Families Hampshire North May/June 23 DIGITAL issue

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IN THIS ISSUE May/June 2023 Familiesonline.co.uk Outdoor fun Travel Education FREE
Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 2
Creative Courage For Life®


Now the weather is getting better and the evenings longer, you can get the kids outside to play. We’ve provided some tempting activity ideas for outdoor fun. Check out our simple outdoor dining ideas. Meanwhile, if you’re planning some time under canvas this summer, you may be interested in our top picks for UK camping destinations.

There are some great giveaways in this issue, including your chance to win a and more! Apply inside and also ensure you

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from our January/ February issue

Congratulations to all our winners. You can find a list HERE

Coronation downloadable Education Outdoor play Clubs & classes Giveaways Days out Health Travel Craft Food Father’s Day gifts Parties In this issue
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Get in touch
Book now winchestersciencecentre.org All the usual Science Centre fun plus: Dormouse Orienteering Live chemistry science show Secrets of the Stars planetarium show Weekends and May half term 13th May to 5th June Use this ad for one free child admission to the house and gardens during May & Jun'23! Scan here to see all our Events! Selborne Hampshire GU34 3JH The Scott Centre Pre-School Book now for September 2023! Youth Options is a UK company limited by guarantee (3184237) and registered Charity (1056463). Located in Andover, Hampshire. We incorporate daily opportunities to learn across varied and diverse, child led, and adult led, hands-on experiences. To secure a place or to book an open day, contact us at: mariangelabryant@youthoptions.org.uk www.youthoptions.org.uk
Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 4 DOWNLOAD FOR YOUR CHILD HERE! Coronation Quiz What do you know about the new King? Try this out with a parent or carer. Answers: 1. King Charles, 2. 70 years 3. The Prime Minister 4. The Princes Trust 5. Buckingham Palace 6. William and Harry 1. What is the name of the new King? 2. How many years has he being waiting to become King? 3. Who does the King meet with each week? 4. Which charity did the King set up in 1976? 5. Which royal palace was the King born in? 6. Who are the King’s children? Guess Who or What? Can you name the following people, places and things that are all connected with the King’s Coronation? This is………………….............. This is………………….............. This is………………….............. This is ....................... This is………………….............. This is………………….............. This is………………….......... Answers: 1. Charles and Camilla 2. William and Kate 3. Westminster Abbey 4. Harry and Meghan 5. Union Jack flag 6. Queen Elizabeth II 7. Buckingham Palace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Coronation Anagram Unscramble the letters to discover what you will see on Coronation Day Answers: 1. Crown 2. Westminster Abbey 3. King Charles 4. Throne 5. Royal carriage 1. Unscramble the circled letters to spell the name of someone else who will be crowned on Coronation Day S M I E W T N S R E T B B Y A E 2. I K N G A C L H E S R 3. T H E N O R 4. A L O R Y R I R A C G E A 5. R C W N O Your child can enjoy our three, fun Coronation activities, including an anagram, quiz and guess who or what? You’ll find answers at the bottom of each page. Coronation Activities for Kids

What is the CPA approach in maths?

CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) is a maths teaching approach that has grown in popularity in recent years. It involves using tangible objects for children to add, subtract, multiply or divide. They then progress to using pictorial representations of the objects and ultimately, abstract symbols.

This way of learning is one of the foundations of Singaporean maths, now being adopted in the UK.


The tangible, ‘handling’ stage uses physical objects to solve problems. For example:

There are four buttons in the pot. Stanley has two buttons in his hand. How many buttons are there altogether?

In this problem, the children might first count out actual buttons before moving on to non-related objects such as counters.

Of course, almost anything can be used to help a child master this stage from pencils to plastic pots, to counting beans and coins. You don’t need to spend money on concrete resources to support learning.


The next step is for learners to move on to making their own representations.

