My old portfolio

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D‘Ettorre Fabiola art director & graphic designer pho to grap hy


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Hello! My name is Fabiola D’Ettorre and I was born on April 11th 1983 in Pescara, a small town in the centre of Italy. I live in Milan where I’m attending a three years course in Art Direction. I’ve always had a deep interest in culture and arts, from the traditional to the contemporary. My main interests are related to visual arts: graphic design, illustration, web design, installation art, exhibitions, video art, new media, digital art, photography, cinema. My biggest strength is creativity: I love to understand what people want and make it come true in a creative way. I hope I could express that in my future job. Presently I create nice graphic artworks on my computer and try to find creative concepts to create original advertising items.

p h o t o g r a p h y

Woman - Milan, Central Railway Station, December 2006

Look - Milan, Central Railway Station, December 2006

Planet Bar - Milan, Genuary 2008

Old woman - Turin, January 2008

The egg-man - Turin, January 2008

Stars - Bruxelles, December 2006

Mosque - Hurghada, July 2007

My friend - Paris, July 2005



Proposal for the logo of the web radio To Indie - December 2006

Proposal for the cover of Busta, an envelope which contains promotional stuff - Febraury 2008

Cover di Busta - Febbraio 2008

Florence - Janury 2006

Proposal for the cover of Busta, an envelope which contains promotional stuff - Febraury 2008

Design of different gadgets for the brand Sundek - December 2007



LOUNGE BAR Via Garofalo, 22/A Milano tel. 02 265434567

Design of a visiting card and a brochure of a lounge bar - April 2008




Raffinata caffetteria all’interno del Palazzo della Triennale di Milano, rip e ns ato da Michele De Lucchi. Spazi lib eri, aperti, grandi vetrate sul p arco, pezzi di design provenienti d alla Collezione Permane nte d e l Design Italiano esposti come opere d’arte sono i principali ingre d ienti di una paus a pranzo all’inse gna del relax autentico. Lontani d alla consuetudine dei locali della città, ecco finalmente un luogo d ove rilass arsi, chiacchierare , coglie re l’occasione per visitare una mostra, bere un semplice caffè leggendo un libro o pranzare. Dè jeuner sur l’herbe: nei mesi estivi c’è la possibilità di fare un vero e p roprio pic nic nel parco, semplicemente acquistando un box.

m i n i m al lounge ba r Ele gante cocktail bar, situato nella frenetica zona Vene zia-Repubblica. L’ambiente, molto chic e accoglie nte, è reso ancora più elegante dai pavimenti e il bancone in legno venghè color cioccolato amaro, in contrasto con il soffitto blu cielo decorato con luminose stelle. Il menu è ricco di frutta di stagione , gustose macedonie, yoghurt e drink speciali. La musica è soprattutto ethnic lounge, easy listening e l o u n g e

Two layouts proposed for the student guide of the University of Turin - February 2006

Cover di Busta - Febbraio 2008

l ve vet

Restyling of the magazine Velvet - January 2008

La Repubblica

un sogno esagerato la femminilità

si veste di nuovo la moda

ha un cuore guerriero

Il mondo è pieno di baci

Svegliati! Gente

Pete Doherty, Anna Paquin, Iris Apfel

Pier Paolo Pasolini, Martin Parr,

Giovanna D’arco & Elisabetta I


Hollywood Stars

a d v e r t i s i n g Layout for a 70x100 cm attachment for the new courses of a music school. Headline: “If you study in our school, you can bring home an instrument” - February 2007

Layout for an attachment 6x3m which promotes the bloodletting in the Policlinico Hospital of Milan. Headline: “It would be great if it became fashionable”. - November 2007

Layout for an attachment 6x3m which promotes the bloodletting in the Policlinico Hospital of Milan. Headline: “If blood flows, life continues”. - November 2007

Setting up an hypothetical page for the brand Swatch - April 2008

change style Changeyour your style switch your swatch

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Creative concept to promote a new land agency - November 2007

w e b

d e s i g n

Web design of the website:

Web design of the website: January 2007

Web design of the website: - February 2007

Web design and development (HTML / CSS) of the website - April 2006

Graphic study for the website - May 2007

For any information don’t hesitate to contact me: Fabiola D’Ettorre Via Veglia n.57/5 , 10136 Turin (Italy) Via Metauro 5, 20146 Milan (Itlay) Tel. 339 6885850 Email:

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