VB Rights Catalogue 2018

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Vigmostad & Bjørke is an up and coming publishing house of Norwegian and translated fiction, crime, documentary and non-fiction. Vigmostad & Bjørke, together with it’s imprint Ena, is also one of the leading publishers of children’s books in Norway. Our offices are in Oslo and Bergen. Postal and visiting address, Bergen: Kanalveien 51, 5068 Bergen Norway Postal and visiting address, Oslo: St. Olavsgate 12, 0165 Oslo Norway Phone: +47 55 38 88 00 ordre@vigmostadbjorke.no vigmostadbjorke.no Facebook.com/VigmostadBjorke Twitter: @VBforlaget Instagram: @VBforlaget



Catching Thunder by Eskil Engdal and Kjetil Sæter

The Story of the World's Longest Sea Chase The infamous pirate ship Thunder is chased across several oceans in a real life thriller. This book is a report from an unknown world of profit and crime at sea. For years, Thunder was blacklisted and on the run for extensive poaching. The Norwegian Minister of Fishing and Coastal Affairs searched all over the world for the ship. But no one knew where it was. Then one day, Thunder comes gliding out of the Southern Ocean fog, right in front of the captain of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society campaign boat. Thunder is clearly heavy, carrying a major haul. Captain Peter Hammerstedt (30) on board the Sea Shepherd ship reports its position to the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Interpol. Then he decides to place the ship under arrest. But soon, Thunder speeds away between the glaciers. Petter Hammerstedt gives chase immediately. Meanwhile, an intense hunt begins for the owner of the ship – the Don Corleone of the pirate mafia.

“Engdal and Saeter are to journalism what Jagger and Richards are to rock and roll — sexy, irreverent and brilliant.” Luke Harding, Guardian journalist and author of The Snowden Files.

RIGHTS OWNER: Kontext Agency

RIGHTS SOLD: Australia / New Zealand (Scribe Publications), Finland, Germany (Campus Verlag), The Netherlands (Ambo Anthos), South Africa (Tafelberg), Sweden (Offside Press), UK + US (Zed Books)

Eskil Engdal has worked for the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv for over 20 years. He won the prestigious SKUP award in 2001, the International Reporter’s Journalism Award in 2012, and Gullpennen (The Golden Pen) in 2013.

PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Jakten på Thunder PAGES: 340

Kjetil Sæter has worked as a journalist for Aftenposten and Finansavisen; he currently works for Dagens Næringsliv. He has won the SKUP award (2011) and two SKUP diplomas (2007 and 2010) for his work. He won the Shibsted Journalism Award in 2008.



The Way Through The Woods: Of Mushrooms and Mourning by Long Litt Woon “It felt as if someone had slammed me with a huge sledgehammer… Just a few hours ago we were a married couple… Now Eiolf was at the A&E ward at Ullevål Hospital. Dead and cold.” This is a story about a journey that started abruptly when the author’s life collapsed. In the midst of paralyzing grief, she stumbles upon the wondrous world of mushrooms. In the process, she befriends the Mushroom Pickers, a tribe with their own unspoken rules and rites of passage. As she sets out on a voyage of discovery into the realm of fungi, she ventures along a parallel journey through an inner landscape of pain and sorrow.

“This is one of the most surprising and original books I have read in a long time – so much to learn and reflect on the human condition and about a natural phenomenon.” Knut Olav Åmås (Norwegian critic, commentator and writer) “It is poetic, warm and moving, and steeped in life wisdom.” Sissel Gran

Long Litt Woon (born 1958 in Malaysia) is an Anthropologist and certified Mushroom Expert in Norway. She went to Norway in her youth as an exchange student. There she met and later married a Norwegian, Eiolf Olsen, and made Norway her home. She currently lives in Oslo, Norway. The author’s surname is Long in accordance to Chinese naming tradition.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency

RIGHTS SOLD: Denmark (Don Max), Germany (btb, Randomhouse), Italiy

(Iperborea), The Netherlands (AW Bruna), Sweden (Polaris) World – English (Scribe Publishing House), Spanish (Maeva) French (Gaïa Éditions) Catalan (Ara llibres), Finland (Nemo Kustannus), Japan (Misuzu Shobo), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), US (Spiegel & Grau Penguin Randomhouse US)

PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Stien tilbake til livet. Om sopp og sorg. PAGES: 297



Finding Places The Search for the Brain's GPS by Unni Eikeseth How are humans and animals able to navigate? And why are nearly all of our memories connected to places?


In 2003, brain scientists Edvard and May-Britt Moser made a sensational discovery at a lab in Trondheim, Norway, which changed everything we thought we knew about animals’ and people’s sense of direction. Finding Places follows these two Norwegian scientists on their journey from young students who didn’t know what they wanted to pursue in life to acclaimed researchers receiving the world’s most prestigious scientific award: The Nobel Prize in medicine.



“... gives us a grounded and conscientious portrait

of how the Moser researchers came to solve one of science’s big mysteries through years of hard, focused work – a mystery that’s been contemplated by authors and philosophers for generations.” Arne Dvergsdal, Dagbladet


Unni Eikeseth (b. 1974) is a chemist, and a former science journalist and presenter for the Norwegian broadcaster NRK. She has written several popular science books for both children and adults, such as Norwegian Researching Feats (2016). She works at the Department of Teacher Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and is passionate about spreading knowledge through fascinating stories about science.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency RIGHTS SOLD: Poland (Jagiellonian University Press) PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Jakten på stedsansen PAGES: 204



Fit and Happy with a Sensitive Stomach

A Complete Diet and Management Guide by Cecilie Hauge Ågotnes and Mari Eskerud An increasing number of people are experiencing stomach problems and irritable bowels. This is the first Sliter du, som én av ti nordmenn, med sensitiv mage? Mange savner god informasjon fra fagpersoner om hvordan de skal takle hverdagen. I denne boken kan du få Norwegian book to cover the intestinal system, IBS, and kunnskap om alle aspekter rundt kosthold og livsstil med en sensitiv mage, eller IBS. the Low FODMAP diet in a simple, transparent, yet • LavFODMAP-dietten forklart i detalj, på en enkel og forståelig måte • Kostholdsråd basert på den nyeste forskningen evidence-based way. It’s a broad guide to managing • Veiledning i å kombinere lavFODMAP med andre kostholdshensyn your condition, asavwell as a diet and cookbook adapted • Praktiske tips for gjennomføring lavFODMAP-dietten • Råd om mestring av hverdagen med IBS og kronisk sykdom, bl.a i forhold to different dietary needs. til angst, venner, familie, sex og samliv • Matoppskrifter som passer ditt liv

Cecilie Hauge Ågotnes Mari Borge Eskerud

Cecilie Hauge Ågotnes er forfatter, pasient og

• The Low FODMAP diet explained in detail, but in a comprehensive and easy accessible way. • Dietary advice, based on the latest research in the field. • Guidance on how to combine the Low FODMAP diet with other dietary restrictions. • Advice on mastering everyday ,!7II2E1-jbfgfj! life with IBS og chronical disease, focusing on anxiety, friends, family and sex. • Recipes you can easily adjust to fit your lifestyle. foredragsholder. Hun har skrevet tre bøker basert

på lavFODMAP-dietten og holder foredrag ved flere norske sykehus. Cecilie mener det er viktig å bryte tabuer omkring mageplager, psykiske lidelser og kronisk sykdom.


