Come to where European sophistication and raw island passion have fallen in love. Where boredom is a forbidden emotion. A magical place, called St. Maarten.
You were made for each other. We were made for you. NO KIDS. NO SINGLES. NO HASSLES.
At Couples Resorts Jamaica, there’s nothing to distract you from reconnecting and spending quality “grown-up timeâ€? together. Come to one of our four spectacular resorts and show your significant other someplace significantly dierent.
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Let us help you breathe in time to the ocean waves. Let us reinvent the meaning of a timeout. Let us rejuvinate you with ocean-inspired remedies. Let us be the start of your fondest vacation memories.
Bed and Breakfast – The ideal package to create fond memories for your getaway. Includes breakfast for two and valet parking. For reservations, contact your travel professional, call The Ritz-Carlton at 800-241-3333 or visit
Offer is valid through December 31, 2015. Rate is per room/per night, based on single or double occupancy, exclusive of taxes, gratuities, fees and other charges; does not apply to groups; cannot be combined with any other offer and is not applicable for Rewards redemption. Daily breakfast is available in the restaurant and not valid for in-room dining. Offer is subject to availability. ©2015 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.
NEWLY RELEASED RESIDENCES FROM THE $800’s New Floor Plans Ranging from 1,850 to over 3,500 sq. ft. • Now Offering Finished Luxury Residences • Contemporary architecture • Resort-style amenities
New Design Center with Full Kitchen Now Open in the Sales Center A K O Y A B O C A W E S T . C O M P R I VAT E P R E S E N TAT I O N S : 5 6 1 . 3 6 2 . 2 7 1 9
Look back on your 50th birthday, the day you hit the big
five-O. So many life-changing experiences happened in
the years leading up to that day, shaping you into the unique individual that you are. With age comes wisdom,
and you are more qualified today than ever before to
handle the challenges and opportunities that life will bring your way.
We know firsthand that being 50+ is FABULOUS and now it’s time to celebrate the wiser half of our lives by sharing stories and discovering ways to enrich our lives
without letting age be a barrier. With many of us retired or
close to retirement, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of our labor!
We created Fabulously50+ Magazine to provide men and women 50 and over with useful resources and inspiring ideas to help them realize their potential
and live the life they want to live. Our amazing team has brought together the most talented writers and
photographers to share their travel experiences, health
discoveries, financial tips, technology, fashion ideas, and entertainment opportunities to ensure our 50+
community is knowledgeable with the world’s ever-
changing trends and breakthroughs. DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR
We hope you enjoy our Premier Issue of Fabulously50+ and welcome your feedback on topics we can cover and share with our readers. In addition to our publication, visit our website at that offers more juicy articles, information, local arts and entertainment that we know you will love.
Fabulously 50+ Magazine 6
CHARLEY BOHMAN FABULOUSLY50.COM FACEBOOK.COM/FABULOUSLY50 @FAB50MAG INFO@FABULOUSLY50.COM 561.300.3878 Fabulously50+ is published three times per year by Fabulously50+, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. Fabulously50+ is a registered trademark and the use of the trademark is strictly prohibited. The information contained in this publication is believed to be accurate. However, Fabulously50+ does not guarantee its accuracy. Fabulously50+ cannot and will not be held liable for the quality or performance of goods and services provided by the advertisers in this publication.
Table of Contents Travel
12 22 26 30
4 Fabulous Underwater Resorts Belize: The Jewel of the Caribbean St. Lucia: Romance is Alive & Thriving Grand Cayman: The Islands of Luxury
Italy: Wine, Food & Family In The Hills of Northern Tuscany
France: The Regions of Champagne & Burgundy PAGE 12 | 4 Fabulous Underwater Resorts
New Zealand: Explore Milford Sound
Africa: Tree of Life
Yellowstone: The Peaceful Serenity of Winter
Disney: Not Just for the Kids
PAGE 72 | 5 Ways to Keep Romance Alive
Featured Local Artist: Alex Voorn
Fashion: This is What 50+ Looks Like
5 Ways to Keep Romance Alive
Early Retirement - 7 Basic Rules
Tesla: The Future Is Here
PAGE 34 | ITALY: Wine, Food & Family In The Hills Of Northern Tuscany
PAGE 42 | NEW ZEALAND: Expplore Milford Sound
Bon Appetit
5 Drinks Every Gentleman Should Know
5 Drinks Every Lady Should Know
The Perfect Smoothie
PAGE 54 | DISNEY: Not Just for the Kids
PAGE 50 | YELLOWSTONE: The Peaceful Serenity Of Winter
Fitness & Health Yoga: 4 Poses That Revive & Energize
Fitness After 50
How Wellness Travel is Reshaping the Industry
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Fear the Varicose Vein Reaper
The Cure for Cancer?
1 00 1 06 1 08 112
PAGE 30 | GRAND CAYMAN : The Islands of Luxury
PAGE 80 | TESLA: The Future Is Here
PAGE 86 | Fabulous Drinks You Should Know
TRAVEL Fabulous Destinations That You Will Never Forget
Wanderlust. Such an evocative word, n’est-ce pas? If you possess “a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about,” our inaugural issue’s travel section is designed to rock your world. We’ll dive in with a tour of four of the planet’s
sustains both wildlife and natives through
most extraordinary undersea hospitality
the harshest seasons.
adventures. Could you sleep with thousands of sea creatures keeping a watchful eye on
If you’ve never been to one of our country’s
you? ‘We’ll set sail for a leisurely voyage to
national parks, our advice is: start with
some of our favorite tropical islands and
Yellowstone and go in Winter. You could
enchanted rainforests – Belize , Grand
explore the park with the millions of other
Cayman & St. Lucia.’
visitors who pass through in the summer months, or you could practically have the
An immersive autumn spent in northern
snow-packed paradise to yourself from mid-
Tuscany introduces us to the region’s
December through March. There’s plenty
passionate wine grape farmers and vintners,
to do, and it’s easier to spot the abundant
and then it’s on to Burgundy and Champagne
wildlife against all that white stuff.
for some serious food and wine pairing. When it’s time to conclude our global Our journey takes a southward turn as we
wanderings, click our heels three times,
explore the destination that Rudyard Kipling
and come back home, where better to land
dubbed “The Eighth Wonder of the World,”
than in our backyard at the Magic Kingdom?
New Zealand’s Milford Sound. Whether you
The integral role that Walt Disney’s
pedal, paddle, walk, or float through this
extraordinary creations played in our lives
magnificent fiord, the scenery will leave you
is indisputable. Now it’s our chance to
in awe.
ignite the imaginations of our children and grandchildren, bearing witness to their
We’ll trek on through South Africa in search of
excitement and joy. Multi-generational
what just may be the stoutest tree in the world
travel is so rewarding, and no place on
– the 52-foot wide Glencoe Baobab. This
earth is more welcoming than the Walt
iconic, prehistoric succulent nourishes and
Disney World Resort.
Did you grow up watching Sea Hunt? For 70 million of
interesting ways to satisfy this nautical longing is by
us back in the early 1960s, U.S. Navy frogman Mike Nelson,
booking a trip to an underwater hotel, resort, restaurant,
aka Lloyd Bridges, epitomized the dynamic hero, seeking
or spa. While there are some spectacular projects in
unlimited adventures just beneath the ocean’s surface.
progress, such as Dubai’s long awaited Hydropolis (with
This only “Wets” our appetite for more vicarious aquatic
220 underwater suites and a cost of $500 million and
exploration, which Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea was
counting) let’s take a tour of the properties that are well
only too happy to satisfy in the mid-1960s. Fast forward
established and ready to welcome you today.
50 years to find that many of us still prefer a life near, at, on, or under the water.
You’re sure to find one in this eclectic mix that will have you murmuring the immortal words of 30 Rock’s Liz
We long for unique travel experiences that engage and inspire us, allowing us to interact and integrate with the natural world to which we belong. One of the most
Lemon, aka Tina Fey,
“I want to go to there!”
HILTON’S CONRAD Maldives Rangali Island Resort
This sprawling world-class resort spans two separate islands and offers eight restaurants, four bars, and two award-winning spas. The stunning villas offer private pools and sea views at every turn, thanks to floor-toceiling windows. But the “mother of pearl” jewel in this resort’s crown is the underwater Ithaa Restaurant, dubbed “the most beautiful restaurant in the world” by the New York Daily News in 2014. Ithaa -- meaning “mother of pearl” in the Maldivian language of Divehi -- was built 16 feet below the ocean’s surface. Diners are often left speechless seated in a glass-domed structure offering 180-degree panoramic views of the vibrant coral gardens surrounding the dining room. The venue serves a sixcourse dinner (adults only) featuring contemporary European cuisine and a four-course lunch menu (children welcome) with lighter fare. The restaurant is also open for mid-morning cocktails. Who on earth could ever turn down a Bloody Mary or mimosa in this underwater wonderland?
THE PALM Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can you imagine soaking in a tub of hot water and soaping yourself with 24-carat gold flakes while being watched by 65,000 sea creatures on the other side of floorto-ceiling glass? How about chatting over wine in your private lounge, gazing out the same floor-to-ceiling windows into the surrounding lagoon?
The jaw-dropping, three-floor, 1776-square-foot Neptune and Poseidon underwater suites at the Atlantis, The Palm, feature private elevators, grand staircases, and lavish living spaces complete with living, dining, and television rooms. Did we mention a private butler, personal trainer, and daily massage? You can even scuba dive in the Ambassador Lagoon and peer back into your suite from the other side of the glass. The opulent and elegant perks found at Atlantis must be experienced to be believed. The majestic 5-star resort and hotel opened in 2008. Located on a man-made island, the massive scale of the architecture and amenities are on proud display, towering high above the land. Guests have access to numerous aquatic and marine life attractions; 23 restaurants, including beachside cabana dining; nearly a mile of beach; two pools; a state-of-the-art fitness center; and plentiful rejuvenating spa packages. The Aquaventure Waterpark is legendary, the Lost Chambers Aquarium contains 20 exhibits and touch tanks, and Dolphin Bay allows guests to stand, swim, or scuba dive with the charismatic and tolerant creatures.
LOVERS DEEP Oliver’s Travels Introduces The Mile Low Club
n a “take that!” to the airline industry’s Mile High Club, Oliver’s Travels suggests that you join the Mile Low Club. The zenith of exclusivity and innovative luxury travel, Lovers Deep is your private leisure submarine excursion.
The sub will fetch you at the Caribbean island of your choice, although Oliver recommends you board in beautiful St. Lucia. You’ll be welcomed aboard with champagne and find rose petals scattered on your bed. Your journey is accompanied by a captain, a chef, a butler, and the mood-setting, sensual stylings of Barry White. You’ll feast on aphrodisiac delicacies that include oysters, caviar, and chocolate fondant. The romantic mind reels. In consultation with Oliver, you can specify exactly where your mobile love sub should station. Hang out next to a coral reef, or poke around an old shipwreck site. While it’s safe to say that Lovers Deep is a trip of a lifetime, it’s also safe to say that if you have a fish phobia or are prone to claustrophobia, you are best to resist.
Lovers Deep can be situated just off the coast of any Caribbean island, waiting for you to arrive via speedboat.
The Manta Resort Pemba, Zanzibar The Underwater Room at the Manta Resort offers you a private, tri-level, floating island set in the middle of a thriving coral reef. Pemba Island is 381-square-miles of fertile forests, secluded beaches, mysterious lagoons, and clove fields. Known as “The Green Island” for obvious reasons, this lush paradise forms part of the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Your underwater, fully-inclusive suite excursion starts with a 2-minute wooden boat ride over the sparkling turquoise waters of the Manta house reef. After a quick tour of your floating nest, you’re set free to take it all in and try to put your eyes back into your head. The Swedish engineered floating condo features a landing deck at sea level fashioned from beautiful local hardwood with a lounge area and bathroom. All meals and sundown cocktails are enjoyed on the middle deck.
