Families Hertfordshire January/February 2022

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Picture: Matalan

Education Meet the Head! Parenting RainbowSmart App

Issue 102 January/February 2022


Inspiring minds in 76 acres of parkland


“Excellent” in all areas

ISI Report, Jan 2020

Independent Day School Girls 3 - 16 years Day Nursery & Pre-School Girls & Boys from 6 months School Bus Service Covering Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Open Days throughout the year. abbotshill.herts.sch.uk Bunkers lane, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire, HP3 8RP



Happy New Year everyone! Let’s hope 2022 is an easier year for everybody. If you’ve made a resolution to prioritise your health this year, then plan to change ‘just one thing.’ Find inspiration in our New Year, New You feature. In Education, discover how children learn to write and download our free practice sheets. Concerned your child may not be ready for SATs? Find out how to help.

In This Issue 5 Education 6 RainbowSmart App 9 Meet the Head

And cheer up the dull winter months with some great activity and entertainment options. Finally, with our children’s mental health always at the top of our priority list, we have Happiness is… Mental Health Activity Packs for kids to give away. So don’t forget to apply! And sign up HERE to receive every issue of this magazine free to your inbox.


16 Food 17 New Year, New You 27 Activities

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January/February 3


Help fund vital research by joining Wear A Hat Day! Join thousands of children, parents and teachers on Friday 25 March for Wear A Hat Day – a great way to bring people together and raise vital funds for leading charity Brain Tumour Research. Register your school, community or family event today: CLICK HERE and you’ll receive a free fundraising pack!

theme in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year and you can order your box of badges to sell during registration.

Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. This is unacceptable Coming at the end of March, Brain and Brain Tumour Research is Tumour Awareness Month, Wear determined to change this. Funds A Hat Day has several celebrities supporting this hat-tastic campaign. raised from Wear A Hat Day will help towards establishing a new The latest set of collectable Wear Research Centre of Excellence. A Hat Day pin badges have a regal

Happy, confident New Year from Perform Perform, the UK’s biggest centrally-run drama school, is getting 2022 off to a flying start with a new term of classes focusing on building confidence and social skills. How have your children adjusted after the pandemic? Many have struggled to reconnect and reestablish their old friendships and confidence. Child psychologist and author, Linda Blair, says that classes like these ‘can help children recover from social isolation as they encourage communication and effective social interactions. Drama helps a child’s ability to 4 January/February

understand and interpret things like eye contact and can help in countless other ways both socially and cognitively.’ Fortunately, Perform classes are packed with confidence-boosting drama-based games and activities, allowing every child to shine. 4-7s will trek off on a Jungle adventure while 7-12s enjoy a thrilling adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. What’s more, Perform’s jungle theme becomes a West End musical during February half-term; featuring a professional adult cast, stunning costumes and fabulous music. Visit junglerumble.show Familiesonline.co.uk


Is your child ready for SATs? By Jemma Zoe Smith SATs have been cancelled for the last two years but this year they’ll be going ahead. If you’re a parent of a child who will be sitting SATs this year or even next, you might be concerned about how the disruption to their education during the pandemic may affect their exam performance - a worry which is doubled for those If the situation is causing you stress, parents whose children are also it’s important not to transmit that sitting the 11+. to your child, whose performance won’t be improved by exam nerves. The good news is that if you’re addressing these concerns now, So what are the next steps? you’re doing so in good time. There’s plenty of opportunity for READ MORE your child to make up any gaps in their learning before the exams roll around. The first thing to do as a parent is not to worry too much! While your child’s schooling has been disrupted, so has that of all their peers. It’s likely results will be poorer across the board, which is reassuring if you’re considering a selective school for your child’s secondary education. What’s more, any teacher looking at your child’s exam results in the future will consider the extraordinary situation in which their studies took place.

Win a Gingersnap Balance Bike Ages worth 2 to 4 years £119! Perfect to get little adventurers started! APPLY HERE

Magazine Familiesonline.co.uk

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January/February 5


Building emotional intelligence with RainbowSmart

By Liam Govey

The last two years have been an overwhelming challenge for many of us, though arguably the most overlooked discussions have been regarding the Early Years sector. With many children missing out on the most crucial stage of their lives during the pandemic, how much longer can the sector afford to be overlooked?

