FINAL REPORT legos donation. BOLIVIA 2014

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FINAL REPORT Legos donation

Bolivia - 2014

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FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014


“Creativity and innovation essential part for the development of children and young people” +591 60543919 Av. Ballivián C.10 Nº432, Calacoto La Paz - Bolivia

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

By cultivating equality, the sun rises land of hope opens with children and young people who harvest the good life fruit of the development of citizens initiatives of a country that day by day cultivate solidarity with future vision in a present of continuous innovation, learning and development. Knowledge open spaces to the strength, beauty and experience of empowered men and women equality, equity, value the team work and solidarity It generated winds of changes. This translates the Foundation believes and dreams be on the side of those who build future of those who with effort can more share experiences, open paths of opportunity strengthening MOTIVATES US TO FOLLOW Best regards Mariel Mercado Ramos, Carlos Mollinedo L贸pez y Sergio Rivera C茅spedes Directory Believe and Dream Foundation La Paz - Bolivia September 2014

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

How to born the project “Creativity and innovation essential part of sets of Lego that were managed by the associates for the development of children and and the Believe and Dream foundation. young people” • Introduction: • Project dates of execution: September 2013 to August 2014. • Name of the executing organization: Believe and Dream Foundation • Strategic associates: Soles4soul, and Charity USA • Objective: Encourage children and youth to develop skills such as innovation and creativity. • Objectives:

1.- To improve the creativity and innovation of the children and young people developing a new thought in them during the achievement of the project. 2.- Change the mentality and the reality of the beneficiaries, which is an incentive for an improvement to their personal development. 3.- To promote solidarity message between the society not only directed to the disadvantaged people by its condition; in order to represent an attitude change towards every person and their actions in any ambience.

• Benefited:

Children and adolescents from 5 to 16 years old.

• Places:

The Project was carried out in the following departments of Bolivia, La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, Santa Cruz, Pando, Tarija and Beni, logistics was coordinated with NGOS, foundations, municipalities, schools, neighborhood boards and volunteers.

• Quantity of benefited people:

23,000 people who were benefited from the donation

To impel the society of innovative and creative knowledge as the basis for a true competitiveness, is one of the desires of education and learning, these concepts play a very prominent role in the task to promote creativity, even from the beginning of the process of instruction. Creativity and innovation are very linked to terms such as efficiency, quality and equity, being key factors for economic and social development of countries. This initiative is to support creativity in children and young people through learning as means for innovation, social and occupational skills in human development, this has become a main engine of economic expansion, many countries in the world have emphasized the importance of innovation for the development of inclusive societies, economic prosperity and social cohesion, being an extremely important innovation for both goals, and this should start from the first years of people life.

• The way of the project birth:

It’s desirable to undertake or support designed and feasible projects that contribute to solve the problems of lack of creativity and innovation. One of the objectives is to enhance the skills of the beneficiaries as the imagination, criteria, innovation and creation among others, in a process of formation and transformation of strategic, deeply existential. The practice has shown that, playing we can learn and understand our social environment, personal characteristics, possibilities, potentials etc., the donation offered to the project is a powerful designed tool to modernize and share the vision of an environment and future. Once begin start to build and explain their models the beneficiaries , they can simulate possible changes and scenarios that can affect in the imaginary future that children and young people have in these days , anticipating the organizational impacts and possible actions to manage them successfully.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

• Creativity and innovation:

These two terms are different but closely related and can be defined as the ability to generate new practical ideas for solving problems. Creativity is not limited to a few people, each person has a more or less large creative potential, the problem is that creativity has not been trained and driven so far. Following that line, innovation requires a strategy that uses creative thinking as an evolutionary variable and successfully introduced innovation as impetus for social change. Innovation therefore includes the generation of the idea, (decision) acceptance and implementation. The generation of the idea represents the creative focus of the innovation process that includes all the processes of change.

• Impacts that we want to identify in children and young people in the future: We want to systematize 14 creative indicators in the process of the project, the most important are:

- Originality: It is the child ability, in order to generate ideas whose characteristic are unique, interesting and in the future a community of social contribution. - Initiative: Those have the skill to devise and carry out activities, to direct actions, with a provision to star in, promote and develop ideas in a first term. - Fluency: In order to produce ideas in quantity and quality in a manner that is permanent and spontaneous, with uninterrupted generation processes of discoveries , so they can understand the productivity of technical thought in the pursuit of contradictions and problems. - Divergence: In order to have a large capacity to analyze the opposite, to visualize the different, to counteract the trial, to find different ways. - Flexibility: They arrange the facts within diverse and broad categories, with a capacity of modification, variation in behavior, attitudes, objects, objectives and methods. - Sensibility: They can perceive and express the world in its multiple dimensions, capable of identifying with

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

a situation or problem. - Elaboration: Be able to formalize the ideas, to plan, develop and run their future personal projects, an attitude to change formulations into promising solutions and decisive actions, the requirement to bring the creative impulse to its realization. In another sense the elaboration is summarized in the consolidation of an idea, the search of perfection and precision of the action. - Self-esteem: Develop confidence in themselves, based on the actual knowledge of its possibilities and potentials, strengths and weaknesses, in the power of their convictions and their energy, vigor and strength. - Motivation: From a cognitive and affective perspective based on problem solving. - Independence: Necessary aspects of a personality for self-education, they will be able to understand, develop and perform their duties according to their own initiative and without help from anyone. - Innovation: Possess the ability to the optimal use of resources, to redefine functions and uses, with quality to convert something into something else, achieving new roles - Invention: Develop effective resolution capacity, in accordance with the provision of resources. - Rationalization: To reach the correct solution of a new problem and useful for each one or the group that manages it and its application provides technical, economic or social benefit.

