Family Care Issue 48: Rest is best!

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just for you!


Help others, help yourself


is best!


Work + Learn NEW! Mary Holm series Work Life Care

COMFORTABLE Be that way! EASY DRINKS Pick a favourite DOOR TO DOOR Help when you need it WECARE.NZ Add your voice! LONELY? Let's talk



Books, learning, recipes, useful things, Your Say, gifts + more!


Get styled and sorted with Mo Doy

JOYFUL Tea party recipes

Help us with simple we care steps to support family carers! More than a million New Zealanders support friends and family members who are frail, unwell, or need their assistance due to a health condition or disability. The Carers Alliance of 57 national not for profits have worked together since 2004 to seek fair recognition and support for family carers. But progress has been too slow. Carers NZ acts as the Secretariat for the Carers Alliance. Collectively we assist tens of thousands of older people, people who have health conditions and disabilities, and family carers. Our We Care! campaign will run through 2024 to keep calling for true recognition and support for New Zealanders providing invaluable support for loved ones. Can you help? Please sign our petition and consider some of our other campaign actions. Every action makes a difference in our work to support family carers.

We need your help to get much needed progress Please add your voice to ours! Visit to: ●

Sign our petition seeking a Minister or Commissioner for Family Carers, and true support for family carers' mental, physical, and financial wellbeing

Share a photo message or story – help us make family carers visible, so they can be valued

Send a message asking for the progress we seek to every sitting MP from all parties, asking for their support for family carers

Make a donation to support our work to ensure family carers are seen, heard, and supported see our donation form on page 8.

Join us - take action at

Carers NZ and the Carers Alliance work with all political parties to raise awareness of family carers and their important role. Our election campaign focused on our calls for faster progress for carers, and a new Action Plan for Mahi Aroha the Carers' Strategy. This Strategy, in place since 2008, needs a new Plan to ensure continued progress in important areas such as respite. If you are a family carer, be assured that our Alliance is working hard to ensure you get the support you deserve!

Join our call to help NZ's 1m+ family carers

Help family carers!

Photograph the code to sign the petition - it takes seconds!

Improve People’s Lives Study Health and Wellbeing with Open Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga and make a real difference in people’s lives.

Enrol anytime, and study when it suits. Our Health & Wellbeing certificates are now offered fee free* A Health & Wellbeing certificate will enable you to gain formal recognition for your skills and progress your Health & Wellbeing career. Studying with Open Polytechnic allows you to fit study around your life with flexible study options. *Visit our website for full terms and conditions.

New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) (Mental Health and Addiction Support)

New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) (Disability Support)

New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) (Whānau, Community and Social Services)



this time features

17 22

17 One entry, all draws

Complete and return our easy entry form and you will be entered into every reader gift draw! One entry per person please. Just return your form to us and you’re in to win, or enter online at

Reader Gifts!

25 28 34 35 36 46


Rest is best


Your Say



Books, Music, Film



Little Ways

Door to Door


Useful Things

Monique Doy




Let's End Loneliness



Take care of yourself

Hot and cold The old comforter


Get sorted and styled

Juliet Batten

Restorative rituals


Healing journey

Tea Party!


Watch and listen

Ideas and giveaways Aids, equipment, fun stuff With IHC

Community partnerships And Work + Learn!

Bluebells recipes


FamilyCARE 5


Carers NZ + Family Care Family Care is produced with national charity Carers NZ, which supports 80,000 people and organisations around the country. It also acts as Secretariat for the Carers Alliance of 57 national not for profits, and for the Coalition to End Loneliness, another NFP-led coalition raising awareness about social isolation and loneliness. Not everyone can attend events or meetings, even online ones. The magazine, in print since 2006, provides above all else a feeling of community through these relationships, and directly. We know this because you've told us so over all these years. However, it's not so easy to keep producing (and posting) a useful print publication. That's why in recent years we've been experimenting with 'digital' editions (online only) and the frequency of our distribution of print issues of Family Care. Everything Carers NZ offers is free to family carers, older people, disabled people, and our network of community, health, disability, and government partners. We aim to keep it that way, including Family Care. Your magazine is brought to you with support from advertisers, friends, partners, and donors. We also receive very welcome philanthropic grants to help with our costs. We will continue to share 1-2 print magazines each year, along with several online-only editions. The magazines are a vital part of the infopacks we distribute across New Zealand above all, they help us all stay connected and informed at a time when this is so important. If you receive Family Care, you don't need to do anything new, unless your contact details or address have changed (if so, let us know - see our contact details opposite). We do welcome financial contributions from readers and friends who want to help us keep Family Care free. If you're able to assist, please see page 8 for details about how to donate to Carers NZ. We can provide a donation tax receipt - thanks so much for helping! Our stories this time will hopefully help readers settle into what we hope will be the warm, restorative months of summer. It's been quite the few years, hasn't it? Since we were last in touch, Carers NZ has provided practical help to thousands of families, through the pandemic and more recently through administering emergency flood grants in Auckland and Northland. We have continued our advocacy for you with the Carers Alliance through the recent election, and will keep you posted about what the results mean for you. Be assured that Carers NZ is always here for you. Sometimes all we can do is listen - and send a friendly magazine! We're glad to give whatever advice and help we can.

FamilyCARE Editor + Publisher Laurie Hilsgen Contributors Juliet Batten, Mo Doy, Karla Goodwin, IHC, Angelique Kasmara, Virginia Linton, Sophie Merkens Advertising + Inquiries Phone 09 360 7221 Brought to you by Family Care NZ PO Box 47385 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 ISSN 1177-3340 Print 2230-4819 Digital Disclaimer Articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of Carers NZ, Family Care, or advertisers. Winners of our giveaways will receive their gifts within 6-8 weeks of each draw. By entering a reader gift draw your details may be provided to the supplier of that gift. If you do not want your details to be provided, note this on your entry form. Copyright is owned by the creators of images and graphics used in Family Care; see individual credits. Cover image Alex Raths, istock Copyright Family Care. All rights reserved.

You'll find our entry form for all reader gifts on page 10 or at https:// Thanks to our supporters who help us keep Family Care free for our community

Warmest wishes from us all until next time!

Photo credits, unless specified otherwise. P5: Bluebells, Riska, Ksenia Zvezdina, Disobey Art; P9: Traveller 1116, Alexey Yaremenko, Alexander Zam; P10; P12: Riska, Michelle L Wilson, Filkina Natalia, Kesu01, Kanawa Studio; P17: Lucky Business, Disobey Art, Ksenia Zvezdina; P18-19: Ksenia Zvezdina, Imging, Volare 2004, Ascent Xmedia, K Thalhofer, Ridofranz; P21: Ksenia Zvesdina, Andris Barbans; P22-25: Oksana Chaun, Kirin Photo, Nelli Syr, Sankai, Chamille White, Jelena Stanojkovic, R Raya, Subjug; P27: IHC; P28-33: Simple Happy Art, Dino Soft Labs, Sumkinn, Nurlaely Rahma, Bortonia, Educester, Vadim Sazhniev; P34-35: Mo Doy, Mary Holm, Juliet Batten; P36-37: Sophie Merkens; P39: Nadia Bormotova; P44: Tracey Dorward; P46-49: Bluebells Cakery.


FamilyCARE 7

Supporting families every day! Carers NZ is a national charity that provides advice, information, support and advocacy for thousands of families across the country. All of our services and information are free. Please help to keep our 0800 helpline, email hotline, web and printed resources, and other services available at no cost. Thanks for your support!

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I’d like to support families and Carers NZ

 One Off Donation (Amounts over $5 are tax deductible)  Monthly Donation (Please contact Carers NZ to help you organise this or set up an automatic payment to our bank account below)  $25  $50  $100  $200  My Choice $ ______________________ All donations will be used to keep Carers NZ's services and information free for our community: infopacks, Family Care magazine, e-newsletters, our 0800 helpline, our email hotline, advocacy for stressed families, wellbeing programmes, events, and keeping everyone informed and connected.

Payment method Bank deposit/internet banking Account name Account no Reference

Carers New Zealand Trust 12-3096-0298326-02 Donation

Would you like a copy of your receipt?

Inquiries? Write to Carers NZ, Freepost # 256234, PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby Auckland 1144 (no stamp required) Phone 0800 777 797

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Proactive checks

It's easy when we're busy or stressed to put off that medical appointment, mammogram, dental check, or hospital visit for a health test. I did this all through the pandemic for several spots on my face; so many other things seemed more important. Organising visits wasn't straightforward at times, and then when things got easier this check didn't seem urgent. What a lesson to find that one of the little spots on my face, which had grown and was tender to the touch, was found to be cancerous! And how fortunate that the dermatologist was able to remove it and that hopefully the bad cells hadn't spread. Not everyone is so lucky, I know. We all need to look after ourselves and make time for health checks. It's a good time of year to consider what checks we're due to have, and which ones might be overdue. Don't wait like I did - get onto them! I feel so fortunate that I am okay. This week I'm sorting my free bowel screening check. Not fun, but so easy to organise from home! I've learned my lesson and won't put such checks off again! IRENA, BIRKENHEAD

Editor: Thanks for reminding us all to be proactive about health checks Irena. See page 15 for details about the National Bowel Screening Programme and free shingles vaccinations for older people. The website also has details for other free health checks.

Share your thoughts, or ask other readers for advice. Send your comments to, or post them to PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby 1144.

Real world connections

May the next year be easier for us all! Please could you send some of your latest magazines for our Nelson Stroke Carers group. Some people are happy to read it online but others like to have a hard copy. Although our new Nelson group that we were building last year didn’t manage to have as many coffee catch-ups as we planned, no doubt there will be more opportunities as time goes by. Thank you for your emails and information, we do appreciate your connections. YT, NELSON

A bit of good

I enjoyed reading the article about peace in the last magazine. Let's all spare a thought and do a little bit of good for those caring for a loved one who has dementia. This is a relentless task, made more so in these times by disruptions to day programmes. If you know of a friend, neighbour or relative in this situation, try and do your little bit of good. Make a meal, pop in for a chat, or offer the carer a little bit of time out. Dementia carers are often in their senior years, and provide support 24 hours a day 7 days per week at a difficult job.

