The essential guide to local information for bumps to teens
Win Family Tickets to the Super Car Event! Discover Spring Fun for all the Family! Save 75% off Busylizzy Joining Fee! Things to Do
and more...
Spring's here at last and with any luck the weather
Looking for a Pre-School in Guildford?
will be on our side so we can get out and about
Child’s Play Pre-School• opened in Sessions April 2008 and is owned and Forest School • Warm and Caring Atmosphere managed by two local parents, Thea Arthur and Susan Raftery. accepted years of Guildford, and As well as being just •5Children minutes fromfrom the2centre • Free places available for 15 and 30 hours providing a caring and nurturing environment where the children info@childsplaypreschool.co.uk feel safe and happy, they also offer Forest School sessions for the 01483 565343 older children. The sessions are led by Natalie, Guildford United Reformed Church a qualified Forest 83 PortsmouthFirst Road, GU2 School leader trained in Outdoor Aid4BSas well as Paediatric First Aid and are run on awww.childsplaypreschool.co.uk beautiful privately owned piece of woodland adjacent to Mount Browne. The children take part in a range of planned and supervised activities such as making structures (shelters, knots and lashings, weaving etc.), natural art and craft, storytelling, tool use, fire making and campfire cooking, as well as using the site for unstructured play and exploration.
and enjoy all the wonderful things there are to see and do locally. As always, we've got over 1,000 listings for local services, support, classes and things to do. Don't forget to let us know if you'd like to add a listing, or have an event you'd like us to share. We also have some brilliant offers for you in this issue. You can get 75% off the joining fee at Busylizzy which is a great way to get started on a whole range of classes for you and your little one. See pages 5 and 6 for details. You can also WIN one of four FAMILY TICKETS to the SUPERCAR event by entering the competition on our back page, and enjoy a FREE HOT DRINK when you visit Little Street using the voucher
• Open 8.30am - 2.45pm
Parent feedback shows how much fun the children have: “Forest school has been everything I hoped it would be and my child absolutely loves it. She is going to have a lot of memories of her adventures. Thank you to all of you" Get in touch to find out more :
opposite. Finally our What's On Guide is packed full of fun things
to do with your families - we hope you all have a lovely Springtime!
Guildford United Reformed Church
Laura Bademosi - Editor Tel: 01932 701197 Email: laura@thefamilygrapevine.co.uk Web: www.thefamilygrapevine.co.uk/gws
Laura x
Activities for Preschoolers..............7 Additional Needs Support..............3 Ante, Postnatal Support..................5 Baby Activities.....................................9 Child Minders, Babysitters & Aupairs..................................................9
83 Portsmouth Road, GU2 4BS
Little Street
A GUIDE TO CONTENTS Activities for School Age Children........................................11,12
01483 565343
Children's Swimming.......................6 Day Care Nurseries............................8 Help and Support...........................3,4 Independent Schools....................10 Tutors..................................................10 Party Time..........................................13 Preschools & Nannies.......................9 Soft Play................................................8 What's On Guide.......................14-15
One free hot drink with each paid child entry Present voucher on arrival at any Little Street venue www.little-street.co.uk Valid 1 Nov 2019 - 31 Dec 2020
award winning indoor markets
Woking 26th April, 11am-1pm The Winston Churchill School
Page 5 & 6: 75% OFF Busylizzy Joining Fee Page 16: Win Family Tickets to the Super Car Event
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Help and Support for Adults, Children and Families Local Information Offices Guildford Borough Council, 01483 505050 Guildford Tourist Information Centre, Tunsgate, 01483 444333 Spelthorne Borough Council, 01784 451499 Surrey Heath Borough Council, 01276 707100 Woking Borough Council, 01483 755855
Citizens Advice Bureaux Guildford, 15-21 Haydon Place, 0300 3309013 Runnymede and Spelthorne, Offices in Addlestone and Sunbury, 01932 827187 Surrey Heath, 03444 111 444 Woking, 26 Commercial Way, Woking, 0300 3301198
Libraries Addlestone, Byfleet, Chertsey, Guildford, Knaphill, Lightwater, West Byfleet, Woking Libraries, 0300 2001001
Bereavement Support CRUSE Bereavement Care, Guildford, Waverley, 01483 565660 CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), raising awareness and support, 01737 363222 Financial & emotional support for families who’ve lost a young adult aged 16-25, 01323 482772 Jigsaw4u, grief support for children and families, 020 8687 1384 MAMA Academy, Bereavement support, 07427 851670 Miscarriage Association, contact for local support, 01924 200799 SANDS, Surrey Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society, 0808 164 3332 Surrey North Area Cruse Bereavement Care, Chertsey, 01932 571177 The Compassionate Friends, Support after the death of a child, 0345 1232304 The Lullaby Trust, raising awareness of sudden infant death syndrome, 0808 802 6868
Carer’s Support Action for Carers Learning and Work Service, advice for Carers, 0303 0401234 Carers Support Runnymede, Chertsey, 01932 564446 Surrey Young Carers, Spelthorne and Runnymede, 01483 568 269 Tree Tops, respite care for disabled children up to 18 years, Chertsey, 01932 568365
Child and Family Health Support and Advice Beacon Centre, Guildford, support for life changing illness, 01252 729400 Becci Hayward Counselling and Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders teens & family, 07765 258011
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) One stop, advice line, 0300 222 5755 Cedar House Support Group, for those suffering with postnatal depression, 07773 283556 Education Everywhere, helpline for families wanting non school based education, 07814 357015 Family support for children with autism and other additional needs, 07769 116382 Guildford Action, Supporting Families in Guildford and Waverley, 01483 560003 Home-Start Ashford, Support and Friendship for Families, 01233 647 209 Home-Start Guildford,Support and Friendship for Families, 01483 511181 Home-Start Runnymede and Woking, Support and Friendship for Families, 01483 740367 Home-Start Spelthorne, Support and Friendship for Families, 01784 463200 Home-Start Surrey Heath, Support and Friendship for Families, 01276 681121 Kidscape, for parents, concerned relatives, friends of bullied children, 020 7823 5430 National Autistic Society Surrey Branch (parent to parent support group), 07423 435 413 NSPCC, National Society Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 0800 800 5000 Outline, Helpline to support people with their sexuality and gender identity, 01483 727667 Parental Choice, advice on family rights and childcare options, 020 81030386 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Guildford (Helpline 7.309.30pm), 0800 0288022 Re-Unite International Child Abduction Centre, 01162 556234 Salvation Army Guildford, 01483 506763 Samaritans, call us free any time, from any phone, 116 123 Surrey Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership, 0300 200 1004 Surrey Family Information Directory, via SCC, 0300 200 1004 Surrey Victim Support, 0808 1689 111
Children and Young People with Additional Needs ADD and ADHD Support Group, 01784 884817 Angela Bareford Tutor specialising in Dyslexic and Dyspraxic, Woking, 07814 812543 Auditory Verbal UK, helping deaf babies and children listen and talk, 01869 325000 Challengers, play and youth schemes for disabled children/young people, 13-18yrs, 01483 230939 Children with Disabilities Team East, 01737 737828
Children With Disabilities, Woking, 01483 517950 Contact A Family, information and support for special needs families, 01784 460842 Darryn Leslie, Children’s Occupational Therapist, based in Woking, 07879 054348 Disability Advice and Information for Runnymede and Spelthorne, 01932 567131 Disability Initiative Support Team, 01276 676302 Dot Sign Language, learn British Sign Language in Guildford, 01483 222245 Dyslexia Action Training, 01784 222304 Dyslexia Helpline, S E Surrey Dyslexia Association, 01737 556173 Dyspraxia Foundation Surrey, support for children and adults with dyspraxia, 01372 702984 Early Action for Autism: 1:1 ABA therapy, 07400 608998 Face to Face, befriending parents of special needs children, 01932 567131 Family Link, practical support for Surrey Families, 03456 009 009 Family support for children with autism and other additional needs, 07769 116382 Headway Surrey, supports people with brain injuries and their families, 01483 455225 Hera Therapy Services, offer Equine Therapy in the Surrey area, 01483 278609 MERU, designs and makes custommade disability equipment, 01372 725203 National Autistic Society, family support in Surrey, 01483 861600 New Life Foundation for disabled children, helpline, 0800 902 0095 Nursery and therapy services, White Lodge Centre, Chertsey, 01932 567131 Rendezvous Saturday Club is for disabled young people aged 13 to 18 years, 01932 567131 Shooting Star CHASE Hospice Care for Children, Surrey, 01932 823100 Sight for Surrey, assistance and support for the visually impaired, 01372 377701 Social Information on Disability. Buy or sell second-hand disability equipment, 0800 043 9395 Surrey Parent Partnership, Guildford, Waverley, 01483 517890 Surrey Parent Partnership, Runnymede, Woking, Surrey Heath, 01483 518110 The Sunflower Trust, for children with health, behavioural and learning issues, 01483 531498 Surrey Portage Early Education Support Service, 01483 517179 Surrey Social Services Deaf Services Team, 01372 869961 The Life Train Trust, activities, advice and support, 01372 360875 White Lodge Centre, child assessment service, Chertsey, 01932 560909
Children’s Crisis Contacts Childline, FREE CALL, 24hr helpline, talk to specially trained listeners, 0800 1111 NSPCC, National Society Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 0800 800 5000 Social Services Contact Centre, any serious concern, 8am-6pm, 0300 4709100 Surrey County Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, any serious concerns, 0300 470 9100 Surrey Social Services, for urgent crisis after hours (5-9pm), 01483 517898
Counselling Services Becci Hayward Counselling and Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders teens & family, 01483 338850 Confide Counselling, here to help, listen and support, Guildford, 01737 842809 Confidential individual + couples counselling. Ripley, Woking, Guildford, 07941 305511 Counselling for young people and adults, 07843 153456 Healthy Happy Me! Helping children and teens achieve healthy minds and bodies, 07769 116382 Low cost counselling for children, young people & adults, 01273 725259 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Guildford (Helpline 7:309:30pm), 01483 546400 Relate West Surrey, counselling for people with relationship problems, 01483 602998 Surrey Family Mediation, offering child counselling, 01372 224730 Your Life and Soul, Counselling for children, young people and adults, 07843 153456
