Families Upon Thames Issue 156 May/June 2023 Familiesonline.co.uk Upon Thames FREETakeMeHome
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 2 S C A N H E R E f o r m o r e ! Brilliant Discoverthe Brains of Brooklands! BOOKONLINETOSAVEVIA BROOKLANDSMUSEUM.COM WEYBRIDGE,SURREY BROOKLANDSMUSEUM FREEFORMEMBERS 27TH MAY – 4TH JUNE Themedfamilyactivitiesthroughout! HILDAHEWlETT: Let’sbuild ourown... Flying machines! Sirbarneswallis: Let’sbring thesky... Toearth! Reidrailton: Let’sputa planeengine... Inacar! Exclusive discount for Families readers NEW! Fun for all the family Volcano Island Adventure Golf featuring one of Europe’s largest Adventure Golf courses Perfect for families, groups and parties • Erupting volcanos • Devious dinosaurs • Secret caves • Sneaking behind waterfalls • Hunting out bones ...all while trying to get a hole in one Use our unique discount code AGFAM OFF YOUR BOOKING SAVE UP TO 40% Hurry! Claim your discount now Go to to claim your discount hounslowgolfpark.com/ volcanoisland Hounslow Golf Park, Staines Road, Hounslow TW14 0HH www.hounslowgolfpark.com hello@hounslowgolfpark.com 0203 3760 760 BOOK NOW...PLAY LATER - Book any free dates this year, but hurry to book your preferred dates before all the discount codes run out Hounslow-HALFPAGE-ad-04-2023.indd 1 12/04/2023 15:40
Editor Linda Stone editor@familiesuponthames.co.uk 020 8241 0423
Sales Amanda Biggs amanda.biggs@familiespublishing.co.uk 07835 848066
Jan/Feb competition winners
Congratulations to all our winners. Find a list at https://bit.ly/JFrecipients
Enjoy some early summer fun! Use our specially curated playground guide covering the boroughs of Richmond, Kingston, Elmbridge and Spelthorne to find one you haven’t visited before. And explore more than NINETY local family activities and events highlighted in our What’s On section!
It’s also the perfect time to think about booking your child into a summer day camp or workshop –the long summer holidays will be here before you know it!
Swimming is the only sport your child can undertake that might save their life. But how can you best support them while they are learning to swim? Find out in our article from Swim England and check out some local swimming class providers.
Look out for our Orchard Toy game giveaway – we have loads of Little Shopping Lotto games on offer. Apply inside and you’ll also ensure you receive our digital magazine with lots more content and goodies on offer.
Linda Editor, Families Upon Thames
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Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 3 CONTENTS
In this issue 4. 10. 12. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. Education Days out Classes & clubs Summer day camps Early Years Parenting Playground guide What’s On
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Stagecoach Performing Arts is the trading name of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited. Stagecoach Theatre Arts schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach and Creative Courage For Life are registered trademarks of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited. ASK ABOUT OUR TWO WEEK TRIAL
How handwriting affects self-esteem
By Catherine Loble and Lisa Wander
It is known that children who have good handwriting do better in school and enjoy it more. And the opposite is also true: those who struggle with handwriting are often at a disadvantage in the high-paced classroom setting. According to the Dyspraxia Foundation, children with poor handwriting are usually aware of their difficulty and their untidy handwriting can make them feel uncomfortable and isolated. Commonly, children feel depressed and frustrated as a direct result of poor writing skills.
Handwriting activates a specific part of the brain which helps establish and build the neural patterns needed for learning and memory. Studies show that children who spend time working on handwriting produce clearer and more coherent communication, along with better thought and organisation skills.
As the majority of our examinations are still handwritten, handwriting forms an integral part of our education system. Students who are unable to write legibly and articulately find themselves at a severe disadvantage. Once these skills are taught there is an enormous difference in confidence and selfesteem.
With at least ten to fifteen percent of children in the classroom suffering from poor self-confidence, teachers need watch out for early problems with their pupils’ handwriting. Simply having their writing labelled as messy or lazy by adults can contribute to a child’s low self-esteem and anxiety. This may lead children to believe that they are unintelligent and incapable of writing correctly and discourage them, continuing the downward spiral.
Unfortunately, the problem of anxiety-related handwriting problems cannot simply be overcome by using a computer. As a child grows older, there will always be everyday circumstances in which handwriting is needed. Furthermore, handwriting helps the flow of ideas and thoughts in a way which keyboarding doesn’t, so it is fundamental that children are taught to write legibly.
Although handwriting is an integral requirement of the National Curriculum, many schools are unable to dedicate the time it needs due to the huge demands of core subjects. In addition, there are many different styles and programmes being used
with too many confusing elements. Supporting your child’s handwriting at home will give their skills and confidence a big boost that they will take with them into the classroom.
Motor skills to support handwriting
Essential for handwriting, motor development is divided into gross and fine motor skills. Gross skills involve large muscle movements such as crawling, walking, running and swimming. Fine motor skills require smaller muscles: grasping, object manipulation and drawing.
Well-developed gross and fine motor skills are essential to a child's readiness to write. Early years activities prepare them for the dexterity and co-ordination they will need in the classroom and it’s never too soon to start the journey.
Practising gross motor skills is the first step towards two-handed tasks such as holding down paper with one hand while writing with the other. Fun activities teach small bodies! Examples include monkey bars, hopscotch, throwing and catching balls, dancing, running and swimming.
Fine motor skills are necessary for handwriting so the child can control the pencil in forming letters and use the correct pressure on the pen and the paper. This is where hand and finger activities come in. Consider these: threading beads, cutting paper, construction play, baking, finger painting and playdough.
Catherine and Lisa are co-founders of Emparenting (www.emparenting.co.uk), supporting children, parents and families with insights, skills and tools to nurture the development and well-being of the next generation.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 4 Collaborative lessons in small groups Confidence-building, interactive and engaging Variety of teaching and learning strategies Free introductory meeting with parent and child and 20% off the first two lessons Laura Parker Fully qualified primary teacher English tuition for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 11+ tuition for pupils in Years 4 & 5 The Inspired Hub, Hampton, TW12 2JA www.therightbalancetuition.co.uk contact@therightbalancetuition.co.uk 07443 733619 Small and caring pre-school in Hampton Ages 2 to 5 Teaches Early Years Foundation Stage. Curriculum and Montessori Method. For a prospectus or to visit, call Julia on 020 8335 0666 / 07939 838 991 or email juliasmontessori@aol.com EDUCATION
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What the parents say….
Families spoke to parents of children at King’s House School in Richmond to discover what makes the school stand out.
Caitlin’s sons, Percy, Louis and Toby are in Years 3, 6 and 8 respectively. Jhaneen’s son, Arshan, is in Year 6 and is the third of her sons to attend King’s House. Meanwhile, Kirsty’s son, Raffy, is in Year 7. All the children started their King’s House journey in Nursery or Reception.
Children need to be happy and supported to thrive at school and when asked to describe King’s House in three words, the adjectives that were used really ticked the right boxes. Amongst the words chosen by Caitlin, Jhaneen and Kirsty were ‘happy,’ ‘caring,’ ‘kind’ and ‘supportive,' as well as ‘balanced,’ ‘rounded’ and ‘forward thinking.’
All three mums were looking for something particular in the choice of school for their boys. ‘The school is close to uswalking distance from home’ comments Jhaneen. ‘We wanted local friendships for our children during the early years.’ Kirsty echoes this. ‘We had just moved to Richmond and I really wanted my son to grow up with a strong network of local friends’ she says. Both Kirsty and Caitlin were struck by the school’s particular ambience. ‘I liked the feel of it when I walked round’ says Kirsty, whilst Caitlin reports: ‘I loved the school when I went to an Open Day. The boys who showed us round were so positive about King’s House and seemed like kind, bright, wellrounded children.’
A diverse education in a school that is academically challenging but not overly pressuring, teachers they like and friendships forged are key to the happiness of their children. Caitlin mentions teachers who ‘really care, get to know children well and are always very supportive.’ Kirsty loves the fact that all children are equally valued ‘no matter what their strengths. And that this comes from the very top.’ On Jhaneen’s list are the strong sense of community, the friendliness of the staff, the transparency of communications, the strict Anti-Bullying Policy, the preparation for 11+/13+ – ‘the sheer variety of everything on offer at the school.’
Parents agree that King’s House’s range of facilities are a real asset and of a particularly high level for a London school, contributing to the variety of the curriculum and the fun that’s embedded in the school day. Caitlin mentions ‘the excellent sports grounds, theatre, art/design technology facilities, science labs and music rooms.’ Kirsty reports that the Year 7/8 common room ‘has been a big hit!’
The wide range of favourite academic subjects that the three mums tell us Percy, Louis, Toby, Arshan and Raffy particularly enjoy includes English ‘because it is made creative and fun in every lesson’ and art and design technology ‘where children have access to excellent resources and develop age-appropriate skills.’ Meanwhile, ‘the challenges children are set and compete on in small groups’ makes maths a favourite, Latin is ‘very structured and well taught’ and history ‘offers field trips and is taught with a lot of resources.’
Also applauded is the huge range of co-curricular activities including ‘drama and LAMDA to a very high level, music, various choirs, rock bands and individual music lessons including instruments,’ as well as ‘tasters of hockey, table tennis, wall climbing, agility and stamina tests, computer coding and digital music composition.’ Kirsty, Jhaneen and Caitlin’s boys particularly enjoy computing clubs, the cross country running club, music tech groups and other co-curricular music, drama, including LAMDA and sports fixtures with other schools.
One of the core roles of a prep school is to prepare each child for the right senior school. Jhaneen describes the process at King’s House, explaining the degree of personal input from the Head, Mr Turner, who personally teaches the boys in Year 4, getting to know and assess them individually and meets one to one with parents to give them complete feedback from staff about their child’s individual ability.
