Care Remedies, complete home caring service, covering East Dean to Pevensey Bay and surroundings, 01323 301152 (see advert) Demelza, delivers extraordinary care to extraordinary children facing serious or life-limiting conditions, throughout Kent, South East London & East Sussex, demelza.org.uk (see advert)
Holding Space, family support group drop-in sessions, Eastbourne, monthly 4th Tue 10am-12pm, 2nd Thu 6-7pm, hello@holdingpsace.org.uk www.holdingspace.org.uk (see advert p.5)
Crossroads Care, East Sussex, Brighton & Hove, supporting carers, 01273 234021
Welcome to our SUMMER/AUTUMN 24 magazine, which is filled with ideas to keep your family & children busy during the [long] summer holidays! In this issue, we are celebrating Plastic-Free July and are offering some green swap ideas, as well as the chance to start your own sustainable living journey.
You will find 4 competitions to win some fantastic prizes: £20 vouchers to shop at The Seasons in Lewes - wholefoods, refill shop; family day tickets to the Autumn Show & Horse Trials at the Ardingly Showground, as well as family tickets to Glow Wild at Wakehurst - THE winter lantern trail of the South East! Last but not least, we have paired up with Fables World and are offering an annual subscription to their fun maths tuition website.
Thank you to our fabulous advertisers. Please continue to support these hardworking, passionate local businesses, do tell them that you have heard about them through the FAMILY GRAPEVINE!
Bettina Horne-Muller - acting editor bettina@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk | 01444 443068
Eastbourne, Wealden & Lewes ewlfamilygrapevine www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/eastbourne-wealden-lewes
Our WINTER 24/25 MAGAZINE will come out in early November, so keep your eyes peeled and follow us on social media!
eco haven, sells sustainable personal care products online + pop ups at local events, ecohavenstore.com
Buy The Weigh, refill store, Ticehurst, Wadhurst TN5 7AS, open Mon-Sat, 07790 748369
Simply Weigh, zero waste shop, St Mary’s Walk, Hailsham BN27 1AF, open Tue-Sat, 01323 441467
The Season Lewes, Cliffe High St, Lewes BN7 2AH, wholefoods with refill & plastic-free products, 01273 359200 (see competition)
Wonderfill, refill store, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN37 6DY, open Wed-Sun, 01424 532104
Community Fridge + Pantry
Crowborough Community Pantry, Beechview Parade TN6 3RA, Mon/Sat am, Tue, Thu eve, greentransitioncrowboroug.org.uk
Heathfield Community Fridge, Union Church, TN21 8LB, Mon-Thu 9.30-11am, find on Facebook Langney Community Fridge, Eastbourne BN23 7DX, Tue 1-3pm, Facebook: @LangneyCommunityCentre
Lewes Community Fridge, 2 Fisher St, Sat 10.30am-12.30pm, find on Facebook
Newhaven Community Supermarket, Denton Island Com. Centre BN9 9BA, Tue 11am-1.30pm, 01273 517250 Old Town Community Fridge, Victoria Baptist Church, Eastbourne BN21 1UE, Wed 8.30-10am, Facebook: @CommunityFridge Pass it on Community Fridge, James West Com. Centre, Hailsham BN27 3FY, daily 10am-1pm, find on Facebook
Peacehaven Community Supermarket, Meidian Centre BN10 8BB, Thu 11am-1.30pm, 01273 517250
Seaside Community Fridge, Eastbourne BN22 7NN, Tue-Thu 11am-3.30pm, find on Facebook
Shinewater Community Fridge, Shinewater Family Hub, Eastbourne, Tue 10am-12pm, Facebook: @EHSFamilyHubs
Uckfield Community Fridge, The Source, Hub Garden TN22 1AL, Tue, Fri, Sat 10am-12pm, Wed 2.30-4pm, find on Facebook
Willingdon Trees Community Fridge & Pantry, Holly Place Eastbourne BN22 0UT, Mon-Fri 10am-3pm, willingdontrees.org.uk Repair Café
Crowborough Repair Café, Ashdown Junior School TN6 2NT, monthly 1st Sat, 10am-12.30pm, find on Facebook
Heathfield & Horam Repair Café, Horam Village Hall TN21 0JE, monthly 2nd Sat, 9.30am-noon, find on Facebook
Lewes Repair Café, Landport Community Hub BN7 7SU, monthly 1st Sat, 2-5pm, find on Facebook
Seaford Repair Café, Mercread Youth Centre BN25 1AB, monthly 4th Sat, 12-3.30pm, find on Facebook
Uckfield Repair Café, Victoria Pavilion TN22 5DJ, monthly 4th Sat, 9.30am-12pm, find on Facebook
Plastic-Free Babies
Cheeky Pickles, Cloth Nappy sale, hire & support, 1:1 & workshops, cheekypickles.co.uk
Plastic Free Baby, eco-friendly shop, biodegradable & recyclable products, web: plasticfree.baby
SuperLooper, baby clothing rental library, save money & reduce waste! 0-24mths, superlooperlife.com
The Washable Nappy Company, free demonstrations & trial kits, 07833 927210
Wealden Council’s FREE REAL
Reusable Nappy Trial Kit, test a range of nappies before buying, apply online
Seaford Beach Clean, monthly 1st Sun, meeting Martello Tour or the Buckle side, check Facebook: @ PlasticFreeSeaford
Eastbourne Beach Clean, monthly 2nd Sun, meet at Wish Tower, The Beach Deck or Hollywell, check Facebook: @PlasticFreeEastbourne
Pfeiffer Design, interior architecture & design, Chapel Barn, Lewes Rd, Piddinghoe BN9 9AL, 01273 499200, www.pfeifferdesign.co.uk/
Village Bathrooms, luxury bathroom design & installation, visit showroom in Uckfield, 01825 705800 villagebathroomstudio.co.uk/
It’s Our Planet Too, award winning eco activity & subscription boxes for children, itsourplanettoo.co.uk (see Plastic-Free July box) Apps
Freegle App, online dating app for free stuff, ilovefreegle.org/mobile
Village Heating Company, trusted heating engineers in Uckfield, info@villageheatingcompany.co.uk villageheatingcompany.co.uk/
Other Businesses
Caricatures and personalised name for your child/baby by Lesley Harvey, drawn from your favourite photo, 07722 236741 (see advert p.4)
Pixels2Canvas, your photos on canvas + funky pop art etc, Eastbourne shop/ online, 01323 721067
W.E. Clark & Son, Sussex family jewellers since 1819, Lewes BN7 2AF, 01273 487816 & Uckfield TN22 1AJ, 01825 708777, www.weclarkandson.co.uk/
3VA, support for voluntary & community sector organisations & people looking to set up new groups, 01323 639373 Furniture Now! Furniture service, recycling or training opportunities, 01323 638000
Olio Mobile App, giveaways, lending borrowing things to reduce food and household waste, olioapp.com/en/ Too Good to Go App, connecting customers to restaurants/stores that have surplus unsold food, toogoodtogo.com
Tune in for a Special 'GREENER' CHRISTMAS in our WINTER 24/25 magazine
Furniture Now! Low cost furniture charity, Eastbourne, Lewes & Hailsham, 01323 638000
Join East Sussex Youth Offending Team, 01323 466633
Mediation Plus, accredited volunteer mediator training courses, 01323 442781
NYAS Independent Visitors for children & young people in the care system, recruitment@nyas.net
Please tell our fantastic advertisers that you saw them in the Family Grapevine!
