Cooking empowers kids in the kitchen and gives them lifelong skills for when someday (not so long away), they’ll be preparing meals for themselves or their own families.
Give your child the opportunity to get creative in the kitchen with these two fun, easy and nutritious summer lunch recipes that they can make by themselves – or with a little help.
Makes 6 skewers
Everything is more fun on a stick! This isn’t your typical salad lunch since all of the components are separate and you can choose to include what you like. Serve the kebabs with the easy, creamy home-made dressing for dipping and you have a seriously tasty lunch.
Get ready!
Grab a liquid measuring cup, a small bowl, a whisk or fork, a knife and cutting board, six small wooden skewers or paper lollipop sticks and measuring spoons.
Get set!
¼ cup (60ml) mayonnaise or plain greek yogurt;
2 tbsp (30ml) extra virgin olive oil;
1 tbsp (15ml) red wine vinegar or lemon juice;
½ tsp garlic powder;
½ tsp Dijon mustard;
½ tsp Worcestershire sauce;
2 tbsp (13g) grated Parmesan cheese;
Pinch of ground black pepper;
4 Romaine lettuce leaves;
2 slices focaccia bread or any bread;
170–226g cooked chicken breast (such as leftover cooked chicken or store-bought rotisserie chicken);
8 cherry or grape tomatoes.
First, make the dressing! In a small bowl, whisk together the mayo, olive oil, vinegar, garlic powder, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Parmesan cheese and pepper. Refrigerate until ready to use or pack in small containers.
Cut the lettuce, bread and chicken into bite-sized pieces or cubes. Cut the tomatoes in half. Place all of these ingredients onto six small skewers in any order you like.
Eat right away or pack the skewers into containers with some dressing on the side for dipping and store in the fridge until you’re ready to eat.
Mix it up!
Create different sandwich kebab combinations. Try hard-boiled egg, cheese cubes, rolled ham or turkey, bacon, cucumber chunks and different kinds of bread.
Are you obsessed with creamy, cheesy pasta? Me too! Ditch the box because you won’t believe how easy this mac is to make from scratch. You cook both the pasta and the sauce at the same time and in the same pot - it’s like a magic trick! If you don’t love broccoli, feel free to leave it out or stir in some frozen peas when you add the cheese at the end of the recipe. American cheese makes the sauce extra creamy but if you don’t have any, you can replace it with 1 more cup (113g) of shredded Cheddar.
Get ready!
Grab a large liquid measuring cup, a large pot, a wooden spoon and dry measuring cups and spoons.
Get set!
2 cups (480ml) whole or semi-skimmed milk;
1 cup (240ml) water;
½ tsp kosher salt;
2 cups (128g) elbow macaroni or small shell pasta;
2 cups (182g) frozen broccoli florets;
1 cup (113g) shredded Cheddar cheese;
3 slices American cheese, ripped into pieces.
In a large pot, add the milk, water and salt and place the pot over medium heat. Once the pot starts to bubble, stir in the pasta and turn the heat down to medium-low. Cook the pasta for five minutes, stirring often and making sure the pot doesn’t boil over. If the liquid starts to bubble up close to the top of the pot, turn the heat down more and keep stirring.
After five minutes, stir in the broccoli and cook for five minutes or until the pasta is tender.
Turn off the heat and add the Cheddar cheese and American cheese. Stir until the cheese is fully melted and the sauce is creamy. Serve!
Chef’s tip. If using fresh broccoli for this recipe, use a small paring knife to cut small florets off the larger head of broccoli. You want all the florets to be roughly the same size so they cook in the same amount of time. Always supervise kids when using knives in the kitchen.
These delightful recipes are just two of many featured in the new book Kid Kitchen by Heather Staller, a trained culinary professional and parent of two. Reprinted with the permission of Page Street Publishing Co. 2023. Photos: Michelle Boule.
Heather Waddington
T: 01923 237 004
E: Editor@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk
42 Norbury Ave, WD24 4PJ
Anna Blackshaw
E: Listings@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk
Readership of over 60,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published six times a year. For families from birth to twelve.
Families North West London Magazine is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise company. All franchised magazines in the group are independently owned and operated under licence. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of Families NW London Magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families North West London Magazine. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, but Families North West London Magazine, its distributors, the franchise company, Families Print Ltd, and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequence thereof.
Perform are ensuring a fun-packed July and August with their Wizard of Oz drama, dance and singing holiday courses plus their first ever festival of children’s theatre, Perform in the Park. See page 12.
Children can sing and dance down the yellow brick road with the Wizard of Oz. With colourful costumes, uplifting songs and dazzling dancing, children ages 4 to 10 will have the best fun of the summer as they bring this story to life. These five-day courses run 31 Jul to 4 Aug in Eastcote from 10am-3pm each day. Book online at www.perform.org.uk/wizard
Perform’s term time classes are back in September. Packed with self-esteem boosting activities, Perform’s weekly classes get the academic year off to a flying start with a fun and relaxed focus on developing confidence, communication, co-ordination and concentration. Using a mix of drama, dance and singing, these high-energy classes are designed to allow even the most reticent children to shine. Classes are for all abilities and every child is welcome to try a free class in Harrow, Ickenham, Kensal Rise, Pinner, Northwood, Ruislip, Stanmore and Watford.
Book a FREE class at www.perform.org.uk/try
Families North West London Magazine is distributed bi-monthly throughout north west London. An area bordered by the A40 to the south, by the A5/M1 to the east and out towards the M25 in the north and west.
You can collect a copy FREE from scores of outlets: schools, nurseries, play groups, clubs and classes, sports centres, children’s libraries, family doctors and baby clinics, theatres, your local council offices and children’s shops. If you would like to stock copies to give to parents, please let us know.
Summer holidays are fabulous but all too often the return to school in September can come as a bit of a shock to the system. How do you spell that word again? What’s that fractions rule? The feeling of forgetting everything is really common (for adults too!).
Here are some fun activities you can do over the long summer break to keep everyone’s minds in tip top condition and just as sharp as in term time.
Times table bingo
This can be a really good way of practising your times tables. There are lots of free and downloadable resources out there but essentially all you need is paper, pencils and perhaps a times table square that you can refer to.
While you’re in the maths zone, try making up dice games. For example, start with three or more dice and set challenges: can you roll a number higher than… an even number, a prime number or a number in a certain times table. The possibilities are endless. Assign points to the winner and make it as competitive as you wish!
Kim’s game
This is a popular memory game that you can play anywhere. Find ten objects and place them on a tray or picnic blanket. Everyone has a good look, then all but one person closes their eyes and an item is silently removed. Can the kids remember what has been taken? For variation, cover the tray and everyone has to try to remember the whole list of ten objects.
This is a lovely, artistic way of keeping the kids’ imaginations and creativity firing. Firstly, you need to go on a walk and find some smooth pebbles suitable for painting on. The idea is then that each stone is used to paint a different section of a story. Acrylic paint or permanent markers are the best to decorate stones. The kids can even act out the story later.
Lights, camera, action!
Feeling dramatic? Encourage the kids to become a news broadcaster for the day! They can take on the role of a character and choose something that they want to talk about. Will it be scary or funny? Who will be the interviewee, the director, camera person and lighting technician? Then, of course, they will need to prepare a timed script and practise speaking clearly in front of an attentive audience.
Jemma Z Smith is Director of The Education Hotel, www.educationhotel.co.uk
The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children ages 4 to 11 to read six library books during the long summer holiday and collect rewards, such as stickers, on their way to receiving their Challenge certificate and medal.
The theme for this year is Ready, Set, Read! and the Challenge is being delivered in partnership with national children’s charity The Youth Sport Trust and public libraries.
This year, the Challenge aims to keep children’s minds and bodies active over the summer break, empowering young people to forge new connections with others and unleash the power of play, sport and physical activity through reading.
The Challenge launched in libraries in England on 24 June and will continue through September.
