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Fabiana FabianaSforza Sforza Education

Academic Experiences

Master Degree Architecture @ Politecnico di Torino 03/2020 - Turin - Italy

Master Thesis Abroad Erasmus Program @ Tu-Berlin 03/2018 - 10/2018 - Berlin - Germany Reference: joerg.gleiter@tu-berlin.de

Bachelor Degree Architecture Major @ Politecnico di Torino 02/2016 - Turin - Italy High School Degree Diploma @ Liceo Classico “Tito Livio” Brocca - Language Specialisation 07/2011 - Martina Franca - Italy Contacts Via M. Monte Sole, 11 - 40129 - Bologna 0039 3208856459 fabi.sfo@gmail.com /fabianasforza

Language Proficiency Italian Mother Tongue

Teaching Assistant Building Physics @ Poli-To 10/2017 - 03/2018 - Turin - Italy Reference: valerio.loverso@polito.it Academic Tutor Building Physics @ Freelancer 03/2016 - 12/2019 - Turin - Italy Reference: ask the candidate Teaching Assistant Architectural Design @ Poli-To 10/2015 - 02/2016 - Turin - Italy Reference: riccardo.balbo@polito.it

Personal Informations

English Certificate: IELTS - 6.5 (2014) Certificate: B1 PET (2008)

Italian nationality Born on 24/12/1992 in Martina Franca (TA)

German Certificate: B1 GOETHE (2010)

Academic Internship Urban regeneration @ SUE - Comune 08/2014 - 01/2015 - Martina Franca - Italia Reference: ing. Lorenzo Lacorte urbanistica@comunemartinafranca.gov.it

Work Experiences

French Certificate: B1 DELF (2009)

Workshop Experiences

Project collab. @ OpenProject 04/2021 - on going - Bologna - Italia reference: sede@openproject.it

IT Skills

Project collab. @ HomeLab41 10/2020 - 03/2021 - Bologna - Italia reference: e.sorghini@gmail.com Project collab. @ BuildingPro srl 01/2020 - 09/2020 - Torino - Italia reference: info@samarotto.it Personal Concept For me, architecture is mainly the interpretation of a concept, an ideal, a message, a desire, a need. I like to think I can act as a vector that transforms these abstractions into matter and participate in the miracle that makes someone’s story the story of a place.

Microsoft Office • Microsoft Word • Microsoft PowerPoint • Microsoft Excel Adobe Creative • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe InDesign • Adobe Illustrator Autodesk • AutoCad • Revit • 3ds Max Other Software • Blumatica Energy • Docfa • Sketch-up • Archicad Driving Licence


Ostia Autumn School 2018 Stream_Dream_Arch @ presS/Tfactory 11/2018 - Ostia - Italy Reference: guendalina.salimei@uniroma1.it Summer School Notation, Algorithm, Criticism @ Uni-Ri 09/2018 - Dubrovnik - Croatia Reference: alessandro.armando@polito.it Academic Workshop La pagina come racconto visivo @ Poli-To 10/2017 - Turin - Italy Reference: anna.marotta@polito.it Academic Workshop Ontology of Art @ Poli-To 10/2016 - Turin - Italy Reference: tiziana.andina@unito.it International Workshop Linear Livability @ Poli-To 5/2015 - Turin - Italy Reference: alessandro.mazzotta@polito.it

In compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize the recipient of this document to use and process my personal details for the purpose of recruiting and selecting staff and I confirm to be informed of my rights in accordance to art. 7 of the above mentioned decree.


• EXQUISITE VOID | Regenerate Aurora

Torino, 2015

• THE NET | A future for Molinette district

Torino, 2017

• SWEET MEMORY | Advertisement stand for Leone

Torino, 2018


• GENIUS ÜBER LOCI | Revealed identities

Ostia, 2018

Berlino, 2020

EXQUISITE VOID | Regenerate Aurora

Torino 2015





The project area looks like a distant space from the context that surrounds it, due to the void that characterizes it, protects it and at the same time gives it intimacy. Since contemporary public space is not defined by forms, but by the uses and practices of those who live in it, the project focuses on creating places that are as isotropic as possible, which allow those who use them to decide how to relate to the others and with the public space itself. The project therefore does not express the potential of the void in its negation, but in its emphasis, through the opening of axes that make it more permeable and the design of open spaces that do not exist in the resulting areas of the built, but in the real and right cornerstone of the masterplan. The concepts of the places are designed to make them versatile and subject to the will of those who use them, but at the same time invite them to reunite with the natural elements of which the city has deprived them.