A. C. Knell Entertainment, children’s parties, soft play, disco lights, karaoke, ACKnell.co.uk
Acting Moon Events, providing full birthday party themes, facepainting, characters and much more, 01323 325957
Andy Hiccup, children’s party entertainer and magic shows. Sussex and Surrey, 4 - 11 years, 07734 101987
Animazing, parties, talks & displays with reptiles/amphibians/ invertebrates/owls/mammals. Reg: AW047, 07743 675253
Barney’s Playbarn, Bell Lane, Uckfield, soft play, best for under 10’s, barneysplay.co.uk
Blackberry Farm, Whitesmith nr Lewes, Farm or Pony Party incl. all day access to farm & playgrounds, 01825 872912
Bear World, Enterprise Centre, Eastbourne, make your own bear parties, suitable for all ages, 01323 728237
Bike disco parties & Bike assault course parties, 3-10yrs+, 07930 676035
Cartoons & caricatures, arty parties with Lesley Harvey, for 6yrs+, 15 miles off Seaford, 07722 236741 (see advert)
Crowborough Leisure Centre, football party, pool/pool inflatable party, softplay/inflatable party, 01892 665488
Diddi dance parties for pre-school children, 07788 246073
Hartbeeps, sensory music parties for 1 year olds up to pre-school, 07786 446119 (see advert p.5)
Kelly the Clown, magic, balloon modelling, games, dancing etc, 01892 653963
KiddiCity birthday parties include exclusive use of KiddiCity role play village, 07947 080902
Knockhatch Adventure Park, on A22 at Hailsham, farm, birds of prey, waterslides, adventure play, 01323 442051
Knockhatch Ski and Snowboard Centre, ringo-ing and skiing parties, 01323 843344
Monkey Bizness, soft play, Lewes, 2-12yrs, 08458 739645
My Skate World, Maple Rd, Eastbourne, private parties, 20+ children, 5yrsadult, 01323 337035
Little Forest School, parties with woodland based activities, 07764 823438 (see advert p.6)
Nature Makers, nature art classes parties, 3-11yrs, nature-makers. co.uk/east-sussex-coast (see advert p.7)
Once Upon A dreamZ sleepover parties, covering the Sussex area, 07786 466549
SportsCool Brighton, multisports birthday parties, Brighton/ Sussex, 5-11yr, Facebook@ SSCBrightonLtd
The Outdoors Project, outdoors games, nature themes, Nerf games, bushcraft, Harry Potter, Minecraft, Pokemon, 07498 284792 (see advert p.12)
Time 2 Potter, Hailsham, pottery painting, 4yrs+, 01323 505000 Wishworks, puppet shows for children 3yrs+, 07712 612006
oodland Birthday Parties, Lewes area, bushcraft, den building, fairies/wizards, cooking, wildinthewoods.weebly.com
Ninja Arena Eastbourne BN21 3NW, supervised activity & obstacle course, 01273 054949
Little Indians Teepee, providing the ultimate themed sleepover experiences, in & around Eastbourne, 07702 519871
Peacehaven Leisure Centre, Magic Castle (U10s only) & Big Bounce party, 01273 588858
Piccolo, Pizza & Play, PizzaExpress, 24 Cornfield Rd, Eastbourne BN21 4QH, pizza making parties, 4yrs+, 01323 649466 (see advert)
Wilderness Wood, Hadlow Down, themed parties from Fairies to Castaways, 0-90 years, 07766 486548
Find the full listing 'Parties' online, incl. halls, bouncy castles, cakes & supplies, scan the QR code →
Award winning classes for parents, grandparents & carers daisyfirstaid.com/eastbourne
Antenatal & Postnatal Groups, Support + Exercise
Crowborough Birthing Centre, NHS midwifery led unit, antenatal & birthing care, 01892 652284
Caroline Alexander, birth & postnatal doula, 07958 538095
Cube and Tribe, pregnancy yoga, birth preparation classes, postnatal yoga & women’s classes, cubandtribe.co.uk
Mothering Mojo, yoga, doula, breastfeeding classes in Uckfield, 07977 489092
Muma Nurture, we are here to support you on fertility, pregnancy, related loss, post-natal too, mumanurture.org
NCT Parents in Mind, East Sussex - peer support for parents from pregnancy to 2yrs, 07731 994579
Penny’s Yoga, pregnancy yoga, baby massage/yoga, Seaford & surroundings, 07944 416572
First Aid Training
Daisy First Aid Eastbourne, baby & child first aid classes - local venues or at your home, 07973 655490 (see advert)
Breastfeeding support group, Shinewater Family Hub, Eastbourne BN23 8ED, Thu 1-2.30pm, 01323 463244
Latch On Eastbourne, breastfeeding advice & support for everybody, weekly breastfeeding café, Langney CCtre Eastbourne, Wed 12.30, 07484 838756
National Breastfeeding Helpline, Open 9.30am-9.30pm, 0300 1000212
Baby Groups
Baby & Me, Lewes Family Hub, drop in all year round, Wed 1-2pm, 0-12mths, free, 01273 336930
Baby Bubbles, Hailsham East Family Hub BN27 2JZ, Fri 10-11.30am, all year round, U12mths, 01323 463244
Baby Time Group, Peacehaven Family Hub, drop in all year round, Mon 11.15am-12.30pm, 0-12mths, 01273 336930
Baby Tranquil, mindfulness & relaxation course, Tots Play Centre, Eastbourne, Fri 11am, 0-4mths, 07973 168585 (see advert)
Baby Sensory Room, Hailsham Family Hub, Mon-Fri, 9, 10.30am, 12 & 1.30pm, free but book, 01323 463 244
Bizzy Baby, Shinewater Family Hub, Eastbourne BN23 8ED, Fri 11am-12pm, U12mths, 01323 463244
Bump To Toddle, NCT Eastbourne, Hastings & Rother, Kiddi City, Eastbourne, Thu 10.30am12pm, 0300 3300700
Bumps 2 Babies, bump to nonwalkers, The Cartlodge Manor Farm, Horam TN21 0JB, Mon 1-2pm & Crowborough Community Centre TN6 1FE, Wed 10-11am, 01273 336930
Denton Bumps & Babies, Denton Parish Church Hall, Newhaven BN9 0RD, Tue 10.15-11.30am, 0-2mths, dentonbumpsandbabies@gmail.com
Discovery Tots, Eastbourne, MonThu, 11-11.40am, 8 weeks-active crawling, 07973 168585 (see advert)
Hartbeeps, Sensory Music Classes, Eastbourne: Mon, Tue, Fri; Hailsham: Wed, Thu, 07786 446119 (see advert)
Little Fish Baby Group, Welcome Baptist Church, Heathfield, Tue 10-11.30am (no charge), 01435 864646
Muma Nurture, Walk & Talk, 4 Beverley Business Park, Eastbourne BN22 8QG, every Wed, 1-3pm, mumanurture.org
Sing & Sign, Old Town, Eastbourne, Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays, 0-30 months, 01323 722104 (see advert)
Sling Library meets, coffee and slings, Eastbourne, Heathfield, Bexhill, Mon am, 01435 205105
Tots Play, baby development course, Eastbourne, Mon-Thu, 0-6mths,07973 168585 (see advert) > Full listing on 'Ante/Postnatal + Babies' online, scan the QR code ↑
Amaze Cuppa, Cake & Chat, monthly, Wed Eastbourne, Heathfield, Thu Uckfield, ruth@ amazesussex.org.uk
Beat, Eating Disorders Association helpline, 0808 801 0711
Going Hungry? Visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau & ask about foodbank voucher, 01825 745489
Holding Space, family support group monthly drop-in sessions, Eastbourne, 4th Tue 10am12pm, 2nd Thu 6-7pm, hello@ holdingpsace.org.uk (see advert)
Mediation Plus, Time 2 Talk, help with family, inter-generational & neighbour disputes, 01323 442781 Bourne this Way, LGBTQ+ parent support group, monthly last Sun, bournethiswaylgbtparents.co.uk
East Sussex Smartphone Free WhatsApp Community, supporting parents delaying in giving smartphone to, their children: linktr.ee/smartphonefreech (see box below)
To read more about the Smartphone Free Childhood – What's App Community scan the QR code:
Relate, Family Counselling service for divorce, separation, arguments, 0300 1001234
Full listing 'Family Support, Parenting & SEND' available online, scan the QR code at the top of this page ↑
► Crowborough
Little Fishes, United Church, Croft Rd, Crowborough, 8am12pm, 01892 665493
Little Stars, baby & toddler group, St Mary’s Church, Hartfield TN7 4AG, 9.1510.45am, 07779 586460
Rotherfield Baby and Toddler Group, Rotherfield Village Hall, Mondays 9.30-11am, Find on facebook: @rotherfieldbtg Tiny Tumblers & Soft Play, Crowborough Leisure Centre, 9.30-11.30am, 01892 665488
Toy Library, All Saints Centre, stay and play or just pop in and borrow, 9.30-11.30am, 01273 486391
Little Seeds, carers’ toddler group, St Richard’s Church Hall, 10amnoon, , 07950 971743
Messy Monster, Crowborough Leisure Centre, messy play & sensory, 1010.45am, 01892 665488
Mini Movers, Crowborough Leisure Centre, 2-5yrs, 1-1.45pm, 01892 665488
Rhymetime, Crowborough Library, 11-11.30am, 0345 6080196
Crowborough Music Group, Crowborough Com. Centre TN6 1FE, 0-5yrs, 1-2pm, 01273 336930
First Steps Parent & Toddler Group, Forest Fold Baptist Chapel, 10-11.30am, 07734 535729
Little Fishes, United Church, Croft Rd, Crowborough, 8am12pm, 01892 665493
Noah’s Ark, All Saints, Chapel Green, Crowborough, 9.3010.30am (call before coming for 1st time), 01892 652081
Storytime, Crowborough Library, 11-11.30am, 0345 6080196
Tiny Tumblers & Soft Play, Crowborough Leisure Centre, 9.30 -11.30am, 01892 665488
► Eastbourne
Growing Together, Stay & Play, Polgate Community Centre BN 26 6QF, 9-11am, Find on Facebook KiddiCity, Mingle Mondays. 11am and 12.30pm, 07947 080902
Little Daffodils toddler group, Devonshire Family Hub, Eastbourne BN22 7NB, 1-2pm, 0-5yrs, 01323 463244
Little Superstars toddler group, Shinewater Family Hub BN23 8ED, 1011.30am, all year round, 0-5 yrs, 01323 463244
Sovey Tumblers Soft Play, Sovereign Centre, giant bouncy castle, soft play + a swim, 9am-12pm, (also during hol.), 01323 738822
Willingdon Trees Toddlers Allotment, gardening sessions, 10am-12pm, 01323 504438
Focus Baby & Toddler Group, Kings Church Eastbourne, 10am-12pm (call to book), 01323 521125
Fun Time at Broadway United Church, Lindfield Rd, Hampden Park, 0-3yrs, 10 - 11.30am, 01323 500686
HT Mouse Club Toddler Group, Holy Trinity Church, 10-11.30am, 0-5yrs, 01323 736627
Little Luke’s, Parish Centre, Stone Cross, 9.30-11.30am, 01323 767020
Little Stones, Community Wise Centre, Ocklynge Road, 9.45am11.45am, 07542 856511
Little Trees Baby & Toddler Group, Willingdon Trees Community Centre BN22 0UT , 10am-12noon, 01323 504438
Panda, All Saints Centre, Grange Rd, 10-11.30am, £1 per child, 01323 419400
Toddler Group, More Than Cake, Eastbourne BN21 4DB, softplay, 1-2pm, FB @more than cake
Little Wrens, Emmanuel Church, Upperton Rd, Old Town, BN21 1LQ, 10-11.30am (booking essential), 07762 621266
Panda, All Saints Centre, Grange Rd, 10-11.30am, £1 per child, 01323 419400
Toy Library, Langley Com. Centre, Eastbourne BN23 7DX, 1-3pm, find on FB: @LangneyCom
Wriggle Room, Towner Art Gallery, workshop for U5s, every 2 weeks, term time, 10am-12pm, free drop-in check website
Acorns, St Anthony’s Centre, Eastbourne BN23 6NH, 1011.30am, 01323 439700
Baby & Toddler Group, Langley CCtre, Eastbourne BN23 7DX, 10.30am-12pm & 1-2pm, FB: @ LangneyCom
Broadway Babes at Broadway United Church, Lindfield Rd, Hampden Park, 1011.30am, 01323 500686
Chalk Hill Toddler Group, St Mary’s Church, Church St, Willingdon, 9.45-11.45am, 01323 504659
Family Fun Gathers Toddler Group, Langney CCtre BN23 7DX, 10.30am-12pm & 1-2pm, FB: @Family Fun Gatherers
Focus Baby & Toddler, see Tue. Giggles, Gateway Christian Centre, Lottbridge Drove, BN22 9PB, book online, 10-11.30am, 01323 351786
KiddiCity, Baby & Toddler group, 11am-12pm, 07947 080902
Little Gems toddler group, Devonshire Family Hub, Eastbourne BN22 7NB, 1011.30am, 0-5yrs, 01323 463244
Little Lambs, St Mary’s Church Hall, Decoy Drive, Hampden Park, 9.30-11.30am, 01323 351248
Messy Play, More Than Cake, Eastbourne BN21 4DB, 10-11am, 2yrs+, FB: @more than cake Rhymes & Stories, Eastbourne Library, 10.30am-11am, free, 0345 6080196
Rhymetimes, Eastbourne Library, 10.30-11am, free, 0345 6080196
Rhymetime, Willingdon Community Hub Library, Eastbourne BN20 9PN, 10.3011am, 01323 489473
Something Special SEN Group, Shinewater Family Hub, Eastbourne BN23 8ED, 1-2.30am, 01323 463244
Sovey Tumblers, see Mon.