Domestic Abuse, Support and Advice Domestic Abuse Outreach Service, N. Surrey branch, 01483 898884 Mankind Initiative, for male victims of domestic abuse, all areas, 01823 334244 Men’s Advice Line, advice/support for men in any abusive relationship, freephone, 0808 801 0327 National Domestic Violence, 24hr Helpline, FREE, Confidential, 0800 9702070 National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline, 0800 999 5428 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Guildford (Helpline 7:309:30pm), 01483 546400 South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service, 01483 898884 Surrey Law Centre, Surrey, free legal advice clinics disadvantaged/ vulnerable, 0330 002 0099 Your Sanctuary, advice, support, refuge accommodation, HELPLINE, 01483 776822
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Help and Support for Adults, Children and Families Health Helplines
Drugs and Alcohol Support and Advice Al-Anon Family Groups, support for anyone affected by someone’s drinking, 020 7403 0888 Alateen, support for 12-18yrs affected by someone’s drinking, 020 7403 0888 Alcoholics Anonymous, National Helpline, 0800 9177 650 Catalyst, offers drug and alcohol users help and support, 01483 590150 FRANK, drug helpline, open 24hrs, 0300 123 6600 Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care helpline for confidential support, 080 88025000 Surrey Drug Care, 24hr/365 day helpline, support/options, 0808 802 5000 The Acorn Community Drug and Alcohol Team, 01483 450256
First Aid Training for Parents, Carers and Children ABC Kickstart First Aid & Training, 07706 243747 British Red Cross, for Surrey area information, 0344 412 2808 Daisy First Aid Elmbridge, Parent & Childcarer first aid classes, various venues, 07594 334901 Early Bird First Aid, courses for every age, various venues, 07967 598338 Myosotis Training Services Ltd., First Aid Training, 08456 529907 Safe and Sound, Paediatric First Aid Courses, 020 8445 8998 St John Ambulance First Aid and Care Courses, regional info, 01483 450000 Surrey First Aid Training, Specialist in Paediatric and Parent First Aid, Surrey, 01483 238268 Train-aid courses in Gford. Learn skills that could save the life of little ones, 01737 211228
Foodbanks Guildford Salvation Army Drop-In and Food Crisis Centre. Donations welcome, 01483 506763 North Guildford Foodbank, St Clares Church, Cabell Road, 07583 025435 Woking Foodbank (three sites at Sythwood, Sheerwater and Woking), 07896 077760
Fostering and Adoption Surrey Adoption service (adoption and post adoption counselling), 0800 096 9626
Action for Sick Children, 01614866788 Anaphylaxis Campaign, supporting people with severe allergies, 01252 542029 Asthma UK, 0300 222 5800 BEAT, helpline for all eating disorders, 0808 801 0711 BLISS, for families of special care babies (freephone), 0808 801 0322 Breast Cancer Care Helpline, 0808 8006000 Cedar House Support Group, for those suffering with postnatal depression, 07773 283556 Child Autism Uk, 01344 882248 Children’s Heart Federation Helpline, free phone, 0808 808 5000 CLAPA, Cleft Lip and Palate Association, for Surrey area, 020 7833488 Diabetes UK, East Surrey area, 01372 720148 Down’s Syndrome Association, helpline, 0333 1212 300 Epilepsy Action, national helpline, 0800 800 5050 Epilepsy Action, teenagers & children, Guildford support group, 01306 252677 Infertility Network UK, advice, support and understanding, 01424 732 361 Macmillan Cancerline-Freephone, 0808 808 0000 Meningitis Now, national number for local groups, 0808 801 0388 National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service, 020 8952 2800 NHS 111 health advice, 24 hrs a day/365 days a yr, 111 NHS Pregnancy Smoking Helpline, be smoke free when pregnant, 0300 1231044 SANE helpline, open 6pm to 11pm, 0300 304 7000 Sickle Cell Society, 020 8961 7795 The Fountain Centre, support for those living with cancer, 01483 406618
Parenting Courses and Support Ali McLure Parenting Consultant, workshops in Guildford, 07974 855971 Clarendon CC, Ashford, Little Treasures, parents of premature or poorly babies, 01784 424759 Family Lives, helping parents to deal with the changes, 0808 800 2222 NLP Kids, Courses and Workshops, Send, 01628 660618 Parental Choice, advice on family rights and childcare options, 020 89796453 Parenting Puzzle Workshops, Clarendon Children’s Centre, phone for details, 01784 424759 Parenting Success Coaching, creating healthy habits for the whole family, 07756 918126 Positive Parenting Project stress-free parenting strategies for 2-18 yrs, 07944 883701 Surrey Care Trust, Parenting Circles, support, skill sharing, 01483 426990
Registered Family Therapists Ann Cook Osteopath Cranial osteopathy for all the family:, 07990 582724 Darryn Leslie, Specialist Children’s Occupational Therapist, based in Woking, 07879 054348 Homeopathy2u Ltd, round the clock Mobile Alternative Therapy Service, 07526 029998 MamaToto, pre-conception, pregnancy/postnatal care, Chertsey based, or mobile, 07766 782311 Maternity Reflexology, Woking and surrounding areas, 01483 858258 Surrey Osteopathic Care, care for the whole family including pregnant women, 01483 789109 Susan-Emma Complementary Therapy, Reiki for mum and baby, Addlestone, 07789 681775 Wishing Well Natural Health Clinic, Woking, 01483 764582
Mediation Services
Speech and Language
Guildford Community Mediation Service, 01483 715063 Surrey Family Mediation Service, for families going through divorce, separation, 01737 919 675 Woking Community Mediation Service, 01483 715063
AFASIC UK Helpline, for young people with speech and language problems, 0300 666 9410 Chattertots Independent Speech/ Language Therapy, 2 to 8 years, 01483 389949 Dot Sign Language, learn British Sign Language in Guildford, 01428 751561 Phonics 4, Postal Phonics Courses for Children age 3½+, 01483 487714
One Parent Families Families Need Fathers, help/ advice, keep families in contact, 0300 0300363 Gingerbread, Single Parent Helpline, 0800 0185026 Lone Parent Advisor, 020 8250 4600 National Council for One Parent Families, 0800 108 5026 Working Families helpline, work/life/ balance organisation, 0300 012 0312 Your Sanctuary Surrey 24 hour helpline, advice, support, refuge accommodation, 01483 776822
Young People’s Support and Advice Addlestone, information, advice, support 13-19 years, 01932 857690 Ask Brook, sexual health information for under 25s, text a question, 07537 402024 BEAT, help for all eating disorders, YOUTHLINE, 0808 801 0711 Bullying UK, find reliable information at www.bullying.co.uk
Childline (FREE call), 24hr help, 0800 1111 Connexions Staines, information, advice, support for 13-19 years, 01784 460479 Cruse Bereavement Care, FREEPHONE Helpline, 0808 808 1677 Eating Disorders Association youthline, 0808 801 0711 Guildford Challengers, 01483 230588 HIV Testing and Counselling Advice, Guildford, 01483 537007 Kid Power UK, bullying prevention, put safety first, 07591 572928 Low cost counselling for children, young people & adults, 07932 047778 Outline Surrey, Lesbian, Gay and Transgender network, support, 01483 727667 Runaway Helpline, FREE, 24/7, confidential. Ring or text, 116 000 Sexual Health Line, information, help and support, 0300 123 0123 Spelthorne Young Parents Group, Ashford Youth Centre, 07792 069158 Supportline, confidential emotional support to children and young adults, 01708 765200 Surrey County Council Youth and Community Office, via SCC, 0300 4709100 Surrey Sexual Health Service, Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health, 020 3317 5252 The Lifetrain Trust, training/life skills for young people, 01372 360875 The Mix, confidential helpline for youngsters in difficult situations, 0808 808 4994 Young Parent’s Group, also parents to be, 13-25yrs, 01483 888122
Beauty and Massage Therapists Sarah Aylward, child friendly beauty therapist with 12 yrs experience, Guildford, 07860 251 538
Gifts, Keepsakes and Photography Baby Bump Painting, ideal photo as keepsakes and to show friends, 01252 684545 Capturing joy filled family photos & films of love, life & everything inbetween, 07944 394 832 Casting Impressions, beautiful 3D castings of your baby’s hand and feet, 07976 576102 Jazz It Up Ceramics, the mobile ceramics company based in Surrey, 07976 647507 Little Memories Jewellery, fingerprint/ artwork in handmade silver, 07913 587710 Relaxed and creative family photography. Park shoots, home and studio sessions, 07919 367 212 Timeless Casting, a special gift that will last forever, 07957 900 646 Tiny Treasures Fingerprint Jewellery, Byfleet, 0845 458 4332
Ante and Post Natal Support and Services Antenatal Services
Ante and Postnatal Exercise
Action on Pre Eclampsia, information and advice, 01386 761848 Addlestone Therapy Centre, Pregnancy Massage, Maternity Reflexology, 01932 831616 Blossoming Birth Company, Hypnobirthing, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga Classes, 07553949031 MAMA Academy, educates mums and midwives throughout pregnancy, 07427 851670 NCT (National Childbirth Trust), 0300 330 0700 NCT Bumps and Babes, Staines Congregational Church, 0300 3300700
Postnatal Services
Association for Postnatal Illness, support for sufferers, 020 7386 0868 Cedar House Support Group, for those suffering with postnatal depression, 07773 283556 Cry-sis helpline, for excessively crying/ demanding babies, 08451 228669 Future Path Life Coaching, enabling mums to thrive, Oxon, Berks & G. London, 07774 216750 NCT (National Childbirth Trust) Guildford branch, 0300 330 0700 Placenta Practice, Doula Services and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, 0808 1234 454 TAMBA Twins and Multiple Births Association, 01252 332 344
Midwives and Doulas North Surrery Midwives, holistic, independent, midwifery care, 07877 862444
Nappies Bambooty fashionable affordable ecofriendly easy all-in-one cloth nappies, 07788 976217 Surrey County Council Nappy Advice, 0300 200 1004 The Nappy Lady, advice you can trust, established 1999, 01252 372266 TotsBots, award winning reusable nappies, 0141 778 7486
Hypnobirthing Blossoming Birth Company, Hypnobirthing, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga Classes, 07553 949031 Daisy Birthing, Guildford, Godalming and Surrounding Area, 07841 397440 Hypnobirthing, Relax for Birth classes, Contact Wendy, 07716 321477 Maternity Reflexology, Hypnobirthing, Woking, 07745 509362 Mindful Mamma, Hypnobirthing & Antentatal Classes, Private & Group sessions, 07949 266 797
busylizzy.co.uk/contact-us/locations Baby and Toddler Groups Wednesday am
Other Baby and Toddler Groups
9.30-11am, Wednesdays, Boscos, All Saints Church, New Haw, 0-5 years, 07956 447066
ALL AREAS, Rhymetime & Storytime information, please ring your library, 0300 200 1001 CHERTSEY, Little Stars for disabled preschoolers, White Lodge, Tuesdays, 01932 567131 Gymnastics Factory, babies, sensory/movement, 12wks+,toddlers 1-2yrs, Guildford, 01483 455060 NEW HAW, Who Let the Dads Out? Heathervale Christian Centre, 0-5 years, 01932 343588 phonics4fun! Developing a love of letters and sounds from age 2+. Bisley, 01483 487714 Playschool Mornings, Woking Leisure Centre, 18 mths- 5yrs, 01483 771122 Prime Acrobatics, Babygym, walking-2 ½ years, 01483 755777 Prime Acrobatics, Fun4baby, 4 months-walking, 01483 755777 Rhymetime, Staines Library, 0300 2001001 Storytime, Staines Library, 0300 2001001 Storytime for Pre-schoolers, for days and times contact your Surrey library, 01483 543599 WOKING, The Nest (NCT) for babies under 12 months, St.
