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In this issue
What are you planning for the long school holidays? Let Families help you out.
We have lots of ideas for making summer holidays more affordable and enjoyable, as well as ideas for holiday games, castles to visit and much more. Don’t forget to check out our What’s On section for plenty to do close to home!
Children’s brains can get stale over the summer break, so take a look at our Education section for suggestions on how to keep them fresh so they are ready to learn straightaway on their return to school. If you have a child starting in Reception or changing school this September, you might also be interested in preparation you can do over the summer.
Finally, in this issue, we have a Cry Babies Newborn Coney and My First Bath to giveaway! Apply inside. By doing so, you’ll also ensure you receive our digital magazine straight to your inbox.
Editor, Families Manchester
Families Manchester is a franchise of Families Print Ltd of 75 Lisbon Avenue, Twickenham, TW2 5HL. Families is a registered trademark of Families Print Ltd. All franchised magazines in the group are independently owned and operated under licence. The contents of Families Manchester are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Manchester. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but the franchise owner and Families Print Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers, nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequence thereof.
Newborn Coney and My First Bath Bundle giveaway
Preparing to start or change school
By Gail Hugman
Starting or changing school can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking business, not only for parents but also for children who pick up on the vibe at home. With planning, you can feel more confident in the way you support and celebrate your child’s milestones and transitions as they occur.
Getting your child ready to start school
Be sure to read the information pack provided by school. Teach your child to dress in their school clothes as independently as possible.
Show your child how to use cutlery for school lunches; or packed lunch boxes and wrappers.
Practise listening skills by giving instructions and asking your child to repeat them back to you.
Have fun with activities that practise fine motor skills, such as tracing or threading beads.
Explain that school is the place they will learn skills such as reading and writing, to help them in life. And make new friends to play with!
Let them know their teacher will be excited to meet them and is hoping they are kind and friendly as well. This helps your child to be more relaxed.
If your child is a little anxious, it can help to remind them where you’ll be and what you’ll be doing while they’re at school. Tell them you’ll be thinking about them and looking forward to seeing them at the end of the day.
Moving to secondary
Moving to secondary school is another big transition that many children look forward to but can find a little overwhelming when it happens. In the weeks leading up to the new term:
Remind them that no one expects them to be perfect. If they get lost during the first week, all they need to do is ask for help! Talk about what is likely to be expected of them and remind them you’re still available for help and support at home. This reassures their brain and helps their confidence.
Tell them that if they’re not sure of something, asking questions is okay, providing they’re polite.
Explain that it’s fine to feel excited and a little bit anxious. Ask them if there’s anything they’re worried about. Aim to suggest reassuring and practical solutions to even their smallest worries, which are quite normal when starting a new phase.
Finally, relax! Your child will feel more confident if you are proud of who they are and delighted with the progress they are making.
Returning to school
It helps to prepare for returning to school after the long summer holidays.
A week before school starts in September, tell your child it’s time to get their brain ready to learn again, which means getting used to school bedtimes! It also usually means getting up earlier than in the holiday. Start to limit screen time that can distract their brain and make concentration at school more difficult. Put together a homework kit and decide when and where homework will be done (allowing for after school clubs).
Getting organised and putting a few things in place before the new school year will make for an easier start in September!
Gail Hugman is proprietor of Lessons Alive (www.lessonsalive. com) and author of A Short and Simple Book for the Why’s, 100 Things to Learn before you’re 10, plus the recently published Making the Pennies Drop, which shows parents exactly how to teach key skills to children.
Planning for homework before school starts helps set expectations. First, decide where the homework will be done and ask your child what they think would help them to be organised.
Prepare a homework kit in a box or drawer. This can save valuable minutes in a busy evening. It helps your child focus on their assignments rather than spend time searching for a pencil! Work on it together and put them in charge of making a checklist. Ask them to make sure everything goes back when they’ve finished and let you know if things wear out or get lost and need to be replaced.
Older children may be given a small budget for essential equipment which encourages responsibility and organisation.
Useful items include: a timer – helps brains to stay focused; pen; pencils; colouring pencils; eraser; pencil sharpener; ruler; dictionary; glue stick; scissors; protractor; Post-its; paper; counters; spelling practice sheets; dice; string; hole punch; paper clips; plastic pockets for work; stress or juggling balls; craft materials; water; background calming music (optional!)
Continuity of learning during the summer break
By Zuzu Jordan
School summer holidays offer families a chance to spend time together and get some much deserved respite. However, no one wants learning to seep away or become stagnant.
‘Brushing away the cobwebs’ after the summer holidays can take some time in September; indeed, children can be mistaken as having regressed. We all want our children to hit the ground running as soon as they return. Happily, this is achievable in the lead up to the new school year. Try some of these techniques to help with learning continuity:
Expanding children’s vocabulary is incredibly important to their writing and reading comprehension. When on holiday or just going on day trips, think about the new words you are exposing them to. Equally, playing games at home such as Scrabble and Heads Up can be educational.
