of Fraser as the Greens have a strong, optimistic, long-term vision for Australia. Q1. If I’m elected as the MP for Fraser I’ll certainly be encouraging the Prime Minister to spend as much time as is reasonable here in Canberra. However, like every other member of parliament the PM Troy Williams has a local community Liberal Candidate to represent so it’s for Fraser not unreasonable that he remain accessible to the neighbourhood he represents and, most importantly, his family. Q2. Certainly, having the key departments located in the national capital allows for efficient government administration and dialogue between departments and the parliament. Some services are best delivered at a local level but, on the whole, our community is best served by the efficient co-location of the administrative and legislative branches of government. Q3. Given the continued growth in employment and wages both here in the ACT and across Australia, it’s hard to mount a credible argument, based on the facts, against the recent changes to our industrial relations system. The flexibility they allow is really appreciated by many in our community - for example, parents can negotiate
altered working hours so that they can spend quality time with their children, or care for their elderly parents. On the other side, the Fairness Test provides a framework to protect important conditions and the Workplace Authority has responsibility for enforcing compliance with these, so there are significant safeguards in place to protect workers. Q4.No, this has been a dishonest campaign which has used union members’ funds to spread half truths and misinformation in the workplace. The effect was best summarised by one of my neighbours who expressed the view that this union campaign has done nothing to foster harmony in the workplace and has only served to create a climate of unnecessary fear and tension. I’m all for an honest campaign explaining how our workplace relations system really works, but sadly the “Your Rights At Work” is anything but this. Q5. Over more than a decade I’ve been working with employees and employers to develop workplace training opportunities, foster sustainable development and help business to meet the challenges of global warming. This experience will allow me to be an effective member of parliament, standing up for our local community to ensure that we are able to deliver affordable housing, excellent healthcare and quality education at a local level. Many of our neighbours believe that after nearly twenty years in parliament the current member has become tired and out of touch with local issues, so it’s time for a fresh face. My enthusiasm, experience and commitment to getting out and communicating with our community is something that will allow locals to get back in touch with their parliament. Q1. Absolutely – imagine if the English PM did not live in 10 Downing Street! Q2. The National Capital was established to provide a focus for federal government activity, so Canberra is the obvious place for most important Peter Conway federal and international ACT ALP Senate meetings. Why else Candidate would embassies and Australian National organisations choose to be located in Canberra?
Can we afford a Government that’s turning away from public schools?
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October 2007
Q3. Definitely not – a more unfair and discriminatory piece of legislation would be hard to find Q4. Yes. ‘Your Rights at Work’ are worth fighting, and voting, for. Q5. As a former member of the Australian Tourism Commission, I retain a great interest in promoting and expanding tourism in Canberra. For example, I strongly support the enhancement of the thoroughbred racing industry which brings millions of dollars to the local community through jobs and the promotion of Canberra as more that an administrative centre. As a practicing rugby referee and general sports enthusiast, I have an interest in ensuring that Canberra remains an important centre for ALL sport. You can expect from me a vote in the Senate to sign the Kyoto Protocol and a total commitment to ensure that there is no nuclear power station in the ACT or Jervis Bay. You can also expect strong support for and promotion of ACT issues in the Senate and robust criticism of Canberra-bashing. With Canberra’s 100th birthday nearly upon us, I would use the Senate to support a national approach to the celebration of this important event. Q1.Yes. I have called on John Howard time and time again to accept the privilege and responsibility of his position and live in the Lodge, the official residence of Australia’s Prime Minister. Unlike John Howard, Labor leader Kevin Rudd has already said that if he becomes the next Prime Minister, he will be moving into the Lodge.
Q1. I believe that the Prime Minister of the day should live in Canberra, and I am on the record as expressing disappointment about the current PM’s decision not to do so. Although I Senator Gary Humphries understand the need for the Prime Minister to also represent their constituents, I think it is very important that the Prime Minister be based in Canberra, where the important work of Government is done. Q2. Canberra was designed to be Australia’s centre of governance and administration, and I believe it is still the most appropriate setting for this work today. Not only are the majority of Commonwealth Departments, workers and facilities based here, but Canberra’s unique city/bush setting provides our politicians with a peaceful but well-serviced environment in which to make important decisions about the future of our country. On a local note, Canberra’s economy and community is largely based around the functioning of Government, and so I strongly support this remaining based in Canberra.
Q3. I support the Federal Government’s efforts to reform the industrial relations system to meet the demands of Australia’s changing work culture and the needs of our growing economy. Australians no longer work nine-to-five, five days a week, but the old industrial relations system was entirely based around this structure, limiting the Senator ability of employers and employees to negotiate Kate Lundy work arrangements to meet their specific needs. Q2.Yes. As the nation’s capital, Canberra is the Under the new system, employees can negotiate sensible, practical and traditional place for federal working hours to suit their family, educational and government affairs to be held or located. I am social commitments, while employers can tailor committed to further strengthening the role Canberra their staffing arrangements to the needs of their plays as home and host to a wide range of significant businesses. This creates a positive work culture national and international institutions and events. where both employers and employees have more Q3.Do you support the Federal ‘Work Choices’ control over their working lives. industrial legislation? Q4. While I wholeheartedly support the right of No I don’t support Work Choices and I voted against unions and other groups to engage in political this extreme piece of legislation in the Senate. The activism, I strongly object to the mistruths and Howard Government’s so-called ‘Work Choices’ has misconceptions propagated by this campaign. created a fundamentally unfair industrial relations Rather than seeking to explain to their members system with the balance tipped firmly against and the public exactly what their rights are under employees. the new IR laws, the unions have put together I am particularly concerned about vulnerable an unprecedented scare campaign designed to employees, including young people and women in mislead them and confuse the issue. I believe this the retail and hospitality sectors with evidence so far undermines the unions’ place in Australian industrial showing they stand to lose the most under AWA’s relations, as rather than do what is best for their (Australian Workplace Agreements). Labor will members by informing them of the facts, they abolish AWA’s. have attempted to distort the issue for their own Q4.I am a proud supporter of the National Your advantage. Rights at Work campaign and have addressed many Q5. I would like the people of Canberra to give me meetings and rallies of working people concerned another term as their representative in the Senate about their rights being eroded. I think the campaign because although we have achieved much over the has been essential to raising broad community past four years, there is still much more to be done. awareness about the unfairness of the Howard Among the projects I believe Canberra would benefit Government’s laws from are: Q5.Why should I vote for you? What will you (not - the duplication of Tharwa Drive to ease major your party) do for us? traffic congestion in the Tuggeranong Valley I think the Canberra community is very compassionate and has a deep-seated commitment - the construction of new access roads and traffic to the principles of justice and fairness. I share these management devices to improve safety on and values and as your representative I am committed to around Gungahlin Drive, particularly near the ensuring they are reflected through my advocacy at Burgmann School all levels. - the resolution, once and for all, of the future of I also firmly believe in developing our strengths Tharwa Bridge to secure this vital transport link for as a region and set a positive example for others the Tharwa community with smart investment in sustainable, liveable communities where best environmental practices are - the placement of a major public service department in the Gungahlin region to cement its the norm.
C o m m u n i t y
Q1. I believe the Prime Minister should live in Canberra, or otherwise bear the costs of transit between Canberra and a home outside of Canberra themselves, rather than on taxpayers’ expense.
status as a growing business and technology hub I will work hard to purse these projects over the next three years, as well as continuing my strong representation of Canberra with the Parliament and the Government. I will stand up for Canberra no matter who is in Government, and ensure that our city’s strong economic and community growth continues into the future. Q1. I believe the Prime Minister like any other elected Member of Parliament has a responsibility towards both his electorate and his Government. If this can be ably achieved through living in joint residences then so be it. I would like to add that I am extremely happy to Natalie Colbert Liberal for Canberra live in Canberra. Q2. Yes. Affairs of Federal governance should usually be held in Canberra, excluding specific issues that are relevant to the States and that would benefit from geographical proximity. Q3. I do support the creation of the new workplace relations system. Since March 2006, more than 400,000 jobs have been created - a staggering 84% of those are full-time. Real wage have also increased - 3.0% more than the cost of living. Employees on Australian Workplace Agreements are earning, on average, 94% more than workers on the award and 9% more than workers on collective agreements. Both of these aspects mean more money in people’s pockets - and then for those who want them, we still have awards and union agreements. The new workplace relations system is about creating workplaces for today and for the future - and I strongly support that. Q4. I support the right for the Unions to run a campaign, but I do not agree with the National “Your Rights at Work’ scare campaign. The scare campaign is an expensive, emotive and unprecedented Labor/Union ploy that has predicted mass sackings and failing wages. Most of the information presented is simply untrue. The Unions would have people believe that working families are having their award conditions like penalty rates and overtime ‘stripped away’ - The Workplace Ombudsman and Workplace Authority together with the Fairness Test ensure that employees receive fair compensation if they remove award conditions such as penalty rates. Therefore, I disagree strongly with the misrepresentations and mistruths in this campaign, but not with the Unions’ right to run it. Q5. You should vote for me because if I am elected, I will work tirelessly to deliver real results for our community in the following areas: 1. Community Safety - Like so many Canberrans I am tired of hoons, graffiti, and vandalism in our community. I don’t believe that we should have decreasing standards of safety. I will keep up the pressure on the Stanhope Government to get more police on our streets. 2. Strengthening education. I believe a good education is essential to give our children the start they need. While the Stanhope Government is closing local schools, the Howard Government has set aside $33 billion to support government and non-government schools between 2005-2008 – providing a better learning environment for our children. I am extremely concerned that Labor and the Greens do not support funding for non-government schools which represent 40% of the schools in this electorate and I would work to ensure all school-children have access to an excellent education. 4. Plan for the future development of Canberra. Two of my immediate priorities for Canberra would be the duplication of the Tharwa Drive and the heritage restoration of the Tharwa Bridge.
Q3.Not at all. I’ve seen the effect that the Workchoices Elena Kirschbaum legislation has had on young people, on women Greens 2nd Senate Candidate for the ACT. and on members of many minority groups, effects such as pay cuts and the loss of benefits. I believe that the Workchoices legislation has been one of the most drastic steps backwards in the rights of workers and all Australians. Q4. Do you support the national ³your rights at work² campaign? The ³your rights at work² campaign has done a fantastic job of giving people some insight into how work choices might affect them. Q5.I am a 22 year old business owner. I have lived in Canberra my whole life. Most of my work has been within the community sector in community development work. I am passionate about community development principles and I enjoy working with people to strengthen and build communities. I¹m proud to be a part of a party that genuinely cares about the rights of all people, that cares about protecting our planet and our future, and is committed to a real democracy in Australia.
Kerrie Tucker
Greens Senate candidate for the ACT
Q1.Yes, but before he/she moves in there should be a refurbishment to bring the Lodge up to at least 7 Green Stars, with photovoltaic cells and solar hot water heating, rain water collected and grey water used for gardens. Half of our greenhouse gas emissions come from housing. It¹s time to set an example!
Q2 Where possible and appropriate. Q3 No. It makes things harder for people disadvantaged and those with fewer opportunities: particularly people in the low skilled workforce, a high proportion of whom are women and young people. Q4 Yes. It provided some desperately needed balance by putting the other side to the federal Government¹s narrow workplace arguments. Q5 I will work for democracy, protection of our precious environment and a fair society which embraces not only those who are privileged, but also those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable The Howard Government has used its control of the Senate to trample over all these important goals. By electing me as your Senator you can make a real difference, not only for Canberra, but for all of Australia. This is because I would take my seat immediately, and not wait until July next year as the other new senators would. This would immediately remove Howard¹s complete control of the Senate, a good thing regardless of who is in government. The people could once again have a genuine opportunity to participate in the governance of our beautiful country. We have a lot of work to do but there are many positive possibilities: making all houses energy and water efficient, free high quality health care and education, paid maternity leave, affordable housing, affordable high quality childcare, support for independent research and clean industries, family friendly work places, fair aged pensions, user friendly public transport and protection and respect for the human rights of all of us.
Q1.Should our PM live in Canberra or the city of his or her choice? Should a ships captain have to actually live on the ship? If he or she has a family surely they could live near the sea. Perhaps the Queen Representative (The G.G) could also live in an area that suits their lifestyle. Sir Robert Menzies who was responsible for Canberra’s development in the sixties would I believe be disgusted with any PM who chose not to live in our Capital. Yours faithfully J. McDonald - Hackett
October 2007
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C o m m u n i t y
George Negus to host local Election forum Longstanding television presenter, journalist and commentator, George Negus, will host “Meet the Candidates”, Eden-Monaro’s forum organised by local group GetUp in Narooma, and supported by national website au and webcast by The sitting Member, Gary Nairn, Liberal, Mike Kelly, ALP, Keith Hughes, The Greens and Acacia Rose, Independent, will be attending the forum at the Narooma Golf Club: 4.00pm on 14 October. Mr Negus said: “We talk about democracy in action and this sort of forum is probably as close as it’s going to get. MPs and election candidates having to face their voters should happen more often. Anything that brings the voters and their representatives closer together for an exchange of views has got to be a sign of our maturity as a nation. Eden-Monaro is pretty much a litmus test of the upcoming election. If the government loses Eden-Monaro they will probably lose the election”.
Mr Negus hosted a similar series of forums “Australia Talks” for the ABC before the last election. “I commend the people responsible for putting together a forum of this kind, where all the candidates have to face questions from the electors. There should be more of it – we can’t get enough of it if we are to ever give more than just lip service to democracy.” Narooma GetUp! Convener Don Dornan said,“We’re thrilled that Mr Negus has agreed to manage the interaction on the day. We look forward to hearing candidates present their policies and state why we should vote for them. Questions will be taken from the floor of the meeting. For other voters who can’t attend, they’ll have a chance to have their say through the screening of YouTube video questions collected previously from around the electorate.”
Walk against warming On Sunday at 2pm, 2 weeks before the Federal Election, Australians all over the country will be Walking Against Warming. In Canberra, people will gather at city walk to hear speakers and music, and join the growing community that is concerned about climate change. The Walk Against Warming is being held 2 weeks before the election to send a clear message to the next government of Australia that we need meaningful action on climate change, now. We walk to achieve deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions through:
A 30% emissions reduction and 25% renewable energy target by 2020, smarter energy use, better transport options, and a price on carbon. There are many actions people can take in their own lives to help stop dangerous climate change. Many of us are already trying to reduce our carbon footprint, but we need the Government to act to achieve the deep cuts in emissions that can keep temperature rises below 2 degrees.
An Australian first, this groundbreaking event makes use of internet video submissions to encourage wider participation in the political process. Key questions from voters from the far corners of the vast Eden-Monaro electorate will be screened to the candidates and live audience at the forum. The action can be then be later viewed at Mr Negus added: “As a nation, Australia faces some big decisions in areas like climate change, work relations, family and community, housing affordability, race relations, indigenous affairs, health and education. I see the forum in Eden-Monaro as a microcosm of everything this election is about. The more people participate, the better. Surely, the first privilege and responsibility of being a voter is to take part in the process and the debate. This forum is a great opportunity to do just that”.
Notes: o Download images of George Negus at http:// o Voters can attend the forum on 14 October 2007, from 4.00pm to 6.00pm at the Narooma Golf Club Auditorium, Ballingalla Street, Narooma. o For those unable to attend, questions can be submitted on YouTube and the forum can be viewed at o is an independent, grassroots community advocacy organisation with over 2000 members in Eden-Monaro, giving everyday Australians opportunities to get involved and hold politicians accountable on important issues. o is a one-stopshop internet site that gives local communities a voice by incorporating local electorate-based sites as well as pages for the Senate. o Contact:David Grace, GetUp Eden-Monaro Coordinator 0407 419 320,
You can Pledge to Walk Against Warming now at, and find resources and information about climate change, and about the Walk. You can also sign up to receive updates so you’ll be the first to know when the election is called and the exact date of the Walk Against Warming. 3000 Canberrans attended the Walk last year. This year, join us in asking the next Government to lift the limitations on our future. Nuclear, dangerous climate change, or renewable energy now. It’s our choice. Vote with your feet, and Walk Against Warming this year.