Cathedral Tots: story, music and craft. 1st Wed of month at Guildford Cathedral, 01483 547 880 GUILDFORD Parent & Toddler Group, Salvation Army Church, Woodbridge Rd, 10am, 01483 506763 Little Bears Music Classes, 3mths4yrs, Weds, Jacobs Well Village Hall, 07764 752 675
Baby and Toddler Groups Thursday am ASHFORD, Butterflies, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Road 10-12pm, 01784 423424
Baby and Toddler Groups Friday am ADDLESTONE, Little Oaks Toddler Group, Addlestone Baptist Church, 9.30-11am, 01932 820709
Baby and Toddler Groups Monday am
ASHFORD, Jingle Tots, Birth to Movers, Salvation Army Hall, 10.40-11am, 01784 423424
ADDLESTONE,Parent and Toddler Group, Salvation Army Hall, Just turn up ASHFORD, Butterflies, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Road 9:3011:30am, 01784 423424
ASHFORD, Jingle Tots, Movers, Salvation Army Hall, 9.45-10.30am, 01784 423424
ASHFORD, Jingle Tots, Movers to 4 years, Salvation Army Hall, 11.15amnoon, 01784 423424
Johns, 0300 3300700
Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Guildford, 01483 610 333 Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Runnymede, 01784 668 151 Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Woking, 01483 331 380 Fit for life! Antenatal and postnatal fitness, strength and nutrition advice, 01483 361119 Grow Yoga, Mum and Baby Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga and Baby Massage, 07890 100105 Maternally Fit, Fitness for pregnancy and beyond - taught by specialised physios, 07788 650802 Midwife led antenatal education and baby massage classes, Royal Surrey Hospital, 01483 406725 Pregnancy yoga (1st class free), baby massage and mum & baby yoga, Guildford, 07890 100105 Red Hot Yoga, pregnancy yoga in a purpose build studio, 01483 564511 Samanya Yoga, Pre-natal Yoga, 7:30-8:45pm Weds, Old Woking Community Centre, 07801 491 395 Staines Reflexology, Reflexology and Pregnancy, Staines area, 07985 428555
Breastfeeding, Weaning Help and Support Chertsey NICU Milk Bank, requires breastmilk for premature babies, 01932 722015 The Breastfeeding Network, support line, 08444 120 995
Baby and Toddler Sleep Problems Yummy Baby Group, gentle sleep solutions by phone, 07872 030206
Baby Yoga Amber Therapies, Baby Massage and Yoga in Ashford, Staines and surrounding areas, 07450 409186 Mummas and Beans, sensory, Guildford, Godalming, Cranleigh, Halsemere, Farnham, 07900 676719
Baby Massage Amber Therapies, Baby Massage and Yoga in Ashford, Staines and surrounding areas, 07450 409186 Baby Massage with Emma, Goldsworth Park, 0-1yrs, 01483 770177 Baby Massage, Guildford, 07890 100105 Midwife led antenatal education and baby massage classes, Royal Surrey Hospital, 01483 406725 Mummas and Beans, Guildford, Godalming, Cranleigh, Halsemere, Farnham, 07900 676719 Willow Sanctuary, Baby Massage, Guildford, 01483 824838
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Baby Activities and Children's Swimming Baby Multisensory Activities Baby Sensory Baby Development Classes, Woking, Ottershaw, Guildford 0-13 months, 07970 421355 Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Guildford, 01483 610 333 Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Runnymede, 01784 668 151 Busylizzy Family Club, Fitness and Fun for Mums and Little Ones, Woking, 01483 331 380 Mummas and Beans, Guildford, Godalming, Cranleigh, Halsemere, Farnham, 07900 676719
Baby Music and Dance Dreambabies classes, dance drama and singing for babies and preschoolers, 07854 395 311 Tiny Tunes Music and Dance, pay as you go 3mths-5yrs class, Byfleet, 07977 585020
Baby Signing and Communication Little Signing Stars Baby/Toddler Signing, St Johns Centre, Merrow, 07986 779209 Sing and Sign, Farnham, Guildford & Godalming, 01483 767372
Children’s Hairdressing Trotters, childrenswear, hairdressing & gifts. White Lion Walk, Guildford, 01483 454668
Childcare Advice Parental Choice, advice on family rights and childcare options, 020 89796453 Surrey Family Information Service, via SCC, 0300 200 1004
Activities for Additional Needs Children Challengers, Inclusive play and leisure for children with additional needs, 01483 579390 Dramatize’s special needs themed theatrical workshops, Ashford, 07912 183085 LinkAble Woking, supporting people with learning disabilities and autism, 01483 770037 Runnymede Rascals Cricket Club, Addlestone Leisure Centre, 01483 771553 Samber, Riding for children with special needs, Chobham, 0300 2010030 Sensations, multi sensory suite, Woking Leisure Centre, 01483 771122 The Therapy Garden, Normandy. Activities for teenagers with disabilities, 01483 813846 White Lodge Centre, Play and Leisure Services, Chertsey, 01932 567131
Family Centres, Family Group Venues Addlestone Young People and Family Centre (satellite), 01784 464 395 Buckland Family Centre (satellite), 01784 227 977
Charlotte’s Swim School, Ripley, 07773 377714 Duckling Club, Guildford Spectrum, parents and under 4’s, 01483 443322 Equator Sun, Australian UV Protectective Swim/Beachwear, 01932 230907 Julie’s Swim School, Woking, Guildford, Worplesdon, 3½yrs+, 07894 065349 Mojo’s Swim School, Baby, Toddler, Child and Adult Swimming in Guildford, 07553 885 579 Otters Swim Academy, Ottershaw, 3mths+, 07495 268102 Parent and Baby Swimming at Staines Swimming Club, Staines, 07747 624717 Parent and Toddler Splash, Pool in the Park, Woking, 0-5yrs,
01483 771122 Surrey Sports Park Swim Academy, Guildford, 01483 686980
Swimming Lessons at Guildford Spectrum, 01483 443322
busylizzy.co.uk/contact-us/locations Chertsey Family Centre (satellite), 01784 464 395 Chertsey Sure Start Children’s Centre, 01932 568758 Clarendon Family Centre, Ashford, 01784 424 759 Guildford Children’s Centre, Bellfields, Guildford, 01483 566 589 Guildford Family Centre, Ash, 01483 566 589 Guildford Park Barn Family Centre, Southway, GU2 8YD, 01483 566 589 Parkview Community Centre, 01483 743 941 Runnymede Family Centre, Hythe Primary School, 01784 464 395 Saxon Family Centre (satellite), 01932 569 742 Stanwell Family Centre, 01784 241 407 Sythwood Family Centre, 01483 743941
Baby, Preschool and Children's Swimming Aquatots: Baby, Toddler and Child Swimming across Surrey, 020 86886488 Baby Squids Swimming lessons for 0-4yrs, 01962 680 236 Box Hill Swim Team and Swim Academy, several venues in area, from 3 months, 07813 355525 Challengers Swimming Lessons, Guildford, Sat PM, 6 years+, 01483 230939
Swim Stars at The River Bourne Club, Parent and Baby Lessons 0 to 3 years, 01932 560560
Swimtime Surrey, Join the largest independent swim school in the UK, 01483 616222
At Swimtime Surrey, we are a part of Swimtime UK, the largest independent swim school in the UK. We pride ourselves on putting our swimmers first and commit ourselves in helping them achieve their potential. We offer Small classes and Private lessons to Children and Adults of all ages and abilities. Become a part of our SAFE, FUN AND SUCCESSFUL environment where swimming isn’t just a life skill but, a skill for life. www.swimtime.org
Activities for Preschoolers
Baby, Toddler & Child Swimming
Addlestone, Ottershaw, Bagshot, Lightwater, Ashford, Staines, Woking, Send & Sunbury
Tel: 020 8688 6488
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Teach Me Swimming, Ripley and Byfleet, 3 years+, 01932 355594 Team Swim School, a private and exclusive swim school in the heart of Surrey, 07915 510720 The Swimming Academy, lessons from 6 months in Guildford, 01252 512981 Water Babies, North Surrey, Woking, Godalming and Addlestone, Birth to 4 years, 01932 227428 Waterlife Swim School, Woking, 3 months to 5 yrs, 0208 947 2149 Whippersplashers Swimming Classes, Woking and Addlestone, 1 to 10yrs, 07753 386867 Woking Pool in the Park, swimming lessons, 01483 771122
Preschool Art, Messy Play Creation Station Guildford & Godalming, toddler art classes, 1-4yrs, 0844 854 9184, Woking, 07516 401835, Esher, Hersham, Addlestone, 5m-5yrs, 07592 504464, Sunbury, 07854 005640
Messy Play Gloop, led by an Early Years Practitioner, Woking, Sat 11am, 6m-7+yrs, 07412 131030 Museum Monkeys, under 5’s, Chertsey Museum, 01932 565764 The Art House, Make and Doodles fun art classes in Woking, 2-4yrs. Free cuppa!, 07954 369402
Preschool Dance, Drama Aesop’s Touring Theatre Company for ages 2-12 yrs, 01483 724633 Baby Ballet Academy, Lyne, Chertsey, 3 to 5 years, 07946 429883 Ballet Tots, ballet for boys and girls, Pyrford, 2-4yrs, 07906 339843 BKD Performers, Baby Kickz, venues across Woking, 2 to 3yrs, 07711 322512 Classical Ballet Centre, Lightwater, 2½yrs+, 07979 496140 Dance Guildford, Toddler & PreSchool, music, dance, games. Free refreshments, 07825 568679 Diddi Dance, Kingston and Sunbury, 07944 506140
Dynamic Tots, Dance, Perform and Act, Pyrford and Woking, 2-4yrs, 07766 077043 E&E Performing Arts, musical theatre classes 4-14yrs. Woking, Pyrford & Ripley, 07876 177615 Encore Theatre Arts, ballet, tap, Modern, Jazz and more, Chertsey 2½ years+, 07786 854287 Hannah Spooner School of Dance, Guildford, 2 1/2yrs+ Tues & Sat, 07815 209807 Harmony Dance and Drama, variety of classes in Send, 3 years+, 01372 454262 Jennifer Todd School of Dance, Old Woking, from 2½yrs+, 07989 306660 Jenny Reeds School of Dance, Woking, Knaphill and Addlestone, 2½ yrs+, 07428 517334Julie Sianne Theatre Arts, West Byfleet, 2½ to 18 years, 01932 347159 Kate’s School of Dance, Addlestone Community Centre, 2 to 10 years, 07957 639460 Leanne Edwards School of Theatre Arts, Bisley, 2½ to 18, 07773 121884 Monarch Studios, age appropriate variety of styles, Ottershaw & Chertsey, 2 yrs+, 07403 278197 Nichols School of Dance, Addlestone, 3 yrs +, 07557 238044 Pirbright Ballet School, Pirbright 2½ to 4½ years, 01276 709393 Pond-Grainger Performing Arts, Addlestone and New Haw, 2 years+, 01932 232830 Rebekah’s Dance School, Baby Ballet with Mummy, Lightwater, 18 months to 3 yrs, 07966 579829 Shani Nash Lets Dance, ballet classes Woking, 2yrs+, 07891 924409 Stiddard Dance Guildford, Dance Classes 2-11years, 07508 028171 Summerscales Performing Arts, Horsell, 2 yrs+, 07949 468808 Susan Robinson School of Ballet, Woking and Byfleet, 3yrs+, 07397 170899 Synergy Dance Mix @ Guildford Spectrum for boys and girls 3-5yrs, term time only, 01483 443322 Synergy Dance Movers and Shakers @ Charterhouse Club 2-4yrs, 07713 254260 Terri Jayne Theatre Arts, Lightwater, West End and Chobham, 2½years+, 01276 474275 The Performance Academy, Ballet, Modern, tap etc, Staines, 3 years+, 01784 452782 The Silke Mackay School of Dancing, Knaphill, 2½-18years, 01252 449855 Twinkle Toes Academy, ballet classes 2yrs +, Godalming, Haslemere & Compton, 01483 423553