Returning to the buttons example, these could be drawn as four circles on one part of the paper and two more on another part, representing the pot and the hand. Kids can then count each small circle, getting the same answer as with the buttons

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 5 EDUCATION
READ MORE SHORTLISTED Inspiring young minds since 1645 Cheam is a leading independent, day and boarding prep school, nestled in 100 acres of countryside on the Berkshire | Hampshire border 3 - 1 3 y e a r s | C o - E d u c a t i o n a l | D a y , F l e x i a n d W e e k l y B o a r d i n g w w w c h e a m s c h o o l c o m E X P L O R E C H E A M O P E N M O R N I N G S a t u r d a y 2 0 M a y | 1 0 0 0 a m t o 1 2 3 0 p m A C O M P L E T E E D U C A T I O N P l e a s e j o i n u s a n d s e e f i r s t - h a n d w h y C h e a m i s s u c h a s p e c i a l a n d i n s p i ri n g p l a c e f o r c h i l d r e n t o s p e n d t h e i r f o r m a t i v e y e a r s

Teacher gift ideas

It’s approaching the end of term again…here are some great ‘thank you’ gift ideas for your child’s teacher, both hand-crafted and shop-bought.

Make a photo frame

Simple, fun project. Requires three materials and a photo memento.

Make a terrarium

Terrariums of all shapes & sizes look great on a desk!

Make DIY hot chocolate bombs

Encased in chocolate & filled with mini marshmallows.

Make pebble class art

Decorate pebbles marking out members of your class and your teacher.

Teacher’s Tin

A novelty desk tidy for the teacher who likes to be organised. £11.79

School backpack charity gift

A charity gift your child’s teacher will love. £11 ActionAid

Keep Calm & Pretend coffee mug

Fun quality mug for the teacher who enjoys a joke. £9.45

Thank You Teacher chocolate gift box

For a teacher with a sweet tooth! £10


Teacher’s Survival Kit

Fill with essentialstissues, paper clips, tea bags £7.87

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 6 EDUCATION

Developing independent learning

How handwriting affects self-esteem

Big family celebrations occur when our children display independence by taking their first steps or riding their bike without stabilisers.

So how do we then help children develop independence in their learning?


The Scott Centre Preschool, Andover

Kids who struggle with handwriting are often at a disadvantage in the high-paced classroom setting. According to the Dyspraxia Foundation, they are usually aware of their difficulty and their untidy writing can make them feel uncomfortable and frustrated.


Located close to Andover town centre, The Scott Centre preschool implements the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance combined with providing children a better future through outdoor learning and explorations. Reserve a space for September 2023 today HERE.


Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 7 EDUCATION

Top children’s literature festivals

Children’s literature festivals are springing up all over the country and offer great entertainment for families. Here’s our selection.

Barnes Children’s Literature Festival

London’s largest festival. Big-name authors, shows & activities. 24-25 Jun

Appledore Book Festival (North Devon)

A dedicated children’s programme. 15-24 Sep

Edinburgh International Book Festival

Hundreds of events for families. 12-28 Aug

Cuckfield Children’s BookFest (Sussex)

Spectacular one day event with author ‘meets’ & talks. 7 Oct

Bath Children’s Literature Festival

Europe’s largest dedicated children’s literature festival.

29 Sep-8 Oct

llkley Literature Children’s Festival (Yorkshire)

Top authors, free dropin events, storytelling, workshops. Oct

Wokingham Children’s Book (Berkshire)

Festival with author

‘meets’ & talks. 15 Oct.

Hay Festival (Wales)

Extensive programme & section for toddlers & parents. 25 May-4 Jun

Great Malvern Festival of Stories (West Midlands)

Storytellers, authors, theatre. 24-29 Oct.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 8 EDUCATION

Creative garden play


Plastic water bottle guns – use old squeezy detergent bottles for squirty fun.

Water balloon pinata - make with balloons, water, string and a stick.

DIY Slip n Slide - spread out a long tarp and apply hose for slippery, slidy fun. Ice play – freeze water overnight in empty cartons for building, sculpting and slipping.

Mix & stir

Leaf tea – infuse a variety of leaves from the garden in an old teapot or saucepan. Cappuccino – help them carefully froth a muddy watery mix with a whisk.

Mud ice creams – use ice cream cones, dirt and flowers for decoration.

Garden perfume – using sealable bottles, add water and best smelling flowers and herbs.