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October 2007 C o m m u n i t y
Human Rights Torch Relay Coming to Canberra By Mathew Robertson Inspired by the Olympic torch relay, a Global Human Rights Torch Relay is now touring around the world to raise the awareness of human rights violations in communist China. The Human Rights Torch was lit in Athens on 9 August, one year before the scheduled 2008 Olympics. It has now traveled several European countries. It will come to Australia in late October, and arrives to Canberra on Tuesday December 11. In 2001 Beijing was awarded the 2008 Olympic Games with the expectation that China would improve its human rights record. The 2008 Games are now fast approaching. However, recent reports by the United Nations,
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Reporters Without Borders express grave concern for serious human rights violations taking place in China, and the situation has become worse. The purpose of the Human Rights Torch Relay is to remind us that the forthcoming
Olympic Games cannot succeed in all regards if the Chinese communist regime is engaging in serious crimes against humanity at the same time. It encourages China to make human dignity a priority in the Olympic preparations. The Olympic Spirit is based on human dignity, and the Chinese communist regime’s human rights abuses are against the Olympic Spirit. Amnesty International, in a statement released September 21, 2006 said: In its latest assessment of the Chinese government’s performance in four benchmark areas of human rights ahead of the Olympics, Amnesty International found that its overall record remained poor. There has been some progress in reforming the death penalty system, but in other crucial areas the government’s human rights record has deteriorated.†An untold number of dissidents suffer in China’s forced labour camps without any legal protection. They are brainwashed and tortured, and many of them are exploited as slave labour for over 12 hours a day. The labour camp population consists of democracy and environmental activists, lawyers, Christians,
Tibetans, Uighur Muslims and Falun Gong practitioners, among others. A recent independent investigation report “Bloody Harvest (”, by Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Canadian Secretary of State (AsiaPacific) David Kilgour, concludes that the Chinese communist regime is systematically harvesting organs from living Falun Gong prisoners of conscience to support the billion dollar organ transplant trade. In the course of the year before the Olympic Games, the Torch will tour in more than 35 countries and 150 cities. Many athletes, jurists, journalists, politicians, artists, companies and non-governmental organizations have joined the supporters of the Torch to promote its journey around the world. People in Canberra can support this worthy cause in December when the torch comes. To participate in the relay, please call 0421-348 698 or email, and visit the website:
Human Rights Torch Relay Entry Form To join the Global Human Rights Torch Relay in Canberra, please register online at the above site. Email: or complete and return this form: Name: Address: Phone: Email: Post to: PO Box 3018 Manuka, ACT 2603 Call 0421 348 698 or mail to:
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Amnesty International Australia The 2008 Beijing Olympics: a chance for Human Rights in China Chat rooms monitored. Blogs deleted. Websites blocked. Search engines restricted. Search terms resulting in nothing. People imprisoned for simply posting and sharing information. This is all part of online life in China, says Amnesty International Australia – and without transparency and information flows, human rights abuses can continue unchecked. It’s less than a year until the Beijing Olympics, which, says Amnesty International, will offer an unprecedented opportunity to help create a more transparent society in China. Freedom of expression is a universal human right and Amnesty International believes the Games can be used as a positive step towards creating a society in China that upholds basic human rights. The organisation also wants to make sure any reforms made for the Olympics remain in place long after the Games are over. Amnesty International’s global campaign for human rights in China is focused on ending online censorship; abolishing the death penalty; ending torture in detention; and protecting human rights defenders in China. Not only is all media in China is strictly controlled by the government, internet access is also heavily censored. Restricting the internet helps China continue to hide abuses like the death penalty, torture and the persecution of human rights defenders. Expressing your opinion in China can result in jail, torture and death. People are silenced and what happens in China is clouded in secrecy. This complex system of censorship is assisted by major international internet companies such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft. These three companies have entered into a pledge with the Chinese Government, allowing them to operate in China but only under conditions that involve the censorship of their users. For example, using information supplied by Yahoo the Chinese government sentenced Shi Tao to 10 years in jail for sending an email to a US-based website about the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. In their bid for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Chinese Government made a commitment to human rights: “By allowing Beijing to host the Games you will help in the development of human rights”, said Liu Jingmin, Vice-President of Beijing Olympic Bid Committee, in April 2001 . Yet, as the Games approach, the state of human rights in China is getting worse. Over the coming year Amnesty International Australia will campaign to challenge the Chinese system of internet repression and you can help! 1. Learn more about China’s human rights abuses by visiting the Amnesty International Australia website You may also pick up a copy of Amnesty International Australia’s China Campaign News from the Action Centre (Suite 8, Level 1, 134 Bunda St, Civic) or subscribe to an e-newsletter. 2. Help spread the word – encourage your friends and family to get involved. 3. Join the ACT/SNSW China Campaign Team. For more information, contact Athena at au or 6202 7501. 4. Join in Amnesty International Australia’s activities for Journalists Day in China on 8 November. For more information, please call 6202 7501 or email athena_
C o m m u n i t y
Tuesday 23 October Kids Capers Expo 10.00am 2.00pm Corroboree Park, AINSLIE Wednesday 24 October Launch and Awards 11.00am 12.30pm Visions Theatre, National Museum Wednesday 24 October “Understanding Modern Childhood” talk by Dr Joe Tucci, CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation, 1.30pm - 3.30pm Visions Theatre, National Museum Saturdays 20, 27 and Sundays 21, 28 October Family Tours 10.30am Orientation Gallery Australian War Memorial.
Invest with
Tuesday 23 and Thursday 25 October
“Wiradjuri ways” storytelling 10.00am Larry Brandy uses story and artifacts from the Wiradjuri nation (children 5 and under) National Gallery Sunday 28 October - Little Big Shots
International Film Festival for Kids. See 50 films from 20 countries in one day. 10.30am - 5.00pm
The Wiggles Wiggleswill willNOT NOTbe beappearing appearingat atany anyChildren’s Children’sweek weekevents. events. The
20-28 OCT 2007
NATIONAL PATRON His His Excellency Excellency Major Major General General Michael Jeffery Michael Jeffery AC AC CVO CVO MC MC (Retd) (Retd) Governor-General Governor-General of of the the Commonwealth of of Australia Australia Commonwealth
Theatre, National Museum More details of Children’s Week Programme at
This column answers questions I’m frequently asked about investing in property. Who says South East Queensland (SEQ) is a hot property pick? SEQ is always in the press, with reports that prices continue to soar and rents skyrocket— excellent news for savvy investors. Example: the Daily Telegraph (18/09) said Brisbane is the most expensive city in Australia for rent, surpassing Sydney and Melbourne by several percentage points. This means stiff competition among renters to secure good housing. Another authority—the RP Data-Rismark Hedonic Index—recently reported that across Australia (January–April 2007), Brisbane housing prices increased by 7.9%, ahead of Melbourne (up 3.1%), Sydney (up 1.4%) and Perth (down 2.7%). Is the growth short-term? No, but the window of opportunity to get into the market while it is still affordable won’t last long. The index says population growth is fuelling the area and ‘there is no sign of that slowing just as there isn’t any sign of price increases slowing’. It says researchers are classifying Brisbane and the Gold Coast as a ‘supercity’ that will become Australia’s top urban hub. As the two cities merge into the one metropolis prices will continue to climb as SE Queensland becomes the premier place to live. This is a gold mine for investors. However, it is also creating a supply-and-demand situation which is seeing prices rise rapidly. As with any fast-moving market, the earlier you enter the market the better—as recently happened in Perth.
ant to learn more about hot Queensland properties? We have relationships with developers and often have access to excellent properties before they’re publicly promoted. Call 6295 3133 to make an appointment for an obligationfree chat.
C o m m u n i t y
Albert Hall By Jade McNabb “It’s proposed that this area be zoned to allow a high level of tourist entertainment and leisure use and to build Canberra as a Waterfront city.” (Todd Rohl, NCA, Managing Director)
The Albert Hall stands on the corner of Commonwealth Avenue and Kaye Street in Yarralumla. Solemn and unassuming it waits. Unaware of the controversy that surrounds it or the plans to expand it into a commercial tourist focal point. In February, The National Capital Authority (NCA) released plans that transformed Albert Hall into a tourist’s playground.
Understandably, local residents are at odds with the idea. Many Canberrans avidly unhappy with the thought of changes being made to the area believing, “Albert Hall has deep social meaning and links with early Canberra residents.” (John Mulvaney, ACT Heritage) It doesn’t seem fair to expect residents to accept commercial change in what is obviously a prominent and meaningful area. Is it possible to achieve a balance between recognising and maintaining cultural values while expanding to fill the commercial demands? Since 1999, community use of Albert Hall has declined 90%. ( Funnily enough, it was in 1999 when the ACT government withdrew it’s insurance subsidies for community hire of Albert Hall. Leaving potential hirers with a hefty bill. Today, the hall will on occasion host a modest function or a weekend clearance sale, but for the most Albert Hall sits empty.
has considered expansion plans since 2005. When it called for expressions of interest in the hopes of revitalising the area.
Locals were immediately opposed to the development and have since formed a committee called ‘Friends of the Albert Hall,’ dedicated to the withdrawal of the development plans. The Hall being listed on the Trust requires the government to make any future plans in accordance with a Conservation and Land Management Plan (CMP), which it then commissioned. This plan was arranged for the government by an independent team that then suggested the Albert Hall precinct, (including the Hyatt Hotel, Albert Hall, Canberra Croquet clubhouse and lawns,) be registered on the National Heritage Trust. “It had played a central role in the growth and evolution of the federal capital and was important to the past and present community of Canberra.” ( The ACT Heritage Trust requires, “The Hall in it’s landscape setting is to be conserved and appropriately maintained consistent with it’s heritage significance.” ( Despite plans to introduce outdoor cafes and leisure centres Mr Rohl assured the ABC, “The proposed change certainly looks at protecting the significant heritage values of Albert Hall.”
Albert Hall is a solid part of Canberra’s history. Ceremonies and events relevant today were originally hosted in the Albert Hall. Including Australia’s first citizenship ceremony, which was conducted by Ben Chifley in 1949. A fundraiser for the local unemployed by the Canberra Relief Society was staged during the great depression in 1931 and in the 1960’s it was the tally room for federal elections.
Included in the controversial development plans are:
Despite formally being listed on the ACT Heritage Register in 1997, the ACT government
ACT Planning and Land Authority, (ACTPLA) is another government organisation unhappy with the NCA’s development plans. ACTPLA is, “responsible for planning for the future growth of Canberra in partnership with the community. ( ACT Planning and Land Authority assessed the development plans and produced an official review.
• Two four story buildings • One eight story building placed, fronting Commonwealth Avenue and • Removal of a pine plantation and the plantings along Flynn Drive.
Yet something is amiss when a government agency questions the motivations of a government funded development.
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ACT Heritage believe Albert Hall in it’s current state is a valuable communal icon that, “continues to have social and cultural values as a venue for a range of different purposes attracting large gatherings and aesthetic value in it’s lakeside setting.” ( Todd Rohl appears to agree. “The heritage values at the Albert Hall . . . were foremost in the planners’ minds and any development would need to demonstrate design excellence appropriate for such a prominent site.” ( Yet, opposing the ACT Heritage commitment to conserve the building, Pine trees immediately to the west and north of the hall have been listed for removal. This leads me to believe the NCA seem to have no regard for Heritage laws regarding listed sites. At the insistence of the public, Friends of Albert Hall and no doubtedly the awkward CMP and ACT Planning and Land Authority report. The NCA altered the original plans and finally agreed to remove the eight story “landmark” building. Yet there still remains an obvious commercial interest. To both the public and the professionals, Albert Hall expansion plans appear impractical and without any long term considerations. Why hasn’t the government simply considered subsidising the Halls insurance once again, as it did in it’s most popular years.
Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk, The Hollywood Way - 27 Oct 07, 9.30am-1.30pm The Hollywood way, or no way. Understanding and walking the walk, and talking the talk. Be aware of how to communicate with US film and television producers and those Hollywood types to best achieve success in the United States. If you are even thinking of pitching, liaising, or communicating with people in the film, television or other related creative industries in the US, then this workshop is a must!
ACTPLA accurately details many flaws in the Albert Halls development proposals, paying particular attention to the traffic suggestions. “Commonwealth Avenue currently carries
This workshop will support you toward gaining a clear understanding of what Americans really mean when they speak, and when you are dealing with them. Gain a clear understanding of how to read the nuances of American society. What does the ‘Rah, rah’ attitude really mean?
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7,850 vehicles during peak hour, the proposed changes will, “. . . increase the demand at this intersection by another 1,000 vehicles during peak period. This will have the effect of imposing excessive delays and queues.” (
“The current design, density and sitting of the buildings appear primarily designed to maximise the commercial potential of the site . . . the development could be carried out more sympathetically with fewer and better designed and suited buildings, and with increased attention to open space and garden development.” (
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October 2007
The ACT Filmmakers’ Network is supported by the ACT Government through artsACT and the Australian Film Commission.
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October 2007
C o m m u n i t y
Rostrum “club6” is accepting new members BY HELEN STORER Does the thought of speaking in front of people cause you to feel anxious or stressed? Could you use some confidence-building practice in a supportive group where all are committed to helping each other improve their speaking skills? Are you required to organise meetings or perform secretariat duties at your work or social club? Would you value being encouraged by experienced people who have learned how to do these things in a professional way?
HERE’S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU!! Rostrum is a well respected social club where you can learn keys to effective public speaking or improve your existing skills in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Part of the Rostrum Promise states “I will try at all times to think truly and to speak clearly. I promise not to be silent when I ought to speak up” If this appeals to you, please accept our invitation to join one of our lunchtime meetings and experience the benefits of membership. HOW: Just come along – attendance is free to visitors WHERE: Eastlakes Football Club, 3 Oxley St. Kingston (free parking) WHEN: Wednesday lunchtimes, 12.35–1.35 Joining process is simple & first semester is free. Then it’s $30 for 6 months. For further details call Sid on 62957531 or Helen on 0412 612760
Caring Men By Michael Byrne
have the resources to manage those things in a “Being able to ask for help is way of way that’s different to how family members are understanding that you’re enabling yourself to managing them.” use your energy for caring and to do it for a “The other thing is to give the carers a place to longer period.”
Many carers are unaware of the support facilities available to them. Assistance is accessible; it’s come and talk about the burdens they’ve got.” Greg believes it is important to get older, just a matter of asking for a hand. There are also facilities for those being cared retired men out of the house and into the community. Greg Aldridge, Manager of The Canberra for. Greg explains. Men’s Centre, believes there are facilities there “If the person has a capacity to engage with the “A lot of the things you used to do made you to help carers. assistance process then we can do that through feel like a valuable member of the community. You now might feel redundant or irrelevant.” “One of the options might be that the person counselling.” being cared for actually comes into our support According to Greg, the most important thing “Being able to create an opportunity to use and accommodation so the case manager and about being a good carer is understanding that some skills can really help you to feel like you have something to offer.” the agency are there to provide support. We asking for and receiving help is acceptable.
Hey Kids - Turn Off the Lights! By Charly Canberra Electrician has and is forever at them to turn of the lights in their rooms. Of course as busy pre-teens they obviously don’t have the time to pause at the door and flick the switch. Now problem solved........ We have installed Ringgrips 36 minute timer bulbs in each of their rooms. These bulbs are 60W incandescent bulbs that will automatically turn themselves off after 36 minutes. While we generally use CFLs in our home, the break even point for electricity consumption for these timer lights compared to an 11 watt CFL, is about 3 hours and 30 minutes. Much less than a school day. So in our house, using these lights in the kids rooms saves our power usage and helps do our bit for the environment. We are so pleased with the results that the Canberra Electrician team will give you one to try out for free with any service call we make to your home. Just mention this article. Visit the Canberra Electrician website (http:// for contact details and sign up for our free Energy Saving Hints and Tips Newsletter. We will also be offering subscriber only specials - so don’t miss out.