Mr Turner receives personal accolades from parents for his involvement. ‘Mr Turner was brilliant in helping us navigate the choice of boarding or day school for Raffy’ says Kirsty. ‘He guided us to a range of schools and was able to give us an insider’s view of what might suit our son best. I was in and out of his office A LOT talking through the options as the exam season progressed and his input was invaluable in helping us come to the decision that was right for Raffy.’
King’s House has traditionally been a boy’s prep school but has recently become co-ed, a decision enthusiastically praised. ‘I think it’s fantastic. The boys will really enjoy having girls in the classrooms’ says Caitlin. ‘BRILLIANT NEWS!’ raves Kirsty. ‘It’s the final piece in the puzzle for me; bringing girls into King’s House will be a great step forward.’ Meanwhile, Jhaneen reflects that ‘the world is co-ed and King’s House is evolving with the times. It will benefit many local families who have both girls and boys in their household and teach little ones to co-exist happily and learn from each other.’
Kings House School is a co-educational nursery and prep school for children ages 3 to 13. For more information, visit www.kingshouseschool.org
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 6
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 7 NEWLAND HOUSE SCHOOL WELCOME MORNINGS Ind ep en d e n t Nu rs e ry & P re p a ra t o ry Day S c h oo l f o r G i rl s a nd Bo y s fr om 3 t o 13 Y ea rs Ne w lan d Ho u se Sc h oo l Wa l d eg ra v e Pa rk, Tw ic kenh am , TW1 4TQ T 02 0 8 8 6 5 1 3 05 E a dm iss ion s @ne w lan d hou s e n et w w w n e w lan d hou s e n e t INNOVATE, NURTURE, INSPIRE, FLY... 26 May 23 Jun 22 Sept 20 Oct 1 Dec The exceptional educational foundations and support your child needs to forge their own path. • Co-educational prep school for children aged 3-11 • High quality curriculum with strong history of placement at selective destination schools • Competitive fee structure • Outstanding facilities conveniently served by school bus service Explore the Staines Prep Way Every Step Way o f t h e admissions@stainesprep.co.uk www.stainesprep.co.uk or by calling 01784 450909 Book now at: Join our Open Day or arrange a personal tour Friday 12 May, 9.30am - 11.30am Cantello Tayler Recruitment provide permanent, temporary and contract roles for a wide range of industries and sectors. Scan the QR code for a list of our current vacancies, or call us today to discuss how we can help you find your new job. 01753 428000 www.cantellotayler.com LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB THIS SUMMER?
What is the CPA approach in maths?
By Jemma Z Smith
CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) is a maths teaching approach that has grown in popularity in recent years. It involves using tangible objects for children to add, subtract, multiply or divide. They then progress to using pictorial representations of the objects and ultimately, abstract symbols. This way of learning is one of the foundations of Singaporean maths, now being adopted in the UK.
The tangible, ‘handling’ stage uses physical objects to solve problems. For example:
There are four buttons in the pot. Stanley has two buttons in his hand. How many buttons are there altogether?
In this problem, the children might first count out actual buttons before moving on to non-related objects such as counters to represent the buttons. Of course, almost anything can be used to help a child master this stage from pencils to plastic pots, to counting beans and coins. You don’t need to spend money on concrete resources to support learning at home.
Next, learners move on to making their own representations. Returning to the example in the paragraph above, the buttons could be drawn as four circles on one part of the paper and two more on another part, representing the pot and the hand. Children can then count each small circle and get the same answer as they would have done with the buttons.
Building or drawing a model makes it easier for children to grasp
more difficult concepts, particularly when working with fractions. It enables learners to see how much of a ‘whole one’ has been shaded in and visualise the problem more clearly.
This is where children use abstract symbols to solve maths problems.
Brooke has ten sweets and Millie has twelve sweets. How many sweets do they have altogether?
Children at the abstract stage would be able to solve the problem by writing it out as 10 + 12 = 22.
Before moving onto this stage, children need a secure understanding of mathematical vocabulary; eg ‘altogether’, ‘add’ and ‘plus’ all mean that the numbers are increasing.
Although CPA has three distinct stages, it is always useful to revisit the previous stages to ensure that learners have a full grasp of each concept.
Jemma Z Smith is Director of The Education Hotel (www.educationhotel.co.uk)
Why is CPA maths helpful for children?
Education methods have changed a lot since we were at school. For many adults today, classroom teaching involved having methods drummed into us that we didn’t necessarily understand and which were promptly forgotten. Could you explain why we ‘put a zero’ in the ones column when multiplying by a tens number? Why we ‘knock on the next number’s door and borrow a 1’ when exchanging in column subtraction? How long division really works?
Using physical ‘concrete’ counters show us the mechanics behind these methods and gives children an understanding of what maths is, rather than rote learning for an exam and forgetting the learning when moving on to the next concept. The learning will stick for longer and be more beneficial to them as they progress to the next stage of their education.
With CPA, maths is seen by teachers as a house or a pyramid. Without a strong understanding of the foundations, more complex topics such as algebra or percentages will be a struggle.
What if my Year 6 child still uses props for maths?
Should you be concerned? The answer is that the use of concrete and pictorial resources is not only for very young children or children who find new concepts tricky.
While running a SATs booster class, I used the bar model, a way of visualising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using blocks, with a group of Year 6 children. They had to work out how much of one type of liquid was used in a ratio word problem. The lightbulb moments started to happen: what a privilege to witness!
Once learners understand the mechanics of problems, they can apply their knowledge from the concrete and pictorial stages into the abstract final answer and, if they are really secure, even teach it to someone else as well, demonstrating true mastery of the concept.
So no, parents shouldn’t be concerned if their children are still using props. They are using them to their advantage and building a solid base of understanding that will see them through into later years.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 8 EDUCATION
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames Kew Green Nursery is part of Kew Green Preparatory School Please contact us for more information or if you would like to book a tour of our new Nursery. E: info@kewgreennursery.com w: kewgreennursery.com T: 020 8948 5999 85 Kew Green, London, TW9 3AH Nursery for children aged 2-4 Join our next nursery Open Morning Saturday 13th May 2023 at 10am @KewGreenNursery BOOK NOW
Discover the brilliant brains of Brooklands
Inspired by the brand-new Sir Barnes Wallis exhibition, come and uncover the marvellous inventions of Brooklands Museum in Weybridge and the amazing people behind them.
This May half term, enjoy a fun STEM family workshop about design and simulation, a new inventions trail around the site, Concorde Supersonic Walkthroughs and the ever popular vintage bus rides around the local area, courtesy of the London Bus Museum. And don’t forget to look out for the live actors in costume portraying Brooklands’ famous inventors!
In addition, there’s thirty two acres of space to explore; whether you’re walking around the historic, banked race track, beneath the wings of the giant aeroplanes in the aircraft park or relaxing on the Paddock lawn with traditional games and ice cream, you’re guaranteed a great time.
Easily accessible by car or train, parking is free and there’s a café and plenty of picnic space available.
Book your action-packed day out now at www.brooklandsmuseum.com
Enjoy half term at Hever Castle & Gardens
Unleash your artistic side during May half term at Hever Castle & Gardens from 27 May to 4 June.
Become an artist for the day and depict the castle or gardens in any style, take part in a FREE art challenge or be inspired by the artists in the grounds. Meet actors portraying famous artists, Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo and join them on a journey through the grounds enjoying some challenges along the way. Finish your day by becoming a walking piece of art with a creative face paint (additional charge – weekends only).
While at Hever, enjoy the popular Water Maze, the thrilling Tudor Towers adventure playground, the natural Acorn Dell play area or, for an additional charge at weekends and school holidays, ‘Have-a-Go’ archery and boating on the lake.
Find out about Hever’s Home Front event on 24 and 25 June on page 25.
More info at www.hevercastle.co.uk
Quentin Blake at London Wetland Centre
Reimagine the wonder of wetlands and nature through the eyes of the UK’s best loved illustrator this summer, with new seasonal trails to explore, each with a different illustrated guide full of Quentin Blake’s drawings to collect and keep. There will be a whole host of art and illustration activities aimed at all ages and abilities, including nature-inspired creative challenges, art workshops and much more, with new events and activities throughout the year.
Activities include a Quentin Blake prints exhibition (18 May to 14 July) a Mural Painting workshop (29 May to 2 June) and a Charcoal Making and Drawing workshop (27 and 28 May and 3 and 4 June). Look out for exciting art workshops throughout the summer too plus take part in crafty competitions with lots of Quentin Blake goodies up for grabs, including the chance to win a one-off, special edition Quentin Blake print. Ready to visit?
Book online at www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/london
Children’s theatre festival Perform in the Park
Children’s drama school Perform is embarking on its first ever children’s theatre festival this summer in Coram’s Fields, Bloomsbury (WC1N). The six week festival includes four musicals, two of which are original productions, with shows running daily from 22 July to 28 August.
The line-up includes The Three Billy Goats Gruff, a smash hit musical adventure for 2 to 6 year olds and, based on Mo Willems’ wonderful book, Elephant and Piggie’s We are in a Play! for children ages 3 to 8. Perform’s brand-new Caribbean adventure, Mermaids & Pirates, will be presented for ages 4 to 11 whilst, for ages 7 to 14, another original show from Perform, The Dream, inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, rebooted for a new generation.
As well as these four fantastic musicals for children ages 2 to 14, there are evening events for teens, plus a charming all-day café and, of course, all the usual child-centred delights of Coram's Fields.
