Dissertation work

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Nur Fadhlyana Binti Mohd Fadhil University of Strathclyde 2014 / 2015

Declaration AB 420 Dissertation 2014/15 BSc D Honours Architectural Studies BSc Honours Architectural Studies with International Study MArch/Pg Dip Advanced Architectural Design e MArch Architectural Design International

c Declaration

l “I hereby declare that this dissertation submission is my own work and has been composed by myself. It contains no a unacknowledged text and has not been submitted in any previous context. All quotations have been distinguished by quotation marks and all sources of information, text, illustration, tables, images etc. have been specifically acknowledged.

r I accept that if having signed this Declaration my work should be found at Examination to show evidence of academic a dishonesty the work will fail and I will be liable to face the University Senate Discipline Committee.�

t Name i :

_NUR FADHLYANA BINTI MOHD FADHIL___________________________

Signed o :


Date :

_19th MARCH 2015__________________________________________________

Department of Architecture

t:+ 44 (0) 141 548 3023/4219

Head of Department:


f:+ 44 (0) 141 552 3997

Professor Sergio Porta

Glasgow G4 0NG

e: contact-architecture@strath.ac.uk

The place of useful learning The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness.

In the process of completing this dissertation, many people have generously given their ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

time, help and support. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my inspiring supervisor, Dr David Grierson for his supervisions and knowledge. Without his help and assistance, it would be difficult for me to carry on this dissertation smoothly. Great deals of appreciation also go to the contributions of my parents for their financial and moral support throughout the completion of my studies here. Being 6,645miles away from them is not an easy thing for me but holding the responsibility to finish up my studies here and to make them proud has been my aim. The dedication also goes to my little brothers whom from them I acquire strength. Next, I also would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the lecturers for giving me guidance and knowledge throughout the submissions of this dissertation. Not to forget, a special thanks to my friends and all students for sharing information and ideas throughout this dissertation. My appreciation is endless for all who gives hand on helping me intentionally or unintentionally. Thank you!


Zero carbon building is becoming a trend in architecture sectors as it is considered to be zero-net carbon emissions and zero-net energy consumption. Its aim is to reverse all the damage that the society is facing due to global warming and anthropogenic ABSTRACT

emissions of greenhouse gases. It is argued that the term ‘zero carbon’ can only be used to a new building but not old building. Thus, this study is to focus mainly on the carbon reductions through retrofitting. Retrofit aims to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumptions. It will improve the condition of old buildings and will be a winwin situation for everybody. Literature reviews from books, journals, magazines and articles about retrofit processes has been done and the calculations of their carbon emissions and energy consumption is being collected and analysed. Few case studies of domestic buildings in Scotland from the year of construction 1945 – 1965 are used in order to collate information of their approaches and performances after retrofitting. At the end of this dissertation, potential business for architects will be point up and guide for architects to work on retrofits projects will be presented.


TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .....................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................


ABSTRACT ............................................................


LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURE ............................


INTRODUCTION ...................................................


Aims and Objectives of Study BACKGROUND .....................................................

8 9

Buildings and Carbon Emissions


Zero Carbon Isnt’ Really Zero


LOW CARBON RETROFIT...................................


What is Building Retrofit?


Retrofit Depth


Deep Energy Retrofit


Planning and Design of Deep Energy Retrofit


CASE STUDIES ......................................................


Merkins Avenue, Bellsmyre, Dumbarton


Aberdalgie Road, Blairtummock Housing, Glasgow 31 Caledonia Road, Hutchesontown, Glasgow


James Nisbet Street, Roystonhill, Glasgow



RESERCH FINDINGS ............................................


Discussion of Case Studies


Benefits of Deep Energy Retrofit


Growth Opportunity for Architects




BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................




Figure 1

Retrofit depth


Figure 2

Domestic energy usage in UK


Figure 3

Six connected items to achieve good retrofit buildings


Figure 4

15-25 Merkins Avenue (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 5

Front elevation showing landscape garden and door entry system (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 6

Rear elevation showing backcourts with trees to give additional shelter and amenity (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 7

Existing balconies (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 8

New bay windows (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 9

Blairtummock Terrace (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 10

305 Caledonia Road (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 11

The pedestrian area before improvement (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 12

Distinctive designed entrance and enclosed area of landscaping with pedestrian walkways (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 13

Overcladding of tower block and environmental works (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 14

Pre-payment card meter to control the quantity of heating to each flat (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 15

Main district heating that feed each of the 4 multi storey (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 16

The boiler house (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Figure 17

Control equipment in each flat (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 18

Enclosed balconies with two layers of double glazing windows to the living room (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)



Figure 19

James Nisbet Street dwellings (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 20

Private garden to provide good landscaping and shelter for the residents (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 21

The flats before refurbishment (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Figure 22

The flats after retrofit showing infilled balconies to create solar sunspaces that offer a ‘thermal buffer’ zone to the flats (Retrofit Scotland 2015)


Table 1

Different measures of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) and Standard Retrofit


Table 2

Deep energy retrofit measures summary table (RetroFitDepot, 2012)


Table 3

Merkins Avenue energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 4

Merkins Avenue estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 5

Blairtummock Terrace energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 6

Blairtummock Terrace estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 7

305 Caledonia Road energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 8

305 Caledonia Road estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 9

James Nisbet Street dwellings energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 10

James Nisbet Street dwellings estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Table 11

Retrofit case studies summary



Zero carbon is one of the architectural plans to reduce the effect of global warming. In line with this standard, building retrofit has also been a way to make buildings sustainable and less energy emissions.