• Goals:

Support to encourage creativity and imagination to 23000 children and youth with Lego sets would increase motivation and confidence of children and young people to achieve their potential, expanding their knowledge in the future in different areas such as science, history, culture and the arts. For this reason, creativity should be dealt as a complement to all areas of the educational development through practice and a transverse perspective. We must also

consider a synergy between knowledge, skills and creativity, which would lead to greater contribution to innovation. Creative skills can be improved in the same way as the rest of the skills (through practice) be applied in the future to the learning of all the school subjects and its application will probably produce a deep learning and development of it. We want to be partners for innovation and development, creativity and innovation. Partnerships with social environments are vital for an education in which the training will be the reflection of labor future needs, of learning in order to make and learning in order to use. In this way, the reflection can be promote to children and young people around of new ideas and opportunities to find joint solutions to the problems of the real world, and should respond to the needs, especially the ability to innovate to create. The main tasks for cooperation agencies consist of establishing the framework conditions, objectives, motivations and incentives for the development of alternative and educational systems.

we wanted to include as many departments and populations of Bolivia to benefit children and young people, to reach urban and rural populations involve to the population with their neighborhood committees, public and private entities so that they can be actors and contribute to the achievements of the project.

• Project stages:

Taking into account from the Organization and implementation of the project of September 01, 2013 until the completion in June 2014.

• Coordination:

All stages of the event were strictly coordinated between the Believe and Dream Foundation, partners and counterparts of the project (public and private entities). The use of the donation was strictly intended to achieve the objectives of the project.

• Evaluation:

To ensure the proper execution of the project, the Believe and Dream Foundation, partners and The social involvement of the project will provide a counterparts conduct a comprehensive assessment, sense of belonging, cohesion, security, cooperation which feedback and consolidate the proposal at three and cultural expression. Also provides an excellent stages: before, during and after the project. opportunity to show leadership, cooperation, teamwork, altruism, etc. Motivational bases make •Reports: up different ways of playing as well as symbolic It will be a final report concerning the entire process expressions that the player produces. It involves the of the before and after the project, sending to ability to assume, exchanging attention and roles. In authorities, funders, partners, collaborators etc., to terms of cognitive development can contribute to measure the impact, this will contain an introduction learning. Through the construction of models and explaining the scope of what has been done, metaphors with Lego sets, objects take meaning and stories with images of all the sites visited by a small embody abstract concepts, which otherwise would introduction of its activity, with all of these, the report be quite difficult to understand. Finally, constructive will verify perfectly the destiny of the donation. competition. The capacity that contributes to strive to achieve the best of ourselves


• Future actions:

Taking into account the impact and goals achieved by the project, there will be an analysis and a study to During the realization of the project and its activities, the possibility of expanding the project for years to

• Organization y logistics:

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014


FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014


FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Iglesia Evangélica Luterana, área social El Getsemaní. Activity: Religious Organization whiteout economic benefits, that promote the development on the rural

area of the Bolivian altiplano, founded in 1985, the church works with communities of the Bolivian altiplano in the cities of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi. Location: El Alto, zona Nueva Tilata. Benefited population: 600 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Center Penitentiary San Pedro. Activity: This is the largest prison of Bolivia , is situated in La Paz, and its recognized because of internal

society, particular different of the others prisons, the convicts have jobs at the prison and also they pay and rent their dormitories, some of them live with their families, in this context there are 500 children inside. Location: La Paz, San Pedro. Benefited population: 370 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place name: Center Penitentiary Orientaci贸n Femenina Obrajes. Activity: This is a prison with 550 women convicts, most fo cases they live with their sons inside, thanks to

private projects the convicts have with formation courses at the prison of: tissue areas (macram茅, chopsticks), chocolate, crafts and other areas such as business management and marketing of their products Location: La Paz, Obrajes. Benefited population: 215 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place name: Center Penitentiary Orientaci贸n Femenina Miraflores. Activity: This is a prison which lacks of conditions to accommodate 440 women convicts, who live with 150

children; they have activities of technical and education capacitation to prepare them in a future Location: La Paz, Miraflores. Benefited population: 97 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: CharaĂąa. Activity: It is a border community with Chile, has 815 people and its principal activity is provide services

to the customhouse. Location: La Paz, ĂĄrea rural. Benefited population: 227 children and Young people.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Desaguadero. Activity: This is a village of 5400 people who are dedicated to trade and offer services to travelers, is loca-

ted on the border with Peru. Location: La Paz, rural area. Benefited population: 1400 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Achocalla. Activity: It’s a community located in the Sur part of La Paz, has 15011 people and their principal activity is

provide milk and vegetables to the urban markets. Location: La Paz, ĂĄrea rural. Benefited population: 85 children and Young people.