Scouts don’t just tie knots BY ROSS Sure they learn knots but look what they use them for, tying the bikes onto the trailers to go bush. Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scouts had a number of Scouts who have been riding bikes since the age of eight, who decided that the rest of the troop should learn. Having put a trip to Ingledene Forest on the program, 15 Scouts, 3 leaders and a number of parents spent a fun Sunday doing the circuit (slowly at first) and then moving onto the bush tracks. They have decided that this should be a regular event. How many 12 years olds can turn up at school on Monday saying that they went bush on motorbikes on the weekend. As usual, the day included some community service and a truck
The rela tives hav e arrived u nannounc ed…. load of old car bits were collected for removal by the rangers. Anyway, with summer coming up the Scouts are programming lots of water activities: canoeing, windsurfing and sailing, Maybe even a raft-trip to Maccas again. Scouting is fun, serious fun.
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October 2007 B U S I N E S S
3 Necessary Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer By Charly What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business. Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have consulted some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business and below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business.
Important Tool #1: Your Own Website The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and
professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need. The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.
How ad ware delivers advertising you never meant to see! By Charly If you’ve never heard of ad ware or aren’t sure what the uproar is all about, then this article is a must-read. In this day and age, targeting consumers on the Internet has become international warfare. In a perfect world, traditional advertising methods would reign, but in the faceless computing age, some companies will go all out to make sure that prospective buyers see their ads first.
Know an
As a result, ad ware has evolved to become an insidious and often potentially harmful method of sneaking ads into to your computer. So what is ad ware? Simply stated, ad ware is a small piece of software that works through a program installed for unrelated use. Most often found in freeware, ad ware will automatically install an additional component
Important Tool #2: Incentives Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects. A good way to find things to giveaway is to join Giveaway Events - see my Giveaway event page.
Important Tool #3: Link Popularity The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in
A review of the three best affiliate programs can be found at: visit now and download a FREE EBook.
that supplies a stream of advertisements to your computer without your consent.
Oftentimes, the glitches it causes in a system will prevent a user from being able to access the control areas to configure settings. In addition, once it is successfully removed, the program responsible for the ad ware will be incapable of running without the ad ware component. Thus, you’re forced to abandon a program you like or left to deal with the onslaught of advertising this menace can cause.
Ad ware can also work by pointing your browser homepage to a site that feeds even more advertising. Worst of all, ad ware operates without your permission and often without your knowledge. By embedding itself in some obscure file directory, most computer users never even know that ad ware is rampant on their system.
Nominations are now being called for the following awards
2008 Canberra Gold Chief Minister’s Awards Recognises and celebrates the commitment made by long-term residents who have lived in the ACT for 50 years or more.
Recognises local individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to our community.
ACT Honour Walk Recognises individuals or groups from all categories of endeavour whose significant contribution has shaped our city.
For further information or to obtain a nomination form: | Phone: 6205 3031
One of the best ways to do this – at no cost at all – is by submitting articles, with your website’s link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your site. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it. These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer.
Not only is ad ware incredibly annoying, especially if you can’t find the reason why it is happening, but it often causes system anomalies and program incompatibilities that can do damage to your computer and legitimate applications. In addition, if the ad ware you inadvertently installed hijacks your start page or toolbar, then reconfiguring your system Canberran? settings can often be difficult.
2008 Canberra Citizen of the Year Award
the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.
Further complicating matters is the fact that the typical computer user can’t locate the source of the problem and even if they think they’ve deleted the ad ware application, it often returns on the next restart! Without an ad ware removal tool such as SpyWare Doctor, the changes it can make to a system characteristically surpasses the average user’s technical capabilities. Removing ad ware can prove to be even more difficult than putting up with its existence on your computer.
Ad ware and spy ware are both programs that people won’t search out with interest, but that’s not to say they aren’t out there. While ad ware typically associates itself with freeware, avoiding free downloads off the Internet isn’t too practical for the typical computer user. This is where SpyWare Doctor comes in. Features of the registered version * Detect and remove spyware, adware, malware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots, adbots and trackware * OnGuard runs in the background to monitor and protect your PC from browser infections and tracking cookies * Immunize your system against more than a thousand known web-browser hijackers (BHO) and ActiveX threats * Real-time protection including defense against known phishing attacks, popup blocking and malicious site guard * Intelligent and deep scanning options allow you to thoroughly check your PC for Malware infections * Receive frequent Smart Updates to detect and guard against new threats For a short period of time, when you buy PCTools Spyware Doctor, you can also get Privacy Guardian FREE. Go here now to take advantage of this offer.
October 2007
Blogging News Stories as They Happen BY NICKTAN Blogging news stories as they unfold is one of the most exciting and controversial applications of technology that bloggers have discovered. One thing that makes the blogosphere so active is the fact that it is possible to update a blog instantaneously, so the news on blogs tends to be more current than the news in the paper, or on television. Unlike news delivered by these other media, news that appears on blogs does not have to travel through a series of editors and administrators before it reaches the public eye. This has some advantages, and some distinct disadvantages. One of the most notable cases of news hitting a blog before appearing in other media took place in July 2005 when terrorism struck London. As passengers were evacuated from a subway car near an explosion, one man took several photographs of the scene with his cellular phone, and within an hour these images were posted online. First-person accounts of the catastrophe began appearing on blogs soon after these photos appeared, and people all over the world learned about the events in London by reading the words and seeing the photos posted by bloggers. The fact that these stories and images were being spread directly by individuals operating without the added filter of a reporter helped to make the crisis feel very immediate to people across the globe. When it comes to blogging, news often appears in a very personal context. This has the potential to be the beginning of an exciting new era of reporting, one that takes “New Journalism” to it’s logical next step by putting the power to shape how the news is written and read directly into the hands of the public. Many bloggers and cultural commentators who are champions of the weblog movement feel that this growing trend of individuals who getting their news from blogs is a good thing, because it makes the flow of information more democratic. By decentralizing the control of news, blogs allow more voices to enter the field of debate about important current events. However, many people are adamantly opposed to the use of blogs as news outlets, and there are plenty of good arguments on this side of the debate. Unlike newspapers or television stations, few blogs have fact- checkers, and there is little attention paid to journalistic accountability on many blogs. This can lead to the rapid spread of misinformation, and more than one falsehood has taken the blogosphere by storm. The questions about whether blogging news as it happens is ethical or not are very complicated, but no matter where you stand on the topic of current events blogs you are almost sure to agree that this movement has the potential to revolutionize how modern people get their news.
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Have your cake and eat it too: Access your super while at work. Those over 55 years of age but who want to continue working can now access their super – thanks to a Government initiative that can provide benefits for many groups of people, including those approaching retirement, says local financial adviser, Wayne Byrne, from Vanzwan Accounting Plus.
the pension become tax free.”
Since 1 July 2005, the Government has made available ‘transition to retirement’ pensions. These pensions offer a series of periodic payments similar to other retirement income streams. Wayne, says that although they do not allow lump sum withdrawals they are flexible in the sense that they can be stopped at any time should the person wish to go back to work full time or revert back to accumulation phase. In addition, once a person does retire, it becomes an ordinary pension and lump sums can be withdrawn.
However, Wane warns that although accessing super early can be useful for some, it needs to be carefully planned. “The most important thing to keep in mind is to ensure that you still have plenty of super savings to fund your retirement when you are older. Using some of your super early might assist you now, but could also leave you short later down the track.”
According to Wayne those working part-time are ideal candidates for this type of measure. “A person 55 or over can still work part time but supplement their income if they need to, by accessing part of their super. They do not need to fulfil any Work Test requirements and furthermore, they can roll back their funds at a later date if they want to start building up their super again.” Wayne also points out that given the favourable superannuation tax environment, there could also be some tax savings involved by commencing a pension whilst still working. “The earnings in your superannuation fund are normally taxed at 15%. However by commencing a ‘transition to retirement’ pension, the earnings on assets that support
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One strategy which can be used to take advantage of these tax savings is to salary sacrifice a significant portion of your income and then commence a ‘transition to retirement’ pension to replace your employment income.
Tania Chesworth & Paul Lanzon
Fixed versus variable – is now the time to switch?
“At the end of the day, it will come down to your Some home owners fear rising interest rates individual financial position. Seek professional because of the impact higher repayments could have on their budget. advice if you are unsure” says Wayne. Wayne Byrne is an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited, an Australian Financial Services Licensee (No. 227232) and Australia’s largest independently owned network of financial planning accountants and advisers.
In August, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) raised rates for the second time this year. And it may not be the last. ANZ Economics predicts the RBA will raise the official cash rate again, probably in November.
investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you should consider how appropriate the advice is to your particular investment needs, and objectives.
If you don’t want to risk higher rates – or just want the certainty of fixed repayments – it could be a good time to ask, “is now the time to fix?”
With interest rates at a five-year high, another 25 basis point (0.25 per cent) rate rise would add an The advice provided is general advice only as, in extra $52 to the monthly repayments on a typical preparing it, we did not take into account your $250,000 variable rate home loan.*
More information: Wayne Byrne Vanzwan Accounting Plus Pty Ltd 02 6251 4888
Fixed rate home loan With a fixed loan, the interest rate and repayments remain the same for a set period, usually one to ten years. At the end of the fixed period you can switch to a variable rate loan or negotiate a new fixed rate. Advantages - repayments stay the same - you win if variable rates rise.
Disadvantages -fewer features (e.g. most do not offer a mortgage offset facility) - less flexible (e.g. overpayments may incur early repayment costs).
Variable rate home loan With a variable rate home loan, the interest rate fluctuates in line with the official cash rate. Repayments can rise and fall during the course of the loan.
Advantages - more flexible - you win if rates fall.
Disadvantages - higher repayments if rates rise. *Calculations based on a 0.25% increase in a $250,000 ANZ Standard Variable Rate Home Loan at 7.84% over 25 years. ANZ Mortgage Solutions representatives operate independently in association with ANZ.
Tania Chesworth 0437 131314
Paul Lanzon 0422 007005
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October 2007
WATUSSI – TEQUILA, SANGRE Y FUEGO This is the first installment of our monthly CD review column, which will feature only Australian acts and to a large extent independent releases. Watussi have emerged as one of Sydney’s most popular live bands due to their charismatic,
A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T
high energy performances. The challenge for the band, and producers of the album, was to capture that electricity in the studio. Thankfully they have managed to do just that! Watussi (pronounced: WAH-too-SEE, slang meaning ‘the most handsome man at the party’) is an eight-piece, lead by Colombian born vocalist/ guitarist/producer Oscar Jimenez whose wild stage energy, huge afro, natural Latino charm and flamboyance allows him to
be the centre of attention, a focus that he carries easily. Under his direction, the mix of AfroCaribbean percussion with raw, rock guitar riffs and thumping bass gives Watussi a unique sound and edge that defines the live reputation captured on their first release. The three-piece horn section soars over soul grooves and injects the colours of Oscar’s homeland. Chilean Vincent Sebastion adds vibrant percussion to accentuate the South American flavour! The title translates to “Tequila, Blood and Fire”, and is a title that describes the band aptly. The opening track is the very groovy “Echale Fuego”, which announces that you have just placed a fun CD into your tray! A sublime choice for their first single release. Other highlights are “El Bato”, the reggae tune “Otra”, the rocky, funky “Candela” and the live
favourite “Seguimos”. The entire fourteen tracks have an irrepressible Latin, Cuban, African party vibe that simply infects your feet and hips and you find yourself dancing without being conscious of it at all! There’s even traces of “son” music from Cuba (Fidel would be so proud!). It’s actually hard to find fault with this album and anyone who has a penchant for up-tempo Latin music, or just likes music to raise the spirit, this reviewer can’t see a reason not to hunt this down! Watussi – Tequila, Sangre y Fuego. Knowfoowl and Inertia Records Oscar Jimenez Guitar/Vocals If you are a local band or artist and would like your releases reviewed please send details to
Australian Idol: Not So Glamorous For professional audio restoration and preservation including the straight transfer to CD from reel tapes, cassettes and conversion of your old LP’s, 45s, 78s and DAT.
PRESERVING THE PAST FOR THE FUTURE For more information call us on 6295 7444 or visit the website
BY SOPHIE BONYTHON Once again the Idol phenomenon has taken Australia by storm. It seems our televisions can not survive without having reality programs shown. A week after the Big Brother finale we are now to endure months of mediocre singing till Christmas. We had our first taste of what to expect on Sunday and Monday night. With the auditions reaching all the way into small country towns such as Kalgoorlie, we have double the amount of niave people who believe they have a voice of an angel. While we laugh at those who audition in costumes dressed as dinosaurs and bananas, we seem to find even more amusement in the other singers who are extremely bad, with the only explanation to their presence being that nobody ever told them. While listening and laughing uncontrollably at contestants who sing high pitch to those who scream lyrics,
This has me baffled. Surely you would think that their family and friends would have told them the truth before they humiliated themselves on national television. Are all these contestants hated by their families? Is this an exercise of humility? Humiliation? Being put in their place? Whatever the reason, arguably it makes good television. So while watching the remainder of the performances, spare a thought for our future rappers called “Noodle ass” and Kelly Clarkson wannabes to come.
30 Million “New” Royal Theatre
“FLAWLESS” Toronto Sun, Canada “SPINE TINGLING” Peter Freestone, Freddie Mercury’s personal assistant “SENSATIONAL TRIBUTE” Metro, Barcelona “OUTSTANDING” Masala, Dubai LISBON - CANADA PARIS - HAMBURG -
for the first time since the series began I actually felt sorry for those who truly believed that they could sing. After being rejected and bursting into tears, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. They seemed genuinely shocked that they were told they couldn’t sing.
S U N D AY Join us on the first Sunday of every month for an afternoon of structured and free-range activities for children aged 4 to 8 years. Workshops run throughout the day and bookings are strongly recommended. Workshops are led by artist and educator, Amelia Zaraftis. Sunday 4 Nov 1pm–4pm Sunday 2 Dec 1pm–4pm Cost: FREE Bookings: 6207 3968
Cnr London Circuit & Civic Sq Canberra City Bookings: 6207 3968
The Royal Theatre located within the thirty million dollar newly designed and refurbished National Cenvention Centre, will host it’s first live show in almost twelve months, “QUEEN-IT’s A KINDA MAGIC”, on Friday October 19, 2007. Refurbishments include: • Structural works to the Centre’s main entrance and City Walk entrance and paving work to Constitution Ave and Coranderrk St is almost complete. • Fit-outs to the new ground floor and first floor kitchens and toilets. • Brand new audio-visual equipment installed in all Theatrettes and Gallery Rooms. • New carpet, tread lights and seat covers in all four Theatrettes. • $300,000 of local artworks which will be on permanent display. After conquering stages across the globe over the past two years , Queen – It’s A Kinda Magic returns to Canberra to celebrate the opening of the “new” Royal Theatre, and, National Convention Centre. In 2007, interest in Queen has never been higher, with Queen upstaging The Beatles as the “greatest British band of all time” (BBC Radio 2 poll, 2007). Now Queen – It’s A Kinda Magic returns to once again take audiences back in time to re-live the energy, excitement and theatrics of Freddie Mercury and the greatest ROCK band in the world, Queen! With 21st century sound and lighting, and a cast that takes magnetism to new heights, this theatrical attraction creates the 1986 world tour of Freddie Mercury and Queen, taking audiences back in time to experience the passion of Freddie Mercury, the amazing guitar solos of Brian May, the thundering rhythms of Roger Taylor and all those
unbelievable Queen harmonies. Amid rave international reviews and almost 20 years since Freddie Mercury and Queen’s last live performance together. “The thrill, the excitement, the personality and theatrical experience that was Freddie live! I have not seen another show in the world do it better, their name is well deserved, they truly are A Kinda Magic.” Peter Freestone, 2005 This theatrical production of designers, cast, crew and technicians is as close as you’ll ever get to the real thing. The magic and pulse that Queen – Its A Kinda Magic delivers to its audiences has created a new buzz and even newer fans of the original band who weren’t around for the 1986 Queen World Tour.
CANBERRA ROYAL THEATRE Fri 19 October Ph: Ticketek 02 6219 6600
Double passes to
QUEEN IT’S A KINDA OF MAGIC Visit and register to win!
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ACT U Film Fest Review:
Next Try Wins
their ball is accidentally kicked onto the road during a fight and is destroyed, Dylan yells at his brother, saying “it’s just a stupid game anyway”. But in the end, they “call it even” and agree to a re-match later. All in all, this is a great film and a deserving winner.