Make sure books are a part of every day. Whenever you read to your child or let them listen to an audio book they form the sense of a beginning, middle and end of a story. Sign up for the free Summer Reading Challenge at your local library which rewards children for their efforts. Make time to chat about what your children are reading; it will raise their engagement and comprehension levels.
Utilise educational apps to help children practise skills and enhance their learning.
Practise literacy skills by writing a postcard on holiday, emails or even letters to friends and family, journaling, blogging and
entering writing competitions.
Set projects such as raising awareness on environmental issues or charity fundraising. This can encompass a range of skills including literacy and numeracy.
Teach skills that help your child to navigate through life. For example: touch typing, reading bus or train timetables, cooking a meal, map reading, planning an event, packing for a trip and First Aid.
Physical activities are essential and more appealing in the summer when the weather is kinder to us. Set goals like learning to ride a bike or swimming a length of a pool.
Relaxing on routines is important but remember that routines in the weeks leading up to returning to school help with the transition in going back.
Zuzu Jordan is a Mastery for Maths specialist who has taught primary aged children for sixteen years and is interested in early years and home learning. For free homework and home learning resources, find her on Instagram at edumate_uk
Cultural capital: what it is and why it matters
By Erin Miller
The term ‘cultural capital’ entered the social consciousness in 1979, when Pierre Bourdieu introduced the concept in his book Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Broadly speaking, it refers to the knowledge, skills and experiences that are valued by a society.
It is thought that those who gain and harness this type of knowledge are more likely to have a social advantage. Take a child who is regularly taken to libraries, museums and sports games, with further cross-cultural experiences through travel. It completely follows that this child is likely to excel further in their education and enjoy more social mobility than a child who is not offered these experiences.
Cultural capital is sometimes thought of as the background knowledge to understanding a culture. For example, a passage in your child’s English test might mention that food has been ‘sautéed.’ A child who has had the benefit of eating in restaurants using this descriptor may well understand the term, whereas another child who has not had these experiences will not. This gives the first child a reading advantage.
Latin words are another obvious example. A child who has had some training in Latin might come to automatically understand Latin phrases in our everyday lives eg the Invictus Games or phrases such as ‘quid pro quo.’
Now don’t worry, I’m really not about to suggest that you start taking your child to Michelin starred restaurants and enrol
Summer experiences that build cultural capital
The summer holidays give you time to line up some culturally rich activities for your kids. It’s great to capitalise on your local area and look for low-cost activities.
Check out whether your nearest museums are hosting events for children over summer. Why not visit the museum anyway to soak up some local history? We often take local places of historical significance or interest for granted but this summer you could spend longer there and seek to learn a bit more together.
Local libraries may also be running events for kids over the summer. Or deep dive into one of your child’s interests and borrow a stack of non-fiction books on the subject. Galleries and exhibitions may also be popping up in your local area: have a look at what’s on in July and August.
Cultural capital is not and should not be limited to a single culture, so do try to go beyond British culture. Are there any local opportunities to experience forms of art from other cultures?
them in an immersive Latin course this summer! However, it is valuable to think about how you can equip your child with the type of knowledge, skills and experiences that can help them both in school (reading especially) and in their life beyond. In fact, research has proven that background knowledge compensates for a weaker reading ability, so any opportunities to bolster your child’s background knowledge are beneficial.
Some people are concerned that attempts to teach cultural capitalism might lead to expressions of cultural elitism and it is certainly a reasonable concern. However, providing broad based knowledge and experiences are not exclusive to a single culture and your child should certainly not be getting the impression that one culture is superior to another.
In conclusion, it is definitely worth considering how to support your child’s background knowledge, in the form of cultural capital.
Erin Miller is a teacher with a keen interest in how research can be used in the classroom to improve learning.
Building cultural capital from home
If finding outside experiences rich in cultural capital seems easier said than done, there’s still plenty you can do from home.
The best place to start is with books. The World Book Day website (www.worldbookday.com) has quality recommendations for children’s books, both old and new and spanning the globe. For reluctant readers, try audiobooks. Many galleries and museums have award-winning online virtual tours and activities. For older children, these include the National Gallery at www.bit.ly/ngvirtualt and the British Museum at www.bit.ly/britmuhome
With a general election coming up, it could also be a good time to introduce your child to the world of politics. You could encourage your child to research your local candidates and discover some of the differences between the main parties. Finally, how about trying out some new foods over summer? Perhaps try a new recipe at home with foods you wouldn’t normally eat.
Boost your child’s confidence with PQA
When Pauline Quirke MBE and her husband Steve opened the Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts in 2007, they aimed to help young people realise their full potential through a diverse spectrum of performing arts. With over 200 academies today, this ethos remains central at PQA every weekend.
All students have something unique to offer and PQA aim to bring out the best in each of them. From the moment your child steps through the doors, they are taught performing arts skills that boost confidence and creativity in a warm, welcoming environment.
Confidence Boosting
Building confidence and developing performance skills are key reasons children join PQA. Learning and practicing performing arts in a safe, encouraging environment helps young people build self-belief. Whether it’s practicing routines or performing in front of peers, family and friends - students learn to try new things. They support and nurture children, allowing their confidence to blossom naturally.