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Place Name: Caranavi. Activity: This is a village of 16882 people is the capital of the Caranavi Province in the Yungas region of Boli-

via, who are dedicated to agriculture and export fruits. Location: La Paz, rural area. Benefited population: 150 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Sorata. Activity: Is a small town in the La Paz Department in the Bolivian Andes, northwest of the city of La Paz and east of Lake Titicaca, with a population of 2217people. Location: La Paz, rural zone. Benefited population: 100 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Chulumani. Activity: Is the capital of the Sud Yungas region in Bolivia. Agriculture dominates the area, which produces bananas, coffee, and coca leaves. Location: La Paz, รกrea rural. Benefited population: 85 children and Young people.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Ekklesia. Activity: Christian church how dedicate to go and make disciples of all Bolivians and nations teaching them to observe what Jesus commanded us through home groups where we are tough to give his live for friends. Location: La Paz, urban area. Benefited population: 900 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Place Name: Celulas Ekklesia. Activity: Those are small Christian meetings organized in different parts of Bolivia, they have the same mission of the church Ekklesia. Location: La Paz, urban and rural zone. Benefited population: 300 children.

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Institution name: Centro de Diagn贸stico Terapia Varones Activity: The institute provides refuge to young people who are offenders of the law, providing integra-

ted, technical, multidisciplinary and educational attention, in order to have social inclusion of young people who are 13 to 17 years old with recreational activities and training on issues related to culture, life projects, sexual responsibility and others. Location: La Paz, Central zone. Benefited population: 22 young men.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Refugio Dignidad. Activity: The objective is to provide a safe place to women and their children who have been victims of fa-

mily violence. People who are accommodated they have vocational capacitation to help them to be self-dependents and they have the support to start a new life in other places. Location: Calle Virrey Toledo zona Villa Victoria La Paz-Ă rea urbana. Benefited population: 32 young women and men.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro de Diagnóstico de Terapia Mujeres. Activity: This institution accommodates women teenagers who have been trafficking victims, commercial

sexual violence , offenders of the law and others. Teenagers are 12 to 18 years old and they have suffered different traumatic experiences. The institution provides education, vocational capacitation and supporting with health, social and psychologist attention. Localization: Calle Santa Rosa Nro. 432 Villa Fátima La Paz-Área urbana. Benefited population: 13 women.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Jos茅 Soria. Activity: This a place which accommodates children and teenagers, who are 5 to 15 years old, some children have been in different institution before to be transferred in this place, most of them have suffered some abuse or abandonment . The place can accommodate approximately 70 children. Location: Final Parque Zen贸n Iturralde Zona San Jorge -La Paz. Benefited population: 54 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro Educativo Integral, Feliz MĂŠndez Arcos. Activity: This educational center is for male teenagers who have come of other institutions of La Paz. They go

to local school and at the afternoon they have vocational capacitation in some topics as carpentry and electricity, providing them skills for the future. Location: Calle MĂŠndez Arcos zona San Pedro La Paz. Benefited population: 47 young boys.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro de Atenci贸n Transitorio Los Andes. Activity: This institution accommodates children 4 to 12 years old who are having integral attention in

health, housing, education, food, and educational support, occupational therapy, counseling and insights on key issues. The objective is to recover the children rights and their obligations that every child has, independently of the circumstance where they are. Location: Calle Arturo valle Zona final los Andes -El Alto. Benefited population: 21 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Granja Kallutaca. Activity: This institution is destined to the attention of teenagers, young and adult people with mental

disabilities. They are accommodated because of abandon problems, orphan (Partial or total) .The institution provide health specialized attention, social work, food, clothing, shelter, medicine and agricultural training with the raising of camelids. Location: La Paz รกrea rural, camino a Laja. Benefited population: 21 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Virgen de Fรกtima. Activity: This place is for children who have been abandoned, abused, or orphan children. these kind of

children are protected by the government. The teachers take care of them their responsibility is provide to children: food, clothes washing, cleaning of the environments, and others. The objective of this project is to improve the life quality through experiential activities for their integral development. Location: Calle 3 de Obrajes zona Obrajes La Paz. Benefited population: 104 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundación Alalay. Activity: The “Fundación Alalay” has the objective the social insertion of children and teenagers who are in a high vulnerable situation and prevention of social risks which impact this vulnerability like drugs or alcohol and others. Location: Mallasa urban area La Paz. Benefited population: 48 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Clínica Odontológica Pediátrica UNIFRANZ La Paz. Activity: It depends of the “Universidad Franz Tamayo” , this clinic offers odontological services of high tech

to people with low resources, being the social work the principal objective of this health center. Location: Calle Héroes del Acre 1855 esq. Landaeta Zona Sopocachi La Paz, Benefited population: 46 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Clínica Odontológica Pediátrica UNIFRANZ sede El Alto. Activity: It depends of the “Universidad Franz Tamayo”, this clinic offers deontological services of high tech to people with low resources, being the social work the principal objective of this health center Location: Ciudad de El Alto. Benefited population: 185 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundaci贸n UNIFRANZ a ni帽os de la calle. Activity: It was one of the planned activities because of celebration of children day in Bolivia, the commu-

nity of students and administration workers have helped and we could organize an activity on Prado passage, the voluntaries had the possibility to give the gifts. Location: Av. El Prado urban area La Paz. Benefited population: 100 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Día del Niño en el Hospital del Niño. Activity: The “Hospital del Niño” is a third level hospital and attends children from 0 to 14 years old, it has

a capacity of high complex resolution, and it develops activities like promotion, prevention ambulatory attention, hospitalization, rehabilitation and investigation. Location: Calle Mayor Rafael Subieta # 100 frente Estado Mayor zona Miraflores La Paz. Benefited population: 203 children