Sticky Fingers, art & messy play, Christ Church Hall BN22 7NN, 9.30-11am, advance pre-booking, free, devonshirecollective.co.uk
Toy Library, 10.30-4.30pm see Tue.
Vicky Bees Playgroup, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Rd, 10am11.30am, 01323 737974
Acorns, Bridgemere Centre, Eastbourne BN22 8TY, 1011.30am, 01323 439700
Bump To Toddle, NCT Eastbourne, Hastings & Rother,
Kiddi City, Eastbourne, 10.30am12pm, 0300 3300700
Cookery, More Than Cake, Eastbourne BN21 4DB, 10am+, 18mths+, FB: @more than cake
DAD’s Stay & Play, in partnership with Parent Minds, Devonshire Family Hub BN27 7NB, 12.302pm, 07707 171709
Focus Baby & Toddler, see Tue. Fun, friendship and refreshments, Christ Church, Seaside, 10.30am12pm, free, 07845 070141
Giggles, see Eastbourne Wed, 01323 351786
Little Souls, All Souls Church Hall, Wellesley Rd, Eastbourne, 1011.30am, 01323 731366
Little Whiskers toddlers, St Michael & All Angels Church, Eastbourne BN21 1TN, 10am-12pm, info@stmichaelandallangels.co.uk Nature Makers, intergenerational session, where toddlers are joined by residents of Willingdon Park, Eastbourne BN22 0BY, 10.30-11.20am, 1-6yrs, book: nature-makers.co.uk/east-sussexcoast (see advert p.7)
Noah’s Ark at St Mary’s Westham, babies to 4½yrs, 1-3pm, 07759 172992
Parents & Toddler Group, Pevensey Bay Baptist Church, monthly 1st & 3rd Thu, 10am-12pm, 07511 297680
Rhymetime, Hampden Park Library, 10.30-11am, free, 0345 6080196
Totz, St Elisabeth’s Church, 268 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, 1011.45am, 07548 954901
Bizzy Bees toddler group, Shinewater Family Hub, Eastbourne BN23 8ED, 9.3010.30am, 0-5yrs, 01323 463244 Little Wrens, see Mon. Messy Play, 0-2yrs, see Tue. Mini Wilfs, St Wilfred’s Church Hall, Broad Rd, Willingdon BN20 9RA, 9.30-11.30am, 01323 487885
Sovey Tumblers see Mon, 123pm.
Vicky Bees Playgroup, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Rd,10am-11.30 am, 01323 737974
►Hailsham Area
Buddies Play Group, Hailsham Family Hub BN27 2JZ, 1011.30am, all year round, 0-5 yrs, 01323 463244
Hailsham Methodist Church Parent & Toddler, 9.30-11.30am (not Aug or bank hols), find on Facebook
Nature Makers, toddler nature art classes, Bushy Wood, Hailsham BN27 3LZ, 1-6yrs, 9.40-10.40am, book: nature-makers.co.uk/eastsussex-coast (see advert p.7)
The Hellihubs, parent, baby & toddler group, Hellingly Community Hub BN27 4EP, 8.3010am, 01323 449415
Little Gems, Christchurch, Ropemaker Centre, Hailsham, 1011.30am, get in touch before 1st visit, 01323 844428
Herstmonceux Tiddlers & Toddlers, Village Hall, Wed 9.3011.30am, 0-5yrs, 07896 185120
Nature Makers, toddler nature art classes, Bushy Wood, Hailsham BN27 3LZ, 1-6yrs, 9.40-10.40am, book: nature-makers.co.uk/eastsussex-coast (see advert)
ABC Playgroup, Hailsham Parish Church, 0-5yrs, 9.30-11.30am, 01323 442410
► Heathfield Area
Broad Oak Baby & Toddler Group, St George’s Parish Room, Broad Oak, all year round, 10-11.30am, 01435 862744
Litte Munchkins, baby & toddler group, Mayfield Scout Hut TN20 6NT, 9-11am, 01435 873888
Baby Rhymetime, Heathfield Library, 1010.30am, 0345 6080196
Little Warblers, Warbleton Church Rooms, Church Hill, TN21 9BD, 9.15-10.45am, 01435 830421
Pre-Schooler Rhymetime, Heathfield Library, 10.30-11am, 0345 6080196
St Richard’s Toddlers, St Richards Church Hall, Park Rd, Heathfield, 1.30-3.30pm, 01435 862744
Little Fish Baby & Toddler Group, Welcome Baptist Church, Heathfield, 10-11.30am, 01435 864646
Burwash Common Babies & Toddlers Group, the Pavilion, Brushwash Common, 10am12pm, see on Facebook Little Punnetts Toddler Group, Punnetts Town Village Hall, £2 per family, 9-11am, 01435 831515
Fun Fridays, Skippers Hill, Mayfield, run by Kindergarten teacher, 10.30-11.45am, 18mths+, 01825 830234
Little Fish Baby & Toddler Group, Welcome Baptist Church, Heathfield, 10-11.30am, 01435 864646
► Lewes Area
Ringmer Tiddlers & Toddlers, Village Hall, 9.30-11.30am, ringmertiddlers@gmail.com
Lighthouse, baby & toddler group, the Trinity Centre, 9.30-10.30am (need to book), 01273 474377 Little Beacons, baby & toddler group, Firle CoE Primary School BN8 6LF, 9-10am, 01273 858260
Lighthouse, baby & toddler group,Trinity St John sub Castro Church, 9.30-11.30am (need to book), 01273 474377
St Peter’s Possoms Toddler Group, St Peter’s Church Chailey, 9-11am, 01825 722286
Boogie Bunch, singing group for parents & pre-schooler, the Trinity Centre, 10-10.45am (need to book), 01273 474377
East Hoathly Baby & Toddler Group, Village Hall BN8 6EQ, 10.15-11.30am, 01825 840575
Ringmer Tiddlers & Toddlers, see Mon.