A kayak, snorkel, and fins are provided to give you maximum opportunities for
Climb the ladder up to the roof and sunbathe by day, star watch at
coral and marine life exploration. While you can be as alone as
night. The lower level holds a pillowy bed nestled in the middle of
you’d like, a mobile phone and dedicated security guard are on
glass panels that afford you 360-degree views of the reef and its
hand for any unforeseen events. Surely you’re wondering about
residents, including some regular visitors in the bat and trumpet
the restroom, so rest assured that the facilities provide an open-
fish families. Underwater spotlights beneath each window
air fresh water shower, a fully functioning, eco-friendly marine
illuminate the night waters, allowing you to get up close and
toilet system, and a small hand-wash basin. The resort provides
very personal with the octopus and Spanish dancers that attach
all of your biodegradable shower products and a fully stocked bar
themselves to the glass panels.
fridge. What bliss!
Paradise is closer than you think Easy and affordable, a getaway to Grand Lucayan on Grand Bahama Island is just 60 miles off the South Florida coast. Sun-kissed beaches, turquoise blue waters and unbeatable rates year-round. What are you waiting for? Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s go!
115 100 RATES FROM
Call 888-808-0539 or visit to start planning your getaway *Book through October 31, 2015 for travel between January 2 to February 28, 2016. Resort credit is based on stays of 4-nights or more and can be used for spa, golf, tennis and food & beverage. Room rate does not include government taxes, resort fees and service charges. Double occupancy required. New bookings only. Does not apply to group bookings. Additional restrictions and fees may apply. Offer may be changed or cancelled at any time.
elize, Central America’s youngest nation, is one of its most biologically and archeologically significant countries. Belize promises white
sands, azure seas, wide-open savannahs, and tangled tropical rainforests. The jungles teem with kaleidoscopic wildlife and mind blowing Mayan ruins. Undiscovered caves, waterfalls, rivers, 400 islands, and the largest living coral reef in the Western Hemisphere just beg you to dive in and discover. This English-speaking country shares a northern border with Mexico; Guatemala lies to the south and west, and the azure Caribbean Sea is east. Belize enjoys the lowest population density in Central American and offers 8,867 square miles of phenomenal territory ripe for exploring. The diminutive nation is not only an eco-tourism hot spot; it’s a very desirable retirement destination. AARP, U.S. News and World Report, and the Boston Herald have all declared Belize prime expat paradise.
The Submerged Treasures of Belize While the mainland is bursting with adventure, Belize’s crowning jewels are the diving and snorkeling sites along hundreds of cayes, atolls, and the 185mile Belize Barrier Reef. In 1836, Charles Darwin dubbed these gems “the richest and most remarkable coral reefs in the entire western Caribbean.” Scientists believe that Belize’s atoll development began 70 million years ago. Today, solid mounds of submerged limestone showcase the most diverse habitat in the ocean, housing 100 different kinds of coral and 500 species of fish. Visibility is typically 100 feet or more, and the water temperature an ideal 85 degrees Fahrenheit in summer, 79 degrees in winter.
Lighthouse Reef, the farthest offshore atoll, boasts dozens
Snorkeling novices can enjoy a glide along the edge of the turquoise
of Belize’s best dive sites. Belize’s signature dive lies at the
abyss, surveying the remnants of the 1985 Sayonara wreck and
center: the world-renowned Blue Hole Natural Monument.
the plentiful lobster residents of the area. Stunning photography
Measuring more than 1,000 feet across and 450 feet deep,
opportunities are plentiful.
this incomparable diving experience is set in crystal-clear waters bursting with spectacular coral formations and a myriad of marine creatures. Long Caye Wall at the Glover’s Reef Atoll is a top dive site in the southern, far less populated area. Lush coral thrives in reef gullies that lead to a sheer drop of more than 2,000 feet. Jacques Cousteau favored this site that thrills visitors with world-class snorkeling. Take a night dive with the crustaceans in Octopus Alley, or survey Belize’s tallest coral towers at Pinnacles, a majestic 30 feet high. The Elbow at Turneffe Islands resides on the largest of Belize’s three major reefs. It has a remote, untouched vibe that makes for a very exciting drift dive experience against the backdrop of delicate corals. Elbow is on the southern end of the reef, so you’ll see an abundance of barracuda, sharks, and giant groupers. 24 TRAVEL FEATURE
Magnificent, Mysterious Maya Belize is rich with archaeological sites that bear witness to the height of the Maya civilization, one of the most artistic, advanced, and complex cultures of the ancient Americas. Between AD 2501000, the Maya flourished in regions of
Belize, Northern Honduras and El Salvador. Their intricate and massive cities extended out for many miles, connected by raised roads. Climb enormous steps to towering stone temples for a 360-degree view of the jungle. Descend deep into underworld caves to catch a glimpse of ritualistic sacrifices. Peruse excavated tombs and intricate hieroglyphs that depict cultural myths and customs. Caracol is a must-see. The largest Maya archaeological site in Belize lies nestled in a dense jungle near the Guatemalan border, 1,650 feet above sea level. This powerful center is thought to have covered 70 square miles and housed 150,000 residents at its peak, circa AD 650. Nearly 40 miles of paths extend from the center, where marketplaces, temples, and palaces thrived, connecting the commerce to outlying residential areas. Lacking natural water sources, Caracolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residents caught rainwater in reservoirs and grew food on immense agricultural terraces.
Indigenous Libations Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be peckish and parched after all your exploring. Replenish energy with the shrimp and conch steeped in lime juice and served with sliced cucumber, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and peppers. Wash it down with a glass of the sweet and potent, native cashew fruit wine, or lift a bottle of the indigenous and international award- winning Belikin Beer. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in the mood for something a bit stiffer, opt for the high-quality Belize rum made from local molasses and cane sugar. FABULOUSLY50.COM 25
ST. LUCIA Romance is Alive & Thriving BY VIVIAN PARKS
For a multitude of reasons as clear as the Caribbean waters, the lush fantasy island of St. Lucia is fast becoming one of the world’s most sought-after locations for lovers. There’s a reason that ABC’s “The Bachelor” filmed the final 2014 episode on the exotic island -- 238-square-miles bursting with reasons.
n emerging hot spot for destination weddings and honeymoons, Lucia loyalists believe that the landscape here is more diverse than any other Caribbean island. Pristine beaches,
transparent waters, enchanted rainforests, and aphrodisiacal cuisine combined with unlimited recreation and world-class amenities ensure youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back, provided you manage to leave at all.
Where to Lay Your Head This magical island boasts a bounty of five-star beachfront hotels, luxurious spa resorts, and all-inclusives. Here are three sure bet choices...
Ladera Resort Ladera Resort
The BodyHoliday
The BodyHoliday, LeSPORT - Gros Islet Ladera Resort
Ladera Resort, Soufriere
Winner of numerous prestigious awards for not only the best destination spa in the Caribbean but one of the top all-inclusive resorts in the world, The BodyHoliday nestles in 32 acres of lush tropical gardens. With 155 gorgeous rooms, several restaurants,
The Ladera is located on the Soufriere Volcano, a UNESCO World
and the world-renowned Centre of Health and Wellbeing, you’ll
Heritage Site. The property spans a lush hillside of mango trees
want for nothing here. Especially since your stay includes a daily
overlooking the twin Piton Mountains and the Caribbean Sea.
spa treatment.
Adults-only Ladera is renowned for its open-wall rooms that provide breathtaking views from every living space. The open access also
The resort promises, “Give us your body for a week and we’ll
allows the curious creatures of land and air to come inside and visit.
give you back your mind.” Take them up on that challenge with
(Hide your rings; birds like shiny!)
Ayurvedic and hot stone massage, the meditation temple, yoga, and a hydro pool.
You’ll find only 32 suites and a very attentive staff to ensure that your stay is intimate, and you are sufficiently doted on. Each
November is a great time to visit St. Lucia because it is Health
accommodation features its own private plunge pool or villa pool,
& Wellness Month. Many of the island’s best hotels design
and you’ll dream in luxurious linens on stately four-poster beds
packages that offer couples reduced rate incentives to partake
made of polished tropical hardwood.
of the therapeutic riches the land provides.
Panorama of Pitons at Saint Lucia
Sugar Beach Resort, Soufriere A neighbor to Ladera with the same amazing views of the Pitons but down on the beach and kid friendly, Sugar Beach boasts spacious luxury villa accommodations and very popular beach bungalows. You’ll be spoiled by the personal plunge pools and your private butler. The villas and suites rest in 100 acres of lush rain forest on the site of an 18th-century sugar plantation, just a shell’s throw from the pristine white sand beach.
Foodie’s Paradise In addition to being the hot place for lovers, Saint Lucia is an international culinary destination. Menus influenced by African, Indian, Caribbean, French, Spanish, and British cuisines feature the freshest seafood, and tropical produce served in five-star, al fresco restaurants. St. Lucia’s constant temperature range of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit makes it ideal for outdoor dining. Masala Bay -- Newly opened with consistently stellar reviews, this beautiful waterfront restaurant located in Marigot Bay specializes in authentic Indian and Indo-Chinese (Hakka) cuisine. Masala’s owners also run the beloved Spice of India in Rodney Bay. Get to the seaside balcony early for cocktails, and stay for après-sunset supper.
Fabulous Local Adventure Charter a three-hour yacht cruise on the northwestern coast’s Rodney Bay with your very own Skipper at the wheel. The Marina can also hook you up with an excursion to the volcanic Pitons sea islands, a romantic sunset cruise, or a party catamaran ride to Soufrière. Purify and nurture your weary bodies in one of St. Lucia’s mineral-rich mud and steam baths at the Soufriere Volcano, the world’s only drive-in volcano. Dive or snorkel by day or night in St. Lucia’s warm and crystal waters teeming with wondrous coral and marine creatures that thrive at the Anse Cochon and Anse Chastanet reefs.
Rainforest Hideaway – A short ferryboat ride across Marigot Bay
Hike St. Lucia’s stately twin peaks, the Pitons, which soar 2,000
lands you in this romantic, open-air setting where tables surround
feet above the sea. Gros Piton is the broader, easier to hike of the
an illuminated lagoon and the menu showcases European/
two. Petit Piton is a steep and challenging climb, and the St. Lucia
Caribbean fusion.
government heartily suggests visitors take a guide. FABULOUSLY50.COM 29
CAYMAN ISLANDS The Islands of Luxury
The Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory aka the British West Indies, consists of three islands in the western Caribbean Sea. Fun
Grand Cayman The largest island, known for its abundant beach resorts and hot diving spots, is about 22 miles long and four miles wide. Lonely Planet dubs Grand Cayman “a much more orderly version of South Florida.”
fact: there are more registered
The 5 ½-mile long, oddly named Seven Mile Beach spans the western
businesses than there are humans in
Because this prized beach is blessedly public property, you can stroll
this international financial haven that
or restaurant bars located along your path. The lack of natural fresh
claims the highest standard of living
but the upside to the lack of rivers is the staggering clarity of the sea.
in the Caribbean Basin. Each island
If you didn’t leave South Florida to find more of South Florida, head
has its own charming personality, so you’ll want to make time for all three.
shore and houses many of the islands’ swankiest lodging choices. the flawless white sand hand-in-hand and belly up to any of the hotel water on the island necessitates reservoirs or seawater desalination,
over to the undeveloped eastern side of the island where the mood is low-key and the cuisine native Caymanian. Traditional menus feature turtle meat, conch stew, Cayman-style beef, and anything made with coconut, mangos, plantain, yams, snapper, tuna, and mahi.