Mari Borge Eskerud er utdannet klinisk ernærings-

fysiolog og har jobbet med IBS og lavFODMAP-dietten

Sunn og frisk med sensitiv mage


En fullstendig guide til kosthold og mestring

ved Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus. Hun er også

sertifisert i lavFODMAP-dietten av Monash University. Mari brenner for kunnskapsbasert behandling av IBS og har et stort engasjement for pasientene sine.

ISBN 978-82-419-1565-9

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Sunn og frisk med sensitiv mage PAGES: 262

Cecilie Hauge Ågotnes is a blogger and public speaker, who has written several books about irritable bowels and the Low FODMAP diet. Her co-writer is certified clinical nutritional physiologist Mari Eskerud. Both suffer from IBS.

Irritabel tarm-syndrom (IBS)

KORT INNFØRING I FORDØYELSESSYSTEMET Tarmsystemet er et organsystem ikke alle kjenner så godt. Derfor kan et lite innblikk i hvordan det er bygget opp, være nyttig. Fordøyelseskanalen går fra munnen til endetarmen, og er faktisk en «åpen» kanal gjennom kroppen vår. Maten vi spiser, bearbeides ved mekanisk elting og enzymatisk nedbrytning, før den absorberes og fraktes rundt i kroppen. Tarmsystemet har også sitt eget nervesystem, det enteriske nervesystemet, som regulerer fordøyelsen uten at vi er oss det bevisst. Tarmen produserer også en rekke ulike hormoner som styrer alt fra sult og metthetsfølelse til utskillelse av fordøyelsesenzymer. Fordøyelsen starter allerede i munnen, ved at maten tygges og finfordeles. I tillegg er det fordøyelsesenzymer i spyttet vårt som starter nedbrytningen av karbohydrater. Så svelges maten ned gjennom spiserøret til magesekken. Magesekken gjør grovarbeidet med å elte maten og blande inn magesyre, som er viktig for å starte nedbrytningen av proteiner og drepe bakterier som kan følge med maten. Magesekken fungerer også som et reservoar som sender maten kontrollert videre til tynntarmen i passelige porsjoner. På veien kommer det inn galle fra leveren som bidrar til nedbrytning av fett og fordøyelsesenzymer, samt bikarbonat til å nøytralisere magesyren fra bukspyttkjertelen. Det meste av næringsstoffnedbrytningen og -absorpsjonen skjer i tynntarmen ved hjelp av bukspyttkjertelenzymer og enzymer som

· 15 ·



Land of Oceans

The story of the seas that shaped Norway by Per Anders Todal

Norway’s maritime areas are six times as large as its land territory, and the sea has sustained human life here in the north since the Stone Age. And yet most of our seas are unknown to the majority of people. This book is an exploration of invisible Norway that reveals the diverse landscapes beneath the surface of the water. Every part of the sea has its own history and every ocean area has helped create the conditions that make human life in Norway possible. Land of Oceans weaves together natural science, history, mythology and salty sagas to create a rich and expansive account of Norway and the sea.

“Fabulous deep dive … This book has a drive, and so much life. This, combined with knowledge, insight and a profound love for the sea, is what makes the book a pure joy to read.” Dag O. Hessen (Klassekampen) “One of the most well written descriptions of the Skagerrak coast I have ever read, and all the other sea territories are just as exciting to read about.” Jo van der Eynden (Fædrelandsvennen). – Six out of six stars.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

Bergens Tidende – six out of six stars.


“An impressive piece of work! Exciting, well written and well documented – the land of sea is really done justice to.” Roy Jacobsen

Per Anders Todal (b. 1968) is a reporter and writer. He studied at the University of Bergen and University of California, Berkeley. His last book was highly acclaimed by critics.



Norwegian tapas. From San Sebastian to Lofoten by Helena Neraal

helena neraal

Chef Helena Neraal gets her inspiration from all over the world. In her tapas cookbooks, she makes new twists to the classic tapas, mixing the traditional recipes and dishes with Norwegian ingredients and cooking traditions.

Lær deg hvordan du enkelt kan trylle fram unike, enkle og lekre tapasretter!

I denne boken får du over 60 oppskrifter på alt

fra gratinerte østers, røkte blåskjell og hurtigstekt tunfisk til osso buco, lammecarré og elg-

carpaccio. Innbydende og smaksrike retter som gir deg inspirasjon og matglede!

Helena Neraal er født i Gøteborg og driver det

Hun er svensk mester i håndball og utdannet siviløkonom fra Handelshøyskolen BI. Helenas

to tidligere prisbelønte bøker er oversatt til flere språk.


fra san sebastian til lofoten

fra san sebastian til lofoten

tradisjonsrike vertshuset Vita Älgen i Värmland.


• 60 inspiring and inviting tapas recipes. • Large variety of dishes such as osso bucco and moose carpaccio. • Learn how to make great tapas dishes for any occasion.

Helena Neraal was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1966. She is a former Swedish national master of handball. Neraal runs the traditional inn Vita Älgen (The White Moose) in Åmotfors ,!7II2E1-jbhehj!in Sweden. For her cookbook Elg & Co, Neraal received a Gourmand Award.

helena neraal

ISBN 978-82-419-1747-9

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Tapas på norsk. Fra San Sebastian til Lofoten PAGES: 164



The Boy in the Headlights by Samuel Bjørk

An elderly man is driving home over the mountain at Christmas. Suddenly he sees something in the darkness ahead, stopping just in time. In front of him in the drifting snow is a young boy. His lips are blue. On his head, he has a set of deer antlers. 14 years later, a young girl is found dead in a mountain lake not far away, brutally murdered. The girl is dressed as a ballet dancer. By the water’s edge is a camera on a stand, pointed directly at the crime scene. On the ground lies a page ripped from the children’s book The Brothers Lionheart. Mia Krüger is still haunted by the death of her twin sister. Holger Munch has been on leave to take care of his daughter. Together, they are both pulled into this strange and intricate case, determined to solve it quickly. But little do they know about what they’re about to meet.

