Families London Surrey Borders Jan/Feb 23 PRINT issue

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Issue 108 January/February 2023 familiesonline.co.uk IN THIS ISSUE FREETakeMeHome Education Early Years What’s On

W h a t ’ s t h e b u z z a t C r o y d o n H i g h ?

t i n y o u r d a u g h t e r , r e l e a s i n g h e r p o t e n t i a l t o e n a b l e h e r t o f l y ! F i n d o u t w h a t t h e b u z z i s a b o u t b y b o o k i n g a p r i v a t e t o u r ? P l e a s e e m a i l a d m i s s i o n s @ c r y . g d s t . n e t

Familiesonline.co.uk 2 Families London Surrey Borders FREE TO BE ME I am smart, funny, brave, kind, curious, unique, creative, energetic, honest, fearless, caring, surprising, determined, playful, musical and a loyal friend. And that’s just today. I’m free to be wonderfully and wholeheartedly me. instagram.com/bansteadprep facebook.com/bansteadprep twitter.com/BansteadPrep Visit www.bansteadprep.com for information on our open days and personal tours. I S I I n s p e c t i o n 2 0 2 2 R a t e d ' E x c e l l e n t ' i n a l l a r e a s A t C r o y d o n H i g h , e v e r y d a y i s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o t e a c h , t o l e a r n a n d e x p e r i e n c e s o m e t h i n g a m a z i n g a n d o u r g i r l s a r e b u z z i n g t o t e l l y o u w h a t t h e y l o v e a b o u t t h e i r s c h o o l O u r g o a l i s t o b r i n g o u t t h e b e s
N i c o l e , Y e a r 6 , i s a n a c t i v e m e m b e r o f o u r b e e k e e p i n g c l u b


It has been with great joy that I have put together my first issue of 2023.

Start the year with a bit of fun and sign up to Wear a Hat Day to raise money for research into brain tumours – the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under the age of 40. More details on page 4 on how to register.

We have some very exiting announcement for families with children in the Early Years. Have a look at our dedicated Early Years News Board on page 6 and you can find all your local open day events on page 8.

As I collate this issue most of the world is still celebrating Christmas, but we have some wonderful family shows and events to enjoy this February half term on page 14 and 15.

May 2023 be the year that brings you and your family all the happiness and contentment your heart can hold.


Tamar Pearson

T: 07537 141 998 E: editor@families-lsb.co.uk

Design: Rebecca Carr

Printed by: Buxton Press Limited

Next issue: March/April Booking deadline: 7 February

Readership of over 65,000 local parents, carers and teachers every issue. Published six times a year. For families from birth to twelve.

Families London Surrey Borders Magazine is part of Families Print Ltd, a franchise company. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof.

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Tamar xx Contact
4 News & views 6 Early Years News 8 Education News 10 Education 12 Clubs & Classes Directory 14 What’s On Cover image: Depositphotos.com In this issue: Would you like to promote your business in our next issue and reach 1,000’s of local parents? Email Tamar for more info at editor@families-lsb.co.uk Nursery | Boys | Girls | Surrey Cumnor House School, has a proud tradition of providing an exceptional education to boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 13. Contact Admissions 0208 660 3445 admissions@cumnorhouse.com cumnorhouse.com There’s a different way. The Cumnor Way.

Wear a Hat for a better future!

Wear A Hat Day, an iconic and fun annual event, is one of the UK’s most popular and familyfriendly charitable fundraisers and it’s happening again on Friday, 31 March!

Running for more than ten years, this event raises millions for vital research into brain tumours – the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under the age of 40. Wear A Hat Day events help children explore their individuality and creativity, whilst learning to work together and think of others – in a really fun way.

Participation fosters friendships, creates better local and school communities, offers unique learning opportunities and provides new ways for children to explore ideas around different life experiences, all while giving hope to brain tumour patients and their loved ones.

Join this event, as a family or by persuading your local school to take part. Register now for more information and your FREE fundraising pack. Just use the quick and easy webform at www.wearahatday.org

Enjoy National Storytelling Week

National Storytelling Week takes place from 28 January to 5 February and during this period, stories will be told in schools and theatres, pubs, museums, village halls, community centres and in many other places across the UK.

Speech and language therapists believe that storytelling is vital for children’s academic success as it promotes narrative skills and strengthens the ability of children to correctly sequence ideas. To be a good reader and writer a child needs firstly to be a good speaker and listener.

Above all though, storytelling is fun. Whether we are listening to someone else’s story or telling our own, inventing and adapting stories can open doors to exciting new worlds — both real and imaginary.

To find a local event, visit www.sfs.org.uk

Put a spring in your child’s step with Perform

Happy spring term! Perform confidence-building classes are sure to blow away the winter cobwebs and will help children feel energised and inspired.

This term sees 4-7s trapezing and somersaulting into a Circus Adventure whilst 7-12s work on a fun and funky adaptation of Robin Hood, in Outlaw. Imaginations will soar as children work towards a magical performance for family and friends.

Perform is not like other children’s drama schools. Its classes have a special emphasis on child development, using a mix of drama, dance and singing to bring out every child’s potential.