Here’s your chance to hand-feed a stingray with a
view with each step. If you’re in the mood for
wingspan of 3 feet. Stingray City is a quick boat ride
more walking -- and who wouldn’t be? – wander
from the northern end of Grand Cayman. The massive
through the National Trust Parrot Reserve and
cartilaginous creatures congregate on the shallow
catch a glimpse of the 400 remaining Cayman
sandbars waiting to be loved on by the curious two-
Brac parrots that are gradually increasing their
legged visitors.
Make your nightly nest at the Turtle Nest Inn, located
Spring for a private vacation rental on this island
in the southern district of Bodden. This unassuming
to give yourself a break from “all those tourists.” If
and wildly popular Spanish-style guesthouse offers
you’d prefer a hotel, friendly and relaxed Brac Reef
beachfront condos and apartments with balcony views.
Beach Resort caters to the dive crowd with 40 rooms
side of the island, Bloody Bay’s shallowest end begins
Known for being meticulously clean and beautifully
on a gorgeous stretch of beach. Each room features
at only 18 feet and descends for 6000 feet. Explore
maintained, the light-infused rooms are spacious and
a patio or balcony, and bikes, kayaks, and hammocks
color-saturated coral gardens, black coral trees, and
awash with juicy tropical colors.
are yours for the borrowing.’
exquisitely diverse marine life. With over 50 unique
Cayman Brac
Little Cayman
dive, snorkel, and swim sites beckoning, you’ll be water logged and loving it.
Seeking a deserted island getaway? Welcome to Little
Stay at the Southern Cross Club. The founders opened
Nature lover’s heaven, this 12-mile long island is just a
Cayman! Home to just 200 people, mas o menos, this
this venue back in 1958 as a fishing club when the island
bit over a mile across and flush with wild, emerald
10-mile-long, 1-mile-wide intimate island is renowned for
claimed only three residents. Promising “barefoot
green parrots, fruit bats, and luscious mounds
its world-class scuba diving. Electricity did not arrive on
elegance,” and unspoiled tranquility, the private rooms
of tropical foliage. A deep-sea angler’s paradise,
Little Cayman until 1990, and it is still a primitive tropical
at Southern Cross Club span 900 feet of white coral
Cayman Brac promises big tuna, marlin, and
paradise teeming with lagoons, pristine beaches, lush
sand beach with views of the South Hole Sound and
barracuda at the end of your line.
foliage, and over 2,000 rock iguanas. Rent a bike and
uninhabited Owen Island.
peddle your way around the entire wonderland. Each of the 14 beachfront ocean view bungalows are
Hike “The Bluff,” an imposing limestone outcrop spanning the length of the island and stretching
Jacques Cousteau believed that Little Cayman’s diving
uniquely decorated in vibrant Caribbean Sea colors.
140 feet above the sea. This is the highest point
sites ranked among the top three destinations in the
Half of the bungalows feature private outdoor showers,
in the Caymans, and the Lighthouse Footpath
world, and Bloody Bay Wall consistently scores as one
and get this -- the bar operates on an honor system
that traverses the cliff’s edge provides a stunning
of the world’s best wall dives. Located on the north
during the day! FABULOUSLY50.COM 31
View of old town, Lucca, Italy 34 TRAVEL FEATURE
he hills above Lucca, in northern Tuscany, are dotted with small farms producing wine and olive oil. Over the course of the three months that I spent living in
Lucca last fall, we explored the Lucchesi hills and met the passionate and dedicated farmers and vintners, whose life work is to produce fine small-batch wines. In mid-September, we made our first foray to the Fattoria Maonchi (Fattoria means “farm”). A massive storm had rolled through Lucca that morning. As the rain let up, we made a dash to our rented Citroen and headed into the hills. The farm’s amiable owner and vintner, Nicola Palagi, greeted us immediately. There wasn’t a soul around, other than our small group of four friends. For €12 per person, we had expected a few short pours and a snack. What we didn’t expect was the 3-hour tour of the vines, the olives, the gardens behind the family’s villa and the cantina (cellar). All of this followed by a tasting of oil, a white wine, a Moscato, two reds, and a vin santo (sweet dessert wine). For the duration, Nicola was charming, authentic, engaging, funny and discreet. After each pour, he’d excuse himself politely so that we could taste, reflect on the wine and enjoy our time together. During our walk through the villa’s gardens, Nicola explained that Italian gardens are symmetrical, and traditionally all green. “But”, we asked, “Why did the garden boast colorful roses and orange trees”? The reason: Nicola’s mother had wanted roses, and in the Italian family, the women have 51% of the say. Venturing into the hills again on a brilliant late-October day, we headed for lunch and a tasting at the Tenuta di Valgiano (Tenuta is the Italian word for “estate”). Di Valgiano is owned by Laura Collobiano, a native of Torino, and educated in England. Laura bought the estate in the early 90’s and has spent the intervening 20 years developing primarily fine reds using biodynamic principles. Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming originally conceived in the early 20th century by the Austrian philosopher and social reformer, Rudolf Steiner. Biodynamics employs an integrated and spiritual approach, whereby soil fertility, plants, and livestock are interrelated. True to these principles, Laura also presses oil, keeps bees for honey, and raises chickens and pigs. She lives on the estate in a large Renaissance-era villa with her two young children and works closely with winemaker Saverio to
produce wine for both the Italian and export markets. We had called Laura a day or two ahead and set up a date for lunch and tasting. There were seven of us that day: my husband and sister, a Danish ship’s steward who had biked his way up to the winery, and three long-time American customers (the owner, sommelier, and chef of an Italian restaurant in Champaign, Illinois). Under an expansive loggia, we tasted a white, several reds and savored beautiful food produced mostly on the estate – bruschetta, sweet peppers with fresh cheese, tagliatelle with tomatoes, and seasonal fruit. As Laura explained, the villa could benefit from some renovation and restoration, but Laura’s love goes first to her children, the land, and the wine. Despite the winding – and sometimes unmarked – narrow roads that lead into the Lucchesi hills, our GPS system had worked reliably on previous forays. We’d grown fond of the disembodied, English-accented female voice. This time, though, she didn’t come through. She directed us to a closed road, at the edge of a sheer precipice. With only a sketchy map to replace the dead GPS, we called the vineyard, and the owner gave us clear directions. We arrived nearly 30 minutes late, parched and ready for wine. The quiet atmosphere, the wine, and the agreeable winemaker, Mirko, didn’t disappoint. Cyro (pronounced “chiro”); the stray pup who arrived nine years ago at the Fattoria Colleverde, followed us throughout the vineyard tour, into the olive pressing area, the cantina, and the tasting room. When we asked Mirko about him, he told us that Cyro, as a young puppy, had wandered in one day and decided to stay. He had a long nose, so the farm crew named him Cyro (short for Cyrano de Bergerac). They estimate he is about 11 years old now. By the time we found our way to this hidden Fattoria, our last visit of the season, it might have been easier to stay ourselves, just like Cyro.
MelissaCicciisthepresidentofBeyondDoorwaysTravel, a boutique travel services company based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For more information about any of the locations mentioned in this article and much more, visit: 36 TRAVEL FEATURE
Village at Pesmes, Burgundy - France
ach part of France has its own “terroir”. It is that certain combination of geology, altitude, sun exposure and soil characteristics, which makes the qualities of one wine completely different from one made from grapes grown just a couple of hundred yards away. The soil here looks poor
to the untrained eye, but grapes that struggle with growing in the rocky ground, make wine with complex aroma and a wonderful character. Wine connoisseurs make regular pilgrimages to these vineyards, but wineries typically welcome all sightseers interested in dropping in to taste wine or purchase a bottle.
Tree-line roads connect the scenic villages in Burgundy and Champagne, creating a pleasant ride for motorists and bicyclists alike. For an even more relaxing trip gliding by green fields and pastoral yards, see these areas of France via barge. Unlike the workhorse barges of the United States, the French barges are often like floating staterooms that offer all the amenities of a good hotel. Barges typically come with bicycles and schedules that allow for excursions. They also offer the celebrated local cuisines and wines. Nearly every village in Burgundy and Champagne erected a Romanesque or High Gothic church, especially in the areas around Cluny and Paray-le-Monial in Burgundy and the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims and Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Champagne. Burgundy shows off more of its rich history at the Roman ruins at Autun and the location of Julius Caesar’s victory over the Gauls in 52 BC at Alesia. Musée d’Art Moderne in Champagne houses an exceptional collection of modern art dating from 1850 to 1960.
Burgundy Region The Dukes of Burgundy managed to remain independent of the French Crown, siding with the British in the Hundred Years
Burgundy’s most significant wines include:
War and even selling them the captured Joan of Arc. The area
was one of the wealthiest states in Europe by the 15th century when Burgundy finally fell to France. This former wealth and power is evident throughout the Dukes’ capital of Dijon. The great abbeys of Vézelay and Fontenay, the ruins of the monastery of Cluny, and the large imposing châteaux where
In addition to wine, Burgundy offers a variety of food products
Burgundy’s elite lived.
local to the area, including Dijon mustard, gingerbread, and brandy. The Burgundy region also produces snails, Bresse
Burgundy’s Benedictine abbey church of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine
chicken, and Charolais beef.
at Vézelay is one of the most important surviving monuments of Romanesque period architecture and sculpture. It was a
Some of the most notable Burgundy cuisine:
pilgrimage church in its own right, allegedly holding the relics of
Boeuf Bourguignon
Poulet de Bresse en civet
Escargot a l’ail
heading straight towards Chablis, Mâcon and Beaune to indulge
Soupe d’escargots au Meursault
in a taste. Some of the world’s most venerated wines hail from the
Oeufs a la Bourguignonne
Poussin a la Moutarde
St. Mary Magdalen to whom it is dedicated. The most obvious attraction in Burgundy is wine, with devotees
vineyard of the Côte d’Or, the Côte de Beaune, and Châblis yield.
Champagne Region Once used for the coronation of French Kings and now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Musée-Abbaye Saint-Rémi a museum of the art, architecture and archaeology of Reims from pre-historic times to the Renaissance period. Only sparkling wine from the vineyards of Champagne can carry that famous name. Visitors can enjoy pink champagne made from white grapes and red wine, Blank de Noirs from Pinot Noir grapes, Meunier and Blanc de Blancs from Chardonnay grapes grown in the region.
Burgundy and Champagne are for nature lovers. These regions boast diverse geography, featuring cold granite
Champagne also offers fine cheeses, such as soft cow’s
outcroppings in Morvan Forest to limestone in Saone Valley.
cheeses Cendre de Champagne, chaource and chaumont.