During their time with PQA, students have opportunities to perform in showcases, local performances and even in London’s West End. It’s amazing to see students experience the thrill of performing, knowing they’ve built the skills to achieve great things on and off the stage.
An Outlet for Creativity
Creativity positively impacts mental health in many ways. It can help refocus thoughts away from worries, express oneself, release endorphins, boost self-esteem and connect with others. Whether learning a dance routine, acting in a play, or pitching a film idea, students use their imaginations and express
themselves, fostering faith in their capabilities.
The Film and Television module uniquely nurtures creativity. Students learn all aspects of filmmaking, from casting and script work to directing and operating cameras and sound equipment, as well as acting for the screen.
Connecting with Others
Few industries rely on teamwork as much as the performing arts. Students learn to work within a group and interact respectfully. Sharing a common goal and working collectively provides a beneficial experience. Rehearsing, performing, or filming allows young people to connect with peers who share the same passions. By working together, students form strong bonds, deepen empathy and develop compassion for the world around them.
PQA believe performing arts can positively impact future generations. By nurturing these skills, young people benefit in all walks of life and into adulthood.
Find your local academy and book your FREE session at pqacademy.com
UK parents rebel against smartphones
By Ellie Malt
‘I didn’t mean to start it,’ said Daisy Greenwell, ‘it’s just spreading like wildfire.’ In just a few weeks, over 60,000 UK parents have signed up to her accidental community, hoping to delay giving their children smartphones by forming pacts with other parents.
One evening, mums Clare Fernyhouse and Daisy Greenwell were commiserating about the new normal of giving children a smartphone by the age of 11. They felt trapped between going with the flow or leaving their children feeling socially isolated:
‘It’s the element of feeling like you have no choice, it’s insane and it’s flying in the face of the mounting evidence about the harm.’
Daisy and Clare decided to start a pact with a WhatsApp group with just the two of them. They posted about it on Instagram and by the very next day hundreds of others had joined their group: the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign had begun. Now hundreds of schools have their own communities.
The founders are very aware that having a social media app in your pocket has become a gateway to content you wouldn’t otherwise want your child to see. ‘For many children, their first experience of the world of sex is now extreme pornography. Imagine what that does to a child’s sense of what a good relationship is!’ remarks Daisy.
With a five-year-old daughter, Daisy is particularly concerned about how vulnerable girls are while on social media. ‘Girls between 11 and 13 years old are outsourcing their sense of what is cool to influencers and levels of depression and anxiety are
Are you aged 16-24 years?
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related to how long they spend scrolling. There can also be an issue with bullying. If your child is being bullied, it doesn’t stop when you get home from school, the bullies are in your pocket all day long.’
Many parents assume the age 13 limit for social media is a guide to suitability, like the ratings system for films. Actually, it originated when US politicians set 13 as the age when a child could give consent (as an adult would) for tech companies to sell their data.
‘It’s not about making parents feel judged’ says Daisy, ‘we have all been put into an impossible situation by the big tech companies who are making billions from selling their data and companies are using that data to make even more money selling stuff to our kids.’
Find out more at www.smartphonefreechildhood.co.uk
Ellie is a mum of two daughters living in Surrey
How to talk to your child about smartphones
It’s easier to start in the earlier years. Talk about how smartphones are not really for kids and that grown-ups use them for doing work, chores, shopping, paying bills etc. Explain that phones are addictive and harmful to kids’ brains and attention spans, which are still developing.
Talk about how real-world interaction is much healthier than the junk food of social media and about how difficult it is to resist the constant videos from influencers. Explain how they are being targeted by the tech companies and advertisers. Use phrases like: ‘don’t let the tech companies take over your brain - have your own brain.’
Consider alternatives to smartphones that don’t have access to the internet. For teens: if your kids are older, try watching the Netflix Documentary The Social Dilemma together.
Consider denying access to social media apps. Parents who have already done this say that you can expect your child to be furious and withdraw for a couple of weeks but they will thank you later.
Helping your child understand their ADHD diagnosis
By Emily Snape
Before my son was diagnosed with ADHD, I was worried that after his assessment, having ‘a label’ could negatively impact his self-esteem. But in fact, a lot of things became easier once we both began to understand what having ADHD meant for him and for me as his parent.
The more I understood neurodiversity, by reading about it, talking to other parents, listening to podcasts and watching seminars, the more I began to get to grips with how I could support him. His diagnosis helped me work with his school on ways they could help and most importantly, how he, himself, could develop skills to navigate emotional regulation and impulsive behaviour.
Having ADHD can be an amazing asset and everyone with ADHD can thrive. With neurodiversity comes creativity, empathy, kindness, energy, focus, a wonderful way to think about things from different angles and much more.
A good time to bring up the subject of ADHD with your child is when you all feel calm and not in a rush. Remind your child that they are incredible.