Sunshine in a jar Lemon honey is such a joyful thing to make, give, and receive. I remember my grandmother making lemon curd and lemon honey in big batches to use for baking, pouring over ice cream, or just appreciating a spoon of honey in her tea. There was always some in the pantry. Lemon honey is so easy to make, even for those of us who can no longer be bothered with fiddly recipes. I make mine in the microwave in small batches or use it in tea with a few sprigs of thyme for extra flavour. My memories of lemon honey are almost as good as

eating it! I hope others enjoy making and eating it, too. CAROLINE, HAWKES BAY

LEMON HONEY 2 eggs - ¾ cup sugar 2 lemons 1 teaspoon butter

Grate lemon rind, put zest aside. Juice the lemons, beat 2 eggs in the juice, then add sugar, zest and melted butter. Cook for 6 minutes in microwave on high, stirring every two minutes, and scraping down sides as you go. Pour into sterilised jar(s). Keep refrigerated. Makes about 200ml.


Share your stories and advice with other readers! We’ll send a surprise for every letter we publish. Email your letters to or post them to PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. FamilyCARE 9

One Entry for All Gift Draws!

Visit to complete our gift form online, or return your form to be entered into every draw! One entry per person please. We'd love to know more about what you like. Please tell us about yourself (tick any that apply)! *  I am a family carer for another/others  I am a 'self carer' managing my own health and disability needs

 I care for a child or young person with a disability  I have (or assist someone who has) these conditions or health issues:

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

 I work in health and disability  I work for a community organisation  I share my magazine with others (if so, how many others see your copy of Family Care: _________ )

I would most like to win these reader gifts: 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Physical Address __________________________________

________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different)_________________________

________________________________________________ ____________________________ Post Code___________

Update your details! Every form with an email address will go in the draw for a mystery prize.

Little steps to wellbeing

I always enjoy Family Care for its positivity and seeing stories and letters from others. It’s easy to feel alone, but of course those of us with health needs or who are assisting others have a lot of company! My husband and I both have serious health conditions, and some days are hard. We are fortunate to have two sons living nearby. They help with trips to the doctor and the chemist, tidy the garden, and do all those little things that pile up if you can’t do them yourself. I like your reminders that we all need to think about our wellbeing. This can take the form of ‘big’ things like overseas travel or joining the gym or whatever. But now that I’m in my 70s I see it’s the little things that contribute so much to quality of life (even if, like us, there are hurdles to manage). Here are a few things we do that are easy and bring joy to daily life. We make the bed every day. We put our PJs on our pillows all ready for a comfy night’s sleep that night. It’s a pleasurable way to end the day and it doesn’t cost a thing. We keep a clear jug of filtered water in the fridge with slices of lemon or cucumber or berries or whatever is in season. Often we older folks don’t drink enough. It’s easy to see how much we’re drinking and the endless taste combinations are fun to experiment with. I try to email or text or call someone every day to let them know I’m thinking about them. It takes a few seconds. We get a bit isolated and go out less than we used to. Staying connected isn’t up to everyone else. Relationships need to be nurtured. Last year we both had needs assessments to find out what help might be offered to us. We now get a bit of household management and both get the Disability Allowance. It all helps with extra costs if you need some support. It’s very possible we will both need more assistance in the next few years. We talked about ‘respite’ and agreed that we each might need breaks from the care we give each other in the future. If it means one of us has to spend a few days or weeks in a care home so the other can rest, so be it. Just having an open plan about this brings peace of mind. I encourage others to have these chats. I wonder what others do to connect and keep up their wellbeing? MARINA, BY EMAIL

Email ___________________________________________ Mobile___________________Phone___________________ * Please provide this information if you would like to receive our bulletins, offers, and other resources.

Complete our online gift form at or email your form to or post to PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 10 FamilyCARE


books, music, film

Watch, listen, read, share, learn!


JUNIPER A New Zealand film starring Charlotte Rampling. Teenager Sam returns home from boarding school to find his disabled English grandmother has moved in. Ruth is a witty former war photographer with exuberance for life and for the bottle. A battle of supremacy begins, unfolding in surprising ways. Rent the film or learn more at juniper


Embedded by David Burt Afghanistan, 1982. A botched CIA operation leaves young Ali without a family, setting him on an unpredictable path for retribution. What follows is his lifelong, meticulously planned quest for vengeance, from Afghanistan across the globe to New York. Along the way he makes enemies, but finds love through an unexpected reunion. This fast-paced novel will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the twists and turns of Ali's journey, from an innocent 16-year old to the most hunted man in America. Sold at bookstores, RRP$35.

PODCAST PLAYLIST! Try these podcasts, or search the mind boggling options found on platforms like Spotify. Put together a list, find a cosy spot, and press Play! Dr Laurie Santos, a lecturer in psychology at Yale University, explores research-backed ways to create more joy, taking inspiration from ancient wisdom, grandparents and canned laughter specialists. Deathwalker’s Guide to Life tackles the whole spectrum about death and dying. After the death of her first husband, New Zealand writer, broadcaster and event organiser Kerry Sunderland trained as a ‘Deathwalker’ and made it her mission to improve her own death literacy. In this podcast, Kerry supports others to do the same.

ALZHEIMERS NZ BOOK OF PUZZLES Free to download and print!

This puzzle book will challenge your mind, helps to build and strengthen connections in the brain, and will give you hours of fun. And it’s free to download! Do the puzzles online, print yourself a copy, or request a physical copy:


FamilyCARE 11


Take your time. Be mindful. Breathe.



For a quick delicious snack, throw a few fresh or frozen berries into a glass of sparkling water or other cold drink. Frozen berries serve as ice cubes! More ideas, p22.


Instead of feeling unprepared, clear a drawer or part of a shelf and fill it with items for an emergency, such as a flashlight, a first aid kit, a getaway bag.


Feeling hot? Take a cold shower! Cold water therapy helps improve circulation, boosts energy levels, and reduces inflammation, amongst other benefits.

Buy local

Browsing at your nearest farmer’s market is a relaxing way to spend a morning, especially in light of rising prices. Produce is cheaper and fresher, and you’re supporting local businesses. You'll also connect with others in your community!

12 FamilyCARE

"Take rest. A field that has rested gives a beautiful crop." Ovid

Help if you care for a friend or family member


Hā Habit is a de-stress breathing tool to help people overcome anxiety, stress and fear. The small hole in the gorgeous pendant helps to train you out of shallow breathing, a habit which can amplify stress and anxiety, by helping to prolong the breath. This allows the sympathetic nervous system to send a message to the mind and body to calm down. The Hā tool reminds us we have what it takes to get through the hard stuff! Designed in Aotearoa NZ. $147.

National not for profit Carers NZ produces many free resources. Find them at or phone 0800 777 797 to order copies for yourself, or bulk copies for carers in your network. Many family carers feel isolated and aren’t sure what help is out there for them.



Wāhine Finding Connection Through Food Photographer, writer and foodie Sophie Merkens travels around Aotearoa in her Zephyr van (Zephyr Florence), meeting 37 inspiring wāhine who have found a meaningful connection through food. From mothers, gardeners, hunters, chefs and hobbyists, their conversations range from which mushrooms to pick, how to preserve the olives growing along public land, how to make rosewater from blooms, and how to make ‘coffee’ from roasted dandelion roots. Read our extract from Sophie's inspiring book on page 36. Available at bookstores, RRP$59.99, or buy at


Our resources are designed specially for all carers including those supporting an older person, older carers, and children and young people helping to care for wh nau.

Contact Carers NZ if you need advice, have a question, or to request any of our resources.

Enter gift draws by completing the form on page 10 or online at

0800 777 797 CarersNZ YoungCarersNZ FamilyCARE 13

Useful things Aids, equipment, fun stuff!


With a large screen and easy-to-read words and numbers, the authentic Dayclox Digital Calendar Clock is a comforting and grounding timepiece for those with impaired sight or anyone living with dementia. Its display includes the day of the week, month and time, and ‘Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night and Before Dawn’ for useful context. It is silent in operation and has a night dimmer (7pm to 7am). Powered by cable (not battery operated), you can buy this helpful product and many others from Easie Living for $150. Phone 06 353 2742, visit the Easie Living showroom in Palmerston North, or buy online.



Taking those first few steps towards mental wellbeing can be the most difficult. With this in mind, Just a Thought was set up for people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Offering evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) online, Just A Thought teaches people how to control their emotions, thoughts and behaviour to improve their mental health. There are a range of free courses at the website, including one for those suffering from insomnia, with practical skills to help you get your sleep back on track. Have a look!


St John offers first aid kits for all situations. Keep this kit in your vehicle - it contains everything you need for common first aid emergencies on the road. Reflective strips on both sides ensure you can easily find it, even at night. This kit ($56) is recommended for non-workplace environments for 1-3 people. You'll find it and kits of every size for every purpose at Dimensions: 26cm x 21cm x 9cm.



14 FamilyCARE

A legacy for friends and family Last Writes

We like this personal journal for final wishes, memories, and reflections - it will give you the last say about what should happen after you die. Share insights with loved ones, reflections about your life’s achievements and challenges, and messages about what matters to you. It’s a wonderful way to create a treasured final gift for family and friends. Buy paperback or hardback versions ($25 or $39) or download a free extract at “I’ve got this book and highly recommend it. It starts what could be an awkward conversation, but the book helped make it uplifting.” – Jo Seagar, Patron of Hospice NZ


TIKANGA - From The Casketeers

Following their bestseller, Life as a Casketeer, Francis and Kaiora Tipene share in Tikanga how they incorporate traditional values of tikanga Māori into day-to-day living, what they know about whānau, mahi and manaakitanga, and how they live an enriched life with the concepts of te ao Māori. The iconic TV series' fifth and final season is screening now. Book sold at retail outlets, $39.99.


