link er et læreverk i engelsk for hele barnetrinnet. Verket er et friskt pust i engelskundervisningen og vektlegger felles, flerfaglige aktiviteter og dybdelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følger fem gjennomgangsfigurer, fra 1. til 7. klasse. link bygger på oppdaterte læreplaner og tar elevene på alvor i en ny hverdag.
3 Textbook
Engelsk for barnetrinnet Bokmål
• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse setter engelskfaget i en global sammenheng. • Engelskspråklige tekster gir bakteppe for nye perspektiver. • Lese- og skrivestrategier lar elevene jobbe aktivt med innhold. • Oppgaver med vekt på utforsking utvikler elevenes evne til refleksjon. • Elevene jobber med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og dybdelæring gir sammenheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir et godt grunnlag for videre arbeid med faget.
• link 3 Textbook
Komponenter på 3. trinn • link 3 Workbook • link 3 Teacher’s Guide • link 1–4 Flashcards Digitale ressurser for elev og lærer. Alle bøker er tilgjengelige i digital utgave, som d-bok. Les mer om verket på www.fagbokforlaget.no
Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland, Helene Szikszay
Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay
3 Textbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet BokmĂĽl
2 Copyright © 2020 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 1. utgave / 2. opplag 2020 ISBN: 978-82-11-03243-0 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen Layout og omslagsdesign: Mari Oshaug Omslagsillustrasjon: Cecilie Ellefsen Hovedillustratør: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjoner på s. 25, 48–53, 57, 61 (egg), 63, 66 (poster), 79: Paulina Mingiacchi Spørsmål om denne boken kan rettes til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 e-post: fagbokforlaget@fagbokforlaget.no www.fagbokforlaget.no Materialet er vernet etter åndsverkloven. Uten uttrykkelig samtykke er eksemplarfremstilling bare tillatt når det er hjemlet i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.
Engelsk knytter oss sammen! Språk læres gjennom aktivitet. I link hører, leser og snakker elevene engelsk sammen med de fem gjennomgangsfigurene Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid bygger de opp begrepsstrukturer og kognitive mønstre fra begynneropplæringen til mellomtrinnet. Med et vell av muntlige og skriftlige aktiviteter samler de kunnskap og øver opp evnen til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre. Engelskfaget henger sammen med de andre fagene i skolen, med lese- og skriveopplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekker fram sammenhenger, bygger på det som er kjent, og legger til rette for oversikt og dybdelæring.
link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir merverdi, og utnytter til fulle den knappe tiden som engelskfaget har til rådighet. I link er vi opptatt av interkulturell kompetanse og det å være nysgjerrig på verden rundt oss. Vi øver evnen til å ta ulike perspektiver. Det starter med hver enkelt, med det kjente og nære. I en verden i endring legger vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knytter oss sammen. Det engelske språket er et nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståelse og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgerskap. Velkommen innenfor! Hilsen forfatterne
Innhold 1 Time to play! ........................................................................ 4 2 Finding the way ..................................................................10 3 Doing my part ....................................................................20 4 My home.............................................................................28 5 Lunchtime ...........................................................................38 6 Fairy tales and folktales .....................................................46 7 Happy Easter! .....................................................................58 8 Friendship forever ...............................................................64
Time to play!
skipping rope jumping rope
Jena and Jonathan are playing tag.
swing football soccer
Mercy is drawing with chalk.
What do you like to do after school? Jonathan likes to read.
playing video games
playing handball
cycling biking
I can sing a rhyme.
I can guess the meaning of words I don’t know.
I can write what I like to do and play.
I can play a game from a different country.
Skip Rope Rhyme Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn around!
Cinderella Dressed in yellow Went upstairs To kiss her fellow.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch the ground! Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Walk upstairs, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Say your prayers. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn off the light, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Say good-night!
By mistake She kissed a snake How many doctors Did it take? 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
After school Aryan, Mercy, and James are trying to decide what to do after school. James wants to cycle to the lake to go swimming. Aryan wants to play football. Mercy wants to play in the garden. How will they decide?