The Lunch Bunch, The Trinity Centre, Lewes, Thu 12-1.45pm, 01273 483007
Christ Church Tots, BN7 1BL, 9.30-11.30am, activities@christ-church- lewes.org
Malling Munchkins, Malling CCtre, drop in all year round, 10-11.30am, 0-5yrs, free, 01273 336930
PlayGroup, All Saints, Lewes, 1011.30am, allsaintsplaygrouplewes @gmail.com
Storytime, Lewes Library, 10.3011am, 0345 6080196
► Newhaven Area
First Steps Group, Peacehaven Family Hub, drop in, 1-3yrs, 9.3010.30am, free, 01273 336930 Jitterbugs, Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven, 10-12am, 01273 517250
Denton Bumps & Babies, Denton Parish Church Hall, Newhaven BN9 0RD, 10.15-11.30am, 0-12mths, dentonbumpsandbabies@gmail.com
Just Play Group, Peacehaven Family Hub, drop in all year round, 0-5yrs, 1-2.30pm, 01273 336930
Little Fishes, Denton Parish Church Hall, Newhaven BN9 0RD, Thu 10.15-11.30am, dentonparishchurch@gmail.com
Rhymetime, Newhaven Library, 10.30-11am, free, 0345 6080196
Rhymetime, Peacehaven Library, 10.30am-11, free, 0345 6080196
Storytime, Peacehaven Library, 1st Friday of the month, 2-2.30pm, free, 0345 6080196
► Seaford
Tots Treats, St Luke’s Church Hall, Walmer Road, Seaford, 9.3011.00am, 07506 143476
Tots Treats, St Leonards Church Hall, Seaford, 9.30-11.00am, 07506 143476
Scallywags, Seaford Baptist Church, 9.30-11am, 01323 896009
Storytime, Seaford Library, 10.3011am, 0345 6080196
► Uckfield Area
Mini Fun n’ Bound, Fun Abounds, Uckfield, 6mths-4yrs, 09.30-11.00pm (booking essential), 01825 768479
Toddler Praise, Maresfield Church, 9-10.15, 0-4yrs, 01825 769004
Trinity Toddlers, Holy Trinity Church, TN22 4AD, 9.1510.45am, call before coming for the 1st time, 01825 733833
Newton Baby & Toddler group, Cornerstone Church, Uckfield TN22 5AE, 10-11.30, 07969 638280
French Baby Story & Rhyme Times, Uckfield Library, monthly 1st Thu, 2-2.30pm, free, 0345 6080196
Jellybeans, Wadhurst Parish Church, bible stories & some song with Christian theme, 9.30-11am, kat.wadhurstchurch@gmail.com
Nutley Nutkins, baby/toddlers, Maresfield village Hall, TN22 2EN term time 9.1511am, 07761 829494
Tots Playgroup, Uckfield Family Hub TN22 1DL, 10-11.30am, U5s, 01273 336930
Mini Fun n’ Bound, see Tue. Storytimes, Uckfield Library, 10.30-11am, free, 0345 608 0196
The Ark at Kings Church, Civic Centre, Uckfield, 1011.30am, 01825 765115
► DADS' Group
DAD’s Stay & Play, in partnership with Parent Minds, Devonshire Family Hub BN27 7NB, Thur, 12.30-2pm, 07707 171709
Dads & Tots, Maresfield/Nutley Village Hall, for dads/grandads & toddler, monthly Sat 9.30-10.30am, vicar.maresfieldandnutley@ protonmail.com
Dads on Saturdays, Wadhurst Parish Church, Sat, 9.30-11.30am, 0-7yrs, 01892 782141
Please tell our fantastic advertisers that you saw them in the Family Grapevine!
Please check before attending as times/days might have changed
Little Learners Messy Play and Mark-making, Uckfield, Thu am, 07747 104974
Dance + Drama
Art of Dance, Lewes & Hove, 2yrs+, professionally qualified teachers, 07976 068989
babyballet classes, in Hailsham, Eastbourne & surrounding, 6mths6yrs, 07842 244210 (see advert) babyballet, Eastbourne & Hasting, 6mths-4yrs, 07891 952104
Boogie Beans, Peacehaven, toddler dance & music, Thurs, 10am, 07932 949468
Diddi dance, funky preschool dance, Eastbourne, Polegate, Willingdon & Uckfield, 07788 246073
Eastbourne Academy of Dancing, Bopping Babies & pre-school classes, 01323 417260
Hampden Park Sports Centre, Eastbourne, modern Fri 4-6pm & ballet Thurs 4-6pm/Sat 9-11am, 3yrs+, 01323 509859
KiddiCity, circus classes for children U8s, 07947 080902
Magni Dance, preschool ballet, free trial class, Priory Rd, Eastbourne, 2yrs+, 07585 922887
Mini Motion, creative parent & toddler dance classes, Crowborough & Uckfield, 07734 863791
Old Town Dance, Eastbourne, 2½yrs+, 07809 296375
Pre-school dance at Shining Stars Dance Academy, Eastbourne, Tap & Boogie, ballet, 07980 986672
Rennie Dance Academy, 3yrs+, Newick, Uckfield, 01825 761596
SLH Dance Academy, Lewes, 2yrs+, Tuesday mornings, 07539 215547
Stage Stars, Eastbourne, dance, singing and drama classes for 2-4 yrs, 07926 106393
Stomp & Stamp, fun dance & movement classes with music, stories & songs, Eastbourne, 2½yrs+, 07957 408694
Summerheath School of Dance, Hailsham, 2½ yrs+, 01323 840092
Turning Pointe School of Dance, ‘Tiny Turners’ parent & toddler class, 18mths; ballet 2½yrs+; tap & modern 4yrs+, 07947 803105 turningpointedanceschool.co.uk
Universal Dance, Uckfield, 2.5yrs4yrs, 07885 528356 (Uckfield) Music + Movement
Hartbeeps, Sensory Music Classes, Eastbourne: Mon, Tue, Fri; Hailsham: Wed, Thu, 07786 446119 (see advert p.5)
Jazzy Jo’s Song Time, LangneyThu, Eastbourne, pay as you go, 07896 762604
Moo Music Eastbourne, moosical and sensory fun for your little ones, 0-5yrs, 07950 610083
Tinklers Music Time, fun, imaginative music session, puppets & bubbles, 0 - 5yrs, Lewes & Uckfield, 07799 886440
Tiny Tots Music for parents with little ones, Newick & Waldron/Heathfield, 4mths-4yrs, 07973 141101
Sport + Gym
Pres-School Gymnastics & Trampoline, Fun Abounds, Uckfield, Mon/Thu/Fri pm, 2.5-4yrs, 01825 768479
Cai Baby Yoga, 1-2-1 & group classes, 12wks to mobile, 07999 286778
Downs Leisure Centre, Seaford, gymnastics, Thur 2-2.45pm, 2.54yrs, 01323 490011
Eternity Gymnastics, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, 22mths5yrs, Thu am, 07925 052397
EzeeSport, sports & games programme, Crowborough, Mon/Wed/ Thu/Fri am, 2-4yrs & Sun pm, 3yrs+, 07720 525819
Crest Swim School, Chailey, 4 mths+, 01825 790896
Crowborough Leisure Centre, swimming lessons from 6mths+, 01892 665488
Hailsham Leisure Centre, swimming lessons from 2yrs+, separate toddler area, 01323 846755
Frontier School of Karate & Kickboxing (FSK), Heathfield, Uckfield, Battle, Crowborough, 3yrs+, 07970 686054 (see advert p.12)
Glide Balance Bike, activity led bike classes to teach the skills to ride a pedal bicycle, 2-6yrs, 07930 676035
Happyjacks Pop Up Gym Play gymnastics based play events for walkers-5yrs, various venues, 07738 381384 (see advert p.4)
Little Kickers, fun football training, Eastbourne, Lewes, Chiddingly, Seaford, Bexhill, 18mths-5yrs, 07802 864719
Mini Mornings, trampoline & softplay fun for under 5s, Urban Jump, Healthfield, Mon & Fri, 10am/noon, 01435 863277
Ninja Arena Eastbourne BN21 3NW, activity & obstacle course, U5s (conf. walker), Tue/Thur, 10am-12pm, 01273 054949
Rugbytots, weekly play sessions in Eastbourne & Lewes for boys & girls, 2-5yrs, 0345 3130421 (see advert p.5)
Sovereign Centre, pre-school gymnastics lessons, 4yrs+, 01323 738822
SportsCool+Seaford Town FC, football, Seaford, Sat am, 2yrs/3-4yrs/5yrs, Facebook@ SSCBrightonLtd
Uckfield Gymnastic Club, from crawling to adults, led by British Gymnastics qualified coaches, office@uckfieldgymnastics.co.uk
Zen Toddler Yoga, Horam Manor Farm, Heathfield, walking5yrs, 07539 501402
Our dynamic weekly play sessions enable boys and girls aged 2–7 to develop their social and physical skills in a fun, positive environment. For more details, just call or email: 0345 313 0421 helen@rugbytots.co.uk