‘Next Try Wins’ will now represent the ACT at the upcoming National U Film Fest Final, to be held on November 8 at the Canberra DENDY in Civic.
By Jessica Ereaut A short film featuring Australia’s favourite sport, rugby league, has taken out the top award at this year’s ACT U Film Fest Final. ‘Next Try Wins’, a film by Brent and Scott Holgate, won the Grand Fester Award at the final, which was held at the Australian National Museum on September 14. The film tells the story of two young brothers trying to escape their unhappy home life through the game they love. Dylan and Toby (portrayed by talented brothers Tyson and Eli Cottam), and their father (Kieran Phillips) are a struggling Australian family. There seems to be no mother around and the father is struggling to support his two kids. The film is well edited, with great cinematography. Music from Strong Like Sam is used effectively throughout the film to emphasise what rugby league means to Dylan and Toby – that it gets them through the difficult times by creating an escape. Like all brothers, they fight, and when
a wealth of choices...
AT VIKINGS ERINDALE Ticketing Office • Monday to Friday 9am–5pm Phone 02 6121 2131
For the heart
Vikings Health & Fitness Centre - 6231 6597 Vikings Capital Golf Course - Proshop 6295 9093 Vikings Lawn Bowling Greens - 6208 6311 Vikings Tennis Courts - 6208 6300 Vikings Park - 6209 5511 Cancer Council Quit Program - information at all club Receptions
For the soul
FRI 19 OCT Those little details that seal the deal... the lace on the underwear, the olive in the martini, the chicken breast in the bra. He's the shoulder-pad of the eighties, the icing on the cake. He's JIMEOIN
Vikings Erindale, Vikings Chisholm, Vikings Lanyon - Live Entertainment every Friday & Saturday night Vikings Town Centre - Live Entertainment every Friday night The Auditorium, Vikings Erindale - Dinner & shows and touring artists Tel 6121 2131
For the palate
For the family Vikings Holiday Accommodation - Surf Beach, Gold Coast, Narooma & Bermagui - 6209 5500 Vikings Lanyon Kids Club - Thursday and Friday nights Vikings Gym Creche - Vikings Erindale Vikings 54 Affiliated Sporting & Community Clubs -
1 MEMBERSHIP - 5 GREAT CLUBS VIKINGS ERINDALE Ricardo Street Wanniassa 6121 2100 VIKINGS CHISHOLM Benham Street Chisholm 6209 0200 VIKINGS TOWN CENTRE Cnr. Athllon Drive & Rowland Rees Cres Greenway 6208 6300 VIKINGS LANYON Heidelberg Street Conder 6200 8400 VIKINGS CAPITAL GOLF Jerrabomberra Ave Narrabundah 6295 8048 VIKINGS HEALTH & FITNESS 6231 6597 THE AUDITORIUM 6121 2131 For the information of Members & their Guests
with special guest Dianna Corcoran & Jetty Road
FRI 2 NOV 07 SHOW ONLY - $22.00 <&',.% FjVcijb >YZVh
Kutas - Vikings Erindale - Chefs on Show Gold Award Winner Benhams - Vikings Chisholm Maddisons - Vikings Town Centre Lanyon Valley Chinese Restaurant - Vikings Lanyon MJ’s - Vikings Capital Golf Club Vikings Beverage - featuring Wines of the Month
SHOW ONLY $36.00
Dartmouth women’s fishing classic - 23RD-24TH November The Dartmouth Women’s Fishing Classic boasts over $5000- in prizes and is a Catch and Release tournament. Our major sponsors are Jacob Toyota Wodonga and Southern Cross Ten. Toyota Australia launched their new Series 70 Toyota at Dartmouth in February 2007 and had such a great time; they decided it would be worthwhile sponsoring our Inaugural Dartmouth Women’s Fishing Classic. Under the tournament rules, men are allowed to participate as skippers of boats and guides only. There will be a Major Draw for the skippers - a Minn Kota 50 lb Trolling motor. Competitors can fish on their own, in a team of 2 people and as a Club of four fisherpersons. Best species of Brown and Rainbow Trout will also attract prizes each day. Competitors must photograph each fish caught prior to releasing it. The Champion Individual Angler for the weekend will be treated to a weekend for 2 at Tokemata Retreat, Cobram, situated on the Murray River. There will also be a Perpetual Trophy and a rod and reel combo donated by Masons the Complete Fisherman awarded to the best individual. The Champion Team of 2 Competitors will win a weekend at Lake Mulwala Holiday Park for 4 people. The winners will also receive rod and reel combos from Elks Fishing and Hunting and Capper Pro Tackle, and a perpetual trophy. The Champion Club (4 Competitors) will win a Fly Fishing Weekend with Indulgence Fly Fishing, including 2 days of tuition, all meals and accommodation at Dartmouth. The best Club will also receive Akuma Rod and Reel Combos, donated by Rapala Freetime and a Perpetual Trophy. The perpetual trophies are being sponsored by the Cobram Trophy Centre and the Dartmouth Alpine Caravan Park. As well as the major prizes, there will be winnings for the best species each day donated by O’ Connell’s Refrigeration from Wodonga. Murray Country News has donated fishing gear for the Best Junior Catch daily. A special local prize will be awarded for
Kim Brown the ladies living within 40 km of Dartmouth – a voucher donated by the Garden Café Wodonga. Dartmouth has organised lots of entertainment over the weekend, with a “Fashions on the Fishing Fields” competition, so the girls and guys can show off their fishing attire and, Country Rock Singer ‘Texas Rose’ from Narrandara, who recently appeared at the Kinross Country Music Festival. There will also be lots of fishing paraphernalia to give away with a lucky barrel. Other major sponsors include Donna Cardwell, Daryl and Colin Leary Builders from Beechworth, Jack’s Country Clothing, and Lofty’s Lures. Meal packages are available; including breakfasts, lunches and dinners, or people can self cater. A range of accommodation is available including Dartmouth Motor Inn 02 60724233, Dartmouth Caravan Park 02 60724218, Banimboola Lodges 02 60724233, Damn It Lodges 02 60724263. A great new Polo Shirt, caps and stubbie holders have been designed and should be ordered prior to the competition on the registration form. Registration forms can be down loaded on our web site : Or secretary Ann Shipcott on 02 60724364, President Robyn Scales 02 60724233.
RAINBOW and BROWN TROUT SEASON Anglers are reminded to take note of the following: Minimum allowable sizes have been set to ensure all fish taken are sexually mature, allowing the fish the opportunity to breed before being harvested by anglers. The Rainbow and Brown Trout has a minimum allowable size of 25 centimetres. The number of Rainbow and/or Brown Trout taken from public waters by recreational anglers is limited to ensure sustainable populations of these fish remain, whilst guaranteeing fair access to the fishery for all anglers. A maximum of five Rainbow and/or Brown Trout are permitted to be taken on any one day. A limit is set on the number of fishing rods or handlines that can be used in open waters. Two rods or handlines are permitted per person in the ACT. It is important to note it is an offence to use fishing gear unless you are within 10 metres of the gear, and it is within your line of sight. Call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 during business hours for more information or to obtain a copy of the information sheet Recreational Fishing in the CT.
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Brooks Valley Farm - Bungendore PROFILE: Geoff Foster â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Just trust yourself, then you will know how to liveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;ŚGoethe I first heard of Geoff Foster a number of years ago, through his pioneering work as an organic â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;market gardenerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Bungendore. Geoff and his family established their productive 20-acre block back in 1994. Carefully targeting friends and acquaintances enabled Geoff, to build a steady source of income for the embryonic enterprise.
The site is a cornucopia of herbs, seasonal and exotic Asian produce. Importantly, up to 90% of the crops grown, are sourced from the farmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seasonal seed bank. Greenhouses are used to protect crops from external weather variables. Thus, allowing Geoff to extend the growing season of certain crops, whilst minimising bore-water use and damage from pests.
Persistence, know-how and a demand for wholesome foods, has established the farm as a reliable producer of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;certifiedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; seasonal produce in the region.
Over the years, Geoff has established a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nicheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in the local food-chain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; private household customers are his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bread and butterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Surpluses go to local cafes, restaurants or organic retailers. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re seeking the convenience of weekly deliveries and affordable prices that do not â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;cost the earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
29 February - 2 March 2008 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;If I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dance, I am not coming to your revolutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Tango Lesson
Sher has been involved in the hospitality sector in Canberra since her arrival here from Canada, 9 years ago. She said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;venturing into this enterprise has been both â&#x20AC;&#x153;rewarding and hard workâ&#x20AC;?. Reconciling the needs of ideals, business, motherhood and marriage are constant challenges in her vibrant life.
heal scars from past fires. Composting toilets will be used throughout. Furthermore, an exciting â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;creative campsiteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;GreenKulture Tentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, will showcase practical â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;green lifestylesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; initiatives from our region â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with an exciting array of cultural and environmental groups! Citizens, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to gather and harness our creative powers, camping gear and innate urge to create a sense of community! The organisersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; aim is to facilitate a â&#x20AC;&#x153;unique cultural experience, amongst the regenerated towering forests of the Namadgi National Parkâ&#x20AC;?. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;pristine site is set above Gibraltar Falls, amidst Billy Billy and Square Rocks, where the alpine meadows are bathed in summer wildflowersâ&#x20AC;?. The Crew â&#x20AC;&#x153;welcomes young and old, upon ancient mountains of stone and wood - to celebrate life, culture and earthâ&#x20AC;?. Festival seekers, the enterprise is at a critical time of development. The preliminary groundwork of planning and logistics are slowly being ironed out.
Corinbank Crew By Fabian Veron
toiling and hand rearing a site, â&#x20AC;&#x153;only 20 minutes from Canberra and yet, it feels like a million miles from anywhereâ&#x20AC;?. The Crewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts are geared towards staging the inaugural â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Corinbankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Festival in early 2008. The buzz â&#x20AC;&#x153;around town is that the festival is starting to take a life of its ownâ&#x20AC;?. The entertainment program is still being fine-tuned and artists/musicians are being sought out. However, word is that the festival will offer a smorgasbord of music genres, enriching encounters, workshops and appetizing sensual feasts to boot. The festival will consist of three stages that will provide an array of local and international music. The cultural program will consist of improvised theatre, sculpture, film, new media, workshops, competitions and lots of imagination. The aim of the festival is to â&#x20AC;&#x153;celebrate and experience cultural kinship and renewal through: music, art and immersionâ&#x20AC;?. The Crew said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;immersionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is the key to the festivalâ&#x20AC;?, thereby â&#x20AC;&#x153;inviting citizens to participate in its unfoldment and executionâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Creative campsitesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; will allow festival revelers to explore themes or issues of concern, thus â&#x20AC;&#x153;showcasing their collaborative
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Wordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; around town is that thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a happening CafĂŠ gathering a reputation for its funky atmosphere and sustainable practices. Sher Ward is the creator of the Innovative CafĂŠ in Watson. Sherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s merging of aesthetics, hospitality and ecological concerns has turned Satiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CafĂŠ into a thriving enterprise.
email Geoff at:
Inaugural Corinbank Festival
An exciting enterprise has been taking shape for the last 18 months or so, at Brindabellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Corin Forest Mt. Resort. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been four years since the fires licked everything in their path, at Corin Forest and beyond! The good news is, that the regenerative power of the land has been enhanced by a dedicated group of friends and volunteers. The Corinbank Crew has been
Satis CafĂŠ
Certification is courtesy of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Organic Growers of Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;( and, Geoff says that â&#x20AC;&#x153;all care of duty is undertaken to abide by its code of practiceâ&#x20AC;?. Soils are enriched from homemade composts and enhanced with liquid fertilisers.
initiatives to the wider festival communityâ&#x20AC;?. In other words, we all have the opportunity to add colour and spirit to the atmosphere of the festival by being pro-active. All care will be taken to make the festival as environmentally friendly as possible. All power will be generated from recycled bio-fuels and purchased tickets will offset the festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s carbon footprint. The event will aim to be waste free and Greening Australia will run a tree-planting program - to help
William Farrer
The Festival is now ready for us citizens to enhance the atmosphere of the event, by participating in the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;creative campsitesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Artists, artisans and all creative types, your creations and ideas are most welcomed! Help co-create a temporary community that will enable participants to gain invaluable experiences, new friends and skills through â&#x20AC;&#x153;learning by doing/ sharingâ&#x20AC;?! Queries to: - Check website for ticket sales and festival details, such as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;creative campsitesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
Local Canberra author June Sutherland will give a talk about William Farrer at Tuggeranong Homestead on Sunday 28 October. Farrer was an architect of the wheat industry and one of Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heroes. His name is commemorated locally and his image has appeared on a banknote but the centenary of his death last year passed almoct without mention.Farrerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tireless experiments from 1886 established Australia as a world leader in wheat production and export. Farrer strongly supported Federation and the siting of the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capital at Canberra.
Enjoy the talk in the CEW Bean Room at the Homestead at 2pm. Entry cost of $10 includes Devonshire tea. Bookings essential Phone 6231 5548
Sher subscribes to the view that â&#x20AC;&#x153;enhancing our cultural life will produce an all-round beneficial impact, upon the quality of both land and peopleâ&#x20AC;?. The CafĂŠâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operation and purchasing polices are based on sustainable and ethical practices. Food produce and beverages are sourced from reputable local organic farmers or certified suppliers. The CafĂŠâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electrical power needs are met through renewables and recycling is practiced thoroughly. Sherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision is to slowly introduce a cultural calendar for music, poetry, exhibitions and the like. Satis provides delicious servings for vegetarians, vegans and, those who seek the reassurance of knowing, that their dishes are sourced through humane farming practices.
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Homestay accommodation Canberra is home to a world-class education system that is the envy and aspiration of many. As the northern hemisphere academic year comes to an end, the International Education Unit (IEU) at the ACT Department of Education and Training is welcoming new students from around the world. A vital part of this is Homestay – the scheme where Australian families open up their homes to visiting overseas students and give them a place to live during their stay. Heather Paterson, the manager of the IEU, said having a family away from home provided crucial reassurances to the overseas students and their relatives. “We offer a contemporary, world class education system and overseas parents make many sacrifices to give their children the privilege of a western education here in Canberra. “Placing overseas students with a host family has a twofold benefit. Firstly it helps bridge the cultural and language gap, giving students the opportunity to experience the Australian way of life. “Secondly, Homestay parents and their children become more understanding of cultural diversity through the relationship with their guests.” The students come from a wide range of backgrounds, as diverse as the children of diplomats and refugees, as well as private, fee-paying students.
One Canberran who has experienced the benefits of Homestay is public servant Tim McNevin, who began hosting a Belconnen High School student in 2006 and said the experience had enriched he and his family’s lives. “It brings a broader and more personal awareness of the world to our family than would normally be possible. ” Monique Bush, Homestay Coordinator with the IEU, encouraged people to get involved with the scheme. “We are always looking to increase our database of Homestay families in Canberra. Families are paid to host students and it’s a fulfilling experience for everyone.” To contact Monique, ring (02) 6205 9194 or email Canberra is home to a world-class education system that is the envy and aspiration of many. As the northern hemisphere academic year comes to an end, the International Education Unit (IEU) at the ACT Department of Education and Training is welcoming new students from around the world. A vital part of this is Homestay – the scheme where Australian families open up their homes to visiting overseas students and give them a place to live during their stay. Heather Paterson, the manager of the IEU, said having a family away from home provided crucial reassurances to the overseas students and their relatives.