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The aim of this research paper is to have deeper studies on architectural industries and its emissions throughout the process. Besides, information on how to reduce the carbon emissions through retrofitting are seek as solutions to global warming issues. In line with the aims, the objectives of this research paper are as follows; a) To study zero carbon design process from establishing the baseline or requirements, to designing and construction process and after the building is used, b) To study about building retrofitting in details through its depth, stages, and how it achieve energy efficiency, c) To measure the impact of behavioural components of energy savings, and d) To encourage architects and designers take part in achieving zero-net

carbon emissions when designing a building especially by retrofitting.


BUILDINGS AND CARBON EMISSIONS Global warming is one of the serious problems affecting our planet and if we continually ignore this problem, the environment and all quality of life will be at risk. As the temperature of this earth is becoming higher, the natural environment BACKGROUND is showing a dying effect. Environmental deterioration involves changes in the natural resources and these changes are due to human actions and not some natural cataclysm (Thang & Pramance, 2006). Most human activities contribute to the destruction of the environment and give bad impact to the environment and climate mainly through the air pollution. It was stated by Rosenthal et al. (2007), “Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxides, methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrous oxides have led to increases in the atmospheric concentration and warming of the lower atmosphere” (p. 837). Thus, the cities are becoming hotter and societies are exposed to health problems such as fever, breathing problems, skin affections and many other sickness. In the article It’s the Architecture, Stupid! by Mazria (2003), readers can actually understand how architecture actually consumed approximately 48% of the energy produced and is responsible for 46% of all carbon dioxides emissions


annually. This number is almost double of any other field that emits hazardous gases to the atmosphere.

Parallel to the problems, it was stated by Williams (2012) and Mlecnik et al. (2010), there are numerous labels for energy efficient homes internationally, which include Low-energy (Sweden), Energy-plus (Germany), Zero-net Energy (United States), Passive House (Germany) and Sustainable Homes (United Kingdom). These sustainable standards are becoming the goal for more innovative development globally especially in architecture sector. In 2007, United Kingdom (UK) has announced the mandatory standard for construction industry to be Zero Carbon Homes on 2016. Originally the standard was ambitious, requiring not only regulated energy (for heating, cooling, hot water, ventilation, auxiliary services and lighting) to be zero carbon, but also unregulated energy covering all home appliances (CLG, 2007).

The problem is can we achieve zero-net carbon emissions? Well, yes, if we are creating new homes with the latest constructions method, structures, building fabrics and technologies that can reduce the amount of energy and carbon used.


But what about the old homes? Demolishing buildings are certainly not the way as it claims additional cost and energy.


Zero carbon homes seems to be expensive and costly. The arguments came out when new homes cost approximately £3,000 to £5,000 which the charges will actually unviable. The new building might not be as comfort as the old building. For examples, they will require measures like low flow of showers and tap. Plus poor people will have difficulties to get funding, just to achieve the government targeted Zero Carbon Homes in 2016. To buy a new zero carbon home, it might cost more than £85,000 for two bed house and that is ridiculous.


“It is often stated that around 45% of the UK’s total carbon emissions derive from buildings. Government aspires to achieve zero carbon standard for new buildings from 2016 (domestic) and 2019 (non-domestic). However, since it is estimated that by 2050, around 70% of the 2010 building stock will still be in use, it is very clear that low carbon retrofit will have a huge role to play in achieving carbon emission targets.” LOW CARBON RETROFIT The Retrofit Challenge: Delivering Low Carbon Buildings, 2011

WHAT IS BUILDING RETROFIT? Retrofit is a process of changing or modifying something that has been manufactured. In the process of building retrofitting, we refurbish our old and traditional homes to be in the best and comfort to buildings to stay in by including new technology to our buildings. Retrofitting building means to improve their amenities for the occupants or owners and improve the performance of the building. It can also allow reductions in carbon emissions and energy to achieve the ambition of Zero Carbon Homes by 2016.


Retrofitting is not similar to refurbishing or renovating buildings which usually been done to make good and repair only. While, retrofit is to induce a new materials or technology in our building with the aim to reduce its energy use. Therefore, we can conclude that zero-net buildings suitable for building new facilities. While low carbon retrofit seems to fit the old and traditional houses to be more sustainable. Retrofitting an existing building can be said cost effective too.



Existing Building Commisioning (EBCx)

Retrofit can be measured in three stages; existing building commissioning (EBCx), standard retrofit and deep retrofit (see Figure 1). EBCx is basically a process of

Standard Retrofit

improving operations and maintenance of a building. The improvements are made

Deep Retrofit

to optimize and to have a quality control in the performance of building facilities. Standard retrofit in the other hand is the most cost effective and lowest risk

Figure 1: Retrofit depth

efficiency upgrading options in term of the equipment and system. To compare with EBCx process, standard retrofit is basically changes and alters the operations


and maintenance of the buildings systems. It will takes up a few component to be upgraded and will contribute less than 45% of energy savings. Both process have different measure options of retrofitting. These measurements are shown in Table 1 which how the improvement will be done and achieved for a building performance. Different from deep energy retrofit which require larger upfront investment and resulting a longer periods of payback. This type of retrofit will go beyond a single component of replacement and take part of the whole building. Deep retrofit aims for a larger percentage of energy savings that is up and more than 45%. In other words, we can say that deep retrofit differ from the other as it takes overall consideration of the building performance. A multiple implementation and approach will be used to achieve carbon reduction and energy efficiency. Below are building performance issues that become the aim of driving retrofit; 


Plug and process loads

Building fabric

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

Service hot water system


Table 2: Different measures of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) and Standard Retrofit

Measure Number and Description System Lighting

EBCx 

Plug and Process  Loads

Building Fabric

   

Heating,  Ventilation and Air Conditioning  (HVAC)