– all designed with children’s mental health in mind. Given that 75% of mental illnesses begin before the age of eighteen, getting that initial head start is crucial in the long-term development of children.1decision encourages parents and carers to spend at least 20 minutes a day building their child’s emotional intelligence and encouraging positive screen time. The world can be an unpredictable place even for us adults, so we can only imagine how it must feel for children right now. 1decision is on hand to provide that vital support blanket.

The thought of so many children missing out on making friends and building relationships in their formative years is hard to contemplate given that we all grew up with simplicities we’d once taken for granted. According to a report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group, one in every seven primaryschool aged child had a diagnosable mental illness in 2020, and given the When building the next generation, circumstances it may be unsurprising children in their early years need to be at the forefront. The to see a sharp rise in cases here. RainbowSmart philosophy hinges on the idea that children at the earlier That said, this is not a challenge stages of their development are able we should merely accept or shy to pick things up more easily. This away from. In fact, 1decision have is especially true when it comes to done the opposite in developing languages. So why can’t the same the RainbowSmart app. Within be true of emotional intelligence, the app is an array of storybooks, empathy and positive wellbeing? flashcards and mindfulness videos With the launch of our new RainbowSmart app, we are offering SEVEN DAYS FREE ACCESS to all of the RainbowSmart content! Simply download the app from Google Play or the App Store today to get started. 6 January/February


Is your child on the

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January/February 7


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Start your new career as a Foster Carer with Hertfordshire County Council You’ll receive: • training & allowances • excellent local support

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Steven Cartwright St Edmund’s Prep School Steven Cartwright, former Deputy Head and outdoor enthusiast speaks about his time as Headmaster of St Edmund’s Prep School over the last eight years.

When did you become Headmaster? I became the Headmaster of the Prep school in 2013, having spent the previous four years working as Deputy Head and teaching in Year Six. I had recently married and had a baby, and given the positive previous years’ experience as Deputy, I felt ready to take on the challenge of Headship and offer leadership and service to such a tremendous community. How would the students describe you? I asked two students from the Tea Time Club this question (one aged four, the other aged seven). They described me as kind, caring and fun. I am not entirely sure what they based the last adjective on, but I have got some pretty terrible jokes up my sleeve. What was it about the school that made you want to apply for the position? The faith and heritage of St Edmund’s College and Prep are huge motivators. Founding principles based on love, care and nurture really resonate with me. The mission statement ‘St Edmund’s aims to realise unique

God-given potential, in body, mind and spirit… ’ is also genuinely reflected in the opportunities and curriculum here for the children. The staff are committed, vocationally so, talented and professional. The opportunities are near endless. During my time here, I have seen the children travel to India, Asia, America and various parts of Europe. They have taken part in more sports fixtures than it’s possible to count, exhibited work in art exhibitions and performed on stages to packed auditoriums of up to 500 adoring parents and grandparents. I spoke to one student the other day (in the College) who was off to fly a helicopter. Who wouldn’t love that! What inspired you to become a teacher and later, a headteacher? A combination of experiences and training. I have always enjoyed the study of leadership and the dynamic challenge. I was previously occupying roles in my youth, such as Headboy of my secondary school (John Henry Newman) and Chairperson of the Geography society at University (St Mary’s, Twickenham). I have also organised adventurous outdoor activities such as the Three Peaks Challenge for the Crohn’s and Colitis Association. In educational terms, I am blessed to have been inspired by some

incredible teachers along the way – passionate pedagogists who reflect my own values; a love of children, a love of life and a love of learning. I should also mention that my mother, now retired, was a Catholic Headteacher of vast experience. Sunday dinner time conversations clearly left an impressive mark. What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor… or a teacher! What have you been most proud of since joining St Edmund’s Prep School as Headmaster? Creating an environment within which children and staff are valued and appreciated for being who they are. The relationships that we have built with our parents and grandparents are also critical and highly valued in the Prep. Seeing the children happy in school each day and enjoying what they are doing – learning and growing in academic and pastoral terms – is a source of pride for me. Seeing our oldest daughter leave the school and go onto University as an articulate, confident, sensible young woman has to be the main highlight so far, though. There is no question in either my or my wife’s mind that St Edmund’s played a critical role in this respect. Join Mr Cartwright, the staff and students at St Edmund’s Prep at an Open Day or for a private tour by visiting www.stedmundscollege.org. You can also find out more via their social media pages, @StEdmundsCollegeandPrep on Facebook and Instagram, and @StEdmundsPrep on Twitter. Address: Old Hall Green, Ware, Herts, SG11 1DS.