More information at www.summerreadingchallenge.org.uk
While moving to a new class or new school can be challenging for kids, most adapt to changes within the first few weeks as routines are established and new friendships formed. Preparation is a key component which can make a huge difference to the readiness of your child. At the same time, emotional resilience greatly helps children adapt to different environments, routines and social dynamics. So, how can parents support children through their journey of change and uncertainty?
Encourage open communication
Open communication is essential in helping children express their worries and concerns. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings and validate their emotions. Set aside dedicated time and spaces for these conversations. This can be as simple as the walk or drive home from school or over a snack at the end of the day.
Encourage your child to identify potential challenges and discuss possible solutions together. This will help them feel more prepared while developing their own problem-solving skills. Encourage your child to be open to new experiences, emphasising the importance of adaptability in overcoming challenges.
Model resilience
By modelling resilience you provide a powerful example for your child to follow, helping them develop the emotional strength needed to adapt to new experiences. Give examples of your own coping strategies, taking care to maintain a positive spin. Show
your child that change is a natural part of life and discuss the exciting opportunities that the new academic year will bring.
Emphasise the importance of self-care
Establish healthy routines including regular sleep, exercise and healthy eating. Encourage participation in a range of out of school activities that they enjoy. This will help them better manage their own stress and maintain a positive outlook during times of change.
Celebrate success
Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements and milestones during transition. Praising their ability to overcome challenges boosts confidence. Keep the open communication going so it becomes a habit. Children need to know you will always be behind them through and beyond their teens. Remain patient and understanding as each child’s experience is unique and developing emotional resilience takes time and practice.
Lisa and Catherine are co-founders of Emparenting (www.emparenting.co.uk), supporting children, parents and families with the insights, skills and tools needed to nurture the development and well-being of the next generation.
Starting primary school can be an exciting yet daunting new chapter for you and your child. The most useful thing you can do is prepare them ahead of their first day:
Practise getting dressed, using the toilet, opening a lunchbox, using cutlery.
Play games which involve turn taking and social skills.
Help your child recognise their name so they can keep track of clothes and find their peg.
Acknowledge your own feelings and anxieties. This is the start of your child’s journey away from you and that can be challenging. Recognise this is normal but try to keep those emotions away from your child.
Talk about your child’s day, emphasising the positive but be ready to help them with any worries they might express. Make time to talk and listen.
Expect teething troubles and always speak to the teacher if you have particular concerns.
‘My son’s Educational Psychologist Report revealed he has visual processing problems. I am so confused because I take him to the optician regularly and they never mentioned any problems.’
Parents are often baffled when they learn things are not as they seem where their child’s eyes are concerned. Opticians will check your child’s eye health and how well their eyes work in terms of taking in visual data – and maybe prescribe glasses –but this is only half the story. The other half of how vision works is how our brains interpret what we see.
What is visual processing and how does it affect learning?
Visual processing is an umbrella term for several activities that our eyes and brain must perform together. The success of these activities is fundamental to learning as they affect reading, copying and understanding what is being read.
The brain, the eyes and their muscles all need to work together. An optician does not test for this, so it may be that visual processing problems come to light in other ways. As parents, there are many indicators you can look for.
If your child cannot move their eyes smoothly across a horizontal line of a script when reading or vertically when calculating column sums, it could be that they have a tracking difficulty.
If your child cannot successfully move and focus from one word
onto the next, this could be a fixation issue. They may re-read, go back or skip forward when reading a sentence.
If both eyes do not work well as a team to form one picture, then your child may have binocular visual difficulties; often these children see double.
If your child has difficulties throwing and catching a ball, these are also related to reading tasks. The eyes need to converge on one focal point when the ball comes nearer and then diverge as it moves away. Convergence is also needed for close reading and for the ability to hold that position when reading over a longer period. Divergence is needed when reading from the whiteboard; both are needed if they are copying from the board. Those children with a poor field of vision can only focus on one item at a time and may find it a challenge to see a line of text. In play situations, they also may not notice who is around them.
If your child continues to confuse letters such as ‘b’ and ‘d’ or misreads words such as ‘spot’ and ‘stop’ beyond the developmental phase (after age 6), then this would be considered visual-perceptual difficulties.
Undetected visual processing difficulties can hinder learning by slowing down how quickly visual information is absorbed and understood. Parents with children with special education needs (SEN) can learn a lot by watching their child read.
What help is available?
Infinity-Walk and Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy can help children with one or a number of those problems mentioned above.
It takes around six weeks to stop children from reversing their letters; once they are sure of the letter direction they can read with less difficulty.
Using one-to-one therapy combined with tried and tested phonics programmes, such as Alpha to Omega helps make changes to how children process visual information in as a little as twelve weeks.
Usha Patel is a neurocognitive therapist at Raviv Practice London. For more information, including about Infinity-Walk and Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy, visit www.ravivpracticelondon.co.uk
Look out for:
Tracking problems, resulting in slow reading speed. Difficulties throwing and catching a ball.
Feeling tired or exhausted when reading and even falling asleep because the eye muscles cannot hold that position for long periods.
Reading one or two words at a time and not easily linking the words to form a flowing sentence.
Being unsure of what sound letters need to produce because your child sees them in reverse or out of sequence.
There was good news for parents in this year’s Spring Budget when it was announced that the government will be extending funded childcare. This funding extension will mean that by September 2025 working parents of children over nine months and up to five years will be entitled to thirty hours free childcare per week.
However, there are some downsides, including a risk that this new policy could potentially exacerbate existing issues in the childcare system.
Unfortunately, the childcare system has not received full government funding to support the ‘free’ childcare places for children ages 2 to 4 that it introduced some years ago. In response, nurseries have had no option but to increase fees to meet the shortfall, resulting in the cost of childcare increasing for many parents.
Simultaneously, the running costs for childcare providers have skyrocketed and they have been closing en masse; over five thousand in the past year alone.
Funding for the government’s ambitious new plans for 1 and-2year-olds is estimated by the CBI to be half of what it will cost to implement, which will likely result in more closures, more competition and higher fees.
From April 2024, all 2-year-olds will be eligible for fifteen hours of free childcare. From 2025, children aged nine months and above will be eligible for thirty free hours. The reason for the delay is that the dwindling number of providers couldn’t cope with a sudden increase in demand. Even with the longer lead time, many providers still won’t be able to afford to offer the required places. This may leave some parents in the same situation of not being able to access their entitlement.
If your child is going to be eligible for free hours under the proposed changes, get ahead now and check with your local providers to ask whether they are going to be offering free hours for 2-year-olds. If they are, you may need to put your child on a waiting list because, as things stand, there may be a lot of competition for places.
In the meantime, there are other things you can do to lighten the load. First, make sure you’re claiming all the benefits you’re eligible for. If you are a working parent and not currently claiming financial support, start with the government’s online benefits calculator at www.gov.uk.
It’s also worth researching any other sources of support you may be able to access. The Cost of Living Support on the Working Families website (www.workingfamilies.org.uk) is a good start point.
You could also consider requesting flexible working. Everyone has the right to make a request once in a role for twenty-six weeks.
Currently employers are not obliged to consider it, so prepare the groundwork to put forward a strong case. Head to the Working Families website for advice and free resources on the best way to make a request.
Anna Letouze writes on behalf of Working Families (www.workingfamilies.org.uk), the UK’s national charity for working parents and carers.
Flex is becoming an everyday part of our working lives and the upcoming Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill will facilitate flex for many more parents and carers who need it.
If it is passed later this year, the bill will make requesting flexible working a right from day one, permit two requests a year, reduce the processing time, remove the requirement to explain how a proposed arrangement will work and require a consultation between employee and employer should the request be rejected.
Would you like to host and teach English to a foreign student in your home ?