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: SEDEGES Activity: The SEDEGES promotes and consolidates spaces of integral training to support the retention and

achievement in formal education of boys, girls and teenagers; it belongs to Prefecture of the Department of La Paz and is an autonomous public entity that promotes the economic development - social and productive transformation and industrialization of the mentioned Department Location: La Paz Ă rea Rural. Benefited population: 100 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hospital Materno Infantil. Activity: We did a special celebration on the Oncohematology Unit of the “Hospital Materno Infantil “, it is

a health center of third level which its specialty is births, care of the newborn babies that require meticulous care and intermediate care, dealing with the attention of mothers and children. In addition to the Oncohematology Unit where is inside of the facilities of the hospital. Location: Calle Republica Dominicana entre Díaz Romero y Villalobos zona Miraflores La Paz. Benefited population: 20 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Unidad Educativa Villa Callapa. Activity: This unit has more than 180 children and youth studying different levels of primary and secondary,

they do not have infrastructure because of a landslide in 2011 since that date they have been passing classes in prefabricated modules without conditions, even though the desire of overcoming of children is worthy of mention. Location: La Paz, Villa Callapa. Benefited population: 162 children

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Escuela RepĂşblica de Cuba. Activity: It is a public educative unit which has 120 children and young people in primary and secondary levels.

Location: La Paz urban area. Benefited population: 120 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Escuela Francisco Miranda. Activity: It is a public educative unit which has 500 children and young people in primary and secondary


Location: La Paz zona Bella Vista. Benefited population: 550 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Event name: Free movie session for the children in the Multicine company, they show LEGO the movie. Location: La Paz urban area. Benefited population: 134 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: IRI Instituto de Rehabilitaci贸n Infantil. Activity: It is an institution of physical rehabilitation with a medical clinic, a physiotherapy department, a

school and a residential unit. The institution has two types of residents; Children and residents teenagers who are welcomed and protected by the State because they have been abandoned or abused, and patients short-term who live with their families who come to the IRI for treatment for a few months. The institution typically holds children and adolescents up to 18 years of age but sometimes also houses adults. Inmates suffer from a variety of physical disabilities which require intensive physiotherapy that receives in IRI, serve approximately 50 residential non patients per month and provides them with support post traumatic, physiotherapy, psychological support, x-ray and prosthesis. It also provides dental care to outpatients Location: La Paz, zona Obrajes. Benefited population: 14 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Instituto Erick Boulter. Activity: This Institute has a home for two very different types of residents. It currently houses 22 deaf

adults and 43 youth with mental disabilities. There is approximately one educator for 15 residents and they work shifts of 24 hours with very little support. Erick Boulter has a medical team consisting of an Otolaryngologist, a vocal therapist, a psychologist and two nurses. The school of occupational therapy specializing in communication of signs and literacy. There are no programs of social integration, stimulation, or improving skills for employment or a better quality of life. Location: La Paz urban area. Benefited population: 15 Young mens.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundaci贸n Kaya Children International. Activity: It is a Christian organization that has pledged to give hope to the children living in the streets or

they run the risk of living on the streets, operates programs of direct service in La Paz to meet the needs of their target groups who live in extreme poverty and who have a high risk to the life of the street. Location: Calle 16 de Calacoto # 8139 zona Calacoto La Paz. Benefited population: 83 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundación Cuerpo de Cristo, casa Hogar del Niño. Activity: The beneficiaries are children who suffer physical, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, abandon-

ment, guard problems. The children are referred by ombudsmen in different districts of the city of El Alto, who rescued them and requested the provisional internment at home “Casa del Niño”. Home welcome them during its process of judicial decision. Location: Zona Villa Candelaria, AV. Julio Cesar Valdez esq. Av. Litoral, Nº 200 Benefited population: 40 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundaci贸n Arco Iris. Activity: It is a non-governmental organization, which based its principles on the foundations of the Ca-

tholic Church which, since 1994, fighting discrimination, marginalization and lack of opportunities faced by thousands of children and young people: orphans, whose parents are in prison, victims of domestic violence, abuse, rape, those who live or work on the streets. This organization is responsible for 9 projects for different target groups and different objectives. Location: La Paz, Villa Copacabana y Alto Obrajes. Benefited population: 607 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Brazo Social de la Tribuna Libre del Pueblo RTP. Activity: The Tribuna Libre del Pueblo is a television program that helps poor people around 35 years ago,

through Channel 4 belonging to the RADIOTELEVISION POPULAR BOLIVIA which seeks to assist the underprivileged. Location: Calle Juan de la Riva 1527 zona Central La Paz Benefited population: 100 ni単os.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Fundaci贸n Oportunidad Bolivia. Activity: It is a non-profit which arises to develop projects of promotion and intervention in children and

adolescents who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Location: San Miguel, bloque O14, N掳 959 zona San Miguel La Paz. Benefited population: 15 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro de Mujeres Huatajata. Activity: It is a non-profit organization that carries out different activities; economic, social, cultural and

political through autonomous groups which seeks the active participation of rural women in civil society in a comprehensive way, developing training and self-improvement plans for women. Location: Municipio de Huatajata, Provincia Omasuyos del Departamento de La Paz. Benefited population: 53 children

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro Burgos Marka. Activity: It is a center that serves right now to a significant population of children and adolescents in social

disadvantage of the periphery of the city, in particular in the South of the District 3. The “7 September” areas and surrounding areas are populated by poor families that, in some cases, are on the threshold of poverty. Location: Urb. Kiswaras, Manzana B, n.º 159-El Alto Benefited population: 133 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Direction of Citizen Culture, Municipality. Activity: Supporting the Project of application of the methodology “Experiential learning with LEGO�.

