November Bulletin

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First 5 Riverside Bulletin November 2018

A Message from Tammi Dear Friends, The season of giving thanks is here. At First 5 Riverside (F5R), we are thankful for you, your support, and the support of hundreds of Riverside County partners who have embraced our vision of a county where all children are healthy and thrive in supportive, nurturing and loving environments, and enter school ready to learn and embrace lifelong learning. Since our inception in 1998, we have made a significant impact in our community through the investment of over $411 M in programs and services to support our youngest children and their families. Neither our vision, nor our impact, would be possible without the support of the voters who approved Proposition 10 over twenty years ago. For those who authored the proposition and those who voted for it, First 5 Riverside is thankful. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. Tammi Graham Executive Director

System Connections

Since July 2018, F5R has provided over 400 books and resource directories to RUHS for distribution at various pediatric Community Health Clinics.

Since July 2018, F5R has provided over 3,000 books to the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services - Self Sufficiency Division for distribution to parents.

Goal Areas Update QUALITY EARLY LEARNING "United Way of the Desert is poised to receive $224,060 to improve early childhood literacy and kindergarten readines s among Coachella Valley children thanks to F5R." Click here to read the entire article publis hed by the UKEN Report.

COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT "RUHS—Behavioral Health SET-4-School program will spearhead a three-year project with a $7.5 million grant from F5R." Click here to read the entire article publis hed by InlandEm pire.US.

RESILIENT FAMILIES Collectively, F5R funds $6,918,880 for homevisitation through six specially trained providers that support children & families through different strengthening families approaches . Over the next 3 years, it is anticipated that 1,442 children & families will benefit from these intens ive services. Click here to learn more about the impact of home visiting program s.

F5R is in discussion with March of Dimes around several shared initiatives including family strengthening, home visitation, and supportive pregnancy care. More info. to follow... To date, we've provided 100 new parent kits for their NICU Baby Showers.

Policy Updates Bill Connecting Families to Child Care Services Signed by Governor AB 2960, authored by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond), creates a website that will allow families to easily connect with existing child care services and early childhood education programs in their community. The bill passed the Legislature with unanimous bipartisan support and was signed by the Governor on Sept. 27. Link to Press Release

Staff Update F5R welcomes Patricia Perez, Contracts and Grants Analyst (far left), Veronica Law, Accounting Technician II (second from right), and Gervase Hammond, Senior Admin Analyst (far right).

Past Events 2018 QRIS National Meeting This year’s QRIS National Meeting, also known as the BUILD conference, was held in July at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. The theme, “Sparkling Solutions and Sharing Systems Strategies,” was intended to be a tribute to the passion, dedication, and ingenuity of everyone who is working to increase quality and access to high-quality early learning opportunities for young children and their families. 20th Anniversary Celebration A big THANK YOU to everyone who joined us and supported our 20th Anniversary Celebration, "Paving the Road to Success" on Oct. 24. Link to Photos

First 5 California Commission Meeting On Oct. 25, F5R hosted the First 5 California Commission Meeting.

Children's Book Reading Event On Nov. 5, F5R participated in the Children's Book Reading Event hosted by Riverside University Health System Moreno Valley Community Health Clinic.

​ 5 Riverside ​ ​ About First First 5 Rivers ide, the Rivers ide County Children & Families Com mission, is a division of the Rivers ide County Department of Public Social Services. The Com mission is funded by tobacco taxes generated by Propos ition 10, which passed in Novem ber 1998. The act created a system of program s that prom ote, support, and improve the early developm ent of children from the prenatal stage to five years of age.

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