Visit www.performinthepark.uk for more info and booking.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 10 DAYS OUT
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 11 2939-Art-Week-Ad-87x130-AW.indd 1 04/04/2023 10:21 rhs.org.uk/wisley Sow Awesome – May Half Term Sat 27 May – Sun 4 Jun Our gardens are bursting with lifethere’s no better time to learn how to grow your own. Discover how fun and easy it is to plant and harvest vegetables and learn more about where our food comes from, as a family. Your visit supports our work as a charity. RHS Members go free JOIN THE R HS TODAY JOINTHE RHS TODAY Summer wetland adventures of imagination, inspiration and illustration await at WWT London From 18 May Search WWT London © WWT 2023. Registered charity no. 1030884 England and Wales, SC039410 Scotland. Images © Quentin Blake 2023. All rights reserved.
Nurturing your child’s love of music
By Jon Flinn
The reality, of course, is that most musicians are unlikely to even remember their first exposure to music because, as the evidence clearly shows, the process of responding to music starts before we are even born. After just twenty five weeks. a foetus has a functioning auditory system and can respond to sound, for example, by jumping or kicking in response to a very loud noise.
So how do parents or parents-to-be nurture their child’s relationship with music?
The British Association for Early Childhood Education (www.early-education.org.uk) has done some great work in this area, showing how parental support for a child’s musical development is underpinned by two simple but vital principles: positive relationships and enabling environments.
Beyond giving warmth and love, relationships which encourage a child’s musical development are sensitive and responsive to the child’s needs, feelings and interests. For example, giving them access to variety of music to hear and play but acknowledging the child’s own tastes. They’re also about supporting the child’s own efforts to express themselves and being consistent in setting clear boundaries.
Creating enabling environments is about making sure that your child – whatever age – has access to appropriate stimulating resources which are relevant to a range of children’s cultures and communities, has rich opportunities to learn through play and playful teaching and is free to take risks and explore through music.
Useful parent/child activities include everything from copying children’s vocalisations to show that you hear and value them, to using recording devices, to creating ‘treasure baskets’ with items that the youngest babies can shake, scrunch or tap.
The National Music Commission (www.musiccommission.org. uk) focusses, in part, on the role that parents (whether they are musical or not) can play in their children’s learning.
There’s lots that government and agencies like ABRSM can do to help support children to learn to develop their musical skills but nothing is more important to a child’s musical development than the support of their parents.
The ABRSM is the world’s leading provider of music exams and an organisation which has spent over one hundred years inspiring the musical achievement of young people. It seeks music learners ages 7 to 18 and their parents from a wide range of backgrounds to take part in a series of online discussions, polls and surveys. If you are interested, register online at www.abrsm.org/parentslearners.
New Baby Menuhins music programme in Cobham
Baby Menuhins is an exciting new baby and toddler music programme which helps children develop a love of music, creativity and expression in a fun, community environment.
Delivered by the prestigious Yehudi Menuhin School, classes provide teaching of the highest quality, helping children to develop natural responses to music, pulse and rhythm and enjoy gentle introductions to music-making, mindfulness and yoga.
Interactive and engaging, expect lots of singing and activities involving moving to music with instruments, such as rhythm sticks, bells and egg shakers, as well as scarves and soft toys.
Classes take place every Tue, Wed and Thu morning during term-time at The Yehudi Menuhin School in Cobham where there is free parking on site. There are three age groups available: 6 months to 1 year, 6 months to 3 years and 3 to 4 years.
Sign up today to get your first session FREE and benefit from introductory prices!
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 12 CLUBS & CLASSES Helping children develop a love of music BABY MENUHINS SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL! Book online: www.menuhinschool.co.uk/babymenuhins The Yehudi Menuhin School, Stoke d Abernon, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3QQ. Registered Charity No. 312010 New baby & toddler music classes incorporating mindfulness & baby yoga every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning in Cobham Baby Menuhins Families Magazine Advert April 2023.indd 1 18/04/2023 16:00
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Book a FREE summer term class with Perform
Summer term is here and there’s no better time for your child to try Perform. Packed with self-esteem boosting activities, Perform weekly classes round off the academic year with a fun and relaxed focus on developing confidence, communication, coordination and concentration. Using a mix of drama, dance and singing, these high-energy classes for all abilities are designed to allow even the most reticent children to shine.
This term, ages 4 to 7 will be setting sail on the Jammy Dodger for an adventure with the Mermaids & Pirates. Meanwhile, ages 7 to 12 will enjoy a laugh-out-loud adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in The Dream. The curriculum has an emphasis on fun with free apps and videos to watch at home.
Classes are for all abilities and every child is welcome to try a free class in Brentford, Cobham, Esher, Hampton, Kew, Kingston, Richmond, St Margarets, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Walton upon Thames and Weybridge.
Book a FREE class at www.perform.org.uk/try
More fun with Perform’s this summer!
Perform fun continues into the summer holidays with Wizard of Oz holiday courses running in Richmond (31 Jul to 4 Aug) and in Twickenham and Walton upon Thames (14 to 18 Aug).
And don’t miss the Perform in the Park summer festival of children's theatre. See more on page 10. To book visit www.performinthepark.uk
More about Perform’s weekly classes
Confidence building weekly drama, dance and singing classes for 4-7s and 7-12s. Classes are designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration and coordination. Visit www. perform.org.uk/try, email enquiries@perform.org.uk or call 020 7255 9120 to book a FREE trial class in one of the following venues.
Brentford: St Paul Church of England Primary School
Esher: Church of the Holy Name
Hampton: Linden Hall Community Centre
Kew: Kew Community Centre
Kingston: Alexandra Infants School
Richmond: Vineyard Life Church, The Russell Primary School & Holy Trinity Church Centre
St Margarets: St Margaret’s Catholic Church Hall
Surbiton: Surbiton Hill Methodist Church
Teddington: Teddington Methodist Church
Twickenham: The Crossway Centre, Twickenham United Reform Church & The Winchester Room, Turks Head
Walton upon Thames: St Andrews Urc
Weybridge: St James’ Parish Centre
Water Babies baby & toddler swimming
Water Babies offers swimming classes for babies and toddlers from birth to age 6 in Richmond, Twickenham, Kingston, Chessington, Surbiton, Sunbury, Shepperton, West Byfleet and further afield in Surrey.
Swimming builds endurance and muscle strength in little ones and offers many other physical and developmental benefits.
• Being in the water helps your baby move independently before they can crawl or walk.
• Cross-lateral movements (crossing the midline of the body), eg: reaching for a ball, assist hand-eye coordination.
• Activities like chasing toys in the pool improve fine motor skills - those smaller movements that occur in the wrists, hands, fingers, feet and toes.
• Swimming strengthens heart, lungs and arm, leg and neck muscles.
• Bouncing and splashing stimulates the vestibular system, aiding balance.
• It’s proven to help with eating and sleeping patterns.
Find a local class at www.waterbabies.co.uk/where-we-swim
Swim with Springboard Swimmers!
Operating from three venues in Richmond borough, Springboard Swimmers is a not-for-profit swim school which offers excellent lessons at reasonable prices, without compromising on quality.
Foundation swimmers take classes in Ham and intermediate, advanced and squad swimmers in Hampton and Twickenham.
With a twenty year history, Springboard Swimmers focuses on technique first, ensuring its swimmers learn a graceful and easy style of swimming that will help them swim for longer and faster. The swimming journey starts small with ratios of 1:3 children in a group, reaching 1:4 in a lane for advanced swimmers, guaranteeing the focus remains on quality over quantity.
Springboard families have priority for renewing each term, so swimmers grow from nervous 3-year-old’s to excited and passionate young adults.
For more information, call 020 8239 0081, email admin@springboardswimmers.com or visit www.springboardswimmers.co.uk
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 14 CLUBS & CLASSES
Support your child with swimming
According to Swim England, nearly two thirds of parents and guardians of children ages 7 to 11 haven’t been swimming with their children in more than a month. They’re missing out: regular family swims can be enjoyed whatever the weather and help children develop their swimming ability more quickly.
If you’re booking your child in for swimming lessons, here’s how Swim England recommends supporting them:
Lessons are fun. Learning how to swim should be fun, so check with the lesson provider that games and activities are regularly included within their programme of teaching.
Timing is key. Book lessons for a time that is easy to fit around your family commitments.
Pay attention. If you are poolside during lessons, be ready to give your child a wave and lots of encouragement. Putting away your mobile will help your child understand that these lessons are important.
Celebrate their swimming milestones. Rewarding children keeps them motivated to improve in their lessons. Swim England’s Learn to Swim Awards and app give children regular celebrations of their swimming milestones.
Regular reports. Parents should expect regular updates either through reports or verbal feedback. If your child is struggling in lessons, talk to the swimming teacher and ask what you can do to help encourage them. If they haven’t started swimming lessons yet, visit the pool before lessons to get your child used to the environment.
Don’t end lessons too early. Water competency is often misinterpreted by parents and guardians as child being able to jump into a swimming pool and being able to put their face in the water. The reality is very different.
Learning to jump into a swimming pool is an important safety skill that is often achieved in the early stages of your child’s learning to swim journey. It is a skill which mimics the motion of falling into water and teaches swimmers to get themselves safely to the side without panicking.
However, there are many other water safety and survival skills that a child needs to learn before they are safe in water, such as floating and treading water.
So don’t be tempted to stop your child’s lessons before they are competent swimmers and have achieved Swim England’s minimum water competency standards. For further information, visit www.swimming.org
When is my child water competent?
Swim England’s minimum water competency standards offer a clear set of skills that should be achieved before a child stops swimming lessons. The four competencies are:
• Perform a star float for at least sixty seconds;
• Tread water for at least thirty seconds;
• Have experience of swimming in clothing;
• Swim at least one hundred metres with ease and without stopping.
Research in September 2021 highlighted that more than three million 7 to 11 year old children were not achieving this standard, with just four percent of the age group being classed as ‘water competent.’ Swim England strongly recommends that where possible, parents and carers keep children in swimming lessons until they have completed Learn to Swim Stages 1 to 7 as a minimum. By this point children will have achieved all four of the minimum standards for water competency and will be much safer if they get into trouble.