If you are a Head in Hertfordshire and would like to feature on this page then email editor@familiesherts.co.uk (this is a sponsored feature) Familiesonline.co.uk

January/February 9

Ground, Grass and Sky Handwriting Guide Help your child practise their handwriting and learn to make their letters the correct size with this activity from PlanBee. Download the instructions and practice sheets to get started.

Handwriting practice sheets Use the example on the previous page to show your child how each letter should look in relation to the ground, the grass and the sky. Get your child to write the letters of the alphabet using the dots below.

Handwriting practice sheets Use these sheets for your child to practise their handwriting and learn to make their letters the correct size. Below you can see an example of how each letter should look in relation to the ground, the grass and the sky.

Handwriting practice sheets Once your child has joined the dotted letters on the previous sheet, let them have a go at writing their own on the ground, grass and sky lines below. Give them the example letters on the first sheet to help.

Using this example as a guide, get your child to trace the dotted letters on the next sheet and then move on to writing the letters themselves on the final sheet.



Show your child how to hold a pencil Watch video!

Developing handwriting skills

By Catherine Lynch

More activities near you... IT’s FREE

The three main skills in learning to write are the physical ability to make marks on paper, knowing that print conveys meaning and knowing what to write. Before children start making marks on paper and learning to write, they need to strengthen their gross and fine motor skills. But how? READ MORE Familiesonline.co.uk

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West Kent

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January/February 2022

What’s Ons & Days Out Guide to play centres Beat the January Blues email: editor@familieswe



January/February 11


New children’s books for 2022 Winter’s a great time of year to enjoy some fantastic children’s fiction. Here are our recommendations.


by E B Goodale Ages: 4-7

Invented by Animals

by Christiane Dorion Ages: 7-12

Rita Wants a Ninja by Maire Zepf Ages: 3+

12 January/February

Little Horror

Crocodile Hungry

Big Wig

Atlas of Amazing Migrations

by Daniel Peak Ages: 8-12

by Jonathan Hillman Ages: 4-8

The Smeds and the Smoos Board Book by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler Ages: 0-2

by Eija Sumner Ages: 3-7

by Matt Sewell Ages: 7-10

Aaron Slater, Illustrator by Andrea Beaty Ages: 5-7


Childminders Day Nurseries Out of School Care Pre-School Playgroups and much … HALF-TERM ARTmore CAMP • • • •


STREET DANCE IS HERE! Ever wish you could DANCE like Jason Derulo, BOP like Beyoncé or GROOVE like Bruno Mars? Well your wish may have just come true! Ages 5-18




Now taking registrations

PERFORM DRAMA, DANCE AND SINGING CLASSES www.perform.org.uk Confidence building fun for 4-12s. A unique mix of drama games, dance and singing specially designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration and coordination. Visit www.perform.org.uk/try to book a FREE class. Use code HE7022 for a £40 discount when you book before 7 February. Classes in St Albans, Harpenden, Welwyn GC, Bishop’s Stortford, Broxbourne, Hertford, Hitchin and Radlett. 020 7255 9120 / enquiries@perform.org. uk

Fun is an essential ingredient in all our nurseries where the care and education opportunities for each and every child are as extraordinary as our colleagues who provide them.

Sports Academy UK coach a multi sports


program that promotes athleticism, balance, speed and agaility. With less opportunity for emotional burn out, the children focus on a

St Albans, St Peter’s School Harpenden, Roundwood Park School www.shedloadsoffun.com Book one or more days of fun with a different drawing and painting project each day. Children get lots of time for play and take home their very own painting on canvas or in watercolour. For ages 6-13. Cost: £38 per day (sibling discount available). More information at: www.shedloadsoffun.com KMDT SELF DEFENCE CLASSES St Albans, Hatfield KMDT is an all-inclusive, friendly club, encouraging families, juniors and adults to train together. Learn and train in the skills to keep you safe, including techniques to deter bullies. Call 07824883853 or email info@kmdt.co.uk for more information or to book a free trial.

variety of sports which enables them to also improve their skill development. Ages 4-16 All equipment supplied



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Find childcare in Hertfordshire To find an Ofsted registered childcare provider near you and to enquire about spaces visit www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/childcaredirectory