“Bjørk has already qualified himself into the mystery writers’ elite division. Watch out, Jo Nesbø!” Bergens Tidende

Mia Krüger and Holger Munch series: • International bestseller • No 1 On Der Spiegels bestseller list and no 3 on Sunday times’ bestseller list • Winner of Hebban Awards (Netherlands) and Le Prix des Nouvelles Voix du Polar Pocet (France)

RIGHTS OWNER: Ahlander Agency

RIGHTS SOLD: Croatia (Znanje), Czech Republic (Plus), Denmark (Ros-

in 2016

inante), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Finland (Otava), France (JC Lattès), Germany (Goldmann), Greece (Dioptra), Hungary (Athenaeum), Italy (Longanesi), Korea (Taurus), Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthoff ), Poland (Sonia Draga), Romania (RAO), Russia (AST), Slovakia (Ikar), Spain (Suma), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand), Turkey (Pegasus), UK (Transworld)

Samuel Bjørk is the pseudonym Frode Sander Øien uses for his crime novels. His first work of crime fiction, I’m Travelling Alone, received massive international attention and has so far been sold to 30 countries. The book was nominated for the Norwegian Booksellers’ Award in 2013, and it was the main title in Sweden’s largest book club in 2014. The follow-up, The Owl Always Hunts at Night, also became a bestseller in several countries. Frode Sander Øien has also published the novels

PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Gutten som elsket rådyr PAGES: 444

The Fantastic Pepsi Love and Speed for Breakfast.




The Disappearance by Frode Granhus

The master of Lofoten crime fiction! Last book in bestselling series. Rino Carlsen is putting the finishing touches to his letter of resignation when he receives a message: A naked, bloody man has been found shackled inside a dilapidated cowshed. Meanwhile, retired sheriff Berger Falch digs out the file for a disappearance case from 1972. On the 17th of May, a sickly eleven-year-old girl disappeared from her home. The police concluded she drowned. But she was never found. Now Falch needs to find out what happened, and fast.

“Frode Granhus is at his best when he accelerates just before the finish line with intensity and suspence, and clears things up in the most surprising ways.” John-Arne Storhaug (Lofotposten) – five out of six stars

Frode Granhus (1965–2017) made his debut with the critically acclaimed crime novel The Avenger in 2003. In 2010 came The Maelstrom, which received rave reviews domestically and was sold to nine countries. The master of Lofoten crime fiction published four more crime novels – two of which were shortlisted for the Norwegian Booksellers’ Award, one for the Riverton Prize, and one for the Brage Prize. He died in September 2017. The manuscript for The Disappearance was in development at the time; it is published posthumously in collaboration with his family.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Forsvinningen PAGES: 320



The Raven’s Hour by Roar Ræstad

nde hunder krim det er anbefale.»


iteserien av norsk minallitteratur»





Detective Inspector Gabriel Navarseth of the State Police is living dangerously, juggling the investigation juli 1943. detNorwegian er høysommer i Trondheim between the police anddathe Gestapo. And en tysk marineoffiser og hans unge NS-kjæreste as Navarseth also continues his work for the resistance blir funnet brutalt drept. Tyskerne er allerede hevntørste etter luftangrepet mot byen to dager movement, Norwegian informants are playing deadly tidligere, og nå må noen unngjelde. Statspolitidouble games. Who is to be trusted betjent Gabriel Navarseth lever farlig der hanin times like this? sjonglerer etterforskningen mellom norsk politi og Gestapo. Samtidig som han fortsetter sitt arbeid for motstandsbevegelsen, driver norske med sitt dødelige dobbeltspill. Hvem “Theangivere Raven’s Hour is crime of the highest kan man stole på i slik en tid?

ravnens time





July 1943. It is high summer in Trondheim when a German naval officer and his young mistress, a member of the Norwegian Nazi party, are found brutally murdered. The Germans are already thirsty for revenge after an air raid on the city two days earlier and now somebody must pay.

quality, and we can hardly wait for the continuation… it is hard to Gabriels tidligere flamme dukker opp i byen, og find sommervarmen a Norwegian who writes better crime.” blirwriter nesten uutholdelig. Ørjan Greiff Johnsen (Adresseavisen)

“After the debut Sleeping Dogs in 2014 and the sequel The River in 2016, Ræstad confirms in full mesure that ISBN 978-82-419-1360-0 he indeed is one of the new big stars in Norwegian crime.” (Romsdals Budstikke)

roar ræstad RAVNENS time

ISBN 978-82-419-1360-0


788241 913600

Roar Ræstad (b. 1968) had his literary debut in 2014 with Sleeping Dogs. The first novel about Detective Inspector Gabriel Navarseth is a historical crime, set in Trondheim during the Second World War. Ræstad teaches at Strinda High School in Trondheim, and has a Masters Degree in History from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Sleeping Dogs was nonimated to the Maurits Hansen Prize for best crime debut in 2014. Since, Ræstad has written two consecutive novels about Detective Inspector Navarseth, The River in 2017 and The Raven's Hour just published. Ræstad's writing combines the best of historical fiction and plot-driven thriller.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Ravnens time PAGES: 414


foto: Eigil Korsager

Roar Ræstad (f. 1968)

med Sovende hunder i 2 romanen om Gabriel N Ræstad har en master NTNU og underviser p videregående skole i T Sovende hunder ble nom Maurits Hansen-prise krimdebut i 2014. Ræs det beste fra den histo og den plottdrevne sp fortellingen.


The Parfumier by Margit Walsø

A year in Provence meets Eat, Pray, Love. It’s the late sixties. Ingrid is 25 years old and unhappy in her job at a lab in Trondheim. One day she finds a perfume organ in the basement of her childhood home: a custom-made shelf containing her father’s collection of perfume essences. She decides right there and then to travel to Grasse in Provence to search for the hidden parts of her dead father’s life. The search takes her to the mysterious Sonja Remy at the famous perfume factory, counting names like Chanel, Dior, and Guerlain among her customers. A power struggle is brewing between the two women, coming to a head when Ingrid discovers Sonja’s secret.

“Walsø really knows how to compose a narrative. Using the build-up of the perfume to form the structure of Ingrid’s story is a clever and thrilling move. The art of making a “well composed” scent is closely linked to the art of writing a good story.” Elin Brænd Bjørhei (VG) «Margit Walsø leaves small hints in the text, with a crime writer’s sensibility of timing.” Bjørn Gabrielsen (Dagens Næringsliv) RIGHTS OWNER: Stilton Literary Agency

RIGHTS SOLD: Italy (Marsilio), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie)

Margit Walsø (b. 1968) is the Director of NORLA, Norwegian Literature Abroad, having previously worked as an editor and publisher for many years. She has written two historical novels, The Queen’s Promise (2013) and Dear Voltaire (2007). She lives in Oslo with her husband and two daughters.

PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Parfymeorgelet PAGES: 271




The Strange Case of Leira and Doctor Didriksen Confessions of two Brothers-in-Law by Martin Tesli

Two brothers-in-law wake up in the woods by the Oslo fjord after an evening of well-oiled, heated debate. Civilization as they know it is gone. Soon, two robed monks show up, rowing them over to the island Hovedøya, where they are interrogated by a tyrannical abbot with an inquisitorial line of questions. And so begins the journey of Leira and Doctor Didriksen through pre-Reformation Norway and Europe – in what is either a psychotic episode or actual time travel, as presented by retired psychiatrist Elias Eftedal. This is an impressive and ambitious debut novel, as well as a grand satire concerning the history of ideas and our mode of thought.

A thrilling, perplexing and spectacular debut. This is a gripping story about time travel – but more so, it is a story of a journey within.