See more at https://bit.ly/SwimPathway
The safest swimwear colours for your child
Adult supervision is crucial to keeping young people safe in, on and around the water but have you ever thought about whether the colour of your child’s swimwear could make a difference in preventing drowning? If the worst did happen, being able to quickly find a child in the water could save vital seconds and be the difference between a fatal and non-fatal incident.
Swimwear colour makes a huge difference to whether a child can be seen even on the surface of the water, let alone if they are underwater. The colour of the bottom of the pool will make a difference but when buying your child’s swimwear, think bright, neon, contrasting colours which are always easiest to see in a swimming pool.
For swimming in an outdoor setting, the results are the same. The caveat for this is that open water settings, such as beaches and rivers, also come with various hidden dangers such as tides and currents to consider before allowing your child to swim.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 15 CLUBS & CLASSES
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 16 CLASSES DIRECTORY Hampton Hill and Twickenham Ages 3 to18 Please call 07973 900196 or e: info@steponstageacademy.co.uk www.steponstageacademy.co.uk Top quality performing arts classes admin@springboardswimmers com admin@springboardswimmers.com 0208 239 0081 0208 239 0081 www.springboardswimmers.co.uk www springboardswimmers co uk An Exceptional School in An Exceptional School in Ham, Ham, Hampton & Hampton & Twickenham Twickenham Learn a skill for life 01932 227428 underthewaves@waterbabies.co.uk Join us anytime! Classes available now. When you’re ready, we’re ready. We teach 0-5 year olds the lifesaving skill of learning how to swim - taking each child on a journey of aquatic discovery, adventure and purposeful play. office@danceforceschoolofdancing.com www.danceforceschoolofdancing.com Pre-school dance classes from 18mths Kingston and Twickenham Book at www.perform.org.uk/try Try a FREE drama, dance and singing class CONFIDENCE BUILDING FUN Chertsey, Hinchley Wood & Esher, Richmond, Staines, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge SINGING, DANCING AND ACTING CLASSES FOR 4 TO 18 YEAR OLDS www.stagecoach.co.uk Warm water Small groups FREE assessment Classes in Cobham 07915 510720 www.teamswimschool.com info@teamswimschool.com Free Assessment Book your child now! 07551 236988 twickenham@babyballet.co.uk www.babyballet.co.uk Award-winning classes across Richmond, Twickenham and Kingston 18mths -6yrs Orchard Toys Giveaway Claim your FREE Little Shopping Lotto game NOW* Small in size but big in fun –perfect for both home and travel! APPLY at familiesmag.co.uk/go AGES 3 to 6 *while stocks last
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 17 Stay on the right path We are a niche family law practice who listen. Come and talk to us 0203 924 8462 enquiries@ne-familylaw.co.uk Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond TW9 1DL www.ne-familylaw.co.uk When you’re faced with an uncertain future, it’s important to make good decisions and be sure you are on the right path. Talk to us to understand your options and get the support you need to help you navigate your way to a secure and happy future.
The benefits of summer camps
By Andrew Campbell
Summer day camps provide fun, safe and nurturing spaces for children. Not just useful childcare for working parents, there are many benefits for children too. Consider these:
Learning new skills
Summer camps offer a variety of activities that allow children to explore new interests and develop talents they didn’t know they had or take an existing talent to a new level.
Promoting physical activity
Many day camps provide a wide range of physical activities including sports, outdoor activities and games. This helps to promote a healthy lifestyle and develop a lifelong love of physical activity.
Developing independence and self-confidence
Being in a setting that isn’t home or school and where there are no parents can give children a sense of independence. They learn how to take care of themselves, make their own decisions and solve problems on their own.
Taking on new challenges and trying new things gives them confidence in their abilities.
Fostering creativity
Creative juices flow when children experience theatre arts, dance, music, writing, arts and crafts. These all help to stimulate their imagination and expressive thinking.
Leaving technology behind
As fantastic as the online world can be, it is always great to expose children to the joys of a good old-fashioned kick about
and team games in the fresh air. Who knows, they may even enjoy it MORE than gazing at a screen!
Building social skills
In a whole new supervised peer group, children learn to work together, communicate effectively and develop a sense of community.
There’s much to be gained too if they are learning and playing alongside children from different backgrounds, cultures or abilities from their usual circles, as this is an opportunity to appreciate difference. Kids will also build friendships outside their established school network.
Enjoying the outdoors
Climbing trees, changing a bike wheel or building an outdoor camp can give your child a whole new set of skills while enjoying adventures they might not otherwise experience.
Nurturing leadership and teamwork
By encouraging teamwork, co-operation, empathy and selfconfidence, summer day camps will help your child develop emotional intelligence.
Ultimate Activity school holiday day camps
Ultimate Activity Camps (UAC) provide an inspiring programme of over forty stimulating and outstanding activities during the school holidays for children ages 4 to 14 to enjoy.
During the summer holidays, these award-winning camps, delivered by qualified and motivating staff will be running at Surbiton High School and Holy Cross Prep School in Kingston. Children will be able to enjoy a range of sports, games and craft activities each week, taking the stress out of childcare for parents. Food Craft, Fencing, Ultimate Inflatables and Zorbing are just a few of the activities on offer at Holy Cross while Surbiton High also offers Ultimate Tech camps.
Winner of the Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award, an independent seal of excellence recognising businesses that consistently deliver a world-class customer experience, Ultimate Activity Camps are all about making memories for children, through fresh air, fun and friendship.
Save £20 a week if you book a summer camp before 6 June! Find our more and book at www.ultimateactivity.co.uk
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 18 SUMMER CAMPS
How playgrounds benefit your child
As a parent or carer of young children, you’ve no doubt spent many hours sitting or standing in a playground watching your child play or pushing them on a swing. As well as being great for getting kids playing outside, playgrounds also have a range of developmental benefits - not just physical and social but cognitive and emotional too.
Unexpected physical benefits
Playgrounds provide children with the opportunity to develop their complete physical selves:
Swings and climbing frames develop advanced balancing skills and improve their equilibrium for surer footedness.
Climbing and running benefit muscle development and weight management.
Exposing children to daylight helps stabilise their circadian rhythms which can improve sleep patterns.
Playing outside exposes youngsters to more organic bacteria and microbes, which can help build a more robust immune system and an advanced microbiome.
The emotional and cognitive benefits
Anxiety, self-esteem and introversion are all common issues faced by children. A playground gives them a safe space in which to confront those feelings without judgement or expectation.
They can choose to play with the other kids in the castle or observe and learn how they can socialise before taking the first brave steps. Similarly, they can play by themselves on the swings
or slides to reduce their anxiety as they don’t need any help from others to accomplish that (though the kit is designed to encourage engagement and communication). Finally, they can give their self-esteem a boost by being brave enough to try a new piece of equipment or by making a new friend.
The playground gives them options. They don’t have to do anything they don’t want to but if they choose to act, it’s almost certain they will experience a benefit.
Playground play is also great for developing problem-solving skills, increasing creativity and encouraging critical thinking. Do too many children want to play in the castle? They can work together to create a game and solve the problem. Does everyone want to go on the slide? Well, they can queue and wait their turn, right?
Family Corner (www.familycorner.co.uk) is the family arm of the Early Years Alliance (www.eyalliance.org.uk). The charity provides expert-written articles on all aspects of child development including health, behaviour, communication and fun activities.
Nurturing interests at Knowle Green Day Nursery
At Knowle Green Day Nursery in Staines, devoted practitioners are on a mission to give children the best possible start in life.
Days are filled with exciting activities, planned around the children’s personal interests and designed in line with Early Years Foundation Stage principles, equipping them with the knowledge and skills for their next steps in education.
With age-appropriate and imaginative indoor play and learning spaces, state of the art ICT, toys and equipment, messy play and ‘role play’ areas, each child from 6 weeks to 5 years of age can immerse themselves in the vast learning opportunities on offer.
At Knowle Green, children also benefit from an award-winning eco-education, with owner, Childbase Partnership recently named Early Years Provider of the Year by Keep Britain Tidy. From growing vegetables and herbs, to creating habitats for wildlife, children enjoy the inspiring curriculum, as well as being proud holders of the prestigious Green Flag from Eco-Schools
For more information or to book a visit, call 01784 464141 or email knowle.green@childbase.com
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 19 Availability may be limited in certain age groups or booking patterns Please call 01784 464141 or email knowle.green@childbase.com Knowle Green Day Nursery, The Pavilion, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex TW18 1AJ www.childbasepartnership.com FOR CHILDREN AGED 6 WEEKS TO 5 YEARS OPEN 7.00AM TO 6.30PM We look forward to hearing from you Nursery Places Available Fun is an essential ingredient at Knowle Green Day Nursery and Preschool where the care and education opportunities for each and every child are as extraordinary as our colleagues who provide them.
Please listen to me!
By Tanith Carey
When we have non-stop days, it’s easy to lapse into ‘one-waystreet parenting.’ That’s where as the more powerful grownup, you tell your child how to behave. But parenting becomes so much easier when it’s a two-way transaction and you make a conscious effort to listen to what your child has to say as well.
As they grow, children are in a constant process of learning to recognise and describe their needs and emotions. However, with their developing vocabulary they can’t always clearly articulate their big feelings so they don’t always feel heard.
Children who don’t feel heard often act out how they feel. There could be angry tantrums, strops, defiance or attention-seeking behaviour to force you to pay attention. Sadly, this behaviour has the opposite effect.
The good news is that just one simple shift can transform your relationship with your child. Next time your child explodes, understand they are struggling with giant feelings. Rather than thinking about how to discipline them, observe their behaviour with curiosity, followed by empathy.