Service hot water system

Replace energy efficient bulbs (incandescent bulbs with CFLs or LEDs)

Standard Retrofit   

Replace consumer electronics with high efficiency  model  

Replace worn out weather strip door Reduce envelope leakage Improve building tightness Insulate attic

     

Add basic mechanical ventilation system to ensure  air quality  Add proper channel of heat and cool air    

Reduce lighting power density Install sensors to control interior lighting Application of natural day lighting Add advanced switch control Use high efficiency consumer electronics Purchase certified appliances that have potential to consume less energy (For example: personal computer, television, home audio, charging supply) Add window film Install high efficiency windows and doors Add shading and light shelves Increase wall insulation Install cooling roof Add basement insulation Add optimum strategy for HVAC equipment Revise air filtration system Improve duct system Reduce damper leakage Reduce HVAC runtime Increase efficiency of service hot water system


DEEP ENERGY RETROFIT A deep energy retrofit is one of the retrofitting program to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. With estimation to save more than 45% energy consumption, deep energy retrofit gives opportunity to the home or building owner to go beyond the savings they can get by EBCx and standard retrofit. This is due to its measures that will combine many operations and maintenance and standard retrofits of the whole building design approach for retrofitting process. Deep energy retrofit measures with its opportunity to the building performance can be shown in Table 2. This program will not only give advantages in increasing its energy efficiency, but will also improve the building performances. Furthermore, with regards to these factors, it can create value to the home or building owner, occupants, enterprise and also investor. It is important for home owner or residents to be aware of the opportunities so that they can engage the integrated design process and planning of deep retrofit to their building. A basic understanding of deep retrofit process can help them reap greater rewards from their investments.

Table 2: Deep energy retrofit measures summary table (RetroFitDepot, 2012)

Deep Energy Retrofit Measures System Lighting

   

Description Fixtures upgrade Controls Redesign Etc.

  

Efficient equipment Controls Etc.

Building Fabric     

Insulation Window Air tightness Green or white roof Etc.

Plug and Process Loads

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) Service hot water system

Passive design

   

Demand control ventilation Digital controls Balance air and water flows Etc.

  

Efficient system Controls Etc.

   

Natural ventilation Day lighting Landscaping Etc.

Building Performance

Value Enhancement Reduction in cost

Thermal comfort Revenue growth Active occupant environmental control Indoor air quality

Improved reputation and leadership

 

Description Lower maintenance cost Lower health cost (improved tenants health)

  

Higher occupancy rates Higher rents Increased tenants productivity

  

Recruit best tenants Tenants satisfaction and retention Public relations

Meet energy efficiency labels

Reduce risk from energy disclosure mandates Limit exposure to energy or water price volatility Reduce potential loss of value due to functional obsolescence Reduce legal risks such as sick building syndrome and mold claims, etc.

Visual acuity and comfort Green building rating or score Views to the outdoors Space efficiency Space flexibility

Compliance with internal and external initiatives Reduced risk to future earnings

  

PLANNING AND DESIGN OF DEEP ENERGY RETROFIT Standards are place in UK to ensure all residential have much lower energy consumed than before. This is to achieve government plan for Zero Carbon Homes in 2016, though in March 2011 the requirement was relaxed by excluding energy used for cooking and household appliances. On average in the UK’s housing energy usage, 58% of domestic energy use is for space heating, 24% for water heating, 16% for lighting and appliances, and 2% for cooking (see Figure 2). Thus, different Code shall be targeted to achieve low carbon homes in levels according

2% 16%

to energy performance above 2006 building regulations: – Code Level 1 requires energy performance 10% better 58%


– Code Level 2 requires energy performance 18% better – Code Level 3 requires energy performance 25% better – Code Level 4 requires energy performance 44% better

Space heating

– Code Level 5 requires zero net CO2 emissions from heating and lighting

Water heating

Lighting and appliances

– Code Level 6 requires zero net CO2 emissions from all energy use in the


home, including cooking and appliances Figure 2: Domestic energy usage in UK

To achieve the above Code, one should think of a building as one system. There are SIX connected items that should be consider in planning deep retrofit (see Figure 3). In building retrofit buildings, these items shouldn’t stand alone as they need each other to achieve excellent retrofit buildings.


Indoor Air Quality

Buliding Fabric

Figure 3: Six connected items to achieve good retrofit buildings


1. Retrofit Planning Planning is important to get started with. In planning for retrofit, one should has targets and aims to achieve for. This is to avoid problems and making things clear enough to do the works. Retrofit planning should consider everything such as the project team performance, conditions of the existing building, surveys, initial meetings, understanding the user or tenant needs, choice of sustainable materials, items made off-site, and many more. A good planning from the start is important so that there will be no poor decision making

2. Building Fabric Refurbishment of a traditional building is aimed to achieve comfort level as the world is becoming unstable because of the emission of the hazardous gas. Traditional buildings becoming too hot or too cold to stay in because of climate changes. Therefore, retrofitting through building fabric is usually be the solution to be comfort in our own house without the need to buy a new facilities.


Almost all retrofit building reduced heat loss by insulating the fabric such as roof, walls, floors, window and doors. During constructions, it is important to give attention to details on the gaps around services into the house. Insulators should be considered internally and externally.

3. Indoor Air Quality Good air tightness and ventilations of a building are important so that the building can have good air quality and low condensation. These can be achieved if construction joints are sealed properly, same goes to the service penetrations and insulations that should have no gaps in between them. A stuffy indoor air and mechanical noise are the result of having poor integrated system. Most of the retrofit building shall fit mechanical ventilation with heat recovery system. These system include installation of fans and ducts to extract stuffy air from the inside to outside of the building. Having passive ventilations system in a building is also one of the way to achieve good indoor air quality.