Make a cheap & easy mud kitchen

Sand & mud

Mobile mud patch – convert your wheelbarrow into a mud pit. Natural sand pit – dig a shallow hole. Line using plastic with rock edging. Add sand.

Sand wall – attach old, upsidedown cartons and bottles with ends removed for pouring sand. Muddy car wash – get the toy cars really muddy, then wash them in a soapy water bucket.

Creative garden

Small world garden play –connect with the natural world with these imagination zones. Soil art – use an ancient method to make paint from the garden. Paint a mural – let imaginations flow using a washable chalk paint recipe.

Ice excavation – freeze interesting items inside blocks of ice for your children to release.

Make seed bombs

Transform an old chest of drawers into a kid’s kitchen using household junk.

Two simple ways to spread colour and biodiversity in your garden.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 9 OUTDOOR PLAY

Book a FREE summer term class with Perform

Summer term is here and there’s no better time for your child to try Perform.

Packed with self-esteem boosting activities, Perform weekly classes round off the academic year with a fun and relaxed focus on developing confidence, communication, coordination and concentration.

Using a mix of drama, dance and singing, these high-energy classes for all abilities are designed to allow even the most reticent children to shine.

This term, ages 4-7s will be setting sail on the Jammy Dodger for an

adventure with the Mermaids & Pirates. Meanwhile, ages 7-12s will enjoy a laugh-out-loud adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in The Dream. The curriculum has an emphasis on fun with free apps and videos to watch at home.

Classes are for all abilities and every child is welcome to try a free class in Andover, Basingstoke, Bramley, Fleet and Hartley Whitney find the right class and book HERE.

Andover: Andover Leisure Centre, SP10 1QP

Basingstoke: Beggarwood Community Centre, RG22 4AQ

Bramley: Clift Meadow Pavillion, RG26 5BH

Fleet: Zebon Community Centre, GU52 0ZE

Hartley Whitney: Victoria Halls, RG27 8RQ

And don’t miss the Perform in the Park summer festival of children’s theatre in Coram’s Fields, Bloomsbury (WC1N) from 22 July to 28 August. Book your tickets HERE.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 10 CLUBS & CLASSES

Basingstoke Festival returns

Get ready for three weekends of free family fun as Basingstoke comes to life with street performances and outdoor arts for the whole family.

Basingstoke Festival takes place from Fri 23 June to Sun9 July, where you can discover circus, dance, street theatre and storytelling performed outdoors in streets and parks.

Experience magical moments throughout the festival as you find energetic, joyful and sometimes hilarious performances. The opening weekend includes a vibrant town centre parade led by local company Fluid Motion. Head on a Sea-TACULAR adventure and enjoy a fusion of hip-hop, circus and acrobatics in Roll Model. Meet outrageous mermaids in The Wagon of Dreams and see the spectacle of a 15-foot-tall giant wheel driven by five street artists in Parade: The Giant Wheel.

Explore the full programme HERE.

Friday 23 June to Sunday 9 July 2023

Three weekends of free street performances for the whole family.


In partnership with

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 11

Claim your FREE Little Shopping Lotto game NOW* Small in size but big in fun – perfect for both home and travel! APPLY HERE

*while stocks last T&C’s apply

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 12
Orchard Toys Giveaway
AGES 3 to 6

Win a family holiday with Away Resorts!

Win a four night stay for a family of up to six people at an Away Resort of your choice.

Experience one of Away Resorts’ fabulous UK locations, from countryside to coast, all within areas of natural beauty. Your accommodation will be off-thescale amazing and new experiences await at every turn. Jam-packed with activities, entertainment, fantastic facilities and events, every member of the family will be grinning from ear to ear.

Explore The New Forest, Hampshire, Tattershall Lakes

Appletree or Cleethorpes Pearl in Lincolnshire, Mersea Island in Essex or Golden Sands in North Wales –or perhaps somewhere else will take your fancy.

Full list of locations HERE.

APPLY HERE by 30 June 2023


6 Available

Sustainable toy for curious little explorers

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 13 GIVEAWAYS
Go on an adventure with AquaPlay Get your FREE AquaPlay Mountain Lake Set now!
Available T&C’s apply APPLY HERE GIVEAWAY Hape Nature Fun Detective Sets APPLY HERE

Eco family days out

Entertaining and inspiring places with a conscience that also offer bags of adventure for a family visit.