Direction of Citizen Culture (DCC) of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz , since 2007 has the Municipal school program of citizen culture (PEMCC) implemented in educational units of the municipality of La Paz. The cornerstone of this program is the continuous training to teachers and directors. There are 9000 teachers (approximately) in the municipality of La Paz. Location: La Paz, urbana rea. Benefited population: 116 children and young people.

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FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Junta de vecinos Alto PotosĂ­ Activity: Is a comunitary organization of territorial character, represents the people who live on the same

neighborhood and its objective is to promote the development of the community, defend the interests and ensure the neighborhood rights. Location: PotosĂ­, rural zone. Benefited population: 750 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Junta Vecinal de Valle Hermoso. Activity: Promote the integration, participation and the neighborhood development of a locality. The nei-

ghborhood residents committee represents the neighborhood to the authorities, to achieve development and manage the solution of problems. Location: PotosĂ­, rural area. Benefited population: 240 children y teenagers

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro de Acogida 10 de Noviembre. Activity: Offer a temporal residency space with the objective to give needed tools to get into a social, cultural, job insertion to satisfy their basic necessities of subsistence. In this context there are going to be programs of social promotion, social skills, and courses of different kind of issues and with a controlled process of formation. Immigrant women less than 18 years old will be welcomed who are alone without economic resources, giving a cover to all their basic necessities of accommodation, education, economic support, sanitation, and job social insertion temporarily. Location: PotosĂ­, South zone. Benefited population: 84 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro MADES. Activity: The Centro MADES attends families of the rural zone, in Potosí, it has a capacity to accommodate

35 children to strengthen of the children integration to society as a person who see, distinguish, appreciate, integrate and can modify his or her life in a contractive way. Location: Potosí, área rural. Benefited population: 21 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Centro de acogida Niño de Praga. Activity: This center is administrated by the Gobernacion de Potosi through of Servicio de Gestión Social, this center accommodate children from every part of Potosi, children are 0 to 12 years old, giving them all the necessary in order to enjoy their rights as: meals, lodging, enrichment activities etc. Location: Potosí, Central zone. Benefited population: 162 children.

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Institution name: Hospital Bracamonte. Activity: This is the most important healthy center of Potosi city, it has with a lot of specialties, attends

around 14000 children in a year, of this number almost 1440 of them has to take in the center for a long periods of time, give some kind of gift to these children is too important to put them up. Location: PotosĂ­ city Benefited population: 270 children and teenagers.

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FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Orden de la Sant铆sima Trinidad y los Cautivos, Fundaci贸n Trinitaria. Activity: Promoting the development of people who live in poor conditions: sick people, prisoners, people

who live on the streets and addicts. We support our rural people trough of the different churches that we have in San Carlos zone. Location: Chuquisaca, rural zone, town of Huayllas and Quilla Quilla. Benefited population: 699 children and teenagers. FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hospital Monseñor Jesús Pérez. Activity: This Hospital offer health public service in Chusquisaca city, it corresponds to the third level of

attention with special attention with pregnant women Location: Chuquisaca, urban area. Benefited population: 77 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Genoveva Hernรกndez. Activity: This institution dedicates to help orphan children of disintegrated families in a vulnerable situation

in order to generate personal projects which allow them to modify their situation. Location: Chuquisaca, Yotala. Benefited population: 32 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Kantuta. Activity: Provides a home to orphan and abandoned children or teenagers, giving them a integral forma-

tion in order to help their social insertion as an active people to a social and economic development in their region. It has spaces to express their creativity, developing their skills and capacities in art, culture, sports, and others as an alternative which allow them to learn values. Location: Chuquisaca, Yotala. Benefited population: 56 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Santa Clotilde. Activity: Provide attention of physical, emotional and spiritual, providing opportunities of human and

social development to children and teenagers who have cases of families, abandoned, or are orphans. In this context there are protection, education and capacitation programs in order to become people of the society who will be able to develop in a social environment Location: Chuquisaca, area rural. Benefited population: 40 children.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Sucre - Mallorca. Activity: This institution Works minimizing the poverty and marginality of 80 children who work in the

streets, accommodating them with health care and nutritional attention, also they have professional people to attend every children with physiologic treatment to identify and minimize learning problems. There is an occupational formation center that will provide skills to all children so in the future, the principal activities are informatics, music and others. Location: Chuquisaca, urban area. Benefited population: 24 children.

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Place name: Barrio Ventilla. Activity: This is a poor and out of the city neighborhood with high levels of delinquency and poverty. Location: Chuquisaca, urban area. Benefited population: 120 children.

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Place name: Barrio Yurac Khasa. Activity: This is a neighborhood situated on the south of Chuqiuisaca city. Location: Chuquisaca, urban area. Benefited population: 26 children

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FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hospital de ni単o Cochabamba. Activity: This health center of third level attends to children around 0 to 14 years old, with capacity of di-

verse medical resolution, develops normative activities of promotion, prevention, ambulatory attention and hospitalization, healing and rehabilitation, as well as investigation, in Cochabamba city. Location: Cochabamba, zona Yurac Yurac. Benefited population: 66 children and teenager.

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Institution name: Hogar Perpetuo Socorro. Activity: Hogar Perpetuo Socorro has the objective to provide meal, clothing, health attention and educa-

tion to poor children or orphans, as well as prepare them to go in to kindergarten,, pre-school and school where they know all the basic knowledge until 6th level, then they can learn technical branches. Location: Cochabamba, urban รกrea. Benefited population: 78 children.

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Institution name: Proyecto Transformadores.