FREE SHINGLES AND BOWEL SCREENING Update your health warrant of fitness !

Shingles Vaccinations are free for people aged 66 to 80. Talk to your GP about getting vaccinated against this painful virus. The National Bowel Screening Programme is free for people aged 60 to 74. It aims to save lives by finding bowel cancer at an early stage when it can often be successfully treated. To find out if you’re eligible to participate in this free programme, and when it’s coming to your region, visit Check out information about breast and cervical screening at the site too!

FamilyCARE 15

Join the union for Family Carers Everyday the outstanding work you do for loved ones makes our communities stronger, more diverse, and more connected. You are skilled at and dedicated, but you carry a lot on your shoulders. Care work has been undervalued and under-resourced for too long.

It’s time to join your union. The Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi is the largest union in Aotearoa. Our members include family carers, people directly employed by disabled people or whānau, and care and support workers at agencies.

How joining your union will make a difference: You’ll combine your power with other family carers to advocate together for solutions that really make a difference. You’ll join a collective of your peers that works together to improve your lives and try to resolve your unique workforce issues The union can be a voice on behalf of family carers to advance your interests to government and influence government policy. You’ll be connected with tens of thousands of people working for public and community services. You’ll have access to organising and legal support when you need it. Members receive travel and lifestyle benefits through PSA Plus, including holiday homes and special discounts.

The PSA’s achievements for family carers Our union’s work has contributed to and actively supports Enabling Good Lives, and we campaigned for increased Funded Family Care pay rates. We support Mahi Aroha – Carers’ Strategy Action Plan and advocate for your interests beyond the strategy. Our members proudly contributed to the Care and Support Equal Pay Settlement in 2017.

There’s still more to do. While we’ve made significant progress, there is much more to be done. Pay equity rates have not kept up with inflation, and we want family carers to be included in achieving pay equity and not left behind. We advocate for decent funding all types of care and support.

We can solve these issues together. You are eligible to join the PSA if you’re a carer paid to support a friend or members of your family, whānau or aiga, or if you provide support through individualised funding or personal budgets or if you work for a provider.

Join now 0508 367 772



is best

Storms, floods, chaos. We all need a summer of rest! We hope you enjoy Angelique Kasmara's soothing ideas for much needed R&R. Letting yourself truly wind down and relax when you finally get a quiet moment can prove difficult, especially if you’ve just gone through a stressful period. Continuing disruptions and uncertainty over the last few years on both a local and global scale have made it even harder to properly de-stress. We all need a break, don't you think? It’s clear that these feelings are shared by many, with Carers NZ’s State of Caring survey last year revealing a high level of anxiety amongst New Zealanders self-managing health conditions and disabilities, and their families. Despite the uncertainty of recent times, we can all take steps to have soothing surroundings and routines - to restore our spirits, and look ahead positively. Best of all, most of our ideas cost little or nothing to try!


Let’s use the concept of hygge (HYU-gah) for some inspiration! This Danish word involves making conscious decisions to spend time in restful cosiness with friends and family, and can mean anything from togetherness to conviviality, jolliness, or contentedness. The Netherlands have a similar version called gezelligheid (ge-ZELL-ick-heid), while the Swedish have mys (mize). In English, it may be translated as being at ease, cosy, or relaxed. In te reo Māori, this concept may be pai noa iho, hāneanea, or āhuru. It looks particularly lovely in NZ Sign Language: Whatever resonates with you the most, embracing the idea is a good excuse to dress comfortably, with a favourite drink at your elbow to chat, read, enjoy a restful view, or just reflect, eyes closed!

Celebrate the day!

Waking up to beautiful weather can give you a ‘seize the day’ nudge, even if you’re not feeling up to it. Dark, rainy and cold days carry none of this expectation! And we’ve had plenty of those. Whatever the weather, try pottering around in favourite old apparel, shoes you can slide into, or no shoes at all! Eating bowls of chips, binge watching a favourite series, and ignoring the phone, are ideal ways to spend the odd stormy day. It can be soothing to ponder life (or your latest book) while lazing at the beach or in the garden - or at home, with the curtains pulled, fluttering in a light breeze while you nap.

Love your living spaces

Lighting Natural sunlight is the best kind of lighting. Keep curtains pulled back during the day, and place mirrors strategically to reflect light back. Come evening, use soft white or warm white lightbulbs, lampshades, and maybe coloured lightbulbs in warm shades - the glow they produce does make a difference to perception. For a quirky effect, use fairy lights. Have dinner by candlelight! Ambience! Cushions and light rugs are useful indoors and out any time of year. Sprinkle them across your living spaces for extra snuggle when you need it!

New hobbies

Sue Elliot from the Gribblehirst Knitters in Auckland says her hobby has given her a way to create beautiful things, connect with others, and give back to the community, whether it’s knitting socks for babies or those who are struggling. She’s even made friends while knitting on a train in China. “Even though we couldn’t communicate through English or Mandarin, we shared the language of purling!” There are many hobby groups around New Zealand. Get your creative juices fired up by starting a hobby you've always been interested in. It’s a way to learn something that you truly enjoy, break up routine, and can provide opportunities to connect with others.


18 FamilyCARE


Core cosiness

Invigorate yourself from the inside out with brisk exercise, easy barbecues or baking, or try a new drink, or curl up with some on-fire prose or poetry!

Give yourself a hug

Wellness trends come and go, often with great speed. A few years back, the Dutch ‘koe knuffelen’ or ‘hugging cow’ trend had a moment. Hours were spent with cows, hugging and leaning on them. Hugging does give you an oxytocin boost, which in turn helps regulate our emotional responses and provides a warm, tranquil feeling. Koe knuffelen may still be a thing (ask your local dairy farmer), but rest assured there is an easier way to get that oxytocin surge. Wrap your arms around yourself in a way which feels natural and comfortable. Imagine the kind of hug you’re looking for. Strong and secure? Gentle and reassuring? Then give yourself a squeeze. Hold on for as long as you want. If you don’t want to hug yourself, try rocking your shoulders or forearms in a soothing, gentle way instead.

Comfortable at home

A warm or cool home during variable weather is vital to keep our immune systems strong. Review the ventilation and insulation in your home. It may be a good time to invest in a new fan or air conditioner, or to look ahead to having a well-insulated home when the weather turns chilly again.

Hang out with the fur babies

Maybe you have a bit more time at the moment to spend with your pets. Vary your routines to walk the dog in new places - the beach, or a dog park you haven't yet tried. And the cat? They will appreciate lazing with you at home or in the garden, relaxing together after another busy year.

Try some new candles or fairy lights

There are so many choices these days for the garden and every room in the house. LED candles last for many hours and are a safe option around children. Fairy lights can be hung anywhere with solar, electric, or battery options; try some in fun shapes and colours!

Just chill

If life has been hectic, don't feel pressured to fill your days with travel or activities. Make time to truly rest, in ways that restore your wellbeing or will help sustain you in the months ahead.

FamilyCARE 19

BITE SIZED BREAKS FOR WELLBEING Start with 1 minute then try 5, and before you know it you might plan for a day, a week, or longer. Try a bite-sized break! Find a break that suits your mood just follow the link and click on the Take A Break button!

Respite, time out, whatever you call it - give yourself a break! Take 1 Minute Take 5 is a fun feature at Carers NZ's website - there are options galore. Having some time out can benefit our health and wellbeing. It can encourage independence, build self-esteem, and provide a broader range of social interactions. Interesting breaks and activities can be enjoyed together or just watched on your own, when it's not so easy to get out!

All of Carers NZ’s services, events, and information are free for those who need them. Please help to keep our support free by considering a donation – see page 8. Thanks for helping!


All seasons scarf

Catch up with friends

There’s nothing like catching up with dear friends to have a laugh and count life's blessings. Arrange to meet at a cafe, have a bonfire and singalong at the beach, or try a new craft together.

What will the weather bring in the months ahead? It's been changeable for so long. Dressing in layers makes sense even over summer. Keep an extra layer or two handy in case the evenings are cool, or on days when the sun is hiding behind the clouds. For your base layer, a fabric such as merino, polyester or silk is ideal, as these wick the sweat away (don’t use cotton: it will absorb moisture but won’t evaporate). Carry cosy middle and weather-blocking top layers with you, just in case! Having a seasonal hat handy is always a good idea, too, to ward off UV rays, wind, and rain. It's fun to make your own layers! Knitting yarns are so beautiful, it's hard to choose a favourite. Try making this easy scarf to carry with you any time of year. If you're on a tight budget, op shops are a good source of knitted items to pull apart for reuse. A good wool wash will freshen them up.

DIAGONAL ZAUBERBALL SCARF Yarn: 1 ball ZAUBERBALL sock yarn Needles: 6.50mm Finished length: Approx 150cm


Try new things online and in person

Find things to do, learning opportunities, and all kinds of experiences at Carers NZ’s discovery portal: Choose from online options to those in your community, and nationwide!

Cast on 38 sts and knit 1 row. 1st row: K3, Increase in next stitch by knitting into both the front and back of the stitch, knit to end… 39 sts. 2nd row: Knit 3, knit 2 together, knit to end… 38 sts. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until length desired or almost all yarn is used, leaving sufficient to cast off. Cast off loosely. Darn in ends. HINT After you have cast on and finished the first row, tie a coloured thread to the end of your spare needle, then commence with Row 1. This scrap of wool will make it obvious that you are about to knit a Row 1 - very helpful when the scarf gets longer.! To find more free patterns,

FamilyCARE 21


DRINKIES hot + cold Cool + Tasty NECTARINE KOMBUCHA COCKTAIL Use your prettiest glassware 1 nectarine, sliced 6 sprigs of thyme Kombucha Sparkling wine Place a slice of nectarine in each glass. Add a thyme sprig. Quarter-fill with your favourite kombucha (plum, berry, green apple or ginger would all work well). Top up with sparkling wine. 22 FamilyCARE

Whether it’s hot tea poured from a flask on a dewy field while cheering on your team, or clinking ice cubes in a cold brew, refreshing drinks bring cheer throughout the year!