Cereal crops dot the Saone plain and Nivernais plateau while
The cuisine features a tripe sausage, known as andouillette
white Charolais cattle graze on the hills. Bed and breakfast dot
Troyes, and potée champenoise that consists of locally
the gently sloping hills of Champagne.
produced smoked ham, cabbage, and sausage. Champagne is abundant in wild game, fish and seafood that local chefs use
For a memorable trip that includes the world’s finest, cuisine
to create specialty dishes.
and sightseeing, visit Burgundy and Champagne. FABULOUSLY50.COM 41
New Zealand’s Milford Sound BY LAURA WINZELER
The Eighth Wonder of the World, New Zealand’s most famous tourist destination, world’s top travel destination – there aren’t enough superlatives to describe magnificent Milford Sound, a fiord in the southwest of New Zealand’s South Island. Located within the glacier-carved Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is a wonderland of cascading waterfalls, lush ancient rainforests, and thick alpine passes. FABULOUSLY50.COM 43
Located within the glacier-carved Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is a wonderland of cascading waterfalls, lush, ancient rain forests, and thick alpine beech passes. Milford Sound’s reputation as one of the wettest places in the world does not deter the nearly one million annual visitors. Stormy days just mean there’s a chance to witness the performance that the “prankster” wind presents as it collides with the cascading waterfalls, causing the water to flow back up the sheer cliffs instead of down. There are many ways to discover Milford Sound. Make your choice based on how much time you have, and whether you favor active or passive exploration.
Day & Nature Cruises You can drive yourself the four steep and windy hours from Queenstown to Milford Sound and grab your day cruise there. Or better yet, you can relax in a cruise operator’s coach and enjoy the sights with a knowledgeable narrator. You can even fly in on a 13-passenger turbo prop Cessna! Best bet: bus in, fly out! Most cruises run about two hours long, and if you stick with the smaller ships, you’ll enjoy a more intimate experience. Not only with the fewer passengers and crew, but with the maneuverability of the ships. Captains are known to park their vessels right underneath a waterfall, giving passengers a good soak. You’ll meet up with pods of bottlenose, dusky, and Hector’s dolphins, New Zealand fur seals, and two species of penguins along your way.
Cycling Tour Here lies the best of all worlds. You’ll leave from Queenstown and alternate a coach ride with a bit of hiking for five days, along with up to six hours of cycling each day and full vehicle support. One night is devoted to cruising Milford Sound where you’ll sleep on a boat in the company of about a dozen other bike nuts. The final day leaves from Te Anau, the gateway to Fiordland National Park, and passes through the hidden Mavora Lakes, filming site of the final scenes in “Lord of the Rings.”
Walking Tour
Kayak Tour
How about a spectacular eight-day walking tour out of Queenstown
Even if you’ve never set butt in a kayak before, this is a relaxed and truly
views? Follow this with a trek through the rolling hills of Central Otago’s
hands-on way to travel Milford Sound. Those with previous experience will
native forests and dramatic seascapes. Then it’s on to Catlins Coast,
be in paddle heaven with the ability to get so close to the majestic scenery
a remote Stewart Island where the flightless and iconic kiwi makes
while seals and dolphins gather around the kayaks. Many visitors who
it home, and a walk in the lower portions of Fiordland National Park.
experience the Sound from a kayak find the sheer size and scale of the
When you finally make your way to Milford Sound, you’ll cruise a while,
sky-scraping cliffs and other natural formations mind-blowing.
and then helicopter out and head on to Martin’s Bay where rugged
that kicks off with a hike to the peak of Ben Lomond for the killer
coastline, seals, and penguins await. You’ll travel with a small group of a half dozen or so others who share your ability level. The tours are ranked according to difficulty based on your level of fitness and stamina. Travel in summer, (November
Overnight Cruise
through March), and the long daylight hours give you access to
For a truly immerse experience of Milford Sound, take a 24-
sunrise and twilight trips. Go in winter, October through April, and
hour voyage. You’ll float the full leng th of the fiord to the
enjoy smaller crowds, calmer waters, and fewer nuisance motorboats
Tasman Sea and anchor in sheltered Harrison Cove where
and sand flies harassing you. Paddle in either October or November
you’ll sleep in a private cabin with an adjoining bath. A
and you’ve got an unobtrusive way to share some quality time with
delicious three-course dinner and breakfast are included.
the Fiordland Crested Penguins as they tend to the daily business of
The staff is doting and ver y knowledgeable, and swimming
feeding, sunning, washing, and preening themselves.
off the boat and kayaking are all included.
TREE OF LIFE Going on Safari to find the Baobab Tree BY PAMELA DIMARCO
Why Africa you might ask. Well, if the vast culture and unique visual architecture isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough to get you there, maybe you will go see the baobab. It is not a tribal costume or even a wild animal nearing extinction that roams the savannah grasslands. Baobab is one of the majestic tree species that grows in the vistas of Africa. Many are as old as the continent itself and part of the impressive landscape you will see in the country. If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to Africa for any other reason, go to see the baobab or Trees of Life.
fibrous wood is a delicacy for the elephant population. They are known to chop down the trees with their trunks and devour the whole plant. The flowers offer the wild birds, bush babies and fruit bats nutritious nectar to feed on. Locally, the leaves and fruit are called monkey bread and considered around the world as a superfruit. The fruit, which consists of a velvety gourd filled with black seeds and a powdery pulp, is high in vitamins C and A. The tart cream contains as much calcium as cowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s milk and is full of antioxidants. The natives use the interior of the fruit for jams and sweet drinks. These trees are so celebrated by the African culture that the Order of the Baobab is given to citizens for distinguished service in business, science, medicine, technology and community service.
A Distinctive Appearance It is the unique look of this tree that really makes it stand out against the African sunset. In some parts of the continent, they are referred to as the upside trees. When bare, the branches look like roots. One African tribe believes they were thrown at the earth by angry gods. When young and full of leaves, they look more like a traditional tree. As they age, however, the trunks swell, some as big as a small house. Fully grown, they can reach heights of 98 feet and have trunk diameters of 36 feet. When these trees die, they rot from the inside out. In the end, the tree simply collapses in on itself and disappears.
Famous In South Africa How Did It Get Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Name? The baobab tree is an icon of the African culture. It has become a symbol of positivity in a harsh landscape that fails most vegetation. The baobab, which is actually not a tree at all but a succulent, is prehistoric, many having lived for thousands of years.
They grow in belts across the continent, but the most famous ones are found in South Africa. The Glencoe Baobab is the second largest baobab in South Africa and believed by many to be the stoutest tree in the world. The trunk diameter is an astonishing 52 ft. It divides into two trunks, the main one having bent close to the ground over the years. The tree sits in Glencoe Farm in Limpopo Province with the dates 1893 and 1896 carved into the trunk, although it is much older.
Over time, they become gnarled and eroded by the hot sun and animal
The Sunland Baobab resides at the Sunland Farm near Modjadjiskloof
life, taking on a grumpy and swollen appearance. During the rainy
and is estimated to be close to 1,060 years old. Carbon testing shows
season, the trunks absorb water and store it for the dry times. One
fires in the tree dating back to 1650 AD. In the hollow trunk is a bar and
tree can hold up to 1,189 gallons of water. An old baobab develops into
wine cellar, making it a popular local tourist spot.
a separate ecosystem to support the life of numerous creatures. If going to Africa, consider seeing some of the ancient and curious When the climate becomes arid, the tree produces fruit to feed the
baobab trees. It is just one of the many fascinating oddities found while
native animals, giving back to the world that sustains it. The soft,
on safari in this most prestigious of lands.
ou don’t really want to explore Yellowstone in the company of 980,702 other visitors, do you? That was July’s record-setting
attendance, up 14 percent from July 2014. April’s traffic was up 49 percent over last year. Consider the fact that 2,279,557 humans hit the park this year just through July -- and August and September are traditionally peak visitation months -- there’s only one clear choice: Wait till winter!
. The world’s first national park, established in
Winter season in Yellowstone begins mid-December and ends mid-March.
1872, spans 3,472 square miles that outstretch
including Old Faithful, are not accessible by car. Here are some alternative ways
Rhode Island and Delaware combined. Ninety-
to penetrate the park.
six percent of the park lies in the northwest
Snowmobile In With Your Adventurous Bad Self
corner of Wyoming, with the balance found in
While you can drive yourself in from the North Entrance, most of the hot spots,
Montana and Idaho. In winter, the juxtaposition
You’ll find an overabundance of approved commercial excursion vendors
of the 10,000+ geysers and hot springs against
depending on which of the park entrances you are closest to. If you choose to lodge outside the park, you’ll have no trouble lining up guides and tour packages.
the turquoise sky and glistening white snow is surreal. Wildlife seeks warmth and sustenance
Backcountry Adventures, located at the west entrance in Montana, offers three
around the geothermal areas, so you’ll witness
Canyon of Yellowstone. A knowledgeable guide plays interpretive host as you vroom
bison, foxes, and wolves striking a powerful pose
across the snow on environmentally friendly and whisper-quiet late model machines.
against the snow-packed backdrop
loan you all the clothing, including helmet, for another $15.
daily snowmobile trips to Old Faithful and one trip to the magnificent Grand
You’ll depart at a very reasonable 9 a.m. and ride the day for under $200. They’ll even
Be a Snowcoach Potato Leave the stressful driving to the pros, repose in warm comfort, and gape at the winter wonderland that surrounds you in a conversion van snow coach tour. You’ll stop along the way for photo opps, and if you’ve got a group -- or a romantic twosome -- book a private snow coach tour. Backcountry Adventures offers affordable group tours of Old Faithful at $114 per seat and Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone for $119 per seat.
Snowshoe or Ski Your Trail to Bliss Snowshoeing is an exhilarating way to explore Yellowstone Park in the winter. Today’s snowshoes are not your grandma’s snowshoes. Crafted from aircraft-grade materials, these puppies slip on and off in seconds and take about that long to master. Dozens of local snowshoe outfitters cater to novices with two-hour to all day tours. How about booking a snowshoe walk with a park ranger to get the official inside scoop? Cross-country skiers are in Nordic heaven at Yellowstone. While there are only a few trails with tracks that you can reach by automobile or snow coach, all unplowed roads and trails are open to cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The northeast area near Cooke City is popular for ski touring, along with routes leading to Tower Falls, Canyon Village, and Old Faithful. You’ll find over 21 miles of neatly groomed trails winding through tall pine and open meadows at the Rendezvous Ski Center in West Yellowstone. This wellmaintained trail system is located entirely on U.S. Forest Service land and is perfect for all skill levels. If you’re on a quick drive-by or staying outside the park seeking great trailheads, head for a section of U.S. 191 on the western edge of the park that does not require an entrance fee. Visit trailguidesyellowstone. com for super helpful lists and maps of the countless available trails throughout the park.
Where to Sleep A number of lodging options are available outside the park near the north, west, and south entrances. Each provides a full scope of tours and packages. West Yellowstone is particularly popular with the
Snow Lodge and Cabins in the Old Faithful Geyser area. Mammoth is
snowmobiling crowd.
accessible by automobile, but Old Faithful Snow Lodge is only reachable by commercially operated snow coaches. Both facilities are run by park
Within the park, you’ve got two choices: Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel and
concessionaire Xanterra, opening the third week of December and
Cabins on the park’s north end, and the newer and pricier Old Faithful
closing at February’s end. FABULOUSLY50.COM 53
I was 18 when I took my first trip to the Walt Disney
A recent survey taken at the parks showed that one out of every
World Resort. I knew from the moment I stepped foot
five sets of grandparents has taken a Disney vacation with
into the Magic Kingdom that the company would play
their grandchildren. That same survey found that 54 percent
an important role in my life.
of grandparents in the U.S. strongly wished they could spend more time with their families and grandchildren. In a recent
I was introduced to Mickey Mouse and the iconic Disney brand
AAA survey, 36 percent of families who responded said that
during my childhood in Rochester, NY. My family would gather
they plan to take a multi-generational family trip in the next
around the TV to watch Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color,
hosted by Walt himself. Sunday afternoons were spent at the Eastman Kodak Company enjoying Disney movies. I knew I was destined to visit the theme parks and somehow become a part of the magic. My vision came to fruition one auspicious day in 1980. I found myself living in Orlando and walking into the casting office to start my career at Walt Disney World! I spent 20 years of my life working in the theme parks, opening hotels, and celebrating personal milestones. I met amazing friends – and even my husband -- during that period. Watching guests race into the park every morning, hoping to be the first on board Space Mountain, delighted me. Seeing good sport grandparents don their souvenir Mickey Mouse ears to ride It’s a Small World with their grandchildren made me smile. I realized the precious part that Disney plays in nurturing strong multigenerational family bonds.