For example, we grown-ups tend to hear repeated requests for the things kids want as whingeing or nagging. Rather than ignoring them, show them you heard them the first time by looking at them, getting down on their level if they are still little, repeating what they have just said and giving them a response that works in that moment, even if it’s an explanation for why you are saying ‘no’.
Of course, you can’t be expected to drop everything, every time or give kids whatever they want.
Keep some phrases in your back pocket like: ‘I know it’s hard to wait. I’ll be there soon,’ or ‘I heard you calling me. Give me five minutes while you finish your Lego house.’ Even if it’s not the answer they want to hear, they will ease off once they know the message has got through. Just make sure you stick to your word.
This kind of listening is not about giving in or letting them have their own way. It’s about remembering that children are on a steep learning curve towards naming and managing feelings that continues well into their teenage years.
Listening tips for younger children
Name emotions: Experience shows that the more words you use to name their emotions, the more accurate children will be when describing them.
Be interested in what they love: Be curious about what your child has to say, even if you’ve heard the same dinosaur fact one hundred times. If you say: ‘Tell me more,’ your child will open up to you at other times too. If you feel yourself getting bored, go on an adventure to find new facts to fascinate them.
Calm your nervous system: When you feel angry or irritated when dealing with your child, whatever you are doing, take a few deep breaths to slow yourself back to empathy mode so you can listen to what they are trying to say.
Limit your phone use: Put away your phone during the special one-on-one times with your child, whether it’s bath times, mealtimes or story time. When they don’t have to compete to be heard they can relax into being with you.
Tanith Carey is co-author, with Dr Angharad Rudkin, of What’s My Child Thinking: Practical Child Psychology for Modern Parents. The book includes many topics including the best ways to communicate with children. Published by DK books and available from www.bookshop.org
Affordable counselling at Wellbeing Therapy Hut
The Wellbeing Therapy Hut is a Kingston-based business that is all about making therapy affordable and accessible. You can choose from face-to-face sessions in its therapy space or online sessions from the comfort of your own environment.
Prices at The Wellbeing Therapy Hut start from as little as £18 and it has a team of counsellors trained to work with children ages 5+, teenagers, adults and couples; therapy is for everyone. Find out more at www.thewellbeingtherapyhut.co.uk
Familiesonline.co.uk Families
Helping children find their autistic identity
By Rebecca Duffus
When a young person gets a diagnosis of autism, it does not always come with the opportunity to explore their personal autistic identity. Research shows that having a positive understanding of this is an indicator of higher self-esteem and wellbeing as an adult. Thankfully, with the right knowledge and tools, parents can initiate important conversations and support their child’s journey.
So often, autistic young people are told to stop their repetitive physical movements, taught neurotypical social skills and even disciplined purely because of their autistic behaviours. Yet we need to be actively promoting autistic pride and creating communities in which autistic youngsters can understand their strengths and have their needs catered for.
It is important that young autistic people gain a sense of their own unique story and understand feelings of difference and what difference means to them. It helps if they can also learn from the role modelling of other autistic individuals.
Giving children space and time to explore and embrace their autistic identity, in a way that is positive and empowering, is essential for their sense of self and belonging. Here are a few ideas:
Highlight differences in a positive way in everyday life. For example, apples and oranges, pens and pencils, different roles within a sports team. Each share similarities and differences and are equally good and valid. Use these examples to explain the concept of neurodiversity: how some people’s brains simply work differently.
Use visuals to explore autism characteristics and what your child’s unique autistic identity looks like. For example, show pictures related to sensory differences to prompt discussions around over-reactivity and under-reactivity to different senses. The Autism, Identity and Me Workbook (AIM) includes a range of visual prompts and space to personalise each section, so the book becomes truly theirs.
Help them develop a diary or workbook in which they can reflect on their identity. Consider buying personalised notebooks or help them to set up their own system for processing information on an ongoing basis. This could be recording voice notes, videos or typing into a document.
Explore accounts from other autistic individuals, particularly those your child has something in common with, so that they feel represented.
Develop an ‘Autism Identity Statement’ together which your child can use to explain to others what autism means to them.
Continue the conversation and not always verbally: use links, articles and videos. If appropriate for your child’s age, encourage them to watch or follow autism advocates such as The Aspie World, Purple Ella and Chloe Hayden.
For parents, Chris Packham’s recent Inside Our Autistic Minds, available on iPlayer, is an illuminating and informative insight into the minds of young autistic adults.
Follow their lead. You want to develop your child’s autistic pride but it is very important to respect their communication preferences. Do they want to share their Autism Identity Statement with other family members and friends or just with specific people?
Rebecca Duffus is an Advisory Teacher working with students and educators in mainstream and specialist schools, plus local council and education services.
She has created Autism, Identity and Me (AIM) personalised workbooks for young people, with an accompanying guidebook for parents. Together they help autistic young people establish and reflect upon their own unique story. Order from https://bit.ly/AIMbook
The neurodiversity pencil case
Featured in the AIM workbooks, this analogy can help with understanding difference. Sometimes people feel different from everyone else. Imagine a neurodivergent person is a pen within a classroom where the neurotypical pupils are pencils. They might feel like the only pen.
Both the pens and pencils are good at what they do. The neurodivergent people may be different from the neurotypical people but they all share similarities. They are not the only pen…. about one in seven people are neurodivergent!
Create an Autism Identity Statement
Your child can choose who they talk to about autism and what they say but it can help if they have a set phrase to explain what autism means to them. This statement is liable to change over time as they develop their understanding of their autistic identity. Try:
I’m really good at...
I sometimes find it harder to...
When I feel stressed it helps me to...
My superpowers are...
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 21 PARENTING
Your guide to local playgrounds
Vine Road Recreation Ground
SW13 0NE
Playground for all ages and paddling pool.
Ham Village Green TW10 7HW
A wildflower meadow, playground and fitness equipment suitable for under 13s. Parking.
Petersham Gate Richmond Park
TW10 7AE
Sandpit, bark pit, balancing blocks & hammock, elephant piano, see-saw and water play feature.
Riverside Drive TW10 7QA
Grass area for ball games and a good size playground with equipment for all ages.
Sandy Lane Recreation Ground TW10 7EJ
A small grass area and children’s playground in the middle of Ham Avenues.
Bushy Park TW12 2EJ
Recently refurbished, large adventure playground with toilets. For ages up to 12.
Carlisle Park TW12 2UL
Playground, toilets and sports fields.
Hampton Common TW12 3JA
Includes BMX track and play equipment suitable for children under 13.
Hampton Village Green TW12 2AS
Open space and playground.
Hatherop Park TW12 2RQ
Large park with playground for children of all ages.
Hampton Hill
Holly Road Recreation Ground TW12 1QJ
Playground for under 13s nestled behind Hampton Hill high street, parking nearby.
Hampton Wick
Kings Field KT1 4AE
Play equipment for under 13s as well as older children. Café, skate park and toilets.
Kew Gardens Children's Garden
Based in a natural setting within Kew Gardens, designed for ages 2 to 12, there are hidden adventures around every corner. Kew Gardens entry ticket required, Adult £17, Child £8.50.
Westerley Ware Recreation Ground
Large grass area and playground.
North Sheen
North Sheen Recreation Ground
Playground, football pitches, dogfree grass area and paddling pool.
Cambridge Gardens TW1 2TA
Playground and café.
Old Deer Park TW9 1PQ
A junior and infant’s playground includes swings, see-saw, climbing frame and a slide.
Raleigh Road TW9 2DU
A small neighbourhood recreation ground with a grass area for ball games and a playground.
St Luke's Open Space TW9 3NW
A quiet sitting area with a playground for younger children.
Worple Way TW10 6DP
A small play area in Richmond, with café next door.
St Margarets
Moor Mead Park, Twickenham TW1 1JS
Open parkland with popular children’s playground and parking.
Teddington Broom Road Recreation Ground TW11 9QY
At rear of park is a natural play area with seating overlooking the River Thames.
Church Road TW11 8PY
A pleasant playground for children of all ages, next to St Mary’s and St Peter’s School.
Normansfield Play Park TW11 9NZ
Hard surfaced with play equipment for young children.
Vicarage Road TW11 8HF
Just off Teddington High Street, this popular sheltered playground is suitable for all ages.
Champions Wharf Play Beach TW1 3DT
Permanent play beach with Viking Boat and Victorian water taxi, artwork and benches.
Craneford Way TW2 7SQ
Large grassland with popular playground for all ages. Free onstreet parking.
Diamond Jubilee Gardens TW1 3DU
Play area, play beach, café and toilets.
Fortescue Play Area (Wellesley Road) TW2 5RX
A small playground which provides good play equipment for younger children.
Grimwood Road TW1 1BY
A public open space with a playground for all ages.
Holly Road Garden of Rest TW1 4EG
A disused cemetery with a popular play area for younger children, close to Twickenham high street.
Kneller Gardens TW2 6PH
Play equipment for under 13s including adventure play, café and toilets. Very large grass area for ball games and walking.
Orleans Gardens TW1 3BJ
Includes swings, climbing frame, slide, balancing trail, dog free grass area and a café.
Marble Hill Playcentres Adventure Playground TW1 2NL
Awar-winning, open access adventure playground for ages 5
to 15, open spring to Sep, sessions £7.50, booking required.
Radnor Gardens TW1 4RB Park adjacent to the Thames with café and playground.
Strawberry Woods TW2 5NR
An overgrown wasteland transformed into a small, innovative play area.
Chase Green TW2 7NN
A large play area and multi-use games area, including trampoline and climbing frames.
Cypress Avenue TW2 7JU
Popular play area for younger children close to Whitton High Street with parking.
Heathfield Recreation Ground TW2 6EG
Traditional play area with trampoline, toddler swings, zip wire and climbing frame, as well as a natural play area.