Focus on the strengths and skills they have so they can feel positive about having ADHD. Be open to their questions even when you don’t have all the answers straight away. Reassure them that there are lots of skills they can build and that you’re there to support them every step of the way.
Your greatest gift as a parent is your unconditional love. Your patience and kindness will help them feel safe to tell you what they find hard or worry about. Explain that many other people with ADHD have discovered things that help them and see if they are up for exploring new techniques. For example, they might like to have a box of fidget toys at school they can access if they are feeling anxious or distracted. Or some children love the feeling of a weighted blanket at bedtime to calm their nervous system.
One of the most difficult challenges people with ADHD can face is emotional self-regulation. If your child is having a meltdown, the first step is to try to find your own inner calm.
Top tips to help your child
Encourage your child to do lots of exercise. Physical activities unleash energy, build self-esteem and help children sleep.
Establish a regular, calm bedtime routine. Try soothing audio books, lavender bags and weighted blankets. Healthy nutrition and consistent meal times help regulate moods.
Explain instead of command; shouting at someone with ADHD is hardly ever effective. Aim for clear boundaries and avoid negotiations. Being supportive and loving is the absolute best thing you can do for your child.
Focus on taking a deep breath to lower your heart rate. Help de-escalate the situation by using a confident, compassionate voice. Suggest they count to twenty, move to a quiet space or do star jumps: whatever they find most helpful. Distraction from the distress can be really productive.
Once your child is less worked up, ask them to label their emotion and rate its severity from one to ten. If they find this tricky at first, ask if they feel frustrated or angry, for example. This will help them to recognise their emotional state and how it makes them feel. This can be a useful skill when they are overwhelmed. Once they are calm, you can discuss inappropriate behaviour and role play or explore better ways to deal with a situation or their feelings.
Celebrate your child’s ADHD and their uniqueness and know that you are doing a great job as a parent. It’s impossible to always get things right but you are learning every day how to grow together and flourish.
Emily Snape is a children’s author and illustrator living in London. Her newest book My Amazing ADHD Brain is a beautifully illustrated, positive picture book exploring ADHD for kids aged 4+ (Vie, £6.99).
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ADHD activities for kids
Every child with ADHD is unique and doing activities with them that they enjoy builds their confidence, your relationship and your own understanding.
Try cooking together – it’s fun and rewarding and will help your child understand good nutrition.
Encourage your child to make art. It’s a calming way to express themselves.
Read books together. This can open your child’s mind to whole new worlds, spark their imaginations and get them thinking about problems from different perspectives.
Healthy snacks for summer
Anticipating that your kids will need many, many snacks during the school holidays, we have two healthy snack recipes for you to try. Guaranteed to impress toddlers and primary school age kids alike!
Apple & Carrot Snack Bars
Makes 16 mini bars
These tasty and nutritious bars are quick to make and have no added sugars at all! Only add a splash of maple syrup or honey if you fancy. Soft and easy to eat without being mushy or crumbly, the texture suits teething toddlers and means less mess!
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 to 25 minutes
2½ cups (225g) rolled oats
2 medium apples, peeled, cored and roughly chopped
2 medium ripe bananas
1 ⅓ cup (140g) shredded carrot
¼ cup (40g) hemp hearts
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, gas mark 4, fan 160°C) and line a 9 x 9inch (23 x 23cm) or similar sized baking tray with parchment paper, taking the paper over each side of the tray.
Add the oats to a food processor and blend on high to a flour consistency. Set aside the blended oats in a large bowl.
Add the chopped apples and bananas to your food processor and blend to a puree consistency. Add the puree to the bowl of oats, along with the shredded carrot, hemp hearts and cinnamon. Mix until combined.
Transfer the mixture to the lined baking tray and smooth it out with a spatula. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and bouncy to the touch. Allow to cool slightly in the baking tray before transferring to finish cooling on a wire rack. Once completely cooled, cut into mini bars and serve.
Airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator at room temperature or microwave on high for 20-second intervals.
Frozen bars can be packed in a lunchbox and will thaw in 1 to 2 hours.
Whole-Wheat Protein Blender Waffles
Makes 6 servings
My kids always love these deliciously crispy waffles! The banana adds a natural sweetness but you can still drizzle over some maple syrup if desired.
Top tip: Don’t overfill your waffle iron with the batter. The waffles plump up really well; with too much batter they’ll need longer to cook and may become rubbery.
Prep time: 5 minutes plus 10 minutes to rest Cook time: 3 to 4 minutes per batch
1 cup (120g) whole-wheat flour
1 cup (90g) rolled oats
¼ cup (25g) ground flaxseeds
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1½ cups (420g) plain full-fat Greek yogurt
½ cup (120ml) full-fat milk or milk of choice
2 large eggs
1 large ripe banana
Nonstick cooking spray, as needed
Add the flour, rolled oats, ground flaxseeds, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, Greek yogurt, milk, eggs and banana into a blender and blend on a high speed for 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides and repeat until the batter reaches a wellblended, grainy texture. Leave to rest for 10 minutes. Do not skip this step; this is what makes the waffles crispy.