Run by experienced actor-teachers, Perform classes focus on developing the 4 Cs: Confidence, Communication, Coordination, and Concentration. With all abilities welcome, children can join at any point in the term and will take part in the performance. The only requirement is to get ready to have the best fun of the week!

Children are welcome to try a FREE class at Caterham, Oxted, Reigate, Purley or Shirley – just visit www.perform.org.uk/try to find your nearest and to book.

For more information call 020 7255 9120 or email enquiries@ perform.org.uk, or visit www.perform.org.uk/try

Letters to tomorrow

Join in a campaign for urgent action against climate change by writing a letter to a loved one in the future.

Your Letter to Tomorrow is meant to explain your hopes for future generations if our leaders step up to protect the environment – and your fears about what life could be like if we don’t slow down climate change. Your letter could be to your friend, child or even your future self.

The campaign launched by The Climate Coalition, with members including National Trust, Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, Save The Children and Oxfam, aims to generate thousands of powerful letters to go to our leaders.

You can write your letter using a simple online form or upload an image of a handwritten letter. Once your letter is published, you can share it far and wide and even send it directly to your local MP.


Find more homes for birds

National Nest Box Week takes place every year between 14 and 21 February, just as the bird nesting season is starting. It’s organised by the British Trust for Ornithology.

This celebratory period aims to turn the spotlight on breeding birds and encouraging everyone to put up more nest boxes in their local area.

Many of us are aware of how vital it is to feed our garden birds but it’s also just as important that they have a suitable shelter and site for breeding.

Natural nest sites such as holes in trees and buildings are disappearing fast as people carry out home and garden improvements and woods are ‘tidied up.’

Find advice and instructions available about building and placing nest boxes at www.nestboxweek.com

The critters are working their magic

Animal-assisted therapy is rooted in the bond that can develop between people and animals. Animals can provide a sense of calm, comfort, or safety and divert attention away from a stressful situation and toward one that provides pleasure. This enriching therapeutic experience helps both physical and mentally.

Counselling combined with play and creative therapeutic tactics, with the presence of an animal has a positive impact on those in need of assistance, whilst on their educational or mental wellbeing journey, offering support for individual children within schools and at home.

Kids Critters have a choice of reptile, amphibians, and insects, who work in synchrony to enhance the child’s social, emotional, and cognitive functioning during the therapeutic process, and soon to join the Human-Canine therapy team will be Jupiter, a Labrador puppy who is currently training.

For more information on Kids Critters and the services they offer visit www.kidscritters.co.uk

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“My sadness and worries have fallen out of my head”, commented a 4 year old with ASD traits who attends Animal Assisted Therapy with Kids Critters.

Get involved in Children’s Mental Health Week

From 6 to 12 February, families across the UK are encouraged to take part in Children’s Mental Health Week organised by charity Place2Be, with the theme Let’s Connect.

Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections for all, during the week and beyond.

People thrive in communities and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends, and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. And when our need for rewarding social connections is not met, we can sometimes feel isolated and lonely – which can have a negative impact on our mental health.

Help raise funds by organising a Dress to Express fundraiser. Find FREE resources for parents and carers and more information at www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk

‘March of the Mummies’

Thousands of mothers sporting spooky costumes descended on central London at the end of October last year to demonstrate against the cost of childcare, which has forced some to leave the workforce. Similar marches took place in other cities across the UK.

Data indicates that for many women, deciding whether to return to work after having a baby – or even whether to have a child at all – has become a question of cost.

The protest was demanding increased funding for childcare, properly paid maternity and paternity leave and flexible working. Compared to other countries, the UK’s childcare costs are among the highest.

According to data gathered by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the net costs in the UK amount to around twenty nine percent of the average wage, compared to Germany’s one percent and France’s fourteen percent.

More info: www.pregnantthenscrewed.com

Take Part in The Big Garden Birdwatch

Get your family involved in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and help monitor bird life in the UK.

Simply count the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour between 27 and 29 January.

Challenge your children to see who can spot the most birds. Take a bike ride to a local park or make a day trip out of it and spot birds in a new place.

You can also watch Big Garden Birdwatch Live! on YouTube and Facebook to discover what birds are being spotted across the UK with live commentary, interviews and chats with special guests and wildlife experts and the chance to ask them questions.

To learn about ways to attract birds to your garden and get your FREE guide, visit www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch

Help young minds thrive, fund vital research, and give hope to those in need.

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Brain Tumour Research Registered charity number 1153487 (England and
Friday 31st March 2023
GET INVOLVED www.wearahatday.org
Wales) SC046840 (Scotland)
We are currently recruiting hosts who can
a spare bedroom, three meals per day and the required lessons and activities. You choose who to host and when to host! Earn up to £1,000 per week. Get in touch to find out more: influentme.com be@influentme.com Would you like to host and teach English to a foreign student in your home?

FREE Early Years play programme launched

Leading toy company, Fisher-Price™ has teamed up with a leading support charity, Family Action, to launch the Family Action Play Programme for children ages 0 to 5, to help with their early childhood development.

The programme is available online and free to families and it shares early years expertise, practical tips and simple activities for families looking for quick and easy ideas to build play into the everyday and help their children thrive.

The programme includes five modules that tackle the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of play and its importance in early childhood development and has been developed drawing upon expertise from the Fisher-Price™ Play Lab and from the practice-based experience of Family Action staff.