Hydro School, Eastbourne, 3yrs+, 07840 146248
Lewes Leisure Centre, fun swimming & lessons available from birth, 01273 486000
Love Baby Swim School, birth upwards, Oaklands Park Pool Isfield, nr Uckfield, MonFri, 01825 840377
Motcombe Pool, Eastbourne, swimming lessons from 3mths+, 01323 410748
Ottertots, from 6 weeks 4 years, Eastbourne, Tuesdays 10am-12pm & Thursdays 11.30-1.30pm, term time, 07936 592840
Puddle Ducks baby & pre-school swimming lessons in North Chailey, Crowborough & Hailsham, 01892 617246
Seaford Head Pool, pre-school lessons, 5mths+, 01323 897632
Seahaven Swim & Fitness Centre, Newhaven, pre-school lessons, 5mths+, 01273 512498
Sovereign Centre, Eastbourne, lessons from 6mths+, 01323 738822
Swim Skills School, York House Hotel, Eastbourne, babies+, 07817 640748
Uckfield Leisure Centre, swimming lessons from 6mths+; Little Splasher sessions for U5s Mon, Wed-Fri, 01825 761160
Water Babies, Chailey Heritage School, weekends, birth4yrs, 01273 552454
Water Babies, Eastbourne, Crowborough, Ticehurst, Tunbridge Wells, birth - 4yrs, 01424 892568
Water Nippers, Isfield nr Uckfield & Seaford, 0 - 8yrs,, 01273 621333
Action Tots, Eastbourne, Mon & Thu am, 2.5-4yrs, 07973 168585 (see advert p.5)
Cherry Wood Adventures Bluebell Club, outdoor activities, Arlington, Fri; Folkington, Tue, 2-4yrs, 07887 556336
Forest Friends, woodland crafts, music & exploration, East Chiltington BN7, Fri 10-11.30, 1-5yrs, Facebook: @forest friends forever, 07980 006680
Jumping Juniors Stay & Play: messy play, baby play or free play, Crowborough TN6 2QN, 0-5yrs, 01892 240397
Little Forest School, woodland based activities for children & adults, 2yrs+, home ed, 07764 823438 (see advert p.6)
Social Tots, Eastbourne, Mon-Thu am, crawler-2.5yrs, 07973 168585 (see advert p.5)
Woodland Playgroup/Forest School Lewes, craft, campfire, storytelling & more, Fri 10-11.30am, 2yrs+, wildinthewoods.weebly.com
Attwood Farm Nursery School, Bodle Street Green, Nr Hailsham, birth - 5yrs, 01323 831781
Bede’s Nursery & PrePrep, Eastbourne, 3mths4yrs, 01323 356987
Bluebell Barn Nursery, Stone Cross, Eastbourne, 3mths5yrs, 01323 487081
Bluebell Hill, Seaville Drive, Eastbourne, 3mths5yrs, 01323 724017
Bluebell Wood, Goward Hall, Cade St, Heathfield, 3mths5yrs, 01435 868949
Bunny Run Childcare Centre, Hellingly, 0-5yrs, 01323 848490
Copperfield’s Day Nursery, Saffrons Road, Eastbourne, 4mths5yrs, 01323 644661
Cumnor House Sussex, Private Nursery, flexible hours, funded places, 2yrs+, 01825 790347
Denton Island Nursery, Newhaven, 3mths-5yrs, 01273 515125
High Cliff Academy Nursery, Southdown Rd, Newhaven, from 3yrs, funding accepted, 9am3pm, 01273 041471
Hopscotch Children’s Nursery, Seaford & Peacehaven, 0-5yrs, 01273 385577
Ladybirds Pre-school, Ticehurst, large outdoor area, sensory room, 0-5yrs, Mon-Fri year round, 01580 201617
Leaps & Bounds Day Nursery, Eastbourne Town Centre, 3mths5yrs, 01323 410585
Little Poppets at Seaford Primary School, 2 - 5yrs, 01323 896069
Little Tinkers Nursery School, Five Ashes, 3mths - 5yrs, 01825 830772
Maggie’s Day Nursery, high quality childcare 3mths-5yrs, free funded only spaces, 01323 652468
Manor Twiglets Nursery, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield, 25yrs, 01825 765487
Meadows Mere Nursery School, Kingsmere, Eastbourne, 1-5yrs, 01323 461114
Old School House Montessori Nursery, De Monfort Rd, Lewes, 0-5yrs, 01273 480492
Owlets Nursery School, Priory Learning Centre, Eastbourne, 2-5yrs, funding available, 07745 347352
Parsonage Farm Day Nursery, Ticehurst, 3 mths-5yrs, open all year round, 01580 201263
Pebbles Day Care, Fort Road, Newhaven, 3mths5yrs, 01273 516099
Pooh’s Nursery School, St Philip’s Church Hall, Eastbourne, 1-5yrs, 01323 430045
Stepping Stones Lewes Community Nursery, Morris Road, 0-5yrs, 01273 477777
The Blue Door Nursery, Seaford, 0-5yrs, 01323 491821
The Meadows Nursery School, Hailsham, 2-5yrs, 01323 440144
The Mohair Centre Nursery, Laughton BN8 6JG, 1-4yrs, Forest School, 01825 872457
Tiddlers Nursery, Green Lane, Crowborough TN6 2DY, 0-5yrs, 01892 611887
Toddlers Inn Nursery School at St Peter’s Primary School, North Chailey, forest school, 0-5yrs, 01825 721800 or 07517 103371 (see advert)
Tots & Time Out, Eshton Rd, Eastbourne, 0mths11yrs, 01323 726132
Warren Day Nursery & Pre-School, Crowborough, 0-5yrs, 01892 653167
Wild Monkeys Nursery, 29
Glynn Rd, Peachaven, Mon-Fri, 2-5yrs, 07818 505469
Zebedees, providing nurseries with hot lunches, afternoon teas & baby meals for children 0-5 yrs, 01323 811307
Pre-School Nurseries + Playgroups
Alfriston Pre-School, Private Forest Site, lots of fun activities, own allotment, 0-5yrs, 07812 335981
Annan School, Eason’s Green, Uckfield, 2-5yrs, 01825 841410
Attwood Farm Nursery, Bodle Street Green, nr Hailsham, birth5yrs, 01323 831781
Barcombe Playgroup, Village Hall, 2 - 5yrs, 07845 937254
Bonners Nursery, Bonners
CofE Primary School, School Hill, Maresfield, TN22 2EG, 2yrs+, 01825 762381
Bonners Nursery, School Hill, Maresfield, 2-4 year olds, Mon-Fri, term-time , 01825 762381 ext 3
Bourne Primary School Nursery, Melbourne Rd, Eastbourne BN22 8BE, 3 - 4yrs, 01323 724729
Butterfly Nursery, Greenwich House, Meridian Centre, Peacehaven, 6mths-5 yrs, 01273 580819
Chalk Hill Preschool & Toddler Group, Eastbourne BN20 9HT, 2-4yrs, 01323 504659
Charlie Bear’s Nursery, Mercread Road, Seaford, 0-5yrs, 07939 073131
Cheeky Little Monkeys Nursery, Hailsham Baptist Chapel, 24yrs, 07960 830588
Cottage Pre-School, St Mary’s Social Centre, Lewes, 2-5yrs, 01273 474979
Denton Community Primary School and Nursery, Newhaven, 3-4yrs, 01273 513377
Early Birds Pre-school, Seaford Baptist Church, 2-5yrs, 01323 896009
East Sussex Montessori School,Alfriston BN26 5TL, 2-6yrs, 01323 430981
Emmanuel Pre-school, Hailsham, Learning through play 25yrs, 07766 630334
Forest Park Day Nursery and Pre-School, Tunbridge Wells, 0-5yrs, 01892 512313
Framfield Pre-School, rural setting, Mon-Fri term time, 7.45am-6pm, 2-4yrs, 01825 890943 (see advert)
Harbour Nursery, Church Hill, Newhaven BN9 9LX, 35yrs, 01273 514532
Horam Community Preschool, Village Hall TN21 0JE, 2-5yrs, 01435 812192
Jumping Beans at Parkland Infant School, Eastbourne, 2 - 5yrs, MonFri 9am-3pm, 01323 502622
Kindergarten at Skippers Hill Manor Prep School, Mayfield, 2-4yrs, 01825 830234
Kingston Pre-School, Kingston Village Hall, The Street, 2-5yrs, 01273 486060
Little Deers Nutley PreSchool, Memorial Hall, Nutley, 2-5yrs, 07535 655013
Little Horsted Nursery School, Nr Uckfield TN22 5TS, 2.5-4yrs, 01825 750380
Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Forest Row, Saplings: 2yrs; Kindergarten: 3-6yrs, michaelhall.co.uk
Micklefield Nursery School, Seaford, 2-5yrs, giant sand
Stone Cross Independent Preschool, Pevensey, 2-5yrs, 01323 740149
> Full listing available online scan the QR code
Maths & English study programmes, now available digitally!