“Sharing multi that crea -generational ad v te lifetim e memor entures ies” FABULOUSLY50.COM 55
Multi-generational travel allows families to share thrilling adventures that create lifetime memories. There is no
Photo: Ricki Black
more welcoming and exciting place to make magical
Disney’s Water Parks -- Cool down in relaxing waters or heat up with
memories than the Walt Disney World Resort. Don’t-miss
big thrills at Disney’s two water parks: Blizzard Beach and Typhoon
highlights for kids of all generations include:
Lagoon. Take advantage of play areas designed for little ones, scenic
Magic Kingdom Park -- Some of the family must-dos in the newly
a few rays on the white-sand beach.
lazy rivers, and family raft rides at Teamboat Springs -- or just soak up
expanded Fantasyland include the Wishes Fireworks Spectacular, the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade, and the new family coaster, Seven
Character Dining -- Feast on an all-you-care-to-eat buffet in the
Dwarfs Mine Train.
cheerful company of Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck, and Goofy at Chef Mickey’s. Take your fairytale seat in the grand banquet hall at
EPCOT -- Explore technological innovations in Future World and
Cinderella’s Royal Table and rub elbows with classic Disney Princesses.
dive into the culture and cuisines of 11 countries in World Showcase.
It’s a great venue at which to celebrate your special princess’s birthday,
Finish your perfect day with the spectacular, award-winning fireworks
or even pop the “Will you marry me?” question.
display, IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth. The many cherished memories that I created during my 20-year career Disney’s Animal Kingdom -- A living testament to Walt Disney’s
as a Cast Member at the Walt Disney World Resort will live forever in
dedication to wildlife conservation, more than 1,700 animals across
my heart. Every year on my family’s annual trip, I get the opportunity to
250 species make their homes here. Experience Kilimanjaro Safaris,
relive those amazing times through the eyes of my own family. Where
DinoLand U.S.A., and the Festival of the Lion King performance. Marvel at
else can you go when your entire group is dressed in matching Mickey
the majesty of the park’s lions, tigers, and rhinoceros, oh my!
Mouse sweatshirts and personalized Mouse Ears?
Disney’s Hollywood Studios -- Let the family competition begin
Parents and grandparents love reminiscing with their families about
at Toy Story Midway Mania as you ride and shoot moving 4D targets
their first trip to the parks. What better way to continue the magical
based on beloved Toy Story characters. End your evening with Mickey
tradition than to visit the resort with their own grandchildren? There
at Fantasmic!, a 30-minute fireworks and water extravaganza.
really is no better place on Earth. Let the memories begin!
Broa Dway & Bri s k et
Hungry for some culture? Delicious new experiences are right around the corner. Explore more at
Fabulously50+ Magazine | Featured Local Artist: Alex Voorn
Being a born Surrealist, I try to understand and express the subconscious process of real thought: two and three-dimensional. At the age of 65, I continue to search for the light that is hidden in the dark corners of my subconscious and explore that universe within me. If I can only understand that a bit better, perhaps I will feel more comfortable with my surroundings. Each and every day is a satisfying learning process for me. I never try to understand my work, I only need to feel it within me, just like trying to understand color, you never will, you need to be able to feel its energy. - Alex Voorn
Celebrating Local Artistic Excellence We are proud to feature the powerful works of surrealist Alex Voorn. Alex has exhibited in Art Galleries in Boca Raton, Beverly Hills, Miami, Toronto and the Caribbean. Alexâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collection comprises over 150 oils on canvas ranging in sizes anywhere up to 15 feet. For more information, visit
“For the Sophisticated Couple” “For the Successful Business Professional” “For a Family Celebrating Important Milestones”
THIS IS WHAT 50+ LOOKS LIKE Inspired by a notion of timeless beauty.
Anna Hines is celebrating life after 50. Anna enjoyed 25 years living in Sewallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point, Florida raising four children with her husband, Paul. With two children on their own, her family is now enjoying high-rise living in downtown West Palm Beach. Walking to most destinations is a refreshing change after spending so much time behind the wheel of a mini-van. She and her husband find the cultural life in Downtown very stimulating and revel in an international social life. Anna savors simple pleasures like watching Jeopardy each night with her family, taking early morning swims, and long walks with her Golden Retriever.
Photography: Kaunis Hetki
On the cover: Gold & Ivory Knit Jacket ($595) D Exterior; Ivory Slacks ($242)
Art Director: Angie Calderaio Project Director: Christina Calderaio Model: Anna Hines
HOSS Intropia; Earrings ($24); Available at Blessed Boutique, Palm Beach Gardens,
Location: Downtown at the Gardens is the
Hair & Makeup:
ultimate shopping, dining and entertainment
Cosmo and Company Salon & Spa:
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Cynthia Martinez- Hair Alyson Sichenzia-Makeup
destination. This Palm Beach Gardens hot spot eateries and a never-ending schedule of events. Downtown at the Gardens is ideal for friends and families to create the perfect day or night to remember. -
Silk Print Shift Dress ($391) HOSS Intropia; Earrings ($98) & Bracelet ($110), Idalia Couture; Available at Blessed Boutique, Palm Beach Gardens,
Charleston Tunic dress by Escapada Living ($78) necklace ($24), bracelet ($21) and earrings ($10 ) Available at Ceci Palm Beach
Ivory Tunic ($220) BELL; Indigo High-Rise Jeans ($164) Henry & Belle; Multi-Strand Necklace with Cross Pendant ($288) VSA Collection; Available at Blessed Boutique, Palm Beach Gardens,
Navy Jacket with Cascading Ruffle ($512) D Exterior; Clutch ($65); Earrings ($98) & Necklace ($140), Idalia Couture; Available
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at Blessed Boutique, Palm Beach Gardens
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Ever since Adam and Eve canoodled in the Garden of Eden, couples have worked to figure out how to keep the romance alive. One can only imagine the conversation:
endorphins, opiates produced by the brain that trigger feelings of relaxation. Further, BBC findings indicate that the giver of the touch may experience the same release of endorphins. A poll conducted by AARP indicates that half of all couples who have been together for 10 years or more report never holding hands with their partner. Sure, holding hands is reminiscent of high school sophomores, but there is a reason kids find it valuable. Although they are not aware of the reason, their sweet little brains
Adam: Um….so what do you think? Want me to pick some grapes and throw a couple of hides out near the
are being stimulated by the simple acting of touching.
Live as Though You’re Dating
Eve: You are kidding, right? I hit the ground running this
If you find yourself looking in the rearview mirror and fondly
morning, and those boys of ours are fighting like they
remembering a sweetheart you kissed decades ago, you are not
want to kill each other.
alone. The Ask Men forum on the social networking site Reddit hosted a lively discussion regarding how often one misses an ex.
The truth of the matter is, something is always going to
It appears that for some, the answer is “quite often.”
get in the way of you and a good time. It could be a highstress job, aging parents or adult children who do not seem
The simple reason why would involve hormone levels and the
to realize that they are, in fact, adults. It may even be your
opportunity to experience firsts together. The truth is likely a bit
deeper. You never experienced real life with that long-lost love, nor did you fight over bills or who was going to get up with a screaming
Remember how you felt when you were young and in love? Do
baby. You never argued over in-laws or who took the trash out
you recall ever questioning the red-hot passion that pumped
last. In short, real life never had the opportunity to touch those
through your veins? No? That is likely because your hormones
early experiences, leaving them locked for eternity in a bubble of
were more powerful than your powers of reason. Granted, many
dreamy perfection.
of the hormones that once drove you have now gone on to that great hormone farm in the sky, but you now possess a much more
And here’s where being an honest-to-goodness adult comes
powerful weapon: your mind.
in handy. You can apply that early recipe to your current relationship. Even though you will still have to pay bills and share
Romance, passion, affairs of the heart – all are planted and
responsibilities, you can also make it a point to experience firsts
fertilized in the mind. How you nurture thoughts about romance
together. Find things neither of you have ever done before and
will determine how effectively you get your groove back.
places you have never visited, and experience them together.
Touch More
Create new memories that involve just the two of you. You don’t have to break the bank. A concert in the park, a trip to a local
Young love has a couple of things going for it. Everything that
historical site, a dance class, or even a wine-tasting seminar are all
happens – from a tender kiss to a gentle touch on the arm – feels
worthwhile ways to create positive memories.
electric. As time passes, there may be far less of those gentle touches outside of the bedroom. If you have stopped touching hands as you pass in a hallway or offering a sweet kiss on the forehead, you may want to rethink your strategy.
Protect Each Other's Heart Male or female, the heart is a delicate thing. Nothing will break a heart or smother passion faster than lying. DePaul University
According to BBC, a simple touch signals chemicals in the brain
produced a study on the cumulative impact of lying in a
in a way that is both powerful and binding. Something as simple
relationship. It turns out that no one likes being lied to, but once
as running your hand through your partner’s hair releases
someone has been lied to by a partner, he or she is more likely FABULOUSLY50.COM 73
to begin lying, too. The study calls it “the reciprocal use of
nerves. Frequent sex in women stimulates circulation to the genitals,
deception.” Once someone believes that he or she is involved
enhancing lubrication and elasticity of vaginal tissue.
with a dishonest partner, the person experiences a decreased commitment to telling the truth.
As you know by now, though, intimacy is about much more than intercourse. If you and your partner face a sexual issue,
It will come as no surprise that the same study found benefits
work on it together. Visit a doctor, read any related literature
to being involved in an honest relationship, including increased
you can find, or discover a workaround that satisfies you both.
intimacy and the feeling of being understood.
If neither of you has an interest in sex, remember to touch. Reaching out in the middle of the night to find a hand to hold
The long and short of it is this: In the course of protecting your partner’s heart, there are boundaries that cannot be crossed. Do not lie or mislead, even if it means having to find a delicate way to share the truth. While it sounds like a moral issue, it is also a root issue leading to intimacy and romance.
Use It or Lose It
can be a powerfully intimate act.
Measure Life in a New Way Perhaps the greatest benefit of growing older is the realization that life passes in a blur. Along with the knowledge, that time seems to pick up speed as you age is a new appreciation for the moment at hand. One step that will benefit you emotionally
Delilah and Bob were in their 40s when they met and married.
as well as nurture your relationship involves the ability to ask
Into their 70s and 80s, the World War II hero and his bride
yourself, “How important is this argument? Am I willing to give
claimed to be more in love than ever. They credited a number
up 30 minutes of my life just to prove I’m right?”
of things for this miraculous second chance at life. Bob would never forget his days as a prisoner of war in the infamous
The law of physics declaring that “nature abhors a vacuum”
Stalag III and vowed to appreciate each and every moment
applies here. Time spent not bickering is likely to be filled with
in life. When asked her secret, Delilah grinned and answered,
time spent enjoying one another’s presence. The truth is, no
“We take a nap together every afternoon, even if we’re not at all
one has forever on this planet. How much wiser is it to savor
tired. You know, you have to use it or lose it.”
each moment you do have and to cherish the most important person in your life?
Delilah may have been on to something. According to Web MD, the adage “use it or lose it” is indeed true as it relates to sexual function.