January/February 13


Best skincare products for tweens We asked our friends at wearetwixt for their round up of some of the best, tween-friendly zit-zapping cleansers that avoid chemicals that can be abrasive on young, delicate skin. TROPIC Pure Lagoon Blemish Prevention Serum (£42) A gentle serum with pre-biotics builds the skin’s defences and fights acne. Olivia (12) says: ‘I put this on twice a day. It cleared my spots completely. Absolutely amazing!’ Olivia’s mum says: ‘Pricey but a little goes a long way.’ Pixi Glow Tonic (£10) Lightweight, gentle exfoliating serum which hydrates and boosts radiance. 100% chemical-free and beautifully gentle for young skin. Olivia (12) says: ‘I use this every evening and it makes my skin feel completely clean.’ Olivia’s mum says: ‘‘This has been brilliant for Olivia’s skin.’ 14 January/February

LUSH Tea Tree Water (£6) and LUSH Grease Lightning (£8) Tea tree water cleanses and helps banish spots. Grease Lightning cleanses and helps combat infection and further redness. Olivia (12) says: ‘I love how fresh these products are and how clean they feel.’

TROPIC Clear Skin BlemishFighting Mask (£20)

Designed to control the levels of sebum in the skin, preventing spots forming. Kills bacteria, draws out toxins, closes pores and soothes sore skin. Olivia (12) says: ‘My skin is sensitive and can get dry and this is so gentle and soothing. It lasts for ages too.’ Familiesonline.co.uk


Why Aiyven and Kirsten are Happier Every Chapter Sisters Aiyven (12) and Kirsten (13) love writing stories and both published debut novels in 2020. Families talks to them to find out more. What made you start writing stories? Our parents read stories to us every night when we were young, which opened up whole new worlds to us. From around the age of 4 or 5, we were folding pieces of paper into cards and writing stories inside them - and just never stopped! What do you like best about writing stories? The best thing is how in a few hours, a new universe can sprout out of thin air. How many stories have you written? Many of our early stories were on laptops we don’t have any more but every month we write short stories for our book subscription box, Happier Every Chapter. Over time, we’ve written at least thirty stories each. That’s excluding our books. Do you make a plan for your stories? When we were younger, we often just typed whatever came to mind, which can result in an unusual plot and a storyline that doesn’t flow very well. Now, we plan Familiesonline.co.uk

the beginning, build-up, climax, resolution and ending. Once you have those five factors planned, it’s just a matter of connecting the dots. Interested in Aiyven and Kirsten’s advice on story-writing? READ MORE

FREE Mental Health Activity Pack from Storytime for your child* 14 pages of fun activities


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*while stocks last. T&C’s apply.

January/February 15


Winter warmers Get your big bowls and mugs out and make some of these fabulous, hearty seasonal soups and hot drinks with the kids.

Real tomato soup

Hot butter beer (no alcohol!)

Alphabet soup

Green pea and ham soup

Mini cob loaf sweet potato soup

White hot chocolate

Hot chocolate snowmen

Kids’ minestrone soup

Child-friendly hot toddy

16 January/February



Just one healthy thing

At this time of the year, we are bombarded with unrealistic health advice. So how about setting yourself an easy target of changing just one thing this New Year? © Bruce Mars from Unsplash

Consider cold water swimming

Get a fitness buddy

Take time to meditate

Start with cold water showers and build up with the Wim Hof method.

Accountability works. Find out more.

10 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Find hundreds of free meditations.

Take Vitamin D

Try forest bathing

Get quality sleep

10mg daily for adults in autumn and winter compensate for lack of UK sunshine.

Time in forest/woodland boosts your mood, health and wellbeing. Find options here. Photo: Spirited Euphoria

If your nights are disrupted, try going to bed earlier. Discover the benefits. Photo: Gabrielle Henderson from Unsplash

Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

Go veggie

For one day a week, skip meat. Follow MeatFreeMondays. Familiesonline.co.uk

Give up alcohol

Practise gratitude

Try mindful drinking with Keeping a daily gratitude Spirited Euphoria! 100% diary can make you feel more optimistic. natural, non-alcoholic, endorphin-releasing alternative. January/February 17


Health & fitness products for parents Getting fit when you are a busy parent can be a challenge. Here are some great products to get your health and fitness mojo back in 2022.