Martin Tesli (b. 1978) is from Oslo. He’s a doctor and researcher, specialising in psychiatry. The Strange Case of Leira and Doctor Didriksen is his first novel.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Det merkelige tilfellet Leira og doktor Didriksen PAGES: 448



The Effect of Moonlight on the First Snow by Tove Braathen

NORLA selected title

Margot is in her late thirties when her life comes undone. She enters a conflict with the performance-driven Headmaster at the high school where she teaches and her husband leaves her for a younger woman. Due to her newfound circumstances she is forced to relocate from the affluent neighbourhood in west Oslo to a remote part in the east. The area is filled with strange sights, from the alcoholics gathering around the forest bonfire to the heavily covered immigrant women, forcing Margot to recon with her own prejudices. Vera lives in Margots apartment building. She is old, sick, and unable to walk. Slowly Margot and Vera develop a relationship, and are able to communicate across the differences. Vera reveals a troubling secret from long ago, with Margot being the sole confidant, she feels forced to take action. The Effect of Moonlight on the First Snow is a sharp and humorous novel about two women, and the precariousness of life.

“Like Nesbø, Braathen has a sensitivity to local dialects and her brutal depictions of the urban landscape. There is the edginess of crime fiction in the portrayal of some the characters, especially the main character's bitter, mobility-walker-using neighbour.” Bjørn Gabrielsen (Dagens Næringsliv)

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Effekten av måneskinn på nyfallen snø

Tove Braathen (b. 1952) is a high school teacher who still resides in her birthplace Grorud, Oslo. Critics and readers alike praised Braathen’s debut novel, All These Days, published last year. Braathen portrays the everyday life of people in Oslo often forgotten in contemporary literature, combining sharp observations with deeply touching and entertaining feel-good narratives.

PAGES: 368

En original og hjertevarm roman om mennesker du sent vil glemme.

Tove Braathen (f. 1952) er lektor og underviser ved Edvard Munch videregående skole i Oslo. Hun har to voksne barn, og bor på Grorud i Oslo med ektemannen. Alle disse dagene er hennes første roman.

Møt Evy, pensjonert og lettere nevrotisk flyvertinne som føler at livet har seilt forbi uten at hun helt fikk det med seg. Etter utallige mislykkede forhold har hun truffet en mann som kanskje kan være den rette. Han har invitert henne hjem til seg, men da hun ringer på en regnvåt forsommerkveld, åpner han ikke. Og Sara. Som ikke helt vet hva hun driver med, eller hvorfor hun fortsatt er gift med en mann hun innerst inne ikke liker. Som føler at fosterdatteren Em glir lenger og lenger unna. Fosterdatteren som har bilder fra politietterforskningen av en pågående drapssak på pc-en sin. Og Sigurd Huse. Etterforsker og tobarnsfar – og eksmann, ettersom kona har bestemt at han skal flytte ut. Hun har andre planer for hvem som skal utgjøre familien i rekkehuset i Ullevål Hageby. Rekkehuset etter Sigurd Huses bestemor.

ISBN 978-82-419-1377-8

Omslagsdesign: Magnus Riise Forsidefoto, topp: Bryan Byczek Forsidefoto, bunn: Shutterstock


,!7II2E1-jbdhhi! www.vigmostadbjorke.no

Det er forsommerkveld i Oslo. Det ligger en tung, dampende luft over byen denne maikvelden, som et stort, grått og fuktig teppe noen glemte å ta med seg. Selv her oppe på Voksenkollen er luften så fuktig at Evy kjenner håret klistre seg til pannen og nakken med en gang hun er kommet ut inngangsdøren til boligblokken. Hun må gå svært rolig, for ellers vil den hvite silkeblusen bli våt av svette, og da må hun beholde jakken på hele kvelden, så ikke svetteringene under bluseermene synes. Hun sier til seg selv at hun ikke må tenke på det, for da vil det helt sikkert skje, særlig i dette klamme været. Men å tenke at man ikke må tenke på det, er det samme som å tenke på det, og der har du Evy, hun kan ikke la være å tenke.


Tales of Estragon: The Rat Catcher from Sorø Gaute Heivoll og John Kenn Mortensen (ill.)

G AU T E H E I VOL L • Rottefangeren fra Sorø

The razor-sharp nails came shooting through the walls with a terrible force. I sat completely still, swallowing, praying silently to be spared impalement. Finally he ran out of nails, and collapsed, exhausted, into a chair, I sitting there with his wooden club in his lap, breathing like an animal. Then, suddenly, he raised his head and stared at the wall where I sat without moving. It felt like he had seen something. That he could hear my heartbeat. That I was the one he had seen.

Estragons H I ST O R I E R

Rottefangeren fra Sorø


Tales of Estragon is Deasylkvasse darkly series for naglenehumorous slo inn med voldsom kraft like Jeg satt urørlig, children of all ages,i nærheten. focusing on the seven deadly sins svelget og ba stille om å slippe å bli spiddet. Til slutt hadde – as told by rats. With its burlesque humour and gothic han ikke flere nagler igjen, og var så utkjørt at han sank ned illustrations reminiscent ofderEdward Gorey’s pen-and-ink på en stol og satt lenge med treklubba i fanget og pustet som et dyr. Så plutselig løftetSorø transcends age and drawing, The Rat Catcher from han hodet og stirret mot veggen der jeg satt urørlig. Det føltes gives a timeless depiction of human vices. som han hadde fått øye på noe. At han hørte hjertet mitt. At det var meg han så.

Estragons historier er en serie om de syv dødssyndene for barn i alle aldre, fortalt og ført i pennen av rotter.

“I sense remnants of old masters like H.C. Andersen, Samuel Beckett and Roald Dahl, whilst the drawings hint to Chris Riddell’s illustrations in «The graveyard book» by Neil Gaiman.” Bergens Tidende (Guri Fjeldberg): “Masterful! The first book in Gaute Heivoll’s new series of the seven deadly sins forecasts a new era in Norwegian children’s literature.” VG (Kristine Isaksen)

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

RIGHTS SOLD: Denmark (ABC Forlag) PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Estragons historier – Rottefangeren fra Sorø

Gaute Heivoll is one of Norway’s most prominent contemporary authors. Heivoll has previously penned seven adult novels, among them the highly praised international success Before I Burn. Alongside this, he has written several picture books for children.


AGE: 9–12

John Kenn Mortensen writes and directs television shows for kids. In his spare time, he draws monsters on sticky notes – when not illustrating Danish editions of the works of Neil Gaiman and Roald Dahl.




As Close As We’ll Get by Monika Steinholm

Edor goes with Beate, skateboardJens er redd forout å drite seg ut, redd forpractices vann og reddnew for blod.

ing moves, goes skinny dipping with Celia, and swims


Jens is afraid of making a fool of himself, afraid of the water, and afraid of the sight of blood.


gives him.

En roman om altoppslukende kjærlighet, vond og fantastisk på gang. En kjærlighet alle kan kjenne seg igjenat i, enten de painful A én novel about all-consuming love, once er homo, streite, bi eller bare litt på skrå.