Those thoughts you think when you are alone are the tinder
According to the site, erections are important for penile muscle
that feeds the fire of romance. The good news is that you are
health, because they bring oxygen to the penis and help maintain
old enough and wise enough to reframe your thoughts.
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EARLY RETIREMENT 7 Basic Rules You Need To Know
Do you dream of punching out on the time clock for good at age sixty, fifty-five or perhaps even younger? While this is a universal desire, it can be more than just a dream. Early retirement can certainly be a reality. However, if you want to say goodbye to your job at a young age, you may have to make certain preparations, sacrifices or trade-offs. While every individual will have to plan
a little bit differently to make it happen, here are seven rules that you will want to follow if you see early retirement in your future.
future, remember that there has been a fear of this for the last
as a major part of your retirement income. Social security is out
several decades. No one is sure when and how higher inflation
of our personal control, and if something does go wrong with the
will arrive. While your plan for retirement should include inflation,
system, you do not want to suffer because of it. Make sure you
trying to prepare for extreme inflation just does not make sense.
have a backup plan for social security. Allow this to be your “extra
Remember, you can always control your personal inflation rate
fund” or slush fund—do not count on it to pay your mortgage each
and perhaps maintain some control on how inflation affects your
month. If you do that, you could find yourself in a very awkward
life in the future.
position if the social security system ever crashes or even faces a
temporary setback.
Factor Inflation: No matter how you slice it, inflation is and will always be a critical variable in early retirement. Inflation can influence your living expenses and your returns on
investments. While you may fear a higher inflation rate in the
Prepare for Longevity: When you start planning for your retirement, you will calculate and recalculate how much income you will have and how much you will need.
However, think long and hard about how long you need to plan to
Don't Count on Social Security: Social Security is likely going to be part of your retirement plan. There is no doubt; social security will exist in some form—especially
in the near future. However, it does not make sense to count on it
Learn about the Age 55 Exception: If you want to pull from your IRA early (before age 59 ½), you should be prepared to pay a 10% penalty on those funds. However,
support yourself. With great health care, people are living longer
there is an exception that could save you this penalty. Often called
than ever before. Living past 100 is much more widespread than
the age 55 exception, it is available when BOTH the following
it was in the past, so this is a fact that you must prepare yourself
for too. If you retire at 55, you may have 50 years of life still ahead of you. Are you prepared for this? What are your backup plans?
The withdrawal occurs after an employee separates from service
from an employer that maintains a qualified plan. The separation
Can Part Time Work Make It Possible?: While you may
happens during or sometime after the calendar year when the
not be able to imagine working full-time in your golden
employee turns 55. Talk to your financial advisor before you do
years, would you mind part-time, at home, consulting or
anything, but it may be possible for you to gain access to IRA
freelance work? Think about the different ways that you could still
money early—without penalty—by taking advantage of this
earn money without actually working your real job. There could be
particular exception.
a happy medium that allows you to retire early, but that does not
mean a complete end to your earning years. Talk to your current employer and see if there are options “in-house” for you to keep working part-time after you retire. If not, connect with others in or out of your industry now and see what possibilities might exist for
Do What's Right for You: While it is important to follow the “rules”, more important is doing what is right for you and your family. Check out all of your options and do not
be afraid to break the rules if it feels like it is the smart decision for
future work opportunities.
you. However, it is usually worth getting a second opinion. If you
do not have a financial advisor, check with your bank or mortgage
good ole’ Uncle Sam. When you make any big change in your life,
No matter when you retire and how well prepared you are, make
there will be significant tax consequences. These may be good for
sure you take care of yourself emotionally. Retiring is a big step—
you in terms of tax liability; however, they could be bad. Talking
even if it is something that you feel like you want. Prepare for a
with your tax preparer and looking over your current withholdings
broad range of emotions and do not be afraid to follow up on
will help you get a better idea of what to expect. Before you dive in
those feelings by talking with an expert. If you prepare yourself
and officially retire, make sure you do have some idea of what to
financially AND emotionally, you are likely to find that the early
expect when it comes time to file that first tax return. Otherwise,
retirement is one of the best decisions you could make for you and
you could find yourself very surprised!
those you love.
Consider Tax Consequences: Taxes are one of those
lender and see if they can recommend someone. For a decision
things in life that you cannot seem to escape. While you
this significant, it is worth talking with someone who has seen
often get some breaks as you age (perhaps paying less
things from the inside.
in school tax, for instance), you will not completely get away from
ou get to an age when buying a car to get you from point A to point B is no longer enough. You want a ride that is comfortable, but sleek. You want value and efficiency, but fast and fun, too. Is that what you get from the newest line of Tesla Motor products?
Tesla Motors is known for their innovative battery technology, and they are using it to enhance the lives of consumers in benchmark ways. The reviews are in on the Tesla Model S P85D, and it looks like they are breaking down the performance boundaries. FABULOUSLY50.COM 81
Tesla Model P85D
What Should You Know About Tesla? Tesla is hardly a household name in the automotive industry, but as a company, they are growing. The business is named after electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla, because the motor and battery design comes from his concepts. The company introduced their first vehicle
The Newest Tesla Vehicle
to the U.S. market in 2006 and won the prestigious
The newest Tesla to hit the electric car marketplace is the Model S
“Best Invention 2006 – Transportation Inventions”
P85D, a luxury automobile that has tongues wagging. The Model S
award from Time magazine.
P85D is a 691-HP battery electric vehicle for those who do not like to wait. It has the body of a luxury sedan, but the power of a sports car, according to Car and Driver. With this new generation product in their
Tesla designs are built around the use of lithium-ion battery cells to get
line, Tesla promises instant acceleration with near g-force ability.
more range per charge – about 200 miles. In 2008, they introduced the next highly anticipated product, the Tesla Model S, which offered
This isn’t the GEO you drove back in high school, either. The Tesla
265 miles for the trim with the larger battery and 208 miles for the
Model S P85D has silent velocity, so it doesn’t sound like there is a
standard model with a 60 kWh battery.
plane taking off under the hood. The P85D has two motors that weigh a total of 4,936 pounds, making it a heavy load, but the car handles
In January of 2010, Tesla Motors became a publicly traded company.
cornering without losing power or grip. The responsive steering
Later that year, they formed a partnership with Toyota to create the
system reacts to the road’s surface to keep it on track and the unique
electron battery gives it the power.
POWERWALL TESLA HOME BATTERY Powerwall is a home battery that charges using electricity generated from solar panels
About The Powerwall Battery
of thrust. It is a sports car design that will appeal to the efficient adult in you. In the Edmundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drive test, it managed about 67.4 mph, which
What really stands out about Tesla is their battery technology. Tesla
is in line with other models in its class, but with better handling than
offers an energy system that works both for cars and homes. The soon
most vehicles.
to be released home energy storage product takes the energy of the sun and stores it. The average home uses energy in cycles, more in the
The car has no traditional ignition system. You press on the brake and
morning and evening. This makes traditional solar power problematic.
choose a direction to go. The motor style also means you only use the brake when you really need to stop. It has a lane departure warning
Tesla uses their proven automotive battery power to bridge the gap.
with steering assist, forward-looking radar, 12 ultrasonic sensors and a
The new home battery system stores the energy generated during the
forward-view camera able to sense a 16-foot bubble around the vehicle.
day to use for peak electricity periods in the morning and evening.
About the Tesla P85D
Not everyone needs all that power in a car, but the fact that Tesla can generate it makes them pioneers in the energy field for both home and on the road. Consumer Reports gives the new Tesla Model P85D a 103
If you are looking for a car that has both longevity and oomph, it
rating in their 100-point rating system, so clearly it performed beyond
delivers big. The Model P85D comes with all-wheel drive and plenty
their expectations.
Tesla Powerwall Battery FABULOUSLY50.COM 83
Every Gentleman Should Know
ell, here we are. Blessed to still be alive and drinkin’ during an age in which the person who makes your cocktail is no
longer a bartender but a mixologist. Scores of nuanced and highly complex cocktails requiring a dozen esoteric ingredients are created every night across this planet while you sleep. Whether you find designer cocktail culture pretentious and absurdly overpriced or the most creative form of self-expression since the Dali moustache, it’s good to remember our roots. Do you recall the outcry on that dark day when Coke tried to axe the original formula? Things are called iconic and classic for a reason. There’s a time and a place for rhubarb and chamomile bitters and brown butter infused rum, but sometimes you just need a stiff drink. Here’s our list of go-to, pared-down, righteous libations. Remember: shaken, not stirred. Be the Bond, Baby!
Classic Martini Chill martini glass, pour gin / vodka and vermouth into a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes. Shaken or stirred, strain into a chilled martini cocktail glass. Serve straight up with no ice in glass, garnish with olives or lemon twist. 2 oz. gin or vodka 1/2 ounce dry vermouth Pimento-stuffed green olives
Old Fashioned
Combine simple syrup and bitters. Fill glass halfway with ice, then stir.
Stir the rye, vermouth and bitters well with cracked ice. Strain into in a chilled
Squeeze orange peel over glass to extract oils, add peel to glass, add
cocktail glass and garnish with twist or, of course, a maraschino cherry.
whiskey and garnish with cherry. 2 oz. rye whisky 1 Tsp. simple syrup
2 oz. rye or bourbon
1 oz. vermouth
2 dashes bitters
1 maraschino cherry
2 dashes Bitters
1 slice orange peel
The Sidecar Dip the rim of the martini glass in a shallow plate of lemon juice and then in sugar. Combine the Cognac, Triple Sec and lemon juice in a pitcher, shake well and pour into the glass, garnish with a cherry or lemon peel. 1 ½ oz. VSOP Cognac ¾ oz. Cointreau (Triple Sec) ¾ oz. fresh lemon juice
Tom Collins In a cocktail shaker combine gin, lemon juice, and sugar. Add ice cubes; cover and shake until sugar is dissolved. Strain liquid into a glass filled with crushed ice and 1 or 2 lemon slices, add a splash of sparkling water; stir. 2 oz. gin
Lemon slices
1 1/2 oz. lemon juice
Sparkling water
1 1/2 tsp sugar
5 DRINKS Every Lady Should Know
ure, you’re allowed to swig your pomegranate vodka and coconut LaCroix with fresh lime and stevia while binge watching Dexter’s eight killer
seasons on Netflix. We are all about well-deserved secret pleasures. But sometimes more elegant environments and classy companions require a touch of finesse when selecting the adult beverage du jour. If you draw big old blanks when asked what you’re drinking in such highpressure situations, we’re here to help. Make the acquaintance of these five refined cocktails, each with a mere five ingredients, that are easy to pronounce and easy to prepare. Each is refreshing, and all are well bred. So whether it’s your turn to host the “Babes Who Brunch” club at your place, or you are unexpectedly tasked with tending duties at a charity fundraiser -- you’ll be armed and ready for action with these potables in your pocket. Rocks On, Sophisticated Sister!
The Cosmopolitan Fill a cocktail shaker with ice then add vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and lime juice. Shake the cocktail shaker until chilled. Then, strain into a martini glass, garnish with orange peel/twist. 2 oz. vodka
1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
1/2 oz. triple sec
1 2-inch orange peel/twist
3/4 oz. cranberry juice
The dynamics of the gimlet are exceptional when made with
Pour light rum, lime juice and sugar syrup into blender or
a crisp, full bodied gin. Shake ingredients well with cracked
shaker with ice cubes, blend well, strain into a chilled tall
ice, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
2 oz. gin
1.5 oz. White Rum
2/3 oz. lime juice
1 oz. simple syrup
Garnish with lime slices
3/4 oz. lime juice
French 75
The Paloma â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Doveâ&#x20AC;?