Groov-e SportBuds

TOFOTL Cordless Jump Rope

The Leg Master®

Wireless Stereo Earphones, perfect sound, snug ear hook fit and sweat-resistant. £39.99

Practical, clever weighted, cordless skipping rope. £10.60

Improves pelvic floor health and posture through classic strength training. £89.95

Claude Leggings, Pocket Sport

Eco-friendly Yoga Mats Inspiring, colourful, sustainable. Earth & animal-friendly. £40+

The Zeno Running Pushchair

The ZENO: for push or pull running; the AVI: ‘hands free’ stroller. From £819.95

Twelve South ActionSleeve 2

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace Flower Essence

Grounded Protein Shakes

Maximum comfort, flattering, breathable fabric, quick drying. Hidden pocket. £55

Wear on upper arm and workout with Apple Watch, monitoring your progress. £34.99 18 January/February

Awarded ‘best better sleep’ product. £12

Dairy free, sustainable, plant-based protein shakes. 20g of plant protein. £19.95 (6 pack). Familiesonline.co.uk


How CBT can help children with anxiety By Lilly Sabir As both a clinical therapist and a mother, I know from personal and professional experience how important it is to help our children understand, identify and support their own mental wellbeing. Studies suggest that the earlier children are empowered with the resources needed to improve the way they think, the earlier positive foundations are laid that they can build on throughout their lives. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is identified as the most effective therapeutic intervention in managing anxiety. When your child expresses feeling tiredness or pain, this can be one of the most demonstrative signs they are anxious - somebody or something has triggered an emotional response within them. Children don’t know how to express and articulate emotional language in the early years but this improves with age. Tummy aches, headaches and ‘something is hurting’ is often a child’s way of saying whatever is going on around them has caused them stress. They need to calmly be helped to cope with that pain, using fun ways that can help them tap into the sensations occurring in their bodies and minds. Familiesonline.co.uk

It’s important to recognise when a child needs therapeutic intervention, rather than masking their emotional problems and hoping they will grow out of them; the earlier the intervention, the more effectively treatments can work. If you have a child who is suffering with anxiety-related issues, find out more about some child-friendly CBT techniques that you can use to help them. READ MORE

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January/February 19


Sensible safety supplies It’s a great time of year to check that you have all the right protection to keep your children safe at home.

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Essential if you use gas, LPG, oil or wood at home. £14

Cable Tidy Unit

The easiest way to keep cables away from children. Click-lock lid. £17.90

Bath & Room Thermometer

Flashes/beeps when water is too hot/cold for your child. Floats in bath. £11.49 20 January/February

St John Ambulance Travel First Aid Kit Important at home and when away. £18.60

Stove & Hob Guard

Protects from stove-top dangers. Adjustable. Suitable for gas and electric. £37.99

Magnetic Child Locks

Corner Protectors

Oven Door Guard

Door Slam Protector

No DIY skills required. Fit lock and catch simultaneously. £19.95

Prevents little hands from opening the oven and getting injured or burned. £6.49

Easy to install. Larger than others. Soft protection from sharp corners. £6.99

Protects fingers from door slamming and children from getting locked in. From £6.99 Familiesonline.co.uk


Getting more involved with your child’s development Volunteering at your child’s childcare setting is a great way to become more involved with your child’s learning and development. If you’ve previously worked with children or in childcare, that’s invaluable but you don’t actually need any experience. You may be interested in formal roles like a nursery assistant where you will receive lots of support including an induction or special training. Other roles may be more informal with flexible arrangements such as joining outings to the park, helping with a fundraising activity or running a toy library. Your child’s setting is likely to be open to ideas. Volunteering at your child’s setting can help you: Increase your enjoyment and understanding of the way your child learns; Learn new skills, gain confidence and practical experience; Make new friends and meet other parents; Develop and become part of a parent forum; Take up free training opportunities to help you progress into paid work; Get to know your child’s friends better; Explore new career opportunities in childcare; Give something back to your local community. Familiesonline.co.uk

Children learn a huge amount while in quality childcare but parents remain their most important educators. Find out how to continue developing your child’s learning at home. READ MORE

Protect your child online! Get a free and complete guide to parental controls*

APPLY HERE * while stocks last T&Cs apply


January/February 21


Top car seat suggestions Need a new car seat this year? Kickstart your research with these nine top ADAC safety-approved models.