Preschool Music and Movement Caterpillar Music Guildford, singing, music, movement and FUN! Birth-4 yrs, 07852 109834 Classes for ages 3months-4years, Wednesdays, Jacobs Well Village Hall, 07764 752675 Hartbeeps North Surrey, 6 weeks to 4 years, 07908 879153
Jingle Tots, Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Fridays, up to 3 yrs, 01784 423424 Jo Jingles, Guildford, Singing, Movement and Dance, 07789 815755 Monkey Music, classes in Guildford, Farnham & Godalming, 01483 821932 Monkey Music, Woking, Byfleet, Chertsey and Chobham, for 3 months-4 yrs, 01932 429240 Pipsqueaks, music, movement and stories for under 5’s, at GLive Guildford, 07808 921113 SingaSongofSixpence, all age songs, rhymes & fun, Guildford, 01483 870939 Tempo Tots, LiVE interactive music making classes, Horsell, 3 months to 4 years, 07956 447118 Tiny Tunes Music and Dance, pay as you go 3mths-5yrs class, Byfleet, 07977 585020 Yoganory ”Yoga entwined with story” classes, 3-12yrs, 07725 402650 Zebedee’s Music, Cranleigh, Guildford, Merrow and Woking, 6m-4yrs, 07816 172225
Preschool Sport DLKids, David Lloyd, Woking, 3-11yrs, 0345 129 6702 Enjoy-a-Ball Woking, Fun, Active, Sporty Classes, 18 months to 9 yrs, 07843 283 830 Footie Tots, 2-5yrs, Several Areas, 07931 707720 Fun4Babies Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, Weds 11.15 - 12pm, 01784 880474 FunFit Club, fun fitness, New Haw, from 3 years, 01932 843471 Futsal Kids and Tennis Kids running classes from 2-9yrs, 07446 058409 Gymnastics Factory, babies, toddlers, gymnastics fun, 12wks- 4yrs, Guildford, 01483 455060 Kiddikicks NWSurrey, Byfleet, 18 months to 5 years, 01932 489335 Kindergym, Woking Gymnastics Club, 1 to 5 yrs, 01483 771426 Little Kickers, football training, Brookwood, Lightwater & Chobham, 18m+, 01276 600393, Woking, 01932 847439 Little Rugby, non contact rugby for little ones, Chobham, 2 to 5years, 01276 600393 Little Sports Stars, Sports for Nurseries & Parties, 07722 334864 MultiSports, Little Sporties for boys and girls aged 4-5, Woking, 0844 3350450 Prime Acrobatics, Fledglings:, 3 years +, 01483 755777 Prime Acrobatics, Gymtots, 2 ½-4 years, 01483 755777
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Soft Play and Day Care Nurseries Preschool Sport cont. Rugby Tots, play programme for 2-5yrs, Guildford, Godalming, Cranleigh, 0345 313 0127 Spelthorne Gymnastics, Ashford, 2½ 5years, 01784 880474 Sporty Kidz, Soccer Saturday classes, 3 to 6 years, 01276 856182 Tiger Tots, give your child a great start with tennis, Old Woking, 2½yrs+, 07748 767339 Topspin Monkeys, movement, ball & raquet skills, West Byfleet & Pyrford, 2-5yrs, 07779 130596 Tots Tennis, David Lloyd, Woking, 3-5yrs, 0345 129 6702 Tumble Tots, play programme, Addlestone, 6 mths+, 07713 015 149
Soft Play Venues Big Apple Soft Play Centre, Woking, 01483 727100 Bounce To It, soft play group, Brookwood Mem. Hall, babies to 5 yrs, term time, 07913 698394 Chobham Adventure Farm, indoor play barn for babies to adults!, 01276 919212 Fun Tots Softplay, The Hub, Chertsey, 0-5 years, see website Gym Jams, Normandy Village Hall, under 4’s, 07836 250099 Henry’s Soft Play, great soft play for all to enjoy, Byfleet Village, 07809 149773 Kidabulous, Sunbury-on-Thames, 01932 500370 Little Street, Awakening Imagination, 01932 976894 Pick ‘n’ Mix, Woking Leisure Centre, Holidays and Weekend only, 01483 771122 Playtime, Spelthorne Gym, 0-5 years, Mon and Thurs, 01784 880474 PlayZone Spelthorne Leisure Centre, 3-5pm, 01784 493493 Rokers Little Angels Playworld, Guildford, 2-11years, 01483 236667 Specky‘s Pirate Ship Soft Play Area at Guildford Spectrum, 01483 443322 The Secret Playhouse, Ashford, 0-5years, 07754 693793
Chertsey Nursery School & Children’s Centre, Pyrcroft Road, Chertsey, 2-5yrs, 01932 562 225 Dawny’s Day Care, Addlestone Moor, 3 months to 5 years, 01932 988202 Daydream Nurseries, Horsell, Woking 3 months to 5 yrs, 01483 714827 Doodles II, New Haw, 3 months-5 years, 01932 888342 Drayton House School, Guildford, 6mths-5yrs, 01483 504707 Fennies Woking, for under 5’s, 020 8770 3222 First Steps Day Nursery, St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, 3 months-5 years, 01932 722192 First Steps Nursery, Ashford Hospital, 3 months-5 years, 01784 884757 Fitzsimmons Place Nursery, Guildford, 3mths-5 yrs, 01483 455133 Footprints Day Nursery, Ashford, 3 months-5 years, 01784 257747 Footprints Pre-School, Addlestone, 3 months to 5 years, 07773 813569 Home from Home Children’s Day Care, Woking, 07379 227695 Jollies House Day Nursery, Stanwell, 2-5years, 07918 099590 Kids Inc., Queen Elizabeth Park, Guildford, 3m-5years, 01483 237999 Knowle Green Day Nursery, Staines, 6 weeks- 5 years, 01784 464141 Little Cherubs Private Daycare Nursery, West Byfleet, 3 months to 5 years, 01932 348348 Major Minors at Lightwater, 0 to 5 years, 01276 453595 Noah’s Ark at Woking, 0 to 5 years, 01483 233832 Nurturing Childcare Ltd., Little Crickets, near Guildford, 2-4 years, 01252 400221 Pavilion Day Nursery, Sunbury, 3months-5years, 01932 780005 Pennypot Day Nursery and Preschool, Chobham, 2 months to 5 years, 01276 855886 Pirbright Day Nursery, for 2-5 yrs, 01483 797554
Playtime Nursery, Shepperton, 3months-5years, 01932 246747, Staines, 01784 457514 Rainbow Nursery and Preschool, Chertsey, 3 months to 5 years, 01932 570888 Roslin Nursery, Staines, 3 months - 5 years, 01784 462028 Round and Round the Gardens Childcare, the natural choice, Pyrford, 1 to 5 yrs, 01932 355322 Shepperton Organic Day Nursery, 3 months - 5 years, 01932 260600 Springtime Day Nursery, Staines, 3 months - 5 years, 01784 464316 Starfish Day Nursery & Preschool, Guildford. Home from home environment, 01483 877975 Summerfield House Day Nursery, Chobham, 3 months to 5 years, 01276 856556 The Castle Nursery, Markenfield, 3mths-5yrs, 01483 458877 The Castle Nursery, South Hill, GU1, 3mths-5yrs, 01483 533344 The Fun Factory Nursery, Woking, 0 to 5 yrs, 01483 766473 Toad Hall Nursery, Ripley, 3 months-5 years, 01483 222020 Toad Hall Nursery, The Old School House, Ottershaw, 3 months-5 years, 01932 874286 Toad Hall, Woking, Wishbone Way 3m to 5yrs, 01483 486116 Tringham Pre-School and Forest School, 07906 527870
Daycare Nurseries Bright Horizons Campus Kids, University of Surrey, Egerton Rd, Guildford, 01483 617720 Bright Horizons Woking Day Nursery and Preschool, 0330 127 5681 Busy Bees at Guildford Hanover House, 6wks-5yrs, 01483 569112 Busy Bees Day Nursery, West Byfleet, 6 weeks to 5 years, 01932 347061 Busy Bees in Woking, Knaphill, 3 months-5 years, 01483 797 966 Busy Bees Woking Sheerwater, 0 to 5 yr, 01483 757618 Cherrybrook Nursery, New Haw, 3 months to 5 years, 01932 336662 CherryVale Nursery, Ash Vale, 0-5 years, 01252 545477
HOME FROM HOME DAY CARE 412 Walton Road, WEST Molesey KT8 2JG and Salvation Army, Sythwood, Woking GU21 3BE Caring for children 3 months to 8 years Full day/ half day/ Before and after school club available inclusive of school run Please contact the team for more information on 020 8941 8312 for West Molesey and 07379 227695 for Sythwood, Woking
Woking Day Nursery & Pre-School, David Lloyd Sports Centre, 3 months to 5yrs, 0800 085 4074
Montessori Nurseries and Preschools Blossom Montessori School, Brookwood, 2-5yrs, 01483 488292 Bluebell Montessori, giving little people the best possible start, Pyrford, 07568 552363 Christopher Robin Montessori Day Nursery, Burpham, 3mths-5yrs, 01483 454757 Christopher Robin Montessori Day Nursery, Guildford, 3m-5years, 01483 236332 Christopher Robin Montessori Day Nursery, London Rd, Guildford. 3 mths to 5yrs, 01483 443 100 Christopher Robin Montessori Day Nursery, Woking, 3m to 5 yrs, 01483 747131 Guildford Montessori Nursery School, Onslow Village site, 2-5yrs, 07807 309025 Guildford Montessori School, Town Centre site (The Spike), 2-5yrs, 01483 574157 Shalford Pre-School, “Friendship and Learning Together”, nr Gford, 01483 452500
Pre Schools and Nannies Sessional Preschools and Playgroups ADDLESTONE: Addlestone Preschool, within Ongar Place School, 2-4 years, 01932 851744 ADDLESTONE: Bear Hugs Nursery, am and pm sessions, Station Road, 07849 657290 ADDLESTONE: Buckles and Bows Preschool Nursery, 2½-5 years, 01932 827556 ADDLESTONE: Minus 5 Preschool, Victory Park, 01932 820811 ADDLESTONE: The Nursery School, Salvation Army Hall, 2 to 5 years, 07917 446848 Angels Pre-School, 2-4 years, Wraysbury, 07944 848347 BISLEY: Bisley Preschool, Village Vall, 2½-5yrs, 07855 194070 BROOKWOOD: Peter Pan Playgroup, Alexander Barracks, 01483 798264 BURPHAM: Burpham Pre-School, 2½ to 5 yrs, 07964 884872 BURPHAM: Peter Rabbit Nursery, 2 to 5years, 07931 477947 BYFLEET: St Mary’s C of E Primary School Nursery, 3-4 years, 01932 410300 CHERTSEY: Lyne and Longcross Nursery, 2 to 5 years, 01932 872 327 CHERTSEY: Sunbeams Pre-School, Stepgates, 2½- 5 years, 01932 562394 CHOBHAM: Blossom Pre-School, Valley End, Chobham, 2 4 yrs, 01483 488292 CHOBHAM: Coworth-Flexlands Skylark Nursery, 3-5years, 01276 855707 CHOBHAM: Jackanory Pre-School, 2-5years, 01276 857209 CRANLEIGH: Cranleigh Nursery School, Guildford Road, 2-5yrs, 01483 274693 Cygnets Nursery, Shepperton, 2 to 5 years, 07787 369154 GUILDFORD: Challengers Preschool, disabled and non disabled children, 2-5yrs, 01483 230930 GUILDFORD: Child’s Play Preschool, Portsmouth Road, 2½-5 yrs, 01483 565343GUILDFORD: St Joseph’s Independent Nursery, 2½-5yrs, 01483 888401 GUILDFORD: Stoughton Pre-School, Stoughton Recreation Ground, 07941 427101 GUILDFORD: Sunshine Nursery, Cricket Pavilion, Sutherland Mem. Park, 01483 827164 HORSELL: Jiminy Cricket Playgroup, 2½ to 5yrs, 01483 720120 HORSELL: Young World Pre-School, Scout HQ, 2½-5yrs, 07774 942627 KNAPHILL: Knaphill Pre-School, 07914 707802 KNAPHILL: Pied Piper Preschool, 2½-5 yrs, 07946 284636 Laleham Church Playgroup, Staines, 2½-5years, 01784 441160 Link Up Nursery, Clarendon Primary School, Ashford, 2-5years, 01784 229396 Mini Tots Daycare, Staines, 01784 259100