Edor er sammen med Beate, øver på nye skatetriks, bader further from the shore than he ought to. The only thing naken sammen med Celia og svømmer lengre ut enn han burde. eneste er redd for, er feeling måten Jens detstomach til å he’s Det afraid of,Edor is the tingly infårhis Jens krible i magen på.

and amazing. A love everyone can recognize, whether Nærmere vi ikke er enbi, løs or oppfølger til Fuck verden, they’rekommer gay, straight, just slightly askew. som ble nominert til NBUs debutantpris Trollkrittet.

As Close As We’ll Get is a loose sequel to Fuck the World, which was shortlisted for the NBU first novel award, it stands welloppvekst on its- own two feet. «Ei innmaribut bra bok! Tøff og perfectly «En leseverdig

Sagt om Fuck verden:

øm på samme tid.»




«En “A morsom fan of og SHAME? tankevekkende roman.»

«For en herlig bok!»read this!” Then you should BEATHESBOKHJERTE.NO Marie Kleve (Dagbladet) VG

MONIKA STEINH tatt et toårig forf universitet i Trom i Tromsø og jobb Fuck verden var roman.

“Engaging about young queer love.” Martin Lægland Ellingsen (Bladet i Tromsø)


ISBN 978-82-419-1329-7

Sagt om Fuck verden:

“The tension and tempo are at peak level throughout.” www.vigmostadbjorke.no Solgunn Solli (Altaposten)

«Kanongod ungdomsbok.» ALTAPOSTEN

Monika Steinholm (b. 1983) is a graduate of the two-year creative writing programme at the University of Tromsø. She lives in Tromsø, where she works in a bookshop. Fuck the World was her first novel.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

ORIGINAL TITLE: Nærmere kommer vi ikke PAGES: 240 AGE: 12–16

As Close As We’ll Get is also published as a graphic novel by Swedish publisher Wibom Books. For rights enquiries please contact Lisa Wibom: lisa@wibombooks.se.



Could We Please Just Pretend? by Camilla Sandmo

Well written, witty and beautiful about overly ambitious parents and that very first love. When Emma isn’t playing Sims or dreaming about being vittig og she vakkert om overambisiøse aVelskrevet, famous blogger, practices figure skating. Full stop. foreldre og den første kjærligheten That’s all there’s time for. ens plays jeg liggerhockey, og kaver på isen,mostly flyr noe svart forbiabout meg og having fun Jossi and cares M krasjer inn i vantet med et ekstremt høyt smell. Jeg kryper on theogice. After a bet, friendship starts growing sammen kjenner sjokket av denaskarpe lyden heltslowly ut i fingertuppene. Pucken. Den burde meg hatt lyddemper. between them. Butfaen everything isn’t as

it should be in Jossi’s world. Jeg plukker den opp og stirrer på den med avsky. En av guttene klatrer over dekkene og er på vei mot meg.

«Si unnskyld», jeg når han er nærme nok. «Duiskunne ha dreptSandmo’s Could Wesier Please Just Pretend? Camilla meg!» Gutten sier ingenting, han bare stirrer. Alt jeg kan skimte first novel, it was shortlisted for the youth’s own literary under hjelmen, er mørk hud og svart hår.

Camilla Hel er bosatt i T drevet med k som er henne

award, Uprisen, as well as the NBU first novel award.

Når Emma ikke spiller Sims eller drømmer om å bli en berømt blogger, driver hun med kunstløp. Punktum. Mer er det ikke tid til. Jossi driver med hockey og er først og fremst opptatt av å ha “A gøy tender, warm debut […] Credibility is key det på isen.beautiful, Etter et veddemål utvikler det seg langsomt et vennskap Men alt er ikkePlease på plass i Jossis in this mellom novel.deInto.Could We Justverden. Pretend? Camilla

Følg Camilla @booknerdm

Sandmo has found a tone and a prose style that are so accomplished in their mixture of warmth, humour interlaced with seriousness, and adolescent ache that I believe we are faced with a genuine literary talent.” Finn Stenstad (Tønsberg Blad) ISBN: 978-82-419-1505-5

“The book is as elegantly executed as a perfect triple Axel; it’s entertaining, well written, with a surprising www.vigmostadbjorke.no plot twist.” Marthe Andersen Snekkerhaugen (Hadeland Blad)

Omslagsdesign: M Omslagsfoto: Ivar

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

Camilla Sandmo (born 1991) lives in Tønsberg and currently attends the Writers’ Programme at The Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books. Could We Please Just Pretend? is her first novel.

ORIGINAL TITLE: Kan vi bare late som PAGES: 192 AGE: 12–16



Where Do Thoughts Come From? by Constance K. Løken Ørbeck-Nilssen and Torill Kove (ill.)

For philosophers of all ages.

og om livet mitt. Alle tanker som kommer og går.

• A philosophical picture book for children of all ages. • Torill Kove is an Oscar winning animator, illustrator and picture book author. • Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen’s picture books have been translated to 13 languages.

Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen og Torill Kove HVOR KOMMER TANKER FRA

Where Do Thoughts Come From? is an original and poetic book that facilitates philosophical conversations. What are thoughts? Where do they come from? The text Er det jeg som bestemmer takes the reader along on an hva exploratory, expanding jeg tenker. Om meg selv, for philosophers of journey into our mind, and is suitable og om andre. all ages. Om verden,





rbe ce Ø


sen og Tor

ill Kove

ISBN 978-82-419-1695-3

Constance K. Løken Ørbeck-Nilssen (b. 1954) has studied journalism, pedagogy, comparative literature, and art history. She has worked as a journalist and a teacher, and is a graduate of the creative writing programme at the Norwegian Institute for Children’s Literature. Ørbeck-Nilssen has written several picture books, collaborating with illustrators like Ana Ventura, Hilde Hodnefjeld, Ragnar Aalbu, and Akin Duzakin. ISBN: 978-82-419-1695-3

9 788241 916953

Et imprint i Vigmostad & Bjørke

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency

Hvor kommer tanker fra_omslag org.indd 1

19.09.2018 12:06

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Hvor kommer tanker fra PAGES: 40 AGE: 6–9

Torill Kove is an Oscar-winning animation filmmaker, illustrator, and children’s book author. She has illustrated Henrik Hovland’s books about John Jensen, and has created several children’s books based on her own animated films. Torill Kove is a one-time Oscar laureate, twice nominated for the prestigious award. The Danish Poet won the Best Animated Short category in 2007. My Grandma Ironed the King’s Shirts was nominated for an Oscar in 1999, as was Moulton and Me in 2014.




The Giant by Akin Duzakin

The book explores the concepts mean and kind in an Kjempen bryr seg ikke om noe eller noen. inventive way. Duzakins naivistic illustrations are expresHan gjør akkurat som han vil. De som bor i skogen kjenner seg aldri trygge. sive and the fear, anger and eventually the joy of the people are portrayed through En dag clearly faller Kjempen og slår hodet.his pictures. And in Han husker ikke hvem han er. the end it's perhaps and Hannot huskeras ikkecut om han er slemdried eller snill.as all that.