Add the lemon juice and sugar to a shaker and stir to
Dissolve 2 Tbsp. of cane sugar in 1/4 cup of sparkling water
combine, add gin and fill with ice. Shake, and strain into
to make a simple syrup. Set aside. Juice grapefruit and
a Collins glass filled with cracked ice topped off with
strain grapefruit juice to remove any pulp or seeds. Add
simple syrup mixture, 1/4 cup silver tequila, sparkling water into the pitcher. Stir well, garnish with grapefruit.
1/2 oz. Lemon juice 1 tsp Sugar
2 Tbsp. cane sugar
2 oz. London dry gin or cognac
1-12.5-oz. bottle of sparkling water, chilled
Champagne, chilled
3 grapefruits, juiced and garnish 1/4 cup silver tequila FABULOUSLY50.COM 89
Ask 100 smoothie lovers for their favorite concoction and you’ll likely get 100 different recipes. Personal palate preferences, dietary intolerances, health conditions, and the numbers on the scale often determine ingredient choices. Smoothies are the answer to a prayer for people who can’t bear the sight of solid food before noon. They provide a healthy “break” in your “fast” since last night’s dinner (or midnight pint of Ben & Jerry’s, as the case may be.) Smoothies sustain you through morning workouts, keep you semi-alert during boring meetings, and are a one stop nutrition shop, offering more life-giving nutrients than you could possibly chew and swallow in three meals. Grab your blender, or pricey Vitamix-like contraption, and whirl away using any of the following ingredients that call to you.
The Liquid Elixir If you can tolerate milk from a cow, congratulations! For the rest of us, the milk from almonds, coconuts, flax, cashews, soybeans, rice, oat, or hemp makes a creamy vegan substitute low in calories and perfect for the base. Each selection is packed with plant-based proteins and provides its own unique mix of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Opt for non-GMO, organic products whenever possible. You’ll need about 12-16 ounces to make a meal-sized smoothie. Ice is optional.
With just three servings of blueberries a week, reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 23%, Type II diabetes by 26% & prostate cancer by 45%
“This smoothie would be great with a variety of other fruit. Try substituting the same quantity of fresh or frozen blackberries, raspberries, or even chopped mango.”
Ingredients •
1 c. frozen strawberries
0.50 c. fresh blueberries
0.50 c. fresh orange juice
2 tsp. chopped & peeled ginger
0.25 c. plain low-fat yogurt
2 cubes of ice
Directions In blender, combine strawberries, blueberries, orange juice, ginger, yogurt, and ice cubes. Blend until smooth, scraping down side of container occasionally.
Clean Protein Sources
If weight loss is a motivator, enjoy the vibrancy of fruit in your smoothie without adding calories or excessive fructose by tossing
Your perfect protein powder will depend on your unique
in an entire lemon and/or lime -- seeds and all. Our beloved
metabolism and digestive system. Most people find pea protein
citrus fruits give the smoothie a tangy kick, and the pulp provides
very easy on the innards. Whey protein is high in essential amino
additional thickness and fiber.
acids and a very fast-acting supplement, making it a favorite postexercise choice for athletes. Goat whey is often well tolerated by
Your veggie choices are unlimited. Baby greens are fabulous
those with lactose sensitivities, and it brings a distinctive dairy
blender fodder, with spinach and kale especially nutrient rich.
taste to the mix.
Cooling celery and cucumber have multiple benefits and go as heavy on the raw ginger root as you can handle. This powerful anti-
While soy isolate is a complete protein, containing all nine essential
inflammatory contains a compound (6-shogaol) that is extremely
amino acids, it’s a bit controversial in some circles. If you stick
toxic to cancer stem cells.
with organic soy and shun the genetically modified versions, you’ll probably be fine.
Pills, Powders, & Magical Potions
Rice is another solid vegetarian option, but it’s not a complete
While you’ll find commonality and ingredient overlap in the first
protein. While hemp has nine essential amino acids, tons of fiber,
three categories, the premium add-on category is where smoothie
and beaucoup essential fatty acids – it is just plain gritty.
devotees really let their freak flags fly.
Powerful Produce Choices
Stevia and honey are the healthiest sweeteners. Two tablespoons of ground flax seed or meal pack powerful omega-3s that have an
In the “food as medicine” file, a study published earlier this year
anti-inflammatory effect on the cardiovascular system, lowering LDL
showed that a compound found in blueberries significantly
blood levels and blood pressure and preventing hardening of the
reduces breast cancer risk in women who eat just one weekly
serving. It lowers men’s risk for prostate cancer by 45 percent. Both men and women can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease
Other additions include bee pollen, vitamin C powder, and immunity-
by 23 percent and Type II diabetes by 26 percent with just three
boosting colostrum. Find a green superfood powder with a taste you
weekly servings of blueberries.
can tolerate for those days when you’re fresh out of fresh vegetables. Most include young cereal grasses, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds
Put a peach or nectarine into your smoothie just twice a week and
and grains, probiotics and enzymes, and a salad bar full of pulverized
lower the risk of postmenopausal ER- breast cancer by 41 percent.
fruits and veggies in one small scoop.
A compound found in apple peels halts the growth of lung cancer cells by 86 percent in vitro. This same component is equally toxic to breast, colon, liver, and cervical cancer cells. A recent study found that healthy adults who ate two large apples daily decreased their harmful LDL cholesterol levels by 6.7 percent. An apple blended into your smoothie helps keep the doctor away, indeed!
PRO TIP: Break open your vitamin capsules and dump the powder into your smoothie before blending. Toss in tablet supplements for grinding. This increases absorption in the stomach, especially if your smoothie contains acidic fruits, and it beats the heck out of swallowing 87 pills a day.
4 POSES THAT REVIVE & ENERGIZE There are roughly 900 asanas (postures) officially documented by the government of India contained in a publicly accessible database called the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library. So, when I was asked to pick 4 yoga poses and describe them, I admit I was perplexed. I got quiet. I meditated. I paced around a lot. I tossed books everywhere rummaging through my reference library of all things yoga to see what jumped out at me. What surfaced is 4 sustainable asanas that, when practiced consistently and mindfully, invite and maintain overall flexibility and vitality - inside and out.
HIGH BOAT POSE: Sit tall with knees bent and feet on the floor, knees and ankles together, abdominal strain engaged. Grasp gently behind thighs for light support while tilting back
onto the sitting bones. Inhale bringing shins parallel to the ground, then exhale gradually reaching out and up through the toes, fully extending the legs. Keep the chest lifted and back straight and tall.
WARRIOR POSE: Standing feet hip wide apart, step one foot back bringing it parallel to the back edge of the mat, and opening the torso to face the matâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long side.
Inhale arms to shoulder height. Exhale bending the forward knee, stacking it over the ankle.
LORD OF THE DANCE: Standing, shift weight into one foot. Inhale extending the same side arm upwards. Bend the opposite knee and grasp the ankle. Exhale hip hinging
forward reaching the toes upwards, and fingers forward.
PIGEON POSE: Start on hand and knees. Inhale, slide the right knee to the outside of the pinky finger on the right hand. Exhale, walk the left knee back until the leg is
fully extended. Wiggle the right foot away from the pelvis, working towards bringing the shin parallel with the front edge of the mat.
The sun. The surf. The soft, sandy beach—all just steps away from the laid-back sophistication of Sonesta Fort Lauderdale Beach. With sweeping beachside views, unforgettable service and winner of the prestigious AAA Four Diamond Award and TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, Sonesta Fort Lauderdale Beach offers guests everything they could ever want in a seaside escape.
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by Fred Steinberg
y name is Fred Steinberg, and I am a fit 65-year-old man. My journey began with a belly, like a lot of men, and a special wardrobe of huge shirts and long belts. I studied my issue and quickly uncovered that there
is no such thing as a successful diet. What I learned is that I needed to lose body fat, not weight. The difference is that in weight loss, 20% of the weight you lose is muscle. Muscle is the only tissue that burns calories, and if you have less muscle, your metabolism is slower, which only forces
Fact 1: Diets do not work. You end up in a cycle of weight loss
you to eat less to prevent weight re-gain. To remain energetic and mobile
and gain. Aging slows metabolism, so we gain on average 12 lbs.
as we age, we need to retain as much muscle as possible. Traditional
a year! If you ingest 100 calories too many a day, you will gain a
diets always include muscle loss and slow the metabolism, which leads
pound of body fat every eight weeks. Statistics shows that 95% of
to regaining the weight. A vicious cycle. What is the solution? Lose body
Americans have tried at least one diet and by the end of 5 years,
fat and add muscle by exercising. Moderate the food you eat to reach
they have all failed. You need to add muscle and increase your
your goal as well as to maintain your weight loss.
metabolism so that you can burn calories.
As I have aged, I am saddened by watching those close to me lose their
Fact 2: You probably need too may pills because you are not
mobility and balance, suffer from body pain, diabetes and all the other
exercising. These days, there’s a pill for everything - one for blood
infirmities that come with growing older and are now at the central
pressure, another for cholesterol, one for blood sugar - and let’s
point in their lives. All the years of hard work and saving money to enjoy
not forget the pill that combats all those other pills’ side effects.
retirement, their quality of life is diminished because of poor health. A life
We all know that exercise decreases blood pressure, reduces
span is the number of years you can expect to live. What about health
bad cholesterol and helps the muscle burn sugar, regulating the
span? Health span is the number of years you can expect to remain
amount in your blood stream. Bottom line, exercise and you can
healthy. If you suffer from poor health and other injuries, the quality of
probably reduce your dependency on daily pills.
your life is severely impacted. We want our life span and health span to be equal. Make sense? Exercise positively impacts your health span.
Fact 3: It’s never too late to start. You can change your lifestyle today to lengthen both your life span and health span. You can find
It’s not about how much money you have. You can’t buy longevity and
a trainer who will tailor training to your age and current health.
good health. You can work your whole life to afford the finer things only to
Today, there are many people with COPD, heart issues, joint issues,
lose it to pain, doctor appointments and the onset of the aging process.
back issues and even pacemakers, who are training safely. They
Not me! I want more! I will invest my time to being naturally youthful,
attain results, and most importantly, can reduce medications in
strong and healthy. I want the remainder of my sunny days in Florida to
many instances. Exercise is nature’s way of stimulating you and
be active and full of life!
supporting a healthy life and longevity.
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How Wellness Travel is Reshaping the Industry BY PAMELA DIMARCO
Being the Boomer that I am, were I on that cruise today, I might be reluctant to follow up my Zumba class and yoga/Pilates/reiki winddown session with such immoderate food choices. I’d probably make my way to Deck 5 of the Celebrity Silhouette to dine at Blu. I might enjoy a Prince Edward Island mussel ceviche and a tabbouleh salad drizzled with Meyer lemon oil followed by a shallot-crusted Chilean sea bass in a white miso broth. The wellness tourism industry is a multi-billion dollar sector that is growing faster than travel in general, according to industry reports. Most aging Boomers know the priceless value of a fit body and a balanced mind and are not willing to trash it all to “live it up” on vacation.
When I was 13, my paternal grandmother took me on a twoweek P&O cruise to Alaska and Canada. What I remember
Often we seek the opposite when we travel: a much-needed chance
most, besides the adorable British elevator boys, was the
to unplug, retreat, recharge, and reboot. The travel industry is
afternoon “tea.” Miles and mounds of every sort of decadent
stepping up its holistic game in big ways to give chronically over-
dessert a 13-year-old sugar addict could hope for, graciously
busy, constantly over-stimulated travelers a chance to breathe and
served by yummy gentlemen waiters with dreamy accents.
re-create themselves.