4. Services Services need to be look out as a part of retrofitting old buildings. These services include hot water system, heating, cooling, lighting, renewable energy system and controls. Achieving good services will give comfort and satisfactions to the residents. While a bad service systems of a building will affected on the air tightness of the fabric. Services retrofitting can be succeed if the system is carefully chosen. Having the knowledge and guidance of the technologies installed can make this work. The support and technical guidance can be requested from the manufacturer so that residents can have full controls of the services rather than having automatic systems.

5. Working on-Site Overall satisfaction of retrofitting process depends to on-site delivery. The quality of on-site delivery will contributes to all aspects of retrofit items as above (building fabric, indoor air quality and services). To have success on-site works, a good coordination are needed either from a single individual or organisation to takes the lead.


The details of construction and installation need to get full attention throughout the project. Sequencing of components should be done carefully. Thus, a realistic timetable and division of works should be organised properly to avoid any mistakes at during the retrofit process.

6. Engaging Residents For any projects to be done, acceptance and understanding of residents need to be engaged to make the project successful. The team should have approaches to works with people, their buildings, the new systems and also with the technical supports. For some retrofit projects that occur without knowing the owners, a flexible and future proofing system shall be done so that all types of people can accept the systems. Handover of projects should be done clearly to the residents; not too basics nor too complex as people might be alienated to use them. Aftercare visits also should be done regularly to make sure the residents really comfortable to use the system well.


Case study projects were chosen on the basis of traditional domestic buildings that were constructed in the year of 1945 – 1965. All of them were flat type of housing that undergo retrofitting during the 1990’s in Scotland. Every building have different approaches to achieve comfort level.


1. Merkins Avenue, Bellsmyre, Dumbarton

3. Caledonia Road, Hutchesontown, Glasgow

2. Aberdalgie Road, Blairtummock Housing, Glasgow

4. James Nisbet Street, Roystonhill, Glasgow





: Bellsmyre Housing Association


: Michael and Sue Thornley Architects

Type of retrofit

: Rehabilitation of 1950s No Fines Tenements

Property type

: Flat

Number of units : 42 reduced to 40 Date of construction : 1956


Date of retrofit

: 1995

Works cost

: £1,404,439

Unit cost

: £58,517

SAP rating

: 82 to 97


Carbon emission : 2.7 to 3.7 tonnes per year per unit (reduction of 1.3 tonnes) U-values

: 0.25 Wm2C roof 0.45 Wm2C walls 0.45 Wm2C ground floor

Figure 4: 15-25 Merkins Avenue (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

Fuel costs

: Estimated reduction of 80%


Bellsmyre housing consists of 150 properties in Dumbarton. The properties was built in 1956 and Merkins Avenue was one of the properties which consist of 42 flats. The retrofitting take place to provide 40 high quality units with enhanced energy efficiency, gas central heating and door entry systems. Besides, there were refurbishment of the tenement balconies take place. Refurbishment works of these 42 unit flats took place in 1993 until 1995 with the tender of ÂŁ1.5 million; equivalent to ÂŁ58,517 per unit.

Figure 5: Front elevation showing landscape garden and door entry system (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

1. Starting of Works (Through planning and working on site) Four and three storey tenements were transferred to be refurbished and restructured to equip a larger house sizes. The upgrading works includes new door entry, kitchens and bedrooms, communal TV systems, additional double glazing openings, central gas heating and rewiring. Besides, existing concrete balconies were taken out and support the new bay windows (see Figure 7 and Figure 8). The roof were upgraded and cladded with insulation system.

Figure 6: Rear elevation showing backcourts with trees to give additional shelter and amenity (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

Landscaping work is also one of the refurbishment that take place in this retrofit projects to give good appearance for the flats.


2. Achieving Comfort (Through building fabric, indoor air quality and services) The original flats are said to have very inefficient energy consumption and rely on electric fires and storage heaters for heating. Retrofitting works was then applied by rendering 60mm polystyrene external cladding, expanding 30mm polyurethane insulation to close walls, 150 mm mineral fibre to roofs, enclosure of balconies, 100mm ground floor insulation, adding new timber Figure 7: Existing balconies (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

window with 12mm double glazing and full gas fired central heating with combination installations.

3. Community and Management (Engaging residents) This housing area was less famous but have a distinct community relationship. The target for retrofitting Merkins Avenue was to regenerate the area socially and physically. Residents and home owners were fully consulted before the Figure 8: New bay windows (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

works been done to make sure they understand the retrofit programme and acknowledge its benefits to the housing area. The flats are now famously known as a low turnover and low vacancy rate area.


 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STRATEGY The refurbishment of Merkins Avenue housing includes some remodeling of its front facades. There are removal of balconies and extension of its entrance area. Other than that, extension of bedrooms above on the rear elevation also take place. The architects and designers of this tenement was particularly high standard of energy efficiency. Therefore 50mm of loft insulations, low emissivity double glazing and the use of condensing combination boiler were included in these retrofit projects. The specifications of these works can be seen in Table 3.







Uninsulated loft

150mm mineral fibre


300mm no-fines

Render (6mm) and 60mm expanded


concrete (250mm

polystyrene to existing walls, 50mm cavity

on third floor)

and plasterboard (12.5mm) internally

Close walls Uninsulated

9.5mm plasterboard and 30mm polyurethane composite board to existing wall.



