YKON Game Device #4
YKON GAME Device #4 (No Ideas But In Things) For Device #4, YKON asked exhibition visitors to take an empty flag and write down their immediate change to our world as they envisioned it. It didn’t matter if it was utopian, dystopian, purely fantastic or extremely practical. Then they had to pick a corresponding object or two and attach the flag to it and place it somewhere accordingly onto the YKON Map. This booklet shows the collective accumulation of suggestions for our future that were fabricated during 37 Manifestos 2011 in Berlin. Device #4 is part of the YKON GAME, a beautifully bizarre journey & collective attempt to alter the World. Instead of solving the common problems that we are facing, The YKON GAME seeks to uncover the ideas that we haven’t payed attention to yet – ideas that are sometimes wonderful & sometimes terrifying. Other thoughts that could forever alter the world & the way we live in it. YKON is a non-for-profit advocacy group for unrepresented nations, experimental countries & utopian thinkers. YKON’s key interest is the production & dissemination of knowledge about these fragile entities by means of co-operation & collaboration between the arts & ALL other fields of study. YKON engineers facilitation devices and communication formats to instigate collaborative exchange, research and development.