Joie Spin 360 Group 0+1

Cosy N Safe Merlin 360 Group 0+/1 0 to 18kg. Birth to 4yrs. £200

Up to 18kg. 3mths to 4yrs. £325

Maxi Cosi Axiss Swivelling

Graco Milestone All-in-One Group 0+/1/2/3

Nuna Myti Group 1/2/3

Cosatto Judo Group 1/2/3

Halfords Essential Group 1/2/3

Birth to 18kg. Birth to 4yrs. From £199.

9 to 18kg. 9mths to 4yrs. £139

Joie Baby Bold Group 1/2/3 9 to 36kg. 9mths to 12yrs. £179.99

22 January/February

Birth to 36kg. Birth to 12 yrs. £210

9 to 36kg. 9mths to 12 yrs. £180

Britax Romer Dualfix M i-Size

9 to 36kg. 15mths to 12 yrs. £325

9 to 36kg. 9mths to 12yrs. £40 Familiesonline.co.uk


Family tech ideas The latest in technological innovation – maybe you can find a bargain in the January sales?

Symfonisk Picture Frame with WiFi Speaker Your favourite sounds from your favourite picture! £179

Bonaok Wireless Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone Enjoy family karaoke at home. £29.99

Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality Headset

Use headset and app to jump into VR. £299.

Facebook Portal - da Vinci miniMaker Illuminator Light Up Smart Video Calling Drone 3D Printer Video call others on their devices with WhatsApp/ Messenger, even if they don’t have Portal. £60.

First-time users 3D printer. Great for young minds and STEM learning. £284.40

Philips NeoPix Easy Heated Throw Perfect for snuggling up Home Projector

For cosy winter nights in. £99.99 Familiesonline.co.uk

with the family. £53

Delivers an amazing light show. USB and batteryoperated remote control. £29.99

Nanit Smart Baby Monitor

Peace of mind. A crystalclear overhead view of your baby’s cot. From £199 January/February 23


Protect your child online

Try Storytime, the world’s best story magazine!

The internet is a fantastic place to learn, play and contact friends and family. However, just like the real world, it’s not safe for children to navigate alone.

Special Full of fairy tales, adventures, myths Reader Offer and legends, tales from other cultures, real life stories and awesome animals, Storytime is the world’s best story magazine.

Save 15% on complete guide to parental controls (E-book/PB) Welcome to the new book, which aims to make it easier to protect our children online!

Leading children’s charities and parent groups agree that parents need more help to understand potential online dangers and understand how best to react when our children are upset or disturbed by something they have seen online. Protecting children of the digital age contains over 130 pages of information, advice, tips and step by step guides to setting parental controls on the most popular devices, Apps, platforms and games. Use code FAM15 at check out here to obtain the e-book for Special just £5.94 or the Reader paperback for just Offer £13.59.

Save 50% off your first 4 issues - just £9.99!

It’s packed with wonderful stories for children and parents to read, love and share, as well as puzzles, activities and games. All 52 pages are beautifully illustrated and printed on quality paper so they can be treasured, read and re-read. No adverts, plastic toys or packaging and each copy arrives in a specially illustrated envelope, so your child has all the excitement of receiving their own mail. Plus, each month, there are free home learning resources and fun activities to bring the stories to life. More info and apply for offer. Follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

24 January/February



Moving on after separation and divorce By Adele Ballantyne At Only Mums and Only Dads, we get many emails expressing concern at the way an ex-partner has introduced their new partner to the children. Often these emails report that the children have become upset as a result. So we asked Adele Ballantyne for her advice on getting this right.




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30 years







When you do feel ready to start dating, to avoid disputes, it is




Many parents use the time whilst their children are with their other parent to start socialising, keeping it separate from their parenting role initially. Of course, it’s okay to tell your children, especially older ones, offering reassurance if you meet resistance.




But, of course, you will want to socialise.

Never want to miss another issue?


Before dating, I would say that it’s important to take time to heal, to reflect and think about who you are and what you want going forward.



So, what happens when you want to start socialising and even dating again?

definitely worth discussing and agreeing a plan with your ex-partner about how you would manage the introduction of any new, long-term partner to your children.

Fa m

Separating when you have children isn’t easy but as a new ‘normal’ begins to emerge, you may find yourself or your ex-partner starting to think about moving on with the ‘adult’ part of life.

to be


o.uk familiesonline.c

1 July/August 202

Magazine January/February 25


Unusual class and club ideas Kids looking for something a bit different to try in 2022? Check out our ideas.