Murray Park TW2 7DY
Large open space with a children’s playground, zip wire and parking.
King Edward's Recreation Ground
Toddler and junior play area includes sandpit, multi-play unit, gravity bowl, seesaw and sandpit.
King George's Recreation Ground
Skatepark, outdoor gym and playground.
Pear Tree Close KT9 2BB
Playground and dog free area.
RAF Chessington KT9 2GZ
Upgraded playground includes floor trampoline, toddler play area, sandpit, zip wire and climbing net.
Sir Francis Barker Recreation
Ground KT9 2NB
Great range of play options for both younger and older children.
Woodgate Avenue Playground
Playground and dog free zone.
Woodview KT8 2NU Playground.
Athelstan Recreation Ground
Playground with toddler and junior areas, including sandpit, trampoline, zip wire and toilets.
Canbury Gardens KT2 5AU
Playground and toilets at The Boater’s Inn. Pretty riverside location.
Churchfields Recreation Ground
Playground with sandpit and climbing net.
Elm Road Recreation Ground
Playground and football pitch.
Kingfisher Playground KT1 2PY Playground and dog free zone.
Latchmere Recreation Ground KT2 5TT
Playground, dog free zone and toilets.
Royal Park Gate Playground
Playground and dog-free zone.
New Malden
Beverley Park KT3 4AX
Playgrounds for children of all ages. Toilets.
Blagdon Road Open Space KT3 4TA Playground.
Dickerage Recreation Ground KT1 3RU Playground.
England Way Playground KT3 3RV Playground.
Green Lane Recreation Ground KT3 5DA Playground and football pitch.
Kingston Road Recreation Ground KT3 3RX Playground and football pitch.
Manor Park Recreation Ground KT3 6AU
Playground, football pitch and toilets.
Alexandra Recreation Ground
KT5 9BE Playground, dog-free zone, football pitch and toilets.
Victoria Recreation Ground KT6 5JL Playground, football pitch, cafe and toilets.
Donald Woods Playground KT5 9NW Playground.
Knollmead Playground KT5 9QN Playground and dog-free zone.
Alexandra Park TW15 1TP Play area.
Ashford Recreation Ground TW15 2HH
Playground and science-themed play area, football pitch with parking.
Feltham Hill Road Park TW15 1LN Play area.
Hengrove Park TW15 3HN Playground, adventure area (ages 11 to 14), multi games court and parking.
Wickets playground TW15 2RR Play area.
Woodthorpe Recreation Ground TW15 3LQ Play area.
Laleham Park TW18 1SS Playground.
Greenfield Park TW18 1QX Play area.
Bishop Duppas Park TW17 8NR Playground, football pitch and parking.
Donkey Meadow TW17 8HA Play area.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 22 OUTDOORS
Halliford Park TW17 8SN
Play area.
Littleton Recreation Ground TW17 0JS
Playground, football pitch and parking.
Shepperton Recreation Ground TW17 9DH
Playground, football pitch, table tennis and parking.
Studios Road TW17 0QW Play area.
Lammas Recreation Park TW18 4XZ Park for all the family next to the Thames with large picnic field, two children’s play areas and splash park in summer. Café, toilets and parking.
Staines Park TW18 2QJ
Playground, football pitch, basketball courts, model railway (4th Sunday, Easter to September) and parking.
Moormede Playground TW18 4RN Play area.
Cedars Recreation Ground TW16 6QQ
Playground, football filed, tennis and parking.
Groveley Road Recreation Ground TW16 7NW
Playground with parking.
Old Bathing Station TW16 6AW Play area.
Kenyngton Manor Recreation Ground TW16 7RH
Playground, adventure area (ages 11 to 14), football pitch, basketball and parking.
Sunbury Park TW16 6AB
Natural play area, walled garden, café and parking.
Long Lane Recreation Ground TW19 7ER
Playground, mini tennis, football pitch, basketball courts and parking.
Nuthatch Close Playground TW19 7BN Play area.
Stanwell Moor Rec TW19 6AQ Play area.
Village Park TW19 7JQ Playground with parking.
Victory Close TW19 7BU Play area.
Claygate Claygate Recreation Ground KT10 0HQ Play area, cricket pitch and café.
Cobham Recreation Ground KT11 2AY
Play area, football pitch and table tennis table.
Downside KT11 3NA Play area.
Leg of Mutton Field KT11 1AQ Play area.
Lower Green Recreation Ground, KT10 8AU
Play area, table tennis table, basketball and football pitch.
West End Recreation Ground
KT10 8LB
Play area and football pitches.
Long Ditton Recreation Ground
Play area, table tennis tables and football pitches.
Coronation Recreation Ground
KT12 4QR
Play area and football pitches.
Hersham Recreation Ground
KT12 5QQ
Play area, splash pad (summer only), play wall, teen swing and basketball.
Grovelands Recreation Ground
Traditional and natural play areas and practice football goal.
Hampton Court Palace Magic Garden KT8 9AU
Sand and water play, Tiltyard Towers, aerial walkways, slides, climbing frames, magical beast’s lair, amphitheatre, resident dragon and new fountain plaza area. Entry fee. Under 5s go free.
Molesey Hurst Recreation Ground
Play area and football pitches.
Littlehealth Recreation Ground
KT11 2ST
Play area and teen play equipment, including zip wire.
Stoke D'Abernon
Station Road Recreation Ground
KT11 3BN
Play area.
Stoke D'Abernon Recreation Ground KT11 3PS
Play area.
Elmgrove Recreation Ground
KT12 2RQ
Traditional and natural play areas and football pitch.
George Froude Open Space
KT12 2LU
Play area.
Thamesmead Recreation Ground
KT12 2LB
Play area and practise football goal.
Brooklands Community Park
KT13 0YU
Traditional and natural play area and picnic area.
Churchfields Recreation Ground
KT13 8DB
Play area, basketball and paddling pool (summer only).
Cricket Open Space KT13 9LP Play area.
Oatlands Recreation Ground
KT13 9LA
Play equipment and paddling pool.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 23 KIDS GO FREE Fuel your imagination Meet real-world engineers With thanks to our Climate Crossroads coalition partners: Festival of 27 May – 4 June Curiosity Book in advance OUTDOORS
What’s on
All listings are correct at the time of publication. Please check with the venue before you visit in case anything has changed.
Daily until 21 Jul
Backstage at the Palace at Hampton Court Palace
Witness a troupe of actors rehearsing to perform for the royals and nobility of the early 17th century. www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-courtpalace
Every Weekday & Saturday
Get Crafty at the Museum of Richmond FREE simple crafts including materials & instructions. 1pm Mon-Fri and all day Sat. www.museumofrichmond.com
Every Tue
Storytelling for Under-5s at Landmark Arts Centre
Play based art, yoga and musical storytelling for 2-4s. www.landmarkartscentre.org
Every Tue & Wed Storytime at The Alligator’s Mouth, Richmond
Experience a wealth of stories, meet other families and chat about books. www.thealligatorsmouth.co.uk
Every Sat ParkPlay at Osterley Park
A FREE two-hour long play session for all, 9.30am, registration required. www.park-play.com/parks/ greater-london
Every Sat & Sun
Steam Train Rides at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway Train rides every half hour and picnic area open (not every Sat). Booking required. www.hamptonkemptonrailway. org.uk
Fri 5, 16 May & Fri 16 Jun
Museum Monkeys at Chertsey Museum
Join Charlie the Chimp for singing, stories and crafts for under 5s. www.chertseymuseum.org
Sat 6 May
Coronation Day Street Party at Esher Theatre
FREE live screening of the coronation, food stalls, route master bus, orchestra and more. www.eshertheatre.com
Make Your Own Crown at Marble Hill Park
Celebrate the Coronation. Make your own crown and be king or queen for the day. www.english-heritage.org.uk/ visit/marble-hill
Sun 7 May
Best of British & Paddington at Brooklands Museum
Celebrate the Coronation with the Best of British including children’s entertainment, Royal Punch and Judy, traditional fairground, big brass band, Morris dancers and Paddington Bear ‘meet and greet.’ www.brooklandsmuseum.com
Sat 6 to Mon 8 May
King’s Coronation at Hever Castle
Bring a picnic and revel in the royal atmosphere. FREE crown craft workshops and face painting. www.hevercastle.co.uk
Coronation Celebrations at Polesden Lacey
Enjoy a range of celebrations including live music and mini golf. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ polesden-lacey
Sun 7, 28 & 29 May, 4 Jun & 2 Jul
Public Running Days at Thames Ditton Miniature Railway
Take a ride, have a picnic. But make sure you book. www.malden-dsme.org
Mon 8 May
King’s Coronation at Walton Festival including Duckathon, fun fair, face painting, live entertainment and food stalls. www.lovewalton.co.uk
Coronation Celebration at Syon Park
FREE entry, crafts, facepainting, storytelling, costumes and Royal trail. www.syonpark.co.uk
Fri 12 May, Fri 9 Jun & Fri 7 Jul
Little Supernovas Storytelling at Richmond Theatre
Interactive storytelling classes for babies and toddlers. www.atgtickets.com/richmondtheatre
Fri 12 May to Sun 14 May
Artisan Festival at Hampton Court Festival
Explore Henry Vlll's home, luxury shopping, hand-crafted gifting, artisan, family fun and workshops. www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-courtpalace
Fri 12 & 26 May, Fri 9 & 23 Jun & Fri 7 Jul
Play:Make:Art at Orleans House Gallery
Have fun exploring art skills and techniques in workshops for ages 2–5. www.orleanshousegallery.org
Sat 13 May Richmond May Fair
Hundreds of charity stalls, craft fair and entertainment all day on the Green. www.richmondmayfairweekend. org.uk
Mum2mum Nearly New Sale at Teddington Buy quality second hand and nearly new baby & children's stuff at popup market. www.mum2mummarket.co.uk
Sun 14 May
The Dittons Fair at Thames Ditton Arena events, tombola, sideshows, craft & charity stalls, refreshments. www.facebook.com/thedittonsfair
Thu 18 to Sun 21 May
Spring Craft Fair at Hever Castle
Featuring one hundred and forty exhibitors from the UK’s craft, makers, contemporary artists and The Great Pottery Show Down contestants. www.hevercastle.co.uk
Fri 19 May & Fri 23 Jun
Sensory storytelling at The National Archives Kew Storyteller uses music, play and toys to excite and stimulate your
child’s senses. www.nationalarchives.gov.uk
Sat 20 May
Esher May Fair