K jempen Akin Duzakin

Akin Duzakin • Kjempen

A Giant terrorises the people who live in the woods. One day he falls over and bumps his head and he doesn’t remember who he is. Is he kind or mean? The people decide to lie and tell him that they are good friends.

• A classic story about the possibility in relationships; it’s never too late to make an enemy a friend. • Akin Duzakin is an award winning illustrator who has been translated to more than 20 languages. ISBN 978-82-419-1723-3 ISBN 978-82-419-1723-3

Akin Duzakin (b. 1961) is a graduate of the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry in Oslo. He has illustrated over 40 picture books. His books have been translated to 20 languages. He has received the Brage Award twice for picture books made in collaboration with Liv Marie Austrem. He has also received the Department of Culture’s Award for Illustrated Children’s Books twice, and received the Book Art Award in 2006 for his many years of work as an illustrator. Duzakin is particularly well known for his poetic, slightly naivist motives, using a characteristic palette. 9 788241 917233

Et imprint i Vigmostad & Bjørke


Kjempen omslag.indd 1

12.09.2018 17:29

Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen og Akin Duzakin


Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Kjempen PAGES: 48 AGE: 3–6 Mor legger armene rundt meg.

Fortell om fuglen, sier jeg lavt. Da forteller hun om den store fuglen.

Den som kommer fra fjellene når det blir kveld og brer vingene sine over huset vårt. For å skjule oss mot alle farene.

Fargene som forsvant

Rights sold to USA and Korea ISBN 978-82-93473-41-1 ISBN 978-82-93473-41-1

9 788293 473411 Et imprint i Forlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke


Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen og Akin Duzakin

Fargene som forsvant


The Tie by Fam Ekman

The tie is a funny and surreal story about a tie and a whole lot of knots. After attempting to tie a knot on daddy’s tie the main character in the story is sent to bed without supper. All of a sudden an elephant appears and it takes the protagonist on a wild journey. It demonstrates how to tie all kinds of knots. Suddenly daddy’s tie turns into a Gordian knot that doesn’t want to be untangled. Who can help loosen it? The reader is brought into a magical and playful universe through Fam Ekman’s recognisable illustrations Her texts are funny and from time to time absurd.

• Original and surreal picture book about something as mundane as a tie. • Fam Ekman is an award winning artist as well as a picture book author and illustrator. • Her books are collector’s items for adult art lovers.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Slipset PAGES: 52 AGE: 6–9

Fam Ekman (b. 1946) is a graduate of the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry and the National Academy of Art in Oslo. Ekman made her debut in 1969 with That may be (Det kan hända), and has written and illustrated a great number of books since. She has received several awards, including the Brage Award in 1992, the Book Art Award in 2003, and the National Critics’ Award in 2008. Her books are collectors’ items among adult art lovers, as well as providing fun reading and visual art experiences for children. They draw inspiration from fairy tales and animal fables, and are executed in her own signature style: sparse, down to earth, inventive, and original.

fam ekman fam ekman katten som ikke ville bade

Da er det klart! ropte Dronningen av Badevannet. Katten fór opp og strøk på dør, for badevann var det verste den viste. Aldri mer! Han så isteden for seg et bedre liv: som pynt rundt halsen på en godseierfrue, kanskje, eller hvorfor ikke fotvarmer i en himmelseng?


ISBN 978-82-93473-54-1 ISBN 978-82-93473-54-1

som ikke ville bade

9 788293 473541 Et imprint i Forlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke

Katten som ikke_Omslagsorg.indd 1

29.06.2017 12.55



Knock on wood by Ragnar Aalbu

NORLA selected title

Knock on wood is a picture book about a woodpecker who gets a headache from all his drumming. There is no other way out than to re-train. This in turn leads to an existential crisis; What will a woodpecker do when he can no longer do what he does best? Knock on wood is an original and fun story by an author who has a group of readers and fans enjoying his minimalistic and humorous style and devious stories. The absurd story about the woodpecker is complimented nicely by Aalbus perfectly clean illustrations. With its surplus of funny details both children and adults will enjoy this book.

“Everyone should read Ragnar Aalbu’s books”. NRK (Anne Cathrine Straume)

• A surreal story of a woodpecker who gets a headache and has to find something else to do. • Aalbu’s recognisable minimalist style taken to new heights. • Ragnar Aalbu was nominated for the Noric Council’s Literature Prize in 2016.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Hakk o ve PAGES: 48 AGE: 6–9

Ragnar Aalbu (b. 1966) is a picture book author and illustrator, and has received multiple awards for his minimalist, stylised illustrations, including the Department of Culture’s First Children’s Book Award in 2005.

Ragnar Aalbu

Den store boka om Den store boka om

Aalbu is featured in Martin Salisbury’s book PLAY PEN – New Children’s Book Illustration (2007), and in the Gestalten Verlag title Little Big Books – Illustrations for Children’s Picture Books (2012).

Harry og Roger

ISBN 978-82-93473-29-9 ISBN 978-82-93473-29-9

9 788293 473299

Ragnar Aalbu Harry og Roger_omslag.indd 1

29.06.2016 14.49


Hakkespettboka_4.0.indd 7


Hakkespettboka_4.0.indd 7

20.06.2018 17:11:02


It Wasn’t a Bush by Eli Hovdenak

In Eli Hovdenak’s fourth picture book the palette is dark with some hints of colour in the dusky landscapes. Hovdenak portrays everything that can be frightening in the woods: Most find the darkness frightening, but for some it’s the light that makes them uneasy. This is an original, warm and empathic story.

• Hovdenak’s art is playfull with an absurd humour. • An imaginative picture book about everything that seems scary in the dark woods. • Eli Hovdenak is and award winning picture book author, illustrator and an artist. Eli Hovdenak (b.inn1956) is a graduate of the National To venner går av toget og i mørke skogen. De hører mystiske lyder overalt. Hva kan det være? Academy of Art and the Norwegian Institute of Det er mye som er skummelt om natta. Children’s Literature. Her stories and illustrations are characterised by surrealism and humour. She mostly works as a graphic artist, using techniques such as lithography and woodcut. It Wasn’t a Bush is her fourth book as both author and illustrator. ISBN 978-82-419-1741-7 ISBN 978-82-419-1741-7

9 788241 917417

Et imprint i Vigmostad & Bjørke

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency Det var ikke en busk_Omslagorg.indd 1

23.08.2018 14:13

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Det var ikke en busk PAGES: 64 AGE: 3–6

Rights sold to Switzerland (French world rights)




by Rune Johan Andersson

In this slightly eerie picture book Lost, Rune Johan Andersson shows us the world from a child’s perspective. Where are mum and dad? Where am I? The book is a story about getting lost in the woods and being found again. Perhaps it wasn’t so frightening in the woods after all?

Rune Johan AndersSon

Anderssons expressive and original illustrations reinforces and gives the book meaning and provides a completely unique style. This is an innovative and rich book where the illustrations carry most of the meaning. Lost is a slightly unnerving picture book about getting lost, but also about finding one’s way home. Mum and dad are gone and we are in the middle of a forest. But is it really tree trunks all around, or something completely different? Perhaps it’s not so scary after all. The book is both written and illustrated by Rune Johan Andersson.