Environmentally-friendly adventure parks in Norfolk and Cheshire.

The Centre for Alternative Technology

Snowdonia, Wales. Interactive displays, ecodemonstrations & family activities.

Cornwall. Rainforests, Mediterranean zones & outdoor gardens.

The Living Rainforest Berkshire. Tropical rainforest adventure with plants & animals.

Award-winning indoor and outdoor adventure park in North Norfolk.

Award-winning family fun park in Gwynedd, Wales.

Essex. Ancient woodlands, arboretum & The Wild Wood play area.


Set in 40 acres of ancient woodland & holds over 200 British animals in natural enclosures.


Land train, nature play area, the Hive & the Children’s Garden.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 14 DAYS OUT
Wildwood Trust Greenwood Family Park Kew Gardens Pensthorpe The Eden Project Markshall Estate

Tackling summer ailments

Summer is fun but it’s good to be prepared for the common ailments your child may suffer that are peculiar to the season. Here are our tips.


* Stay in shade from 11am to 3pm;

* Cover up with suitable clothing and sunglasses;

* Use at least factor 30 sunscreen;

* Reapply frequently.

Insect bites

Most improve within hours. * Remove the sting; * Wash affected area; * Apply cold compress to any swelling; * Avoid scratching/bursting any blisters.


Thirst/dark yellow, strong smelling wee, weeing less, lightheadedness, dry mouth, lips & tongue – if untreated, can become serious. * Give extra fluids gradually.


*Keep taking preventer inhaler;

* Take reliever inhaler everywhere; * Use your action plan; * Go outside earlier - air quality better; * Drink plenty of fluids.

Heat exhaustion

Dizziness/nausea/ headache/fast breathing or heartbeat. * Move to cool place; * Remove clothing; * Give sports drink/water;

* Cool skin; * If still unwell after 30 minutes, call 999.

Tick bite

* Cover skin walking outdoors; * Use insect repellent;

* Check for ticks on clothes and skin;

* Remove quickly;

* If rash appears or child become unwell, see GP.


Itchy, red, dry, cracked skin.

* Dress in thin cotton layers; * Use light cotton blankets or sheets; * Apply moisturising cream;

* Keep out of the heat.

Swimmer’s Ear


Painful ear/itchiness/reduced hearing/noises inside ear/discharge from ear. * Use drops from pharmacist.

* If symptoms after a week, see a GP.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 15 HEALTH

Top UK camp sites for families

Looking for a family-friendly camping experience? Take a look at our top picks.

Catgill Farm

Camping to glamping in Yorkshire Dales. Outside village of Bolton Abbey.


Woodland campsite/ luxury lodges in Dorset, close to coast & Corfe Castle.

Kelling Heath Holiday Park

Surrounded by Norfolk woodlands/trails, indoor/ outdoor pools, steam railway.

Sherwood Pines Campsite

Acres of Nottinghamshire woodland, walk to adventure playgrounds, Go Ape, bike hire.

Gwithian Farm

West Cornwall. Close to beach & pub, goats & guinea pigs to feed.

Glenmore Camping

On the shores of Loch Morlich, Scottish Highlands. Hiking, swimming, kayaking.

Fforest Fields

Set on family run farm in Wales; green hills, woodland trails, lakes.

Red Shoot Camping Park

Ideal base to explore New Forest, attractions nearby, family friendly pub.

Heathland Beach

Walk to Suffolk beaches. Heated pools, fishing lake, tennis, family restaurant.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 16 TRAVEL

Best travel games for kids

Perfect for stashing in a corner of the suitcase or car when you head away this summer!


Compact card game for Snap or creating fantastical beasts.

Ages 4+. £5.94

Othello on the Move

Pint-sized version of this classic strategy game.

Ages 7+. £9.95.

Mini 4 in a Row

Classic game. All-in-one folding compact design. Ages 3+. £5.59


Compact version of this classic fast-talking description game.

