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Christina Kral

Situationist at heart, Christina Kral uses methods and technologies like critical play, perpetual dérive, pop-up and cut-up, appropriation of {spatial} realities, the faking of fiction, conscious confusion and chance operations to approach her body of work. She appropriates existing materials and situations and continuously re-contextualizes her works in order to break down societal hierarchies; mock expectations and shift perceptions and actively building on a terrain vague. She is the founder and director of FabAgit, home base for temporary platforms of liberation and a founding-member of the critical art and design collective No Standing Anytime {NSA}. She’s a member of YKON, an advocacy group for unrepresented nations, experimental countries and utopian thinkers. As part of her documentation she publishes booklets and manuals on this site.


How to walk better.

November 4, 2011

Consultancy Picnic

August 20, 2011

Device #4

August 10, 2011

Picnic Manuals

August 4, 2011


December 15, 2010


November 9, 2009


November 9, 2009

IPH 3rd Publication

November 9, 2009

R&D 01

August 19, 2009