“We offer a contemporary, world class education system and overseas parents make many sacrifices to give their children the privilege of a western education here in Canberra. “Placing overseas students with a host family has a twofold benefit. Firstly it helps bridge the cultural and language gap, giving students the opportunity to experience the Australian way of life. “Secondly, Homestay parents and their children become more understanding of cultural diversity through the relationship with their guests.” The students come from a wide range of backgrounds, as diverse as the children of diplomats and refugees, as well as private, fee-paying students. One Canberran who has experienced the benefits of Homestay is public servant Tim McNevin, who began hosting a Belconnen High School student in 2006 and said the experience had enriched he and his family’s lives. “It brings a broader and more personal awareness of the world to our family than would normally be possible. ” Monique Bush, Homestay Coordinator with the IEU, encouraged people to get involved with the scheme. “We are always looking to increase our database of Homestay families in Canberra. Families are paid to host students and it’s a fulfilling experience for everyone.” To contact Monique, (02) 6205 9194 or email
The Federal Election is coming, but are you ready for it? This election day many Australians will head to the ballot box without really understanding how their vote is counted and how Australia’s electoral system works. In response, the Australian Electoral Commission’s Electoral Education Centre (EEC) is providing an opportunity for Canberra and Queanbeyan
residents to visit the Centre and discover firsthand the mechanics of Australia’s democratic voting system. The EEC already educates over 70,000 young Australians each year about the federal electoral system, but during October and November the Centre is encouraging all members of the public to participate in one of its stimulating sessions. The EEC’s Manager, Jenny Pettigrove, said she would like “All Australians to understand how an election works, how to vote formally, how their vote is counted and how the preferential system operates.”
Sessions at the EEC are highly informative, but delivered in a relaxed and entertaining manner. Ms Pettigrove said, “While we provide a lot of key factual information, we also encourage a lot of hands-on participation. We get participants actively involved by having them perform the functions of polling officials, including counting the votes and distributing preferences, and by taking on the role of scrutineers.” “The Centre is the perfect venue for finding out about a Federal election. It’s a real chance for people to gain an understanding of elections, so that they can be actively involved in the democratic process.” Ms Pettigrove is confident that a visitor to the EEC will leave understanding how the election result is achieved on both a national level and a local basis. “Preferences, formality, quotas, absolute majority, group voting tickets, scrutineers, these are all terms that people hear about in relation to elections, but very few people really understand them,” says Ms Pettigrove. “At the EEC we can explain these terms and other electoral concepts in a clear and concise manner.” The Centre welcomes visits by individuals or small groups, or why not get your own group together and make a booking for a session specifically tailored to your needs and interests? The EEC is located in the Senate Wing of Old Parliament House and sessions operate Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Telephone 1800 020 067 for more information.
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Failing to invest in our future
By Clive Hagar
Can Australia’s public education sector afford another three years of John Howard’s government? The recent OECD report into education funding highlighted the fact that between 1995 and 2004 Australia had one of the world’s lowest levels of public spending on schools, vocational education and universities combined. Our expenditure on public education was 4.3% of GDP—compared with an average among other developed countries of 5.0%. However, it ranked third in the word for percentage expenditure on private education—so Australia made up some of the shortfall in education investment by transferring the cost of education to individuals and families. Under the Howard government, education has been transformed from a public good—in which the Federal government supported public institutions as an investment in the human capital of the nation—to a commodity, purchased by users and their families for economic and social advantage. If public funding in our universities had been maintained at 1995 levels they would have been $2.5 billion better off. If our TAFE institutions had maintained their public funding they would have been 18% better off. Our universities and our TAFES—with this level of public funding—would have gone a long way to addressing the shortfall of 200,000 skilled workers needed in industry, the profession and small business to sustain our economic development. For Australian public schools the massive
shift of Federal government funds to private education is to continue, with their current share of expenditure on public schools to fall to 33% of total expenditure on schools. This percentage fall—from 50% in 1983 and 40% in 1996—is not due to an equivalent fall in enrolments, because public schools still educate almost 70% of Australian school students. It is part of the deliberate bias built in to the Howard government’s SES funding model, which guarantees private schools increased funds in spite of comparative need. Funding to private education has also been linked to university and TAFE compliance with the Howard government’s unpopular industrial relations agenda: the government plans to force public school systems to accept AWAs (Australian Workplace Agreements) as part of the next Commonwealth/State schools funding agreement. This will add to a long list of agendas the Howard government already imposes on public schools in order to receive federal funding—flagpoles; simplistic A–E reporting of student results; principal hire-and-fire; performance pay for some teachers and pay freezes for others; external exams for Year 12 (seen by the ACT community as a retrograde step); loss of locally-developed curriculum…. Can our school systems afford another three years of this regime? Clive Haggar Secretary Australian Education Union, ACT Branch
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JAZZYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FLOWER GARDEN By Matilda Saddington Age 7
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Gold Creek Primary School, ACT
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tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pretty daisy garden, With stones and tigridias, I go out there to play all day, And have some brilliant ideas! The way I slosh into the pond, With water in my ears, The photinas go past like nothing, My eyes are ďŹ lling with tears! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the same without my pelargonium, Which have disappointedly died, I used to love them more than anything, They were always by my side. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m pushing past the hypoxis and the crataegus, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really in a hurry, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m invited to a fairy party With chocolate and delicious fairy curry! The asparagus are ďŹ&#x201A;ying past me, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m on a dragon-ďŹ&#x201A;yâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back, I can barely see the aucuba and aster, As we have enough in the pack! All the ďŹ&#x201A;owers of my dreams: Cistus, chrysamthemum, and a daisy, The delphinium is in there too, The daisies have all gone crazy!
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Work out the picture clues and fill in the answers. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve given you a few letters to help you out.
In case you get stuck, here are the words that ďŹ t in this Pixies puzzle. You can cover them up if you want to make it a little bit harder!
Star Signs ARIES: March 20th - April 20th
A new Moon in your opposite sign (in the house of partners), offers a chance for you to improve your relationships by creating a fresh start. However, with your ruler (Mars), in its fall sign (Cancer) you may face a challenge of cleaning stuff up at home. Best not to fight with the family now - get busy scrubbing the floors or rearranging the closets and furniture!
TAURUS: April 20th - May 21st
You’re apt to be a bit fussy and particular, now that your ruler (Venus) is in its fall sign of Virgo. The current cosmic pattern says two things could happen – either you’ll get serious about your artistic expression by show casing your talent; otherwise you’ll fall in love with someone who promises to make your life wonderful for a long time to come. Either way; you’ll win!
GEMINI: May 21st - June 21st
This month’s new Moon marks a wonderful time for travel, especially with a partner. If you don’t have one you might find somebody special on your journey. On the flip side – you need to take care at work. With your ruler retro in your house of co workers, you could find an unfortunate misunderstanding occurs. Still, it’s a fine time to upgrade technology, get a new cell phone or email account.
CANCER: June 21st - July 22nd
This month’s Full Moon comes with a surprise; it’s conjunct Mercury retro!As a result, you may hear some sudden disturbing news. It could have something to do with relationship issues. An argument or upset could develop. If so, consider it a learning lesson. Don’t let the Moon throw you, once you exercise charm and diplomacy you’ll quickly be able to restore peace and harmony. This is just a test of how balanced you are.
LEO: JulyCommunication 22nd - August 23rd will be key this month so this is a great time to do some public speaking or simply share your insights with others. If you have to do a presentation, you’ll do great! You might decide to study something that peaks your interest. On a down note – with Mercury retro in your house of communication, you’ll need to tidy up your desk in order to avoid costly mistakes. Phones or computers could break down now!
VIRGO: August 23rd - September 22nd
With Venus in your sign, it’s time to kick back and enjoy yourself. Expect many parties and social invitations. You’ll be extra popular now. Romantically, things are looking up. Got a crush on a friend? Let them know, chances are they feel the same about you. One caution; with Mercury retro in your house of money, you need to stick
to a budget!
LIBRA: September 23rd - October 23rd
Normally a new Moon in your sign would bring blessings. However this Moon is sending mixed messages. Having your ruler Venus in its fall sign (Virgo) tied to both Saturn and you’re the south Node of karma, could have you facing some serious decisions. If you’re feeling a strong gravity towards someone, take it as a sign of Kismet – otherwise, run as fast as you can!
SCORPIO: October 23rd - November 22nd
The New Moon in the relationship sign of Libra takes place in your house of the unconscious mind. No wonder why you’re having such romantic fantasies! If you’re looking for love, you’ll find it with someone older or more established than you. With your ruler Mars in the emotional sign of Cancer, you need to buck up. Avoid the chick flicks and go for the action movies! You need strong inspiration to keep it going now.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st
The new Moon in Libra takes place in your house of friendship, indicating someone new will walk into your life. This person will have so much in common with you. Who needs a shrink when you have someone so emotionally nurturing to talk to? As Mercury (the planet that rules communication), goes retrograde from your house of secrets and into your house of friends; you may have a falling out with a friend. It could be a misunderstanding that causes the rift; otherwise, you may re connect with a buddy from the past.
CAPRICORN: Dec 21st - Jan 20th
A New Moon in your career house promises professional opportunities. Since its trine to idealistic Neptune in the house of money; it’s a good time to practice creative visualization, especially if you want to increase your cash flow. Mars in your opposite sign; means that others have the upper hand now. You probably won’t like this a bit, but you’ll have to compromise otherwise, expect some emotional upsets and knock down, drag out fights!
AQUARIUS: Jan 20th - Feb 19th
This is a fine time to plan a vacation or take one. Even better if you travel with a buddy or a group. This is a month when you can enjoy your friends or even find out who they are. Someone dear to you could offer bad financial advice. They may ask to borrow money or try to tell you about an investment opportunity. Your best friend only needs your company now.
PISCES: February 19th - March 20th
Your ruler (Jupiter) in the tenth house of professional matters receives a boost from the new Moon. It seems that someone is looking out for you; they might even help you find a new career opportunity. This month’s new Moon takes place in your sixth house of health and small animals. Success comes from starting a new workout routine. Otherwise a new pet could bring much happiness.
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Carer’s programs - Gungahlin Regional Community Service for a Gungahlin Carers Support Group - Anglicare Youth and Family Services for Making Education Work for Young Carers – a project that will support young carers in their current learning environments to continue their education. - Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Services for Carer Recognition, providing support and respite for Indigenous carers and opportunities for carers to participate in activities to reduce social isolation. - Youth Coalition for a Supporting our Family
Kit for children, young people and families where a parent has a mental illness or dual diagnosis. - UnitingCare Kippax for Nurturing our Carers, offering respite and support to carers, including a “buddy” support system for families in crisis. - Community Connections for Developing Circles of Support for Mature Carers and Others, Including Those from Different Cultural Backgrounds. - Friends of the Brain Injured Children (ACT) for Bad Backs: Carers Lifting & Massage Training. An Occupational Therapist visits families in their homes to assess and provide training in lifting and carrying techniques.
Handing over responsibility can be is exploring the need for a support stressful By Bob Craw Griffin, group to help Canberra families whose loved Placing a relative or spouse in a high care residential situation can be one of the most heartbreaking decisions a family makes. When a family can longer cope with the needs of a loved one at home, they lose the role of carer and reluctantly pass that burden to others. This often involves a life altering judgment about the future of an elderly relative or child with severe disabilities. It can be emotionally difficult knowing that others are now responsible for parent or child or your best friend or close neighbour. The decision is often accompanied by a sense of guilt or grief that your role as an active carer has largely gone. Families also face the need to make complex financial, legal, property, personal and other arrangements as their loved ones move into higher dependency care. Sadly families in the ACT often face this situation alone - there is no single source of support to help many of them through this difficult transition. The Council of the Ageing ACT (COTA), supported by the Lions Club of Lake Burley
ones are in high dependency care facilities. On Thursday 18 October 2007 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at the Hughes Community Centre, COTA and Lions are holding an information session to explore the issues facing families in this situation and hopefully to touch on some of the answers. From this meeting, it is hoped a families’ support group will emerge to offer support, information and a sympathetic ear to those who face these painful circumstances. The session will take the form of a “Geoffrey Robertson hypothetical” drawing upon people with experience in this situation to share their views. The five person panel taking part will be made up of: •A facilitator. •Someone with personal family experience of placing a loved one in care. •A professional who helps families navigate from “carer to visitor”. •A former director of nursing in a high residential care facility. •An expert familiar with the legal, administrative and other issues. Ph: 6282 3777 or email
At your Capital Chemist, we know what matters.
Capital Chemists care for the community in many different ways. Of course, we care for our customers but our involvement in the Canberra community goes further. That’s why we have allocated more than $200,000 this year to a variety of community groups and worthwhile causes. Find your Capital Chemist at:
So, one way or another, it seems that weight management is a real issue for many Australians. At your Capital Chemist at Chisholm, Charnwood, Lyneham, Southlands and Tuggeranong, we now have available the Betty Baxter program for weight management. It is an Australian made program, owned and developed here, by a pharmacist, naturopath and a prominent dietician/nutritionist. Professional experience and comments from friends and patients highlighted mood swings and irritability as key factors in loss of motivation with many weight management plans. In other words, the short term benefits of extreme dieting, in some cases verging on starvation, often results in programs most people and their families, simply cannot live with. This insight, together with new findings on the benefits of Omega 3 oils has created a program that avoids irritability induced by extremes. The program also suggests supplements and food sources to help keep you full of energy, positive and on track. Managing your weight is a mind and body game. Setting realistic goals is the first step. Calorie controlled meal replacements, a balanced diet and light exercise is the game plan. At your Capital Chemist, the Betty Baxter consultants in the pharmacy will step you through a measured
program designed to regulate intake and ramp up fat burning while maintaining and toning lean muscle. The results will have you looking good and feeling fantastic. All diets are about balancing calorie intake and calorie burning. In the early stages, burning more than you consume results in stored body fat being used as a fuel source. It is important that you are losing fat and not muscle and water, and this is what the Betty Baxter program is all about.
Here’s why the program works: • • • • • • • • • •
balances carbs and protein cuts the calories is big on fibre ensures you only lose fat, not muscle and water avoids yo-yo type fad diets it is all about portion control enables you to have five to six meals a day encourages you to stay happy allows choice in the foods you eat encourages moving and shaking
58 Giles Street Mon to Fri 8.30am–7pm Sat 8.30am–4pm Sun 10am–4pm Closed Public Hols Ph: 6295 9146
The Small Mall Mon to Fri 8.30am–7pm Sat & Sun 9am–7pm Public Hols 9am–5pm Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day Ph: 6258 4949
Mon to Fri 8am–7pm Sat 9am–5pm Sun 10am–4pm Closed Public Hols Ph: 6292 2427
Mon to Fri 8.30am–7pm Sat 8.30am–4pm Closed Sun & Public Hols
Mon to Fri 8.30am–8pm Sat 8.30am–7pm Sun & Public Hols 9am–7pm Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day & New Years Day Ph: 6248 7684
Wattle Street Mon to Sat 9am–7pm & Closed Sun Public Hols Ph: 6247 7004
Sargood Street Mon to Fri 8.30am–11pm Sat, Sun & Public Hols 9am–11pm Ph: 6248 7050
Mon to Fri 9am–7pm Sat 9am–1pm Closed Sun & Public Hols Ph: 6241 9710
Mon to Fri 9am–7pm Sat, Sun & Public Hols 9am–6pm Closed Christmas Day & Good Fri Ph: 6286 3644
Hyperdome Mon to Thu 8.30am–6pm Fri 8.30am–9pm Sat 9am–5pm Sun & Public Hols 10am–4pm Ph: 6293 1166
So, if you would like to lose some weight, in a healthy, balanced way, why not come in to your Capital Chemist at Chisholm, Charnwood, Lyneham, Southlands and Tuggeranong and make an appointment with our Betty Baxter consultant to get started on your goals this spring.
Finally, a diet you can live with.
Mon to Fri 8.30am–6pm Sat 8.30am–12 noon Closed Sun & Public Hols Ph: 6281 2581
Mon to Fri 9am–7pm Sat 9am–5pm Closed Sun & Public Hols Ph: 6231 7014
Mon to Fri 8.30am–9pm Sat, Sun & Public Hols 9am–9pm Closed Christmas Day Ph: 6231 6446 Mon to Thu 9am–5.30pm Fri 9am–9pm Sat 9am–5pm Sun & Public Hols 10am–4pm Ph: 6282 3960
Mon to Fri 9am - 7pm Sat 9am - 5pm Closed Sun & Public Hols PH: 6288 1334
' 2 % 9 10176
n the modern world of escalators, elevators and remote controls, most of us are burning less calories than ever before. For many, the results are extra kilos – and don’t they always seem to wind up in the most unflattering places?