Alcohol – free options Edenvale alcohol-removed sparkling cuveé or AF Sparkling Rosé (gorgeous in a coupe glass garnished with strawberries). Available at foodie outlets and supermarkets.

COCONUT, LEMONGRASS AND MINT SPRITZ 2 stalks of lemongrass⁠ 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1 cup fresh mint, roughly chopped⁠ ½ cup coconut water ½ fresh lime, juiced⁠ Sparkling water and extra lime slices to garnish

Peel outer leaves from lemongrass; use a rolling pin to bash the soft inner stalks until they are bruised and fragrant. Add to small saucepan with water and sugar. Bring to the boil, then remove from heat. Strain out the lemongrass and cool. Fill a tumbler with ice, adding one or two teaspoons of your lemongrass syrup. Add mint, coconut water and lime juice, leaving space to top with some sparkling water. Muddle and serve with a lime slice.

TIP! Serve in a wide tumbler (maybe dip the rim in lime juice and salt).


Hot + Warming Slow cooker recipes

These recipes can be enjoyed year round, hot or cold. If you don’t have a slow cooker, simply simmer on a pot on the stove for 10-15 mins instead. Be gentle don’t let the mixture boil.


Serves 4-6 1 bottle of inexpensive red wine 150ml of brandy 300ml water ⅔ cup of honey Juice of 1 orange 1 orange, sliced (and peel, if you’d prefer) ½ lemon, sliced (and peel, if you’d prefer) 1 cinnamon stick 6 whole cloves 3 whole star anise pods 2cm piece of fresh ginger, sliced


Cool and refreshing in a tall glass with mint and a cute straw. 4 cups lemonade 3 cups orange juice 3 cups apple juice 150g fresh strawberries, sliced 1 lemon, sliced 1 orange, sliced 3 cups ice Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher or punch bowl. Stir to combine, pour into glasses, distributing fruit between each.

Combine ingredients and cook on high for 1 hour. Reduce to low and gently cook for a further 3-4 hours. Serve immediately.


Serves 4-6 1 litre apple cider (or apple juice for a non-alcoholic version) 125ml whiskey (or a non-alcoholic version) 125ml orange juice 4 tbsp honey 2 tsp lemon 2 cinnamon sticks Orange wedges (optional) Add all ingredients except orange wedges to the slow cooker and cook on low for 2-3 hours. When done, stir before ladling. Garnish with orange wedges if desired. Serve immediately.

TIP! Whether you're pouring a glass of your favourite tipple or a freshly squeezed lemon water, everything will look 100% more awesome in a lovely glass. Go on a hunt at your favourite charity shop or scour the internet to get a glass with pizazz!

FamilyCARE 23



Serves 4-6 200g milk or dark chocolate 3 tbsp caster sugar 1 litre whole milk 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 sticks cinnamon 4 tbsp Kahlúa or other coffee liqueur (optional) Marshmallows Ground cinnamon Add all ingredients except for the liqueur, ground cinnamon and/or marshmallows to a slow cooker. Cover and cook on low until melted, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 hours. Add liqueur if you wish (you can also try this with Cointreau, Frangelico, rum, or another favourite instead). Transfer to mugs. Add marshmallows and ground cinnamon to finish if desired. Serve immediately.

TIP! This recipe can be made without the Kahlúa for an alcohol-free variation, and enjoyed year round!

A CLASSIC! LEMON, HONEY AND GINGER Serves 4-6 4 tbsp honey Juice of 1 lemon 1 tbsp peeled, grated ginger ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 3 ½ cups boiling water

Stovetop recipes

HOT SPICED BUTTERED RUM Add honey, lemon juice, ginger, and cinnamon to a teapot or other heatproof container. Pour boiling water over mixture and stir until the honey is dissolved. Cover and steep for 5 minutes. Strain and serve.

Serves 2-3 100ml rum 200ml water 25g butter Zest and juice of 1 orange 1 tsp nutmeg 4 cloves 1 star anise pod 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tbsp brown sugar

Add all the ingredients in a pan and stir over low heat until done (approx 10 mins). Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then strain and serve.


Chamomile Calming and soothing Chamomile tea is an enduring classic for good reason. Even among the extensive range of teas we can all choose from these days, a chamomile infusion stands out for its earthy, appealing flavour and soothing aroma. An old comforter any time of the year, with numerous health benefits, it’s no wonder that chamomile tea has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years. It’s delicious served hot or cold.

Health Benefits

Anti-inflammatory The presence of flavonoids in chamomile enhances its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Longterm inflammation is linked to health problems such as haemorrhoids, gastrointestinal pain, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and depression. Reduces stress, anxiety and improves sleep Apigenin is one of the herb’s primary active components, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in our brains that may improve sleep quality, and reduce the impact of stress, anxiety and depression. Apigenin has also been found to inhibit cancer and reduce the blood supply to cancerous tumours. Aids digestion Volatile oils contained in chamomile have a carminative effect, which means they break up gas in the digestive tract. It’s been shown to reduce symptoms of acid reflux and diarrhoea as well. Reduces menstrual pain Anti-inflammatory properties and antispasmodic compounds in chamomile help to reduce the uterine muscle spasms that cause cramping. Lowers blood sugar Research suggests that chamomile might improve glycaemic and lipid profiles and oxidative stress levels in people with diabetes, and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. It may prevent damage to the cells of your pancreas.


WHAT IS CHAMOMILE? German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is an easily grown annual plant with little white flowers that look similar to daisies and are, in fact, part of the same Asteraceae family. German Chamomile is most favoured for its medicinal properties and is different from the perennial Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) which is not as commonly used medicinally. When dried, the flowers from German Chamomile can be made into a soothing herbal tea and extracts.

Check first if it’s safe for you

Most people can drink chamomile without any side effects, however, do check this first. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include: Skin rash Throat swelling Shortness of breath Avoid chamomile if you’re taking anticoagulant medications (the herb contains natural blood thinning compounds that may exacerbate effects). If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your GP if the herb is safe for you. It is recommended that very young children avoid drinking chamomile tea.

FamilyCARE 25

Medicines to treat Covid Covid antiviral medicines are free, ask your doctor, hauora provider or pharmacist if they are right for you Eligibility includes: • everyone aged 65 or over • Māori & Pacific aged 50 or over

• immunocompromised people • those with high-risk medical conditions NIP8884

Linda wants to live for a long time Christchurch woman Linda Hider turned 70 in June, and hopes to live a long life with her grandchildren. Linda is raising two of her grandchildren – her son’s 12-year-old boy and 11-year-old daughter – and wants to be around for as long as they need her. “My son passed away in 2018; he had bowel cancer. He was only 39 when he passed. “I made a promise to him that I would look after the kids to the best of my ability and that is what I try to do,” she says. “I hope and pray that they will at least have the life skills they need for the way ahead. “Kids, nanny is going to hang around until you are able to stand on your own two feet.”

Support journey

Hearing Linda talk, she sounds strong. She is strong. But not so long ago, it was a different story. Not only were the children grieving the loss of their father, but Linda’s grandson was having rages and meltdowns and she was struggling to find the support he needed. Working with IHC Family-Whānau Liaison in Christchurch, Linda was able to get a referral late last year for her grandson to see a paediatrician, who diagnosed an intellectual disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). “We knew there was something. We thought at first he may have been autistic because a lot of signs were heading in that direction.” Linda says people looking on probably think her grandson is misbehaving. “It’s an invisible disability – you accept him for the way he is.”

Grandparents are often caregivers

She says the diagnosis has helped her to get more support through LifeLinks, HealthCare NZ, and the Florence Nightingale Agency. Her grandson now has a support worker each schoolday morning to help him get ready for school, and an additional 10 hours for after-school activities. He also has respite care every second weekend. “It’s amazing. It’s taken a long time to get support and we have had to fight for everything we’ve got. Now that we have the support in place, life has got a lot easier than it was two or three years ago.” Linda knows that there are other grandmothers and family carers who have yet to get the support they need. She has been working with IHC Family-Whānau Liaison to get a grandmothers’ support group up and running. There has been a lot of sadness in Linda’s life. Only three of her six children survive – two died very young – and her husband passed away when he was 48. “But I have always had a policy – you are given what you need

Linda Hider gets up very early each day to find quiet time for a cuppa. to learn life’s lessons.” Linda has been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and says she has been receiving a lot of prayer and help from her local church. “I had my last MRI a month ago and my aneurysm is now healing itself. My faith means a lot to me, and the children are brought up in that environment.”

A lot of ups

Linda quotes movie character Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates; ‘you never know what you’re gonna get’. “Out of that comes, ‘I love you Nana’ from both. “We have lots of downs – but we have a lot of ups as well. When you get a couple of little arms around your neck, that’s all you need,” she says. “I am proud of what I have achieved, and I am proud of what the kids have achieved.” IHC’s Family-Whānau Liaison team operates in Whangārei, Kerikeri, central Auckland, south-east Auckland, Manawatu/ Horowhenua and Christchurch to support people with intellectual disabilities and their families in their communities. Its team helps families navigate the disability support system and connects them with other organisations and support.


TO YOUR DOOR Services and support that will come to you! By Angelique Kasmara

If getting out of the house is difficult, or if you’re just wanting to stay within the comfort of your own home, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to forgo everything that’s out there. The good news is that it’s easier than ever to find goods and services that will come to you! Several years of a global pandemic have led to the rise of flexibility in the workplace, with more people working from home and Zoom meetings in place of real life ones. Although we’re getting out more now, a lot of things have changed permanently. Many GPs and therapists now have online consultations, UberEats does a roaring trade where it’s available, and mobile services from podiatry to oven cleaning are on the rise. When you’d prefer to hunker down or aren’t in a position to get out much, it’s good to know that you aren’t doomed to selfsufficiency! We’ve looked into a few mobile services to give you an idea of what you are able to access. Our ideas might get you thinking, and looking into the many other services in your area that will come to your door!