We are currently recruiting hosts who can offer a spare bedroom, 3 meals per day and the required lessons and activities
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Get in touch to find out more: Influentme.com
BigShots Golf is transforming the game of golf to make it accessible and fun for everyone. They have developed cutting edge ball tracking technology and created colorful, virtual games so that even a total beginner can step up and swing on to have fun! www.bigshotsgolfuk.com
Lincolnsfields Playzone (WD23)
A soft play centre in Bushey for children up to the age of 11. Birthday party packages available. Open daily during school holidays, and Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday during term time. www.lincolnsfieldsplayzone.co.uk
Ninja Warrior Watford (WD25)
Our Ninja Warrior UK Adventure Park is a supervised activity and fitness venue inspired by ITV’s hit programme Ninja Warrior UK! A great place for supervised family activities and for keeping fit, we welcome you on your Ninja journey. No charge for spectators to come and watch your Ninjas from our Café area and treat yourself to our full range of hot and cold food plus a wide selection of drinks! www.ninjawarrioruk.co.uk/watford
Blank Canvas Art Club
Online, fine art classes for kids and adults from 6-106 teaching skills & techniques whilst encouraging imagination and finding your own style whatever your experience. Weekday afterschool kids classes. Adults evening or daytime classes suitable for beginners or refreshers. Email Suzi blankcanvasartclub@gmail.com www.Facebook.com/BlankCanvasArtClub
L Marsh Art Studio (HA7)
We celebrate the making of art by tapping in to the creativity, interest and enthusiasm of our students and providing the space, time and guidance for it to happen. Classes are taught from a purpose-built art studio, either in small groups or 1-2-1 private tuition. Skills and techniques are taught according to each student’s individual readiness. 90-minute after-school art classes Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Term-in-a-Week Painting Courses during school holidays. Private classes by arrangement. All ages from 7 y/o and upwards. All levels of experience. www.facebook.com/art1stanmore
Brain Train Tuition Centre (HA2)
Street Dance Academy (various)
Teach children aged 5-18 yrs every weekend during school term time, with clubs in and around London, Hertfordshire and Surrey. Street Dance Academy also teach Adult Street Dance and Zumba Classes in Twickenham every Wednesday. Call 0800 0236 236. www.streetdanceacademy.co.uk
Elina Patrou Academy of Dance (HA7)
Ballet classes to develop poise, technique and expression through dance, for boys and girls aged 3-16 years with Royal Academy of Dance examinations. Online private ballet lessons available. call 07555 861561 or email elinapatrouacademyofdance@gmail.com
New Strathspey School of Dancing
Highland Dancing for fitness and fun. Children’s Saturday morning highland dancing class for 5-11 year olds, starting September 2022 at Knutsford School Hall, Watford. Full details of all classes is available on the website. Contact Sandy at shunt@moose.co.uk
Harrow Woodcraft Folk
Join our Elfin group (6 to 9 years). Meeting in Central Harrow. Tuesday evenings (term time): 6:30-8pm. Email harrowwoodcraftfolk@yahoo.co.uk for more details. www.woodcraft.org.uk
Holidaytime After school club is part of Activetime Children’s Activities Limited (HA1)
Pick up from four local schools at the end of the school day, then take the children back to the club for a snack and the daily activity. Open Mon-Fri 3-6pm at The Cadet Centre, Harrow, HA1 2QA. Call 07575801623, email holidays@activetime.co.uk www.activetimedaynursery.co.uk
Willesden and Brent Chess Club (NW2)
Provides social chess for players of levels, set up Club competitions and tutor juniors. For the more competitive player they enter teams into local leagues and refer members to our county team. At Cricklewood Library, 152 Olive Road, NW2 6UY. Call Anthony on 07974 238357, email fulton790@aol.com www.willesdenchess.wordpress.com
Code Ninjas
Kids learn to code in a fun, safe, and inspiring learning environment, with a game-based curriculum that they love. Parents love it too, because their kids make real progress and gain valuable skills while having a great time. Everyone wins at Code Ninjas! www.codeninjas.co.uk
DiscoG Coding Academy (HA3)
Run weekly term-time classes and holiday courses and workshops for students aged 6 to 18. Join in to learn Computer Science, Coding, Robotics, AI and Machine Learning. Contact Gerard & Kat on 07767300940, email: info@discogcodingacademy.com www.discogcodingacademy.com
Little Coders
Coding class for children aged 4 to 6 years. Develop critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. www.littlecodersclub.co.uk
Help us discover how babies & kids learn!
We’re recruiting infants from birth through school age to take part in fun studies at Birkbeck’s BabyLab & ToddlerLab in central London. Our prime locations are easy to reach and we refund travel expenses.
We also have online studies you can do from the comfort of home www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk/online-studies
020 3926 1207
babylab @ bbk.ac.uk www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk
English and Maths Tuition for Ages 5 to 16 years. Brain Train Tuition will help to improve your child’s academic and social skills, as well as building their confidence and a belief in their ability to succeed. call 0208 426 84250. Email: braintraintuition@gmail.com
Free Readers (various)
Free Readers offers enrichment or extra help for children aged 3-11 yrs in Reading, Maths and English, homework and test preparation. Individual teaching and attention in small groups is the preferred way to help children. They encourage them how to learn, enabling them to reach their full potential. Call 07385 258007 or email office@ freereaders.co.uk. www.freereaders.co.uk
Integratedbrain - Improve Co-ordination for learning! (UB5)
Activities to help those with poor co-ordination, dyspraxia, dyslexia or fine motor difficulties. Small groups of 4/5 children working to develop better all-round motor integration. Call Usha Patel 07766 837 616 or email ushapatel.raviv@gmail.com www.integratedbrain.co.uk
Hatch End 11+ Tuition (HA5)
Hatch End 11+ Tuition is an established and successful tutoring centre offering a warm and friendly environment where children are encouraged and motivated to achieve their maximum potential whatever their ability. Their aim is to build children’s confidence and help achieve high standards of work in an engaging and challenging environment 020 8421 3066. www.hatchend11plus.co.uk
Little Big Leaders (HA8 & WD23)
Maths/English or Phonics & Writing for 3.5 to 11 yearolds at our Saturday School, Summer and Winter School. Tutors support and challenge pupils to improve their learning and have a track record in enabling pupils to demonstrate progress in their mainstream setting and/ or in 5+, 7+ and 11+ examinations. Childcare vouchers accepted. Free trial lessons. Call 020 3637 6266. www.littlebigleaders.com
The Learning Wheel (Northwood Hills)
Maths and English tuition classes which target identified needs to improve achievement levels. They set goals for your child, monitor progress and provide regular progress reports. Cater for all levels from Reception to Year 11. www.thelearningwheel.co.uk
Raviv Practice London (UB5)
Catch up reading course. Improve reading age by 1 year in 3 months of home-based work. The computer interventions is similar to having a tutor in your home with daily monitoring and feedback. Call 07766 837 6168 info@ravivpracticelondon.co.uk (registered therapist). www.ravpracticelondon.co.uk
World of Children’s Yoga
Weekend Family Yoga - New Timetable & New Venue at St Hilda’s School, Bushey
World of Children’s Yoga Summer Programme to Boost Learning
Particularly aimed at those in primary schools with 11+ exams coming up, with a focus on: Confidence Calm Focus
This is about yoga for those who want to…
• manage their nerves to sharpen their minds
• boost their memory,
• generally create the best possible conditions for learning
Sessions can be booked for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour, either in person in the Watford, Harrow and Northwood Areas OR Online.
Facebook & Instagram: @worldofchildrensyoga
07784 370034 I anjli@worldofchildrensyoga.com worldofchildrensyoga.com
Divine Yoga (Borehamwood and Kenton)
In each of our classes yoga is brought to life using creative games and mindful movement ending in a relaxing mindful activity. Classes are for children 4-10 years, teens, families, schools and nurseries. Why not trial a FREE class?
To book visit www.divineyoga.com/booknow
Etiquette and Emotions
Etiquette and Emotions offer live, interactive, and enjoyable workshops for children and teens aged 7-15 to elevate their emotional intelligence and social etiquette. Workshops are run by a certified children’s coach and include videos, discussions, and a quiz. Get 10% off! Use discount code: ee10off at checkout!