Ages 6+. £10.19

Cluedo Grab & Go

All the thrills of the classic detective game in a mini set.

Ages 8+ £5.

Battleship Grab & Go

Compact, mobile version of the Battleship game. Ages 7+ £5.

Dino Dump

Speedy card game featuring kids’ faves: dinosaurs and poo!

Ages 6+. £9.99

100 PICS Riddles

Family Travel Card Game

Pocket sized, full of family-friendly brain teasers. Ages 6+. £6.99.

Rummikub Travel

Fast-paced game of tile manipulation. Ages 8+ £15.99.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 17 TRAVEL

STEM craft activities

Stimulate your child’s interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics with these inspiring craft ideas.

Create salt dough fossils

Fun activity which shows kids how fossils are made.

Paper straw rockets

Experiment with propulsion and flight with these easy downloadable templates.

Gravity action art

A super-easy way of seeing science and art working together.

Magnetic slime

Discover how to create magnetism with this fun activity.

Paper building blocks

Simple craft demonstrating engineering with paper.

Fruit Solar System

A fruity way to grasp the planet sizes in our Solar System!

Invisible ink art

Fascinating art project where science plays a big role.

Make a volcano

A safe miniature eruption!

Robot Hands

Discover the mechanics of robotics and how everything works together.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 18 CRAFTS

Simple outdoor eating

Take your pick of these great recipes and create meals to eat outside which the family will love.

Roast chicken garden salad

Sweet & sticky chicken wings with classic slaw

Super easy Spanish tortilla

Quick grilled pizza

Lamb meatball pitta pockets

Salt & pepper tofu skewers

Vegetable tartlets

Roasted banana & cinnamon ice cream

Lemon sherbet ice

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 19 FOOD

Great gifts for the dad in your life

Don’t forget to show dad how much he’s appreciated on Father’s Day on Sunday, 18 June. Check out our gift suggestions for something he might like – all for £20 or less.

FOCO Moccasin slippers

Comfy suede slippers with your dad’s team logo. £15.

Reversible belt

Wardrobe versatility with this reversible black/tan belt. £20.

Dad’s Toblerone

Personalised Toblerone bar for a special treat. £17.

Stormtrooper decanter

For the Star Wars lover. Stores spirits, decants wine and serves. £19.99.

I Love My Daddy picture book

Spend special time with dad with this joyful, rhyming picture book. £6.64.

Tile Mate

Keeps track of Dad’s keys, wallet and phone. £15.99.

V&A Italian hot chocolate

Rich, mouth-watering hot chocolate from Italy in a keepsake arty tin. £10.

Hotel Chocolat Milk Chocolate Old Fossil

Smooth, mellow and from the prehistoric era (remind you of anyone?).

Personalised face cooking apron

Great for the cook who can’t get too much of himself! £19.99.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 20 FATHER’S

Upcycling your child’s party

Be kind to the planet with these ideas from Ice Cream and Jelly

Party bags

Store shopping bags can make perfect gift/party bags. With a little imagination, crafty materials and glue, these branded shop bags can be transformed into unique, personalised bags. Or make your own: there are some easy video instructions on making a paper bag in the tutorials section on Instagram.

Tablecloth and napkins

Party bag fillers

Old bed sheets work well refashioned into tablecloths - paint, tie-dye or appliqué in order to tailor them to the party theme. It’s a great activity to get the kids involved in! If you already have a tablecloth, make placemats or a table runner from scrap fabrics to match the theme of your party.

Make time to make these rather than buying new. Here are some ideas to get you started: scrunchies made from leftover fabric, painted rocks or shells found on the beach, bracelets made from beads from your local scrap store or crayons made from all your kids’ broken crayons.

Wrapping presents

There are many household items that you can use for wrapping gifts: magazine pages, old maps, pieces of sample wallpaper, your kids’ paintings or leftover packing paper. If you can sew, you could make a drawstring bag from leftover fabric scraps. Alternatively, reuse an old pillowcase or wrap with fabric, like the Japanese art of Furoshiki.

Familiesonline.co.uk May/June 21 PARTIES

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Families Hampshire North May/June 23 DIGITAL issue by Families Magazine - Issuu