Single glazing

Replacement of timber framed double glazing (12mm air gap) and draught stripping



18mm chipboard over 100mm insulation

floor Ventilation Uncontrolled

Draughtstripped windows, bathroom and kitchen extract fans (on a time switch)


Electric fires

Gas fired central heating with combination boiler (fan assisted flue), programmer, room thermostat and TRVs

Hot water

Electric immersion

Front combination boiler system

heaters Table 3 : Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT Analysis of the building has been recorded before and after the refurbishment take parts. Table 4 shows the result of two types of flat that achieve the highest and the lowest rates of effectiveness. The annual space and water heating costs were estimated having reduction of 84% for the top floor 1 bed flats and 79% for the first floor 3-bed flats. There are also reductions in CO2 emissions by 58% at the top floor and 26% at the first floor.

Top Floor

First Floor

Item Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings Annual space and water heating cost CO2 emissions (tonnes/year)

















Table 4 : Estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)




: Blairtummock Housing Association


: PCR Architects

Type of retrofit

: Refurbishment, terrace housing

Property type

: Terrace

Number of units : Phase 1 – 104 units Phase 2 – 2000 units


Date of construction : 1950


Date of retrofit

: 1991

Works cost

: £1,230,000

Unit cost

: £30,750

SAP rating

: 85 to 91

Carbon emission : n/a U-values

: n/a

Fuel costs

: saving of £225.00 p.a/house

Figure 9: Blairtummock terrace (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Blairtummock is a community – based housing with 350 properties in Easterhouse estate. The nine blocks of three storey housing were designed following the council standard in the 1950s. Refurbishment works of these 40 unit flats took place in 1991 with the tender of £1,230,000; equivalent to £30,750 per unit. 1. Starting of Works (Through planning and working on site) Blairtummock housing situated in a large post war estate which in need of major maintenance and renewal following years of deterioration. The retrofitting works are being done to carry out a phased of modernisation to the housing area into the new standards and provide a new external image to the area. After measuring and having initial discussions, application of various insulations were to be installed to walls and roofs, windows replacement and window patterns also were to be changed.


2. Achieving Comfort (Through building fabric, indoor air quality and services) Retrofitting works that was done includes thermal performance upgrading and installation of new efficient heating. From there, the architects wished to explore the possible use of external wall insulation to combine improved thermal performance with the major changes of external facades of the tenements. Cavity fill are shown to give less impact on energy use compare to external insulation which would provide the best protection against cold bridging at lintols, ends of close walls, etc. Besides, the size of kitchen were altered by eliminating the small balcony. This is to see the effect on the energy used. Living rooms were also oriented in some towards the south and some to north in order to achieve thermal comfort. Later, on the whole, the living room were not reoriented in response to the wishes of tenants.

3. Community and Management (Engaging residents) Throughout the retrofitting works, managing architect was given a task to explain and consult to the tenants and home owners. This is to identify and select priorities for upgrading works been done.


 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STRATEGY The refurbishment of Blairtummock housing includes adding insulations into the building such as glass fibre loft insulation, external overcladding system and insulation to close walls. Next, additional of timber frame double glazing, extraction of fans to kitchen and bathrooms and replacing the heating systems are also being done there. The specifications of these works can be seen in Table 5.  ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT Analysis of the building has been recorded before and after the refurbishment take parts. Table 6 shows the result of two types of flat that achieve the highest and the lowest rates of effectiveness. The annual space and water heating costs can be seen having reduction of 83% for the top floor flats while 80% for the first floor flats. There are also reductions in CO2 emissions by 59% at the top floor and 45% at the first floor.




Before Retrofit Uninsulated

After Retrofit 150mm glass fibre loft insulation between joists


Render – 103mm

External glass fibre overcladding system


Brick – 75 mm

incorporating 60 mm expanded polystyrene

Cavity (unfilled) –

insulation. Overcladding taken to ground

103mm brick


16mm plasterboard

Close walls Uninsulated

12.7mm wallboard and 50mm mineral fibre insulation to existing wall


Single glazing

Timber framed double glazing (12mm air gap) and draught stripping

Table 5 : Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


Ventilation Uncontrolled

Bathroom and kitchen extract fans (with humidistat controls)


Gas and electric

Gas fired central heating with condensing


combination boiler (balanced flue), programmer, room thermostat and TRVs

Hot water

Electric immersion

Front condensing combination boiler



Cont. Table 5 : Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

Top Floor

First Floor

Item Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings Annual space and water heating cost CO2 emissions (tonnes/year)

















Table 6 : Estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)




: New Gorbals Housing Association


: Assist Architects

Type of retrofit

: Rehabilitation, multi-storey flats

Property type

: Flat

Number of units : 138 Date of construction : 1960


Date of retrofit

: 1996

Works cost

: £4,644,590

Unit cost

: £58,800

SAP rating

: 74 (based on conventional boiler in each flat)


Carbon emission : 3.1 tonnes per year per unit (based on conventional boiler in each flat) U-values

: 0.21 Wm2C walls

Fuel costs

: £5.38 per week charged for heating and hot water

Figure 10: 305 Caledonia Road (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


This is a case study of a 24 storey block in the Hutchesontown area which located on the south of Glasgow city centre. This 4 units of building was built in 1960s according to the Scottish Special Housing Association design. Refurbishment started in 1992 to improve environmental and security aspects of the building. Major refurbishment take places in 1994 where comprehensive overcladding, construction of plant room and district heating system is done. The tender costs for this project at that time were ÂŁ4,644,590 which equal to ÂŁ33,600 per flat. This project is basically be subjected for a long term so that a depth study can be carried Figure 11: The pedestrian area before improvement (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

out. 1. Starting of Works (Through planning and working on site) The works start with substantial demolition of pedestrian walkways and adjoining building around the base of the block. Demolition waste was recycled and reused as aggregate on site for the base layer of new car parks. Retrofitting of this building also include provision of trees, softs and hard

Figure 12: Distinctive designed entrance and enclosed area of landscaping with pedestrian walkways (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

landscaping. This is to generate a high quality of external environment to the residents. The planting and landscaping were carefully designed and located to reduce the downwind of this tall narrow form of blocks (see Figure 12).