The Fairmont Fit program will deliver Reebok workout
Spas At Sea
clothing, shoes, and a yoga mat to your room, and Four Seasons properties in Washington, D.C., Paris, and Prague provide free walking, jogging, and hiking tours to guests.
Celebrity Cruises and Arizona’s famed Canyon Ranch have partnered up to offer Canyon Ranch SpaClub® at
Westin’s Well-Being Movement promotes restorative
Sea on ten Celebrity cruise ships. AquaSpa Guests stay
sleep on the Heavenly Bed, (and a Heavenly Dog
in special veranda staterooms infused with spa elements
Program that furnishes your four-legged buddy with the
that include aromatherapy diffusers and pillow menus.
same perk), and nutrient-packed smoothies are served
They dine in the exclusive Blu where "clean cuisine" is
during meeting breaks.
served for breakfast and dinner. InterContinental Hotels Group’s new EVEN hotels are Canyon Ranch-trained health experts lead cooking
totally focused on guest wellness with rooms that
classes and mind-body connection and wellness
feature natural eucalyptus fiber bedding, in-room
lectures. Acupuncture, massage, herbal saunas, organic
workout equipment, serene workspaces, and standing
body wraps, and ageless oxygen facials beckon.
work desks.
Resorts Offer It All
Airports Get In On The Wellness Act
Does “all-inclusive” conjure up visions of saturated fatladen buffets followed by some serious vegging out
San Francisco International, Helsinki, and Heathrow
on a crowded beach? Perhaps wall-to-wall margaritas
all boast on-site yoga rooms. Vermont’s Burlington
and days-upon-days of hangovers? Those years are
International will give you not only a mat but also a
mercifully behind us. Rapidly evolving all-inclusives are
meditation cushion and a shower.
designing amenities to cater to wellness travelers. Chicago O’Hare’s yoga room plays an endless loop of The Hard Rock’s All-Inclusive Riviera Maya package
other people practicing yoga to inspire you, and Dallas-
provides guests with unlimited natural fruit juices and
Fort Worth’s yoga room offers partial privacy screens.
offers a juice bar alongside their Body Rock fitness center. Guests slurp down the purest blended fruits and
Healthy organic and sustainable eats are found at San
vegetables that Mexico offers.
Francisco Airport’s The Plant and Real Food Daily's vegan to-go at LAX. Experts foresee smaller airports
Resorts capitalize on seaside locations to provide visitors
sourcing local food and beverages to appeal to wellness
with unlimited opportunities to scuba, snorkel, surf, sail,
travelers while showcasing their city's offerings.
kayak, windsurf, and stand-up paddleboard. Horseback riding lessons, Spanish dancing lessons, bicycle tours, and yoga huts abound.
Hotels Go The Extra Mile
Well-Being Travel Specialists If all of this wellness talk intrigues but slightly overwhelms you, fear not! Travel agents are taking their places in
International chain hotels are adding wellness programs and
this dynamic new niche by becoming wellness travel
amenities to help guests unwind from the stress of travel
specialists. Well-Being Travel offers a certification
and maintain their healthy habits on the road. StayWell at
designed to help travel agents get up to speed in the
the MGM Grand in Las Vegas offers rooms with wake-up
growing health, wellness, and medical travel industries
light therapy, vitamin C-infused showers, aromatherapy,
-- the better to help you design your “best fit”
and air purification systems.
vacation itinerary. FABULOUSLY50.COM 107
Don’t Fear the Varicose Vein Reaper BY LAURA WINZELER
s a wee girl, I would stare at my father’s terribly disfigured legs in horrified wonder. How could those bulging, twisted, ropey veins not cause him pain? As I moved deeper into my 30s, my protruding dark blue and green leg veins started to resemble my father’s. Despite being a
lifelong, devoted daily walker, I often noticed extreme ankle swelling, especially after I drank alcohol. By my early 50s, a nickel-sized area on my left ankle looked like a puddle of blood under the skin. The great saphenous vein on the inside of my left leg was so conspicuous I became anxious. And when I get anxious, I obsess. And then I run to Google to discover even more things to obsess over. About 40 million of us have varicose veins. Being a woman with a parent that had this condition nearly guaranteed that I’d develop it. My damaged leg valves were allowing blood to travel backward instead of toward my heart, causing pressure to build in the veins, stretching and enlarging them. My veins would only get worse over time if I did nothing.
This “venous insufficiency” allowed blood to penetrate my weakened vein walls, leak into surrounding tissue and form that worrisome red discoloration by my ankle. It was also the cause of the ankle swelling that I’d noticed for years after drinking or long periods on my feet. When I learned that lower leg or foot ulcerations could develop, and read those terrifying words: “deep vein thrombosis,” I started searching for nearby treatment providers. I was greatly reassured by the abundant information vouching for the safety and efficacy of recent innovative procedures used to treat varicose veins, specifically: endovenous laser ablation, ambulatory phlebectomy, and sclerotherapy. These minimally invasive, outpatient methods allow patients to return home within hours, experiencing minimal pain and virtually no down time. When I remembered that my father had his first quadruple bypass when he was in his early 50s, I scheduled a screening with a treatment center an hour from my house.
One a Scale of 1 to 10
Positively Painless
I was an 8. While I did not experience the aching that some people
A few weeks later, after confirming via ultrasound that the ablation
suffer, my chronic venous insufficiency, as revealed by the preliminary
was successful, I had an ambulatory phlebectomy on the back of
ultrasound, was a severe case. The upside to this was that my
both legs. My doctor made tiny incisions in the skin and pulled
insurance carrier would cover it. The downside? This was no quick fix.
the troublesome veins out through the openings. I honestly had
I was committing to at least a year of ongoing treatment. I did not feel
no idea I’d just had a phlebectomy! It was over in 30 minutes,
I had a choice.
and I drove myself home, resigned to wearing the dastardly compression stockings for another week.
Amazing Ablation Grace
Snappy Sclerotherapy
The first procedure in the treatment plan was endovenous laser
My first sclerotherapy session occurred during the phlebectomy,
ablation. It’s the only one for which you’ll need a chauffeur, especially if
and for every three months for the next year and a half. After an
you plan to enjoy the judiciously prescribed, pre-procedure Valium(s).
ultrasound assessment identifies trouble spots, the doctor injects a chemical or saline solution into numerous small veins, causing
The doctor watches an ultrasound screen as he guides a very long and
them to collapse and be absorbed into the body. Treatments
hollow needle into your greater saphenous vein, injects an anesthetic, and
are 15 minutes long and painless, except for the part at the end
then shoots a burst of high-energy laser heat, causing the vein to contract
when you have to cram on those blasted compression hose again
and seal shut. It’s over in an hour. You immediately don the horribly tight
before driving home.
and impossible-to-get-on compression hose, stroll around the parking lot for half an hour, and head home.
Three Years Later
I experienced a small amount of pulling and soreness, especially during the
My legs still look vastly improved, my ankles don’t swell, and while
twice daily, mandatory strolls on flat ground, but I was back to hill walking
I know this is something I will need to treat for life, I’m incredibly
in under two weeks. When I looked in a full-length mirror five days after the
thankful for the contemporary treatments that have replaced the
laser ablation, my massive left saphenous vein was gone. A miracle!
arduous vein stripping procedures of my father’s day.
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THE CURE FOR CANCER? Molecularly Targeted Therapy: The Next Generation of Personalized Medical Treatment. BY ALLYSON SCHABER
What is Molecularly Targeted Therapy? Molecularly targeted therapy sounds like something straight out of Star Wars and, in a way, it is. Sometimes called “targeted cancer therapies” or “molecularly targeted drugs,” targeted therapies are the next generation in personalized medical treatments. These therapies look for and destroy cancer cells in a whole new way – by identifying and interfering with certain molecules associated with cancer. Conventional cancer therapies categorize and treat cancers by their location. Patients with breast cancer may undergo a completely different treatment than those with stomach cancer, for example. Chemotherapy attacks rapidly dividing cells, including cancer cells and other healthy cells. All cells in the human body have molecules lining their surface. Cancer cells are often lined with specific molecules and proteins associated with cancer. Cancer cells may also have an overabundance of certain molecules found only in small amounts on health cells. Molecularly targeted therapy groups patients and treatments according to these individual molecules lying on the surface of cells, rather than on the location of the tumor. In other words, breast cancer patients may receive the same treatment as stomach cancer patients if the cancer cells are lined with the same type of molecules. 112 FITNESS & HEALTH
Targeted Cancer Therapies Targeted therapy is different in that it kills only cancer cells, unlike traditional radiation and chemotherapy that often cause a lot of collateral damage in nearby healthy cells. These therapies do this through drugs or other substances that interfere with molecules associated with cancer. Targeted therapies also block the production of cancer cells, whereas chemotherapy drugs just kill tumor cells.
How Are Targets Identified? To develop targeted therapies for a patient, scientists must first identify specific targets that play key roles in the growth and survival of cancer cells. Doctors identify targets in several
Some targeted therapies, known as apoptosis inducers, cause
different ways.
cancer cells to die prematurely. Another set of treatments, known as angiogenesis inhibitors, prevent new blood vessels from forming near
A scientist can compare the number of specific proteins in cancer
tumors. Targeted immunotherapy works with the immune system to
cells with those in normal cells. Proteins present in cancer cells
destroy cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies deliver toxic molecules to
but not in normal cells, or proteins that appear more abundantly
kill cancer cells specifically.
in cancer cells, would be good targets for therapy. Many anticancer drug researchers are now focusing on targeted Another approach is to determine whether cancer cells
molecular therapies, making these new treatments a cornerstone of
are producing altered proteins that cause cancer to grow.
modern precision medicine. This state-of-the-art technology uses
Researchers already identified the protein associated with
information about a person’s genes and proteins to prevent, diagnose,
melanoma (BRAF), the most serious type of skin cancer and
and treat cancer and other diseases. The FDA has approved many
have created therapies that target this protein. This treatment
targeted cancer therapies for the treatment of certain types of cancer.
already helps patients with inoperable skin cancer or melanoma
Researchers are studying other molecular therapies in preclinical and
that has spread when this protein appears on cancer cells.
clinical trials.
Scientists also search for chromosome abnormalities that appear in cancer cells but not normal cells. In some cases, the abnormalities create a “fusion gene,” which is two genes smashed together to form one gene. The proteins on these fusion genes may cause cancer to develop, making these proteins great targets for targeted cancer therapy.
Types of Targeted Therapies
NCI-Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (NCI-MATCH) Trial NCI-MATCH: In the Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice clinical trial, the National Cancer Institute seeks to determine whether targeted therapies for patients whose tumors have specific gene mutations will be effective regardless of the type of cancer. In the
Doctors are already administering several types of targeted
NCI-MATCH trial, researchers will investigate more than 20 different
cancer therapies. Hormone therapies target tumors, including
drugs or drug combinations, each targeting a specific gene mutation.
some types of breast cancer and prostate cancer, which require
This means a patient with a kidney tumor might receive a medication
hormones to grow. Therapies known as “signal transduction
traditionally given to a patient with another type of cancer. The goal
inhibitors” block the signals that cause cancer cells to grow. Gene
is to match each participant with a therapy that targets the molecular
expression modulators interfere with proteins affecting genes
abnormality within his or her tumor, rather than focusing on the
associated with the growth of cancer.
location of the cancer. FABULOUSLY50.COM 113
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