Activity: The general objective is to support and accommodate children who are with street antecedents

and come from a low social level in order to educate them and train them integrally, to allow their interaction and social adaptation. Location: Cochabamba, Cabezas Benefited population: 24 children.

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Place name: Vecinos de Villa Margarita. Activity: The neighborhood of this Villa contributes to increment the life quality to families who live in this

town, promoting an active participation of every neighbor in order to solve their problems. Location: Cochabamba, zona perifĂŠrica. Benefited population: 570 niĂąos.

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Institution name: Zona Valle Hermoso. Activity: Is a rural neighborhood one hour away of Cochabamaba city, this neighborhood lacks of some

basic services as: electricity, and have a population of 750 people. Location: Cochabamba, Punata. Benefited population: 56 ni単os.

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Place name: Zona Kara Kara. Activity: Is a rural community, with a population of 100 families, most of them are poor people who do not

have many opportunities. Localizaci贸n: Cochabamba, rural zone. Benefited population: 53 children.

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Place name: Zona El Rosal. Activity: Rural community that is part of Provincia Punata, lacks of some basic services with a population of 300 families dedicated to agriculture. Location: Cochabamba, rural zone. Benefited population: 78 children.

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Place name: Jusku Molle. Activity: Is a small rural community 2 hours away of Cochabamba city, most of the population is dedicated

to agriculture and camelids. Location: Cochabamba, Punata รกrea rural. Benefited population: 59 children.

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Place name: Chirusi Qollu. Activity: Rural community situated on the municipio de Punata, most of the population speaks quechua and they are dedicated to the agriculture area. Location: Cochabamba, rural area. Benefited population: 48 children.

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Place name: Comunidad Santa Ana. Activity: Rural community dedicated to agriculture and raising camelids, with a population of 4000 people. Location: Cochabamba, municipality of Punata. Benefited population: 152 children and teenagers.

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Place name: Unidad Educativa Punata. Activity: Public School from municipio de Punata that has 80 students from elementary and junior high


Location: Cochabamba, rural area. Benefited population: 52 young people.

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Institution name: Hogar Claudia Thevenet. Activity: Support people who are in Street situation, promoting the decrease of vulnerability and damages

associated with the streets trough services which recognize and maximize their capacities and resources, promoting the social entailment as a family, community, public institutions and social participation. Location: Cochabamba, AranĂ­. Benefited population: 165 children.

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Place name: Zone Valle Alto. Activity: It’s a semi urban locality they have not all de basic services, their population are 3200 people. Location: Cochabamba, rural area Benefited population: 65 children.

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Institution name: Hogar Casa de oraci贸n.

Activity: This institution is dedicated to protect children from moral and physical abuse, providing them education and protection, the benefited people are around 4 to 17 years old. Location: Cochabamba, urban area. Benefited population: 67 children.

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Institution name: Hospital Viedma. Activity: This is the biggest public hospital and also the most important in Cochabamba city, it offers 4th

level services and this hospital has different specialties: neurosurgery, renal unit, pediatric intensive care, pediatric care, and high procedures in Obstetrics and Gynecology, also high technological laboratory advances. Location: Cochabamba, urban area. Benefited population: 54 children.

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Institution name: Hogares Ciudadela SEDEGES. Activity: This institution works with children who are 0 to 18 years old, within hosting tasks and temporary

support, information and advice of their new situation in order to insert them to education, social, and the health system. In this context there are learning courses of language and social basic skills, to form new professionals. Location: Cochabamba, urban area Benefited population: 128 children and teenagers.

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Institution name: Hogar Salom贸n klein. Activity: This is an institution which takes care of orphan and abandoned babies until 14 years old. Some

of them have suffered physical and mental abuse. The institution provides integral attention in areas of education, early stimulation, physiotherapy and recreational spaces. Location: Cochabamba, urban area. Benefited population: 37 children.

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Institution name: NiĂąos limpiadores de vidrios. Activity: This is a small syndicate which collaborate every member, they fight for the basic rights: health,

education, etc. Location: Cochabamba, ĂĄrea urbana. Benefited population: 32 children and teenagers.

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Institution name: Hogar de ni帽os Colcapirhua Sagrado Coraz贸n. Activity: Help children and teenagers with different disabilities, this institution has bedrooms, study room,

private baths, gardens, physiotherapy room, nursing room, kitchen equipment, dining room, room for crafts, recreation room, laundry and a chapel. They attend 48 young people but the institution has a capacity for 50 children. The management is coordinated with SEDEGES. Location: Cochabamba, Colcapirhua. Benefited population: 148 children.

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Place name: Barrio Florida. Activity: This is a poor neighborhood situated on the north of Santa Cruz city. Location: Cochabamba, Florida. Benefited population: 61 children.

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Institution name: Evento ATB – SEDEGES Cochabamba. Activity: The SEDEGES institution implements and executes programs and projects of promotion, prevention, attention for childhood, adolescence, youth, elderly and people with different capacities in Bolivia. Location: Cochabamba urban area. Benefited population: 500 children.

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Place Name: Hogar Ciudadela Cochabamba. Activity: It is a Government orphanage that provides accommodation around to 150 children, whose age

ranges are 0 to 14 years. There are small houses around the orphanage where 6 to 14 children live, every house has a dining room, bedroom, bathroom and living room. Most of the children living in the orphanage come from families that cannot afford their care, or families where there is abuse or alcoholism. Many of them have faced enormous hardship and have experienced trauma that no child should ever experience. Location: Cochabamba rural area. Benefited population: 142 children.