There are also a central concierge building designed for the tower blocks to provide 24 hours security service to the residential area. CCTV cameras were strategically installed and placed so that the sightlines of the camera were not obscured. 2. Achieving Comfort (Through building fabric, indoor air quality and services) Retrofit works that were done to this Caledonia Road flat include installation Figure 13 : Overcladding of tower block and environmental works (Retrofit Scotland 2015)

of 150mm mineral wool as wall insulation, 50mm fibreglass on top of existing 25mm internal roof insulation and floor insulation of 25mm existing insulation below floor. The addition external insulation provided was as part of rain screen to the building with insulated windows to give warmth to the tenants (see Figure 13). Besides, comfort is achieved by the use of district heating that enable choices of fuel usage to the residents. Gas was chosen as the most economical fuel to be used rather than combined heat and power generated from waste. Installation of meters also been done to avoid excessive use of heat by the residents (see Figure 14). Next, to provide background

Figure 14 : Pre-payment card meter to control the quantity of heating to each flat (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

heating to common areas, riser pipe are left uninsulated. The district heating system of this building was designed to serve 552 flats in four multi-storey


blocks, but two of them were demolished for the purpose of plant room provision for centralised gas boiler (see Figure 16). Another retrofit plan of this building to achieve comfort level is by providing sunspaces. The building balconies enclosed area were used as sunspace by using high grade of double glazing timber window clad externally with aluminium. Windows in between the living room and sunspace were also used the same method by providing Figure 15 : Main district heating that feed each of the 4 multi storey (Retrofit Scotland 2015)

two layers of double glazing to the living area (see Figure 18).

3. Community and Management (Engaging residents) Retrofit team and management for this building hold the responsibilities to ensure that everyone in the residential area knew exactly what was happening during the demolition and infrastructure works. This is due to the constant changing access of routes. Thus, a weekly meetings were needed between the Figure 16 : The boiler house (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

contractor, design team, client and tenant representatives.


 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STRATEGY The refurbishment of Caledonia block includes adding insulations into the building such as glass fibre insulation over the existing asphalt flat roof and external rainscreen overcladding by using mineral wool insulation. Next, additional of timber frame double glazing with double glazed fixed light panels and replacing the heating systems are also being done there. The specifications of these works can be seen in Table 7.

Figure 17 : Control equipment in each flat (Retrofit Scotland 2015)

 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT Analysis of the building has been recorded before and after the refurbishment take parts. Table 8 shows the result of two types of flat that achieve the highest and the lowest rates of effectiveness. It can be conclude that Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings before retrofit were hugely improved to excellent figures of more than 50. The annual space and water heating costs can be seen having reduction of 62% for the top floor 1 bed flats while 56% for the mid floor 2 bed flats. There are also reductions in CO2 emissions by 49% at the top floor and 33%

Figure 18 : Enclosed balconies with two layers of double glazing windows to the living room (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

at the mid floor.



Before Retrofit

Flat roof

25mm internal

50mm glass fibre insulation laid externally,


oversheeted with aluminium

In situ concrete

External overcladding fitted, including

frame. External

150mm mineral wool insulation


After Retrofit

walling of 75mm precast concrete panels – cavity (50mm to 250mm) – 100mm block work inner leaf


2mm insulation


below floors




Timber framed

Replacement timber framed windows with

single glazing

double glazing (12mm air gap). Buffer zone conservatories to living room with double glazed windows and triple glazed fixed light panels.

Ventilation Mechanical extract to bathroom and

Trickle vents installed to window heads. Windows and doors draught stripped



Hot water

On-peak electric

Gas fired central heating with one room

fires. Off-peak

thermostat per flat. On-peak electric fires in

storage heaters

some flats

110litre hot water

125 litre hot water cylinder (pre-insulated

cylinder with

with 25mm rigid foam lagging)

25mm thick insulation jacket. Table 7 : Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)



Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings Annual space and water heating cost CO2 emissions (tonnes/year)

Top Floor Mid

Mid Floor Gable 2

Block 1 Bed Flat

Bed Flat

















Table 8: Estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)



: Spire View Housing Association


: Assist Architects

Type of retrofit

: Rehabilitation, tenement flats, 4 storey

Property type

: Flat

Number of units : Phase 1 – 45 units Phase 2 – 56 units



Date of construction : 1960s Date of retrofit

: Phase 1 – 1991 Phase 2 – 1992 Phase 3 – 1994

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Works cost





Unit cost





SAP rating

: 85 and above


: 0.20 Wm2C roof 0.42 Wm2C walls

Figure 19: James Nisbet Street dwellings (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

Fuel costs

: £7.75 per week


The dwellings was built by Glasgow City Council in the 1960s. The three blocks of 4 storey housing is designed following the standard of council. It has 200 tenement dwellings entered by seven closes (common stairways) and the housing located at the north of the city centre. The refurbishment take place in 1991 with the cost of £1,818,000 which equivalent to £32,400 per unit. 1. Starting of Works (Through planning and working on site) The objective of retrofitting was to provide James Nisbet Street housing area a wide mix of warm and easy to heat house. Thus, integration of existing building with sustainable architecture and community architecture was planned for retrofit programme to this area. The building was recycled, some of the structures were demolished to imply new concept to the residential. However, the original buildings were as much being retained but converted to meet the tenant’s needs. Landscaping area were designed to give wind and Figure 20 : Private garden to provide good landscaping and shelter for the residents (Retrofit Scotland 2015)

draught protection to the site. Trees and planting reinforced by fence and low walls are provided around the site. Less hard surface on ground level is used to minimise run off and so to reduce the drainage requirement.


