Spring/Summer HEHS 59 alumni newsletter

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On February 24, 2010, twenty attendees met for a luncheon at the first (of many, we hope) HEHS 59 Florida Mini-Reunion. We met at the Captain's Table Restaurant at Fisherman's Village in Punta Gorda, Florida, overlooking the beautiful Charlotte Harbor. It was 70 degrees.

Macky Collins White gave us all name-tags so we could recognize each other. Joyce McIntyre Jones provided gold and maroon "goody bags" with Florida souvenirs for all


to take home. The Florida shot glasses and the pink flamingo pens that lit up were hits. Awards (Florida mugs) were given to Clint Chapman & Marcy and to Jim Crowder for attending their first reunion and to Sally Kirk Adkins, Fred Crowder and Judy Turner McCormick and David for traveling the farthest to attend. Florida golf balls went to Art and Barbara Kidwell Jones for their work in putting the mini-reunion together. Florida "snowbirds" Mike Burcham and Larry and Liz Egnor attended as well as Florida residents Syd and Jan Myers, Ron and Mitzi Pace, Macky and Roy White and Don and Joyce (FL and GA) Jones. We had a lot of fun reacquainting again since our 50th in Huntington last September or, in some cases, since 1959. We all expressed a wish to have another even bigger and better mini-reunion next winter. ! wine. The time spent on a batch of How I started making wine!/0! wine, from start to finish is about 10 to !647(.618746! 12 hours. The cost is about $1.50 per bottle.


I worked with a lady whose dad made dandelion wine. When she told me he had to pick every little dandelion petal off to make it, I thought there had to be a better way. I found a wine store that sold supplies to winemakers and bought a recipe book. I found a good recipe for wine made from concentrate and started making wine. We won’t discuss how the first few batches turned out. LOL It takes about 4 months to make a batch of wine. Each of my jars are 5 gallon and make approximately 23 bottles of


I do not sell any of my wine. It is given to neighbors, friend and relatives. I must say I am well liked in the neighborhood. CHUCKLE, CHUCKLE!

Our church always uses homemade wine and bread for communion at Thanksgiving. I have supplied the wine for the past three years. I doubt if I will ever expand my winemaking. What I make each year is enough to satisfy a multitude of thirsty folks. In the past 7 years I have made approximately 2600 bottles of wine. Connie and I started going to the Kansas Amateur Wine Makers Association convention 3 years ago. I enter wine for competition every year. The first year I won one bronze medal and the second year I won another bronze medal. This past January was my best year with 3 bronze and 3 silver medals. There were only 4 gold medals given in 2010 so we are happy with our medals this year. If anyone is interested in the step by step process, contact me and I will send you my directions.

Triumph over tragedy Clint Chapman’s story by Marcy Race Chapman !

I have witnessed a miracle. On a foggy January night in 2005, the love of my life and husband of nearly fifty years,

Clint Chapman, HEHS Class of 1959, had a tragic

accident. Coughing from severe bronchitis, he started to get out of bed and fell forward hitting a plaster wall. The blow to his forehead forcefully extended his neck backward and a bone spur in a vertebra punched through his spinal cord…….he was instantly quadriplegic. Aroused by the noise, I heard him call my name. Discovering him on the floor, wedged between the wall and bed, on his side and unconscious, I called 911 and then our daughter who lived nearby. He was turning blue and gasping for air as our daughter arrived. Together we were able to turn him enough for her to start CPR. The ambulance still didn’t come, and I called 911 again to learn the rescue team was having trouble finding our home. Suddenly, “our little piece of heaven,” a mountain cottage 500 feet above the city of Asheville, N.C., seemed a very risky place to be. Finally, help arrived and the challenging trip down a narrow, winding, dark and foggy road began. I rode in the front seat of the vehicle, guiding the EMT. Upon our arrival at the hospital, the neurosurgeon who awaited us rapidly began tests to determine Clint’s injury. He soon presented an x-ray that confirmed the situation as devastating – a life-threatening spinal cord injury. The prognosis, he related, was that if Clint survived (his spinal cord was severely crushed) he would be quadriplegic and possibly permanently on life support. I thought of Christopher Reeve. By then, it was Sunday morning and time for church services to begin. I called our church in Asheville and then my brother Tom, whom I knew would already be at

his church in Atlanta. Both churches stopped their services to pray for Clint. Somehow, in the midst of this trauma, I had a very clear “knowing” that my happy, healthy, handsome hubby would somehow rise above this situation and not only live, but walk again. I expressed my confidence to the doctor. He called in our daughters and told them their mother had a “denial problem.” I held on to my “truth.” Clint’s strong spirit and determination would be the proof in the pudding. Today, five and a half years later, Clint not only walks (albeit very slowly), but drives, cuts the grass with an electric mower, types on the computer and continues to lead a very productive and surprisingly normal life. Admittedly, he was jolted when he first awakened from that deep two week coma after the fall and discovered the reality of his condition. It was like a rebirth when his body began to move again……the wiggling of a toe, then a finger and so on. He was in a race for a while with a grandchild to see who could first walk and then learn to eat with a spoon. Months of stays in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities, numerous surgeries performed by wonderful surgeons, lots of prayers and “good energy” sent and the strongest spirit and determination I have ever seen have rebuilt a life. The first time we went into the neurosurgeon’s office, that very doctor who first saw him in the ER, Clint stood leaning on his cane as the doctor entered the examining room. “Mr. Chapman,” he exclaimed, “you are a miracle.” Indeed!!

[Clint and Marcy Race Chapman currently live in Sarasota, Florida, near their two daughters and four grandchildren. Marcy, HEHS Class of 1960, is a professional writer and artist. www.MarcyChapman.com]

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