James: We played football in playtime, Aryan. Can we do something else after school? Aryan: Sure. We can cycle to the lake. Is that OK with you, Mercy? Mercy is unsure. She doesn’t know how to swim. Her friends don’t know that. Mercy: Aryan: Mercy: James: Mercy:
OK. We can cycle to the lake, but I won’t swim. Why? It’s a hot day. Are you scared? No, I just don’t want to. That’s OK, but come to the lake anyway. OK.
James, Mercy, and Aryan cycle to the lake. James and Aryan change into their swimming trunks. James jumps into the lake. Mercy: It's hot. Maybe I’ll dip my toes in the water. Aryan comes up behind Mercy and pushes her into the water. Mercy: Aaaah! Help! I can’t swim. Aryan: Oh, Mercy. Are you OK? I’m really sorry. I should have asked you why you didn’t want to swim instead of trying to force you. I won’t do it again.
doesn’t = does not don’t = do not won’t = will not it’s = it is that’s = that is I’ll = I will can’t = can not = cannot I’m = I am didn’t = did not
Clapping games Double, Double Double, double, this, this. Double, double, that, that. Double this, double that. Double, double, this, that. (Try some compound words – ice cream, football, fireworks, sunflower, baseball.) Double, double, ice, ice. Double, double, cream, cream. Double ice, double cream. Double, double, ice cream.
Duck Duck Grey Duck 1 Children sit in a circle. 2 One child is on the outside and starts the game. He walks around the ring, tapping each child on the shoulder, and naming them: duck, duck, duck, … In most places in the 3 He chooses one and names that person USA, this game is called “grey duck”. Then he immediately runs around Duck Duck Goose. In the circle to get back to the same spot and sit there. Minnesota, they call it 4 The child who was named “grey duck” chases Duck Duck Grey Duck. the other child trying to catch him before he sits down in the “grey duck's” spot. Do you know of a Norwegian game that Challenge: Try using other colours has different names? – green duck, blue duck, red duck, … Ask an adult! grey duck is still the one who is “it”.
2 Finding the way
Yellow. Four green. Blue. Three green.
Turn to the left. Go four steps straight ahead. Turn to the right. Go three steps straight ahead.
Can you ask for directions? Can you tell me the way, please?
Go straight ahead
Go back 11
Turn left
I can give directions.
I can read a map.
Turn right
I can write a field trip log.
I know how to behave on a field trip.
Visiting Grandma
Jonathan: Mum: Jonathan: Mum: Jonathan: Mum:
Mum, can we visit Grandma? Oh, I’m busy now, so I can’t go. But I really want to visit Grandma! Do you want to visit Grandma alone? Yes! Oh, but I don’t know the way. It is easy. You go straight ahead to the playground. Then you go right until you see the yellow house. Then, by the yellow house you go left and then left again at the next street. OK? Jonathan: No. I didn’t understand that. Mum: I can draw you a map. Do you know how to read a map? Jonathan: Yes, I do. I love maps. It will be like finding a treasure from a pirate’s map. Mum: Ha, ha. Yes, almost. Grandma: Jonathan: Grandma: Jonathan: Grandma: Jonathan:
Hello Jonathan! So nice to see you! Hello, Grandma. Are you here alone? Yes, I am. But how did you find the way? Mum drew me a map. Look!
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Chorus: We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We’re not scared.
1 Uh-uh! Grass! Long wavy grass. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ve got to go through it! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
over = over under = under through = gjennom
2 Uh-uh! A river! A deep cold river. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ve got to go through it! Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
Text © 1989 Michael Rosen Illustrations © 1989 Helen Oxenbury From WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT written by Michael Rosen & illustrated by Helen Oxenbury Reproduced by permission of Walker Books Ltd, London SE11 5HJ www.walker.co.uk
Can you help me, please? Jonathan is going to the baker’s to buy a cake for his mother’s birthday party. After walking for a few minutes, he realises he has forgotten where the baker’s is. He is lost! Jonathan needs to ask someone for directions.
Jonathan: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the baker’s, please? Man: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not from here. Jonathan: OK. Thank you anyway.
Jonathan is beginning to get frustrated. How is he going to find his way to the baker’s? A young man comes along. Jonathan decides to ask for directions one more time.