2. Achieving Comfort (Through building fabric, indoor air quality and services) The rehabilitation of the James Nisbet Street housing area is to exploit passive solar as much as it can. During phase 1 and phase 2, north facing windows were reduced to save heat loss. Then, in phase 2 and phase 3, sunspaces were Figure 21 : The flats before refurbishment (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

created to the flats (see Figure 22). 1200mm deep south and west facing balconies were glazed to create thermal buffer zone to the house. They are aimed to vent the living area and pre-warm air that enters the buildings. Humidistat fans were installed in the north facing spaces for services. During these phases, condensed boiler were also installed. Overcladding insulation, 500mm rockwool wall insulation and 150mm glass fibre loft insulation were added to the building to prevent cold bringing.

3. Community and Management (Engaging residents) Figure 22 : The flats after retrofit showing infilled balconies to create solar sunspaces that offers a ‘thermal buffer’ zone to the flats (Retrofit Scotland 2015)

A close relationship between existing tenants and retrofit teams were create throughout the programme. This give a sense of owning the area to the residents. Social survey were done to acknowledge residents choices,


requirements and aspirations. A strong committee members consist of the tenants and the design team were create to have fortnightly meetings to present progressed design. Architects individually interviewed every household and gave consultation by using models and plans to offer to the residents. The choices include; gas or electric heating, position of radiators and electric wall sockets, layout and colour of kitchen and other spaces, wall finishes, variation on sunspaces, dining area and kitchen area, etc. These method resulted satisfaction to the home owners after the project were finished.

 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STRATEGY The construction of this building has external brick-cavity-brick walls, concrete beam and block floors and pitched roofs. Electric heating was also been used to its under-floor. The refurbishment of James Nisbet Street dwellings include adding insulations into the building such as glass fibre loft and external overcladding system. Next, replacement of timber frame double glazing and extract fans in kitchen and bathroom is done. Retrofit takes place as well by making this building fully gas-fixed central heating. The specifications of these works can be seen in Table 9.









150mm glass fibre loft insulation between joists


Render – 103mm

External glass fibre / acrylic overcladding


Brick – 50 mm

system incorporating 60 mm mineral wool

Cavity (unfilled) –

insulation. Overcladding taken to ground

103mm brick


Single glazing

Timber framed double glazing (12mm air


gap) and draught stripping

Ventilation Uncontrolled

Mechanical extract fans (with humidistat controls) in bathroom and kitchen

Table 9 : Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)



Gas and electric

Gas fired central heating with condensing


combination boiler (balanced flue), programmer, room thermostat and TRVs

Hot water

Electric immersion

Front condensing combination boiler



Cont. Table 9: Energy efficiency specification (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)

Top Floor 2 Bed

First Floor 1 Bed

Mid Flat

Gable Flat


Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings Annual space and water heating cost CO2 emissions (tonnes/year)

















Table 10: Estimated ratings, energy costs and carbon emissions before and after retrofit (Retrofit Scotland, 2015)


 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT Analysis of the building has been recorded before and after the refurbishment take parts. Table 10 shows the result of two types of flat that achieve the highest and the lowest rates of effectiveness. It can be conclude that Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings before retrofit were hugely improved to excellent figures of 85 and above. Plus, the annual space and water heating costs can be seen having reduction of 87% for the top floor flats while 84% for the first floor flats. There are also reductions in CO2 emissions by 66% at the top floor and 52% at the first floor.


DISCUSSION OF CASE STUDIES By examining all the case studies used above, it is proven that deep energy can reduce carbon emissions in residential building drastically. The case studies were chosen primarily within local authorities and housing association. Retrofitting RESERCH FINDINGS certainly provide an effective way to reach the targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions especially in improving energy efficiency standards. Technologies and approaches to the procument process are shown to lead the successful of retrofit projects using low cost investment. A range of construction methods were used to install fabric insulations and to minimise air leakage through the fabric. After retrofitting, a well-insulated house can be achieved where energy use is lesser. The retrofit approaches show the feasibility of addressing environmental issue in the case study such as recycling construction waste, using sustainable materials and specifying water saving features.


Case Study

Merkins Avenue, Bellsmyre, Dumbarton

Aberdalgie Road, Blairtummock Housing, Glasgow

Caledonia Road, Hutchesontown, Glasgow

James Nisbet Street, Roystonhill, Glasgow

Retrofit Approaches

Total Investment

Percentage of Energy Reduction (annually)

Payback Periods

      

Tenement refurbishment External cladding Balcony enclosure Double glazing Gas central heating Community regeneration Tenant consultation



20 – 35 years

    

Fabric improvement Insulations Overcladding Heating system Economic savings



15 – 20 years

      

External insulation District heating Sunspaces Recycling demolition waste Tree provision Soft and hard landscaping Concierge system and security measures



40 – 75 years

    

Balcony sunspaces Reduced north windows Condensing boilers Overcladding Tenant choice and participation



10 -15 years

Table 11: Retrofit case studies summary


Table 11 above show how total cost and percentage of cost energy reduction can be vary between each case study. This is because, not all of the case studies revealed the same type and approach of retrofitting. However, it can be concluded that more energy reduction, can give shorter payback periods to the retrofit building. Thus, the case studies presented show that deep energy retrofits can be cost effective and cost intensive at different approaches. However, it is better to invest as a whole rather to reduce carbon emissions than having our environment sicken.