To access the Family Action Play Programme, visit www.bit.ly/ PlayProgramme


all young

Spaces available at Birdhurst Day Nursery

Birdhurst Day Nursery are a well-established registered day nursery in South Croydon, offering a welcoming, nurturing, and caring environment to all children aged 0–5. Their well-trained staff organise age-appropriate activities in their vibrant and fun classrooms to encourage child-initiated learning. With a fantastic garden area with a forest school, there is plenty of exploring to be done! Fresh homemade meals cooked on site in their 5* Food Hygiene rated kitchens.

As a charity, their Christian ethos is at the heart of everything they do. Birdhurst Day Nursery are open 51 weeks of the year, from 8am–6pm, and currently have spaces available for all ages and can offer funded hours for 3–4-year-olds.

Call 020 8681 3187 or email birdhurst@christianfamilyconern.org.uk for more information and to book a show around.

Little Thorns Nursery Opening in September


Help us discover how babies & kids learn!

We’re recruiting infants from birth through school age to take part in fun studies at Birkbeck’s BabyLab & ToddlerLab in central London. Our prime locations are easy to reach and we refund travel expenses. We also have online studies you can do from the comfort of home www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk/online-studies

020 3926 1207 babylab @ bbk.ac.uk www.cbcd.bbk.ac.uk

The Hawthorns School in Bletchingley is renowned for providing an outstanding Prep school education. The secret? In a happy, family atmosphere each child is given every opportunity to realise their potential through academic achievement, and by engaging in a broad range of activities which build their confidence and develop their character. Children leave to go on to a variety of leading senior schools, and this year 53 percent were awarded scholarships.

The Hawthorns School are incredibly excited to be building upon the success of their current Nursery classes to provide full-day, year-round nursery care for children aged 6 months to 4 years, in their new Little Thorns Nursery. Their vision is very simple; to ensure that each child who comes into their care reaches their full potential, at every stage of their journey through education.

Little Thorns, Big Adventures: where children learn through play and exploration, wrapped in Hawthorns happiness, warmth and care. Find out more at www.hawthorns.com

Getting ready for school at Godstone Nursery

At this time of year, if you have a four or five year old, you have probably completed the local council application forms and are waiting to hear where you child will be going to school in September. While that wait happens, Godstone Farm Day Nursery and Pre-School is supporting parents by hosting a ‘Getting Ready For School’ talk from a local teacher this February.

Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions and pick up some tips from a professional, who knows exactly what the expectations will be. The focus will be encouraging children to become more independent with dressing themselves, eating, recognising their name, developing their speaking and listening skills, making friends and perhaps most importantly, hearing adults and siblings chatting positively and enthusiastically about school.


Tumble Tots play programme

The Tumble Tots progressive play programme is designed to develop your child’s physical skills. Using bespoke colourful equipment, Tumble Tots focus on agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination, which enhances brain development and builds confidence.

Every session is supervised by amazing, specially trained staff, getting the best out of each child. Up until 3 years, grown-ups participate as well so that parents, carers and even grandparents can spend time with little ones as they develop.

The journey begins for babies from 6 months old who can sit up unaided and are actively moving.

Tumble Tots Epsom hold classes in Epsom, Sutton, North Cheam, Ewell and Raynes park.


Familiesonline.co.uk 6 Families London Surrey Borders EARLY YEARS NEWS

Elmhurst pupils benefit from an arts rich education

A recent paper released by the Centre for Research in Early Childhood set out the importance of an arts-rich early years education.

At Elmhurst, the performing arts is a cornerstone of our broad and engaging curriculum. Taught by subject specialists, our Music and Drama lessons develop the key skills of communication and confidence through a strong emphasis on self-expression, performance, and collaboration from the very beginning of the Elmhurst journey.

Specialist Music and Drama teaching is then supplemented with individual Music and speaking skills lessons, ensuring every passion can be followed. Opportunities such as debating, public speaking competitions, music festivals, concerts, choir performances, film festivals and school productions all foster enthusiasm for taking part and embracing personal challenge.

Together with the specialist Art lessons, these subjects offer an inclusive and diverse range of experiences in creating, performing, and responding to work, fostering a life-long love of the arts. www.elmhurstschool.net

Little Downsend Ashtead to welcome babies from September

Little Downsend Ashtead has been part of the community in Ashtead Village for many years and now, in an exciting development, will open its doors to even younger children from September 2023.

Little Downsend Ashtead, with its picture-postcard-perfect setting, will welcome children from the age of 6 months to 4 years. During the Summer of 2023, a sizeable investment will see a refurbishment of the baby rooms and even more play spaces and equipment added to the already excellent outdoor play area. In true Downsend style, even the littlest learners will follow an innovative, play based curriculum designed to accelerate their learning, stretch their imaginations, and ignite their creativity! www.downsend.co.uk

Little Thorns Nursery

The first step in the adventure of life Opening September 2023, full-time nursery provision from six months to four years

The Hawthorns is a thriving independent prep school in Bletchingley, for girls and boys aged 6 months to 13 years Please join us for our forthcoming Open Mornings: Friday 3rd February & Thursday 16th March


Familiesonline.co.uk Families London Surrey Borders 7 EARLY YEARS NEWS

Croydon High School is excellent in all areas

In October 2022, the Independent Schools Inspectorate visited Croydon High to carry out a full Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection.