28 FamilyCARE

QUESTIONS WHEN BOOKING MOBILE SERVICES What equipment will you bring to my home? Do I need to supply anything? What methods of payment do you accept? What is your minimum fee? If I need to cancel suddenly, what is the time period before a fee is charged?



AA Home The AA doesn’t service vehicles only. AA Home covers home-related emergencies and minor jobs, connecting people with trusted and expert tradespeople for a range of plumbing, electrical, and locksmith jobs. Tradespeople are available 24/7, 365 days a year. AA Home offers both emergency repairs and scheduled repairs. Emergency repairs AA Home Response Plus Scheduled repairs AA Home Book a Job Age Concern Canterbury Book a great range of home support services, which include cleaning, handyman work, gardening. To find out more go to


Home delivery of medicines and pharmacy items is now possible from retailers and chemists, as well as dedicated services like PillDrop and Zoom. Ask your chemist if they do home delivery, or look into one of these new services. PillDrop PillDrop delivers prescription, non-prescription and over-thecounter medicines nationwide. If you live in Auckland, you can receive your medicines on the same day you order. Overnight delivery is available for the rest of New Zealand. Rural addresses will take 2-3 business days. 0800 745 537 or email Zoom Pharmacy Zoom provides a convenient medication dropoff service. Allow 1 – 3 business days for delivery, depending on where you live in New Zealand. Learn more at


Various dental services will come to you instead of having to travel to a dentist. Try our suggestions, or look into options in your area. Revive A Smile This dental charity aims to reduce the barrier of access to care for many Kiwis. Its mobile charity dental clinic travels around New Zealand providing care in areas of high need, including for homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, refugees, youth, low income adults, and the elderly. Phone 022 677 2301 or email


Healthline is there for non-urgent medical issues. In case of an emergency, always call 111. Healthline 0800 611 116 Mental health online There’s no substitute for talking to someone in person, but sometimes it’s not an option. Here are a few online services. In case of an emergency, always call 111. Need to talk? 1737 (free call or text) anytime for support from a trained counsellor. Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions. Youthline 0800 376 633 The Lowdown Text 5626 for support to help young people recognise and understand depression or anxiety. Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 Digital tools An app that you can use to monitor, manage and improve your mental wellbeing by setting daily goals and tracking your progress. Free tools and resources to help you maintain wellness, find relief, or get help for yourself, friends or whānau. An online parenting programme designed to help parents support children and teenagers with life’s ups and downs, promote wellbeing and make family life more enjoyable.


Zaara Zaara is a mobile dental service based in Dunedin, providing specialised dental care for patients with mobility or transfer challenges, disabled people, and those anxious about visiting a clinic. Phone 027 432 3101 or email South Island Access Dental services rural communities in the South Island. Phone 03 548 3971 or email

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Mobile Podiatry New Zealand

EASIE Living Palmerston North based EASIE Living Retail Store and Demonstration Centre has a mobile van service which provides demonstrations and retail opportunities to community groups across the region. Its retail store also ships products nationwide, and stocks everything from rehab chairs to DayClox. Take a virtual tour at

Those with ongoing health or disability support needs or who are recovering from an injury may like to have home visits for these services. Check what’s available in your area. Owner Health is a network of podiatry and physiotherapy clinicians who provide home visits. Each practitioner is self-employed, qualified and registered with New Zealand qualifications, and will visit you with all the required equipment.

Mobile Physiotherapy NZ

Most parts of the country have specialist retailers and community services that offer mobility products, continence items, accessible furniture and equipment, and much more. Discover what’s available locally, or here are some regional suggestions.

Independent Living Charitable Trust Auckland-based Independent Living Charitable Trust offers a mobile guest speaker experience for community group meetings and disability support groups of all ages. In its 45-minute presentation, they give information, and demonstrate assistive products and their benefits. ILS's range of goods includes transit wheelchairs, mobility scooters and bed backrests. Visit


Drips brings its wellness services to you - IV infusions, blood tests, and wellness consultations in Christchurch and Queenstown.


Countdown Priority Assistance Apply to Countdown’s Priority Assistance service for online deliveries to your door. To apply, check that you are eligible first. Register for the service, and then return to complete the online application form. In the event of future COVID-19 outbreaks, slots could fill quickly again. By registering, you will be prioritised for grocery deliveries, and it’s a convenient service at any time (pandemic or no pandemic). Email New World Delivers to your door. Rapid food and drink delivery in Auckland, Christchurch, and Queenstown 30 FamilyCARE



Having your hair cut and styled in the comfort of your home or at a venue of your choice can be a gentle alternative to battling anxiety, traffic or bad weather for a salon visit. Here are services that can come to you. Auckland Courier Cuts Margita Roth comes to you via motorbike! As well as a mobile hair salon, she offers hairdressing training! Phone 027 538 6500 or email Wellington Miss Dom Styling Christchurch Jo’s Hair Phone 027 255 2355 or email Dunedin JK’s Mobile Barber 020 4113 0875


Hire a food truck to come to your place for a special occasion. Or for something really fun, hire an ice cream truck! Hire games for your party Wood Botherer provides giant wooden games for hire in Auckland. htps://

HOW ABOUT A MOBILE PETTING ZOO? Auckland Old Macdonald's Mobile Farmyard Auckland, Hamilton, parts of Waikato Mobile Barnyard and Pony Rides Wellington


Hands up - who likes to clean their oven? Or, if your budget allows, hiring a professional is money well spent. Here are some services that use eco-friendly products as well as conventional ones - ideal if you have sensitive skin or prefer gentler options. Or, you might want to replace your existing oven with a self-cleaning one; visit appliance showrooms in your area for ideas. Loven Oven Available in many parts of the country for ovens, hobs, rangehoods, even BBQs! Call 0800 683 626 | 021 904 882 or email Royal Eco Cleaning - Nelson/Tasman District A range of cleaning services including ovens! Call 03 543 2015 | 027 758 4269 or email

FamilyCARE 31

The SVA Service Award: Recognition for all you do! A national framework aimed at recognising and celebrating the impact and contributions of carers and the countless hours you volunteer. LOG your hours on our platform. EARN badges when you reach hourly milestones. BUILD your Summary of Service to showcase your skills and experience.



Many libraries throughout New Zealand now offer free delivery services for people who can’t easily visit a physical library for mobility, access, or other reasons. Here are some of the libraries offering a mobile service. If your region isn’t mentioned, do check with your local library - many offer something similar!! Auckland Those wanting reading material or entertainment who can’t easily visit a library can request a home delivery by contacting Te Māpuna / Library Connect on 09 377 0209 or by filling out an online enquiries form. Wellington Wellington City Libraries offers a free Books at Home Service for people who are unable to get to a library themselves, with deliveries done by Police-checked volunteers from the community. Learn more at or phone 04 801 4044 or email Porirua Porirua City Libraries has a delivery service for people with health conditions or those who are pregnant or at home with a baby. Find out more by calling 04 237 1533 or email or visit

Napier Napier Libraries can set residents in the Napier region up with contactless delivery of library items to suit personal interests. Christchurch Christchurch City Libraries supports people who are housebound, either temporarily or permanently, and have no ready access to transport or someone to collect their books for them. A librarian will choose up to 10 books every four weeks and deliver them to your home! Dunedin Dunedin Public Libraries has a free service for people who find it difficult to visit one of its libraries or book buses. Home Services provides a tailor-made library service delivered direct to your door. All of the Libraries’ resources are accessible via Home Services and include large print or ordinary print fiction and nonfiction books, talking books, music, magazines, and DVDs. To learn more call 03 474 3681, or visit to complete an information form. A team member will call you to discuss appropriate materials for you to enjoy. The Home Services team also makes tailored monthly collections to take to many rest homes in Dunedin and Mosgiel. You may want to become a Home Services volunteer courier – it involves collecting and returning items either fortnightly or monthly from any of the area Libraries. Volunteers are required to agree to a Ministry of Justice background check.

We are seeking people and family members or close friends with experience of the assisted dying service

Seeking research participants

Assisted dying is now legally available to people who meet the eligibility criteria. Do you have experiences you are willing to share with us? We hope to talk to people or their family members who were found eligible, ineligible, or changed their minds. We would really like to hear from you. People from many diverse communities are invited to participate so we can understand how the service can meet your requirements. You are eligible to participate if you are:  Assisted dying service users  Assisted dying service users living with an impairment, disability or are Deaf  Family or close friends of service users who have died. We would like to interview you over Zoom or phone. All information is confidential. If you’re willing to be involved, please complete this short survey to tell us about yourself (link), phone 04 887 3140, or find more information on our website (link). Koha will be given.

Dr Jessica Young, Principal Investigator, Victoria University of Wellington +64 4 886 4513 The ethical aspects of this study have been approved by an independent group of people called the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC). It checks that studies meet ethical standards. The Northern A Health and Disability Ethics Committee has approved this study through the full review pathway [ref 2023 EXP 18493].

FamilyCARE 33

Did you know?

YOUR WELLBEING! We're working with experts to encourage mental, physical, and financial wellness. Videos, e-books, mini courses - it's all yours, and it's all free!

Is it time to reset your style? When was the last time you did something just for you? Join inclusive stylist Mo Doy for our fun video makeover series. She has ideas to reboot your wardrobe space and its contents so you can: ✱ ✱ ✱

Find your stuff Put it together with pizzazz And get rid of what doesn't fit or just doesn't serve you

She also shares a simple, quick makeup routine using just a few products! We'll be doing more with Mo in 2024! Meantime, watch our series, and download her free e-book filled with fashion tips and inspiration! Watch Mo's Reset Your Style series (and others) at

To request Mo's free styling e-book, email or phone 0800 777 797.

Are you a family carer supporting someone in your life who is frail, unwell, or has an ongoing health condition or disability? We're looking for two carers who live in Auckland who want to reset their styles. Mo will come to your home, reboot your wardrobe with you, and capture your story for a future issue of Family Care! Interested? Tell us a bit about yourself - email or phone 0800 777 797.