Preheat a waffle maker and spray it with the nonstick cooking spray. Pour in the amount of batter recommended by the waffle maker’s manufacturer, being careful not to overfill. Cook the waffles for 3 to 4 minutes or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your particular waffle maker, until they are golden and crispy. Remove the waffles, set aside and cook your next batch in the same way.
Storage and reheating
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To freeze for up to 3 months, stack the waffles between sheets of parchment paper in a freezer bag. Reheat frozen waffles in the toaster on the lowest setting until they are warmed through and crispy.
Top tips: The Greek yogurt adds the bulk of the protein, so I don’t recommend substituting it with a different thick plain yogurt. If your child is dairy free, use whichever milk your family prefers with the exception of oat milk, which will thicken the batter too much as it rests.
Recipes reprinted with permission from Feeding Toddlers by Simone Ward. Page Street Publishing Co. 2024.
Photo credit: Kimberly Espinel
Holiday games to keep the family entertained
If you’re heading off on family camping or caravanning holidays this year or indeed any trip where you’ll have time and space to play games, here are some top tips from our friends at Tin Box Traveller (www.tinboxtraveller.co.uk) to keep the whole family entertained.
Everyone’s guaranteed a giggle with Twister. The best choice is the picnic blanket version with a waterproof backing for outdoor play.
Scavenger hunts
All you need for this active game is some paper, a pen and maybe a bag in which to gather your scavenger goodies. Prepare a list of objects your children need to find around the area and send them off on a hunt. If you need inspiration, you can also find pre-prepared scavenger hunts online.
Den building
All the best campsites come with a bit of woodland attached and some will even have a den building area. Check with the owners first before you start a den building competition.
Story bag
Before your trip, fill a bag with lots of different objects. They might be small toys, kitchen utensils or junk drawer finds. Sit your family down, take it in turns to pluck an item from the bag and use it to tell a story. Pass on the bag for the next instalment. This is an imaginative ‘round the campfire’ activity!
Pass the Pigs
This is another favourite camping game from my childhood. Much hilarity was had late into the evenings over ‘leaning jowlers’ and ‘double trotters.’
Parachute games
Play parachutes are a great choice for wide open spaces. Make some new friends and get them all to hold on to one of the handles. Billow the parachute up and down to bounce a ball, working as a team to keep it from hitting the ground. For more games, go to www.bit.ly/parachutegm
Mini beast hunt
Make the most of being in the great outdoors and go on a mini beast hunt. The Woodland Trust (www.woodlandtrust.org.uk) has mini beast hunt sheets you can download before your trip or draw up your own.
There are treasures to be found all around the countryside, hidden by Geo-Cache adventurers. Download the app at www.geocaching.com/play before you leave home and get involved in the world’s largest treasure hunt.
Card games
A pack of cards offers endless possibilities, from Snap for young kids through to Patience and Canasta for teens. We’ve also discovered the brilliant card game Dobble recently; great fun for kids aged six and up.
Who am I?
Pack some Post-it notes for this fun game. Everyone has the name of a celebrity stuck to their head and has to question the other players to work out who they are. Take turns to ask questions and guess your character. The first to work it out wins. Set your own rules about what type of celebrities count: dead or alive; real-life or fiction; or human or animals. The choice is yours!
Mini board games
Travel-size magnetic board games are easy to pack and come in handy for amusing bored children on a rainy day. Have a board game marathon and see who can tot up the most points until the sun comes out again.
Swing ball
A family trip favourite, the equipment itself is really light and can be broken down into smaller pieces to transport in the back of your car. Just watch out for the most competitive members of your family smashing the ball around like Andy Murray!
classic family game is even more fun around a campfire or fire pit.
What's On
All listings are correct at the time of publication. Please check with the venue before you visit in case anything has changed.
13 & 14 July
Spiderman & Friends Sports Day at Cockfields Farm Ashton under Lyne Come and challange Spiderman and his Superhero friends in some classic sports day activity! https://cockfields.co.uk
14 July
Matilda The Musical Sing A Long at Altrincham Garrick Theatre www.altrinchamgarrick.co.uk/ whats-on
16 July-31 August
Batman Unmasked at Depot Mayfield Manchester Celebrating 85 Years Of The Caped Crusader. www.visitmanchester.com/event/ batman-unmasked/89610101
19-31 July
Dinosaurs in the Park at Heaton Park
An adventure-filled family day out. www.dinosaursinthepark.co.uk
20 July-1 September
Summer of Fun at the Science & Industry Museum
Put science under the microscope and discover hidden spaces this summer. Enjoy a programme of free, hands-on fun and live science shows for all ages. www.scienceandindustrymuseum. org.uk/whats-on/summer-2024
Summer of Play at Dunham Massey
Throughout the school summer holidays, Dunham Massey is hosting a collection of playful happenings, with different familyfriendly events every day. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ dunham-massey
The Great Garden Adventure wiht Shaun the Sheep at RHS Bridgewater
Join Shaun on an epic gardening adventure this summer as he learns from the friendly experts at RHS Bridgewater how to grow the best fruit and veg to keep him baarilliantly healthy!