Don’t forget to say you saw these clubs & classes in Families Magazine!
Kids Yoga with Yana (Watford) www.facebook.com/kidsyogawithyana
Yana is a qualified Kids Yoga teacher with a passion for empowering children to be the best version of themselves through yoga and mindfulness practice.
MD Massage Therapies
Massage has many health benefits - it helps to reduce pain, anxiety and fatigue, repetitive injuries, increases range of motion, relieves stress and much more! Gift vouchers available. Intro 20% off first treatment. Email info@mdmassagetherapies.co.uk, call 07950 84674. www.mdmassagetherapies.co.uk
Baby Lab (WC1E)
Have fun for free with your baby making discoveries about brain development at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development. Birkbeck College. Travel expenses refunded. www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk
Phonics with Robot Reg (various)
Provide fun, high energy classes which teach early phonics skills to children 1 to 4 years. Fun, varied and educational classes. https://robotreg.co.uk
Gymboree Play & Music Watford
Sensory classes for babies, art and music classes, as well as Play & Learn classes for little ones who are on the move. They also offer a range of fabulously fun birthday parties. Find them upstairs in the Atria shopping centre at the top of the Queens Car Park. https://gymbo.co.uk/locations/watford
Monkey Music (Various)
Award-winning Monkey Music, trusted by parents since 1992, introduces babies and young children aged 3 months to 4 years to music with a unique four-stage curriculum tailored to each age group. Classes run 6 days a week, in Uxbridge, Eastcote, Northwood, Ickenham, Harrow, Stanmore and Watford. Call 020 8427 6595. www.monkeymusic.co.uk
Sing and Sign (Various)
Fun classes combining the benefits of baby signing with music to develop language, memory and attention skills. For babies 6 to 30 months. Email info@singandsign.co.uk www.singandsign.com
TISKA Karate
Learn the art of Karate. Classes held weekly in Harrow, Northwood and Wembley. Families welcome, Ages 4+. 4 week free trial (07739 572487) patel.karate@icloud.com. www.tiskakarate-harrow.co.uk/ www.tiskakaratenorthwood.co.uk/ www.tiskakarate-wembley.co.uk
Watford Cycle Hub
Offering cycle repair services, maintenance courses and cycle training. They also offer advice and information about cycling and bikes, including local cycle routes and maps, news about locally led rides and opportunities. www.watfordcyclehub.org.uk
Aqua Vie
Regular after school weekly classes in Bushey during term times. Spaces for new babies, toddlers and adults on Tues and Wed. Learn mindful, effortless swimming in a calm environment in warm water. office@aqua-vie.com or call 01923 245 773 or 07814 987 153. www.Aqua-vie.com
Achieve Arts (HA5/NW7/NW11)
Achieve Arts is a performance centre teaching drama, speech and singing to children and young adults. Young performers work towards their LAMDA examinations in acting, verse and prose, public speaking and musical theatre whilst learning some key life skills. The exceptional teaching team have a wealth of experience and are invested in the students to Achieve their best. call 020 8087 2461. www.achievearts.co.uk
PQA (Pauline Quirk Academy) (various)
PQA provides outstanding performing arts tuition for 4 to 18 years. Each week students rotate through specialist sessions in Musical Theatre, Comedy and Drama and Film and TV taught by leading industry professionals. PQA is enrolling for September. Book a free taster session at your local Academy. www.pqacademy.com
Sharpe Academy of Theatre Arts (HA5, HA6)
Performance based theatre school for children aged 3-18 with venues based in Hatch End and Northwood. Weekly classes in Musical Theatre, Ballet, Tap, Modern, LAMDA and Acrobatics. www.SharpeAcademy.co.uk
Stagecoach (Various)
Training in three disciplines: drama, dance and singing. Great for building confidence, making new friends and beginning to hone talent and enthusiasm for performing, by having fun! Call Harrow 020 3504 0100, Harrow on the Hill & Sudbury Hill 01923 248 294, Stanmore & Harrow Weald 020 3504 2154, Watford 01727 768 738, Queen’s Park 020 7723 5861 or Northwood 01442 263 599. www.stagecoach.co.uk
Woodcarving (Iver)
A small group who would welcome new members. Drop in for a chat! Meet Monday mornings 9.30am-12.30pm at Evreham Centre. Email webb1959@btinternet.com.
Weekly drama, dance and singing classes. Confidence-building drama classes for 4-7s and 7-12s. A unique mix of fun drama games, dance and singing specially designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration and coordination. Classes in Harrow, Ickenham, Kensal Rise, Pinner, Northwood, Ruislip, Stanmore, and Watford. To book a FREE class visit www.perform.org.uk/try 020 7255 9120 I enquiries@perform.org.uk www.perform.org.uk
For your school, nursery, cafe, shop or club. just ask us!
editor@familiesNWLondon.co.uk or 01923 237 004
Would you like to include your clubs or class in our directory and reach 1,000’s of local parents? Email Heather at editor@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk for more information.
Alexandra Palace (N22)
There are a whole wealth of activities to keep the family entertained over the holidays –the ice rink which is open year round, pitch and putt, soft play and the boating lake, as well as the Garden Centre and café. www.alexandrapalace.com
Bank of England Museum (EC2R)
Take a visit to the museum at the Bank of England and explore it’s history and what it does today. Test your strength by picking up a gold bar, and discover why the building is on top of one the world’s largest stores of gold! Travel through 300 years of history in the Early Years and Rotunda rooms. Discover the events and people that have shaped the Bank of England over the centuries. Take a #GoldVaultSelfieOpens in a new window in the ‘gold corridor’. And explore the history of transatlantic slavery through its connections with the Bank of England! www.bankofengland.co.uk/ museum
BBC Earth Experience (SW5)
The BBC Earth Experience offers a truly epic journey for all the family to enjoy. Visitors to The Daikin Centre in Earl’s Court can explore the wonders
of planet Earth on a microscopic scale in the Micro Life room and then be immersed in the spectacular drone footage on the Vista Stage. A journey down to the ocean floor in the Water Life room will then allow visitors to interact with life below the waves. As they make their way around the experience and lose themselves in the natural world, visitors may encounter a few extra surprises, so those afraid of creepy crawlies should look out for the warning signs!
Belmont Farm (NW7)
Belmont Farm offers a unique opportunity for anyone, young or old, to meet, handle and feed a huge variety of farm animals. Being the only public farm of its size within the London postcode, Belmont is the perfect place for Londoners to experience a real working farm, hands-on. Visit and see over 30 different animal varieties, feed the goats, sheep and Bambi their tame fallow deer. Jump aboard the trailer ride to discover even more! www.belmontfarm.co.uk
Chiltern Open Air Museum (HP8)
Chiltern Open Air Museum has a jam-packed schedule of events this summer. Every Tuesday in August is a Terrific Tuesday with
themed family crafts, activities and hands on clay, and there are historical re-enactments every weekend throughout August including Tudors, Victorians and Vikings. There’s lots to explore on the 45-acre site such as the new adventure playground, a working farm, gardens and lots of old buildings to go inside like the 1940s post-war home, the Iron Age roundhouse, the cottage built from earth and a furniture factory. www.coam.org.uk
Discover Children’s Story Centre (E15)
At the heart of Discover are two floors of magical Story Worlds and a Story Garden - immersive, exploratory play spaces where children and their imaginations can roam. Creep through caves, find hidden ships and perform in a puppet castle. Your Session Pass lets you play in our Story Worlds and Story Garden. You can add additional events to your visit too, like our immersive exhibition or a 0-3 Storytelling. Ideal for ages 0-11 years. www.discover.org.uk
Greenwich Park (SE10)
Covering over 5,000 acres of historic parkland, the parks provide beautiful green spaces right in the heart of the capital where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city. They’re a place for you to relax and unwind, exercise and clear your mind. If it’s history and architecture you’re after, they have hundreds of buildings, statues and memorials, giving a fascinating insight into London’s heritage. www.royalparks.org.uk
Gulliver’s Land (MK15)
Designed for children aged 2-13 years, comprising thrill rides, fun rides, family rides, indoor rides, attractions, shows and play areas. From the Runaway Train in Discovery Bay to the Jungle River Ride and classic Dodgems there are plenty of exciting rides to ensure that all the family have a fun day out. Guests are welcome to take their own lunches to enjoy in the picnic areas, helping to make this an affordable family day out. www.gulliversfun.co.uk
Based in Pinner, the museum showcases the work of the world-renowned artist, illustrator, humorist and social commentator William Heath Robinson. Families are very welcome, and the Museum aims to provide an ideal environment and inspiration for creative and educational play and activities for you and your children, through organised workshops, clubs or gal-lery/exhibition specific activities.
www.heathrobinsonmuseum. org
Kensington Gardens (W2)
Covering over 5,000 acres of historic parkland, the parks provide beautiful green spaces right in the heart of the capital where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city. They’re a place for you to relax and unwind, exercise and clear your mind. If it’s history and architecture you’re after, they have hundreds of buildings, statues and memorials, giving a fascinating insight into London’s heritage.