Traditional village fair with arena events, funfair, bric-a-brac, birds of prey and more. www.eshermayfair.org.uk
Senior Schools Fair at Newland House School Twickenham Come and meet over twenty five Independent Day and Boarding Schools in one place. https://bit.ly/SeniorSchoolsFair
Sat 20 to Sun 21 May & Sat 17 to Sun 18 Jun
Steaming Weekend at Kempton Steam Museum
Watch these unique and enormous ancient steam engines in action. www.kemptonsteam.org
London Wetland Centre 20th
Celebrate the establishment of this important conservation project. Special entry fee of £6.50. www.wwt.org.uk/wetlandcentres/london
Sun 21 May & Sun 25 Jun
All Aboard Club at London Museum of Water & Steam Autistic and ADHD children can build and play with huge train sets. www.waterandsteam.org.uk
Mon 22 May & Mon 12 Jun
Little Explorers at Kew Gardens Fun, hands-on ninety minute learning sessions aimed at children ages 2-5. www.kew.org
Wed 24 May & Wed 14 Jun
Music and Movement at Kew Gardens
Music-making, nature-inspired songs, dance and traditional rhymes for ages 3mths to 2yrs. www.kew.org
Thu 27 May to Sun 4 Jun
May Half Term at Hever Castle
Become an artist for the day and depict the Castle or Gardens in any style, take part in an art challenge or be inspired by the artists in the grounds. Meet actors, as they portray the famous artists Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. Join them as they take you on a journey through the grounds and take part in some art challenges. Finish off your day by becoming a walking piece of art with a creative face paint (additional charge –weekends only). www.hevercastle.co.uk
Sat 27 May
Families in the Forest at Orleans House Gallery
Explore the grounds through a series of encounters with inhabitants past and present. www.orleanshousegallery.org
Alice in Wonderland Town Event in Walton
Alice the Balloon Modeller, Mad Hatter’s magic show, fancy dress competition, live music and stalls. www.lovewalton.co.uk
Early summer fun at RHS Garden Wisley
Steeped in history, RHS Wisley is also blazing a trail as a glorious garden of the future. During May half term, families can discover how fun and easy it is to plant and harvest vegetables and discover where our food comes from. Inspire the next generation of gardeners at RHS Hilltop – The Home of Gardening Science, discover the abundant produce in the World Food Garden, explore the colourful Exotic Garden and wonder at the tropical Glasshouse.
More info – find What’s On at www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 24
Sat 27 May & Sat 3 Jun
Sensory Friendly Pond Dipping at London Wetland Centre
Autism and sensory friendly sessions at the quietest part of the day, booking required. www.wwt.org.uk/wetlandcentres/london
Sat 27 May to Mon 29 May
Foodies Festival at Syon Park
Top chefs, tasty food, delicious drinks and live music with The Kids Cookery Theatre. www.syonpark.co.uk
Sat 27 May to Sun 4 Jun
Half-Term Mini-Beast Trail at Hatchlands Park
Discover the miniature world of mini-beasts on a trail around Hatchlands Park. Normal admission applies. No extra charge. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ hatchlands-park
Sow Awesome at RHS Wisley May half term activities include garden trail, daily activities and interactive performances. www.rhs.org.uk/wisley
Trains Train Trains! at London Museum of Water & Steam
Half term fun with storytelling, crafts and model railways. www.waterandsteam.org.uk
Coronation Mini Golf at Polesden Lacey
Enjoy the royal celebrations with a pop-up game of mini golf. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ polesden-lacey
Marvellous Inventions Half Term Fun at Brooklands Museum
Activities include family workshops, inventions trail, Concorde Walkthroughs, actors in costume and bus rides. www.brooklandsmuseum.com
Sat 27 May to Sun 25 Jun
Bugs & Butterflies Trail at Painshill
Be a nature explorer and find all the hidden bugs and butterflies. www.painshill.co.uk
Sun 28 May to Fri 2 Jun & Sun 18
Let’s Get Creative at Orleans House
Join an artist to explore different
themes and techniques for children ages 4-11. www.orleanshousegallery.org
Tue 30 May to Thu 1 Jun
St George’s Quest at Morden Hall Park
A day of interactive play. Complete the quest and be Knighted by St George himself. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ morden-hall-park
Tue 30 May to Fri 2 Jun
May Half Term Rug Rats at Museum of Richmond Transform tired old rags and discover what life was like for the poor living in Victorian Richmond. www.museumofrichmond.com
Wed 31 May
Children's Garden Quiet Sessions at Kew Gardens
Join in quiet session in the Children’s Garden aimed at SEN children ages 2-12. www.kew.org
Fri 2 Jun
Bach to Baby Half Term Concert in Twickenham
Specially designed programme of classical music for the whole family. www.bachtobaby.com
Fri 2 Jun to Fri 9 Jun
Giffords Circus at Chiswick
House Giffords Circus return with new show ‘Les Enfants du Paradis.’ www.chiswickhouseandgardens. org.uk
Wed 7 Jun to 19 Jul
Story Explorers at Polesden
Morning of fun with a story, rhymes and a fun nature-based craft activity. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ polesden-lacey
Sat 10 Jun
Shepperton Fair
Over 200 stalls, arena attractions, great food, big Procession, huge marquee, FREE entry. www.shepperton-fair.org
Ham Fair
Great village fair with famous dog show, children rides, junior art competitions and more.
Sun 11 Jun
Mum2mum Nearly New Sale at Whitton
Buy quality second hand and nearly new baby & children's stuff at popup market. www.mum2mummarket.co.uk
Sat 17 Jun
Kew Fete
Victorian fun fair, stalls, craft, live entertainment, dog show, tug of war, inflatables, mobile farm. kewfete.org
Lyne Village Fete and Dog Show
working on racing cars and motorcycles and displays of prewar vehicles.
Sun 18 Jun
Dad’s Go FREE at London Wetland Centre
Your dad gets FREE admission to the Centre when accompanied by a full paying child or adult. www.wwt.org.uk/wetlandcentres/london
Wed 21 Jun
Make Music Day 2023 in Walton
Venues across Walton will be hosting live music performances as part of a global event. www.lovewalton.co.uk
Sat 24 & Sun 25 Jun
Barnes Children’s Literature Festival
London’s larges dedicated children’s literature festival with family workshops and meet the author events.
Hever’s Home Front at Hever Castle
Step back in time to wartime Britain, meet re-enactors from US Army, see a replica Spitfire, enjoy food from the 1940s, Kent Model Boat displays on lake and toe tapping music from DJ Jivin Jim Dandy in the dance tent. www.hevercastle.co.uk
Sun 25 Jun
On the Buses at Brooklands Museum
Fri & Sat 2- 3 Jun
The Derby Family Festival at Epsom Downs Racecourse
Half term in full colour!
Experience racing’s most spectacular carnival in The Derby Family Festival. Watch history in the making from the ticketed enclosure on the world-famous Hill. In a new location for 2023, closer to the action on the racetrack, there will be all day entertainment for the whole family, from tots to young teens. Don’t miss the return of the Main Stage, a new food festival and selected free rides and activities. Under 12s free! Tickets from £20. www.bit.ly/DerbyFamilyFestival
Popular village show with petting farm, dog show, fun fair, arena events, live music, stalls and more. www.lyne-village-hall.co.uk
Sat 17 & Sun 18 Jun
Father’s Day Weekend & Car Event at Hever Castle
Discover a wide variety of cars through the ages, ride on pedal cars and funfair. www.hevercastle.co.uk
Brooklands Relived at Brooklands Museum
Step back in time to celebrate the glamour and excitement of the first British Grand Prix held at Brooklands in 1926 with original cars on the track, re-enactors
Live entertainment, extensive bus displays, including rarely seen examples and fun for all the family. www.brooklandsmuseum.com
Sun 2 Jul
Summer Festival at The Menuhin Hall
Pack a picnic for afternoon of musical magic in Cobham, workshops, poetry, face painting and more.
Sat 8 Jul
St Margaret’s Fair
Jam packed full of fun that will keep the whole family thoroughly entertained. www.stmargaretsfair.org
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 25 WHAT’S ON Family fun in full colour 2–3 June Epsom Downs Racecourse SCAN TO BOOK UNDER 12’s GO FREE The_Derby-Families-Mag-180x85-Family-festival-C.indd 1 13/03/2023 11:56
Sat 8 Jul
Claygate Flower & Village Show
Traditional village fair includes children's races, tug of war, fancy dress parade, funfair & farmyard animals. www.facebook.com/ claygateflowershow
Sat 8 & Sun 9 Jul
Kingston Regatta
Watch thrilling rowing races from the country’s best on the banks of The Thames. www.kingstonregatta.co.uk
Sat 22 Jul to Mon 28 Aug
Perform in the Park
A magical festival of children’s theatre in the heart of London. Four fantastic musicals for children ages 2-14 plus evening events for teens. Set in a pop-up tent in Coram’s Fields WC1N 1DN, families can also enjoy the park with wide lawns and wonderful play areas. Bring a picnic or enjoy the charming all-day café. www.perform.org.uk
Mon 31 Jul to Fri 4 Aug (Richmond)
Mon 14 to Fri 18 Aug (Twickenham & Walton)
Wizard of Oz Perform Holiday Course
Perform are off to see the wizard this July and August. Children ages 4-10 can sing and dance their way down the yellow brick road in this Wizard of Oz holiday course. With colourful costumes, uplifting songs and dazzling dancing, your child will have the best fun of the summer as they bring this story to life. 020 7255 9120/enquiries@ perform.org.uk or book online. www.perform.org.uk/wizard
Mon 31 Jul to Sat 5 Aug
Step On Stage Musical Theatre
Summer Schools at Hampton Hill Theatre
Juniors ages 5-10 will sing, dance and act there way through Chitty Chitty Bang Bang whilst Seniors ages 11-16 years will enjoy Legally Blonde. Fabulous production on the last day for friends and family. www.steponstageacademy.co.uk
www.chiswickhouseandgardens. org.uk
Robin Hood 27 May
Tales of camaraderie, good against evil, swashbuckling action and riotous comedy. Ages 5+.