Cheshire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show at Capesthorne Hall
A stunning location to house a fantastic vehicle display. https://capesthorne.com/events
Outdoor Theatre at Arley Hall: Jemima Puddle Duck www.arleyhallandgardens.com/ whats-on/whats-on-in-july
23 July-4 August
Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book at Lowry Theatre
Delve into a range of books with Charlie Cook, brought to life with puppetry and enchanting songs. https://thelowry.com/whats-on/ charlie-cook
23 July-23 August
Summer Of Adventure at The Farm at Tatton Park
This summer, head down to the farm for a fun-filled day out! From getting up close and personal with all your farmyard favourites to delicious cookery demonstrations, there’s something for the whole family to enjoy. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/ cheshire-greater-manchester/ tatton-park/events/1b99f79238db-41d8-be76-4f2db7adcf3a
The Great Garden Adventure at RHS Bridgewater
Join Shaun on an epic gardening adventure this summer as he learns from the friendly experts at RHS Bridgewater how to grow the best fruit and veg to keep him baa-rilliantly healthy!
Learn with Shaun as he discovers how to grow the most delicious crops at Mossy Bottom Farm to keep him and his friends in tip top condition then ‘Find the Flock’ by hunting down the three decorated sculptures of Shaun at the garden, play ‘Hide and Sheep’ and join in the O’Lamb’pic games.
Find out more at www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/bridgewater/ whats-on/summer-holidays
26 July
Dinosaur Exhibition at the Trafford Centre
From the moment you walk through the iconic Jurassic World gates you’ll be taken on an awe-inspiring journey, encountering life-sized dinosaurs. Guests can imagine what it would have been like to roam amongst these breathtaking creatures and even interact with baby dinosaurs. www.traffordcentre.co.uk/ jurassic-world
26-28 July
FREE Sports In The Park at Wythenshaw Park
A long weekend of FREE fun for all ages in Wythenshawe Park! Try loads of different sports and activities, get active and enjoy the beautiful park grounds. www.wythenshawegames.org.uk
27 July Manchester Day at Manchester City Centre
Fun-filled FREE activities for all the family. www.visitmanchester.com/event/ manchester-day-2024/33204101
27 July-22 August
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at Grosvenor Open Air Theatre
Embark on a magical journey with Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz walkabout theatre experience! A unique adventure designed for little children www.storyhouse.com/ whats-on/the-wonderful-wizardof-oz
From 27 July-1 September
Farmlife Summer Party at Cockfields Farm, Ashton under Lyne
The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the summer holidays are here! Get ready to kick off the season in style with Cockfields Farm Park’s highly anticipated Farm Festival, a celebration of all things fun, farm and family. https://cockfields.co.uk
Farmlife Festival Sunset Edition at Cockfields Farm, Ashton under Lyne
There’s something for everyone at the Sunset Party Nights! Explore the enchanting farm park as the sunsets and transformed into a bustling hub of excitement, with activities and attractions. https://cockfields.co.uk
30 July-10 August
101 Dalmations The Musical at Palace Theatre Manchester www.atgtickets.com/shows/101dalmatians/palace-theatremanchester
31 July-11 August
Bluey’s Big Play at Lowry Theatre
Join the Heelers in their first live theatre show made just for you, featuring brilliantly created puppets, this is Bluey as you’ve never seen it before, brought to real life in this UK premiere. https://thelowry.com/whats-on/ blueys-big-play
12 August
Milkshake! Live on Holiday at Middleton Arena
Milkshake! Monkey is back and this time he’s bringing his Paw Patrol pals Chase and Marshall! Pack your bags and jump aboard the Milkshake! train as we go on an all singing, all dancing holiday together!
13 August–12 September
Hot Wheels City Experience, BEC Arena Trafford
The Hot Wheels City Experience will be pulling into the B.E.C Arena at Trafford Park this August, with an interactive experience that brings the legendary toy cars we know and loved as a kid to life. www.hotwheelscityexperience. com
14 & 15 August
In The Night Garden Live at Buxton Opera House
Join Igglepiggle as he looks for his friends in the Night Garden by following their funny sounds until he finds them all!
Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton’s hilarious, multi award-winning book
The 13-Storey Treehouse comes to life on stage! www.atgtickets.com/shows/the13-storey-treehouse/opera-housemanchester
23-26 August
Food & Drink Festival at Bolton Town Centre
Soak up the festival atmosphere with four days packed with food, drink, cookery demos, a market and live music and entertainment. www.boltonfoodanddrinkfestival. com
25 & 26 August
Steam Days at Bolton Steam Museum
The largest collection of working textile mill steam engines in the country. www.nmes.org
Milkshake! Live
Making the most of summer for children with SEN
By Sarah Billingham
We can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to create picture perfect, memory-making summer holidays for our children. In reality, it can be a real struggle to meet our SEN children’s needs throughout the holidays.