• A picture book about how frightening it is to get lost, but also how to find one’s way back. • Reality isn’t always as you imagine. • Andersson is an award-winning illustrator and children’s book author. RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

Rune Johan Andersson (b. 1945) is an award-winning illustrator of more than 60 books, 16 of which he has also written. He has a distinct and recognizable style; his motifs are mostly simple and specific but quite often with a cunning touch.

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Borte PAGES: 48 AGE: 3–6

Also illustrated by Rune Johan Andersson



Cat Astray

by Tor Åge Bringsværd and Rune Johan Andersson (ill.)

The series follows Buster on a long journey through time and space back to the comfort of Astrid’s lap in Norway. Against a backdrop of ancient mythology and references to classic literature, Bringsværd has written a series of thrilling, funny stories filled with wonder and ethical reflection. Join Buster on his wild journey around the world!

• Read aloud with a child on your lap! • See the world through the eyes of a curious cat. • Written by one of Norway’s greatest storytellers and illustrated by award winning Rune Johan Andersson Tor Åge Bringsværd (b. 1939) is a Norwegian author and playwright. Since his debut in 1967, he has built a varied and sizeable body of work, comprising novels, short stories, essays, non-fiction, children’s books, picture books, comics, and plays. His work has been translated into 23 languages, and his plays have been produced in 14 countries. Rune Johan Andersson (b. 1945) is an award-winning illustrator of more than 60 books, 16 of which he has also written. He has a distinct and recognizable style; his motifs are mostly simple and specific but quite often with a cunning touch.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Katt på ville veier PAGES: 568 AGE: 6–9




by Edgar Burås and Per Dybvig (ill.)

Who’s jumping from tree to tree, roaring like a monkey? It’s the new neighbour. Per Oscar dreams of someone moving into the empty house across the street. It’s the fifties, and Railway Street is a perfectly ordinary street in a perfectly ordinary town. One day an elderly couple moves in, and suddenly nothing on Railway Street is ordinary anymore. Ungawa! is a warm, vibrant, wacky tale of the friendship between a perfectly ordinary boy, and an entirely extraordinary man, who leaps through the trees, talks to animals, and fights tirelessly against injustice anywhere in the world.

• A wacky tale of life in the suburbs in the 1950s. • Perfect book for reading aloud or yourself. • Similarities with Ole Lund Kierkegaard’s playfulness and Roald Dahl’s humour.

Edgar Burås is a pseudonym. The author grew up in Belgian Congo as the child of Norwegian missionaries. A certified teacher, he plied his trade in the Norwegian school system for many years. In 2009 he had to take early retirement due to malaria. Ungawa! is his first book.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Ungawa! PAGES: 88 AGE: 6–9

Per Dybvig is an award-winning illustrator and fine artist. Dybvig has illustrated over 80 picture books, and thanks to his easily recognisable, playful style, he has become one of Norway’s best-known illustrators of children’s books. His illustrations include Svein and the Rat, The Fox and the Piglet, and Jo Nesbø’s Doctor Proctor series. As a fine artist, he has displayed solo exhibitions in New York, Berlin, and Vienna, as well as several shows in Norway.



Hiding in the closet

by Stein Erik Lunde and Anders Kvammen (ill.)

A girl runs home from school during school hours. Something has happened to her, but we don’t know what. The unsettling feeling of having ran away from something as well as being in the wrong place at the wrong time runs through this book.

“This book deserves a great many readers.” Tønsberg Blad (Finn Stenstad)

Stein Erik Lunde (b. 1953) is a Norwegian novelist, children's writer, biographer and textbook writer. Lunde made his literary debut in 1982 with the crime novel Ingenting ruster. He was awarded the Brage Award in 1998 for the children's books Eggg. Among his later books are Ulv from 2004, En far from 2006, and Eg kan ikkje sove no from 2008 Anders Kvammen (b. 1985) is a comic book creator and illustrator from Oslo. His book debut in 2016 Ungdomsskolen (High school) draws on his own experiences. Ungdomsskolen was awarded the prestigious Brage Award and Trollkrittet, was nominated for the Nordic Council Children and Young people’s Literature Award and the Department of Culture’s award for comic books and he received a diploma in Grafill’s competition Most Beautiful Books of the Year.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Jenta i skapet PAGES: 44 AGE: 6–9




Who Stole the Ticket?

by Lars Mæhle and Odd Henning Skyllingstad (ill.)

Crow’s Nest Kindergarten Mysteries is a playful series of books written by Lars Mæhle, illustrated by Odd Henning Skyllingstad. Leon and Livia, Crow’s Nest Kindergarten’s very own detectives, solve mysteries relatable to all children: This is charming miniature crime fiction for children aged 3–6 years. Mæhle and Skyllingstad have created a recognizable, urban, and multicultural universe in which these stories unfold. Crow’s Nest Kindergarden are going to the theatre. The children are so excited! But on the train there is a ticket inspection and Sven can’t find the ticket. Where on earth can it be? It turns into some train journey where they search in all possible and impossible places. Can they solve the mystery? Nothing is impossible for Crow’s Nest’s ow detective team Leon and Livia.

• Mysteries for ages 3–6 years • Rights sold to Denmark, Finland, Poland and Sweden • Great press reviews: “This is gold for the little ones” – Morten Olsen Haugen (Aftenposten) RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

Lars Mæhle (b. 1971) has written several books for children and teenagers. His big breakthrough came in 2009 with the multi-award-winning fantasy novel The Land Beneath the Ice. The second book in the series was published in 2014, to further acclaim and awards. He published his first book on Ena in 2016, The Counting Troll Counts to Ten (Telle-trollet teller til ti).

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Hvor er biletten? PAGES: 36 AGE: 3–6

Odd Henning Skyllingstad (b. 1978) is an experienced cartoonist and illustrator. Skyllingstad has a degree in Animation from Volda University College. He is known for his series on the frog Kolbein.



Who Is the Bun Thief?

Who Left the Muddy Footprints?

Rights sold sold to Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Poland

Rights sold sold to Finland

It’s fancy dress time at the Crow’s Nest Kindergarten, and everyone’s dressed up. Aksel can count, and he counts ten buns. One each. But then the fire alarm goes off, and one of the buns goes missing. Who stole it? Leon and Livia, the in-house detectives at the Crow’s Nest, are on the case. The solution will surprise them all…

Elin has just mopped the floor. It was squeaky clean a minute ago, but all of a sudden there are muddy footprints everywhere … Who left them? Was it Mario’s dad? Ada’s mums? This is a case for Leon and Livia! They investigate the matter thoroughly in their charming search for hard evidence.

Where Did All the Socks Go?

Who Stole the Glasses?

Rights sold sold to Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Poland

Rights sold sold to Finland

Since the dawn of washing machines, mankind has asked this question: Where do all the single socks go? At the Crow’s Nest, the whole football team is missing a sock each. Where are they? Who has taken them? Have they, like other single socks, simply disappeared? Leon and Livia put all their efforts into solving this mystery. Maybe they will discover where all the missing socks of the world end up?