Nannies and Au Pairs Brilliant Nannies dedicated and meticulous placement agency, 07545 468208 Bunters Au Pair Agency, covering all the UK, 01327 831144 Cherry Blossom Childcare, specialist childcare recruitment agency, 01483 725623
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www.childsplaypreschool.co.uk www.childsplaypreschool.co.uk NEW HAW: Teddies on a Rainbow, 2-5 years, 01932 352516 NEW HAW: The Grove Nursery, All Saints Church Hall, 2-5 years, 07951 128086 NORMANDY: St Mark’s Pre-School, 2½-5 yrs, 07717 078435 OLD WOKING: Foundations Community Pre-School, 2 -5 yrs, 07553 988109 Pomfrett Cottage Nursery, Sunbury, 2-5years, 01932 779556 Pre School at St. Saviours, Brookwood, 01483 888531 Pumpkins Pre School, Wraysbury, 07500 224115 PYRFORD: Pyrford Playgroup, Pyrford Village Memorial Hall, 2-5 yrs, 01932 336395 Rainbow Playgroup, Salvation Army, Ashford, 2½-4years, 01784 423424 RIPLEY: Ripley Preschool, Ripley CofE School, 2½yrs+, 07807 703002 Roseacre Playgroup, Shepperton, 2½-5years, 07846 750663 Shepperton Pre-School Playgroup, Shepperton, 3-5 years, 01932 240333 Springtime Nursery School, Shepperton, 3-5years, 01932 570780 Squirrels Preschool at Pyrford Primary provides a smooth transition to school, 01932 342 693 St Peter’s Nursery School, Staines, 2½-5years, 07703 814788 Sunshine Nursery, Sunbury, 2-5years, 01932 786586 The High Scope Nursery, Sunbury, 2½-4years, 07958 441712 Town Tree Pre-School, Echelford School Grounds, Ashford, 2-5years, 01784 886266 WEST BYFLEET: St Thomas More Preschool, 2 to 5 years, 07445 815059 WEST BYFLEET: West Byfleet Nursery, on Infant School site, 3 to rising 5 years, 01932 353288
WESTFIELD: ABC Pre-School, 2½-4 yrs, 07733 138895 WESTFIELD: Magical Moments, 2-5yrs, 07875 569495 Whizz Kids PreSchool, Ashford, 2½-5years, 01784 250655 WOKING: Beaufort Preschool, Goldsworth Park, 2-5yrs, 01483 488787 WOKING: Bright Sparks Nursery, Sythwood, 2-5yrs, 07392 095 518 WOKING: Golden Owls Day Nursery, Goldsworth Park, am, pm or full day, 2 to 4yrs, 01483 728276 WOKING: Holy Trinity Pre-School, Knaphill, 2½-4yrs, 07920 714310 WOKING: Mayford Preschool, experienced staff, rural setting, 2½ to 5 years, 01483 824002 WOKING: Seedlings Pre-School, St John’s Memorial Hall, 07525 731424 WOKING: The Little Acorns Preschool, 2½-5 yrs, 07947 145710 WOKING: Willows Forest School, Preschool sessions, 1 to 4 years, 07734 188174 WOKING: Woking Day Nursery & PreSchool, David Lloyd Sports Centre, 3 to 5yrs, 01483 712910 WOKING: Young Explorers Preschool, privately run in a school setting, 2¾-5 years, 01483 730052 WORPLESDON: Worplesdon Pre-School, Mon-Fri, 2½-5yrs, 07788 441623
Childminders and Babysitting Little Cherubs Babysitting Services, based In West Clandon, covering Surrey, 01483 223186 Precious Moments mobile events creche in Surrey & Sussex, 07340 958224 Premier Nannies, Nannies/Babysitting, Temporary/Emergency Staff, Surrey area, 020 8339 0298 Sitters, experienced evening and daytime babysitters, 03330 032 888 Surrey County Childminding Association, 01372 833893 Surrey Family Information Service, via SCC, 0300 200 1004 The Surrey Nanny Agency and Babysitting Service, 07985 445851 Tinies Surrey, a whole world of childcare, 020 8642 8866 West End Childminders and Nannies, social and self help group, 01276 858939
Great Oaks Nannies, Night nannies and Maternity Nurse, 01483 825807 Harmony At Home, Childcare Specialists in Surrey, 01252 820313 Hatties Nannies, friendly local nanny agency, Godalming, 01483 415406 Home Organisers, day and evening babysitting and domestic help, Surrey & beyond, 01932 254686 JEM Childcare Solutions, specialists in the Childcare and Early Years sector, 01737 248158 Maternally Yours, Maternity Nursing Specialist, 020 7795 6299 Mortimer Nannies, bespoke childcare solutions, 07793 502483 My Travelling Nanny, temporary and holiday childcare, 020 8133 3126 Nannies Unlimited, 01737 643918 Nappy Valley Nannies, 020 8946 5320 Nutkin Nannies, professionals with the personal touch, 07538 388143 Playtime at The Nanny Agency, over 20 yrs of experience, 01932 950955 Pure Nannies, helping parents and childcarers to match for your requirements, 0800 130 3434 Select Nannies, offering only the best for your child, 01932 852735 Smileys Childcare Agency, nannies/ mothers help/ babysitting, 0845 2011630 The Surrey Nanny Agency and Babysitting Service, 07985 445851 Tinies Surrey a whole world of childcare, nannies, mother’s helps, maternity, 020 8642 8866 EST 2000
Select Nannies is the professional nanny service for the Surrey area. Full, temporary or part time, live-in or daily nannies and maternity nurses.
01932 852735
info@select-nannies.co.uk www.select-nannies.co.uk
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Independent Schools and Tutors Education Information Advisory Centre, Exclusion Advice Line, 0300 0115 142 School Uniform Direct, West Byfleet, 020 8544 5440 Surrey County Council, Education Information, 0300 200 1004 Surrey Portage Early Education Support Service North West area Team, 01483 519148
Forest Schools Conkers Forest School, Sunbury, 07976 324353 Guildford Children’s Centre, Forest School, 2 to 5 years, 01483 566589 Willow’s Forest School, Chertsey, Ottershaw, W. Byfleet, Woking, G’ford, 2-11yrs, 07734 188174
Independent Schools Barfield School, Farnham, Co-ed School & Nursery, 21/2-13 years, 01252 782271 Coworth-Flexlands School, Chobham, boys 2½-7years, girls 2½-11yrs, 01276 855707 Drayton House School, Guildford, up to 5yrs, 01483 504707 Greenfield School, co-ed, Woking, 3-11 yrs, 01483 772525 Guildford High School for Girls, 4-18yrs, 01483 561440 Halstead Preparatory School for Girls, Woking, 2 to 11 yrs, 01483 772682 Hoe Bridge Pre Prep, Old Woking Road, Woking, co-ed, rising 3-7 yrs, 01483 772194 Hoe Bridge School, co-ed, Woking, 7-13 yrs, 01483 760018 Lanesborough School, Guildford, 3-13yrs, boys, 01483 880650 Ripley Court School, Ripley, co-ed, 3 to 13 years, 01483 225217 Royal Grammar School, Boys only, Guildford, 11-18yrs, 01483 880600 Rydes Hill Preparatory School, Boys 3-7yrs, Girls 3-11yrs, Guildford, 01483 563160 Sir William Perkins’s School, Chertsey, Girls 11- 18 years, 01932 574900 St. Andrew’s School, developing
Tutoring, Standard School Subjects Carol Handyside, Specialist Maths Tutor in Woking, 07818 455546 Experienced maths and English private home tutor for KS1 and 2, 07792 442996 Expert Tutors, Providing private tutors for home tuition, 0208 578 3943 Explore Learning Maths and English Tuition, Woking, 5-14 yrs, 01483 600 903 Farquhar’s Vocabulary Flash Cards, Improve 11+ vocab in a flash, see website Fleet Tutors, all subjects, all ages, 0333 920 2705 Kumon, Pyrford Study Centre, 01932 402737 Kumon Ashford Study Centre, Ashford, 0800 854 714 Kumon Guildford East, realise your child’s potential, 01483 901477 Kumon Guildford North, English and Maths, 01372 378377 Kumon Study Centre Haslemere,, 01428 642863 Kumon Study Centre, Addlestone, 01932 506509 Kumon Woking, English and Maths, 01483 726961 MagiKats Maths, English& Reasoning, extension, consolidation, remedial support, 01252 713 073 Margherita Lupi, French / German Tutor ages 5-15yrs, 07957 296 048 Mrs Jones Education - 11 Plus Exam Tuition, 020 8390 6076 Need a vetted English, Maths or 11+ tutor in Surrey. Call Lemon Tree Tutors, 01243 670820 Phonics for Four yr-Olds, Bisley, from 3 and 4yrs, 01483 487714 Postal Phonics, fun courses, ages 3-8yrs, 01483 487714 Select My Tutor, a free online platform for private tutors and students, 0208 133 9794 Southern Tutors, various subjects from 6years+, 07986 564651 Surrey Private Tutors, Experienced and Professional Tutors in Maths and Physics, 07422553868 The Reading Chest, rental service specialising in books for children 4-9yrs, 01252 705100
Tutoring, Additional Needs Dyslexia Specialist Tutor 30 yrs+ Med BA QTS AMBDA DBS all ages 1-1 my/ your home, 07889 890204
Improve 11+ vocabulary in a flash
11+ VERBAL REASONING VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS Expand your child’s antonym and synonym knowledge and achieve a higher 11+ score A comprehensive vocabulary resource with child-friendly definitions and a list of synonyms
www.vocabularyflashcards.co.uk Russian school and choir in Guildford. Saturday classes, 07526 892379
Instrumental and Vocal Tuition ACM Junior, Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford, 1216yrs, 01483 500800 All Brass from beginners upwards, Woking, 07956 625623 Bass and Guitar Tuition, All Levels, Woking, 01483 473148 Britten’s Music School, West Byfleet, 01932 351165 Cello Lessons, beginners and adults, with Jane Cameron, Woking, 07958 580598 Drum Lessons, Mayford, 01483 721100 Flute and Piano Tuition, Woking, 07952 268937 Flute tuition, B(Mus), PGCE Secondary Music, Chertsey, 07906 745359 Flute Tuition, Ottershaw, 07834 994495 Guitar Lessons MA Grad Pop Styles, beginners to intermediate, Woking area, 07971 840193 Jo Andrews. Piano, Flute, Recorder, all ages, Woking area, 01483 476548 Piano, all ages, West Byfleet, 01932 342355 Piano, flute, theory, aural teacher, accompanist. ISM member, 01428 656152 Piano and Acoustic Guitar Lessons, Addlestone, 01932 343587
potential for life, co-ed, Woking, 3-13
Foreign Language Tuition
Private drama and or singing
yrs, 01483 760943
German Saturday School, Pirbright, 01483 825707 Hindi For All, 5yrs, Woking, 01483 797943 Le Club Francais, Woking, West Byfleet, Byfleet, 4-11 years, 0208 286 3566
tuition from ex West End performer,