Please help to keep our services, resources, and support free by considering a donation (see page 8). Thanks for helping! 34 FamilyCARE

Did you know?

Do you worry about your financial future? Do you feel you can't save for retirement, or need coaching to make key money decisions? We're working with NZ's trusted money columnist Mary Holm to help our community navigate their concerns with confidence. Mary's multi-part podcast will be shared month by month. The short episodes will appeal to anyone pondering money basics, especially those living with health, disability, and family caring realities (that's most of us)! Our series is loosely based on themes in Mary's bestseller, Rich Enough? A LaidBack Guide for Every Kiwi. Mary is the author of seven books and her no-nonsense advice can also be found in her Q&A column in the Weekend Herald and fortnightly Radio NZ financial segments. Do you have a question for Mary about making a start with savings, Kiwisaver,

insurance, creating a rainy day fund, killing off debt, retirement planning, home sale or purchasing decisions, and getting financial advice? Send them to us and we'll ask Mary! Post them to PO Box 47385, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 or email Mary also has lots of useful information at her website, Stay informed about our podcast series with Mary by registering with Carers NZ to receive our programmes updates and information. Email or phone 0800 777 797 to join our network - there is no cost.

Restorative rituals New Zealand psychotherapist, author and healer Juliet Batten offers a range of wonderful books and follow-along rituals at her website, Carers NZ has been working with Juliet to develop several rituals just for you. Find some quiet time and join Juliet at We also like Juliet’s book A Cup of Sunlight: Discovering the sacred in everyday life - published in 2005, it’s a feel-good classic. The book covers everything from how to create sanctuary, to connection with others and ways to restore hope when catastrophe strikes.

Buy your own copy at Juliet’s website for $36 or enter our draw. We have two copies to give away! Entry form, page 10 or online at

You'll find heaps of other wellbeing and self-care activities at

Carers NZ thanks Aotearoa Gaming Trust for its support for our wellbeing programmes.

FamilyCARE 35


Healing FOODS

Photographer, writer, and foodie Sophie Merkens travelled across New Zealand in a Zephyr van. We hope you enjoy our extract from the wonderful book based on her journey, Grow: Wāhine Finding Connection Through Food. Donna (Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Tahinga) is a respected rongoā Māori practitioner, healer, teacher, writer, and passionate advocate for traditional healing practices in our modern world. She is a director of her own company, Ora NZ, which provides rongoā Māori advice to government, education providers, professional associations, and communities.

Natural connections

Sophie spoke to Donna about her perspective on food as medicine and how we can nurture ourselves and our world. “I met Donna at her whare in Ōakura, where she was warm and welcoming from the get-go. The entrance to the house was full of precious taonga: raranga gifted to her, a library of beautiful plant- and healing-focused books, and shelves full of tinctures and her handmade rongoā.” “Upstairs we sat in the sun to chat and drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, whilst overlooking her husband Paul's thriving garden.” Sophie asked Donna if she had any early rongoā Māori or kai (food) memories. “Growing up, we never talked about rongoā,” Donna says. “It was when I got older and looked back that I realised that rongoa was what we were doing.” “We would karakia, we would use remedies that didn't come from the chemist or from the doctor, and we always had homemade kai.” “The only thing that was not home-prepared was chocolate, and we would have that once a fortnight when the supplies

36 FamilyCARE


Sophie Merkens in her Zephyr van, Florence.

I WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NO REMEDIES, MEDICAL OR TRADITIONAL, CAN SURPASS THE HEALING GIFTS OF TAHA WAIRUA (THE SPIRITUAL ASPECT), GOOD FRIENDSHIP, CLEAN WATER, NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS, AND A PURPOSE BEYOND THAT OF OUR IMMEDIATE NEEDS. came. Everything was pretty much grown or came off the land or out of the sea. That was our early childhood lives.” “Now that I'm older, we're going back to that, which is awesome.”

Healing life

As a Māori healer, Donna sees her role as someone who shares what she has been taught and what she has learned. “You don't have to see the tree grow; you just have to plant the seed.” Having children was one motivation to embrace rongoā Māori. “It wasn't about helping them when they were sick, it was about raising healthy, happy and confident children.” “Another was my aunt, who was my whāngai mother for a while. When she was very ill from cancer, we all took turns looking after her. She would ask me to sit with her to mirimiri her legs, and the impact was quite significant. That motivated me to find out just what was going on.” Donna's work involved a lot of travel, long hours, deadlines, and stress. She enjoyed the people she worked with but says the real driver for this lifestyle was money. “So I started to look for things that interested me and they were very much around health and wellbeing.”

Travelling for work exposed Donna to other healers in countries like Mexico. "Walking through the jungles there, it was really interesting to easily work out which plants were good for what. It made me realise how you can learn to converse with nature without words." Donna did a Bachelor of Health Science degree to advance her knowledge, but came to realise she wanted to focus on the wellbeing of people, not their diseases. “For me, rongoā is very much about people and planet; it's what a person needs in order to feel well, safe and happy.”

Sharing gifts

We all have the potential to heal, says Donna, we just have to choose to see it that way. “It's not all about working with plants and medicines.” “We need to say actually I heal through rananga, or I heal through the gift of song, or I heal through my kai that I prepare, or I heal through the kindness that I share.” “For me, if someone is feeling unwell, healing may look like a long walk on the beach on a stormy day. Others will grab a book and go and have a nice long bath. They are all equally valid ways of healing. We inherently know inside what makes us well.” While she sometimes refers to herself as a Māori healer, Donna says healing comes in so many forms. “It is just about using our gifts with good intent.”

Purchase Grow! at retail outlets or see Your own copy of Grow! worth $60! Entry form, page 10 or at

FamilyCARE 37

Anyone can feel lonely If you are feeling lonely, we know that’s really tough, but we’re really glad that you’re looking for information. Feeling lonely is a normal human experience but is also a sign that you want to connect with others. There are lots of things that you can do yourself that can help you to feel less lonely. Sometimes the best way to move out of loneliness is to talk to someone else or get a little help.

There are also organisations that offer support and opportunities to connect with other people. Visit the website to find out how you can become involved in the movement to end loneliness: • • • • •

Learn about loneliness and how to tackle it Sign up for our newsletter Join the coalition Share your stories Donate to support our work

If your feelings or situation are overwhelming, there are many organisations and people ready to listen.

Together we can end loneliness one person, one community, one workplace at a time.

Lonely? Let's talk Carers NZ is the new Secretariat of the Coalition to End Loneliness, a nonprofit collective aiming to reduce the impacts of loneliness and social isolation in our country.

The Coalition was begun more than five years ago, led by Age Concern in association with Carers NZ, Alzheimers NZ, the Student Volunteer Army, RSA NZ, St John, Salvation Army, Voices of Hope, and many others.

We work with other friends such as Loneliness NZ, and researchers and employers, to better understand and raise awareness of loneliness and isolation and their wellbeing impacts. Together we're talking to communities about these issues, and what can make a difference to support the wellbeing of New Zealanders experiencing feelings of isolation and loneliness. Please visit the Coalition's website to learn more about who's involved, what's happening, and how you can be involved.

Waikato loneliness conversations

We're looking forward to our upcoming project in the Waikato, talking to people

We like the new Chatterbox Seat installed at the Harbour View Reserve in Auckland's Point Chevalier. It's a real conversation starter and that’s exactly what it’s designed to be. After Emily Turnbull lost her husband Darryl to suicide, she decided to create the Chatterbox Seat to raise awareness of the need to talk about mental health. The first seat was installed in time for Mental Health Awareness Week with the support of Auckland's AlbertEden Board. The seat now stands as a tribute to Darryl’s life, to his family’s wish to spread the word about mental health, and to creating caring, connected communities. “All kids and adults should be


across the community about their views about what can help to prevent, reduce, or deal with isolation and loneliness. We'll be sharing what we hear in a report with recommendations for other communities, based on feedback from Waikato residents. The Waikato loneliness project has been funded by MSD, the Health Research Council, and the Institute of Healthy Ageing, led by gerontologist Matthew Parsons. We look forward to working with Matthew and project partner Rauawaawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust in the months ahead. To stay informed about the Waikato loneliness project, or attend one of the upcoming community meetings, email or phone 0800 777 797.

encouraged to share, to chat openly, to express feelings, to ask for help, to be listened to," says Emily. Bright and beautiful, the Chatterbox Seat is a perfect spot to stop, breathe, and strike up a conversation. Signage on the seat provides people with a number to call to talk to a trained counsellor if they need support. Emily hopes the seats will be available in public spaces across New Zealand - to start chats, and connect people who may feel isolated and alone.

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WORK + LEARN A service for family carers who want to explore their employment options

Allow Carers NZ to help you on your journey! Work + Learn is a new initiative from Carers NZ, complementing the CareWise work we do with employers offering flexible work to carers seeking new opportunities, and existing staff who have caring responsibilities for loved ones. You're already doing important work as a family carer, but you may also want to find flexible employment with a friendly employer - or just explore your options. Your reasons for joining our free programme may include: ■

A desire to review your employment possibilities including being paid for your family caregiving

Earning more

Discovering opportunities for new qualifications

Financial security, sick and holiday leave, being able to save for retirement

Social connections and use of your qualifications and experience

A sense of accomplishment

A change of scenery – doing something different

Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start when considering the work/care juggle. This is especially true if you have been out of the workforce for a long time, or want a change of job or career. Maybe our programme can help.

Work + Learn's experienced coach will help, step by step

Learn more, or enrol with Work + Learn Contact us via email with your name and contact details at, or phone 0800 777 797. If you have a draft CV, attach it to your email in a form that can be edited, as it will give us a good idea of your background. Your CV doesn’t have to be application ready - it's just a way of providing us with information about your qualifications and experience. If you don’t have a CV, this is not a barrier - we'll help you create good one! Have a think about your hours of availability – the more flexibility you have with this, the easier it will be to find employment. After we receive your email, we will review your information and contact you to discuss your situation and work goals. That’s all you need to do to enrol in the programme! From there, we'll walk with you step by step at your own pace. If you want to withdraw from the programme at any time, no problem, all we ask is that you communicate this to us.