Eastbourne Study Centre 01323 332455
Annan School, Eason’s Green, Uckfield, 2-11yrs, 01825 841410
Bede’s Preparatory School, Eastbourne, 5-13yrs, 01323 734222
Bede’s Senior School, Upper Dicker, 13-18yrs, 01323 843252
Claremont Nursery, Preparatory & Senior School, St Leonards & Bodiam, 3mths-18yrs, 01424 751555
Cumnor House Sussex, Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep, 60 acre site, 01825 790347
Eastbourne College, mixed, 1318yrs, 01323 452300
Lewes Old Grammar Junior School, 7 King Henry’s Rd, Lewes BN7 1BX, 4-11yrs, 01273 473246 (see advert)
Lewes Old Grammar Senior School, 140 High St, Lewes BN7 1XS, 11-16yrs, 01273 472634
Lewes Old Grammar Sixth Form School, Westgate St, Lewes BN7 1XS, 16-18yrs, 01273 472634
Mayfield School, Mayfield TN20 6PH, girls 11-18yrs, 01435 874600
Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Forest Row, 0-18yrs, michaelhall.co.uk
Sacred Heart School, Wadhurst TN5 6DQ, mixed, 3-11yrs, 01892 783414
Skippers Hill Manor Prep School, Mayfield, mixed, 2-13yrs, 01825 830234
St Andrew’s Prep, Meads St, Eastbourne, co-ed, 9mths13yrs, 01323 733203
Kumon Eastbourne Study Centre, affordable maths and English tuition, Mon 4-6pm on zoom, Tue & Thu4-6.30pm, Ratton school, 01323 332455 [one-week free trial availble in Oct & Nov] (see advert) Home Ed
Little Forest School, woodland based activities for children & adults, 2yrs+, home ed, 07764 823438 (see advert p.6)
The Outdoors Project, Home Ed sessions, The Paddock, Lewes & School Workshops, 7-11yrs, 07498 284792 (see advert p.12) Out of School Clubs
Homework & Activity Club, Uckfield Library, Thur 3.30-4.45pm & Seaford Library, Fri 3.30-4.45pm, 5-11yrs, free, 0345 608 0196
EzeeSport, sports & games programme, Crowborough, TueThu, Sun pm, 5-7yrs, 07720 525819
Framfield Pre-School after school club & breakfast club, 2-4yrs, 01825 890943 (see advert p.9)
Lower Willingdon before/after school club, Eastbourne BN20 9RJ, 5-11yrs, 01323 489264
OASTies & TOAsties, Wadhurst, before/after school & holiday club, 5 - 11yrs, 01892 786585
The Outdoors Project, adventure clubs run on school premises, check website for venues, 5-12yrs, 07498 284792 (see advert p.12)
Bede’s Holiday Club, Bede’s Prep, Eastbourne BN20 7XL, Summer: 1 July-23 August, 5-12yrs (ext. hours available), www.bedesholidayclub.org (see advert)
Butterfly Nursery, holiday playscheme, Greenwich House, Meridian Centre, Peacehaven, 3-11yrs, 01273 580819
HAF Holiday Club, Denton Island Ccentre, Newhaven, Mon-Thu, Easter/Summer/Xmas, 10am2pm, 7-11yrs, 01273 517250 Hailsham Leisure Centre, varied daily activity programme, 6-12yrs, full/half day, 01323 846755
Holiday Club, Crowborough Leisure Centre, arts, craft, team sports & more, am/pm/full day, 5-11yrs, 01892 665488
Holiday Club, Hailsham Parish Church, Easter and Summer Holiday clubs, phone for details, Rec-Y6, 01323 442410
Little Poppets at Seaford Primary School, 2 - 11yrs, 01323 896069
Manor Twiglets Nursery, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield, 211yrs, 01825 765487
Pied Piper, multi activity camps, St Andrew’s Prep, Eastbourne BN20 7RP, SUMMER: 9-16 Aug, 4-12yrs, 07939 040494 (see advert)
Rascals Playscheme, Hampden Park Sports Centre, Eastbourne, multi-sports, crafts, games, 4-12yrs, 01323 509859
Schools Out, various days each holiday, Community Wise, Eastbourne, 10am-12pm, 5-11yrs (with adult), 07542 856511
Seaford Holiday Club, Seaford Baptist Church, forest school sessions, arts & crafts, 2-U5s & 5-11yrs, seaford-holiday-club.co.uk/
Uckfield Leisure Centre, holiday kids club, full, half day & drop in, 4-11yrs, 01825 761160
Whitehill Holiday Club, Luxford Rd, Crowborough, 2-12yrs, indoor & outdoor activities (except xmas), 01892 610816
Arts & Craft + Performing Arts + Music
Art & Craft Classes, The Art House Café, Eastbourne, 01323 728691
Create Music Summer School, wide range of instruments & musical practices, Year 2-11, 10-19 July, createmusic.org.uk
Dance Boot Camps with Universal Dance, themed days, Uckfield, call for info, 07968 295862
Andrew’s Prep Holiday Camp (Eastbourne)
Embark on an exciting journey with Pied Piper multi-activity camps, the ultimate experience for children aged 4 to 12 during their Easter and Summer holidays!
Providing fantastic OFSTED registered childcare with over 60 different activities for children to take part in.
Our camps are safe, friendly, and secure, ensuring your child’s adventure unfolds in a nurturing environment. Our staff are carefully selected for their fun-loving, caring, enthusiastic and committed nature and their ability to deliver the Pied Piper difference throughout your child’s week at camp.
Join Pied Piper at St Andrew’s Prep, where joy knows no bounds, and every moment is a chance to create wonderful childhood memories that last a lifetime!
Arts & Craft + Performing Arts
+ Music (cont.)
Depot Lewes, Summer Film Making for kids, 8yrs+ & Summer Film Making for Teens, 12yrs+, 10.15am-3.15pm, 29-31 July, 01273 525354
Stagecoach Eastbourne, performing arts summer workshop, 19-23 Aug , 4-16yrs, 01323 306944
Stagecoach Lewes, Summer Camp, Kings Academy, Ringmer, 6yrs+, 01273 504380 or 07933 726924
Turning Pointe School of Dance, summer holiday workshops, Plumpton Village Hall, 12-16 Aug, 4yrs+, 07947 8031, office@ turningpointedanceschool.co.uk, turningpointedanceschool.co.uk
Zylo Performance Film School, Heathfield: 29July-2Aug), Ringmer: 5-8Aug, Uckfield:1222Aug , 6-14yrs, 07796 305205
Outdoors + Nature Beach School East Sussex, holiday club, Holywell Eastbourne, 1/2 terms, summer holidays, 5-11yrs, beachschooleastsussex.co.uk/ holiday-clubs
Cherry Wood Adventures, outdoor activities, Arlington near Eastbourne, 4-11yrs, 07887 556336
Dernwood Children’s Woodland club - Horam, Sun am (summer only), Family Holiday GroupLewes, wildinthewoods.weebly.com Little Forest School, woodland based activities for children & adults during the holidays, 07764 823438 (see advert p.6)
Mini Farmers Holiday Club, South Brockwells Farm TN22 5QS, Easter/summer/Xmas, 10am-2pm, 7-14yrs, Book via Eventbrite Railway Land Holiday Club, school holidays, Lewes BN7 1BE, summer holidays, 24, 25, 29 July-1 Aug, 5-8 Aug, 6-13yrs, 01273 477101
Sussex Wildlife Trust, Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, various activities check website, 6-11yrs, 01273 497561
The Outdoors Project, fun, games, adventure, The Paddock, Lewes, Summer: 15 July-29 Aug; October half-term, 5-12yrs, 07498 284792 (see advert & box)
To read more about the
CLUB at The
Brighton & Hove Albion Soccer Schools, boys & girls, Eastbourne, Uckfield, Robertsbridge, all abilities welcome, 5-12yrs, 01273 878265 (see advert p.11)
Buzz Active, Watersports: Eastbourne & Cuckmere, adventure week: Bushy Wood, 6-14yrs, 01323 463300
C.A.C.L Football Camp, 4-14yrs & Gymnastics Camp, 4-11yrs, Eastbourne, 29 July-1 Aug, 01323 730467
Eastbourne Borough FC, holiday courses, 4-13yrs, Boys & Girls, call for dates, 01323 766265
Elevate Tennis Coaching, holiday tennis camp, Cross in Hand, 1518/24-26 July, 5-8/19-22 Aug, 5-16yr, 07790 037030
EzeeSport, sports & games holiday camp, Crowborough, Easter-selected days, sibling discount, 3-6yrs, 07720 525819
Funabounds, Uckfield, coached trampoline courses & fun sessions on the trampolines etc, 5yrs+, 01825 768479
Lewes Startrack Athletics, Lewes BN7 2XG, 29 July-1 Aug & 19-21 Aug, Y3-6, lewesac.co.uk
Premier Sport, Multi-sports, Lewes, Eastbourne, 5-12yrs, 01953 499040
Seahaven Swim & Fitness Centre, Newhaven, activity programme, swim, sports etc, 6-15yrs, 01273 512498
Set2Win, Tennis Camps, The Old Town Hub, Eastbourne, 4yrs+, Facebook:@Set2WinTennis
SportsCool Brighton, multisports camp, Lewes, Seaford & Eastbourne, 8.30am3.30pm, 4-12yrs, Facebook@ SSCBrightonLtd
Summer Pony Morning, Glebe Field Riding School, Chiddingly nr Lewes, Tue & Thur, July & Aug, 4yrs+, 01825 872198
Tennis Camp, Southdown Sports Club, Lewes, 29 July-9 Aug,46yrs/5yrs+/6yrs+, 01273 480630
Tennis Eastbourne, camps at the Sports Park, all school hols, 412yrs, 07850 327695
Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux, workshops & science activities throughout School Holidays, summer: 30 July-21 Aug (selected days), 6yrs+, 01323 832731
Artytime scrapstore, Jarvis Brook Rec park, Crowboroug TN6 2EG, Mon/Thur pm, Tue/Wed/2+last Sun am, 07851 972377
Circus and Stunts
High Top Circus, Trapeze, Rope & Silks, All Saints Centre, Lewes, Mon, Thu, Fri pm, 7-17yrs, 01273 486391
Acting Moon Bigtop School of Circus Arts, Junior Circus, 7yrs+, Mon-Thu; Youth Circus, 12yrs+, Tue-Thu, 01323 325957
KiddiCity, circus classes for children U8s, 07947 080902
Dance and Drama
BalletBesque, childrens ballet for beginners to advance, classes in Crowborough, 07789 915230
Bond School of Dance, Seaford, ballet, tap & modern, contemporary, 3yrs+, 01323 492795
Hampden Park Sports Centre, Eastbourne, modern Fri 4-6pm & ballet Thurs 4-6pm/Sat 9-11am, 3yrs+, 01323 509859
Magni Dance, classes in all disciplines, free trial class, Eastbourne, suitable from 2yrs+ to adults, 07585 922887
Perform confidence-building drama, dance & signing classes for 4-12yrs every Tue, St John’s Parish Hall, BN20 7QT. Try a free class, visit: perform.org.uk/try (see advert)
Rennie Dance Academy, ballet, tap, modern, streetdance, musical theatre, 3yrs+, Newick, Uckfield, 01825 761596
Streetfunk, streetdance classes for ages 4-18 in Newhaven & Lewes, 01273 308525
Turning Pointe School of Dance, ballet tap/ modern/ contemporary & musical theatre, Lewes and Plumpton, 2½yrs+, turningpointedanceschool.co.uk
Brighton & Hove Albion Soccer Schools, fun after school football, 5-12yrs, 01273 878265 (see advert p.11)
Brighton & Hove Albion Foundation, disability football sessions: autistic spectrum, cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome, partially sighted, deaf, physical & learning disability, 01273 668590 (see advert p.11)
Martial Arts
Frontier School of Karate & Kickboxing (FSK), Heathfield, Uckfield, Battle, Crowborough, 5yrs+, 07970 686054 (see advert)
Swimming Pools
Hailsham Leisure Ctre, 01323 846755
Lewes Leisure Ctre, 01273 486000
Motcombe Pool, 01323 410748
Newhaven Scuba Ctre, 01273 612012
Pells Open Air Pool, Lewes, 01273 472334
Saltdean Lido, open daily until the 1st September, saltdeanlido.co.uk [newly renovated]
Seahaven Swim & Fitness Centre, Newhaven, 01273 512498
Sovereign Centre, Eastbourne, 01323 738822
Uckfield Leisure Centre, 01825 761160
Bewl Water Outdoor Centre, Lamberhurst, sailing, canoeing, windsurfing, 8yrs+, 03000 415200
Buzz Active, Eastbourne & Cuckmere, windsurfing, canoeing, sailing, power boat, body boarding, SUP, 01323 463300
Eastbourne Kayak & Surf Hire, until end Sep, 07917 863791
Newhaven & Seaford Sailing Club, 01323 8890077
Pevensey Bay Sailing Club, 01323 761002 (weekends only)
Abbots Wood Arlington, Polegate BN26 6SL. Ancient woodland with walks, medieval lake, BBQ hire, picnic tables and play area.