Staines Preparatory School, Staines, mixed 3-12 years, 01784 450909 Tormead School, Guildford, Girls only, 4-18yrs, 01483 575101
07976 364557 Professional Vocal Coach, 1-21, all levels and ages, Chertsey, 07973 432556
Farquhar’s Vocabulary Flash Cards have been specifically created to develop the advanced vocabulary needed to underpin your child’s verbal reasoning skills, and ultimately help them succeed in the 11+ Entrance Examination. This comprehensive resource includes 6 distinct packs, each with 200 key words and over 1,000 synonyms. Levels 1, 2 and 3 provide the foundations of a broad vocabulary, Opposites 1 and 2 focus on antonym pairs. The Compound pack helps children recognise the range of words which can be joined to form a new correctly spelt word. For more information visit:
Holiday Schemes and Activities 326 Club, Stepgates Community School, Chertsey, 01932 563022 ACM Junior, Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford, 1216yrs, 01483 500800 Activate Camps is the leading provider of active and inspiring holiday childcare, 0121 227 4385 Art Camp, 6-11yrs and Art Classes, 2-6yrs plus Art Parties, 07954 369402 Barracudas Activity Day Camps, Woking, Ripley and Ashford, 0845 1235299 Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 7 years+, 07957 184341 Boogie Pumps Theatre Camps, Guildford, 4 to 12 yrs, 07391 695207 CHIPS Holiday Playscheme, 4 to 11 yrs, Guildford Grove, GU2, 07729 878964 E&E Performing Arts, musical theatre classes 4-14yrs. Woking, Pyrford & Ripley, 07876 177615 Extreme Activate, Guildford Spectrum, 5-12yrs, 01483 443322 First Steps Day Nursery, for school age to 10 years, 01932 722192 FISH (Fun in the School Holidays) Playscheme, 10-16yrs, Guildford BC, 01483 444769 Fit For Sport, Kids Holiday Camps, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Staines, 01784 493493 Flair Gymnastics, summer camps in Guildford, 4-17yrs, 01483 654440 Fullbrook Sports Centre, New Haw, 5 to 12 years, 01932 348484 Guildford & Farnham Challengers Youth Schemes, 13-18yrs, Sat activities & trips, 01483 579390 Guildford Challengers Playschemes, disabled children 4-12years, 01483 230588 Gymnastics Factory, variety of courses, boys and girls all ages, Guildford, 01483 455060 Holiday Club, Chertsey Museum, 5 to 12 years, 01932 565764 Holiday Fun and Bounce, Woking Leisure Centre, 6-11yrs, 01483 771122 Holiday Stars Dynamic Tots Camps, Pyrford and Woking, 3-6yrs, 07766 077043
Activities for 5 -16 years Junior Golf Academy, Hoebridge Golf Centre, Day Camps, 01483 722611 KOOSA Kids Holiday Clubs fun and active, various locations, 4-13yrs, 01276 21884 Koosa Kids Holiday Clubs in Ashford, Sunbury and Richmond, 01276 21884 LinkAble Woking for children with learning difficulties 3-19yrs, 01483 770037 Mini and Junior Tennis, Woking Tennis Club, Camps 4yrs+, 07758 252647 Monarch Studios, Summer Dance & Acro Camp, Chertsey, 4years+, 07403 278197 Multisports Guildford, St Peter’s School, Merrow, 4-16yrs, 0844 8009096 Musicale Music School, holiday courses, Guildford, 01582 713333 NT Sports, Woking, 07810 786659 OSCAHS Holiday Club open 8am to 6pm aged 4-11, Spelthorne School, Ashford, 07707 506 461 Perform, Drama, Dance, Singing for various age groups, 4years+, 020 72559120 PGL Activity Holidays, 0333 321 2100 Planet Soccer, coaching for all abilities, Guildford/Cranleigh areas, 4-12 years, 01483 890500 Playball Guildford, multi sports development program, 3 to 8 years, 07535 977875 Premier Tennis, UK’s no.1 tennis holiday camps, ages 5-15 years, 01865 689754 RB Kids Club, Chertsey, 01932 560560 Rocksteady Summer Camps, live like a rock star for a week, Chertsey, 5-11yrs, 0845 094 1259 Rookie Lifeguard courses, The River Bourne Club, ages 8 to 12yrs, Chertsey, 01932 560560 Rugged Earth Adventures, Camps for 6-12yrs+, Woking, 07460 333050 School Holiday Club,Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050 SCL provide a wide variety of activities, many venues in area, 4-12 yrs, 0345 644 5747 Showdown Theatre Arts, holiday workshops, Guildford, 6years+, 01483 893688 Spelthorne Leisure Centre Play Scheme, 5-11years, 01784 493493 SportyKidz fun holiday clubs ideal for 3-12 years, 01276 856182 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Guildford, 01243 585766 Super Camps, ages 4-12 yrs, 01235 467300 Surrey County Cricket, courses for 6-16yrs, several venues, 0207 8204190 Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development, general enquiries, 8-16years, 01372 378901 Surrey Sports Park, Guildford, 01483 689111
Surrey Youth Music Theatre, Guildford, 8 to 21yrs, 01483 800095 Synergy Dance: Dance & Frozen workshops, Guildford Spectrum, from 3-18 yrs, 01483 443322 Terri Jayne Theatre Arts, Lightwater, West End & Chobham, Easter & Summer, 5yrs+, 01276 474275 The Creation Station Middlesex and Sunbury-on-Thames, up to 11 years, 07854 005640 The Haven Playscheme Beaufort County Primary Woking, 4-11yrs, 01483 474986 The River Bourne Club, craft and active activities, Chertsey, 01932 560560 Whittle & Spark. Bushcraft skills & play in woodlands. Shepperton 5-14yr, 07928 752707 Wild Learning Holiday Clubs, develop and grow with nature, 5-11yrs, 01483 424400 Willow’s Forest School, Chertsey, Ottershaw, W. Byfleet, Woking, G’ford, 4-11yrs, 07734 188174 Woking Leisure Centre Day Camps, 5-7yrs and 8-13yrs, 01483 771122
Archery Discover Archery Ltd, Archery Tag ®, archery & soft archery, kids to corporate, 0800 002 5054
Arts and Crafts Creation Station, Arts and Crafts Fun, Woking, 5months-11 yrs, 07500 344346 The Creation Station Middlesex and Sunbury-on-Thames, up to 11 years, 07854 005640 Young Archaeologists’ Club, Chertsey Museum, Arts and Crafts, 8-16years, 01932 565764
Children’s Farms, Zoos and Wildlife Centres Chobham Adventure Farm, indoor play, outdoor play and animal farm, babies-adults, 01276 919212
Climbing and Caving
Dance and Theatre Arts Aesop’s Touring Theatre Company for ages 2-12 yrs, 01483 724633 BKD Performers, jazz, ballet, street dance etc. Woking, 3-16 yrs, 07711 322512 Boogie Pumps Dance Academy, Guildford, 4 to 12 yrs, 07391 695207 Budding Ballerina classes in Pyrford, for 4-6yrs, 07906 339843 Children’s Ballet Centre, Lyne, Chertsey, 4-18yrs, 07946 429883 Clandon School of Dance, West Clandon/Send, dance & musical theatre, 2½ years+, 01483 282506 Classical Ballet Centre, Tap, Jazz, Street, Lightwater,2½yrs+, 07979 496140 Dance Guildford, creative dance for boys & girls - fun, friendly, PAYG, 5-10yrs, 07825 568679 Drama Monarch Studios, dance and acrobatics, Chertsey/Ottershaw, 2½ to 18 years, 07403 278197 DreamCatchers, Dance Drama and Arts Classes, Sunbury and Laleham, 4 years+, 07854 395 311 First Dance Studios Academy, Woking, 6yrs+, 07966 513981 Guildford Theatre School, professional teaching, 5 to 17yrs, 0844 8000 346 Harfield Dance Studio, Sunbury, 3years+, 07939 302106 Harmony Dance and Drama, variety of classes in Send, 3 years+, 01372 454262 Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, Guildford, Woking and Camberley, 5-17yrs, 0845 603 7220
Craggy Island, Indoor Climbing for all abilities, 8yrs+, Guildford, 0844 880 8866Heights Climbing Club, Sunbury, 8years+, 01932 772287 High Sports, Guildford, 4 years+, 0345 363 1177 The River Bourne Club, gym and climbing wall, Chertsey, 5 years+, 01932 560560
Italia Conti Arts Centre, Performing
Katy Anne Robinson School of Dance
Ashford Cricket Club, 7years+, 01784 252288 Chertsey Cricket Club, Sir Edward Stern Sports Ground, 01932 560658 Fullbrook Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Guildford City Cricket Youth Project, Burpham, GU4 7JU. Boys and Girls 5yrs+, 01483 575634 Shepperton Girls and Ladies Cricket Club, 5years+, 01932 221722
Arts College, Merrow, Guildford, 01483 568070 Jennifer Todd School of Dance, Old Woking, from 2½yrs+, 07989 306660 Julie Sianne Theatre Arts, West Byfleet, 2½ to 18 years, 01932 336118 Laleham and Shepperton, 2½years +, 07920 022870 Kelli Dixon Academy of Dance, Sunbury, 2½years +, 07956 696509 Leanne Edwards School of Theatre Arts, Bisley, 2½ to 18, 07773 121884 Little Voices West Surrey, Drama and Singing Lessons of Distinction, 4 yrs+, 07515 873894
Monarch Studios, Acrobatics, Boys only Hip Hop, Tap, Ballet Combo, Drama Classes, 01932 560560 Natalie Vinson School of Dance and Drama, Chertsey, 07885 373171 Newson Academy of Speech and Drama, Maybury, New Haw, Addlestone, Pyrford, 4-18y, 07956 266124 Nichols School of Dance, Addlestone, 3 yrs +, 07557 238044 Peer Productions Youth Theatre, Woking, 10yrs+, 01483 476825 Perform, Drama, Dance, Singing, many venues, 4-12yrs, 020 7255 9120 Pirbright Ballet School, Pirbright 2½ years+, 01276 709393 PPA Kids, dance, acting and musical theatre, Guildford, 3-15yrs, 01483 459080 Rebecca Jackson Dance Academy, RAD Ballet/ Musical Theatre, Pyrford, 5yrs+, 07906 339843 Rebekah’s Dance School, Ballet, Tap, Modern and more, Lightwater, 2 years+, 07966 579829 Shani Nash Lets Dance, ballet classes Woking, 2yrs+, 07891 924409 Showdown Theatre Arts, part time performing arts training, Guildford, 6 years+, 01483 893688 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, developing potential, Chertsey, 4-18 years, 07725 176102 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Guildford, 4-16yrs, 01243 536000 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Woking, Staines, 4-18 years, 07957 825 641 Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Worplesdon, 4-16yrs, 01737 216794 Stagecraft Theatre School, performing arts for 4 to18 years, Ottershaw, 07711 055507 Stars Performing Arts School in Shepperton, 07772 924399 Stiddard Dance Guildford, Dance Classes 2-11years, 07508 028171 Street Vibes, the first specialised street dance school to open in Surrey 3yrs+, 07715 102903 Suite 109, pre-loved costumes, fancy dress/theatre wear, Chertsey (Sundays), 01932 251191 Super 8 Stage and Screen School, weekend performing arts, Guildford, 10-18yrs, 01483 825332 Surrey County Youth Theatre, 07738 760 987
