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HARVEST 2021-2022

HARVEST 2021-2022

Since the 2000s, the pecan nut has become known all over the world, conquering markets where it was totally unknown, being called the new Super food. This has generated an accelerated increase in demand; Something unsustainable for its supply, because the trees do not offer us immediate production. Farmers were doubtful to invest in those trees in the early 2000s, but in 2010-2011 many appreciable Mexican entrepreneurs began investing in turning their livestock or forage farms into walnut farms.


Every year new walnut farms starts producing, but it’s not enough to satisfy each demand. Every year more people invest in new plantations, but it will not be until 10 years later, it begins to give results.

The market grows linearly, the farms also do it, but in less volume.

Let's add to this that walnut trees have a great peculiarity, they are alternating trees. Which means: One year they produce a lot of fruit and the next year they rest and produce little amount of fruit.

In the stage of quick fruit development (which happens when high temperatures reach the ground and in the middle of summer) the tree works quickly to fill its fruits, at the same time it’s forming flower buds for the next cycle (buds that will be the flowers of our next cycle).

If the tree has a lot of nuts in the current year, it will neglect the buds of the following year a bit. Instead, if it has few nuts, it will pay more attention to forming its yolks, generating an inevitable alternation. Of course, with better technical management of the walnut farm we can reduce this alternation and almost come close to disappearing it, situation that could affect us nowadays. In previous years we lived a severe drought, that’s why the trees are stressed, they have released many of their nuts in mid-summer, reason why the 2021th harvest is a bit weak this year and we are noticing it in the Sonora Area, where they have begun to harvest and the prices today are high.

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