Croydon High School is delighted that they achieved the highest outcome of ‘Excellent’ for Pupils’ Academic and other Achievements and Pupils’ Personal Development in December 2022.

‘Pupils of all ages, including children in the EYFS, make rapid progress in developing their self-confidence, resilience, and the ability to make their own decisions. Pupils are highly motivated, have extremely positive attitudes to learning and are determined to make the most of the many and varied opportunities available to them.’

More info: www.croydonhigh.gdst.net

The Sixth Form Journey at Ewell Castle School

Ewell Castle Sixth Form is a warm, friendly, small, happy, and inclusive learning community that welcomes capable and enthusiastic students.

For the academically able Ewell castle offer scholarships, a More Able and Talented Club and specialist programmes for Oxbridge, Medical Sciences and EPQ candidates. The in-house careers/ UCAS and Sixth Form team ensure that all students receive the best possible chance to secure their first-choice university/higher apprenticeships including Russell Group, but more importantly, that students’ progress to the course, institution or career that is the most appropriate for them as individuals.

Known for their excellent pastoral, counselling and learning support, Ewell Castle School believe in helping children to be the best version of themselves. Their students thrive academically and for those that want to, there are opportunities in sport, the creative arts, or a leadership role. Email admissions@ewellcastle.co.uk to book your visit soon.

Free online Maths Circles launched

Children ages 10 to 16 who are keen to extend their mathematical horizons can now take part in free weekly interactive maths sessions online called Maths Circles.

Maths Circles is a way for students to learn from some of the best maths educators in the world.

The session contains a mix of challenging questions, puzzles and enrichment topics. The highly interactive sessions, with live chat and polling, also provide an opportunity to develop and practice the sort of problem-solving skills that are used to solve Primary Maths Challenge problems. The Maths Circles sessions are completely safe and secure - students do not appear on screen and cannot be heard and only the educators can see chat comments.

More info: www.parallel.org.uk



Trust to be Carbon Net Zero by 2030

On October 31, LEO Academy Trust were delighted to welcome over 350 guests to their 2022 conference, with the theme of ‘Sustainability’. They provided practical ideas to support the implementation of their new Sustainability Strategy- with a commitment to becoming Carbon Net Zero by 2030.

Sustainability is a key focus across all areas of their curriculum, with a continued focus to teach respect for the natural environment and resources. All pupils attend Forest School. LEO Academy Trust also offer a rich programme of trips relating to sustainability and involve pupils directly through their Eco Defenders committee to provide pupils with opportunities to action real change. “We want to motivate all our students, staff, and visitors across all of our academies to follow a forward-thinking approach towards protecting our environment - for now and for future generations’’

More info: www.leoacademytrust.co.uk


Aberdour School, KT20 6AJ www.aberdourschool.co.uk

10 Mar

Banstead Prep, SM7 3RA 01737 363600

Co–educational Prep School, 2–11 yrs www.bansteadprep.com

Nursery: Sat 4 Mar

Whole School: Thu 16 Mar

Personal tours available most working days

Reception Admissions Event for Sep 2023 entry: Tue 17 Jan

Belmont School, RH5 6LH www.belmont-school.org

Early Years and Pre-prep: Tue 28 Feb Senior: Fri 24 Feb

Croydon High School, CR2 8YB 020 8260 7508

Independent Girls’ Day School, 3–18 yrs www.croydonhigh.gdst.net Book a tour or register online.

Cumnor House Kindergarten and Pre School

Locations in South Croydon and Purley www.cumnorhouse.com

Cumnor House Boys, 2–13 yrs 020 8660 3445

Cumnor House Girls, 2-11 yrs 0208 668 0050

Girls’ Open Morning: Thu 5 Jan

Boys Open Morning: Fri 6 Jan South Croydon Kindergarten and Pre-School: Fri 20 Jan

Open Week: 20-24 Feb

Downsend School

Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom

Co–educational Pre Prep School Pupils 2-6 yrs www.downsend.co.uk

Junior and Senior School: Fri 10 Mar

Dunottar School Reigate, RH2 7EL

Co-educational day school, 11-18 yrs www.dunottarschool.com

Fri 10 Feb, Tue 21 Feb, Tue 7 Mar

Open events require advance booking, so please call the school to check.

Elmhurst School for Boys and Little Elms Nursery, CR2 7DW 020 8688 0661

Independent day school for boys, Pupils 2–11 yrs www.elmhurstschool.net

Fri 10 Feb

Ewell Castle Junior and Senior, KT17 2AW 020 8393 1413

Co-educational day school, Pupils 3–18 yrs www.ewellcastle.co.uk

Sat 4 Feb, Fri 10 Mar

The Hawthorns School, RH1 4QJ Co-educational day school, Pupils 2-13 yrs www.hawthorns.com

Fri 3 Feb, Thu 16 Mar

Kingswood House School Epsom, KT19 8LG www.kingswoodhouse.org

Fri 24 Feb

Lingfield College, RH7 6PH www.lingfieldcollege.co.uk

Prep School in Action Morning:

Wed 15 Mar

Nursery & Prep School Open Morning: Sat 4 Mar

Manor House School & Nursery Little Bookham, KT23 4EN www.manorhouseschool.org Wed 1 Mar

Micklefield School, RH2 9DU www.micklefieldschool.co.uk Sat 4 Mar

Royal Russell Junior School Croydon, CR0 5BX www.royalrussell.co.uk Juniors: Fri 24 Feb

Seaton House School, SM2 5LH www.seatonhouse.sutton.sch.uk Sat 25 Mar

St Christopher-’s School Epsom, KT18 5HE www.st-christophers.surrey.sch.uk Fri 24 Feb

Sutton High, Nursery and Juniors, SM1 2AL www.suttonhigh.gdst.net Nursery Live Zoom Event: Wed 8 Feb

Familiesonline.co.uk 8 Families London Surrey Borders EDUCATION NEWS

Woodfield Secondary School

Do you have…

• excellent numeracy and literacy skills

If so, we want you!


If you are interested, email hresources@woodfield.surrey.sch.uk to request a job description, person specification and application form.


Woodfield School, Sunstone Grove, Merstham, Surrey, RH1 3PR

Familiesonline.co.uk Families London Surrey Borders 9 CHRISTMAS Where Children Thrive
Saturday 4th February 9.30am - 11.30am
March 9.15am - 10.45am Prep Open
10.45am Senior
- 8.00pm Open Events Through School 3-18: Nursery, Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior & Sixth Form Ewell Village, Epsom, Surrey www.ewellcastle.co.uk
Whole School
Whole School
26th April 9.15am -
School Open Event:
29th June 6.00pm
Woodfield Secondary School is based in Redhill and caters for the needs of over one hundred students with learning and associated difficulties and are currently recruiting for the following positions. Woodfield School are looking for a number of One to One Teaching Assistants to join our staffing team!
passion, drive, enthusiasm to make a real difference to the lives of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities
the ability to work as a co-operative and flexible team member
self-motivation and high expectations of yourself and others
excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to motivate and engage pupils that face daily challenges and barriers to learning
return, we will welcome you to a school with vibrant, inquisitive and enthusiastic pupils and the opportunities to gain knowledge, understanding and experience in the field of SEND.
Book on to our 2023 open mornings Scan the QR code to book your place www.dunottarschool.com “We’re one Warrior Learning family” - Year 7 pupil, 2022 www.elmhurstschool.net Scan the QR code to book your place, or call 0208688061 BOOK NOW Located in South Croydon, CR2 7DW Nurturing brilliance in every boy An 11+ preparatory school for boys, we offer a broad engaging curriculum with literacy at its heart. Working in partnership with our parents. From our youngest learners in Little Elms, boys enjoy weekly lessons with subject specialists in the performing arts (Music, Drama) Art, French, PE and Computing. Friday 10th February 2023 | 9.30am to 12.00pm Open Morning Come along and see the school in action, speak with the Head and discover why an Elmhurst education is the right choice for your son.

Shared reading and language development

Early language development is incredibly important and sitting down to read with your child gives them a big advantage. Here are my thoughts on the how’s and why’s of shared reading.

Make it a conversation

Shared reading is so much more than simply reading books aloud from start to finish. It’s powerful as an interactive experience, creating a conversation along the way. Evidence suggests that asking children lots of open questions about books can really boost language skills. Exposure to new words builds their vocabulary and the more they hear spoken language, the more easily they can use it themselves. The earlier you start, the better their reading ages will be at school. Research has demonstrated how shared reading protects against a lot of language difficulties and delays. It can even predict how successful children could be as adults in terms of income!

Doing it your own way

Parents, grandparents, carers or sibling will each have their own reading styles; and that’s a good thing. Find the flow that comes most naturally to you, making the experience more interactive as you go along.

Picture books are a good start

Picture books with few or no words are great starting points. A good example is Hug by Jez Alborough, which simply repeats the word ‘hug’ on each page. It’s then down to the adult to create a story around this, starting a conversation with the child. Talking with them about what they see and what they think about the story naturally involves using a mix of words and grammatically structured sentences. The book becomes a prompt for children to express themselves.

Reading the same book over and over...

I hear this a lot from parents: ‘My child wants to read the same book over and over again.’ As an adult, what do you do? Do you read the book for the thirty fifth time this week or encourage them to read something else? A recent study suggests that reading the same book repeatedly can help with a child’s memory, in terms of building familiarity with particular words. The biggest challenge is your stamina - knowing it’s all in a good cause might help here!

When and where?

When it comes to shared reading, little and often is the way forward. You don’t have to sit down and rigidly read with your child for a set hour at a time. Five minutes here and there is just as useful, particularly when it comes to keeping them motivated.

Fit reading around what works for you and the structure of your own lives. You may well choose a time towards the end of the day when you’re settling them down for bed. But for a lot of people, that isn’t successful because, by that point, their child is too tired to engage properly. Remember it doesn’t have to be bedtime.

Pick a different point in the day. Or grab five minutes when you’re travelling on the bus together, for example.

And finally… Do it yourself! When your child sees you reading and clearly enjoying it, they will want to copy you. This will help them develop a habit that will open up a lifelong world of adventures and learning.