Rock climbing





Table tennis



26 January/February



Winter boredom busters Virtual fun

Take a ride on a virtual roller coaster. Check out 10 of the best virtual rides. Go on a virtual tour of a zoo, aquarium or science centre. Here’s some of the world’s best. Explore breath-taking scenery with a virtual visit to America’s greatest national parks. Drop in on London - visit a museum, Brick Lane, Houses of Parliament and more. Take a plunge and swim with wild dolphins. Marvel at the magic of nature’s beauty by gazing at the Northern Lights.

Kitchen capers

Try a new cookie recipe, suggestions here. Bonus idea: Set up a camera or smart phone and film a cooking show! Make ice cream in a bag, recipe here. No need for a fancy ice cream maker! Make slime, instructions here. Make some DIY play-dough, recipe here. Have a pizza party, DIY pizza recipes here. Throw an afternoon tea party for the family, see children’s tea party ideas.

Game time


Learn and play a new card game, here are 12 classic card games.

Conduct a science experiment, find 31 easy science experiments using common household items.

Play family charades. Choose from 100s of ideas with this online random charade’s generator.

Put on a family magic show, here are 13 easy tricks to learn. Dice games teach maths and other skills. Here are some great options. Two truths and a lie. Play two truths and a lie, See some childfriendly examples. Have a bingo tournament. Try this online Bingo Card Generator.


Check out the National Literacy Trust’s list of podcasts here.

Have an extra Amazon box laying around? 32 fun, creative, and educational things to do with a cardboard box. Create a message for the present and the future with a Sustainable Development Time Capsule.

Practise a new life skill with your kids, here are 19 life skills you can teach your child at home.

January/February 27


DIY board games from overseas Fed up with the board games in the cupboard? Make and try these fascinating alternatives curated from overseas by www.whatdowedoallday.com

Watermelon Chess Country of origin: China

Kaooa Country of origin: India

Nine holes Country of origin: England

Fighting Serpents Country of origin: New Mexico

Lu Lu Dice Country of origin: Hawaii


Country of origin: American South West

Fox & Geese Country of origin: Scandinavia

Shisima Country of origin: Kenya

Tapatan Country of origin: Philippines

28 January/February



Chinese New Year crafts Chinese New Year falls on 1 February this year and offers the perfect inspiration for kids to get crafty!

Year of the Tiger paper bag puppet

Chinese lantern

Chinese New Year candle holders

Tangram puzzle

Mr Panda craft

Fortune Cookies

Chinese New Year’s pinwheel

Rattle drum

Paper plate Chinese dragon


January/February 29


Wild winter activities Playing outside is important for kids, even in winter. Here are some great outdoor activity ideas to keep them busy.

Build teeny tiny twig rafts

Rain paint

Make a muddy water filter

Make a mini pond in a pot

Do some wild weaving

Make a magic potion

Make a wormery

Create frozen sun catchers

Build a bird box

30 January/February


Happiness is…..a happy child! Receive a FREE Mental Health Activity Pack from Storytime for your child*


One of the big gest challen teachers and ges faced by carers is hel parents, and deal wit ping childre h their feeling n to talk abo ut s. That is wh activity pac y we create k! We recom d this me nd that you then share the read it first, ideas and act and ivities in it wit h your kids.

Be cool. Be kind. Be you!

Inside this pack:

Recognising Emoti ons ............................. 2 Feelings Are Like Rainb ows ................... 4 Resilience Tool Box .................................. 5 Fun with Framing! ..................................... 6 Gratefulness Diary .................................... 7 The Pancake of Mistak es ........................ 8 Get Active with Emoti ons! ....................... 9 Talking About Feelin gs ........................... 10 30 Things You Can Do to Feel Good! ... 11 Awesome You! ........... ............................... 13 Your Jar of Happiness ............................. 14 How to Use This Pack.. . for Grown-Ups! ........... ............................... 15

On page 17-20, there is a special section about how you can help your kids build resilience and get comfortable with their emotions!

© www.stor



ne.com 2021

14 pages of fun activities

Read first and then share with your child….

APPLY HERE Familiesonline.co.uk

*while stocks last. T&C’s apply.

January/February 31

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