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Institution name: Juntas Vecinales Pando. Activity: Promote the human development with gender equality of protection, prevention, attention and

defending all the rights of children, teenagers, women and old people, this benefit their human development with equality in Pando. Location: Pando, Cobija and areas around. Benefited population: 1013 children and teenagers.

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Place Name: Cobija. Activity: It is a city of Pando department, with a population of 700000 people. Location: Pando, Cobija, urban and rural zone. Benefited population: 1103 children.

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Place Name: Centro de Salud Tambo Quemado. Activity: This is a basic health center of 1st level which only has speciallities of general medicine, pediatric,

and surgery, the most important of this town. Location: Oruro, Tambo Quemado. Benefited population: 350 children and Young people.

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Place name: San Pedro de Totora. Activity: Rural community of 750 people, the principal activity is breeding camelids. Location: Oruro, rural zone. Benefited population: 45 children.

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Place Name: Parroquia de la Sagrada Paciencia. Activity: This is a catholic church which provides social work to the community helping with the logistic for every activity of benefit. Location: Oruro, Ronda.

Benefited population: 72 children and young people.

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Place Name: Comunidad Challacollo. Activity: community of 6500 people who are dedicated to breeding camelids. Location: Oruro, rural zone. Benefited population: 200 children.

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Institution name: Centro de Acogida Elisa Andreoli. Activity: This center offers integral attention to children who are in social risk situation, orphaned and

abandoned, of ages to 2 to 10 years old. Their educational and spiritual necessities are provided as a familiar environment. The center supports the beneficiaries until they can achieve an independent life. Location: Oruro, urban zone. Benefited population: 74 children.

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Institution name: Centro de Acogida Penny Amor de Dios. Activity: It has the principal educate to children to 3 to 15 years old with programs according to their social

status; it has psychological, educational and psychiatric support. Location: Oruro, urban area. Benefited population: 60 children.

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Institution name: Iglesia Osana. Activity: Christian Church which seeks social support through the Bible, has programs for children, youth and adults with various problems. Location: Oruro, urban zone. Benefited population: 274 children.

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Institution name: Centro de Acogida Paria.

Activity: This is an institution which works helping children who are orphan and have suffered sexual violence, in order to insert them to the society. Location: Oruro, urban area. Benefited population: 242 children.

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Institution name: Santuario Virgen del Socav贸n. Activity: This is the most important church in Oruro, one of its activities is help children of alcoholic parents

or who suffer physical and moral violence. Location: Oruro. Benefited population: 372 children.

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Institution name: Hogar de Niùos Gotita de leche. Activity: it’s a home dedicated to help children from 0 to 7 years old, with support and transitory hosting. Location: Oruro, urban zone. Benefited population: 68 children.

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Place Name: Pisiga. Activity: It is at the border with Chile, has 9000 people and its principal activity is provide services to the

custom house. Location: Oruro, Pisiga. Benefited population: 244 children.

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Institution name: Penitentiary of San Pedro de Oruro. Activity: This prison accommodates 640 men convicts, and 200 women convicts who live with their children, in this context this prison is the most important of Oruro. Location: Oruro, urban area. Benefited population: 80 children.

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Institution name: Hogar San Lorenzo. Activity: Founded in January 21 the of 1996, actually Hogar San Lorenzo is destined to take care of abando-

ned children, victims of psychological moral and physical abuse, children who are in this instate are around of 0 to 10 years old. Location: Santa Cruz, Urbana. Benefited population: 52 children.

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Institution name: Centro de Desarrollo Integral CDI BO 338. Activity: This center accommodates children that have been neglected, abuse, orphans or victims of sexual abuse. The children receive integral attention, clothing, education, housing, food and spiritual guidance. The center has a psychologist department as well as this center provides health attention and social work. Location: Santa Cruz, Barrio JerusalĂŠn. Benefited population: 120 children.

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Institution name: Hogar Don Bosco. Activity: It’s a center to children from 6 to 18 years old. It was founded in November 1991, and accommodates 200 children because of different reasons, most of them are orphans and others are from poor families. Location: Santa Cruz, Barrio Amanecer. Benefited population: 190 children and young people.

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Institution name: Hogar Luz del Mundo. Activity: It is a home where children come to take English classes and other subjects which are in their

studying, as well as they can learn music, theatrical actuation and cultural studies. The principal objective is provide to children a learning of culture in order to perform their abilities through expositions. Location: Santa Cruz, Plan 3000. Benefited population: 420 children and young people.

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Institution name: Hogar Alalay. Activity: This is an organization which has for objective support integrally and steadily to children and

young people who live in the streets, developing a better life quality and inserting them in a better society. Location: Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Barrio Primavera. Benefited population: 56 children.

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Institution name: Remar S.C. Activity: This institution collaborates with abandoned children, women who have suffered familiar violen-

ce, young people with addictive problems, people with HIV disease, and children or teenagers who have had sexual abuse. The institution provides comprehensive assistance, food, housing, clothing, medicine, education or therapy depending on each the case. Location: Santa Cruz, Zona La Ramada. Benefited population: 41 boys.

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Institution name: Hogar Teresa de los Andes. Activity: The institution works for the social inclusion of children and Young people with physical or inte-

llectual disabilities through programs which can provide the technical human means to improve their capacities and abilities and supporting their development of life quality. The people in the institution are trained professionals Location: Santa Cruz, Cotoca. Benefited population: 150 children and Young people. FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Institution name: Hogar Santa Cruz.