Try ‘elaborative reminiscing’ This involves getting your child to think about a time that relates to them, prompted by the book. So, if the book’s narrative is about going to the zoo and seeing lots of animals, stop reading and ask: ‘Do you remember when we went to the zoo? Can you remember which animals we saw?’ This gets a conversation going and it relates the story specifically to your child’s own experiences. This exercise has been shown to boost language development, particularly for memory and vocabulary.

Dr Jamie Lingwood is a Lecturer in Psychology at Liverpool Hope University (www.hope.ac.uk/psychology) and belongs to the ChildLab research group, a group of psychologists and educators who are interested in researching how children develop and grow.

Birdhurst Day Nursery

Birdhurst Day Nursery is run by Christian Family Concern, a registered Charity Founded in 1893.

At Birdhurst Day Nursery we care for children aged between 3 months – 5 years and follow the government’s Early Years Foundation stage curriculum, enabling every child to progress.

Our Christian values underpin our outlook, ethos and the care given to everyone that comes through our doors.

We offer:

• Open 51 weeks of the year (except bank holidays) 8am–6pm

• Child initiated learning encouraged

• Daily updates via Family App

• Large fully equipped garden with forest school area

• Sensory room

• Weekly extracurricular activities

• Fully qualified staff with regular training

• Freshly cooked meals prepared by our onsite Chef

Contact us on 020 8688 0251 www.christianfamilyconcern.org.uk

Familiesonline.co.uk 10 Families London Surrey Borders
Sleep consultant, specialist children’s nurse and family visitor with decades of experience 1. 07391 501589 2. Email : vicky@moresleepmoresmiles.com 3. www.moresleepmoresmiles.com 4. Learning to sleep is a skill that children can be taught and Vicky Scott can help you 5. FREE 30 minute discovery call
Familiesonline.co.uk Families London Surrey Borders 11 • Flexible nursery options with a choice of days and times to suit you • Monthly payments and ‘pay as you go’ holiday club • Outstanding academic results, exceeding National averages by 18% for Writing, and 17% in Maths • Qualified and Specialist teachers providing creative, innovative teaching for even our littlest people • Shortlisted for Independent Pre-Prep of the Year 2022, and Finalist in the ISA Awards 2022 for Innovation in Independent Education Our Little Downsend Schools are located in Ashtead, Epsom and Leatherhead Little People. Big Ideas. Talk to our team to find out which school is right for your child or book a tour of our award winning nursery and pre-prep. Call 01372 372311, email admissions@downsend.co.uk or visit www.downsend.co.uk to find out more. New nursery for under 2s launching September 2023!

Clubs & Classes Directory



Music tuition for young musicians aged 5-18. All abilities welcome. Piano, Singing, Woodwind, Strings, Brass and Music Theory.



Tailored one-to-one teaching, allowing students to achieve their full potential. We also offer students support in developing fundamental life skills such as building self-esteem, awareness, resilience and emotional intelligence.



Caterham, Oxted, Purley, Reigate & Shirley

Confidence building weekly drama, dance and singing classes for ages 4-7s and 7-12s. Classes are designed to boost confidence, communication, concentration and coordination.



Redhill, Reigate, Merstham, Horley, Dorking

Award winning Babyballet! Teaching the next generation of boys and girls how to dance and have fun! From 18 months+. With a real focus on learning through play.




Epsom, Ewell, Sutton, North Cheam

A progressive play programme designed to develop children’s balance, climbing and co-ordination, which enhances brain development and builds confidence. From 6 months old who can sit up unaided.



Baby yoga is relaxing and enjoyable for both mum and babies. Massage offers a unique way to raise the “feel-good” hormone oxytocin in both you and your baby.


Fri, 9.30am – 11am

Toddle Time @ Banstead Prep www.bansteadprep.com/nursery

A free weekly parent and toddler group featuring toys, activities and fun Led by Miss Compton, the Head of Early Years. Children aged 1- 3.

Mon & Tue, 10-11.30am

Little Ivy’s Stay and Play Croydon High School www.www.facebook.com/littleivys

For ages 0–4 who are accompanied by an adult! Lots of activities including music and movement, stories, and craft. £3 per child, which includes refreshments for adults and children.


Croydon, Sutton, Epsom, Reigate, Leatherhead and more.

Rugby play programme offering dynamic weekly sessions which enable boys and girls aged 2 to 7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment.



Ewell, Epsom and Stoneleigh

Ewell Dance offer classes in ISTD Ballet, ISTD Modern, ISTD Tap, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Acro and Musical Theatre, providing a supportive, nurturing and fun environment for your child.


Mon, 10am – 12pm.

Stay and Play @ Cumnor House Kindergarten & Pre-School, Purley www.cumnorhouse.com

Aimed at children from age of 1 who are steady on their feet. Join the Early Years team for a morning of fun, with themed weeks and planned activities!

Fri 10.30am – 12pm

Active Play with Hawthornes School

The Hawthorns Sports Centre www.hawthorns.com

Fun activity stations designed to stimulate minds and encourage active bodies, with a baby area. Session’s end with a fun song time. Snacks and refreshments included. £3.50 (card payments only).

