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glider YachtS receiveS expert accreditation

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The guiDe

The guiDe

Pioneering design makes for exceptionally smooth sailing.

Glider Yachts Limited, the quintessentially British luxury yacht manufacturer, has received the highest level of boating industry accreditation, having been assessed by both HPi Verification Services and the Wolfson Unit for Marine Technology and Industrial Aerodynamics.

Alasdair Reay, Managing Director, HPi Verification Services said: “Craft as innovative as Gliders were not in the minds of the various committees when they wrote the technical standards. HPi Verification Services has, therefore, worked closely with Glider Yachts to ensure their boats not only meet the regulatory requirements, but exceed industry standards.”

ةيرحبلا ايجولونكتلل نوسفلو و

رخافلا تخيلا ءانبو ميمصت للاخ ةيعانصلا ةيئاوهلا

يف SS18 نع باقنلا فشكلا مت دقو. ةرم لولأ .يضاملا ربمتبس يف توخيلل وكانوم

HPI تامدخل بدتنملا وضعلا ،يار ريدسلا لاقو

ناهذأ يف نكي مل ام تققح ”تفارك رديلغ”:

ريياعملا نوميقي اوناك امدنع ةفلتخملا ناجللا

نإف كلذ ىلع ءانبو ،نفسلا ءانب ةعانصل ةينقتلا

يتلا ةكرشلا كلت عم قيثو لكشب لمعتس HPI .”ةعانصلا ريياعم يبلت

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