Everyone in the kindergarten is helping make vegetable soup. But amidst the commotion in the kitchen, someone needs a plaster. Suddenly Leon and Livia have a new case! Where are Elin’s glasses? They were here a second ago … Through solid detective work, the kindergarten’s very own investigators set forth to crack the case!



Green stuff

– about the environment and nature and things by Ole Mathismoen and Jenny Jordahl (ill.)

Green Stuff introduces environmental issues in a fresh and accessible way. The book is a collection of comic strips about climate and the environment. The strips have since 2016 been on the back of Norways’s largest newspaper’s edition for kids (Aftenposten junior). FINNES DET SELVLYSENDE DYR? Teachers feed TRENGER back that they use the materials for ages JORDKLODEN SOLBRILLER? ranging from 7 HVA to ER 16.EGENTLIG KLIMAENDRINGER? REGNER DET MER NÅ ENN FØR? MÅ VI SLUTTE Å KJØRE BIL? OVERLEVER MEITEMARKEN NÅR DEN KUTTES I TO? ER DET FOR SENT Å GJØRE NOE?

Jenny Jordahl has a unique and playful style, and Ole å forstå hva som skjer med og miljøet,and environment Mathismoen For has reported onnaturen climateer det smart å kunne litt om mye. GRØNNE GREIER er en tegneseriebok med mye kunnskap og humor. issues as a journalist for more than 30 years. The two of Miljøjournalist Ole Mathismoen og tegneserietegner Jenny Jordahl tar deg med ut i naturen, ned i havet i atmosfæren. them are characters oginoppthe comic strips which makes the Natur er skikkelig gøy – og alle complex and sometimes diffi cult topics more accessible miljøproblemer kan løses!! to the reader. Når du har lest litt, kan du teste deg selv med quizer og tenk-så-det-knaker-tegninger.

• Comic strips make the difficult matter accessible to children. • Ole Mathismoen has been nominated for the prestigious Brage Award. • Jenny Jordahl has with her unique style been translated into to 20 languages. ISBN 978-82-419-1600-7 ISBN 978-82-419-1600-7

9 788241 916007

Et imprint i Vigmostad & Bjørke

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke

RIGHTS SOLD: Korea (Chungaram Media)

Ole Mathismoen (b. 1961) is Norway’s most highly regarded journalist in the field of environmental issues. He has written several books on the topic, one of which was nominated for the Brage-award. He has also received the Bergesen award, which is an honorary award for people who have done outstanding work in fields that concern the general public.

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Grønne greier PAGES: 164 AGE: 9–12

Jenny Jordahl (b. 1989) is an established illustrator, cartoonist, blogger and author of several books. Jordahl is educated from Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She is active on social media and has numerous followers on Instagram.



Vanishing Colours

by Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen and Akin Duzakin (ill.)

Mor legger armene rundt meg. Fortell om fuglen, sier jeg lavt. Da forteller hun om den store fuglen. Den som kommer fra fjellene når det blir kveld og brer vingene sine over huset vårt. For å skjule oss mot alle farene.

• A picture book that creates an empathic space for those most vulnerable amongst us: children afflicted by war. • Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen’s picture books have been translated to 13 languages. • Akin Duzakin is an award winning illustrator who has been translated to more than 20 languages.

Fargene som forsvant

Fargene som forsvant

Vanishing Colours shows how one’s inner life can provide hope in a world where hope has been silenced. While engaging directly with current issues, it retains a universal, timeless feel. The story creates an empathic space for the most vulnerable among us: Children afflicted by war.

Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen og Akin Duzakin

Constance Ørbeck-Nilssen og Akin Duzakin

In a war-torn country, a mother and daughter are hiding in the basement. As the bombers fly over a bleak, bombed-out landscape, the girl takes refuge within, gaining advice and strength from a mysterious and wise bird.

ISBN 978-82-93473-41-1 ISBN 978-82-93473-41-1

9 788293 473411 Et imprint i Forlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke

Constance K. Løken Ørbeck-Nilssen (b. 1954) has studied journalism, pedagogy, comparative literature, and art history. She has worked as a journalist and a teacher, and is a graduate of the creative writing programme at the Norwegian Institute for Children’s Literature. Ørbeck-Nilssen has written several picture books, collaborating with illustrators like Ana Ventura, Hilde Hodnefjeld, Ragnar Aalbu, and Akin Duzakin.

RIGHTS OWNER: Vigmostad & Bjørke / Winje Agency

RIGHTS SOLD TO: Korea (Pinkwhale Publishing), USA (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers)

PUBLISHER: Ena an imprint of Vigmostad & Bjørke ORIGINAL TITLE: Fargene som forsvant PAGES: 40 AGE: 6–9

Akin Duzakin • Kjempen

Akin Duzakin (b. 1961) is a graduate of the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry in Oslo. He has illustrated over 40 picture books, and written two. He has received the Brage Award twice for picture books made in collaboration with Liv Marie Austrem. He has also received the Department of Culture’s Award for Illustrated Children’s Books twice, and received the Book Art Award in 2006 for his many years of work as an illustrator. Duzakin is particularly well known for his poetic, slightly naivist motives, using a characteristic palette.

Kjempen bryr seg ikke om noe eller noen. Han gjør akkurat som han vil. De som bor i skogen kjenner seg aldri trygge. En dag faller Kjempen og slår hodet. Han husker ikke hvem han er. Han husker ikke om han er slem eller snill.

K jempen Akin Duzakin

ISBN 978-82-419-1723-3 ISBN 978-82-419-1723-3

9 788241 917233 Et imprint i Vigmostad & Bjørke


Kjempen omslag.indd 1

12.09.2018 17:29

Copyright © Vigmostad & Bjørke AS 2018

Cover: Illustrasjon from The Strange Case of Leira and Doctor Didriksen, design Erlend Askhov Illustrations: John Kenn Mortensen (p. 17), Ragnar Aalbu (p. 25), Anders N. Kvammen (p. 31) Photos: Casper Kongstein (p. 3) Harald Øren (p. 9), Christian Elgvin (p. 13), Diane Dulude (p. 21)


Elizabeth Sellevold Publisher Elizabeth.sellevold@vigmostadbjorke.no Elisabeth Godal Sheehy Rights Manager / Editor Elisabeth.sheehy@vigmostadbjorke.no Winje Agency Gina Winje gina@winjeagency.com

Vigmostad & Bjørke is an up and coming publishing house of Norwegian and translated fiction, crime, documentary and non-fiction. Vigmostad & Bjørke, together with it’s imprint Ena, is also one of the leading publishers of children’s books in Norway. Our offices are in Oslo and Bergen. Postal and visiting address, Bergen: Kanalveien 51, 5068 Bergen Norway Postal and visiting address, Oslo: St. Olavsgate 12, 0165 Oslo Norway Phone: +47 55 38 88 00 ordre@vigmostadbjorke.no vigmostadbjorke.no Facebook.com/VigmostadBjorke Twitter: @VBforlaget Instagram: @VBforlaget


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