Jonathan: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the baker’s, please? Woman: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m new in town so I don’t know the streets. Jonathan: OK. Thank you anyway.
Jonathan: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the baker’s, please? Man: Yes. You have to go down that road and then to the left. The baker’s is across the street from the grocery store. Jonathan: Thank you! Man: You’re welcome. Jonathan follows the directions from the man. He finds the baker’s and gets the cake for his mother’s birthday.
Field trip
Teacher: We’re going on a field trip tomorrow. James: Yes! Teacher: We’re going to the forest to see lizards, insects, and spiders. James: I love lizards! Aryan: I’m afraid of spiders. Thea: Are we going to ride a bus? Teacher: Yes, we are, Thea. Do you all remember how to behave on a bus? Jonathan: Yes, we must speak in a quiet voice. Mercy: We must sit still and not disturb the driver. James: Can I take a lizard home with me? Teacher: No, you can’t, James. What else do we have to remember when we are on a field trip? Aryan: We must listen to the teacher all the time. Thea: We must pick up our rubbish. Mercy: We must not walk away from the teacher. Teacher: Wow, you know so much! I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. rubbish
Let’s sing! We are Going on a Field Trip! Melody: She’ll Be Coming ’Round the Mountain
Try to march while you are singing!
Try to sing with “I am” instead of “we are”!
She is going on a field trip, yes she is!
We are going on a field trip, yes we are! We are going on a field trip, yes we are! We are going on a field trip, We are going on a field trip, We are going on a field trip, yes we are! We are going to the forest, yes we are! We are going to the forest, yes we are! We are going to the forest, We are going to the forest, We are going to the forest, yes we are! We are going to see some lizards, yes we are! We are going to see some lizards, yes we are! We are going to see some lizards, We are going to see some lizards, We are going to see some lizards, yes we are! We are going to see some insects, yes we are! We are going to see some spiders, yes we are! We are going to see some squirrels, We are going to see some flowers, We are going to see some mushrooms, yes we are!
In the forest
Teacher: Here we are! Let’s explore the forest together. James: Wow, there’s a lizard under this leaf! Thea: Let me have a look. Hey, that’s cool! let’s = let us James: Teacher, can I take the lizard home with me? there’s = there is Teacher: No, you can’t, James! that’s = that is Mercy: Look at that spider on the stick! Aryan: No, I don’t want to. I’m afraid of spiders! you’re = you are Jonathan: Look! There’s another spider next to the root! Mercy: No, that’s not a spider, that’s an insect. Jonathan: How do you know that? Mercy: Because spiders have eight legs, and insects have only six legs. Teacher: You’re right, Mercy!
My field trip log Name:
The forest
15th September
It was sunny
It was cloudy
It was raining
It was snowing
It was foggy
It was windy
Make a list of things you saw:
Write a sentence about something you learned:
1 spiders
I’ve learned that spiders have eight legs, and that insects have six legs.
2 insects 3 flowers 4 lizards 5 squirrels
Write about your favourite part of the day:
Lunch with Aryan and Thea
What did you eat for lunch?
Ham and cheese sandwich and biscuits
link er et læreverk i engelsk for hele barnetrinnet. Verket er et friskt pust i engelskundervisningen og vektlegger felles, flerfaglige aktiviteter og dybdelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følger fem gjennomgangsfigurer, fra 1. til 7. klasse. link bygger på oppdaterte læreplaner og tar elevene på alvor i en ny hverdag.
3 Textbook
Engelsk for barnetrinnet Bokmål
• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse setter engelskfaget i en global sammenheng. • Engelskspråklige tekster gir bakteppe for nye perspektiver. • Lese- og skrivestrategier lar elevene jobbe aktivt med innhold. • Oppgaver med vekt på utforsking utvikler elevenes evne til refleksjon. • Elevene jobber med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og dybdelæring gir sammenheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir et godt grunnlag for videre arbeid med faget.
• link 3 Textbook
Komponenter på 3. trinn • link 3 Workbook • link 3 Teacher’s Guide • link 1–4 Flashcards Digitale ressurser for elev og lærer. Alle bøker er tilgjengelige i digital utgave, som d-bok. Les mer om verket på www.fagbokforlaget.no
Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland, Helene Szikszay