Familiesonline.co.uk 12 Families London Surrey Borders CLUBS & CLASSES
Get your club or class seen by 1000’s of local parents for less than £20 per month.
for more information.
Surrey Borders Don’t forget to say you saw these in Families London-Surrey Borders Magazine
Email Tamar on editor@families-lsb.co.uk
Familiesonline.co.uk Families London Surrey Borders 13 EDUCATION EDUCATION WWW.DUNOTTARSCHOOL.COM High Trees Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7EL Tel: 01737 761945 Email: info@dunottarschool.com www dunottarschool com/saturda mus academy Dunottar Saturday Music Academ Calling all young aspiring musicians aged 5 -18 All abilities welcome from beginners to more experienced musicians. The Academy operates from 8.30am to 3.00pm on Saturdays. Lesson times are arranged between the teacher and pupil. Music Tuition Piano, Voice and Music Theory Strings: Violin, Viola and Cello Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone At Ewell Dance we offer classes in ISTD Ballet, ISTD Modern, ISTD Tap, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Acro and Musical Theatre. We offer a FREE TRIAL LESSON and NO REGISTRATION FEES FREETRIAL LESSON Classes in Ewell, Epsom and Stoneleigh www.ewelldance.com ü Cranio-sacral therapy ü Baby Massage Courses ü Baby Yoga Courses ü Now offering The Lotus Practice CranioSacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive handon technique that supports body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself. It is suitable for everyone from new-born to elderly. 8 www.thelotuspractice.com ) 07956442223 : thelotus@hotmail.co.uk Osteopathy rugbytots.co.uk The world’s favourite rugby play programme MAKE YOUR CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT MORE FUN! TRY RUGBYTOTS O ur dynamic weekly play sessions enable boys and girls aged 2–7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment. For more details, just call or email. 0345 313 3242 enquiries@rugbytots.co.uk AS SEEN ON

What's On February Half Term

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information displayed here is accurate, always check with the venue before attending.

Spring into action at Godstone Farm!

Baby animals and a heap of activities to entertain your young adventurers, what’s not to love about February half term down on the farm?

The winter can often seem long, so we’ve decided to bring spring forward with a range of interesting animal experiences, crafts and storytelling. There’s lots of wholesome fun added into our jam-packed schedule along with all the favourites of the farm such as our 500 resident animals, and cosy indoor play areas.

Booking online gives you the best price guaranteed.

More info at www.godstonefarm.co.uk

Emerging Nature at Hever Castle & Gardens this February

Visitors are invited to visit the historic castle between 11 and 19 February to enjoy ‘Emerging Nature’ aimed at school aged children and families.

Discover more about animals that retreat to cosy hideaways, find out which animals do this, what actually happens during the colder months and more about their environments as you wander through the grounds. Can you guess how long they hibernate for?

Get creative and portray a hibernating animal in a free pebble painting workshop. Finish off your day with an animal themed face paint (additional charge – selected dates).

A visit to Hever Castle offers a good day out for the whole family. As well as the Emerging Nature activities, feed the ducks or fish, explore the historic Castle or let off some steam in one of three play areas including the Tudor Towers adventure playground.

Fun at Denbies Wine Estate

Mouse Nibbled Cake Trail

Come for a walk around Denbies Vineyard with some brilliant puzzle solving on our unique kids puzzle trails!

Mon 13 & Tue 14 Feb

The Brick People

Take part in LEGO® Building and create your own LEGO® DOT mosaics. Includes LEGO® and DUPLO® areas suitable for all ages.

Wed 15 to Fri 17 Feb

Squirrels Woodland Train Ride

Wrap up warm and enjoy a gentle trip through the vineyard, keep a look out for Squirrel and his woodland friends throughout the vineyard.

More info at www.denbies.co.uk



Familiesonline.co.uk 14 Families London Surrey Borders WHAT’S ON TRAVEL WHAT’S ON
celebrating new
More info at www.hevercastle.co.uk 7RT Claremont Landscape Garden, KT10 9JG Winkworth Arboretum, GU8 4AD
play area Enjoy
swings, tunnels, and giant nests as you embrace your inner animal and get closer to nature. Inside, there will be a fun bug trail. Bugs in the house are a bit of a nuisance! Naughty bugs have been causing chaos. They all like to eat different things and can cause serious damage. Can you help find the bugs and stop them? Look out for giant, knitted
hidden around the mansion. Fun Family Half Term Trails
Park, GU4
Camp Glide, Surrey’s favourite action-packed multi-activity day camp Camp Glide’s multi-activity day camps provide fun-filled and affordable childcare during the school holidays for school-aged children.
typical day includes free play, a range of clinics for campers to choose from, swimming and one of our exciting all-camp activities, so you can be safe in the knowledge that your child is having a great time!
More info at www.nationaltrust.org.uk
More info at www.campglide.co.uk

What's On Children’s Theatre

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information displayed here is accurate, always check with the venue before attending.

your breath and go sailing away. Rise and Fall is a poetic and intriguing performance for young audiences about holding on and letting go. A gentle and relaxing show for ages 2+ and their families.

The Hawth RH10 6YZ www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk

Fri 17 Feb

Ministry of Science: Science saved the World

it snaps in two... just as the hungry dragon appears! Will there ever be room on the broom for everyone? Find out in the magical Olivier Award-nominated show. 3+.