Ashdown Forest Centre Wych Cross, RH18 5JP. Once a Norman deer hunting forest, now a large free public access space, great walks and the ‘home’ of Winnie the Pooh, Pooh Sticks Bridge and Pooh Corner Shop
Bedgebury Pinetum Goudhurst TN17 2SJ, 2,000-acre forest, walks, cycling/mountain bike trails, dirt jump area, cycle hire, adventure trail (Gruffalo Party trail), café
Bewl Water, Lamberhurst TN3 8JH, walking, cycling, bike hire, sailing, paddle board hire, aquapark, playground, café
Crowborough Pump Track, Goldsmiths Recreation Ground, TN6 2TN. 65 meters pump track.
Cuckmere Haven, Seven Sisters Country Park, Exceat, 280 hectares of chalk cliffs, meandering river valley, open chalk grassland for walks, bird watching, rock pooling, cycling to the beach & canoeing.
Dungeness (RSPB reserve), TN29 9PN. Shingle, freshwater pits, wet grassland, wildflower meadows, great place to see migratory birds. (see advert)
Fore Wood (RSPB reserve) near Crowhurst TN33 9AG. Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), dotted by gyhlls – steep-sided little ravines in the sandstone where rare ferns grow and wildlife thrives. (see advert)
Friston Forest Exceat, west of Eastbourne off the A259, walks, cycling, mountain biking, picnic tables, BBQs, children’s play area.
Hampden Park Eastbourne BN22 9QN. Sports and recreation facilities inc. football, rugby, cricket, tennis, playground & BMX skate facility, café, free admission.
Newhaven Skatepark & Pumptrack, located off Fort Road, BN9 9DL, in the south of the town, near Newhaven Fort.
Railway Land Nature Reserve Lewes BN7 2FG. Over 20 acres of meadowland & woodland reclaimed from the old rail yards, nature reserve open all year round, accessible by wheelchair.
Shinewater Park Eastbourne BN23 8AT. Includes footpaths, cycle paths, playground, lakes, all-weather sports court, BMX & skate area, fishing with a permit.
Sussex Dolphin Project Boat Trips, tours around the Sussex Coast: Seven Sisters (6yrs+); Brighton Sunset Wildlife Cruise, (2yrs+); Rampion Wind Farm, (10yrs+); Beachy Head (8yrs+), June to Aug (selected Fri-Sun), 01273 355011 (see advert p.10)
Blackberry Farm near Lewes BN8 6JD. Set in Sussex countryside, animals, wildfowl; most can be petted or fed by hand. Large outdoor play area, ‘Clucky’s’ indoor playbarn, sensory zone, tractor/pony rides.
Join our FREE Family Learning Days every Wednesday and Thursday throughout the summer holidays.
Explore our site and learn about our animals with two exciting new trailsAnimal Olympics and A Terrapin's Tale
Plus animal talks, film shows and crafts.
Butterfly Gardens Middleton Common Farm, Ditchling, free flying butterflies from all over the world inside a 3000 square foot polytunnel. Onsite farm shop. Drusillas Park Alfriston Road just off the A27, BN26 5QS. Zoo, interactive displays, extensive adventure playgrounds, rainforest-themed carousel ride, Safari Express Train and Hello Kitty Secret Garden which incl. children’s rides; restaurants, cafes, seasonal events.
Hastings Aquarium Rock-ANore Rd, Hastings TN34 3DW. Close encounters with seahorses, sharks, rays and hundreds of other aquatic creatures, plus reptiles and frogs, underwater walk-through tunnel. Open daily.
Knockhatch Adventure Park on A22 at Hailsham BN27 3GD. Animals, falconry, year-round indoor soft play at ‘Froggies’, children’s farm, go karts, outdoor playgrounds, ski slope and more, seasonal events.
Middle Farm West Firle, Lewes, BN8 6LJ. Family farm with a small flock of sheep, lambing in spring, playground and play hay barn, animal handling sessions, farm shop, tea room, gift shop.
Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare, Ringmer BN8 5AJ. Charity giving animals a better life through rehoming, rehabilitation & sanctuary. Café, shop, children trail & activities - open daily 10am4pm, free entry but booking is essential. Family Learning Days during the school holidays. (see advert)
Sharnfold Farm and Farm Shop Stone Cross BN24 5BU. Farm trail, animals, play area, PYO, coffee shop, farm shop, seasonal events.
1066 Battle of Hastings, Abbey and Battlefield, Battle TN33 0AD English Heritage insight into the Battle of Hastings and 1066. Explore the abbey ruins, awardwinning audio exhibition which brings to life the dramatic story of the Norman Conquest.
Bateman’s National Trust House, Burwash TN19 7DS. Former home of Rudyard Kipling with gardens, walks, watermill tea room, seasonal events. Open daily.
Bodiam Castle National Trust near Robertsbridge TN32 5UA. Story book castle; the exterior is virtually complete & the walls rise dramatically above the moat. Explore the battlements climb the spiral staircases. Seasonal events. 0pen daily. (see advert p.15)
Eastbourne Lifeboat Museum BN21 4BY. Admission free, open all year round, see website for opening times.
Herstmonceux Castle Gardens and Grounds BN27 1RN
Magnificent moated castle, set in 500 acres of parkland & Elizabethan gardens. The Castle is closed to the public though guided tours available. Home to the Observatory Science Centre
Lewes Castle and Barbican House Museum, Lewes BN7 1YE. Climb to the top of this 1,000 year old Norman Castle for stunning views across Sussex. In the Barbican House you’ll find the Museum of Archaeology.
Michelham Priory Upper Dicker, BN27 3QS. Foundations of the 13th century priory, tranquil moated gardens, watermill, play area. Family events.
Pevensey Castle, Pevensey BN24 5LE. With a history stretching back over 16 centuries, it chronicles more graphically than any other fortress the story of Britain’s south coast defences. Beginning in the 4th century as one of the last and strongest of the Roman ‘Saxon... ...Shore’ forts, 2/3 of its towered walls still stand. It was the landing place of William the Conqueror’s army in 1066 and during the century following the Conquest, a full-scale Norman castle, with a great square keep and a powerful gatehouse, was built within one corner of the fort. In the 1250s the towered bailey wall was constructed, and soon put to the test during the great siege of 1264. Open daily from April.
Priory of St Pancras in Priory Park, Lewes BN7 1HP (satnav use BN7 2XA). During the 11th century, monks came here from Cluny in France to establish the first Cluniac priory in England. The Priory survived for 450 years until the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1537, walk in the footsteps of medieval monks and imagine how the buildings once looked. A recreated herb garden grows plants that monks would have used for medicinal, culinary and ceremonial purposes, free.
Rye Heritage Centre Strand Quay TN31 7AY, incl. the story of Rye, Rye Town Model sound and light show and a working collection of Old Pier amusement machines. Historic and ghost audio walking tours are available for hire. Open Wed-Sun.
Seaford Museum Martello Tower BN25 1JH. Local history museum with children’s events in school holidays. Displays from a general store, dressmaker’s parlour, the contents of an ironmonger’s, chemists, toy and photographer’s shop, as well as a Victorian schoolroom, Victorian kitchen, wartime kitchen. Domestic appliances from the first half of the 20th century include early typewriters, copiers, computers, radios and television sets.