GARDENS OUTDOOR THEATRE www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ claremont-landscape-garden
Robin Hood 7 Jul
Tales of camaraderie, good against evil, swashbuckling action and riotous comedy. Ages 5+.
THE EXCHANGE, TWICKENHAM www.exchangetwickenham.co.uk
Roald Dahl and The Imagination Seekers 20 May Show develops creative and literacy skills through performance, games and creative play. Ages 6+.
Comedy Club 4 Kids 28 May
Comedy acts from the international circuit ‘do their thing’ for an audience of children. Ages 6+.
Top Secret – The Magic of Science 4 Jun
Fast moving, colourful and magical science show suitable for the whole family.
Sleeping Beauty 11–13 May
Staged by Esher Youth Ballet, classic fairy tale adventure that all the family can enjoy.
Horrible Histories Live on Stage
27 May-3 June
An open-air, theatrical experience that will bring to life some of history’s most notorious characters.
The Sun Shines for Everyone
13 May
Uses puppetry and song to encourage children to have pride in their own heritage. Ages 4-11.
Pigs & Bears Don’t Come in Pairs
20 May
Well-loved stories, retold with puppets, original music on a popup set. Ages 3-7.
Dinosaurs & All That Rubbish
27 May
Environmental tale with dancing dinosaurs, fuelled by rock’n’roll. Ages 3+.
The Curious Adventures of Pinocchio 30 May – 3 Jun
A unique retelling where the story leaps off the page and onto the stage. Ages 4+.
Little Bo Peep 10 Jun
Watch favourite nursery rhymes come to life featuring puppets, music and scenery. Ages 2-7.
Robin Hood 30 Jun
A guaranteed night of fun for all the family set amongst the beauty of the wetlands. Ages 5+.
NEW WIMBLEDON THEATRE www.atgtickets.com/newwimbledon-theatre
Pigs Might Fly 3–4 Jun
Based on book by Michael Morpurgo. Brings farmyard to life, catchy songs and puppetry. Ages 3-11.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical 21 Jun–1 Jul Spectacular stage show, with memorable songs from the original motion picture.
Robin Hood 3 Jun
Tales of camaraderie, good against evil, swashbuckling action and riotous comedy, Ages 5+.
Comedy Club 4 Kids 14 May–15 Jul
Top stand-up comedians and sketch acts but without the rude bits! Ages 6+.
POLKA THEATRE, WIMBLEDON www.polkatheatre.com
The Lost Spells until 7 May
A fun, wild and boisterous adventure full of paw-tapping music and dancing. Ages 6-12.
The Everywhere Bear
27 May–13 Aug
Captivating story, springs to life with rhyme, original music and expressive puppets. Ages 3-7.
The Adventures of The Little Red Hen 26 May–4 Jun
Energetic adaptation featuring a combination of puppetry, music and comedy. Ages 3-10.
Hairy 1 Jul-20 Aug
Playful and laughable exploration of that most versatile of all things hairy. Ages 6-12.
THE ROSE THEATRE, KINGSTON www.rosetheatre.org
Hey Duggee 31 May to 4 Jun
Multi-award winning international smash hit musical. Ages 8+.
RICHMOND THEATRE www.atgtickets.com/richmondtheatre
Around The World in Eighty Days 16-20 May
Brand-new, fun and colourful comedy drama tells the story of Jules Verne’s Around The World In Eighty Days as you've never seen it before. Watch the drama and hilarity unfold in a riotous romp, as Verne’s tale of travelling performers who set out to recreate the adventures of Phileas Fogg as he races round the world, intertwines with the incredible true story of American journalist Nellie Bly who emulated the character of Phileas in her record-breaking trip.
Winnie the Pooh 7-9 July
Beautiful, fresh stage adaptation told with stunning life-sized puppetry. Ages 3+.
The Story Game 7 May
CBBC’s Andrew Barnett Jones will tell you a story – but he has no idea what it is. No title, no characters, not a single word in his head. Instead, with your help, he’ll be playing The Story Game, creating a hysterically funny, wildly creative story from a handful of words, a roll of the dice and his own roller coaster imagination. Ages 6+.
You Are the Sun – A Very First Opera 14 May
You are the Sun is a love song to nature for babies and grown-ups, exploring the interconnectedness of life on earth. Combining the joy of gentle classical singing and sensory play, it is an invitation to see beauty in the smallest things and to let plants be our guides. Audiences will help to celebrate the gift of nature as a world is conjured out of breath, water, sunlight and soil in this magical musical adventure. Ages 0-2.
Gingerbread Man 24 May
An energetic spin on an old fairy tale which will enthral. Ages 0-4.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 26
Mrs Doubtfire arrives in the West End!
It’s official dearies! Mrs Doubtfire has been given the full West End treatment. Following a sensational, sell-out run in Manchester, Mrs Doubtfire opens at the Shaftesbury Theatre on 12 May.
Prepare to experience the heart warming and hilarious story of Mrs Doubtfire like never before. This musical adaptation of the beloved story takes the best parts of the 1993 film and adds layer upon layer of fresh and exciting elements that will leave audiences wanting more.
With original songs like Make Me a Woman and As Long as There Is Love, the show brings the Mrs Doubtfire story to life with an emotional punch by expanding the roles for supporting characters, updating references and jokes and including innovative staging and choreography. Critics and audiences alike have praised the combination of the show’s faithfulness to the original story and the new take it offers on the classic tale. This new musical adaptation has been created by John O’Farrell, Karey Kirkpatrick and Wayne Kirkpatrick, the award-winning team behind Broadway's Something Rotten.
Win a family ticket to see Mrs Doubtfire in the West End!
This is a chance for one lucky family (maximum four people with minimum one and maximum two adults) to see the show Mrs Doubtfire, which opens at the Shaftesbury Theatre on 12 May.
Following a sensational, sell-out run in Manchester, Mrs Doubtfire has been given the full West End treatment. This musical adaptation of the heart warming, hilarious and beloved story takes the best parts of the 1993 film and adds layer upon layer of fresh and exciting elements that will leave audiences wanting more.
To win a family top price ticket (t&cs apply) simply answer the following question:
Who famously played Robin Williams rival in the film of Mrs Doubtfire?
a) Pierce Brosnan
b) Roger Moore
c) Sean Connery
To enter: send an email with the subject ‘Doubtfire’ that includes YOUR NAME and ANSWER to the above question to editor@familiesuponthames.co.uk no later than midnight on 30 June.
T&Cs at https://bit.ly/FamMrsD
Mrs Doubtfire tells the story of Daniel Hillard who is struggling to cope with his divorce and the loss of custody over his children. A voice actor, Daniel is spending his days searching for a job and a place to live when one day he sees that his ex-wife has posted a classified ad for a housekeeper and babysitter. Thus, the elderly Scottish nanny Mrs Euphegenia Doubtfire is born.
With the help of his brother Frank, Daniel transforms himself into the perfect ‘old lady,’ complete with a prosthetic mask and gradually becomes an integral part of the family. But as the show unfolds, Daniel's ruse becomes harder and harder to maintain, especially as he falls deeper in love with his ex-wife all over again …
Don’t miss the chance to see this fabulous show. Book your tickets for Mrs Doubtfire at The Shaftesbury Theatre today and meet the world’s favourite nanny!
And enter our competition below for your chance to win a family ticket and be one of the first to see the show!
For more information and booking, visit www.mrsdoubtfiremusical.co.uk
Coming to Richmond Theatre from 16 to 20 May, this brand-new, fun and colourful comedy drama tells the story of Around The World In Eighty Days as you've never seen it before.
Based on the novel by Jules Verne and adapted and directed by Juliet Forster, this production follows a band of travelling performers who embark on their most daring feat yet: to recreate the adventures of Phileas Fogg as he sets off on his race around the world.
But this is a telling of two tales; fact meets fiction as we learn the incredible true story of American journalist Nellie Bly who emulated the character of Phileas in her recordbreaking trip. Watch the drama and hilarity unfold, as two tales intertwine in a riotous romp around the globe.
For your chance to win tickets for a family of up to four people, email editor@familiesuponthames.co.uk with your full name. Closing date: 13 May. T&Cs at: https://bit.ly/ ATEighty
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 27
Win a family ticket to see Around The World in Eighty Days
TUE 16 – SAT 20 MAY atgtickets.com/richmond
Today, Andrew Barnett-Jones is going to tell you a story. But he has no idea what it is. No title, no characters, not a single word in his head. With your help, he’ll be playing The Story Game.
SUN 14 MAY • 11.30AM / 1PM / 3PM
Hurly Burly Theatre present a love song to nature for babies and grown-ups that explores the interconnectedness of life on earth using opera.
Familiesonline.co.uk Families Upon Thames 28
watermans.org.uk BOOK NOW!
Adapted & Directed by JULIET FORSTER
Charles Hutch Press