Kids Week in the West End (Various)
A child 17 and under goes free when accompanied by an adult paying full price. Plus an additional two children can attend for half price. Kids Week includes a wide variety of London musicals, plays, comedies and children’s shows to choose from.
www.officiallondontheatre. com/kids-week
Knebworth House and Gardens (SG3)
The famous Dinosaur Trail in the Wilderness Garden is very popular with younger visitors. 72 life-sized dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures can be found grazing amongst the shrubbery. Children can also play on the swings, slides and play equipment at the Adventure Playground. There is also a zip wire and a trim trail for grown-ups. You can also explore the historical interior of Knebworth House.
6 Aug Fun Fair Day at Canons Park, (see page 14)
Tower Bridge (SE1)
See inside London’s Defining Landmark. From the high-level Walkways, take in stunning panoramic views and experience the thrill of seeing London life through the Glass Floor. Follow in the footsteps of the unsung heroes of Tower Bridge. Uncover their stories and soak in the atmosphere of the working Bridge in one of London’s true hidden gems: the magnificent Victorian Engine Rooms. www.towerbridge.org.uk
Wembley Stadium Tours (HA9)
Collect an illustrated guide full of Quentin Blake’s drawings and journey around the wonderful wetland world this summer. There will be a whole host of art and illustration activities aimed at all ages and abilities, including nature-inspired creative challenges, art workshops and more. Plus take part in crafty competitions with lots of Quentin Blake goodies up for grabs including the chance to win a one-off, special edition Quentin Blake print.
London Bridge City –Summer by the River (SE1)
Ditch the hustle and bustle of the capital for the Summer by the River, where bliss is just a deep breath away. Starting on 1 June 2023 lose yourself in new experiences, reconnect with old friends and feed your curiosity or your appetite. Running until 1 September, this year’s festival is bringing riverside retreat vibes to the banks of the Thames over three locations – The Scoop, Hay’s Galleria and The Pier. www.londonbridgecity.co.uk/ events
London Museum of Water and Steam (TW8)
Discover the story of London’s water supply, the site of the former Kew Bridge Waterworks, and the amazing pumping engines that helped to make London the great city it is today. The museum is family friendly, with lots of hands on exhibitions and activities for children to join in with.
Museum of London Docklands (E14)
Visit the Docks as they mark their 20th birthday with a series of events celebrating the people, culture, music and food of London’s East End. From its long history as a gateway to the world, to the communities that shaped modern music, the vibrant Columbia Road flower market to the graffiti of Brick Lane, explore the unique history of the neighbourhood and celebrating the people that call East London their home. www.museumoflondon.org.uk
Natural History Museum at Tring (HP23)
From guided tours, to crafting events and outdoor activities, the Museum at Tring has something to do for the whole family. www.nhm.ac.uk
Nearly 20 different fruits and vegetables are grown exclusively for Pick-Your-Own. Crops include ‘table-top’ strawberries (no bending required), raspberries, beans
and sweetcorn. The farm is set in the beautiful rolling greenbelt countryside just to the north of Enfield, and yet is easily accessible from all the surrounding areas. Advanced booking required.
Roald Dahl Museum (HP16)
Visit the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre, a marvellous family attraction based in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire. Come face-to-face with Fantastic Mr Fox, measure up to your Roald Dahl heroes, pull a power pose next to Matilda and discover Roald Dahl’s famous Writing Hut, the birthplace of your favourite characters, at the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre.
Stay Play Explore (various)
Stay Play Explore short breaks are a fantastic collection of great value for money escapes for families. All packages include bed and breakfast and a choice of exceptional experiences, including destinations such as Leicestershire, Coventry, Yorkshire, Warwickshire and the National Forest. You can create your perfect break, whether it’s quality time away with the family or an escape with friends or loved ones there’s plenty of choices to keep everyone happy without breaking the bank.
Tate Modern (SE1)
Explore modern and contemporary art from around the world. Entry to the gallery is free – there’s no need to book. Tate Modern has over a hundred years of art, from modernism in the early 1900s, to exciting works created today. This includes paintings, sculptures, and more made by artists all over the world such as Pablo Picasso, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, and Jenny Holzer. In the Blavatnik Building you can explore the underground Tanks, dedicated to performances, installations and video works.
The Wembley Stadium Tour lets you explore the behindthe scenes of the UK’s largest sports and music venue. Taking you deep in to the heart if the stadium, visit the Dressing Rooms, the Press Conference Room, Players’ Tunnel, Pitch side and the iconic Royal Box. www.bookings.wembleytours. com
Willows Activity Farm (AL4) Summer Spectacular from 23 July-4 Sept. Get lost in the a-maze-ing Maize Maze – it’s popping good fun with a super surprise in the middle! Make sure you find your way out to enjoy the splash-tastic Puddle Play Park where you’re guaranteed a splashing good time. The daily programme includes adventure play, funfair, tractor ride, farmyard animals, indoor soft play and more. www.willowsactivityfarm.com
Young V&A (E2)
Get ready to spark your creativity at Young V&A – the museum where children, young people and families can imagine, play and design. From 1 July 2023, be inspired by spaces, explore the collection and get creative.
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo (LU6)
An adventure with a difference. Explore a world of wildlife like never before at Whipsnade Zoo, the largest zoo in the UK. Enjoy a full day of adventure making incredible memories. Experience thousands of amazing animals and learn how, as a ZSL conservation zoo, they’re protecting their future.
To promote your local event, coffee morning, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next What’s On listing. Email Listings@FamiliesNWLondon.co.uk. Listings in this section are FREE for most non-commercial ventures. Please check details of the events before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print.
www.FamiliesOnline.co.uk for all our local weekly regular events.
Many activities and events require advance booking. Please check the website in the listing to confirm terms and conditions for attending before heading out.