Sheffield Park and Garden NT TN22 3QX. Informal landscape garden laid out in the 18th century by ‘Capability’ Brown, further developed in the early 20th century by its owner, Arthur G. Soames. Walks, family activities, woodland play trail, seasonal events. (see advert p.15)
Shipwreck Museum Hastings TN34 3DW. Stories of shipwrecks off the Hastings coast; explore shipwrecks, find out how to find your own dinosaur remains on the beach and discover what global warming means for the coastline.
Towner Eastbourne BN21 4JJ, Contemporary art museum with lots of family activities and events. Open Tue–Sun (+ hol.Mon), free.
Wakehurst Gardens and Millennium Seed Bank, Ardingly, RH17 6TN. ‘Kew in the Country’, botanic gardens run by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Walks, natural play spaces, Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank, restaurant, café, plant/gift shop, seasonal events and family trails. (see competition p.7)
Find online
Boathouse Farm Camping, Uckfield TN22 5TY, grass pitch camping on a traditional working organic farm, situated next to the river Ouse, contact via email or Facebook
Bramley Park Camping, Polegate BN26 5PH, camping & glamping site located in an AONB, the South Downs NP, 07763 832525
Chalky Downs Campsite, Bevendean Farm BN2 6AF, stunning views over the South Downs, May-Sep, 01273 673004
Cuckoo Camp, Church Farm, Climping/Littlehampton BN17 5RR. Family run small campsite on the south coast alongside the river Arun, close to Climping beach (30 min walk), dog friendly, 07759 172021
Foxwood Camping, Patching BN13 3UL nr Worthing, woodland camping with your own fire pit, nestled within the South Downs NP, holidays & weekend, end April–Sep, 07983 151780
Hale Farm, Hale Green, Chiddingly BN8 6HQ, camping, glamping, spacious pitch with a fire pit, beautiful views, adjacent footpath linking to the Weald Way, farm visit 9-11am (no additional charge), 07711 695189
Hook Farm Campsite, West Hoathly RH19 4PT. Beautiful views of the Sussex Weald, weekends & bank holiday only, May-Sep, 01342 811113
Lewes Wild Willows Camping, Lower Stoneham Farm, Lewes BN8 5RJ, lovely family friendly campsite based on the river Ouse, 07534 253846
New Wharf, Steyning BN44 3AL, family run campsite and farm with private and easy access to the river Adur. Pitches and shepherd huts, 5m bell tents available for rent, 07830 659903
The Mac’s Farm Campsite, Ditchling BN6 8GT, camping & glamping, nestled in the South Downs NP, peaceful, family campsite on a working organic egg farm, weekends & mid-week, 01273 845189
Wild Combe Camping, Elsted, Midhurst GU29 0JY, campsite surrounded by beautiful unspoiled countryside and access to reservoir for swimming, kayaking & SUP, 07775 568415
Find LOTS MORE ONLINEscan the QR code, above ↑
Hare & Hounds Pub & Restaurant, Framfield TN22 5NJ, play area, 01825 890118
Latchetts Farm at Heaven Farm, Furners Green, Uckfield TN22 3RG. Creamery serving handmade ice creams, cakes, chocolates, pancakes, waffles & traditional sweets, 01825 791692
Lewes Garden Centre, Newhaven Road, Kingston BN7 3NE. Small children play area in the cafe, 01273 473510
Love Cake Café Meads St, Eastbourne BN20 7RH. Freakshakes, play corner, regular craft sessions, 07707 766629
Mojava Cafe, Uckfield TN22 1PU. Family-friendly, 01825 765714
Molly’s Coffee Shop Rottingdean Undercliff Walk BN2 7A. Homemade cakes, soups, 01273 309322
PizzaExpress - Eastbourne, 24 Cornfield Rd BN21 4QH. Family-friendly restaurant, conveniently located, kids’ menu, activities, parties + watch the pizzaiolos in action. Long booths for celebrations, 01323 649466 [newly refurbished, July 2024] (see advert p.4)
Sheffield Park and Garden NT Sheffield Park, Uckfield TN22 3QX. Family friendly café with children’s lunch boxes, 01825 790231 (see advert p.15)
The Big Beach Café, Hove Lagoon BN3 4LX. Fatboy Slim’s cafe, near playground/paddling pool & skate park; kids' menu, in/ outdoor seating, 01273 911080
The Juggs Inn, Kingston nr Lewes BN7 3NT. Family-friendly, children’s menu for U12s, park & playground next door, 01273 472 523
The Plough, Upper Dicker BN27 3QJ. Beer garden, children's menu for U12s, play area, 01323 844859
The Crow and Gate Inn, off the A26 Uckfield Rd, Crowborough TN6 3TA. Lovely setting, large garden, children's menu, nice walks near by (Ashdown Forest), 01892 603461
The Coach and Horses, Danehill RH17 7JF. Family pub/restaurant, beer garden with sandpit, swing and slide, 01825 740369
The Tennis Cafe Gildredge Park, Eastbourne BN21 1HD. Café with huge outdoor children’s play area. Find LOTS MORE ONLINEscan the QR code, above ↑
Until the 10th September
Meadowland, Wakehurst, a celebration of meadows (see competition p.7)
Until the 14th September
Summer Reading Challenge 'Marvellous Makers' | 4-11yrs, at your local library or sign up online, a celebration of the Creative Arts.
Until the 27th October
Bloomin' Brilliant: The Life & Work of Raymond Briggs, Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft.
6 July
Summer Spectacular, Newhaven RNLI, 200yrs celebration.
6 July - 1 September
Children's Summer Craft, Bodiam Castle - NT, Robertsbridge, selected days, 12.30-4pm. (see advert)
7 July
Lewes to Newhaven Raftrace, This years theme is "Wacky Racers", starting at Malling Recreational Ground in Lewes.
11 July
Happyjacks Softplay Pop Up Gym Play | walker - 5yrs, St Anthony's Centre, Eastbourne BN23 6NH, 9.30am & 11am. (see advert p.4)
13 July - 1 September
Jungle Book Family Trail, Bateman's - NT, Burwash, trail with Jungle Book twist.
13 July - 8 September
The Castle the King Built trail with Nosy Crow, Bodiam CastleNT, Robertsbridge. (see advert)
16 July
Wriggle Room | U5s - Free/dropin, Towner Eastbourne, 10am-12pm.
20 July
Happyjacks Softplay Pop Up Gym Play | walker - 5yrs, Hellingly Com. Hub BN27 4EP, 9.30am & 11am. (see advert p.4)
20 - 21 July
Jurassic Musical Adventure | 3yrs+, Congress Theatre Eastbourne, See our life-sized, monstrous beasts up close.
20 July - 1 September
Escape to the Country, Standen House & Garden - NT, nr East Grinstead, traditional games.
Exotic Spots - Family Summer Trail, Sheffield Park & GardenNT, TN22 3QX. (see advert)
20 July - 8 September
Nature Heroes-Flower Power, Wakehurst, mission pack (see competition p.7)
27 July
Charity Dog Show, Crowborough Community Centre, 10am-2pm.
1 - 31 August
The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Devonshire Theatre Eastbourne 2 - 4 August
Good Vibrations Society, Ashdown Forest, camping, music, ecology & wellbeing.
4 Aug
Seaford Beach Clean, with Plastic Free Seaford, 1st Sunday of the month, meeting alternates between Martello Tour side or the Buckle end of the beach, 10-12am.
7 - 8 August
In the Night Garden Live, Congress Theatre Eastbourne 11 August
Beachy Head World
Championship Penny Farthing Hill Climb TT, Western Lawn, Eastbourne BN21 4EH. 15 - 16 August
Airborne: Eastbourne International Airshow 2024 18 - 26 August
Knight School, Bodiam CastleNT, Robertsbridge. (see advert) 23 August
Milkshake Live On Holiday, Congress Theatre Eastbourne
24 August
Uckfield Repair Café, 4th Saturday of the month, 9.30am-noon. 24 - 25 August
Feastival, Hampton Park Eastbourne, music, food & family activities.
6 - 8 September
Into The Trees, Ashdown Forest, weekend of family adventure.
7 September
Crowborough Repair Café, 1st Saturday of the month, Ashdown Junior School, 10am-12.30pm. 8 September
Eastbourne Beach Clean, with Plastic Free Eastbourne, 2nd Sunday of the month, meeting alternates (Beach Deck Cafe), 2-4pm.
21 - 22 September
Autumn Show & Horse Trials, South of England Showground, Ardingly (see competition p.8)
28 September
Seaford Repair Café, last Sat of the month,1-3.30pm, lunch at noon.
One Week FREE TRIAL at Kumon Eastbourne Study Centre. (see advert p.10)
28 October
Steve Backshall - Ocean, Congress Theatre Eastbourne
28 November - 1 January
Glow Wild, Wakehurst, magical winter lantern trail (see competition p.7)
Do this until you feel more relaxed.
When you’re calm, raise your arm and shout for help. Swim to safety if you can.
Gently move your hands and feet to help you float.
Lean back to keep your mouth and nose out of the water. 3
Push your belly up and stretch out your arms and legs into a star shape. 1 Keep calm. Don’t swim hard. Hold onto anything that floats. 5