Talon yearbook staff application 2016 17

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Applicant Name:_________________________________________ Email: ________________________ th Grade level next year (circle): 10 11 12 Current 4 period location:___________________

Talon Yearbook Staff Application: 2016-17 School Year If you are interested in joining the yearbook staff, please take the time to complete this application to the best of your ability so we can best determine where you can make the greatest contribution to the yearbook staff. It is important that you be confident and comfortable with the work assigned to you. If you have any questions or concerns with the application, please see me in the yearbook room (3318). Return a complete application to Ms. Weeks in 3318 by 12:50pm March 10, 2016.

Use five adjectives to describe yourself.

Circle the best answer to the following questions: 1. Are you willing to make the yearbook one of your priorities? 2. Are you willing to work as needed after schools, on weekends, or during vacation days to fulfill your responsibilities in meeting deadlines? 3. Would you be willing to accept a leadership role and assume a position involving additional responsibility and commitment? 4. Do you feel comfortable meeting new people and interviewing them? 5. Do you feel comfortable writing and having your work edited? 6. Do you feel comfortable with electronic publishing and/or learning these skills? 7. Do you feel comfortable taking pictures? 8. Do you have access to a 35mm or a high megapixel digital camera? 9. Will you contribute to the financial success of the publication by selling books and advertisements?




























Previous Experience Of these areas (interviewing, writing, electronic design, taking pictures), which – if any – are areas in which you have had previous experience? If any past course work, club activities, or experiences gave you practice in any of these skills, please explain here. (Don’t worry, if you don’t have any experience in these areas!) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Caption Writing A big part of yearbook isn’t taking the pictures that go in the book, but writing interesting copy and captions. Write a caption for the following picture to the best of your abilities and understanding of what a caption should include on a yearbook spread.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ School Involvement Please list all clubs, sports, and school organizations that you are already involved in at Green Hope. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

In carefully selected words, tell us why you want to be a member of the yearbook staff. Don’t tell us what you think we want to hear; tell us the truth. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ After we have received all applications, you will be pulled for an interview during your 4th period some time during the week of March 14-18. By completing this application, my parents and I understand that I am making a commitment to the yearbook staff and will be responsible to learn academic skills as well as apply them to the production of the yearbook. I understand that this is a unique learning opportunity and that assignments will be related to yearbook production and marketing. Evaluation of all students will be made not only on the mastery of skills, but also on their hands-on application. I also know that time outside of class must be devoted to accomplish the tasks and that the adviser must be able to request that extra time in order to meet deadlines. By signing this application, we all agree to that extra time commitment.

Student Signature: _________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ Please remember, this DOES NOT guarantee you a position on staff! Please take your application to your most current English teacher, along with an envelope to put your application in, and have them complete the following page. Write your name and “Yearbook Application� on the front of the envelope.

Recommendation Form Dear fellow English teachers, Please help out the yearbook staff by completing the recommendation below. The applicant should provide you with an envelope. Please sign across the envelope flap for security. You may return the envelope to the student to submit with his/her application, or you may give the envelope directly to me (Weeks, 3318) Thanks! Below Average Average Above Average Excellent Writing ability Grammar Creativity Time management Ability to work well with others Responsibility Motivation Outgoing personality

` Work Ethic People Skills Trustworthiness Honesty Attentiveness to instructions Ability to follow instructions from teachers and classmates

If you have any strong feelings about whether this student should or should not be a part of the yearbook staff, you may write them below. THANKS!

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