BENEFITS OF DEEP ENERGY RETROFIT Deep energy retrofits give benefits to older and historic properties. They will provide both energy efficiency and moisture management in design considerations. Not only having good and latest technology slot into the old buildings, new concept and design can resulted these building to be more alive and updated. Having to achieve comfort in our house means everything to all of us since people won’t need to buy a new homes and try to adapt to the new

environment. For the tenant to achieve their comfort level and high quality of space, retrofit may help in terms of the natural light, natural ventilation, noise and also air quality. Technologies and techniques in applying deep energy retrofit in a home means to reduce energy consumption. Having plans to maintain or improve durability, comfort and indoor air quality need to have strong personal interest and knowledge of energy consumption in residential buildings. That is why consultants and other retrofit teams are responsible to make sure clients, home owners and other residents really understand how the system works in a building so that they can have initiatives to control energy usage in their house. The obvious benefit of building retrofitting is it reduce carbon emissions. This is certainly because retrofitted building need less energy to works out the building. Prove can be shown from the case studies above where carbon reduction of 30% to 60% is achieved from the buildings. James Nisbet Street flats achieved the higher carbon reduction of 52% to 66%.


Furthermore, retrofit is said to be very economical. The operating costs is much lower as the energy bills will certainly drop down. Since less energy will consumed in the buildings, it is good for investments and markets as a retrofitted building usually meets or sometimes exceeds the expectations of comfort. It is also said to save the cost for energy infrastructure because there will be no more upgrading works to be done for the electrical infrastructure. Cost energy reduction can certainly be achieved up to 90% less depend on multiple factors including age, building size, usage, climate condition and existing building conditions. In the case of James Nisbet Street, it achieved the most reduction in annual cost of energy usage that is by 82% to 97%. This give the building a shorter periods of payback for the retrofit programme. Next, we can see how retrofit actually offers building to be greener, environmental and sustainable. It is proved that retrofitted buildings use less energy, thus it emits less greenhouse gas. It also uses more sustainable construction materials that improve waste management and water efficiency. There will also improvements in terms of indoor quality of a building. So, these will really help when what we want to do is save the natural environment. The global issues can be helped if we stick on the retrofit plans.


GROWTH OPPORTUNITY FOR ARCHITECTS Deep energy retrofits markets are the greatest opportunity for architects since the need of design centred expertise is required to upgrade old buildings. It was stated by Rab Bennetts, director and co-founder of Bennethts Associates, “It is no doubt that reworking existing building is highly rewarding and responsible area of work for architects.” Since there are up to 72% of building stocks more “Deep energy retrofits are not

than 20 years old, it is architects responsibilities to hold the jobs of renovations,

only more effective in cutting

retrofitting and refurbish the building. Furthermore, we need to admit that there

energy use and saving building

is a bit of downturn in new construction, thus involving in retrofit projects

owners money, they also have the potential to be a new and

could be the next struggling market for the architects.

robust source of business for architects.”

There are a few points why architects is the most suitable to fill this role especially by training and experience. Firstly, architects have experience

Deep Energy Retrofits: An

coordinating a team of professionals and make sure the projects achieve their

Emerging Opportunity (An

goals and according to the design given. Architects also are well-practiced in

Architect’s Guide to the Energy

expressing client’s needs and ideas. Other than that, architects have advantage

Retrofit Market), 2013 in expressing technical ideas and to explain back to the client so that they


understand and acknowledge retrofit process. The last point of why architects should be the one handling retrofit projects is that they familiar with system upgrading and replacement. Therefore, there is no doubt that architect can handle retrofit projects. Retrofit architects are responsible to design buildings that use latest technology to reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions to avoid environmental impact. They also need to plan for a greener and sustainable approach to be implied in the old and historic buildings. To achieve these targets, architects need to be creative and have as much knowledge about technologies and modern appliances. They need to understand in details how building systems works so that they can produce design that are environmentally sound. For examples, installing solar panel to utilise natural light, to recycle existing construction waste to be used as concrete based, to use genuine natural water based paints and stains so that it will have low toxicity and many more. Furthermore, retrofitting existing buildings also require architect to prioritise plans and designs that are cost-effective. This can be done by doing cost-benefit analyses and then making recommendations for


removing any energy-inefficient electronic usage. As done in the case studies above, improving insulation, changing facets and fixtures that are less energy consuming, increase efficiency of electrical appliances and many more. Retrofit architect may also give recommendation of natural gas-powered climate controls or the placement of solar panels when able. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) have published a guide for architects on deep energy retrofits. Although the author’s point of view is retrofit business shall benefits architects, it is also said that stepping into this role might be difficult and challenging at first. This is because they will expose to new skills and unfamiliar methods. They also have to adapt with the restrictions of the existing building. Compare to build a new house, designing retrofit project limit the innovations of architects ideas. Thus, it is recommended to team up with other consultants such as engineers and building managers along with contractors and house owners.


The role of architects is to really understand and have studies on the environment, which is to know how the living systems function together and make them to work as it is. Architects should acknowledge the importance of natural environment rather than demolishing it to become part of built environment. Well, it is the built environment that should become parts of the natural environment, not the environment having to CONCLUSION

force in adapting with the architecture produced. Thus, the sustainable standards are important to make sure the operational of a building is decarbonised and low energy to give less impact to the environments. Designing new homes that are greener might have people to invest more and is more costly rather that improvise existing buildings. Architects usually see old and heritage buildings as conservations, refurbishment and adaptive use but handling retrofit should be one of the choice too since it is more sustainable to the architecture industry. As mentioned by Sunand Prasad in Green Futures Magazine (2011), retrofit isn’t just about reducing carbon emissions and having energy efficiency building, but wellbeing of the people in the building matters too. Thus, it is important for all people to recognize this programme, but not only for architects. By having knowledge about energy consuming, people or users can control the usage of energy in their daily life.


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