THE NET | A future for Molinette district

Press Publication : La Repubblica Torino

Torino 2017


The project faces the re-development of the Molinette Hospital Center which will soon transfer the health company to the new ‘City of Health’. The original plant, designed by Carlo Mollino, is protected by the Superintendency, therefore demolitions are reduced to the bare minimum. The perimeter wall of the lot, together with the underground and non-underground tunnels, constitutes a strong identity, not only for the building itself, but also for the surrounding neighborhood, which is why it has been integrated and strengthened in the redevelopment project. A first phase of macro-design defined the design line of the entire lot, and then divided it into three parts. This story focuses on the portion of the lot located to the north. The main concept is that of the network. A network of relationships, ties, but also a material network that restores the original system, where it was denied for functional reasons. The intent of the project is to return the Molinette to the neighborhood. This lot, which until now has been an independent island, must become an integral part of the neighborhood archipelago and, to do so, it must open up to it. In order to allow this permeability, real horizontal and vertical guttings are designed. The horizontal ones are considered as acts aimed at creating passages, those in the vertical dimension take on the value of places of staying. The galleries that formed the hospital’s private passages are transformed into walkways and public arcades. The open spaces, till now residue voids of the medical pavilions, become the hub of aggregations. Since relationships are the absolute protagonists, even the design of buildings, in its re-functionalization, creates environments for the community, such as the neighborhood house or the museum. Everything is focused and designed to catalyze the attention of the project on the relationships between users. The future where this project finds its realization is tomorrow itself. This is why we think of interventions that do not necessarily have to take place simultaneously for the fulfillment of the principles that are followed. Everything can develop in a path that undergoes mutations and changes based on the very evolution of society and its wishes. Similarly, by means of apparently simple interventions, which do not distort the existing system, the project completely changes the perception of the area and its way of interacting with the context. The strength of the act lies not in its aggressiveness, but in the effect it produces.





SWEET MEMORY | Advertising stand for Leone

Torino 2018



Ostia 2018


The workshop is invested with the task of reconstituting the ancient bond between Ostia and Rome, today experienced as two separate and independent realities. Through the study of historical maps, it was decided to restore the historical water network of Ostia and to connect it with the Tiber by means of an artificial canal. This network of waterways allows an authentic connection and the creation of a real archaeological itinerary. Through floating open spaces made up of rafts, the user is allowed to carry out various activities between the canals, ranging from recreational functions to real services. Rome is brought back to Ostia and Ostia returnes to Rome. The rafts can then rejoin to create a real floating square, which can become a center of attraction for tourism in the capital.



GENIUS ÜBER LOCI | Revealed identities

Südliches Tiergartenviertel Südliches Südliches Tiergartenviertel Südliches Tiergartenviertel Südliches Tiergartenviertel Friedrichstadt Südliches Südliches Friedrichstadt Südliches Friedrichstadt Friedrichstadt IBA Neubau IBA Neubau