Park - Until 3 September
A summer of fun has arrived in Wembley Park. Take part in FREE family-friendly events for all ages. Try your hand at modern dancing, get messy with art and craft workshops, learn the secrets of coding behind your favourite video games, soak up some flamenco flair at a Spanish festival, say hello to aliens as they pop down to earth for a dance-off and have a splash in the fountains with a picnic. Playtime is all the time in Wembley Park. wembleypark.com/summer
Throughout the SummerHorrible Histories Terrible Thames (E1W) This Summer don’t miss London’s best river tour for families, Horrible Histories – Terrible Thames! Take a dive with Horrible Histories into the stories of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Julius Caesar, Queen Boudicca, Jack the Ripper and Captain Kidd, in this history of the Thames with the nasty bits left in! ‘It’s fantastic - one of the best things to do in London with kids.’ Globe Trotting Whether you love Horrible Histories or just want a sightseeing tour of the Thames, this is the trip for you. Sailings until the end of October. terriblethames.com
Sun 9 Jul - Family-friendly Summer ‘mini’ Festival at Clitterhouse Farm (NW2) Get ready for a family friendly, fun-filled party with plenty of action and
excitement for everyone to enjoy! Big Beat Playground are super excited to be hosting their family friendly, Summer mini Festival, at an exciting new location in the great outdoors, at Our Yard, Clitterhouse Farm, NW2. Expect lots of family fun, action and activities. Smile, dance, play, create, relax and socialise, all within a family friendly environment. www.bigbeatplayground.co.uk
Sun 9 Jul - Green Festival at COAM (HP8) Go along to Chiltern Open Air Museum this July for this special green event with an independent market, live acoustic music, wellbeing activities, family fun, and tons of opportunities to help the environment. coam.org.uk/events/greenfestival
Sat 15 Jul - Wonderland of Games (HA5) Join Rhubarb Theatre for a wonderland experience as you shrink into the gardens of the Queen of Hearts to find yourselves amongst her large lawn games. Once there you might get knotted up in the Alice-themed twister, go crackers with the croquet, or become champions of the chequers board. Wonderland of Games is an interactive experience combining street theatre, family games and weird and wonderful walkabout characters. harrowarts.com/whats-on/event/ wonderland-of-games
Sat 15 Jul – Hercules (WD18) The IK Productions summer showHercules – will be at the bandstand in Cassiobury Park this summer with their unmistakable brand of “delightfully daft” family theatre. Travel back in time to the land of heroes, monsters and myths and join Hercules as he labours for beauty, truth and love! Go along on a legendary adventure as Athena guides our hapless hero to success. But with time running out to prove himself a hero, will Hercules ever be able to scale Olympus and get
own happy ending? This is an outdoor performance, take a picnic and something to sit on and dress for all weathers.
Sat 15 – Sun 16 Jul - Sarratt
Community Garden - Open Garden for NGS (WD3) A thriving, productive community garden, growing fruit, veg and cut flowers for local people. This garden is run on organic principles, with a passion for the environment and education. Refreshments and parking is available in the village. findagarden.ngs.org.uk/ garden/44325/sarrattcommunity-garden
Sun 16 Jul - Rambert Dance Day (HA9) World-famous Rambert Dance are heading to Wembley Park’s Summer of Play on Sunday 16th July. Delivering a range of free dance workshops throughout the day, covering a number of dance styles and genres, Rambert Dance Day is suitable for all ages and experience levels. You just need to pop by and take part! Free to attend. No ticket required. Just turn and have fun. wembleypark.com/whats-on/ summer-of-play-rambert-danceday
Fri 21 Jul – Sun 6 Aug - Family Prehistory Adventure (SG14) Escape the everyday on a Family Prehistory Adventure, a 2 night 3 day getaway available from 21 Jul to 4 Aug at Celtic Harmony Camp, near Hertford. Sleep in your own roundhouse with all modern comforts and relax as the chef prepares all your meals. Enjoy activities lead by the enthusiastic Prehistory Hosts from perfecting your aim on the archery range to prehistoric pottery. Then watch the sunset behind the roundhouses as dinner is served before an evening sitting around the fire and enjoying the evening entertainment.
celticharmony.org/product/ family-prehistory-adventure
Sat 22 – Sun 23 Jul - Classic Vehicles Show (HP8) A weekend celebration of classic vehicles at Chiltern Open Air Museum. Admire an amazing collection of classic cars, motorcycles and historic bicycles and see a collection of historic tractors and wagons on the farm. coam.org.uk/events/classicvehicle-show
Sat 22 Jul – Mon 28 Aug - Perform in the Park (WC1N) A magical festival of children’s theatre in the heart of London. Four fantastic musicals for children aged 2 -14, plus evening events for teens. Set in a pop up tent in Coram’s Fields, families can also enjoy the park with wide lawns and wonderful play areas. take a picnic or enjoy the charming all-day café. www.performinthepark.uk
Mon 24 – Sun 30 Jul - Big Screen (WD17) The Big Screen will be back in Watford town centre
this Summer. Deckchairs will be available, but you are also welcome to take your own chairs, pack a picnic and head to the town centre then just sit back and relax. FREE. www.watfordevents.com/bigscreen-town-centre
Tue 25 Jul - Drawing Your Emotions SEN Workshop (HA5) This is a fun, fast paced workshop at Harrow Arts Centre. Participants create abstract works using a variety of colourful dry drawing materials to express a broad range of different emotions. In sharing their images (and their feelings) with each other we help to develop empathy, connection and a sense of belonging. It is a light-hearted way to help express emotions for children who may struggle with communication and a great way to open up new conversations. For families with SEN children aged 5+. harrowarts.com/whats-on/event/ drawing-our-emotions-senworkshop
Wed 26 Jul - The Ugly Duckling (WD18) A wonderful open-air, family musical from the Folksy Theatre, filled with live music, puppetry and colourful characters. Take along your folding chairs, friends and family to the Cassiobury Park Bandstand area. www.watfordevents.com/events
Thu 27 Jul - Rhyme Runners with Justin Coe (HA4) Hurdle words, row poems, roll-up and take your place in the rhyming race at Ruislip Manor Library at 11am. Create a chant to cheer on your team and dream of goal-scoring, trophykissing, gold-medal glistening glory. Everyone’s a winner where the worlds of words and sport combine, in this fun, friendly, hyperactive, interactive Justin Coe comedy-poetry show for ages 511, including an optional parents’ rhyming-race! www.hillingdontheatres.uk/index. php/events/rhyme-runners-withjustin-coe
Thu 27 Jul - The Wizard of Oz
Outdoor Theatre (SL0) You are invited to click your heels and ease on down the yellow brick road as Immersion Theatre proudly presents a brand-new adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, a magical family show with lashings of audience participation, dazzling costumes, an original script, and plenty of laughter, this faithful re-telling promises to have you shouting, clapping and singing along to a host of brand-new songs. Ages 4+. At Langley Park Country Park. www.immersiontheatre.co.uk/ outdoor-the-wizard-of-oz-2023
Thu 27 Jul, 3, 10, 17 & 24 Aug - Art in the Park (HA5) Art sessions for everyone, family, adults and children alike at the Heath Robinson Museum. Sessions will include sketching, park life, watercolour basics, trees, mixing natural colours, figure drawing amongst others. 1:30-3pm. www.heathrobinsonmuseum. org/whats-on/art-in-thepark-2/2023-08-10
Sat 29 Jul - Opera Performance
(HP8) Chiltern Open Air Museum are pleased to be welcoming back Wild Arts for a wonderful evening of opera. The performance will be on the village green in the beautiful open air. You are welcome to bring rugs, cushions, chairs and hampers. coam.org.uk/events/eveningopera-chiltern-open-air-museum
Sun 30 Jul - Big Jiveswing Festival
(WD18) The Big JiveSwing Festival is one of the UK’s largest FREE Jazz Festivals. It’s a great family day out with live cabarets, dance classes for children and adults, and a vintage photo booth, as well as a kids area with bouncy castle, merry go round, ice cream, candyfloss and more! At Cassiobury Park from 12-7pm. www.watfordevents.com/bigjiveswing-festival
Sun 30 Jul – Watford Sunday Markets (WD17) New stalls and speciality markets will open once a month during the summer. July is a Vegan Market. The market which is steeped in history dating back to the 12th century, already opens to the public from Tue to Sat, selling an ever changing mix of goods, produce and street food. www.watfordmarket.co.uk/events
Mon 31 Jul – Fri 4 Aug - There’s No Place Like Perform This Summer (HA5) Perform are off to see the wizard, as they sing and dance their way down the yellow brick road in their Wizard of Oz holiday courses. With colourful costumes, uplifting songs and dazzling dancing, your child will have the best fun of the summer as they bring this story to life. For ages 4-10, at Eastcote Methodist Church.