If you want further information, please have a look at our website where you can find our free comprehensive Work + Learn toolkit. Go to

Evaluate where you are and where you want to go (your goals) Develop a plan which may include training, volunteering, temporary positions, seeking a new qualification, or applying for permanent positions Get your application ready – help create a CV, write cover letters, get interview ready Encourage you and keep you on track – the journey is different for everyone and we will help you navigate your own path through this

“The coaching gave me so much confidence. It was the boost I needed to change my life.” MICHELLE, BLOCKHOUSE BAY

Assist you to look for work opportunities and set up and use TradeMe Jobs, Seek, and other platforms

40 FamilyCARE







Sign our simple commitment to be CareWise


Workplaces receive a CareWise welcome and recognition certificate


Check how carer friendly you currently are using our SelfReview tool


Carers NZ provides free resources, updates, and employer connection for CareWise workplaces


Learn how to be more carer friendly in five priority areas


NZ and global research and news are regularly shared with CareWise employers


Our Action Plan template helps employers tailor steps to ensure a carer friendly workplace


Carers NZ supports working carers and their employers to help carers keep working and earning!

Become CareWise - Be a carer friendly employer! Carers NZ will keep you informed about issues important to family carers, and provide practical one to one support for caring staff. We can also help you lead carer focus groups in your workplace!

Contact us on 0800 777 797 or email

FamilyCARE 41


The annual economic contribution of caring is



(5.4% of GDP)

in employment revenue per annum; 97.3% is lost earnings, 2.7% is from lost employer/government Kiwisaver contributions.

The entire health and social services sector accounts for 6.4% of GDP.


of lost income is lost by female carers The Government loses


Carers may be forced to work beyond retirement age because caring means they haven’t enough money to retire

22% 17%

of female carers aged 65+ years are employed, compared with

of female non-carers

in tax revenue annually

Family carers have a median household income of


Unpaid carers in Aotearoa, 1 in every 7 adults. The true number could be up to 50% higher, 9.6 unpaid carers for every professional carer. This would double Infometrics' projections.

85,000 carers are aged 15-34

$87,100 compared with

$97,400 for non-carers. The income penalty for family carers compared to non-carers is 11%.


are vulnerable at the start of their working lives + spend the most on care-related costs

64% of family carers provided more care during COVID-19 51% did so due to support services being reduced or closed Report developed by Infometrics 42 FamilyCARE

WORK, LIFE, CARE! This year Carers NZ and the Carers Alliance of 57 national not for profits commissioned Infometrics to look at the financial impacts for those providing long-term care for friends and family members. It's an issue being explored around the world, with good reason. At a time when people are struggling to save for retirement, caring adds extra complexity - and costs. Infometrics found that at the age of 65+, 22% of women family carers are still working compared to 17% of female non-carers. The research shows that many carers struggle to work and earn full-time, requiring them to stay in paid work for longer than non-caring New Zealanders. They also struggle to save for retirement, so continuing in employment is an economic necessity, even though more than 40% have a health condition or disability themselves, while caring for at least one other family member who needs their support. Carers' inability to keep working and earning due to their responsibilities is a major issue in our ageing society. More of us will be needed to provide support for family members, but with rising living costs and health and disability workforce shortages, it's getting harder to manage the juggle. That's why Carers NZ is investing in its CareWise and Work + Learn programmes.

We need to work alongside employers and carers to provide practical information, advice, and support. Working together, family carers can set goals, make choices, and have open partnerships with their employers about their caring role. It's also important for carers to understand their options for being paid for the caregiving they do for family members. Often they aren't aware they might be eligible for payment for at least some of the caregiving they provide. We thank the employers who have committed to being CareWise flexible workplaces for caring staff, and welcome inquiries from others. We can help you set up a staff information page about caring support on your intranet, host workplace lunch and learn events for carers, and share helpful tips and advice with line managers supporting staff who are carers. Together we can support the financial sustainability of families with health, disability, and other care needs - and help carers understand their options when making work-lifecare decisions! Questions? Email or visit

Who are family, whānau and āiga carers? A family carer is someone who assists a friend or family member who is frail, unwell, is recovering from an injury, or who has a health condition or disability. Caring may be for a short time or for a lifetime. We can all expect to give or receive family care during our lives - perhaps multiple times. 1 in 7 in your workforce will be caring for someone in their household. Many will give up work or reduce their hours.

Retain valued staff, save on recruitment costs, and demonstrate your organisation's commitment to core values!

We can help you support and retain them.

Join free at

There are now 150+ CareWise workplaces in New Zealand at 600+ locations, committed to carer friendliness for 100,000+ staff! If you're a family carer, ask your employer to join CareWise!

FamilyCARE 43

1 million + New Zealanders care for friends and family members who are unwell or have an ongoing condition or disability. Almost 90% of carers are workforce age. They can struggle to juggle employment and caring for loved ones. CareWise can help.

CareWise Spotlight Hawkes Bay carer Tracey Dorward felt she had no option but to quit her job. Now she's working again, for a more flexible employer. Tracey Dorward resigned from her last job after her mother had an accident and her employer wouldn’t let her go to the hospital. "I said my Mum needs me more, and left. I thought I'd lose my job, but it didn't matter because I was worried about Mum. I returned to work the next day to pick up the pieces." Her employer's lack of empathy about her mother's accident and serious injury, and what this meant for Tracey, led to her resignation soon after. "We were a very small branch so had limited staff. When I tried to talk about my role as a carer and the need for flexibility, I was told this might not be the job for me." Tracey went on a benefit while she supported her Mum and thought about her next steps. This included soul-searching about what Tracey wanted in a future job, how many hours a week she could work whilst supporting her Mum and her Dad (who also has disabilities), and her need for flexibility due to her caring role.

Tracey with her Mum and brother Ron, who lives in Germany and helps at a distance.

Tracey connected with Carers NZ to learn more about its Work + Learn programme, which helps carers like her explore employment options. She also worked with community networks to help shape her return to work plan. These relationships (and Tracey's own proactive search for work) led to three job offers, and a new job in Napier, working with people experiencing challenges like her own.

"It’s a busy role which requires managing many balls at once, but so rewarding because you are helping others in their time of need."

"The inability to take time off work to support Mum in a difficult and scary situation is what made me leave my previous role. The same employer also made it difficult for me to be at Dad's bedside when he had his heart attack, which was luckily mild." With her dual caring role for her parents, and health challenges of her own, Tracey had to make some hard decisions about juggling work, care, and earning. While thinking about her next moves, she drew up a wish list including what she was looking for in a new employer. Considerations included thinking about her hours of availability, and the need for an employer who was flexible so she could attend her parents' medical appointments and deal with any emergencies. Tracey now works as a receptionist for the Napier Family Centre, whose services include budgeting, counselling, family support, courses, and childcare. She is the face and voice of the organisation.

Tracey and her employer have negotiated her work hours, and best of all she now feels valued. "They have made it clear they don't want to lose me despite my caring realities, which is lovely after my last experience!"

Tracey's advice for workplaces Show staff who are family carers that you care, and want to understand their situation and help. Employees who can create work/life balance will be more productive at work. Talk about issues sooner rather than later, because there may be things that can be solved early. Seek outside help to learn what resources are out there to help caring employees. Consider four day weeks and job sharing, which make it easier for valued staff to combine work and care.

HER TIPS FOR JOB-SEEKERS Knowing what you want is key. I wanted an employer who was flexible and happy for me to only work four full days a week. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, both personal and work-related. My biggest strength is my love of caring and supporting others, so I wanted to work in an area where this could be done. I had done a lot of admin over the years, so focused on what would be required for this, such as computer and communication skills. I didn't want a job that required more study or too much more learning, as I had done plenty in my time. Ideally I wanted to work in my home town of Hastings, but would take a role in Napier for the right money. This is what happened. I thought about the impact of my job on my parents, and the financial viability of taking on work with its added costs, such as travel. It's good to tap into any available community support. I found work via my medical practice, which put me in touch with the East Coast Wellness team, who help people with health issues find jobs. They were a big support and helped me get through some tough times. Ensure you have a strong CV that covers off any employment gaps. My weakness was cover letters, but advice from ECW and the TradeMe Jobs website helped a lot. I kept a journal of what jobs I had applied for, contacts, when applications were submitted, and the outcome. I also included details about interviews. This was all useful for Work & Income to show I was being proactive about job searching. I practised before job interviews. ECW gave me tips and guidelines on how to best answer possible questions. I developed my own cue cards to read and memorise. Carers NZ's Work + Learn programme also provides coaching for interviews. The hardest part was receiving rejection after rejection when applying for jobs. At times I did want to give up, but looked at my approach to job hunting, and how to improve things that might not be working.

Help for Carers! Do you support a friend or family member who is ill, or has a health condition or disability? Carers NZ offers useful information, and advice about available help around the country! We are a national not for profit that works with many other community, government, and charitable organisations to support those in caring situations. Carers NZ assists carers directly via its 0800 and email services, and acts as Secretariat for the New Zealand Carers Alliance of 50+ national not for profits who are working in unity to give caring issues public visibility. Phone our National Resource Centre to request a free carer infopack or for a referral to a carer support network in your area. It's free to join our network (just call our 0800 helpline) or email You'll receive regular e-newsletters, email and posted updates, and we'll keep you informed about important news all carers should know about. We'll also let you know about learning and social events you might like to attend in your area, or online! You might also like to check out our web space! Visit regularly to see helpful information to support you in your role!

In the end I connected with Able Personnel, a recruitment agency. Interviews were my biggest challenge due to anxiety and panic attacks. Working with them allowed me to try for different jobs and bypass the interview process. Able was great - they accepted my limitations and worked with me to explore a wide range of jobs.