The Leatherhead Theatre KT22 8DN www.theleatherheadtheatre.com

Mon 13 Feb

Animals Unleashed

Epsom Playhouse KT18 5AL www.epsomplayhouse.co.uk

Thu 16 Feb

Circus Spectacular

Featuring International Circus Acts, Amazing Magic & Lots Of Laughs. Our top-class artistes will not only bring skill and suspense during with their acts, they will also all be participating in the production numbers and comedy aspects of the show to the make one truly unhinged experience. Circus Spectacular will have everyone laughing and cheering along in this fantastic circus style variety show.

Dorking Hall RH4 1SG www.dorkinghalls.co.uk

Tue 31 Jan to Wed 1 Feb

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don’t expect to see at the door is a big, stripy tiger! Join the tea-guzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos. Don’t miss this stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem...expect to be surprised! Ages 3+.

Sat 11 Feb

Jurassic Earth

A Thrilling Interactive Family Show for Dino-Crazy Families! Meet intrepid EXPLORERS, fascinating PROFESSORS & the bravest of RANGERS as they take you on a journey through Jurassic Earth, introducing their herd of the most incredible Dinosaur species to have ever lived! Feel the EXCITEMENT of watching a Dinosaur Egg hatch in front of your eyes and the THRILL of meeting the cutest Ankylosaurus, Pterodactyl and baby hatchlings.

Harlequin Theatre RH1 1NN www.harlequintheatre.co.uk

Sun 12 Mar

I Spy with My Little Eye Molly and Bingo the puppy are having a birthday party and you’re invited! There’ll be a terrific treasure hunt, sensational sing-

along songs and lots of fantastic games to play, including Molly’s favourite game, I Spy with My Little Eye! So put on your party clothes and come join in for what promises to be a magical day of fun and laughter.

Polka Theatre SW19 1SB www.polkatheatre.com

Until Sun 29 Jan

Grandad, Me and Teddy Too Mia loves her Grandad very much. He lives far away, on the other side of the world, but finally, he’s coming to visit and Mia’s excitement is growing. When Grandad arrives he brings with him adventurous stories and games which set Mia’s imagination alight - together they explore the whole world without ever leaving her playroom. A heart-warming show that celebrates the special place grandparents hold in young children’s lives. Ages 2-5.

Sat 11 Feb - Sun 26 Mar

Jack v Giant

Come on an unforgettable musical journey from underground gold mines, climbing the beanstalk, to a golden castle in the sky. From the team behind We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and How to Hide a Lion, Jack v Giant is an exciting new musical based on the classic fairy-tale, enchantingly brought to life through beautiful puppetry and music. 4-8 years.

Sat 25 & Sun 26 Feb


We’re all trying to work out our story. Who are we? How are we shaped? Sometimes you have to find the courage to be just youthe brilliant you. Told with Tangled Feet’s unique blend of physicality, innovative design, and original music, this is a show for anyone aged 6 up who is looking to find where they fit in.

Wed 15 to Sun 19 Feb

Rise and Fall

In Rise and Fall you’ll meet all manner of balloons from small floating moons to vast bouncing orbs. Forever expanding and contracting, balloons are free to float, fly and sway. Hold

The UK’s favourite science team is back and more explosive than ever! They’ll take an anarchic approach to science communication whilst looking at the scientists, engineers, and inventors who have shaped the modern world that we live in whilst proving that each and every one of you has the ability to change our world for the better! 100% educational. 200% entertaining. 300% explosive. 400% fun.

Sat 11 & Sun 12 March

Room on the Broom Based on the best-selling book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler The witch and her cat are travelling on their broomstick when they pick up some hitchhikers, but this broomstick is not meant for five and – CRACK –

This on-stage experience will see the use of fantastic puppetry and special effects, bringing incredible life-like animals and dinosaurs to the stage right before your eyes. Dinosaurs from the past, Elephants from Africa, saltwater crocodiles from Australia, and the incredible Orangutans from Indonesia to name but a few all making their way out onto the stage as part of some incredibly moving moments. Ages 3+.

Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk

Sat 14 Jan Burglar Bill Classic tale brought to life with exciting sets, puppets and original music and songs. Ages 3+.

Familiesonline.co.uk Families London Surrey Borders 15 WHAT’S ON
Britannica Magazine giveaway! APPLY at familiesmag.co.uk/go T&Cs apply 5 Britannica bundles 6 month subscription + Britannica All New Encyclopedia An exciting factual magazine for kids ages 7 to 12 Worth £54.99 each Magazine
My Little Eye at
Harlequin Theatre
Familiesonline.co.uk 16 Families London Surrey Borders WHAT’S ON Local - Clean - Safe - Secure - Welcoming For more information visit our website redhillbelfry.co.uk at the Belfry the heart of Redhill Refuel! 2826-Emerging-Nature-Ad-87x130mm-AW.indd 1 13/12/2022 12:11 11 Feb - 19 Feb 2023 Spring has sprung at Godstone Farm! Create special memories this half term, with baby animals due, interactive talks, crafts and so much more. There is only one place to be this half term. BOOK ONLINE SPRING INTO FEBRUARY ACTION THIS HALF TERM!

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