020 7255 9120, enquiries@perform. org.uk. www.perform.org.uk/wizard
Mon 31 Jul – Sun 6 Aug - Big Screen (WD25) Grab your picnic blankets, deckchairs, pack a picnic and head to Woodside where you can just sit back and relax whilst watching some old favourites alongside new blockbusters. There will be a number of traders on site as well as small fun fair rides to keep the kids entertained. The Big Screen is FREE and no booking is required, just turn up and enjoy the outdoor cinema experience! www.watfordevents.com/bigscreen-woodside
31 Jul – 3 Sep - WILDERFES (KT9) Get ready to Croc ‘n Roll as Britain’s WIIILDEST family music festival returns to Chessington World of Adventures Resort for its third year this summer. Come rain or shine, you’ll see the Resort come to life, with live music across the stages, roaming entertainment, mouthwatering festival food, plus a whole load of family summer fun - you’ll be singing, dancing, and of course riding, all day long! www.chessington.com
Tue 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 Aug - Terrific Tuesdays (HP8) Themed family craft and activity days at Chiltern Open Air Museum. The overall theme for the summer holidays will include: bricks and building, shelters, what’s cooking?, wash day and where’s the toilet? coam.org.uk/events/summerholiday-activities
Tue 1 – Mon 28 Aug - My Highstreet (HA1/2/5) What it is like to use, walk through, listen to or shop in your local high street? Highstreets have changed through time from the unique hub of an area to a homogenous desert of identikit retail, occasionally a wasteland of empty shop fronts, but slowly becoming used by local people again as we gravitate away from out-of-town malls. This exhibition will explore what your high street mean to you today and what do you hope to make it in the future?
See the exhibition At Harrow Arts Centre, Headstone Manor & Museum and The Greenhill Art Pod. harrowarts.com/whats-on/event/ my-highstreet
Wed 2 Aug - Playday 2023
(HA4) A FREE family event at the Hillingdon Athletic Track, Gatting Way, Uxbridge. Featuring a wide range of activities including... Cycling, Story Time, Football, Babies Corner, Look inside an HGV, Police vehicle, London Fire Engine, Board the Hillingdon Youth Bus, Food available to buy on site. Tickets free, booked in advance only.
www.hillingdontheatres.uk/index. php/events/playday-2023
Fri 4 Aug – Watford Market
Lates (WD17) Includes live music alongside craft beer, a pop-up bar and delicious street food from around the globe. Visitors will also be able to enjoy the ambience of market dining and be treated to a menu of fresh dishes plus drinks in the covered casual dining space. 6-10pm.
Sat 5 Aug - You’re Out Of This World Disco (HA9) When they’re not exploring new planets, the Astro Groovers are busy discovering hidden floors that have never been danced on before for an epic free ‘You’re Out Of This World’ party - and it looks like they’ve found one in Wembley Park! An interactive dance workshop fuelled by positive disco energy, by the end everyone will have learnt some very special disco dance moves, ready to be a fully fledge Astro Groover to help in their quest to discover the greatest parties of all time. FREE wembleypark.com/whats-on/ summer-of-play-youre-out-ofthis-world-disco
Sat 5 - Sun 6 Aug - Britain at War (HP8) This special Britain at War weekend at Chiltern Open Air Museum will see re-enactors depicting different wartime periods throughout Britain’s history. Visit the living history camps and watch a variety of displays. Jeep, Jump, Jive will be creating a party atmosphere with popular 1940s music playing from their US Army Air Force Jeep. There will be Lindy Hop social dancing and the opportunity for everyone to get involved with fun classes for all ages. coam.org.uk/events/britain-atwar
Sun 6 Aug - 19th Annual Kids’ Fun Fair Day in Canons Park, (HA8) Fun for all the family with fairground rides and stalls for the kids and live music from Katie and Juan, ‘fun’ dog contest, community stalls, face painting, glitter art and hair braiding, Lego prize contest, free kids’ art activity desk, Dotty’s sweets bus, free tai chi and yoga sessions, Nordic walking sessions and all-day refreshments at the Good Friends Cafe. Adventure playground and green gym plus plenty of wide open spaces for football, cricket and picnics. 11am to 6pm. Free entry to event. www.canonsparkfriends.org
Sun 6 Aug – Sun 3 Sep – Little Angel Theatre’s Children’s Puppet Festival (N1) The first ever Children’s Puppet Festival will showcase a broad range of puppetry by the most exciting UK and international companies
currently making theatre for young audiences. There will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to take part, with workshops for families, community events, fun days for children, and courses for adults to try out the craft of puppetry. www.littleangeltheatre.com seasons/childrens-puppetfestival-2023
Sat 12 Aug - Meccano Model Exhibition (HA5) An incredible one day exhibition of Meccano models at the Heath Robinson Museum, where you will find a variety of peculiar machines and vehicles! www.heathrobinsonmuseum. org/whats-on/meccano-modelexhibition
Sat 12 – Sun 13 Aug - Tudor Courtroom Event (HP8) History Reenactment Workshop return to Chiltern Open Air Museum with their popular interactive presentation of ‘The Tudor Court’. Become immersed in the Tudor world, learn about the intrigues of village life and join in to help decide the rights and wrongs of each case. Chat with the costumed re-enactors to find out what was happening in the year 1585 and learn more about Tudor life. There will be two sessions with different court cases at 11am & 2pm. coam.org.uk/events/tudorcourtroom-event
Sat 12 – Sun 27 Aug - Big Beach (WD18) With Watford Borough Council’s Big Beach, you don’t need to travel to the coast to feel the sand between your toes – just head to The Parade in the Town Centre! The beach is completely free and is the perfect chance for people of all ages to lap up the summer sun, with deck chairs and tables provided to help you relax. There are a variety of beach toys and buckets and spades which you’ll be able to get from the beach hut – as well as any information you might need. Open 10am to 4pm each day. www.watfordevents.com/ bigbeach
Sat 19 Aug – Herts Pride (WD18) Head along to Cassiobury Park for Hertfordshire’s largest LGBTQ+ festival. Everyone is welcome at Herts Pride – the celebration is a 100% inclusive event. They are a non-profit organisation run exclusively by volunteers, and are proud of their achievements in having established an annual event where everyone is welcome to attend and celebrate diversity. Herts Pride invites people of all races, faiths, genders, sexualities, and abilities to join in and show their support for the wonderful local LGBTQ+ community. www.hertspride.org
Sat 19 – Sun 20 Aug - Ragged Victorians Living History Event (HP8) Learn about the Ragged Victorians at Chiltern Open Air Museum. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the less savoury aspects of Victorian life in a fun, family-friendly environment with the ‘Ragged Victorians’! Meet costumed re-enactors in the buildings and around the Museum site. This Ragged Victorians event is great for kids who are learning about the Victorians at school. coam.org.uk/events/raggedvictorians-event
Sat 19 – Mon 28 Aug –
Colourscape (WD18) Enter a new world of colour and light. Explore a unique labyrinth of 70 interlinked chambers of intense colours and discover musicians and dancers interacting with you. www.watfordevents.com
Sun 20 Aug – Traceworks (HA9) Bringing their coveted Jack Defrost performance to Wembley Park, Traceworks will be hosting three free performances of the contemporary dance show, followed by a beginner’s contemporary dance workshop so you can learn the moves yourself. Suitable for all ages. Free to attend. No ticket required. Just turn and have fun.
