Funding for children’s activities, News, Dates & Maps 10th January 2016 Dear All Our first newsletter of the 2016… it’s going to be an eventful year.
Money for children’s activities… Rachel Derrick & the SEND Family Voices group for Short Breaks have, with Caroline Jager from AfC, put together an ‘Easy Read’ guide to applying for Aiming High funding. During this last year there has been an underspend – hence there is more money available that usual - and families can now apply for annual memberships or passes between now and end of March 2016. Now is a really good time to apply for funding! The full amount that can be applied for is £500 per tax year, per child. The attached document contains all the information you need (including ideas on what the funding could be spent on), plus full contact details if you have any questions. You can also find a copy here:
Top Ten queries from SNJ TO DfE Special Needs Jungle (SNJ) asked their readers to put forward their questions about the SEND Reforms. The response was immense and SNJ collated the questions into themes which the Department of Education (DfE0 have taken some time to answer in full. These two posts are well worth reading. Sit down with a cup of something nice. Part one covers SEN Support, Inclusion, Training, EHC Plan Assessments, and transfers of Statements to EHC Plans. Part two has answers about Provision, Personal Budgets, Appeals, Post 16 and Alternative Provision
Local provision… Locally, there are discussions to develop new educational provision, which means more children being able to be educated near their homes rather than spending longer than is perhaps kind travelling to & from school. These are at the very earliest stages and we know that SEND Family Voices will be working with the commissioners to collectively plan for provisions that we all want – and we will consult every step of the way (as we did with the SEN Transport Policy).
Probably many of us agree with Anna Chiva (Head of SEND Services) that “It’s critical that as part of any planning we make sure parents are involved in the development and understand what the parameters the local authority (and AfC) have to work within.“
Meet your SEN Team co-ordinator 11th to 14th January – 10am-12noon – Twickenham The Richmond SEN Team and Preparing for Adult Teams (PfA) are holding a series of coffee mornings for parents, carers and young people within Richmond to meet with their Statement/EHC Plan/PfA Coordinator. Wendy Bolsover, Deputy Head for the SEN Team, Romany from SEND Family Voices and Karen from the Local Offer will also be available. Monday 11th January from 10:00 – 12:00 To meet Wayne Pigeon-Coote, Carrie Bishop and Christina Hayles For pre-school to Year 9: surname letter range GR – MAT For Year 10 and above: surname letter range H – M Tuesday 12th January from 10:00 – 12:00 To meet Catherine Marks, Kofi Ocloo and Mumen Tapadar For pre-school to Year 9: surname letter range A – GO For Year 10 and above: surname letter range A – G Thursday 14th January from 10:00 – 12:00 To meet Andrew Dearman, Caron Thake, Wayne Pigeon -Coote and Jenny Capp For pre-school to Year 9: surname letter range MAU – Z For Year 10 and above: surname letter range N – Z In order to help us plan for these events please confirm your attendance via the Local Offer link below. Coffee morning sessions for families within Kingston will be held in April and will publish these dates early in Spring 2016.
Surveys “This is a survey to find out what young people aged 16-25 who have had an Independent Supporter think about the help they have had.” “SENDirect has been carrying out research to find out about the choice and quality of provision for children and young people with additional needs. We’ve spoken to local authorities and providers, and now we want to hear from you! We would like parent carers, providers and local authority professionals to share their views and experiences with us by completing this short survey, which should only take around 10 minutes to fill in. The results from the survey will be used as key findings in our ‘State of the Nation’ report which will be released in February. The report aims to highlight what families say they want and need for their children. If you have questions about the survey, please email” Parents - Providers - Local Authority professionals -
Links & new on the Local Offer This Tennis programme for 2-7 years old is not a specialist scheme but appears inclusive and is near to Kingston & Richmond Mousetrap Theatre Projects runs a range of other theatre access programmes and on the 19th of January they have a relaxed performance of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory New Local Offer publicity items have been developed. There are posters, A5 leaflets and credit/business cards. You can view and download the items here: And more from the Local Offer…
January events… 25th January – 10am-1pm – Kingston Parents Recruits Crew - training “Young People and Parents are a key element of the recruitment process within the AfC’s Integrated Service for Children with Disabilities (ISCD) service. Our ultimate aim is that no individual will be employed to the service without involvement and agreement from these two groups.” Caroline Baxter (Head of ISCD) is running a training session for parents interested in becoming involved in recruiting staff to this service. Should you wish to attend the training please contact Sarah Moore: 25th January – 5pm-8pm – Teddington Transition to adult services This drop-in event is for young people with disabilities and additional needs aged 14 to 25 and their carers. All are welcome; come and speak to providers about options during transition to adulthood, including providers of education, work, housing, health, care and leisure services. 28th January - 9.30am - Kingston Grand Avenue ASD and Asperger Syndrome Parent Support Group Alis Rowe, author and founder of the The Curly Hair Project, will be attending this group to talk about her work. Please contact …and many more on the Local Offer events page!
Maps attached… ….for parenting Contact a Family have just updated their free guide for parent carers of young disabled people about growing up, sex and relationships. …and for our own area A map covering Achieving for Children’s Localities (and schools) in Kingston & Richmond (also here ) A map of the London Councils and their partnerships from the Greater London Authority As ever, if you have any queries at all, please ask and we'll do our best to find an answer. With best wishes, Romany (for Richmond) and Caroline North (for Kingston) Phone: 07469 746 145