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Activities for 5 -16 years Dance and Theatre Arts cont. Surrey Singing School Perform. Class, Sunbury, 6-18years, 01932 221542 Susan Robinson School of Ballet, Woking and Byfleet, 3yrs+, 07397 170899 Synergy Dance: dance classes in schools and leisure centres, 3-16yrs, 07713 254260 Terri Jayne Theatre Arts Lightwater, West End and Chobham, 2½-adult, 01276 474275 The Biz Theatre School, Woking, 4 yrs+, 01483 765548 The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts, Guildford College 4 to 18yrs, 0800 531 6282 The Performance Academy, Ballet, Modern, tap etc, Staines, 3 years+, 01784 452782 The Silke Mackay School of Dancing, Knaphill, 2½-18years, 01252 449855 Twinkle Toes Academy, ballet classes 2yrs +, Godalming, Haslemere & Compton, 07811 346943 Urban Dance School, Staines,Ashf ord,Laleham,Egham,Shepperton, Guildford, 5years+, 07852 322758
Fencing Egham Fencing Club, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, 10 years+, 01784 493493 Mini Musketeers Guildford, fencing classes 4-10 yrs, 07950 011581
Football Abbey Rangers Football Club, Men/ Boys/Women/Girls/Development Teams, Addlestone, 01932 422962 Ashford Town (Middx) FC, Stanwell, 7years+, 01784 245908 Byfleet Village Football Club, U5’s to U18’s, 01932 340600 Chertsey Town Football Club, juniors welcome, 01932 561774 Coerver Coaching, 020 35442284 Footie Wizards, 5-8yrs, Several Areas, 07931 707720 Fullbrook Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Girls Soccer School, Addlestone, 07711 042588 Goalkeeping Schools, 10 yrs+, Chobham, 07903 177414 J4K Surrey, Goalkeeper Coaching, Hindhead, Woking, Guildford, 07742 345409 Kiddie Kickabout, Mon, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050 Kiddikicks NWSurrey, Byfleet, Skills/ Match Play, 5 -10 yrs, 01932 489335 Little Kickers, Football Training, various venues, 18 months to 6 years, 01753 831902 Little Kickers, training for up to 7 years, Brookwood, Lightwater & Chobham, 01276 600393 Mini Soccer, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, 01932 260050 Planet Soccer, coaching for all ages and abilities, Guildford/Cranleigh areas, 01483 890500
SCL Soccer, boys and girls, 4-12yrs, Haslemere, Lightwater, Gford, Godalming, 0345 644 5747 Sunbury Leisure Centre, 01932 772287 Surrey County Football Association, 01372 373543 The Futsal Focus Academy, 2 to 16yrs, 0844 318 1700 Woking Football Club, 01483 772470
Golf Chobham Golf Club, Knaphill, 01276 855584 Foxhills Health Club, Junior Golf, Ottershaw, 3-16 years, 01932 872050 Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf, Woking, 4yrs+, 01483 722611 Sunbury Golf Club, Juniors 5-18years, 01932 771414 Top Golf, Addlestone, 7 years +, 01932 858551 Traditions Golf Course, Pyrford Rd, Woking, 4yrs to Adult, 01932 350353 West Byfleet Golf Club, all ages and abilities, 01932 343433
Gymnastics Backflip Performers, Woking, 4-12yrs, 0208 940 7998 Flair Gymnastics, Guildford & Woking, 4-18yrs, 01483 654440 Fullbrook Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Fun and Bounce, Woking Leisure Centre, 6-11yrs, 01483 771122 Gymnastics Factory, classes for girls, boys, teens and adults, 5yrs +, Guildford, 01483 455060 Hooping 4 Life, fun, lively hula hoop classes, Chertsey, 07910 344089 Monarch Studios at The River Bourne Club Chertsey, 5 years+, 01932 560560 Springbox Gymnastics, Bisley Village Hall. Recreational club for 3+, 07779 112343 Teen Tramps, Woking Leisure Centre, 11-17 yrs, 01483 771122 Woking Gymnastics Club, Kingfield Rd, Woking, 1 yr +, 01483 771426
Cliff Hatch Stables, Mayford, 3yrs upwards, 07510 664926 Greenways Farm and Stables Guildford ABRS approved, 01483 414741 Guildford White Lane Farm, Albury, ABRS approved, 01483 572502 Hatch Farm Stables, children’s riding lessons, Addlestone, 5+, 01932 855550 Laris Farm Riding School, Chobham, 5years, 01276 855034 Riding for the Disabled, Surrey County Chairman, 0300 201 0031
Ice Sports
Guildford Spectrum Ice Rink, 01483 443322 Skating lessons and Club at Guildford Spectrum Ice, 01483 443322
Martial Arts, Self Defence Fullbrook Sports Centre, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon-Do, 01932 348484 Guildford Seiki-Juku Karate Club, Guildford Spectrum, For all ages 6yrs+, 01483 453204
HED TKD Tae Kwon-do, Self Defence, Fitness and Fun, Woking and Guildford, 5yrs+, 0333 006 2909 Karate, Thamesmead School Sports Centre, Shepperton, age 6+, 01932 260050 Leacroft Centre Judo Club, Staines, 01784 453220 Little Samuris, 5 to 7 year olds, Staines, 07791 003794 Martial Arts Academy, Staines, 5years+, 01276 453766 Martial X Academy, a Martial Arts and Stunt school for ages 4yrs+, Woking, 07501 820342 Mavericks Martial Arts, central location, classes for all ages 4 yrs+, 01483 568455 Sport Martial Arts, Junior Boxing Classes, Staines, 01276 453766 Surrey Taekwon-Do: Uni of Surrey Sports Park & Old Woking Comm. Centre, 07818 224532 Thames Valley Tae Kwon Do Club, Sunbury, 01932 78937 The Rising Sun Karate Academy, Woking, 3 yrs+, 07850 420122 The River Bourne Club, Core Judo, 4-15yrs, Choi Kwang Do 4-16yrs, Chertsey, 01932 560560 Yawara Martial Arts, Judo and Karate, Woking Leisure Centre, 4 to 16 yrs, 07956 291064
Outdoor Pursuits Centres
Multiple Sports
Chobham Tennis Club, fun and social village tennis, 07817 484 513
Active Surrey, helps and encourages sports for young people, 01483 518944 Enjoy-a-Ball Woking, Fun, Active, Sporty Classes, 18 months to 9 yrs, 0333 433 0845 MultiSports, Little Sporties for boys and girls aged 4-5, Woking, 0800 7747162 MultiSports, Main School, girls and boys 6 to 16 yrs, Woking, 0844 3350450 Multisports Guildford, St Peter’s School, Merrow, 4-16yrs, 0844 8009096 Playball Guildford, multi sports development program, 2 to 8 years, 07535 977875 The River Bourne Club, Chertsey, 01932 560560
Music Groups, Centres Academy of Contempory Music, Guildford, 01483 500800 British School of Rock, Guildford, Music Tuition & Performances, 8-18yrs, 01483 905 220 South West Surrey Concert Band, Brass, Woodwind and Percussion, Aged 8-18, 07710 242901 Surrey County Youth Choir, 12-20 yrs, 01483 517141 Surrey County Youth Orchestra, 01483 519307 Surrey Singing School, dance and drama, Shepperton, 6 years+, 01932 221542
Netball Surrey County Netball Association, 07595 863761 Tringham Netball Club, Woking, 01483 829960
Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 7 years+, 07957 184341 Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development, general enquiries, 8-16 years, 01372 378901 TAZ Family-Adventurous Outdoor Activity Sessions for Families, Henley Fort, 8+, 01372 378901 The Great Big Tree Climbing Co, an exhilarating adventure you won’t forget!, 0800 055 6760 Wild Wood Guildford, exciting treetop adventure and rope course. Ages 6+, 0344 880 0026
Rugby and Mini Rugby Chobham Rugby Football Club, 07774 120665 Guildfordians Mini Rugby Guildford, Girls and Boys, 5-16yrs, 01483 511511
Table Tennis Fullbrook Sports Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484
Chobham Tennis Club, where a range of ages and abilities are welcome, 07817 484513 Foxhills Health Club, Junior Tennis, Ottershaw, 3-12 years, 01932 872050 Fullbrook Centre, New Haw, 01932 348484 Teddy Tennis, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, 01784 493493 Tiger Tennis, give your child a great start with tennis, Old Woking, 2½yrs+, 07748 767339 Topspin Tennis Schools, West Byfleet & Pyrford, 5-8yrs, 07779 130596 Woking Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, 01483 730104 Woking Park, tennis courts, 01483 771122
Trampolining AirHop Trampolione Park, Guildford, The Ultimate Bounce!, 0330 2233333 Flair Gymnastics, Guildford & Woking from 5yrs, 01483 654440 Trampolining, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, 01784 493493 Trampolining Courses, Sunbury Leisure Centre, 01932 772287
Yoga The Magical Yoga Tree, Family Yoga for all ages, 07966 491947
Party Time Froggle Parties, Drama games, dancing, story telling, balloon models, 0845 0504509 Perform, Drama, Dance, Singing parties, 4 to 7 years, 020 7255 9120
Face Painting, Make-Over Parties
Active Parties Birthday Parties, Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Staines, 01784 493493 Children’s Birthday Parties, Sunbury Leisure Centre, 01932 772287 Craggy Island, indoor climbing parties for 8yrs +, 0844 880 8866 DNA Kids, a range of themed parties, across Surrey, 4 to 13 years, 01245 401401 Footie Tots / Footie Wizards, 2 -14 years., 07931 707720 Froggle Parties, parachute, bubble show, bubble tower, dancing, balloon models, 0208 6179070 Kiddi Karts, Go Kart Parties, 4yrs to adults, 01932 770770 Lazer Lions, mobile party service, Laser Tag, Body Zorbing & Dance, 07800 861767 Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf birthday party packages, 01483 722611 Rugged Earth Adventures, action packed parties, Woking, 07460 333050 SCL Football & Club Energy Parties, Haslemere, Lightwater, Gford, Godalming, 0345 644 5747 Sporty Kidz, must have party for energetic kids in Surrey, 3-11 years, 01276 856182 Sumo Experience, fat suit sumo wrestling parties, 7 years+, 07732 834120 Synergy Dance: Dance & Frozen parties, 3-16 years, 07713 254260 The Great Big Tree Climbing, fabulous outdoor parties!, 0800 055 6760
Craft and Art Parties Childrens Themed Parties, Crafts, Characters, 3-12years, 01252 471070 Creation Station Woking, art and craft parties, 07516 401835 Jazz It Up Ceramics parties- Surrey wide, 07976 647507 Mobiles ceramics in SURREY babyprints, birthday parties, mums nights in, 07976 647507 Surrey Jewellery School, Jewellery making parties, Woking, 8 yrs+, 07896 727798 The Creation Station Middlesex and Sunbury-on-Thames, up to 11 years, 07854 005640
Drama Parties Aesop’s Touring Theatre Company, 01483 724633 Dazzle & Fizz balloon modelling, magic, dance, drama, party games, storytelling, 01483 849009
Bunnies Face Painting, add fun and colour to your party or event in Surrey, 07585 906343 Chameleon Face Painting and Body Art all ages covering Surrey, 07841 577503 Face Painting by Fascinating Faces, 07796 950566 Froggle Parties, face painting, glitter tattoos, any kind of designs, 0845 0504509 Kate’s Faces. Professional Face Painting for all ages. Based in Spelthorne, 07737 566421 Paintbox Smiles, Face painting for children’s parties & events, 07758 195259 Sarah Cox Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos, events, parties, Woking area, 07766 225329