Visit Email Facebook Twitter #carersnz Pinterest CarersAir

This journey has allowed me to discover my abilities. It allowed me to think about what I could do and what I really wanted, ending up in the role I now have!

Phone Carers NZ's National Resource Centre Monday to Friday during business hours: 0800 777 797


Tea Party Treats Bluebells Cakery’s Karla Goodwin shares classic recipes for cakes, cookies, and so much more in her beautiful new book! CHICKEN & SALMON TEA SANDWICHES

Little bite-sized sandwiches are a favourite at any tea party, event, or when you're expecting guests. I always like to offer at least two different flavours. For the chicken sandwiches, feel free to use the breast from a cooked rotisserie to save on time. CHICKEN 2 (450g) chicken breasts 10 whole peppercorns 1 bay leaf ½ tsp salt ½ small red onion or 2 shallots, diced into small pieces ½ cup (15g) chopped herbs (parsley, dill, chives, basil) 1-2 tbsp wholegrain mustard ½ cup (130g) mayonnaise or aioli, plus extra for spreading ¼ cup (60g) plain unsweetened yoghurt Salt and pepper to taste 12 slices fresh bread of your choice (I use toast slice) Place the chicken breasts in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover them, then add the peppercorns, bay leaf and salt. Bring to a simmer on medium-low heat, then lower the heat and simmer for a further 10-15 minutes. Transfer the chicken breasts to a board and leave to rest for a few minutes. While still warm, shred the chicken with two forks. Mix through the onion/shallot, herbs, mustard, mayo/aioli and yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper. Lay your slices of bread out on a clean bench. Spread each slice with half a teaspoon of mayonnaise. Evenly distribute the chicken mixture over 6 of the slices and gently spread out to the edges. Top with the remaining bread slices, mayo side down. 46 FamilyCARE

SALMON 250g cream cheese ¼ cup (7g) chopped dill 2 tbsp capers, drained and chopped ½ small red onion or 1 shallot, diced into small pieces Zest of 1 lemon, and juice as needed Salt and pepper to taste 12 slices fresh bread of your choice (I use toast slice) 300g smoked salmon

Combine cream cheese, dill, capers, onion/shallot and lemon zest. Loosen the mixture with a bit of lemon juice if required. Season with salt and pepper. Lay your slices of bread out on a clean bench. Evenly distribute the cream cheese mixture over the 12 slices of bread and gently

spread out to the edges. Top 6 slices with the salmon, then place the remaining bread on top, cream cheese side down, and press down lightly to sandwich. Best eaten on the day of assembly. Makes 24.

TIP! Cut the crusts off with a good bread or electric knife, being careful not to squish the filling out. Cut each sandwich diagonally into 2 or 4 triangles. Serve immediately, or keep in an airtight container in the fridge with a dampened paper towel over the top to keep them from drying out.


The flavour variations are endless when making frittata. Here’s Karla's version to get you started. ¼ (200g) pumpkin, diced ½ (100g) red capsicum, sliced 1 medium (80g) red onion, sliced Olive oil, for drizzling 2 cups (80g) spinach, chopped 6 free range eggs ½ cup (125ml) cream A few grinds of salt and pepper ½ block (100g) feta, crumbled Preheat the oven to 220°C (200°C fan bake). Place the pumpkin, capsicum and onion on a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes until the pumpkin has cooked through. Turn the oven down to 180°C (160°C fan bake). Line a 23cm x 32cm slice tin with baking paper. Fill the lined tray with the roasted vegetables and layer the spinach on top. Whisk the eggs, cream, and salt and pepper together, then pour over the vegetables until covered. Sprinkle the feta over the top. Bake in the middle of the oven for 3540 minutes until golden and set. Leave to cool in the tin. When cool, cut into 12 portions.


FamilyCARE 47


48 FamilyCARE


Try the scone recipe Bluebells serves as part of its high tea offering in its cafés. Wonderful when paired with homemade strawberry jam and generous dollops of freshly whipped cream! 4⅓ cups + 1 tbsp (550g) plain flour ⅓ cup (75g) caster sugar ½ tsp salt 5 tsp baking powder 250g unsalted butter, cold 2 free range eggs ½ cup (125ml) milk, plus extra for brushing ½ cup (125ml) cream TO SERVE Strawberry jam Whipped cream Sliced fresh strawberries, optional Sift the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder into a large bowl, add butter, and rub the mixture between your fingers until it resembles breadcrumbs. Alternatively use a food processor, pulsing briefly until the consistency is right, then tip the mixture into a large bowl. In a jug, whisk together the eggs, milk and cream. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the cream mixture. Gently fold through with a large metal spoon until the mixture just comes together to form a soft, wet dough. Gently shape the dough into a flat rectangle, then wrap in cling wrap. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 200°C (180°C fan bake). Place baking tray in the oven. Turn the chilled dough out onto a floured bench and gently roll out with a floured rolling pin till 3-4cm thick. Using a floured round cutter, cut into the dough by pressing down; do not twist the cutter. Take the heated tray out of the oven and sprinkle a little bit of flour onto the surface, or line it with a sheet of baking paper. Carefully transfer the rounds of dough to the baking tray. Any leftover dough can be gently reworked, rolled and cut. Brush the tops with milk. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the scones are lovely and golden and spring back when pressed lightly in the centre.

Remove from the oven and wrap the hot scones in a clean tea towel; this helps to keep them moist. Serve warm or cold on the day of baking, with jam, cream, and sliced fresh strawberries if using. Makes 12-24, depending on size.


Jars of homemade jam are a lovely gifting option. 500g strawberries 400g caster sugar Juice of 1 large lemon Place a couple of small plates or saucers in the freezer to chill. Sterilise your jars and lids. Wash your strawberries, then hull them. Cut them in half, or in quarters if really large. Crush all or half, depending on how you like your jam (I like some of mine to hold their shape).

Mix the strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice and set aside for a few hours. Transfer to a large saucepan and heat gently until the sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil, stirring regularly. After about 10 minutes of the mixture bubbling away, test for setting stage. Place a small spoonful on one of your chilled plates. Return to the freezer for about 30 seconds, then push your finger through the middle. If the jam is ready, a skin will form on the surface and the jam will wrinkle in front of your finger. If not ready, cook for a few minutes more and test again. The jam may have developed a foamy scum of trapped air bubbles on top. If so, skim this off with a large, flattish spoon and discard. Ladle the hot jam into the sterilised jars and seal carefully with the lids, using tea towels to protect your hands.

Recipes extracted from Bluebells Cakery Classics by Karla Goodwin, available at bookstores everywhere ($50). 1 of 3 copies!

Entry form page 10, or complete it online at

FamilyCARE 49

Counselling & Support Services A range of advisory and counselling services are available in New Zealand. Many of these can be accessed by phone, text, or email. Don’t feel alone if you’re struggling – reach out for help. 1737

Free call or text 1737 to speak with a trained professional counsellor at any time 24/7. Free counselling service: depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, feeling down or overwhelmed. Highly recommended as first point of contact for callers seeking help.

AIcohol Drug Helpline

0800 787 797 or text 8681 (24/7); online chat at If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking, the Alcohol and Drug Helpline can assist with information, insight and support.

Anxiety New Zealand

Helpline 0800 269 4389. Online therapy and help resources available.

Asian Helpline

Nationwide free and confidential services by phone from Monday to Friday between 9am-8pm. The Helpline is available in eight languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English. 0800 862 342. Or, text 832 to speak with a professional for confidential advice and emotional support from Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm.

Depression Helpline

0800 111 757 or free text 4202 to talk to a trained counsellor for support or to ask any questions.

EAP Services

Employee Assistance Programme – providing practical assistance to employees when personal or work issues arise that may impact on their ability to do their job or affect their wellbeing (confidential counselling services across NZ and internationally). Freephone: 0800 327 669

Gambling Helpline

24-hour Freephone: 0800 654 655 or text 8006.


0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE). Lifeline trained counsellors deal with many kinds of issues including psychological and emotional distress, financial and work issues, marriage and family/wh nau problems and with callers who are lonely, ill, depressed or the victims of violence or abuse. Text ‘Help’ to 4357 or visit

Rural Support Trust

Helpline 800 787 254. Chat to someone who understands, because they’ve been there.

Salvation Army

0800 53 00 00. Supporting families and individuals in need with budgeting advice, food and clothing assistance, life skills programmes and other comfort and support.


0800 726 666. Confidential, non-religious and non-judgmental support to anyone who may be feeling depressed, lonely, or may be contemplating suicide.


An interactive self-help online tool for young people with mild to moderate depression and anxiety: 0508 477 279 or free text to 3110

Suicide Crisis Helpline

0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

The Lowdown

A space created with rangatahi, for rangatahi. Find support for your haora, identity, culture, and mental health.

Victim Support

0800 842 846. Free 24/7 support.

What’s Up

0800 942 8787 (0800 WHATSUP) For 5 - 18 year olds. Available 12.00pm – 11.00pm M-F or 3.00pm – 11.00pm weekends. Online chat is available from 5.00pm – 10.00pm daily at The only national helpline providing free counselling for children and young people. who need a safe place to talk with a trained counsellor.

Yellow Brick Road

Northern Region, 0800 732 825; Central North Island, 0800 555 434; South Island, 0800 876 682. Supporting families/wh nau towards mental wellbeing.


Mental Health and Addictions Service. Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people. Call 0800 376 633; free text 234; email: or online chat at

In emergencies always phone 111 0800 777 797

ONLINE TRAINING FOR CARERS TOILET TACTICS FOR OUR TAMARIKI Webinar sessions will take place fortnightly via Zoom on Wednesdays 7-8pm starting 9th August. Everything you need to know about supporting children to have healthy toileting habits.

KEY CONTINENCE TRAINING FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT WORKERS An online training module with practical knowledge and tools for supporting people with additional needs to achieve their best level of continence.

DEMENTIA AND CONTINENCE An online training module that provides an overview of dementia and continence for health professionals.

Continence NZ is proudly supported by:




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