Mon to Fri 8.30am–8pm Sat, Sun & Public Hols 9am-6pm Closed Good Fri, Christmas Day Ph: 6292 8200
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Southern Electric Scooters Spring is in the air...and it’s time to get outdoors, enjoying the many benefits of spring in Canberra. Whether it’s an all day visit to Floriade or just a regular visit to the local shopping centre, a scooter from Southern Electric Scooters will give you the range and convenience you need. Southern Electric Scooters has been in business since 1992 and sell a wide range of scooters, powerchairs, liftchairs, stairclimbers and mobility products. Southern Electric Scooters understands that many people with mobility issues find it hard to to get out and shop around... so they offer a fully MOBILE service- after all this is a mobility company! After carefully ascertaining you needs, Southern Electric Scooters will deliver a range of relevant items to your home for inspection, testing and assessment. This gives you the certainty that you purchase is appropriate to your environment in terms of access, storage and charging facilities. This is a totally free and obligation free service to our clients. Southern Electric Scooters has full workshop facilities and will service and repair all makes of mobility products. Additionally they have a large range of accessories and spares including tyres and batteries for most scooters. Finally, Southern Electric Scooters will trade in your old scooter on a new one.
Salvation Army
Remember the Salvo’s? I remember arriving home form Asia in those lonely days of the seventies. Do you know who was there to meet us - the Salvo’s, just as they were for Dad in World War 2 and Mum when the money ran out, (there was always a winner in the next race)! All of us can tell stories like that about our Salvation Army. Don’t you miss the Sunday mornings when they played and sang in our streets? So I was very please to receive a book from the Salvo’s, “your Will Your Family and The Salvation Army.” I know how hard it is to have much left over from every day life but you don’t need it when your gone, and maybe the good the Salvo’s can do might get you off the hook, depending on what you believe of course. But we all know that The Salvo’s help their fellow men and women. Their little book has all you need to know about making a bequest and will be a big help to the carer, and the cared for. You can obtain your free copy from The Salvation Army, 2-4 Brisbane Ave, Barton ACT. Phone; 02 6270 3107 Fax; 02 6273 2973 or
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Rejuvenate Now! On the weekend of 17th and 18th November Come to a Rejuvenation Experience and bring at least 2 friends who would not otherwise have access to this wellness environment – Make a difference - give them an invite to good health! Expect the following results: • Feel more energetic- lighter, ready for a great Summer • learn to look after yourself • lose those aches and pains • a glowing complexion • Clear your headspace by cleaning up issues in your life that sap your energy.
The workshop will mark the start of a 10 day rejuvenation experience that will have you feelin’ great! Learn how to cook simple ‘n easy healthy foods, how to give and receive a basic Shiatsu massage and more. Take the info home and practice it for a total of 10 days. 10 days? Yes, in 10 days your blood plasma renews itself so you’ll be well on the way to creating a new you. (Blood cells renew themselves every 3-4 months, and this is what creates YOU) Our dedicated instructors will demonstrate
gentle non-invasive wellness exercises. Also explore the emotional aspects of well being. Take advantage of this great opportunity, Call now. One of the facilitators, Maureen, a qualified Wholefoods Cooking Instructor and Shiatsu masseuse, is passionate about empowering others to create their own good health, starting in your kitchen.
For more information call Maureen 0417 192 392
Thirty years of service to the Territory at a Lakeside
The book, titled The Story of Tuggeranong Community Service and Communities@ Work, 1977-2007 chronicles the early beginnings of the organisation when Tuggeranong was first being
settled. It tells how groups of people first came together in the 70’s and onwards to pioneer a new community in brand new suburbs. The book includes many of their individual experiences and stories. You can obtain a free copy from the centre.
Over the 30 years the service has grown from providing much needed child care services to a rapidly expanding area to also providing leisure and fun programs for young people, practical support for families; and social groups and providing home help and transport Annette Ellis also unveiled a magnificent for seniors. Community History Quilt, constructed They do this by employing 280 staff, having 100 by volunteers, which incorporates many volunteers, are a registered training organisation photographs taken over the years, including and working within the community. ones from the earliest days. Maureen Cane, the current CEO, looks On Wednesday the 25th,Certificates of forward to integrating existing services and appreciation were presented to some 50 staff investment to develop new services that are and volunteers with long years of dedicated relevant for the community. service to Communities@Work.
Communities@Work supports the community and cares for people of all ages We offer: • quality child care from birth to teenage years • leisure and fun programs for young people • practical support for families • social groups, home help and transport for seniors • nationally accredited training Call 6293 6500 or visit our website at
Supermarket Snooping: your key to decoding food labels. Making healthy food choices can come with a few challenges. The average Australian supermarket stocks over 20,000 different items. Each aisle bombards us with messages such as “99% fat free”, “No added Sugar”, and “All natural”. But what do these claims mean? And how can we use them to make a healthy food choice? You can start with a Supermarket Snooping tour. Diabetes ACT have taken the initiative in Canberra by running supermarket tours for all people interested in healthy eating. These tours provide practical assistance and information about healthy food choices to people where they actually make the majority of their food choices - in the supermarket aisles. In Seniors Week Diabetes ACT are running a special tour series for seniors available to seniors at a discounted price of $14, usually only available to Diabetes ACT members. A qualified dietitian leads the tour which takes approximately 1 1/2 hours. The number of participants of each tour is limited to 8 so that everybody has an opportunity to ask questions and gain the skills to make healthy changes to their shopping lists.
Communities@Work, one of Canberra’s major child care and community services organisations, will celebrated thirty years of service to the Territory at a Lakeside Reception at the Tuggeranong Community Centre on Wednesday, 26 September. Annette Ellis, Federal Member for Canberra, launched a new book, compiled with the assistance of Frank Cassidy, freelance journalist and long-time Canberra resident.
Bookings for the tours are essential. Contact Diabetes ACT on 1300 136 588 to reserve your place, be quick as numbers are limited. For more information on our other tour dates and topics through the year contact us for a Supermarket Snooping calendar or see our website
Pre-Paid Funeral Plans • Simple • Secure • Individual • Peace of Mind Speak to our consultants today to plan your future for tomorrow Canberra Tel: (02) 6166 0966
Queanbeyan Tel: (02) 6297 1052
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Improve your Mental Health for World Mental Health Day workshop and ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing’ seminars suitable for individuals and organisations. These will be held on the 23rd and 25th October 2007. Emotional Resilience is the ability to use the ‘heart’ to create a belief that life is meaningful. Our emotions give us the passion and the desire to progress. On an individual level, the ability to recognise, understand and demonstrate an understanding of your own and others’ emotions enable us to derive a better perception of the environment. At an organisational level, being able to identify the feeling, vibe, mode, or climate within the workplace enables leaders, managers and staff to perform to their potential. For both organisations and individuals, understanding ourselves and others requires an ability to perceive, interpret and demonstrate an understanding of the emotions we encounter within the environment. A resilient organisation is a living, flexible community that provides sufficient structure and security yet enables creativity and imagination to flourish. If you are looking to increase your own resilience, or that of your organisation, then the resilience workshop may be of interest to you. The resilience workshop will describe the components of resilience, look at ways to increase resilience to deal effectively with stress and change, identify triggers to stress and show participants how to develop an action plan to build their resilience. Sometimes, no matter how hard we seem to try at work, we are affected by mental stress. ‘Mental Stress,’ which includes things like
Did you know that one in five Australian adults experience a mental disorder in any one year – including an alcohol or substance use disorder? Or that many people suffer more than one mental disorder at the same time, such as depression and anxiety, which commonly occur together? Do you know the signs of depression and anxiety or the symptoms of substance use disorder? Would you know what to do work colleague was considering suicide or experiencing a panic attack? There is a common misconception that mental disorders affect ‘other people’ and have ‘nothing to do with me.’ However, mental disorders are one of Australia’s biggest health problems, ranking third after heart disease and cancer. The stigma associated with mental health problems hinders people from seeking help. By becoming familiar with the signs and how to respond, you can help those in need. In addition to seeking appropriate professional assistance, there are many things that individuals and organisations can do to improve their mental health and build resilience. As part of World Mental Health Day (October 10th) and ACT Health and Safety Month, O2C Solutions, a Canberra based transformational company that uses training, coaching and consulting to build successful and resilient people, leaders and organisations, will be presenting a ‘Personal Resilience’
work pressure, harassment, exposure to workplace or occupational violence, exposure to other traumatic events and other mental stress factors is increasingly being flagged as a health and safety issue in the workplace. Traditionally, businesses have focused on ensuring the physical health and safety of their workforce. However, an 83% increase in work-related compensation claims associated with mental stress from 1996/97 to 2003/04 has created an awareness of the need to maintain and boost mental health in the workplace. The Health, Wellbeing and You seminars on the 25th October 2007 will consider the relationship between a healthy body and mind, how to cope with stress, provide information on a range of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and psychosis and will describe how to provide immediate help in a mental health crisis. Professional resources will also be available. People are as unique as the organisations in which they work. People have unique and different learning styles, language skills, background and subject understanding. Our courses use contemporary and cutting edge techniques to maximise participant access to the knowledge and information within the course. Furthermore, our courses are highly interactive and include both experiential and reflective activities to augment learning for participants. For more information on the seminars, or if you wish to attend, please contact O2C Client Relations Manager, Emma Pieper on mobile: 0410 544 069 or or visit the O2C website
Attitude makes a difference We all rely on good mental health – our colleagues, our friends and our family. Our Attitude towards our own mental health effects our very outlook on life. Yet in Australia today, mental health still continues to be one of our biggest health concerns. Statistically, mental illness will effect 1 in 5 Australians during their lifetime, this may include: depression; schizophrenia; bipolar disorder; anxiety problems; and obsessive compulsive disorders. Our community’s Attitude towards mental illness has certainly changed for the
better. We no longer keep people locked away and have developed better medications and therapies. Mental illness is common in our society and most of us know at least one person who lives with such an illness – even if they have never told you for fear of the stigma surrounding mental illness, in fact they may not know themselves as mental illness is sometimes difficult to diagnose. There are many ways to reduce your chances of experiencing mental illness: a healthy diet, regular exercise and balanced work-life commitments are certainly a starting point. The right Attitude, including your perspective on life, will make a big difference.
Prime Pilates & Tea The Belconnen Community Centre is offering this new program to promote physical health and social activity for seniors. Each session will involve one hour of Pilates and gentle stretching with a professional instructor, followed by a morning tea and friendly chat. Tuesdays at Belconnen Community Centre Swanson Court, Belconnen. Starts 16th October until 18th December 2007 9.30am – 11.30am, Meeting Room 2 $55.00 for the 10-week term Bookings are essential and deposits are requested by October 12th. Ph. 6264 0232 This project was possible with assistance from the ACT Government’s 2006-07 ACT Seniors Grants Program.
Mental Health Foundation The Mental Health Foundation offers services to people who live with a mental illness or for people who look after someone with a mental illness. More information is available by calling 02 6282 6658 or browsing A regularly produced e-newsletter - called Attitude! - is available free of charge: subscribe by emailing your contact details to
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- A caring Bring Back Balance SCOA organisation ACT Democrats 2007
Democrats back calls for action on Youth Mental Health “Mental illness is responsible for 13 per cent of Australia’s disease burden but receives only 7 per cent of health funding - half as much as the spending in comparable OECD countries. 62% of people with mental health disorders do not use mental health services, because there are not enough services, they are difficult to access, they cost too much and they do not provide the right types of treatments and assistance”, said Democrats Senate candidate Norvan Vogt The Democrats want Federal government support for the proposals of Patrick McGorry, Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, who says “people aged between 12 and 25 are most at risk of mental health problems, and early intervention can save the health system millions of dollars in the future.” Of the 38% of people who do access care, it’s
HELEN KING Helen King Hearing Centres
The Superannuated Commonwealth mainly through GPs, and the decline in bulkbilling is making it even more difficult for Officers’ Association (SCOA) is the only people with mental illness to obtain even basic organisation which specifically represents the interests of existing and retired Comprimary care services. monwealth and Territory public servants. “We need a fundamentally different approach It has been doing so for over 80 years. to providing mental health care - one that is It has a constituency of some 700,000 community-based not hospital-based, and which includes members, potential memfocused on promoting well-being and preven- bers and their families. Amongst this tion and early intervention, rather than only constituency are a significant number treating people when they become seriously who are carers and many who are receivill”, said Democrats Senate candidate Norvan ing carer services. Vogt SCOA’s constituency undertake caring The Democrats want to see a national roll-out duties for partners, relatives, friends and of youth mental health services designed spe- others including children. In addition to cifically to provide intensive early intervention one on one services SCOA’s constituency assists with Meals on Wheels and other services for people aged between 12 and 25 community services. There should also be substantial increases in Organisationally, SCOA assists its conthe number of short, medium and long term stituency in many areas, including monisupported accommodation places to foster re- toring and influencing government policovery and help prevent relapse, including spe- cies affecting its constituents in areas such cialist crisis accommodation services for people as superannuation, taxation,social securiwith dual diagnosis and complex conditions ty benefits, concessions, other retirement involving disruptive behaviour. income issues, health and ageing, caring and Comcare compensation. SCOA has established itself as an effective organisation. It liaises with other national and state organisations to exchange views on a wide range of issues and encourages these organisations to also pursue changes, including * Wage-based indexation of Common Today there are over 23,000 people using wealth superannuation pensions; TADAust Connect, providing email services * Further improvements to the Better and access to the Internet at a price that is very Superannuation system especially in affordable, bringing the digital world into their relation to Commonwealth superan lives. nuation schemes; TADAust Connect is operated by TADACT in * Significant reduction in public dental Canberra who manages the site and provides scheme waiting times; the support for the service. The TADAust * Reciprocal public transport Connect service comprises a Dial Up facility, concessions across Australia for a Broadband service and now a mobile phone Seniors Card Holders; service. It is run by a permanent staff of 3 with * Additional funding for health and volunteers/casual staff providing assistance ageing; and with enquiries, technical issues and adminis* Simplification of the personal tration. taxation and capital gains tax systems TADACT is a not for profit organisation. Call TADAust Connect on 1300 735 439 to Should you wish to join SCOA or see if you are eligible and how to join; or go know more about SCOA please to the TADAust Connect website at www. ring 6287 3024 or consult SCOA’s website
Hear It Now! Your hearing health questions answered. This column is about hearing health care. As trained audiometrists, we invite you to ask about your hearing issues. We’ll answer your questions monthly.
How can I prevent ear damage? Our delicate ears aren’t designed to cope with loud, sustained noise. Avoid exposing yourself to prolonged noise above 80 decibels (equal to someone shouting at you from about two metres away). This includes playing your tv/stereo too loud, cranking up your iPOD and exposing yourself to other possible threatening noises—inside and outside the workplace. There’s no doubt this type of exposure causes hearing problems, including permanent damage—it’s why occupational health and safety have laws covering noise.
A TAD easy TADAust Connect is the Internet Service Provider that was developed by Technical Aid to the Disabled (ACT) Inc. (TADACT), to give access to the Internet for People with Disabilities, Aged Pensioners and Veterans who hold pension cards. Most Government agencies providing services to Pensioners and People with Disabilities advised clients to go to the internet to either make applications for or access entitlements. This was invariably beyond the capacity of Pensioners because of the fees charged by commercial ISP’s. It was also evident that those who care for People with Disabilities and Pensioners were unable to provide their clients with access to the Internet without incurring a significant cost. Carers in particular recognise that the provision of emails and access to the Internet is an essential part of the quality of life and experience the frustration of not being able to help. TADAust Connect was created because of this awareness, and recognised that people being denied access to the Internet able to be enjoyed by the rest of us, were the most disadvantaged in our society.
What are some early signs of hearing loss? There are many signs: you think people are mumbling, you have buzzing or ringing sounds in your head, you struggle in noisy environments, you don’t hear the phone or door bell ring unless you’re near it. If this is you, see your doctor or a hearing specialist now. The earlier you deal with a hearing problem, the better.
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The Superannuated Commonwealth Officers’ Association (SCOA) exists to look after the interests of former ACT and Federal Public Servants, along with current contributors to CSS, PSS and PSSap and their families.
