1 minute read


There are different methods to evaluate the quality of a walnut or a batch of walnuts, the best known are by number of pieces, kilo or pound. The other is calculating the amount of walnut kernel with respect to the total weight of the piece in percentage.

In the European and Asian market the quantity of walnuts per kilogram is more important. This is, because for them the size of the pieces is more valuable than the flavor or the concentration of oils.


On the other hand, in the Mexican or US market, the percentage of walnut is based on their total weight.

Their prices vary on this, for example: How to obtain the quality and price per point.

Our buyer will show us a tab similar to this:

Let’s pretend we take a sample of walnut in shell and by removing all the fruit we obtain: 300g

Total sample 300g.

Fruit weight 177g. Shell weight 123g.

177 / 300 = 0.59% Quality

Quality = 59 %

We took the price of $5 USD per point x(1000). = 11.01 x( % .59)= $6.49 5

Evaluated lot price

454 - pound

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