Luisenstadt Luisenstadt Luisenstadt Luisenstadt

Berlino 2020

Kreuzberg Kreuzberg Kreuzberg Kreuzberg

IBA Altbau IBA Altbau

So So So So

36 36 36 36

Il lavoro Il lavoro susu questa questa tesi di di laurea laurea è began iniziato è iniziato durante durante un periodo periodo di di scambio scambio Erasmus Erasmus a Berlino a Berlino ed è stata èthe stata The work on thistesi master thesis during anun Erasmus exchange period in Berlin and ited was la city la città città stessa stessa ispirare a ispirare la la ricerca ricerca che che segue. segue. itself thata inspired the research that follows. L’obbiettivo L’obbiettivo del del lavoro lavoro è quello è quello di di fornire fornire un’analisi un’analisi concreta concreta deldel quartiere quartiere didistrict di Kreuzberg Kreuzberg in in relazione relazione alla alla The goal of the work is to provide a concrete analysis of the Kreuzberg in relation to its ethnisua sua identità identità etnicamente etnicamente eterogenea, eterogenea, fine fine di di promuoverne promuoverne l’empowerment l’empowerment così così come come èè al al giorno giorno cally heterogeneous identity, in orderaltoal promote its empowerment as it is today. d’oggi. d’oggi. Before addressing the current situation, the work offers an overview of the critical reconstruction of Prima Primadi diaffrontare affrontare la lasituazione situazione attuale, attuale, il illavoro lavorooffre offre una unapanoramica panoramica sulla sullaricostruzione critica critica IBA-1987 and the careful urban renewal in Kreuzberg, which has characterized itsricostruzione architectural form dell’IBA-1987 dell’IBA-1987 e e sull’attento sull’attento rinnovamento rinnovamento urbano urbano a a Kreuzberg, Kreuzberg, che che ha ha caratterizzato caratterizzato la la sua sua forma forma more than anything else. architettonica architettonica più di Oswald di ogni ogni altra altra cosa. cosa. In relation topiù this, Mathias Ungers’ urban theory on Berlin and the more general ones of Aldo In In relazione relazione a ciò, a ciò, vengono vengono presentate presentate la la teoria teoria urbana urbana dibetween di Oswald Oswald Mathias Mathias Ungers Ungers susu Berlino Berlino e quelle e quelle Rossi are presented. These theories constitute the link IBA-1987 and IBA-2020. piùpiù generali generali di di Aldo Aldo Rossi. Rossi. Queste teorie teorie costituiscono costituiscono trait il trait d’union d’union tratra IBA-1987 e IBA-2020. eofIBA-2020. The subsequent analysis ofQueste the current inhabitants ofilKreuzberg leads toIBA-1987 the issue Muslim miL’analisi L’analisi successiva successiva degli degli attuali attuali abitanti abitanti di di Kreuzberg Kreuzberg porta porta alla alla questione questione dei dei migranti migranti musulmani musulmani che grants that characterized the neighborhood in the second half of the twentieth century, first as ache haha caratterizzato caratterizzato il quartiere il quartiere nella seconda seconda metà del del XX XX secolo, secolo, prima prima come come fenomeno fenomeno in in crescita crescita dada growing phenomenon to benella managed andmetà then as a permanent settlement that characterizes social gestire gestire e poi e poi come come insediamento insediamento permanente permanente che che caratterizza caratterizza le le relazioni relazioni sociali sociali e urbane. e urbane. and urban relations. L’appartenenza L’appartenenza musulmana musulmana a Kreuzberg a Kreuzberg viene viene presentata presentata grazie grazie all’indagine all’indagine dell’Open Society Institute Institute Muslim affiliation in Kreuzberg is presented thanks to the investigation of dell’Open the Open Society Society Institute e collegata e collegata al al discorso discorso urbano urbano attraverso attraverso gli gli studi studi antropologici antropologici sull’identità sull’identità del del luogo, luogo, l’attaccamento l’attaccamento and linked to urban discourse through anthropological studies on the identity of the place, attachal al luogo luogo e ile senso il senso deldel luogo. luogo. ment to the place and the sense of place. AA seguire, seguire, la la tesi tesi si si sposta sposta sulla sulla questione questione deidei luoghi luoghi di di culto culto musulmani, musulmani, al al fine fine di di presentare presentare le le sue sue Following this, the thesis moves on to the issue of Muslim places of worship, in order to present his misure misure di di rafforzamento rafforzamento dell’identità dell’identità per per Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg. identity-strengthening measures for Kreuzberg. Partendo Partendo dada una una panoramica panoramica sulle sulle Organizzazioni Organizzazioni Religiose Religiose Musulmane Musulmane di di Berlino, Berlino, vengono vengono mappate mappate Starting from an overview of the Muslim Religious Organizations of Berlin, all the mosques of the city tutte tutte le le moschee moschee della della città città e poi e poi presentato presentato unun itinerario itinerario di di quelle quelle di di Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg. are mapped and then an itinerary of those of Kreuzberg is presented. Dopo Dopo aver aver definito definito usiusi e bisogni e bisogni degli degli abitanti abitanti deldel quartiere, quartiere, il lavoro il lavoro si si concentra concentra susu un’unica un’unica Moschea Moschea After defining the uses and needs of the inhabitants of the neighborhood, the work focuses on a sinper persuggerire suggerirealcune alcunestrategie strategiearchitettoniche architettonichee escenari scenariper perrafforzarne rafforzarnel’identità, l’identità,che chepotrebbero potrebbero gle mosque toanche suggest some architectural strategies and scenarios to strengthen its identity, which essere essere utilizzati utilizzati anche per per altri altri luoghi luoghi di di culto culto musulmani. musulmani. also be sintetizzeranno used for other Muslim places of worship. Lecould Leconclusioni conclusioni sintetizzeranno gliglistudi studi presentati presentati e, e,dadalì, lì,metteranno metterannoin inluce luceil ilsuperamento superamentodeldel The conclusions will summarize the studies presented and, from there, will highlight the overcoming concetto concetto classico classico di di Genius Genius Loci, Loci, presentando presentando quello quello contemporaneo contemporaneo di di Genius Genius Vivendi. Vivendi. of the classic concept of Genius Loci, presenting the contemporary one of Genius Vivendi.

Total TotalIslamic Islamicorigin origindensity density(darker (darker= =denser) denser)

Islamic IslamicPopulation Population 6% 6% Islamic Islamic notnot Turkish Turkish 10%10% Islamic Islamic Turkish Turkish 84%84% NotNot Islamic Islamic

Turkish TurkishIslamic Islamicand andnot not 61%61% Turks Turks 39%39% Other Other Islamic Islamic People People

10 sqkm

This small Muslim prayer room is the first I have ever seen in my entire life and why I decided to tackle this thesis research topic. I was intrigued by this plastic door with a red moon design on it and I decided to knock on the door and ask for a visit. Once inside, I was amazed by the view, although compared to other prayer rooms this is not the most opulent. I asked why the front door was so essential, while the interior was so detailed and they told me that they have suffered several attacks and were exhausted from changing doors and windows. They explained to me that, although the Camii had existed since 1982, they were not well received in the neighbourhood and could not even buy the property, because the owner was hindered by the neighbours. Although, their dream was to finally integrate in the area and be recognized as a living identity in the neighbourhood. On 10 February 2020 they finally reached an agreement for 500,000 Euros for the purchase of the location.


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7 8










1 1 sqkm sqkm



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