The school holidays bring a lot of change to the usual routine which can be unsettling for children with SEN. It is important to create a sense of predictability and structure so that your child is able to relax and enjoy the fun activities you have planned and you both enjoy the summer break. Try these tips for a calmer and fun summer:
Start by talking about what will stay the same so that your child is reassured by the familiar. Emphasise the constants that will remain in place such as having their usual breakfast cereal, access to favourite toys and the comfort of more time with you. Preserve some of your regular routine to provide anchors such as maintaining the morning and bedtime routines.
Use visual aids to help your child to see what is coming up. A weekly visual calendar can work well, particularly when it is simple and repetitive, incorporating daily routines and special activities. Create the calendar together, giving your child some choices about which meals and activities to include, building a sense of ownership.
Sometimes less is more. We can fall into the trap of over scheduling and trying to pack in lots of new and fun experiences for our children but this can lead to overwhelm.
SEN-friendly days out
Day trips are a wonderful way to open up our children’s learning and life experiences. With pre-planning and a few resources, you can make the outings more accessible and enjoyable.
Apply for an Access Card. The card acts as a form of ID and uses symbols to easily communicate the support that may be needed. The card often highlights the need for an essential companion/carer and a number of attractions accept these cards and provide a free carer’s ticket.
Get a sunflower lanyard. These lanyards are intended to indicate to staff at airports and attractions that there is a hidden disability or SEN so that they can allow more time and space for your group or offer assistance, such as reduced queuing where they can. The lanyards are getting increased recognition by the wider public too.
Many theatres offer relaxed performances where shows are adapted to provide an easier environment for those with additional needs. Similarly, a number of museums have designated quieter sessions.
Plan regular pit stops and sensory breaks. Plan regular opportunities for your child to have calm chill-out time. Outdoor time, solitary play, time in a cosy den, sensory play or even an extended, relaxing bath can really help your child to reset.
Prioritise connection. When your child feels connected to you, this helps them to feel ready to try new things.
Remember that you set the climate. School holidays can be exhausting for parents. Set realistic expectations for yourself, plan decompression time and maintain your self-care routines to allow you to recharge. Embrace the imperfections and remember that a calmer parent contributes to a calmer household.
Sarah Billingham is the proprietor of Confident Kids (www.confidentkids.co) which equips parents, carers and practitioners with expert SEN knowledge and practical tools through training, coaching and group programmes. You can check out her podcast at www.bit.ly/conkidspodcast
SEN play activities for kids
Games are great for developing social interaction, communication and attention skills. Quick games boost quality time together, wherever you are. Orchard Toys’ lotto, card games like Dobble and Uno and hide-and-seek are firm favourites.
Sensory play including water play and playdough are a great way to help your child to regulate. Adding elements such as safety scissors, pegs, containers with lids, zips or button closures provide the opportunity to practise fine motor skills too.
Don’t forget about positioning for play. If your child is reluctant to sit at a table for too long, head down to the floor and both lie on your tummy. Not only have you got your child’s optimal visual attention towards you and the game, you are also building their upper body strength as they prop themselves up on their forearms. This is so important for the postural stability needed for fine motor skills. They may tire and that’s okay, just head back to sitting on the floor then back down again when they are ready.
Ten ‘must-visit’ UK castles
By Andrew Campbell
We have a rich tapestry of history in the UK and what better way to immerse your family in the past than by visiting enchanting castles? From medieval battlements to magical experiences, these ten castles promise family adventures filled with magic, history and breath-taking landscapes. So, gather your knights and princesses and embark on a castle-hopping journey across the UK!
Alnwick Castle, Northumberland
Known as the ‘Windsor of the North,’ Alnwick Castle is a sprawling complex dating back to 1096. You might recognise it from Downton Abbey or the Harry Potter films (where it played Hogwarts). Families can indulge in broomstick training, medieval crafts and interactive alchemy displays.
Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire
With soaring turrets and painted ceilings, Crathes Castle is a dramatic spectacle. Built in the 16th century, it now belongs to the National Trust. Explore the fortress and its gardens, spot woodpeckers and let the kids swing through the treetops at the Go Ape adventure complex. www.bit.ly/CrathesCastle
Bodiam Castle, East Sussex
Bodiam Castle is straight out of a storybook. Its moat, drawbridge, murder holes, medieval bread oven and crenellated walls evoke chivalry and knights. Spot 50-year-old carp as you cross the drawbridge to explore the interior, picnic in the grounds and imagine life in this 14thcentury gem. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/bodiam-castle
Conwy Castle/(Cadw), North Wales
Perched high over the Conwy estuary, Conwy Castle is a 13th-century marvel. Constructed by Edward I, it’s part of a UNESCO World Heritage site. Kids can try archery, explore medieval craft workshops and hear tales of Welsh folklore against the backdrop of imposing towers and turrets.
