REAL TIME VISUALS & SOUNDS // INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING What is Max – Cycling74? Max is a nodal programing environment that allows it’s users to visually connect elements to handle data, visuals and sounds in patchers. It’s mainly aimed at digital arCsts and was first designed by Miller PuckeHe in IRCAM in Paris in the late 80s. Then the rights were bought buy David Zicarelli in 97 who created a company named Cycling’74 around it. Then lately, in June 2017, Ableton, the developers of LIVE, acquired Cycling’74. At first it could only process and generate midi data to control synthesizers then as computers grew in power, it acquired several other abiliCes such as digital sound processing, video processing allowing computer vision and video playback mixing and later 3d all in real-Cme. A very acCve community also develops and shares libraries that expends the integrated funcCons of the all of the above can be interconnected seamlessly making it a very powerful tool for real-Cme performances and interacCve installaCons.
REAL TIME VISUALS & SOUNDS // INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING MONDAY 23/10/17 #GETTING STARTED - Basic objects, messages and connecCons in Max7 - Basic calculaCon and rouCng - Handling data with colls - Midi and OSC and advanced rouCng
#AUDIO & VIDEO BASICS - Oscillators and noise combinaCon - Playing and recording audio files - Audio filters, effects and feedback - Play movies and use cameras - HandsON : create an audio/video instrument
REAL TIME VISUALS & SOUNDS // INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING TUESDAY 24/10/17 #COMPUTER VISION - Using cameras as sensors - Color tracking - MoCon tracking - CreaCon of masks - Background subtracCon - Tracking of mulCple objects/persons - Kinect demo ( volumetric camera tracking )
#2D COMPOSITING - Displaying video in the 3d space * Hands On Session : Create an video sampling tool controlled by a camera
#3D - 3D basic shapes generaCon - ImporCng 3d models - Drawing many objects - Lights and rendering modes - Algorithmic animaCon - Post processing with pixel shaders - Feedback - Export UHD frames or movies of your 3d scenes
#PERSONAL PROJECT PROTOTYPING For this last day, the students are invited to develop a personal idea of their own mixing the technics learned in the workshop. The instructor will go from student to student to discuss feasibility and answer quesCons.
REAL TIME VISUALS & SOUNDS // INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING YACINE SEBTI’S BIO Yacine SebC is a Morrocan/Belgian arCst living in Brussels with an early interest in technology. His first experiments mixing art and technology, i.e. hooking up a programmable pocket calculator to a sound system, soon lead him to experience various programming languages (MathemaCca, Pure DATA, Max Msp, Open Frameworks) going to several workshops and learning how to create programs that would handle sound and video in real Cme. What started as a liHle program created during a Max Msp workshop given by David Rokeby in 2003 became his first interacCve video installaCon, "Move In A Frame" which was soon followed by "Meet Somebody", "Help Me" and "Jump!". In the meanCme he developed close collaboraCons with other arCsts, on installaCons, performances, theatre and dance pieces and film acCng as video sojware developer and real Cme interacCon specialist. His installaCons and performances were shown in FILE (BR), Ars Electronica's Pavilion in Shanghai (CN), STRP (NL), Media City (KR), Tate Modern (UK) and Palais de Tokyo (FR). Today he focuses on integraCng interacCon as a seamless element of a score. To achieve that he develops a Cmeline editor that allows to write interacCvity in Cme.
Salt Lake, with Tom Heene
Folksomy Blue Box , with JODI
Moviola, with Marcio Ambrosio
REAL TIME VISUALS & SOUNDS // INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING HISTORICAL REFERENCES John Whitney : Catalog (1961) — A mathemaCcal and musical approach to computer graphics. Frieder Nake : Hommage à Paul Klee (1965) — A computer is used to analyze an image, process the data and generate a new singular picture through a complex algorithm. Robert Rauschenberg : Open Score (1966) — Inclusion of the image of the public in the performance by using live video projecCon of an IR camera. filming them in the dark Steina and Woody Vasulka: Noisefields (1974) — An exploraCon of the generaCon and treatment of analog video signals. “One can see what one hears and hear what one sees”. David Rokeby : Very Nervous System (1986) — A camera transforms a space into an musical instrument. ScoH Snibbe: Boundary FuncCons (1998) — A Computer analyzes the video fead of an IR camera to generate a video projecCon that reveals an interacCve map on the ground virtually isolaCng the parCcipants of the installaCon from each other.