Activity: This place accommodates children and teenagers who are 0 to 18 years old with social programs to minimize to zero the right violation and the social exclusion. The objective is satisfy, promote and protect their rights. Location: Santa Cruz, Zona 4 de Noviembre. Benefited population: 50 children.

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Institution name: Fundaci贸n Alalay. Activity: They contribute to eliminate the poor conditions: social, affective, economic and spiritual of chil-

dren or teenagers and families, through prevention and protection focusing on the example of Jesus. Location: Santa Cruz, Calle Teniente Rivero Benefited population: 100 children.

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Institution name: Church of Puerto Suarez. Activity: Catholic Church has a social center where charity works. Location: Santa Cruz, Puerto Suarez. Benefited population: 460 children.

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Place Name: Carretera Norte Santa Cruz – Puerto Suarez. Activity: All surrounding villages dedicate their activities to agriculture. Location: Carretera Norte Santa Cruz. Benefited population: 150 children and young people.

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Place Name: Comunidad Lapachal Alto. Activity: The principal activities are services to oil companies. Location: Yacuiba, rural zone. Benefited population: 80 children.

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Place Name: Comunidad Lamitas. Activity: It is a community of 3200 people who lack of basic services and the principal activity is agriculture. Location: Yacuiba, rural zone. Benefited population: 70 children.

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Place Name: Comunidad Palmar. Activity: Community of 2700 people who are dedicated to offer their services to oil companies. Location: Yacuiba rural zone. Benefited population: 382 children.

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Place Name: Comunidad Sunshal. Activity: Community of 1500 people, Community are selling their products to people who work in oil companies.

Location: Yacuiba, rural zone.

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Place Name: Comunidad La Costa. Activity: It is a community of 3400 people who lack of basic services and health and the principal activity is

agriculture and animal breeding. Location: Yacuiba, rural zone. Benefited population: 92 children.

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Place Name: Comunidad Ibibobo. Activity: Community of Tarija with a population of 1700 people, its principal activity is animal breeding. Location: Villamontes rural zone. Benefited population: 120 children and young people.

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Place Name: Comunidad Pampa Redonda. Activity: Guarani community, its people who dedicate to fishing and their customs as well as they offer

touristic services. Location: Tarija, rural zone. Benefited population: 67 children and young people.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

Conclusions and recommendations: These conclusions and recommendations are made based on the analysis of the activities carried out in “The project Creativity and Innovation an essential part for the development of children and young people” was executed thanks to a donation and nongovernmental institutions of social American support during the months of December 2013 to September 2014.

• Conclusions:

• Recommendations: - Create and dream Foundation is prepared to receive and take care of other donation projects. - This experience gave us the Know How to get to the poorest people of Bolivia. - Thanks to strategic alliances with public and private institutions, NGOs and Foundation have all the logistics to realize another project.

- The amount of 24.900 children and young people - Give priority to the departments of the East of Bolivia were benefited. which are Pando, Beni and part of Santa Cruz, in the months of February and April 50% of its population - Thanks to strategic alliances and team work, we lost their homes and belongings by rains, we need to reach the 9 cities of Bolivia and part of the rural area. get to satisfy some of their needs. - In addition of LEGOs distribution, 80% of the places visited, were benefited with educational activities, medical services, food, events entertainment, awareness of health, education, overcoming, solidarity, equality etc. - All children and young people who we visited are below the poverty line, reach them, was fundamental for their self-esteem and explain to them that they are not alone. - We have known the living conditions of children and young people in the rural and peri-urban area of cities, coming to the conclusion that we should perform this activity every year to satisfy different needs. - The Donation helped to improve the “creativity and innovation” of the beneficiaries.

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No matter how large are the challenge or objective, we have the mind and the courage to give 110% to make happy to children and young people , we are ready to any challenge! Thank you for trusting us!

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“Helping children should be viewed as an investment, not a cost, since failure to act surely will mean far higher payments later on in remedial education, in unemployment, in crime – in wasted lives and promises unfulfilled” (Boyer, 1991)

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My name is Mariel Andrea Mercado Ramos, i was born in La Paz, Bolivia, I got the title of a degree in Commercial Engineering at the Universidad Cat贸lica Boliviana. Since the year of 2006 i have been working for GreaterGood company, with the position of buyer of products made by artisans in Central and South America countries, travel to fairs and choose products in particular jewellery which are then sold through the internet. I live in Seattle, WA and am very happy beside my husband and young daughter. With my family we started the tradition of delivering Christmas gifts to poor children on Christmas day, as a way to thank for everything that we receive every day and at the same time make happy children who are the future of the world. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to help society.

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I was born in La Paz, I got a degree in Legal Sciences at the Universidad Católica Boliviana. I did a Master’s degree in Management of International Companies at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and an Expert in the Creation and Strengthening of Small and Medium Enterprises by the City Hall of Barcelona. Since 2006 I have been working for NGOs, foundations, International Cooperation, Consultant on Development and Social issues, promoting the company and corporate legal issues , in 2011 I decided to confront new challenges to complement my professional, personal and investigative knowledge transferring me to the city of Barcelona - Spain and a short period in Paris – France. I am very grateful to life which gave me the opportunity to return and be supportive with the society, I consider myself a privileged to cooperate for the development of people and on the other hand, take my private activities. I’m very proud with the work team, volunteers and all the public and private institutions who believe in us, we showed that with few resources but with courage we can generate a significant impact in the life of each child or family.

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

FINAL REPORT Bolivia 2014

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