Caernarfon Castle (Cadw), Wales
Caernarfon Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site and will capture any child’s imagination. Its polygonal towers and grandeur transport visitors to the time of Edward I. Explore the huge towers, great hall and kitchen. Climb its walls and soak in the views of Snowdonia. www.bit.ly/WalesCaernarfon
Warwick Castle, Warwickshire
Warwick Castle offers a journey through time. From its Norman origins to its Victorian restorations, this castle invites families to explore dungeons, climb towers and witness jousting displays. The castle’s rich history unfolds against a stunning riverside backdrop. www.warwick-castle.com
The Tower of London
Despite its deceptive name, the Tower of London is most definitely a castle – the most secure in the land! Explore the White Tower, where kings and queens resided. Gaze upon the Crown Jewels and don’t miss the eerie Ravens! www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london
Dover Castle, Kent
Perched atop the White Cliffs of Dover, the Castle offers panoramic views of the English Channel. Explore its secret wartime tunnels, medieval interiors and the Great Tower. Kids can step into history and imagine defending the realm. www.bit.ly/DoverCastleKent
Framlingham Castle, Suffolk
Framlingham Castle transports visitors to the heart of medieval England. Climb its walls, discover its rich history and let the kids engage in soft play sword battles. The castle’s imposing silhouette against the Suffolk landscape is a sight to behold. www.bit.ly/FramlinghamCastle
Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire
Step into aristocratic history at Bolsover Castle. Explore the lavishly decorated rooms, the ruined Terrace Range and countryside views from the wall walk. Kids will love the roaming costumed storytellers, jousting tournaments, interactive stables exhibition and the castle-themed play area. www.bit.ly/Bolsover-Castle
A more affordable summer
By Zuzu Jordan
Summer holidays are very expensive for families with the extra childcare, holidays and day trips. As much as we may love the break, six weeks is a long time to fill. Time for some planning, research and budgeting!
A good starting point for an inexpensive summer break is asking your children what they would like to do. From there, write a list together of things they can do to fill those ‘I don’t know what to do’ moments. This can take the pressure off parents to be constantly providing the entertainment.
Equally, summer holidays are for pyjamas days and not planning anything too. Enjoy! Remember there’s value in letting them get ‘bored’ …sometimes out of boredom creativity is born.
To get your list started, try some of these cheap or FREE ideas.
Country parks. Many accredited country parks run their own individual events and activities. Equally, you can create your own activities such as rainbow walks where you collect natural things of different colours and textures or simply pack a picnic. To find your nearest country park, check out www.gov.uk/find-yourlocal-park
Gardening, whether it is just weeding, planting or growing a vegetable patch from the seeds that are in the food you buy.
Create your own Scavenger hunt as an exciting way for children to explore the natural world.
Star gaze! Of course, you will have to wait for a clear night and preferably somewhere with little to no light pollution. There’s plenty online to help you guide children on what to look for in the night sky.
Den making or camping outside in the garden can be fun especially on hot summer evenings. Use your imagination to create a den if you don’t already have the correct equipment.
Tap into your community pages on social media; other parents are equally wanting to find things to do. Some communities set up friendly football games or just meet ups. You could even host your own local summer Olympics.
Car wash, toy wash or anything that involves water, sponges and towels. This can easily be adapted for older kids when they can ‘charge’ for their services.
Bird watching and weather watching is another great activity which draws children’s attention to the outside. Find charts and walks online.
Bug hunting and making a bug hotel go hand in hand nicely. Giving children a focus for their walks can really help with the tired legs and waiving stamina.
Geocaching is like a treasure hunt using GPS coordinates to find ‘hidden treasures’ from other geocaches. Some apps are completely free and it puts another fun spin on going for a walk. Try www.geocaching.com/play
Libraries: The Summer Reading Challenge is launched in every library nationwide and anything that encourages reading is definitely good. Each year has a new theme and children are rewarded for every book they read. Find your local participating library at www.summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/library-zone
Museums and galleries. Many are free so you only need pay for travel; take your own packed lunch to save on café costs. Be aware that some museums with free entry do charge for special exhibitions.
Inside den making can be just as fun as outdoor. You could turn it into an indoor picnic or movie special activity.
Art and craft can be as simple as cutting up old magazines and newspapers to make a collage. As supplies can be costly, try to use things you already have around the house. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the three words that most children would have been taught about in school. Discuss the importance of not wasting resources.
Learn a new skill like origami, juggling, LEGO, baking …. the list is endless!
Zuzu Jordan is a Mastery for Maths specialist who has taught primary aged children for sixteen years and is interested in early years and home learning. For free homework and home learning resources, find her on Instagram at edumate_uk
Take nature’s pulse - join the Big Butterfly Count
The Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey which helps to assess the health of our environment by counting the amount and type of butterflies we see.
This year, the world’s biggest survey of butterflies will take place from Friday, 12 July until Sunday, 4 August. The annual citizen science programme attracts tens of thousands of people out into their garden, local green space or the countryside to spend fifteen minutes counting butterflies and helping to inform conservation action.
Butterflies are indicators of a healthy natural environment and with half of Britain’s butterfly species already threatened or near threatened with extinction, it’s never been more important to understand how our insects are responding to the changing climate and to take action to protect them.
More info at www.bigbutterflycount.org or download the FREE Big Butterfly Count app.