wembleypark.com/whats-on/ summer-of-play-traceworks
Tue 22 Aug - Old MacDonald and the Three Pigs Plus (UB3) Grab your picnic blankets and some snacks and join in an outdoor colourful, fun and interactive performance full of props, pop-ups and audience participation. Old McDonald and the Three Pigs Plus… weaves the well-known story of the Three Pigs with the easy to learn rhyme about Old McDonald’s farm. Taking place at the Open-Air Theatre, Barra Hall Park, Hayes at 2.30pm. Ages 4 to 8. www.hillingdontheatres.uk/index. php/events/old-macdonald-andthe-three-pigs-plus
Wed 23 - Mon 28 Aug - Zippos
Circus 2023 ‘Nomads’ (N22) London’s Favourite Circus comes to Bounds Green for the very first time with a brand-new 2023 show titled Nomads! celebrating the circus’s nomadic way of life. Join the Zippos Circus troupe of nomads as they journey through the entire length of the UK from the south of England to the north of Scotland in a delightful, fast-paced show. At the Oliver Tambo Recreation Ground, Bounds Green. zippos.co.uk
Sat 26 – Sun 28 Aug – Viking Raid (HP8) Get involved in games, music, storytelling and fun activities from the Viking Age at Chiltern Open Air Museum. Then watch as the raid unfolds and see who wins in the battle between the Vicious Vikings and the Christian forces of Wessex. coam.org.uk/events/viking-raid
Sun 27 Aug - Twelfth Night: Play in the Park (HA5) Illyria presents an evening of yearning romance, music and sheer joy – all performed on a stage inspired by those of the Elizabethan touring troupes at the Heath Robinson Museum. For ages 8+. Please take your own seating/ rug, warm clothes and picnic. www.heathrobinsonmuseum.org/ whats-on/twelfth-night-play-inthe-park
The Alban Arena 01727 844488 www.alban-arena.co.uk
Fri 28 – Sun 30 Jul
Dragons and Mythical Beasts
Calling all brave heroes! Enter into a magical world of myths and legends in this fantastical new show for all the family. Unveil a myriad of dark secrets and come face to face with some of the most magnificent monsters and terrifying beasts ever to walk the earth. Don’t miss this spell-binding adventure, live on stage! Ages 3+
Sat 12 – Sun 13 Aug
Peter Pan A Musical Adventure
BRILLIANT Theatre and The Alban Arena are thrilled to announce their next Summer Production Peter Pan – A Musical Adventure. Close your eyes and imagine, close them tight and pretend as you take off on a magical trip to Neverland, where you never grow old. Book your tickets for the whole family to see this magical story come to life on stage.
The Beck Theatre 020 8561 8371 www.becktheatre.org.uk
Wed 12 – Thu 13 Jul
In The Night Garden Live
Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and friends are back in their fun-filled live show Igglepiggle’s Busy Day! Join Igglepiggle as he looks for his friends in the Night Garden by following their funny sounds until he finds them all! You’ll see all your favourite characters beautifully brought to life with fullsize costumes, magical puppets, and enchanting music. This show lasts just under an hour and your little ones will be amazed when they see a very special visit from the amazing flying Pinky Ponk.
Wed 9 Aug
Horrible Histories: Barmy Britain
We all want to meet people from history. The trouble is everyone is dead! So Barmy Britain is back with the hit West End show, full of crazy new characters and rude new rulers from Britain’s barmy past! Will you be conquered by William? Will you sink or swim with King Henry I? Go house hunting with Henry VIII! Join the gorgeous Georgians as they take over England! Break into Buckingham Palace and hide from the Queen Victoria! It’s history with the nasty bits left in.
Thu 24 - Sat 26 Aug
Disney’s The Little Mermaid: Summer Youth Project
In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney’s The Little Mermaid is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. This fishy fable will capture your heart with its irresistible songs including Under The Sea, Kiss The Girl and Part Of Your World.
Garrick Theatre, WC2H 0330 333 4811
Thu 27 Jul – Sat 2 Sep
Horrible Histories – Terrible
We all want to meet people from history. The trouble is everyone is dead! So Terrible Tudors is back with the hit West End show for a second sensational year! From the horrible Henrys to the end of evil Elizabeth, hear the legends (and the lies!) about the torturing Tudors. Find out the fate of Henry’s headless wives and his punch up with the Pope. Meet Bloody Mary and see Ed fall dead in his bed. Survive the Spanish Armada as they launch their attack! It’s history with the nasty bits left in! Ages 5-105!
Harrow Arts Centre, HA5 0208 416 8989 www.harrowarts.com
Sat 5 Aug
Twelfth Night
Summer 2023 will see audiences treated to a laugh-a-minute adaptation of Shakespeare’s riotous comedy, “Twelfth Night”! With an identical twin, live music, audience participation, and yellow stockings, you have all the ingredients for an unmissable production. Outdoor theatre, taking place in the outdoor performance space at Harrow Arts Centre. Designed for ages 10+ but younger children are also welcome.
Pump House, WD17 01923 241 362
Tue 4 – Sat 8 Jul
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr
Take a fantastic musical adventure with an out-of-this-world car that flies through the air and sails the seas. Based on the recordbreaking West End production and the beloved film, and featuring an unforgettable score by the Sherman Brothers (Mary Poppins), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR. is one blockbuster that audiences will find “Truly Scrumptious.” Filled with amazing stage spectacle and unforgettable songs, including the Academy Award nominated title song, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR. is a high-flying fun-filled adventure that will dazzle audiences and Broadway Junior Stars alike.
Fri 28 Jul
Magic Kurtis: Magic & Mayhem
Go and watch the magic and mayhem of ‘Magic Kurtis’. Having performed his show all over the world, Kurtis is now bringing his show to The Pump House Theatre! This show contains audience participation, magic, laughter and MAYHEM. With mind blowing magic and small illusions, this show is guaranteed to amaze all the family!
Puppet Theatre Barge, W9 020 7249 6876 www.puppetbarge.com
Sun 20 Aug – Sun 1 Oct
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Richmond)
These two famous cousins visit each other in turn, each one experiencing new and surprising sights and sounds. The Town Mouse must face the wild countryside, while the Country Mouse watches for the house cat and learns to navigate the noisy city traffic. They both end up much wiser as a result of their exciting adventures. A delight for young and old, told with music, songs and rod puppets. Ages 3+
Watersmeet, WD3 01923 711 063 www.watersmeet.co.uk
Tue 1 Aug
Milkshake! Live: Milkshake!
Monkey’s Musical Milkshake! Monkey is back and can’t wait to put on a spectacular NEW Show for you all, joined by some of his favourite Milkshake! friends plus two Milkshake Presenters creating the most dazzling show you have ever seen! Join Paddington, Daisy & Ollie, Milo, Noddy, Pip and Posy, Blue’s Clues & You! and of course Milkshake! Monkey for an unforgettable
family time at Milkshake Monkey’s Musical!
Sun 27 Aug
The Little Mermaid: An Underwater Musical Adventure It’s time to make a splash and join Ariel; her father, King of the Seven Seas; Ursula, the evil sea witch, and a whole host of fabulous characters in this brand-new adaptation. Expect lots of fun, singing and dancing, all brought to you by a fantastic and energetic company of wonderful performers. Sparkling scenery, beautiful costumes and an exciting opportunity to meet the characters after the show, this is sure to be the family show of the year that you don’t want to miss!
Watford Palace Theatre, WD17 01923 225 671
Wed 26 Jul
Dinosaur Adventure Live!
Join the intrepid rangers on a quest to recover the data crystal, restore power to the island and save the Dinosaurs! Stomp, Roar and Swish your tail as you are introduced to some of the most incredible species ever to have lived on planet Earth. Learn their history with our amazing Dino-facts, meet our beautiful baby dinosaurs and even feed them, but watch out…. You could be on the menu. Feel the excitement as you come faceto-face with a T-Rex and hear it’s roooooooarrrrrr! An unforgettable Jurassic experience for all the family to enjoy
Winston Churchill Theatre, HA4 01895 250615
Fri 11 Aug
Peter Pan and Captain Cook Hillingdon Library Service has brought Booster Cushion Theatre to the Winston Churchill Theatre in Ruislip. A big book transforms into the galley of a ship, forest, skyline with beautiful hand drawn illustrations, as the mysterious narrator tells the tale of Peter Pan and his nemesis Captain Cook, known for his evil saucepans and dastardly cook-offs. Fly into an imaginative and absurd Neverland, where anything can happen…if you believe, and can cook it, of course.
Ages 5-9
Don’t forget to say you saw these events in Families Magazine!