Farm and Animal Parties Crocodile Encounters, unique party for any child, 5 years+, 07792 491044 Hawk on The Wild Side, Owl and Falconry 60 min experiences, suitable for ages 5+, 0844 911 9453 Mill Cottage Farm Experience, we travel to you with our farm, 01420 86206
Mainly Magic Parties Allsortsoffun, Pirate, Knight, Spy Party, Magic, Puppets, 07845 320001 Amazing Children’s Parties, fully guaranteed, 01737 350586 Brekks Magic Parties and Balloon modelling, fun filled magic shows ages 3+, 07796 095372 Crazy Corin, Magic Shows and Discos, 4 years+, Byfleet, 07860 235678 Dazzle & Fizz, magic parties delivered by trained actors, 01483 849009 Froggle Parties, Magic, Balloons, Puppetry, Games, 0-13yrs, 0845 0504509 Jay at Wizbiz, Magic Shows, 4-6 years, 07966 171793 Magic Moments, Magic, Disco, Balloon modelling, 07956 160552 Magic OZ, One of the most fun Magicians, Entertainers around today, 07974 357 911 Magical Marty, London, Surrey, Sussex, 0800 0463939 Marco’s Magic 3yrs +, 01435 864124 Mr GIANT Children’s Entertainer, magic, balloons, circus skills, 01420 472525
Music and Dance Parties Boppin, dance/princess/pop star/ arts and crafts parties, 4 yrs+, 01730 829948 Dance parties for all ages, High School Musical, Street etc, Guildford, 01483 893688
Jay at Wizbiz, disco for 7-11yrs, female entertainer, 07966 171793 Jolly Dolly’s Disco Parties and Magic, 4-8yrs, 07855 768986 Lucky Dip Disco with award winning entertainer Mr Manic playing music and games, 07940 570548 Molly Moocow’s Moosic. Music/ movement, Surrey/West Sussex, 01428 658858 Pop Factor Party, star in your own pop video!, 01276 24196 Tiny Tunes Music & Dance Pay as You Go Preschool Classes and parties, 07977 585020
Other Amazing Parties Absolutely Dreamy Parties for ages 4+, 07854 395 311 Big Hat Bushcamp, Chertsey, 5 years+, 07957 184341 Bolinja, perfect party packages for 2-10 yr olds in West Surrey, endless fun!, 020 8242 9608 Bolinja, Surrey Based Kids Party Entertainment covering Hampshire, Kent, London, 0208 2429608 Crime Scene Party! Be a detective, find the culprit using real police methods!, 07768 433113 Dazzle & Fizz, makeover, science/ mystery, music video parties and much more!, 01483 849009 Gamewagon, the ultimate video game party, delivered directly to you, 0845 319 4263 Genie Lab, mind blowing science parties that will captivate your guests, 4-12 yr, 01483 811890 Jelly Kelly magic, balloons, face painting, amazing games, 01932 706273 Lazer Lions mobile party service, Laser Tag, Body Zorbing, Circus, 07800 861767 Magical Quests Ltd, Themed Parties & Events, 07779 589585 Maisy’s Children’s Parties, Classic, Adventure or Arty Craft parties, all ages, 07779 096129 Marvellous Productions, fantastic magic carpet story telling!, 01483 570533 My Little Princess, Character Children’s Entertainers, 3-9years, 01252 265707 Penguin Parties-Themed characters for fun-filled parties! Tailor-made, creative, 07583 732562 Science Wizards, birthday parties with a difference, 5-12yrs, 08456 521215 Sublime Science Parties, all across Surrey (Dragon’s Den winner!), 0845 508 5387 suzbags o fun face painting parties in Surrey, Hants, Berks and Middx, 01276 453925 The Cookie Club, crazy cupcake parties, Knaphill, 5 yrs+, 07903 405654 The River Bourne Club, parties with dedicated play co-ordinators, Chertsey, 01932 560560 Tiny Twisters Disco, Shepperton and cover Surrey , West London and Middlesex, 01932 761499
Toadstool Parties, themes, face painting and lots more, 07940 136482 Wacky Wheelers, fun jeep driving parties for ages 4-8 yrs, 01491 818609 Yoganory, yoga and story entwined, parties for 3-8 yrs, 07725 402650
Soft Play Parties Chobham Adventure Farm, four fabulous party rooms for up to 50 children, 01276 919212 Gym Jams soft play parties, Normandy Village Hall, under 4’s, 07836 250099 Rokers Little Angels Playworld, Guildford, 2-11years, 01483 236667 Specky‘s Pirate Ship Soft Play Parties at Guildford Spectrum, 01483 443322 The Secret Playhouse, Ashford Community Association Hall, Ashford, for parties, 07754 693793
Sport Parties David Lloyd Leisure Club, Woking. Parties and Special Events, 0345 1296702 Discovery Archery offer Archery Tag parties in Gford/Woking area. 8 yrs +, 0800 002 5054 Guildford Spectrum, multiple themed parties, 01483 443322 Gymnastics Factory, gymnastics and fun, selected dates, Guildford, 01483 455060 Hooping 4 Life, fun, lively hula hoop parties, Chertsey, 07910 344089 Kids Parties, Club Energy, Football, Dance, Lightwater Leisure Centre, 01276 472662 Little Sports Stars, Sports for Parties, 07722 334864 Sports Focus UK, football and multisports parties, 2-12yrs, 0844 318 1700 Top Golf, Birthday Parties, Addlestone, 01932 858551
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What's On Guide
March 10th March Story Telling for Under 5s at The Lightbox, Woking, 11am, T: 01483 737 800 Stories, rhymes and hands on creative fun for the Under 5s.
14th March Surrey and Sussex Cat Show, 12:30pm - 4pm, T: 020 8668 5001 An afternoon of beautiful cats at this all Breed Championship Cat Show. See many different breeds and do some retail therapy for your own little felines.
18th March Mothers Day Mini Photo Shoot with Busylizzy and Cheryl Catton Photography at St John's Memorial Hall, T: 01483 331 380 Come along to St John's Memorial Hall where Cheryl Catton will have a pop up photography studio. You will get a 10 minute private session.
April 4th - 19th April Easter Eggstravaganza at Bocketts Farm, T: 01372 363 764 Enjoy a great family day out this Spring, as the lambing season gets into full swing! With over 500 gorgeous newborn lambs due and ‘Meet the Shepherd’ sessions daily, there will be plenty of opportunity to learn about the lambs and even watch one being born! Children will also love to get up close to the baby chicks, ducklings and bunnies in the Small Animal Village, in addition to goat milking, tractor rides, pony rides and pig racing. Plus, complete the Easter stamp trail to take home a chocolate treat, and enjoy fun live shows in the Easter garden. Ẁith plenty of play indoors and out, you can be sure of a great day out whatever the weather!
4th - 19th April Wiglet and Friends Easter Celebration at Godstone Farm, T: 01883 742 546 Hop along the funny bunny quiz trail and explore this beautiful farm with over 500 resident animals. Look out for those adorable babies, after all this is the best time of the year to welcome new furry and feathered friends. Dive into an enchanting world and meet the Easter bunny in his burrow, take in the magic and get that all important treat! The make and take zone lets the little ones get creative, with crafting of Easter egg suncatchers and the chance to plant your own five a day. It’s paws on fun around every corner! Open from 10 am until 6pm with the best prices online, booking tickets at www.godstonefarm.co.uk/ gives you the best value day out.
15th April Family Fun Day at Guildford Cathedral, 10am-12:30pm, T: 01483 547 860 A fun morning of crafts and activities, with the opportunity to explore the Cathedral with the help of Stanley the Stag. All are welcome to this FREE event.
18th April Dig. A play for babies and young toddlers at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, T: 01483 440000 A gentle first theatre experience, perfect for the very young. The story brings to life a world of growing plants, busy bugs and wriggling worms.
25th & 26th April Fleecy Frolics Annual Lambing Weekend at Merrist Wood College, T: 01483 88 40 00 Lamb cuddling, animal handling and pets corner. Visit the farm, see birds of prey and owls, tractor rides and kids activities.
What's On Guide
May 8th- 10th May VE Day Anniversary Weekend 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day to mark the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. Why not organise your own street party to celebrate? Visit www.streetparty.org.uk for tips and advice.
23rd May Henry VIII. Francois I: The Rematch at Hampton Court, T: 033 3320 6000 500 years ago Henry VIII and Francois I's bid to outdo each other ended in a draw. Join both King's at Hampton Court Palace for this nine-day Tudor festival.
25th May Surrey County Show, 8am - 6pm, T: 01483 890 810 A family day out you won't want to miss. Top class entertainment, award winning livestock and local foods and crafts.
June 12th-13th June ShyneFest 2020, at Apps Court Farm, www.shynefest.uk Family friendly festival with a silent disco, Kids activities and entertainment, food and drink stalls and arts and crafts stalls plus live music from 7pm. Overnight camping available.
13th June Shepperton Village Fair, T: 01932 253224 Shepperton Village Fair is now approaching its 50th year and is the biggest community event in the Borough. 200 stallholders, high street procession and loads of fun for all the family.
20th June St Johns Village Fete and Fun Dog Show, 12:30pm - 16:30pm, T: 01483 472 581 Hosted by 1st St Johns Scout Group on behalf of the village. Fun Dog Show, Live Music, BBQ, Beer Tent, Cake Stall, Bouncy Castles Stalls and much more.
Other Amazing Places to Visit Take a boat trip along the River Wey from
Climb to the top of the Great Tower at
Dapdune Wharf
Guildford Castle
T: 01483 561389
T: 01483 444751
Learn how to protect our world at the
Explore the gardens and build a den at
WWF Living Planet Centre
RHS Wisley
T: 01483 426444
T: 01483 224234
Brave the rides and rapids at
Make a Splash in the pool at
Thorpe Park
Guildford Spectrum
T: 0371 663 1673
T:01483 44 33 22
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Spring Family Fun Wiglet & Friends Easter Celebration y Funn y n n u B Quiz
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Eas t Bun er n Bur y's row *
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