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People that care need our support Mental illness effects so many Australians today and in different ways. For those who experience a severe form of illness, one-onone daily support may be required. In most cases a friend or family member take on such a caring role: supporting people in day-to-day activities and with their recovery. You may be surprised to know that 14 percent of people, living in our ACT community, provide some form of unpaid carer support and assistance to a family member or friend. This significant statistic sheds some light on a generally unknown view: that so many Canberrans, on top of their existing work and family commitments, support somebody in need. Caring for someone is a selfless task that is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. Often it involves a significant amount of physical and emotional energy. Family members or friends experience many of the ups and downs associated with the mental illness. It may also become difficult for people to switch off and to balance personal commitments. Some people in this position may feel like they have no one to talk to.
Family members and friends strive to provide the best possible support and assistance to their loved one. It is important that they, like the people they care for, are also supported. Taking some time to relax and recharge will make their lives that much easier. Having friends and people around you who understand will really help too: providing energy to continue. Support groups allow people to share their experience with others: allowing families and friends a chance to share ideas and to learn from one
another. Hobbies, or regular and enjoyable activities, are also suggested for family or friends caring. The Mental Health Foundation (ACT) provide a number of useful services to help those caring for loved ones living with a mental illness. For more information, please contact 6282 6658, or visit
A Touch of Porcelain The ACT Porcelain Artists Association recently celebrated their 30th anniversary with members coming from far and wide to renew memories and acquaintances. Over the years the Association has held a number of exhibitions. The first was held in David Jones with numerous other locations to follow including the Gallery of Canberra theatre complex, Grace Bros, The Brickworks and The Craft Council, to name just a few. The Association has grown and waned throughout the years. This trend is also seen in other arts and crafts as a cyclic event. Within the ranks of painters though, the time has never been more exciting. New techniques, new horizons and a vast range of products from which to choose - the painted plate is just the first of our “canvases. Certainly with the enormous diversity of styles and techniques – the art form can never run the risk of being “boring”. To see some of this work, the Association will be conducting their latest Exhibition on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st of October. Members of the association would like to invite the community to come and view the work by local artists. The exhibition will consist of hand painted porcelain, ceramics, tiles, glassware, silk and unique gifts. All pieces being exhibited will be for sale. Members will be on hand to answer all your questions about the art form, and the availability of classes. The exhibition will be held in the Community Room at the Villaggio Sant’Antonio and the address is 35 Burkitt St Page. Do come along – you certainly won’t be disappointed.
Ph: 6925 0549
Teeth Like This? Gary Will Fix Them!
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Alzheimer’s Australia ACT A voice for the voiceless Our help will make a difference If you’re worried about increasing lapses of memory, or other changes in thinking or behaviour, it’s very important to talk to a doctor. Sometimes stress, depression, pain or other medical conditions can be mistaken for dementia. That’s why getting a diagnosis of dementia is important, and if dementia is confirmed, it means you can find out just what can be done to help. If you, or someone you care about is faced with a diagnosis of dementia it’s only natural to feel distressed and concerned, but you do not have to face this alone. We know that getting help will make a big difference. With years of experience behind us, Alzheimer’s Australia ACT has the people and expertise to listen to your concerns and provide information, practical advice and the support you may need. From the earliest stages, with advice on how to make the most of existing memories and abilities – to those days when everything just seems too difficult and you simply need the reassurance of someone who understands, the Alzheimer’s Australia ACT can help.
Why you should Mind your Mind ® A healthy brain is important for many aspects of your life – your thoughts, feelings and memories, your family life and work. It is not yet known how you can prevent or cure dementia but there is a lot you can do to keep your brain healthier as you age. Adopting the Mind your Mind® lifestyle may reduce your risk of developing dementia. The biggest risk factors for dementia are getting older and your genes – things you can’t do anything about. So it is important to do what you can with the things you can control – your lifestyle and habits. Mind your Mind ® We can’t guarantee that you won’t get dementia, even if you ‘do everything right’. However studies of large groups of people do show that those who adopt ‘brainhealthy’ lifestyles have a reduced risk of developing dementia. It’s never too early to Mind your Mind ®. Whatever your age, start to Mind your Mind® today. Scientists think that changes in our brains start decades before symptoms appear. The beauty of the Mind your Mind ® signposts is the way they can work together. When all seven signposts are followed in combination as part of your lifestyle, that’s when you will enjoy the greatest benefit. If you would like to receive a free Mind your Mind® booklet please contact Alzheimer’s Australia ACT on (02) 62 55 0722.
Our wide range of services provide sensitive, flexible support, and we help people with all forms of dementia as well as their families. We’re here to provide the help you need, when you need it. Ring our National Dementia Helpline for information or to talk about your concerns. Receive written Help Sheets incorporating practical advice on a wide range of topics including information in a range of languages. Attend our information sessions and education programs to learn more about dementia and practical ways of dealing with it. Share your experiences with others who understand in one of our many support groups. Talk through you emotional, practical and family issues in confidence with one of our professional counsellors. Receive referrals to relevant community services. Phone or visit our library, browse through and borrow from our collection of books, journals and videos. Alzheimer’s Australia ACT Dementia expertise with compassion. National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500
Carers continue their unswerving march toward a Senate seat with the launch of the Carers Alliance yesterday, a political party vow-
ing to represent all of Australia’s 2.7 million carers and their extended family and friends. In front of more than 150 members, the Carers Alliance vowed to fight to change the lives of Australia’s largely ignored carers, carers of people with frailty, chronic illness, mental illness and disabilities. Felicity Maddison the QLD Senate candidate said. “For carers a vote for the Carers Alliance is a vote for yourself, for family and friends -it is a vote for support for a fair go. For carers and for people with a social conscience - it is a vote for your future”. She said “Carers do have one very powerful right remaining – the right to vote, so, carers, lets make our personal lives the impetus for social and political change”. Mary Lou Carter the NSW Senate candidate said “Carers are coming, strong passionate and fearless, to rattle the cages of ignorance. We will not be denied a voice”. Robert Gow, the QLD convener, said “We do not forget our Vets, who fought for us, only to have this nation turn it’s back and ignore the inter-generational problems of disability amongst their families.
“The beauty of the Senate is that voting for the Carers Alliance will not change the outcome of the Federal election, but it is a vote that can change lives” said the National Convener of the Carers Alliance, Nell Brown. *The Carers Alliance is looking for Senate candidates in ACT, SA, NT and Tas. The candidate would need to have had at least 10 years in the care role to understand the problems associated with long-term care. This could be caring for someone with frail age, mental illness, disability or chronic illness. Our three major platforms are: 1) New funding formula with population based benchmarking for disability, mental health and aged care services, to meet the unmet need. 2) Recognition in legislation of the care role and legislated entitlement to support, to ensure carers are recognised and assisted. 3) Funded Carer Family Advocacy that mirrors advocacy for the disabled at National, State and Regional levels, to ensure carers have a voice in how services are delivered. Our website is membership would be welcome, our membership form is online. For Further Information please Contact QLD Senate Candidate Felicity Maddison 0409 599
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Centrelink support for carers Caring for a partner, child, family member or friend can sometimes be a difficult and demanding role. Balancing caring responsibilities with work or everyday duties can be hard for carers, many of whom take on a caring role without any previous experience. Managing financially can often be another source of stress, as many carers aren’t able to work full-time because of the level of care they provide. Centrelink provides financial assistance for carers who can’t support themselves because of their caring responsibilities. Some carers do work part-time, but often need additional financial support to help with the cost of caring. “We value the important role carers play in the community and endeavour to support them whenever possible,” Centrelink General Manager Hank Jongen said. Centrelink delivers more than just payments to carers; they can also provide information and specialist services. There is a team of expert disability and carer staff, who are able to work with carers, providing information and referrals.
“We know people caring for a loved one can sometimes feel isolated from the wider community, which is why Centrelink social workers are also available. These staff can offer free and confidential support and provide links with local community organisations to offer respite and other services,” Mr Jongen said. “We also take every opportunity to work with carer associations, service providers and other government departments to support and build awareness of the role of carers in the community.” For those seeking financial assistance, Carer Payment is an income support payment for carers who may find it difficult to support themselves through work because of their responsibilities. It also provides carers with opportunities to participate in society through respite provisions and training, education and employment assistance. The eligibility for Carer Payment is determined from information a person’s doctor provides and the assessment of the customer against other eligibility criteria, including income and assets limits. Customers receiving Carer Payment can work, volunteer, study or train for up to 25 hours a week (including travel time) without losing their payment. There is help available
for carers who wish to take up work, however any income earned may affect a person’s rate of Carer Payment. ‘Working Credit’ is an option that can provide an additional financial incentive to take up paid work by allowing people to keep more of their payment. Carer Allowance is a supplementary payment for those looking after someone that needs additional care and attention. Carer Allowance is not income or asset tested and may be paid on top of wages, Carer Payment or other payments, such as Age Pension. Centrelink knows that it’s important for carers to have time out occasionally, to ensure they’re taking care of themselves. Carers are entitled to take a couple of breaks within a year - up to 63 days per calendar year (1 January – 31 December) where they do not have to meet the constant care requirements. During these 63 days, they will still qualify for Carer Payment and Carer Allowance. It’s important for carers to let Centrelink know if they are taking a break from caring to visit friends and family, take a holiday or for formal respite. Commonwealth Carers Respite Centres are located in each State and Territory, and can provide carers with carer-related information, support and advice. These centres can also arrange professional counseling for carers through the National Carer Counseling Program. For more information,
call the Commonwealth Carers Respite Centre on 1800 059 059. Centrelink regularly reviews Carer Payment and Carer Allowance customers (including the level of care that people are providing) to ensure people are receiving what they’re entitled to. However, if you or your partner has a change of circumstance in between reviews you need to let Centrelink know, as it may affect your rate of payment. These changes may be: • Changes to care arrangements • Change of address or rent details, or you stop or start sharing with someone • Changes to residence, or you, your partner or dependant child/ren are leaving Australia temporarily or permanently If you receive Carer Payment, you must also let Centrelink know about: • Changes to incomes or assets from any source • Changes to work hours, or stopping or commencing work • Changes to partner or family details Centrelink has a booklet entitled Caring for someone? that outlines all of the services and support available for carers. For more information about Centrelink publications, payments and services, ask at a Centrelink Customer Service Centre, visit orcall Centrelink on 13 27 17.
Ewe will be cracking with the Beaut Utes and racing with the chicks at the Snowy River Festival -16-18TH NOVEMBER The iconic men and women from the ‘Snowy River of yesteryear’ were renowned for their indomitable spirit and ‘Never-say-die’ attitude. That spirit is still alive and kicking in the High Country today. That’s why it’ll take a lot more than a little bout of Equine Influenza to keep a good show down!!! The Snowy River Festival’s equine numbers may be down but this has not reduced the amount of ‘horsing around’ that will be happening. In fact there is more for you to do, you can have a greater part in the festival than ever before which means FUN FUN FUN!!!! For instance you can scream your lungs out at the Brumby Bar & Bistro Cooee Cup, or if your voice is a bit more subtle enter the Talent Quest. Crack your ear off in the Whipcrack Competition. See ‘Spotty’ jump in the Dog High Jump and if he still wants to play enter him in the Dog Race. If your tool of trade is your working dog enter the Trial and Yard sheepdog competition. If you’re a poet and you really know it enter the Bush Poetry competition. If your talent is with a brush than enter the Art Exhibition. Sell your wares at a Trade or Market Stall. Do you drive a big boy’s toy than enter the Excavator Timed Obstacle Challenge. Are you in love…..with your Ute than show it off in the Ute Muster. If you feel left out because of the reduced racing carnival and that gorgeous hat is still in its box get it out and strut your stuff at the Festival Race day we will have great prizes for fashion on the field, and enter the many races because if it quacks, baas, barks or chirps we will have
it racing at the Snowy River Festival. And for those that would rather spectate than participate we have: • Bush poetry with Frank Daniels – Australian Yarn-spinning champion and special guests Guy McLean (Renowned horseman, bush poet and whip artist) • Sunny Cowgirls live Saturday night Snowy River Dog Trial Classic • Snowy River Heritage display Snowy River Race Day (Sunday) • Snowy River Shearing Competition • Fiona Wilks Whipcracking Show (9 times Women’s Australian Whipcrack Champion) Packhorse race • Stockman’s Relay • Delicious ‘Bush Tucker’ and trade stalls • Saturday Night ‘Bushdance’ • Working Bullock team, steam engines, heritage items and blacksmithing demos With all-day B.B.Q’s and full bar facilities, this truly is a non-stop good ‘ol fashioned Aussie celebration not to be missed!!! For any entry details phone 64565005 or visit the website at THE SNOWY RIVER FESTIVAL – NOT TO BE ‘SNEEZED’ AT!!! Snowy River Festival Seniors Package: Starting from $95 per person. (Includes, 2 nights accommodation, 2 breakfasts, 1 dinner, 1 bushdance dinner/ dance ticket, 1 weekend Festival pass). For bookings please phone, Jindabyne Sport & Recreation: 02 6450 0249.
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Retiring to the Coast resident commented “they are here every week end, and the grandkids, they don’t want to go home.” So, the Grange has everything going for it, and what you get for your money is good value, a beautifully appointed villa, on of 57 large villa style residences on 5 acres of landscaped grounds, with facades to suit the dominant Victorian architectural flavour of Berry. The beautifully appointed residences offer a mix of two bedrooms plus study with internal access for most residences to the garaging. Our chosen retirement facility this issue is The Grange at Berry, a unique development right in the middle of the South Coast retirement boom. Only about two and a half hours from the ACT you are moments from the best oldies circuit you can imagine; golf, bowling clubs that rival the best Queensland has to offer, fishing boat bank, and a pier second to none. There is a swinging social life, every week end there are dances, balls, floor shows, and top grade entertainment especially designed for my generation. It’s a great place to grow old gracefully, and not far from Canberra. One
A community centre provides a focus point for the village and comprises community room, lounge kitchen and dining area, and a swimming pool. Other facilities include tennis court, a synthetic surfaced Bowling Green and village bus. They have an excellent website; They invite seniors and their groups to visit. Call Darryl Punnett on 02 9525 6277 or email;
Australia’s Small Farm Favourites Black ~ Dun ~ Belted ~ White & Miniature
FOR FARMING OR SHOWING To Find Out How You Can Have A Part Of This Galloway Greatness Contact The Galloway Cattle & Beef Marketing Association PO Box 309, Hall. ACT 2618
Ph: 02 6230 2536 Website: Independent Testing Confirms Galloways Have Easy Calving & Management, Hardiness Feed Efficiency & Superior Beef Production.
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Canberra Eye Hospital By Ken Green Recently I had a cataract removed at the Canberra Eye Hospital. There was no drama. My appointments were kept and I was treated like a reasonably intelligent human being. Each step of the process was explained to me. The operation was a breeze, in and out in one morning, and about ten days for the eye to be 100% right.
your vision, our focus
Carers we can help, You are cared for at the Canberra Eye Hospital. Canberra Eye Hospital is Canberra's best equipped and most comprehensive eye care facility. We're committed to all aspects of eye care, being Canberra's only ACHS quality accredited dedicated eye hospital.
PHONE (02) 62496000 for any inquiries or to organize an appointment
14 Wormald Street, North Symonston, ACT
for your All Parks Annual Pass Daily park use fee of $27 per vehicle for Kosciuszko National Park during NSW ski season (valid from June long weekend to October long weekend only)
Ridiculous when I think that I drove my car, and didn’t realise I’d lost just about all my side vision in my right eye, not to mention poor front vision. That was dangerous and stupid. How many of us take these risks with sight problems that can be fixed. Carers have told me many older people can’t see the TV screen. Yet they resist doing something about it. Get the GP to refer them to our own Canberra Eye Hospital. They can help. It’s amazing, how blue the sky is again!
Where Wedgetail Eagles Sore Just two hours from the ACT the brumby run at Snowy Wilderness is the ideal day out for seniors and the grand children. The 7,200 acre property is unique, kept to give the brumbies a wild place to run. There are fish and yabbies to catch. It’s easy access and you can take a four wheel drive tour or stay the night. Ideal for children and for us seniors it’s like stepping back in time. The wedgetails sore, the brumbies and kangaroos and wombats don’t even take fright. Seniors and grandchildren, and groups should consider a visit. You can obtain fruther information by contacting Delia on 1800 218 171, or email on; info@snowywildernesss. Their website is; www.
13 Days in Tasmania Hobart - what a town. We had great times in Hobart in the 1950’s. It was a big country town. Now it is a small city. The jewel of the South Land. You have four days in Hobart, which is not enough. The water side is a great tourist area. Restaurants, river cruises, museums, markets, and, of course, the famous Salamanca Market. One of the biggest in the Southern hemisphere stretching down the Salamanca for what must be 1 1/2 ks. Anything and everything is for sale. A good trader will barter. Don’t take the first price, cut it by 40% and make an offer. Hobart has a convict history walk around the inner city, and from Fountain Side Motel you are almost in the middle of town and walking distance to anywhere. There is the Casino, the Art Gallery is brilliant, and the Shot Tower, and it’s only a short trip to Port Arthur, a very interesting place. Our group will spend a day at the historic house of flagellation. The things that happened there are what nightmares are made of. You can feel the blood of the tormented in the very walls. It’s interesting to look through the prison logs. You might not believe what those convicts where sent out for. Perhaps you, like many, believe that many were deported for minor crimes - not so, there is every heinous offence you can imagine, and most of a sexual nature. It’s an eye opener. The Japanese aren’t the only ones who create their own history. After four great days, we are off to the great South land, Huonville, and the Taune Air walk. For more information on our next tour, or to organise a convenient pick up, should you join us on May 16th, phone; 02 4681 9432. Or see the website;
Access ALL NSW national parks and ski-fields Save time at the visitor entry stations Purchase your pass before you arrive to save even more time Call 9585 6068 or 6450 5600 Visit Stop at:
Snowy Region Visitor Centre, Jindabyne Cooma Visitor Centre Tumut Region Visitor Centre Khancoban Information Centre
Part of the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
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Caring matters
Another difficulty carers face is the lack of privacy in their own home. Since Janet needs intensive assistance, people come to the home on a regular basis.
Snapshots from the lives of carers
Bev is caring for an adult child after he daughter Janet was left with quadriplegia and the inability to speak following a motor vehicle accident 23 years ago. At that time, Janet, who is one of four children, was just 18. She spent four years in hospital and then Bev brought her home and has cared for Janet since. Bev is one of more than 2.7 million Australians who provide unpaid care for family members of friends. It is estimated that one in eight Australians has taken on a caring role. Bev says she initially thought Janet’s rehabilitation would be almost complete. “When you have a child in a motor accident, you can’t believe that they’re not going to get better because you hear all these miraculous things that happen. People wake up and they can do things,” she says. “But of course, it didn’t happen like that and that takes you a good 12 months to come to
Heading Pain Control
Readers would remember two months back I started on ‘FREQUENSEA’, one of those cures you hear of from time to time. I was persuaded to try the product. Now I am paying for it and that says something, (says my wife who sees me as a frugal man. I have lost the ability to walk without a frame. Two months on, and some improvement, but the real value has been the reduction in pain, that enables me to have a go at walking. Last week our much loved parrot escaped, and I was able to walk around for ages looking for her. (Succesfully), she is back home. The pain in my legs from osteoporosis kept me awake most nights. I now sleep thank heavens, and am well enough to cuddle my lovely wife again. ‘FREQUENSEA’ was brought to the territory by Greg Collier. Greg wanted me to explain the incredible ingredients. Next issue we’ll talk about phyloplankton, and noni juice. This issue I thought it more importanty to say it works.
terms with that. It’s no good dwelling on what isn’t going to happen. You may as well just get and do what you can, to make life easier for her.”
“If I didn’t have the Carers Association, I’d be back to square one, where I was, trying to manage and do things on my own.”
Initially Janet did not view herself as a carer. “Being a carer, you don’t equate to anything different to being a mother and it wasn’t until I came to Canberra that they said, ‘No’. Being a mother is being a carer, so that is how I got involved with Carers Association.” In the ACT there are more than 43,000 Carers, or about 14 per cent of the popular who provide unpaid informal support to others who required care. Carers ACT provides advice, counseling, support and social networks to carers to assist them in their role and provide some much needed respite from the 24 hour caring role that many have. For Bev, Carers ACT provided her husband and her a much needed two day’s coastal break. “I had no idea there was such an organisation as carers,” Bev said. “My sister-in-law told me about the association. They paid for everything and that was something out of the blue. We had never had anything like that before in 20 years. From then on, they’ve just been able to back us up if we have needed any help.” Carers ACT also provided respite care for Bev when she needed to go into hospital. Getting a break is one of the difficult parts of being a carer. According to Bev, getting free time to do something by yourself and for yourself, is the hardest, along with assisting Jan, who cannot tell her mother what is wrong or if she is pain. “A bad day’s when Jan’s got pain, or something’s upsetting her and because she can’t tell you, she gets frustrated and I get frustrated trying to find out what’s wrong with her and that can go on for hours and hours sometimes. “But most days, Janet’s very positive and very happy but there are days when it can be really full on.”
WHO… provides caring and supportive ceremonies to complement our cultural diversities?
BerrySmith MHO F3col
Most parents look forward to a time when their adult children become independent and move on in their lives. But for many parents, motor vehicle accidents or other traumatic injuries mean they will continue in their parental caring role for many more years.
“I have people who come and shower Janet every morning, which is wonderful, but it just means that you don’t have your house to yourself. But we are grateful for the assistance.
“I am happier and much more relieved because they (Carers ACT) have taken the pressure off having to do things all on your own. I know that I can phone them and get support if I need it.”
24 hours - 7days. Canberra Ph: 6166 0966 Queanbeyan Ph: 6297 1052
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Carers Week 2007 Sunday 14th – Saturday 20th October 2007 Carers Week is a national awareness week held across Australia each year, in the thrid week of October . This year it runs under the theme of “Anyone, Anytime”, which is about recognising that becoming a Carer is often unexpected and can touch anybody. The activities we have planned present a special opportunity for Carers to take a break from their caring role, meet and speak with politicians and to socialise with other Carers. It is a time for Carers to feel proud about the quality of life they give their cared-for person, which would not be possible without them.
CARERS WEEK EVENTS PROGRAM Wellbeing Fiesta The Wellbeing Fiesta is a free family entertainment event with music, circus, clowns, face painting, information sessions, exhibitions and a comprehensive show bag of information from the Fiesta sponsors. There will be workshops and presentations by a number of high profile speakers. Those invited include Michael Milton and David Pereira.
Carers Day Out @ the NGA The Carers Day Out (Tuesday 16th October) is a National Event where Carers from all around Australia will be getting involved in activities and outings in their local area. In the ACT, the Carers Day Out will be held at the National Gallery of Australia. You can get involved in all or some of the following activities:.
MEET IN NGA FOYER FOR: A guided workshop of the textile storage (max 15 people – please RSVP) OR General Gallery Tours (unlimited number)
MEET IN THE JAMES O. FAIRFAX THEATER FOR: An address from the Chief Minister Jon Stanhope MLA An address from a family Carer An address from Dee McGrath, CEO, Carers ACT – launch of the new TV community service announcements A Performance from the Carers ACT Choir
Lunch is served in the Main Foyer Runway
MEET IN FOYER FOR: A guided tour of NAIT, an exhibition of aboriginal art (unlimited number) OR General Gallery Tours (unlimited number)
Laughter Yoga Laughter Yoga sessions run for about 30 minutes and involves a variety of techniques incorporating deep breathing, stretching and playful exercises to support and encourage natural spontaneous laughing. One minute of hearty laughter is equal to 10 minutes on a rowing machine - and it burns up 3.5 calories!
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CARERS WEEK EVENTS PROGRAM Sunday 14th – Saturday 20th October 2007
K Block, CIT Reid Campus, Constitution Ave, Reid
No RSVP required. Enquiries: 6296 9917
Carers Day Out
The National Gallery of Australia, Parkes Place, Parkes
Lindy Walker 6296 9900
1.30pm – 2.30pm
Laughter Yoga
Carers ACT Belconnen, Benjamin Way, Belconnen
Jill Pierce 6296 9913
Thursday 18th October
10am – 2pm
Indigenous Carers Support Group
Boomanulla Oval, Goyder Street, Narrabundah
Roslyn Brown 6296 9940
Thursday 18th October
5.30pm – 7.30pm
Employed Carers Meet and Greet
Carers ACT Belconnen, Benjamin Way, Belconnen
Margaret Wooldridge 6296 9928
Friday 19th October
10am 12noon
Inner North Carer Support Group
Majura Community Centre, Rosevear Place, Dickson
Jill Pierce 6296 9913
Saturday 20th October
11.30am – 2.30pm
Young Carers ‘Glitter & Glam’ Lunch
Canberra Southern Cross Club, Corinna Street, Woden
Natalie Tolley 6296 9938
Sunday 14th October
10am – 3pm
Wellbeing Fiesta
Tuesday 16th October
10.30am – 2.30pm
Wedensay 17th October
Indigenous Carers Support Group
Employed Carers Meet & Greet
This is a support group especially for Indigenous Carers. It runs monthly and in October it falls in Carers Week. We encourage you to go and spend some time with Carers from your community, especially during Carers Week.
This meet and greet is an opportunity for Working Carers to come together, find out about the Employed Carers Program, network, learn something useful and share a meal together. This meet and greet will include a presentation from the Public Trustee Office on enduring power of attorney and wills. A lucky door prize will be drawn in celebration of Carers Week.
Inner North Carer Support Group This is a support group especially for Carers living in the inner North. It runs monthly and in October it falls in Carers Week. We encourage you to go and spend some time with Carers from your community, especially during Carers Week.
Young Carers ‘Glitter & Glam’ Lunch This is an opportunity for Young Carers to get together, share lunch, play games, have fun and dance the afternoon away. RSVP for this event is essential.
Melbourne Cup Day – Tuesday 6 November WODEN 6283 7288
Golden Grille
Lotus Bay Restaurant - $60 pp
Formal Dining Room - $49 pp
Open as normal
3 course lunch with entertainment by Jan Preston, Australia’s “Queen of Boogie Woogie Piano”
4 course lunch, incl a complimentary glass of sparkling wine on arrival & door prizes
2 course lunch incl a complimentary glass of sparkling wine on arrival, Fashion Parade and Prizes for best dressed and best hat!
Marquee - $40 pp
Open as normal
Southern Cross Restaurant and Cocktail Bar
mv Southern Cross - $75 pp
3 course lunch incl a complimentary glass of sparkling wine on arrival – $60 pp
Buffet lunch cruise including beverages
Sweeps, Sports Bar, TAB facilities and races on the big screens
Sweeps and live entertainment by Adam Conroy from 3.30-6.30pm
Top of the Cross - $55 pp
YAMBA SPORTS CLUB 6283 7300 Café Melrose Open as normal, offering light and main meals Jack High Bar TAB facilities, races on the big screens & sweeps
Buffet lunch by the lake
Valley Grille & Valley Carvery Southern Cross Arms Bar TAB facilities and races on the big screens Main Bar Sweeps and races on the big screens
for the information of members and their guests.
G.E. SHAW show how corporate philanthropy
An Angels Delight is done providing foundations
Time and again you hear carers referred to as ‘the angels’. Even the care servers are using the term eg. ‘Dial an Angel’, ‘Angels of Care’ etc. Carers are the people who deserve that title most, caring and nursing for people who can’t help themselves. Over the course of this project I have been amazed just how many people rely on their fellow men/women to survive. Many bed ridden or with limited ability to move about, and many had major skin problems. Recently my friend Paul Corban, who’s wife is a prominent homeopath, and he himself has taken a great interest in natural remedies, back to his time in Rumania. Paul said the Romans had working treatments for infections, and they had never heard of penicillin. “My wife and I have developed a formula which combats the compromise of the various external factors such as excessive heat or UV radiations, corrosive agents, cuts or grazes, bruises, punctures, wind, etc. SKINFIX - organic herbal cream is a break-through topical composition for restoring, maintaining and rejuvenating what is the ‘largest organ of the body’ - our skin.”
Based on traditional herbal remedies used in different parts of the world for skin treatment, SKINFIX combines the best remedies known and proven by man through centuries of use.
for ACT family carers to take a break
arers in the ACT have benefited enormously from an innovative sponsorship by Canberra construction company G.E. Shaw & Associates. So far this year, G.E. Shaw and Associates has donated $37,000 to assist unpaid family carers to have a break from their demanding and largely unrewarded role. Carers ACT and G.E. Shaw & Associates have been in partnership since March 2005 with an initial donation raised from a Bare Foot Bowling event. The partnership was recognised this year in the Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Community Business Partnerships 2007. This year’s funds were also raised through a charity bowls day. Short breaks away have been identified as one of the greatest areas of need for family carers facing financial hardship but are outside the scope of Carers ACT’s Government-funded programs. The funds from G. E. Shaw means that Carers ACT can provide breaks from day trips up to one week’s holiday, depending on the need or crisis. This might include respite accommodation for the care recipient while the carer takes a short break.
Treating patients with skin disorders, the formula of this composition has been constantly improved over the years. Many herbs were tested and many skin conditions treated. The herbs were carefully Carers ACT CEO, Dee McGrath, said “G.E. selected complementing each other, they created a Shaw’s continued support for Carers ACT was perfect harmony with an amazing ‘healing power’. a testament to their commitment to the ACT Each of these herbs on their own works differently on the skin cells and layers, nerves ending or damaged capillaries. SKINFIX - organic herbal cream has the medicinal propriety of all, with potency increased and the time needed for healing is shortened. With a concentration of herbal content and an accelerated healing process, SKINFIX worked miraculously on the following ailments and disorder; bruising, strains and other sport injuries, scalds, burns and sun burn, itchy skin, rashes of the skin, nappyrash, infected skin, acne, eczema, dermatitus, warts, tinea, ring worm, bites, nail diseases where fungus is present, seborrhoea, ichthyoses, callouses. It stimulated regrowth of hair in alpeicia and relieved the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. It soothed tired feet and elbows. It works as a daily moisturiser for hands and cracked heels, with astringent properties, it stops bleeding in minor cuts and helps in the rapid healing of wounds. Excellent in cases of rosacea. It relieved the pain of varicose veins and haemorrhoids as well. Listed by Theraputic Drug Administration, the highest body regulating the theraputic products for public use in Australia and manufactured under strict quality control (GMP). This product gets a prime position in the list of medicines for skin. SKINFIX - organic herbal cream is a novelty on its own and stands out amongst therapeutics and cosmetics. To find out more information do not hesitate to call 08 8248 4875 or 0414 248 487 or email to; info@ You can purchase on line from with free delivery Australia wide and 30 days money back guarantee.
Dee McGrat community and the some 43,000 Carers who are part of it. “The ongoing partnership strengthens the support for Canberrans caring for their loved ones, in a way that could not be achieved
through current funding sources,” she said. “It sets a great example of corporate philanthropy.”
Mental Health Carers Support at the Foundation Services for carers looking after someone with a mental illness: MENTAL HEALTH CARERS NETWORK A group for carers to have a voice, hear from informative speakers and find support from other carers experiencing the same issues as you. Call Denise on 0416 938 307 or email her at to find out more.
Services for people living with a mental illness: • Recovery and Rehabilitation • Client Support and Housing • Community Information and Education Ring 6282 6658 or visit for more information.
SERENITY SUPPORT GROUP Weekly meetings following the 12 step program, self-help carer support. Call 6282 6658 for more information. CARER PEER SUPPORT GROUPS
Weekly time-limited groups of 8-10 weeks duration meeting near you. Call 6282 6604 or email to find out more.
The Mental Health Foundation is a member based organisation. To find out how you can join and support our work with families affected by mental illness visit for more details.
“I have a plan for Australia’s future.” N
An education revolution
A national plan to fix our hospitals
Decisive action on climate change
Balance and fairness in the workplace
Maintaining our national security
A strong economy that delivers for working families
Your local Labor candidates
Fraser: Bob McMullan
Canberra: Annette Ellis
ACT Senate: Kate Lundy
Eden-Monaro: Mike Kelly
ACT Senate: Peter Conway
Kevin Rudd and Labor. New Leadership. For more details go to Authorised by Matthew Cossey, ACT Secretary, ALP, 21 Torrens Street, Braddon ACT 2612